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Hardware Design and Arithmetic Algorithms for a

Variable-Precision,Interval Arithmetic Coprocessor

Michael J. Schulte and Earl E. Swartzlander, Jr.

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of Texas at Austin
Austin, TX 78712, USA

Abstract which are completely inaccurate. On most computer

This paper presents the hardware design and systems, however, there is no efficient method to
arithmetic algorithmsfor a coprocessor that performs determine the accuracy of the result or increase the
variable-preciswn, interval arithmetic. The coprocessor precision of the computation.
gives the programmer the ability to specify the precision To overcome the numerical deficiencies of existing
ofthe computation, determine the accuracy of the result, computer systems, several extended scientific
and recompute inaccurate results with higher precision. programming languages that support variable-precision,
Direct hardware support and eficient algorithms for interval arithmetic have been developed. These include
variable-precision, interval arithmetic greatly improve ACRITH-XSC [3], PASCAL-XSC [4],C-XSC [5], and
the speed, accuracy, and reliability of numerical VPI [6]. Variable-precision arithmetic gives the
computations. Performance estimates indicate that the programmer the ability to specify the precision (Le., the
coprocessor is 200 to 1 ,WO timesfastet than a sofware number of bits or words in the significand) of the
packagefor variable-precision. interval arithmetic. The computation, based on the problem to be solved and the
coprocessor can be implemented on a single chip with a required accuracy of the results. Interval arithmetic [71
cycle time that is comparable to IEEE double-precision produces two values for each result, such that the true
flwting point coprocessors. result is guaranteed to be between the two values. The
distance between the two values indicatesthe accuracy of
1: Introduction the result. The combination of variable-precision
arithmetic and interval arithmetic gives the programmer
As noted in [ll, the computational speeds of the the ability to set the precision of the computation.
fastest computers have increased by a factor of roughly determine the accuracy of the result, and recompute
100 during each of the last threedecades.and an increase inaccurate results using higher precision.
by a factor of 1.0oO is expected during the present The main disadvantage of the extended scientific
decade. This tremendous increase in computing power programming languages presented in 13-61 is their speed.
gives researchers the ability to solve previously Since these languages are designed for machines which
intractable problems. The large number of arithmetic support the IEEE 754 standard, all variable-precision,
operations, however, makes it important to monitor and interval arithmetic operations are simulated in software.
control ~ I in numerical
S clomputations. This adds tremendous overhead due to function calls,
As the number of arithmetic operations increases, the memory management, error and range checking, changing
probability of inaccurate results due to roundoff error and rounding modes, and exception handling. As repoited in
catastrophic cancellation also increases. This calls for an [8], changing the rounding mode on IEEEprocessors can
increase in the precision of modern computers. take as long as executing six floating point additions,
Unfortunately, however, most modem computers only due to an inefficient user interface. The interval arithmetic
provide hardware support for floating point numbers with routines discussed in [9] are approximately 40 times
64 bits or less. For example, computers which conform to slower than their single-precision floating point
the IEEE-754 double-precision floating point standard equivalents. and routines which support variable-
[2] use a &-bit floating point format with an ll-bit precision interval arithmetic (up to 56 decimal digits) 8te
exponent and 53-bit significand. As a result, today's more than 1,200 times slower.
numerically intensive applications may produce results

