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© St, Augustine Secondary School Staff Meeting AGENDA Monday, Novenber 7, 2016 Cafeteria 2:30 pm. 1. Prayer Kathleen © ShareLife 2, Session of Study Extra Help Group Donovan/Students 3. Gils Nightin WiittakerIStudents 4. Principal iems Martine ‘© Attendance Sheets # Chass trips 5. VP tems: orotalDanlel ‘© Gr 8 Information Night -Nov 16/16 ‘© Process for On-Calls 6. Health and Safety Denie! ‘+ Supply Teachers ‘© Lockdown Drill + Permits 7. Annual Reminders: Review of GAP ‘Admin Teer: ‘© Funds Received Envelope GAP267 8. A0B ‘© Breakfast of Champions WareDeCarvalho + Gr. 112 Addressing Student Stress & Cuniculum Integrity ” ‘© Online OSSLT Feedback Forms "Next Meeting: Monday, December 5, 2016 at 2:30 p. November 2016 2 Take Your Keds to Work 9 Tem 2 Sem 1 Begins 114 Remembrance Day 18Gr 8 nformaton Night 437 Gils Night In 17 Dress Down Day 1BPA. Day 23.Math Contest 24 Falcon Madness. 24 School Counc! Meeting 25 Wake a Thon 28-Dee. § Christmas Basket Dive 5. SST. AUGUSTINE SECONDARY SCHOOL ‘MINUTES STAFF MEETING: Monday November 7, 2016 @ 2:30 Prayer Kathleen ‘Kathleen explained the meaning ofthe Jubilee logo andled us in prayer ‘© SHARELIFE: Teresa Coral is our ShaeLife representative his yer. A St Augustine goa fr the 2016/2017 year willbe setsoon. You may contvte through the HR portal whic is now open through the payroll deduction plan, In order to keep track of eur goal sting, you may leave the amount you ae contrbuing anonymously in “Teresa's maiox. You may also contibute trough aur Dress Down Fridays (please pay your$20.00 fo each semester to Teresa). Thank you for your support. ‘Session of Study Extra Help Group Donovanistudents * SOS EXTRA HELP GROUP: St Augustne students Alan Matnew, Wala Bag and Sharan Tiwar intoduced {Marr miiatve, 30S, whichis extra nelp for studens in al grades, J 10 12. Extra hep wil be in Math, Physics, Chemisty, Bidogy and English It wil be het on Mondays and Wednesdays 2:15 0 3:30 p.m. The SOS group ‘handed out ther handmade bookmas foal Stf Girls Night In Michaela Pedlo ‘© Nichaela asked Staff to help spread the word about Gis Night In especially to the Grade Ss ho might not know halts al about, The Grade 9s wil be visited by the Marketing Team Principal tems Martine ‘= THANKYOU: A ig thank you goes to Nick forthe cof and cinnabons. ‘© VOLUNTEERS REQUIRED: St. Augustine is in need of coaches and club advisors. Studenis are begging for Saf volunteers in order to support ternative ‘+ ATTENDANCE SHEETS: The Atendance Ofice needs your cooperation fo ensure the accuracy of student record, which s considered a legal document. Please follow the protocol forall atendance issues. It is imperative that tne attendance sheets are sent down 15 minutes afer class stats for Pt to 3 and as soon as possible alter P. 4 stats, ‘© CLASS TRIPS: A mirimum of 3 days’ notices required so that Atendance can input information thereby avoiding unnecessary calls home ‘© GR.8 INFO NIGHT: Saf supports required for Gr. 8 info Nght to help parents decide where to send their chi Vice-Principal tems Dorota ‘© GR.8 VISITS: Dorota thanked al who opened ther classes tothe feeder schools during the Gr. 8 visits. There was a emendous feedback from the schools. ‘© GR. B INFORMATION NIGHT - NOV. 16/16; Dorota asked Staff they wished to follow ast year's setup or this past Gr. 8 feeder school visit day. A discusson folowed which resulted in a decision i be made once al the ‘lbs, activites, classrooms to be opened, eb. are established. Please complete the sian-up sheet, which is beside the on cll sheetn the Main Office, Once this sheets completed, the night wil be scheduled. ‘+ ON CALLS: Dorota advised commencing Term 2, on Wednesday, Novernber 9, 2016, Dae wil bein charge of oncals. From now on please send to