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2225175- NAK


This paper reports on my critical introspection of the project preparation process with regard to the

questions stated in the guideline. To begin with, the reason why I have chosen this topic is that I am

a senior year student and for my school experience class I spent lots of my time with the fifth

graders. As a result of this experience, I became able to detect what they are capable of and

distinguish the activities that suitable for their needs. I also had a chance to see the issues and

concerns especially need to be emphasized during the instruction. Also, I believe that the unit of

daily routines is open to the customisation according to the learner needs more than others and easy

to arrange. When I preparing my lesson plan, I think the one requires minimum effort for me is

analyzing the learners due to the familiarity that I mentioned. The step that I spend most of my time

was probably stating the objectives part. It was difficult to meet the four criteria in each and every

lesson plan. I determined the prerequisite skills considering both the ministry of education

directives and Common European Framework. I tried to divide the time into equal parts to reflect

the real classroom procedures. I determined my objectives taking into account both the outline

provided by the ministry of education and my own individual goals as a prospective teacher. I have

tried to select the instructional materials which both serve the pre-determined learning outcomes

and students’ motivation. I can’t say there is only one method that I used in selection of activities.

Overall they are based on communicative accounts of English language teaching and constructivist

approach. I tried to select the activities which reflects these two basic assumptions about the nature

of learning and language learning. When it comes to learner participation, I would say most of the

activities that I prepared can be considered as engaging so there would not be any problem with

learner participation. Each lesson there are different evaluation and revision stages but I would say

that most of them are process-oriented. I believe if something is product oriented, it has an
2225175- NAK
threatening impact on the students. They might become anxious and nervous which results from

putting an affective barrier on the learning process.

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