1063-6889/96$4.008 1995 IEEE
To overcome the speed limitations of existing finding roots of polynomials, and solving systems of
software techniques, direct hardware support is required. equations [16].
Early hardware designs for accurate arithmetic focused on As defined in [7], a closed interval X = [a, b]
supporting exact dot products [lo], in which all consists of the set of real numbers between and including
arithmetic operations are mathematically exact and only a the two endpoints U and b (i.e., X = {x: a I x Ib)). A
single rounding is performed at the very end. A survey of real number c is equivalent to the degenerate interval [c,
a hardware designs for computing exact dot product is c ] . Interval arithmetic specifies how to add, subtract,
presented in 1111. To produce accurate results when multiply, and divide intervals. When performing interval
multiple computations are performed, exact dot product arithmetic on computers, the interval endpoints may not
computationsshould be combined with variable-precision be representable. In this case, the lower endpoint is
arithmetic [121. Processors have also been designed rounded towards negative infinity and the upper endpoint
which support variable-precision arithmetic, including is rounded towards positive infinity.
CADAC [131, DRAFT [141, and CASCADE [15].
Although these processors improve the speed of variable- 3: Hardware design
precision computations, they do not provide special
instructions for interval arithmetic. CASCADE and This section gives an overview of the hardware
CADAC use non-binary number representations, which design for the variable-precision, interval arithmetic
complicates the hardware design and decreases coprocessor. The hardware is designed to handle the
compatibility with existing processors. DRAFT and common case quickly, while still providing correct
CASCADE perform variable-precision integer arithmetic results and acceptable performance when extremely high
and do not have hardware support for floating point precision is required. The hardware unit functions as a
operations. tightly-coupled coprocessor, which receives input data
This paper presents a coprocessor which performs and instructions from the main processor. Standard
variable-precision, interval arithmetic. Because the floating point arithmetic is performed by the main
arithmetic operations are implemented in hardware, this processor, and the coprocessor handles all variable-
design offers a substantial speedup over existing software precision, interval arithmetic. The hardware supports the
methods for controlling numerical error. It also uses non- four rounding modes specified in the IEEE 754 floating
redundant binary arithmetic, which simplifies the point standard: round-to-nearest-even, round toward
coprocessor design and enhances compatibility with other positive infinity, round toward negative infinity, and
processors. An overview of interval arithmetic is given in round toward zero. The software interface to the
Section 2. In Section 3, the number representation and coprocessor is described in [17].
hardware design of the coprocessor are presented. Section The format for variable-precision numbers is shown
4 describes hardware algorithms for the arithmetic in Figure 1. Each variable-precision number consists of a
operations, elementary function generation, dot product 16-bit exponent field (E), a sign bit (S), a 2-bit type
computation, and interval operations. Area, delay and field (T), a 5-bit significand length field (L), an index
performance estimates for the coprocessor are given in field (I),and a significand (F)which consists of L + l
Section 5, followed by conclusions in Section 6. significand words (F[O] to F [ L ] ) . The exponent is
represented with a bias of 32,768. The sign bit is zero if
2: Interval arithmetic the number is positive and one if it is negative. The type
field indicates if a number is infinite, zero, or not-a-
Interval arithmetic was originally proposed as a tool number. The length field specifies the number of 32-bit
for bounding roundoff errors in numerical computations words in the variable-precision number, and the index
[71. It is also used to determine the effects of field points to the most significant word of the
approximation errors and errors that occur due to non- significand. The significand words are stored from most
exact inputs. Interval arithmetic produces two values for significant F [ O ] to least significant F [ L ] . The
each result. The two values correspond to the endpoints significand is normalized between 1 and 2, so that its
of an interval, such that the true result is guaranteed to most significant bit is always one. The value of a
lie on this interval. The width of the interval (i.e., the variable-precision floatin point number VP is
distance between the two endpoints) indicates the VP = (-lj x F x 2s32768
accuracy of the result. Because of its usefulness in For variable-precision numbers, the maximum
monitoring numerical error, interval arithmetic has been significand length is 32 32-bit words, or 1,024 bits. This
applied to several numerical problems including global gives a maximum precision of around 313 decimal digits
optimization, function evaluation, differential equations, and a range of

[2-322’@,2%769] [10-9.864,109.864] variable-precision numbers are stored in main memory.
For comparison, the format for IEEE double- The header and significand memories each have two read
precision numbers is shown in Figure 2. These numbers ports and one write part.
consist of a sign bit (S). an 11-bit exponent (E), and a Significand words are read from the register fde and
52-bit significand (F).The exponent is represented go into the multiplier, selector, or long accumulator. The
using excess 1,023. The significand is normalized selector performs comparison operations and determines
between 1 and 2 and uses a hidden one. The value of an which values go into the adder and the shifter. The
IEEE doubleprecision number DP is shifter shifts a value by up to 64 bits, before it enters the
DP = (-19
X ~ ~P 2 ~ 1 ~ 2 3 *.
IEEE double-precision numbers have a maximum
precision ofaround 16decimal digits and a range of