both VIPs. Pre-bookng of suppl teachers nat alowed 80 please place ion tras as soon as possible, I booking hat a day, please book on tacs marking ‘no supply required”. Fr a full day, mark "yes, supply required uniess, of curs, itis nat required, + PURPLE SHEETS; Purple sheets mus! be completed only for anything schoo related ‘STAFF MEETING: November, 2016- Page 2 6. Health and Safety Daniet ‘© SUPPLY TEACHERS: Daniel advised Staf that keys cannot be gen to everyone If you are to unlock a door fora ‘supply teacher, leave it in he locked poston, in case of an emergency. ‘= LOCKDOWN: Lockdown dil willbe on November 8, 2016 a 10:40 am. Please review protocl wit your lass ‘Once nated, check hallways fo" any stray students. Two offcers willbe present, Windows must be covered ‘+ PERMITS: Ifyou are running an afer school event, a permit musi be submited. The eater he permits ‘completed, tho botor. No get prety ever ether permits. Permit sheets rain the fing cabinet 7. Annual Reminders: Review of GAP ‘Admin Team ‘+ FUNDS RECEIVED ENVELOPE GAP267: Martine reminded Sta that all money coleted during the day must be placed inthe sale atthe end ofeach day. if money i nol counted, you may place the money in an envelope, mark ‘wth your name, seal it nd plage itin the safe ‘+ STUDENTS: Students must remain in lass uni the beings. Do not send two students out of lass atthe same time (or example, attendance) Teacher support is equied to help control students. Uniform issues must be ‘addressed immediately ~ send i office 8. AOB ‘© BREAKFAST OF CHAMPIONS WAREIDeCARVALHO Breakfast of Champions event willbe held on Friday, December 8, 2016. An email was sent out weeks 300 advising of tis event. Please rominate a student rom one of your ciasses according to the specications, for ‘example: must be hardworking nd, giving, et. Please choose a student who will not usualy be recognized. We need one nomination per teacher. Anema wl be sent out with the nomination frm attached. Please retum by November 28, 2016. Martine contmed that tis event a pawerul experiance for students fr their recognition + RETREATS WARE ‘There seems tobe some conic wth respec othe ing of reveats, Grad photos and Gr, 10 Cvics/Careers ‘exams. Please be advised thal hese students may goon adiftent teal. Please see Kathleen, ‘Gr. 1/12 ADDRESSING STUDENT STRESS & CURRICULUM INTEGRITY PERRY Moi pointed out thal there seers ta be an increase in the anitystress levels ofthe Gr. 1s and 12s leacing to some cheating on tess, ec. and we need to lok atthe pattems that are developing in students andthe poles surrounding missed quizzes, et. A aiscussion pursued, I was agreed thal one major testquiz missed s alowed but other than tha, a medical nis required or azervis given. Martine emphasized the importance of passing this information, (See student agenda, inthe Board section on o.14 and 15, tothe students. There is a 22/0 tolerance on pagiarsm, cheating, ec, or hey may rewnt the assignment, 3 her to help any students who are going through sesslanely. ‘= ONLINE OSSLT FEEDBACK FORMS ‘Alda instructed Staff where the students can goon the OSSLT Resource sto vatious aces you wold eo aj he foms according fo your as, yo can contact Dan art Meeting adjourned at 3:35 pan, Next Meeting: Monday, November 7, 2016 at 2:30 pm Important Dates: NOVEMBER 2016 2 Take Your Kes toWork 18 P.A ay STem2 Sem tSeahe 23 Math Contost ‘1 Remembrance Day 24 Falcon Maaness 48 Bintrmston Night 24 Sel Counel Mectog 47.Gnstghn 25 Wakea Thon 47 byes Down Cay 28.Dee. 8 Chsinas Basket Ove 8 St Augustine Secondary School Staff Meeting AGENDA ‘Nonday, February 6, 2017 Cafeteria 2:30pm. "We would ike to acknowledge thatthis is the sacred territory of the Mississauga ofthe New Credit, and we thank tham for being stewards ofthis land.” 1. Prayer Kathleen 2, Presentation: Descriptive Feedback Grace Mazzone Psogram Department 3. Literacy Team (2 4. Presentation: Assist Training my 5. Principal tems Martine 6. VPltems Dorota/Dani ‘+ Agenda: 2017/2018 dates due February 14,2017 ‘© On Calls: Term 1: Doreta ‘Term 2: Daniel ‘+ Semester 2 Course Outines 7. Health and Safety Daniel '8 Annual Reminders: Review of GAP ‘Admin Team @ A0B Next Meeting: Monday, March 6, 2017 at 2:30 pm, February 2017 Exam Review Day 2 PA'boy 3. First day of Sem. 2 40 Report Gards 20 Family Day 23 Dress Dov Day 28 Gr. 9/0111 Math Contests @ @ ‘St. Augustine Secondary School ‘Staff Meeting AGENDA Monday Sop. 12,2016 Cafeteria 2:30pm. 4. Prayer Kathlean 2. ipa tems 7 Martine 2. VPltoms Dorata/Danisl + ENA0 4. Heath and Sofety Daniel @ Fire Safety Plan + Anaphylaxis 5. Annual Reminders: Review of GAP. 6. biteacy SS Gl) oe e ow Victor Cistiana (21 Soca worker Michael Assiamah : Settlement Worker Khaled Salama 8 ADB Mucttrsc - MY Ketek, sme Dewerl Jrartinne ni ll Sar! Sap met i ' f tt Next Meeting: Monday, October 3, 2016 at 2:39 pm. Important tes; September 2016 8 FistDay of Shoot 7. Schoo! Coun Uniform Sle @ 1.8 Grade Level Assembles 18 PADay 19 School Photos 21 School Counel Mating 2 Tony Fox Day 2 Drees Down Day BAS Univ Farin TO ® ST. AUGUSTINE SECONDARY SCHOOL MINUTES STAFF MEETING: Monday Sept. 12,2016 @ 2:30 1. Prayer Kathleen 2. Principal Items Martine ‘= Pope Francis’ new book Dear Pope Francis’ has a colton of questons asked by children and answered by the Pope. This book wl be paced in the lary for use in your dassroos. ‘+ Staff was informed abou’ violent ncdent which happened in Brampton invohing a student curenty attending ‘St Augustine SS. This student was publically named inthe Brampton Guardian. ‘= FAXMACHINE: The fe machine in the main offce has been removed, Faxis accessible through the photocopier in the main offce. ‘+ PHOTOCOPIERS: Pleate refrain from using the main offce photocopier as tis interferes withthe new fax program in the photocopier. Reminder. There fs @ photocopier onthe fist floor inthe English Department area ‘+ TECH REDEPLOYMENT: During the summer, some ofthe computerleases were expired and the computers were taken away and not replaced, We ae reemploying computers as much as possible + BUDGET: There is a decining enrolment which means less budget (School budget=$196 08/student) Money o be spent on stidents and sports, Pencpa wil woxk with Department Heads on a need basis. Last year, ‘budget was overspnt by $50,000.00. This year, we already have an unexpected expense ofan estimated $7,000 for cameras. ENROLMENT: There isa decning enralment= 1023 students ATTENDANCE: itis vyy important ta be as accurate as possible when completing atendance sheets OIL UST: Please help i clear up the curet ol is. BUSETTE: Currently ony have 1 busetie which ssi on lease. Unfortunately, notin 2 poston to purchase new bus FUNDRAISING: Please coorinate wth other staff - we only have 10 special event days ‘© TEAM FUNDS: Usually all money in team accounls must be spentn the curent school year. Last year, any ‘money leftn the accout wil be put backn tobe spent on team. Martine reminded staf to use only Board tendered ‘tems whenever possible ‘+ COLLECTION OF MONEY: Its Board polcy that atthe end of each day all money cllected must be given tothe Head Secretary or placed inthe safe to be counted ala later date 3. Vice-Principal Items DorotalDaniel = PADAY: Friday, Soptenber 16, 2016 Literacy, EQAO wll be shared ‘© OSSLT wilbe in March 017. October 20,2016 willbe he fs day of onsine wring wih an am. group and ‘pm. group. Please do not book any cats on his day. ‘+ AFTER SCHOOL LITERACY: If you are interested in teaching he after schoo Iteracy, please lt Dorota know. ‘* ON CALLSISUPPLY: Inthe past, ebooking of supply teachers was alloved. This poicy