- [2-1P22,21Dq

16 Bits-

8 Bits- 8 Bits-)
I Register File
Significand Header
’1 I

J Words Words
Index 0
t4 I I
Exponent Addei
Significand Words F[lI to RL11 and Data Path
I Multiplier Control
Significand Word F[L]

1 32 Bits b

-12bits - -
Figure 1 : Variableprecisionnumber format.
Significand 0
Shifter - 4

Figure 2: iEEE doubleprecision format. I
A block diagram of the hardware unit which t t

performs variable-precision, interval arithmetic is shown
in Figure 3. Control signals are shown as dashed lines. I Long Accumulator

The significand and exponent data paths are depicted as Figure 3: Hardware unit.
bold and plain lines, respectively. The main components
of the hardware unit are a register file, a 32-bit by 32-bit
multiplier, a 64-bit addex, a long accumulator consisting
of 64 @-bit segments, and a 64-bit shifter. The hardware
4 16 Bin
64 Header Words
Bin) - 256 S i g n i t i d Words

unit also has a 16-bit exponent adder and data path I H c d a Word,
I7 I
control unit which determines the exponent of the result
and controls the regism fde, long accumulator, selector,
s i wad 8 [O]
The register fde consists of two memory units: a 64- I I I siiacmdw~ofgrnmq~-ll~

word by 32-bit M e r memory, and a 256-word by 32-bit I nadawoldr S i g n i k d Wad 4 4 ]

significand memory, as shown in Figure 4. Each header I
words contains the exponent, sign, type, length, and
index of the number. When operations are performed on Figure 4: Register file.
variable-precision numbers, the header word is fmt read
from memory. In the following cycles, the significand is The long accumulator stores intermediate variable
accessed based on the value of the index field. This two- precision results. It functions as an extremely long fixed
level design allows a maximum of 64 variable-precision point register and is useful for performing variable-
numbers to be stored on the coprocessor chip. Other precision arithmetic algorithms without roundoff error or

overflow. The implementation of the long accumulator is operands are denoted as A and B with significands FA
similar to the one presented in [28]. The long and F B and exponents E A and E g . respectively. For
accumulator consists of a 64-word by 64-bit dual-port variable-precision, interval arithmetic operations, the
RAM, 64 2-bit flags, carry resolution and flag generation intervals are X = [a, b] and Y = [e, d]. The symbols V
logic, and rounding and normalization control. Variable- and A denote rounding toward negative and positive
precision values are stored in the dual-port-RAM, which infinity, respectively.
contains one write port and one readwrite port. For variable-precision addition and subtraction, EA
When adding a number to the long accumulator, it is and Eg are compared to determine the greater exponent.
possible for the carry to propagate over several segments, The operand with the greater exponent has its significand
resulting in a large number of additions. To prevent this, written into the long accumulator. Assuming that ED 2
each segment of the long accumulator has a 2-bit flag EA and addition is being performed, FB is written into
associated with it that tells if the bits in the segment are the long accumulator. In the following cycles, FA is
all ones, all zeros, or neither [28]. A carry propagating added to the long accumulator using a series of @-bit
into a segment that contains all ones will cause the flag additions, in which the carry-out of the ith addition is
to signal all zeros. Similarly, a borrow from a segment used as carry-in for the ( i + I j t h addition. After the final
which has all zeros causes the flag signal all ones. If a result is computed, the long accumulator is normalized
carry or a borrow come into a segment which has neither and rounded to a specified precision. The final result is
all ones nor all zeros, the carry is not propagated beyond then stored in the register file.
that segment. Interval addition and subtraction are defined [7] as:
Figure 5 demonstrates the accumulation process X + Y = [V(a + e), A(b + d)]
using five-bit segments, when the new addend is also X - Y = [ V(a - d), A(b - e)]
five bits. The addend is added to two of the segments in Thus, interval addition (subtraction) requires two
the long accumulator. If a carry occurs after the second variable-precision additions (subtractions). The lower
addition, it is added to the first word that does not endpoint is computed first and rounded toward negative
contain all ones. The 2-bit flags, and flag generation and infinity. The upper endpoint is then computed and
carry resolution logic determine the segment to which the rounded towards positive infinity.
carry is added. Once the final result is computed, it is Variable-precision multiplication is performed by
normalized, rounded to a specified precision. and stored using the multiplier, adder, and long accumulator to
back in the register file. The all ones and all zeros flags generate and accumulate 64-bit partial products. During
simplify normalizing and rounding the result, since they the first cycle, the exponents of the two operands are
indicate the first non-zero word of the result and help to added to compute the exponent of the product. Each
determine the sticky bit, which is needed to implement subsequent cycle, 32 bits of the multiplier are multiplied
c o m t rounding. by 32 bits of the multiplicand to produce a new 64-bit
partial product which is added to the sum of the
New Addend previously accumulated partial products. The sum of the
partial products is stored in the long accumulator. Figure
6 shows the multiplication process for a 4-word by 4-
word (128-bit by 128-bit) multiply. To reduce carry
propagation, the less significant partial products are
generated first.
If the multiplicand and multiplier contain m and n
zeros I neither 1 neither
words ( m 2 n), then m.n single-precision multiplications
Figure 5. Accumulation of a new addend. and additions are required. If the final result is rounded
to m words, the n least significant words of the product
4: Arithmetic algorithms do not need to be computed. In this case, a method
proposed in [19] is used to reduce the number of single-
This section describes hardware algorithms for the precision multiplications and additions to
arithmetic operations, elementary function generation, m . n -(n2 -3n) 1 2 - I
accurate dot products, and interval operations. All This is possible, because only the m + I most significant
intervals are stored in the register file using consecutive columns of partial products are likely to conmbute to the
registers words, with the lower endpoint stored first. For rounded product. For the 4 word by 4 word
the variable-precision arithmetic operations, the two multiplication shown in Figure 6, the partial products
Ao-Bo, A o . B I , and A l . B o are not likely to effect the

product when it is rounded to 4 words. A quick test quotient and exact remainder for any of the IEEE
determines if the omitted partial products can change the rounding modes [21].
value ofthe rounded product. If they can,the product is Details for the variable-precision short reciprocal

A = Multiplicand
B = Multiplier
- -
computed to full precision and then rounded.