is no longer acceptable by the Board, For special rograms, a request can be made. Please make sure allesson plans are returned tothe maibox atthe end of each class ‘© PERSONAL ILLNESS: No purple sheets required 4, Health and Safety Daniel ‘© SUNMARIES willbe enaled to Staff. Please review with class ‘« FIRE SAFETY: Danie asked Staff to make sure the yetow posters in allasses, If there sno sign please infor Danie ‘+ FIRE PLAN was eviened with Staff (included in emai) + LOCKDOWN PROCECURES wore reviewed wit Staf (included in ema STAFF MEETING: September 12,2016 - Page 2 HOLD AND SECURE was reviewed wih taf (neluded in eral) ‘SHELTER IN PLACE (same as Hold and Secure) EVACUATION: Primary evacuaton sites St. Jerome's Parish WARDENS: Summary of Wardens and responsi wil be erased ANAPHYLAXIS: Video shown to Staff. Studens' names are highlighted by across on lass lists, “There wil be an Alert Board in the Mal Ofice witha Ist of stents. case of emergency, contact the offce immediatly. After use, keep all dispensed Epi Pens, ‘© FOYER: Ifyou see students eating in the foyer or hallway, plese ask them to leave the building to ea ouside oo eat inthe caeteria 5. Annual Reminders: Review of GAP ‘Admin Team ‘© GAP 312.11; PROTECTING PRIVACY AND CONFIDENTIALITY OF PERSONAL INFORMATION WHEN WORKING OUTSIDE THE OFFICE/SCHOOL: All personal iformaton must remain confidential. Be careful about sharing any personal information through ema + GAP 701.05: VIDEO SECURITY SURVEILLANCE SYSTEMS IN SCHOOLS: Just a reminder that no staff is lowed in the camera room without an administrator 6. Literacy oF, ‘© Alda will ema last year's departments focus which canbe continued ths year. Martin Ieracy practces over the curculun, 7. CYW: VICTOR CRISTIANO Marin introduced Vier. If there are any students tha requre support, Vicor reminded staff that a consent and referral form mustbe completed and signed by parens, Also, any atonal information you may have can be help. Victor advised that he has visited he Gr 9 classes. Please let him know fhe missed any classes, ‘SOCIAL WORKER: MICHAEL ASSIAMAH “© Martine advised staf ofthe new Socal Worker at Sl. Augustine who willbe here on Mondays and Fridays. ‘SETTLEMENT WORKER: KHALED SALAMA ‘© Nartne advise staff ofthe new Settoment Worker at St. Augustine who wil be hereon Thursdays. Any students new to the county canbe connected with Agnes. 8, AOB TECHNOLOGY: Mr, Matnc advised that KubickiMcDowellMartnit Whitaker willbe the Tech Team. STAFF MEETING: Ityou mised the September 1, 2016 stat meetng, 1 wil be repiayed on Friday's PA Day. ‘Meeting adjourned at 3:28 pan. Next Meeting: Monday, October 3, 2016 at 2:30 pm Important Dates: September 2016 B FrstDay of Schoot 7 SehoolGounet Union Sle 18 Grade Level Assembles 18 PADay $9 School Photos 21 School Counc Meeting 21 Tory Fox ay 21 bress Down Day 2025 Univ Fain TO @ Prayer 2 Principal tems 3. VP tome ‘4, Heath and Safety 5. Literacy 6 AGB. © ‘St Augustine Secondary School ‘Staff Meeting AGENDA Monday, January 4, 2016 Cafeteria 2:30 pam. Kathleen, Martine DorotalBran Brian Alda REMINDER: Please review GAP 704.2 regarding School Generated Funds. See M. Lewis’ email of November 23, 2015 with PowerPoint. Next Meeting: Monday, February 1, 2016at2 Important Dates: January 4 20721 26127128 & 2oiFeb.1 80.FeD.8 Classes Resume EQAO Math Gro Exams: Nicaragua Trip ‘ST. AUGUSTINE SECONDARY SCHOOL MINUTES: STAFF MEETING: Monday, January 4, 2016 @ 2:30 p.m. |. Prayer Kathleen ‘+ Kathien ied usin a beautiful prayer. 