I A2 I Ai I AJ
I B2 I Bi I Bo
divide algorithm and a similar algorithm for square root
are presented in [22]. The divide algorithm requires n2 +
n single precision multiplications and 2n2 + 2n single
precision additions to divide two n word numbers. The
square root algorithm requires (n2 + 3n)/2 single
precision multiplications and (3n2 + 5n)/2 single
precision additions to compute the square root of an n
word number. These algorithms requhe 3 to 5 timesfewer
arithmetic operations than well-known algorithms based
on Newton-Raphson itemtion [23].
Interval division is defined171 as.
XN = [Vm~n(alcdd,blc.bld).Amadalc,ald~blc,bld)]
if Y does not contain zero (i.e., c < 0 OR d > 0).
Otherwise, the quotient interval is infinite and extended
interval arithmetic is used 1181. The sign bits are
examined to determine which endpoints are divided to
compute the endpoints of the quotient, and only two
variable-precision divisions are required. An interval
square mt is defined as:
-~ ~
fi = [V(&), A(&)]
Figure6 Variableprecisionmultiplication. provided that a 2 0. Otherwise, one or both endpoints of
the m l t are not-a-number.
Interval multiplication is defined [7] as: Elementary function evaluation is performed by
X x Y = [Vmin(ac,ad,bcbd)), dmax(ac,ad,] polynomial approximations, using variations of the
Rather than computing all four products and then algorithms given in (241, [23. These approximations
comparing the results, the endpoints to be multiplied have the farm
together to fonn the upper and lower endpoints of the + al-x + ... + an-y = gi-2
result are detennined by examining the sign bits a, b, c, f(x) 5pn(x) = I
and d [181. With this technique, only two variable- where f ( x ) is the function to be approximated, pn(X) is a
precision multiplications are required to perform interval polynomial of degree n, and ai is the coefficient of the*r
multiplication, unless term.The function is approximated on a specified input
a<O<b AND cc0cd interval and argument reduction is employed for values
The method proposed in [19] guarantees correct outside this interval, as specified in [MI. To d u c e the
directionalrormding. number of multiplications, Horner's rule is applied, which
The algorithm used to perform division A/B is a hastheform
variation of the short reciprocal divide algorithm [20], pn(x) = ag + x(a1 + ... + x(an.l + X-UJ ...)
which is modified for variable-precision, interval Thus, each term in the polynomial requires one addition
arithmetic. This algarithm initially calculates a reciprocal and one multiplication.
approximation R 5 IIB which is accurate to 34 bits. Interval arithmetic is defined for the elementary
During the 3h itemtion. a quotient digit qi is added to the functions as follows: If an elementary functionf(x) is
qudient approximation Qi through the computations monotonically increasing on X = [a, b], the resulting
qi = R-P'i interval is
Pi+] = Pi - 9i.B f(x) = [Via). dflbll
Qi+I = Qi + qi For monotonically decreasing functions the resulting
where Pi is the ith partial remainder and P'i is the ith interval is
partial remainder truncated to 34 bits. The quotient digit Ax) = [Vflb). 4 f d I
qi iS computed by rounding away from zero to 32 For functions which are neither monotonically increasing
bits. Initially, Po = A and Qo = 0. After computing the nor decreasing on [a, b], the function is evaluated at its
quotient, a correction step produces a correctly rounded local minimum and maximum and at the interval

endpoints to determine the resulting interval. For return a variable-precision floating point number. Interval
example, if X = [-Z, 21, then sin(X) = [Vsin(-Z), I], relational operators such as equal to, subset, superset, is-
since sin(X) has a local maximum of 1 at a / 2. contained-in, and disjointness are also provided as
Correct rounding of the elementary functions is defined in [4].
prohibitively expensive, since there is no known The operand selector is used to determine minimum
analytical method to determine in advance the number of and maximum values for interval intersection. hull, and
guard digits required to produce a correctly rounded absolute value. If the exponents and the signs of the two
result [261. Instead, faithful rounding [27] is used to numbers being compared are the same, then the selector
guarantee that the maximum error is no greater than two compares their significand words from most significant to
units in the last place and that all intervals endpoints are least significant to determine which number is greater.
rounded in the proper direction. The absolute value of a variable-precision number is
Accurate dot products are essential for scientific computed by setting its sign bit to zero. The midpoint
applications. The dot product of two k-element vectors and width operations are implemented using the variable-
v = [ V I , v2, , v/cl w = [ W l , w2, ..., wdT
. precision addition and subtraction algorithms,
is defined as: respectively. The division by two in the midpoint
operation is implemented by decrementing the exponent
v.w = $Vi.Wi ofa+b.
For each vi, wi pair, their product is computed and added
to the long accumulator. The segments chosen from the 5: Area, delay and performance estimates
long accumulator and the amount that the product is
shifted is determined by the exponent of the new product. Table 1 gives area and delay estimates for the
The all ones and all zeros flags prevent carries from variable-precision, interval arithmetic coprocessor
propagating over several segments. After the entire dot (VPIAC). These estimates are based on data from a 1.0
product is computed, it is normalized, rounded, and micron CMOS standard cell library [29]. The estimates
stored back in the register file. for the multiplier assume that multiplication is
To compute an interval dot product, the lower implemented using a Reduced Area multiplier [30],
endpoint of the dot product is computed, followed by the followed by carry-lookahead addition. The area of each
upper endpoint. The lower endpoint of the dot product is component is estimated by calculating the total size of
computed by calculating the lower endpoint of each the macrocells (e.g., AND gates, full adders, half adders,
interval multiplication and adding it to the long etc.) which make up the component, plus an additional
accumulator. Once the lower endpoints of all k products 50 percent for internal wiring [29]. The total area is
are accumulated, their sum is normalized, rounded toward estimated as the sum of the component areas plus an
negative infinity, and stored back in the register file. additional 60 percent for control logic, global routing,
After clearing the long accumulator, the upper endpoint unused space, and pad area. The total chip area is
of the dot product is computed by accumulating the estimated as 101.9 mm2. The delay for each component is
upper endpoint of each interval multiplication. After, the computed by taking the worst case delay of the critical
upper endpoint is computed, it is normalized, rounded path and adding 25 percent for unexpected delays and
toward positive infinity, and stored back in the register clock skew [29]. The multiplier has the longest
fie.. component delay which is 27.8 ns; 14.0 ns for partial
To efficiently support interval arithmetic, several product reduction and 13.8 ns for carry-lookahead
interval operations are provided. These include interval addition. Assuming these two stages of the
intersection, hull, absolute value, width, and midpoint, multiplication are pipelined and allowing an additional 2
which are defined as: ns for register latching, the coprocessor can have a cycle
intersection(X, Y) = [=(a, e), min(b, d)] time of 16 ns (60 MHz).
hufl(X,Y) = [mz*n(a, c), max(b, d)] Table 2 gives the area and delay estimates for an
abs(X) = max(/al. lbl) IEEE double-precision floating point coprocessor (EEE
width(X) = b - a DPC). It has a 53-bit by 53-bit multiplier, a 106-bit
midpoint(X) = (a + b)/2 adder, a 32-word by 64-bit register file, a 106-bit
The interval intersection and hull operations take two normalizer, a 106-bit shifter, an 11-bit exponent
variable-precision, intervals and return a variable- add/subtract unit, and 53 and 106-bit latches. It requires a
precision interval. The midpoint, width, and absolute total area of 100.8 mm2. The worst case delay comes from
value operations take one variable-precision interval and the multiplier, which has a component delay of 34.6 ns;
18.0 ns for partial product reduction and 16.6 ns for