2. Principal tems Martine ‘+ WELCOME: Marine welcomed everyone back and thanked everyne fr tei wel wishes, ‘+ GOALS 2016: Martine advised that an ema was sent ot today wth respect to continuing your clabrate work focus back on schoo and department goals ‘+ REMINDER, IF PART-TIME: Ifyou are interested in partie, et us know, ‘+ SPEAK-UP GRANTS: Interested, please aply before January 2, 2016 ‘= INNOVATION GRANT: The orant fr Dance has been accepted ‘© CHRISTMAS CARDS: A big hank you to Mr. Chisholm for supplying the artwerk for our Christmas cards, ‘BASKETBALL: Please read Erin Kane's email wih respect fo suppoting our school teams, + AUDIT: We have been advised that next woek our school wil be audited, A reminder to al sta o follow the GAP. Policies when collecting money. Envelopes submited to Teresa must be completed and must include all ‘documentation required 3. VP Items. DorotalBrian ‘¢ NEWSLETTERS: Submissions must be submited by nest Monday. ‘+ SEMESTER END PROCEDURES: Nex! week, the semester end procedures willbe sent out 4, Health and Safety Brian ‘+ LOCKDOWN: Lockdown dil il be on Tuesday, January 5, 2016 @ 2pm, ‘+ ROOM CHANGE: i rooms are changed for your cass, tis imperative to advise the office so that we may place the information onthe ofice white board 5, Literacy Alda ‘+ OSSLT: Literacy Test dateis March 31, 2016. ‘© Alter schoo tracy willbe offered in February. Any teacher intrested in teaching please contact Ald. AOB, ‘+ ACADEMIC RESOURCE: (Marsa) I students ae stuggln, IP teacher needs tobe informed. Please make sure students are using the Adit Sips. Put student's name, what they are doing and where they are coming fam. ‘+ MUSICAL THEATRE: (Lima) Musical Theatre class wll be prfoing “Wicked” next week, = & ‘BL Augustine Secondary School ‘Staff Meeting AGENDA Monday, January 4, 2016 Cafeter 230 pm. 4. Prayer Kathleen 2. Principal tems. Martine 3, VP tems DorotalBrian 4. Health and Safity Brian 5. Literacy Alda wicked, a = Menient ects Lan nos, On REMINDER: Plesse review GAP 704.2 regarding School Generated Funds, See M, Lewis" email of November 23,2015 with PowerPoint. Next Meeting: Monday, February 1, 2046 at 2:30 pm Important Dates: January 4 Classes Resume 2021 EGAO Math Gr 2527288 2oVFeb.1 Exams 50-Feb.8 Nicaragua Trip @ ‘St. Augustine Secondary School ‘Staff Mecting ‘AGENDA Monday, November 2, 2015 Catetera 23pm 4. Prayer 2 Principal tems > Photocopiers/Photocopy Ceunt © Falcon Connections 3. VP items © Mid-Term Reports > Exams © Take Your Kids To Work Day (November 4, 2015) © Gr. 8 information Night 4, Health and Safety 3. Literacy 6. Girls! Night In 7. Graduatior Data 8. AOB, December 7,2018 at 2:30 pm Important Dates: Wi Reerermen Oy Re een a ‘bes Soue dey Kethleon Martine Docota/Brian Brian ‘Alda Marianne Donovan ‘ST. AUGUSTINE SECONDARY SCHOOL MINUTES ‘STAFF MEETING: Monday, November 2, 2015 @ 2:30 p.m. I. Prayer and item Kathleen ‘+ NichaelKrpan led us ina beautiful prayer. Martin asked that we include Theresa Kolobaiin our prayers and hope for her speedy recovery. Marine stessed the importance of folowing al safely datasheets and taking a precautionary measures o ensure safety Principal items Martine ‘+ PHOTOCOPIERSIPHOTOCOPY COUNT: Al photocopy users are set at 8,000 copies. iTuser goes over this ‘amount se wil gat locked out yas have caps in ba made fra sch vent, math books, et please see Marine so that your photocopy count canbe bumped up. Students are locked at S00 copies, ‘© CUPE: Tentative contract has been reached. Work io rule has ended. Thank you to staf for al your suppor. ‘* FALCON CONNECTIONS: It was agreed al he weekly Falcon Connections isnot equied ANNUAL LEARNING PLAN: Ifyouhave not randed in your ALP, please do so asap. These are being updated ‘© FIELD TRIPS: you have missed the deadine for ld trip submission and you would ke to go on one, please submit the fil ip submission fom asp. for processing. = POPCORN MACHINE: St. Augustne has anew popcom machine. Staff enjoyed the sampling of popcorn. The ‘machine wil be kept in he Main Ofte including Sign Up Book. Please make sure we use tis machine only ‘once @ week in keeping withthe Mist fod guidelines. $250 wil make 10 bags of popcom. We can charge 51.00 per bag making profit of $750, This machine canbe used for your cbs, events, etc. Pease make sure ‘there is adult supervision tall times. Follow step-by-step instructions, Note: Some parts ofthe machine get rally ht + SLEEP MATS: A sample ofa sleeo mat woven by Mrs. Mioto's Gr. 9 Art Class was on display. Mr. Damien's construction class bull the looms t weave these mats Fom the recycled wood of he od bleaches, 00 bags are required to make t seep mat. Carol hs incorporated tracy inher lass to extend learning and iscussions. Le. What has itmeantto you to weave this mat? Where does it go? el. Dr. Sone ships these mats {o various counties. There is a company in Windsor who aso helps the homeless in Ontario. Please keepin mind that you may borrow an aac for your classes. |. VP Items Dorota/Brian ‘+ MID-TERM REPORTS: An emai wil go out on Friday atermoon reminding staf ofthe due dale for marks ~ Thursday, November 12, 2015. EXAMS: An emai has been sent ot aivsing that exams are duo inthe Main Ofce by November 20, 2015 ‘= TAKE YOUR KIDS TO WORK DAY: Moira is working wth the Guidance Ofice for ths Wednesday's Take Your Kids To Work Day (November 4, 215), Most Gr. 95 wil be out ofthe school. The Gr. s wl sta visiting at 9:50am. to 1140 am, Lunch wlbe nthe ctetera, Gr 6 wil depart at 12:15. A big thank you Wal teachers ‘who are opening up their classrooms forthe Gr. Bs. ‘= GR.B INFORMATION NIGHT: Please nate the actual date ofthe Gr. 8 information nights November 18, 2015 ‘and not the date shown in the Agetda._ Kista wll go around fo classrooms to ask teachers to volunteer in welcoming the Gr. 8s and thei parensiguarian. STAFF MEETING: November 2,2015. - Page? ‘© ATTENDANCE: itis imperative that Atendanceis notified of al fel rips, events, et. a minimum of 2 days before the tplevent, Please be reminded tha itis your responsi o ensure that your atendance i sent down every period. Please ensure that you adhere othe Policy. When alendance is inaccurae, it resus in ‘addtional cals and work and impacts many diferent staff members, 4, Health and Safety Brian ‘+ CLASSROOM DOORS: Prease noe that no paper i allowed on classroom doors. ‘TESTS: Please be reminded that tests must not exceed th cass period. This disrupts the net cass and also poses health and safety concerns, 5. Literacy Alda Nunes ‘* SCHOOL LITERACY PLAN: A PowerPoint presentation was viewed. Each departments asked to focus on ‘and target one ofthe skis and coresponding tasks atleast 5 times per semester. The assessment and feedback: from the teacher wil allow te student to improve thelr work. There wil be release ime for Gx. 9 and 10 teachers of2 periods (12 day in 1% or 2 semester, OSSLT: 150 toys vs. 100 gis. Your suppotin tis LUeracy program is very much appreciated, 6. Girls’ Night In Marianne ‘© GIRLS’ NIGHT IN: Friday, November 13,2015. Tis year the Chairs are Regine Araneta and Wafa Bagd ‘The GNI team will be visting Gr. 9 classes tis Friday and Gr. 10 classes on Monday to promote this event. Please help suppor withthe ticket sales. Ifyou know ofa student thats unabie to go because of fnancial Aifculies, please contact the quidance ofce for support. Ifyou have any gift tems suitable for teenage gifs used as door pies, pease crop them of to Marianne. We need volunteers fortis even 7. Graduation Data Donovan ‘© 2014/5DATA: 213 graduates ~ 85 went to Ontario universes and 83 went to Ontario colleges. ‘There were 112 applicants for universes and 138 for coleges. Of the 85 who went o Ontario universities, 53 are alending in the GTA and 82 are outside ofthe GTA, Next Meeting: Monday, December 7, 2015 at 2:30 pm Important Dats: Se {Tem ? Sent Segre ieee ie nee foc are

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