carry-lookahead addition. If these two stages of the The execution times for the VPI software package were
multiplication are pipelined. the coprocessor can have a determined by running 1,OOO iterations of the operation
cycle time of 20 ns (50MHz). Compared to the IEEE on a 40 M H z Sparc processor and taking the average
DPC,the VPIAC has almost the same area and a cycle execution time.
time which is U)percent shorter. 'Ihe shorter cycle time The speedup is computed as
of the variableprecision, " V a l arithmetic coprocessor Execution time VPI
is due to its narrower data path. spedw = Execution time VPIAC
Based on the values given in Tables 3, 4, and 5, the
Table 1: Estimates for the VPIAC VPIAC is around 200 b 1,OOO times fasrer than the VPI
software package, For the three arithmetic operations
examined, interval division has the largest speedup and
the interval addition has the smallest.
17.8 Table 3: Interval addition execution times (sec).
Hcadawords 4.4 6.6 Precision (bits) VPIAC VPI Speedup
32 2.6.10-7 9.6-lo-' 369
64 3.2-10-7 1.1-10" 343
128 45-10-7 1.3. 10-4 289
256 7.0-10-7 1.9-10-4 271
512 1.2.10-6 2.9.10-4 242
1 2.2-104 5.0-lo4 221

Table 4: Intend multiplicatbn

Table 2: Estimates for an IEEE DPC.
I Unit
37.4 34.6
CanY-hkaheaIadder 43 16.6
Register file 4.4 62
Nomnalizer I 72 9.0
Shifter 6.9 8.8
Ex~add/subtlact I 0-4 40
Latches 2.4 1.8
, Globalmutiw,pabs, etc. 37.8 * Table 5: interval division execution times (sec).
Total 100.8 *
Execution time estimates for the VPIAC are shown
in Tables 3,4,and 5 for interval addition, multiplication,
and division. The precision of the computation is varied
from 32 to 1,024 bits (i.e., from 1 to 32 words). For
comparison purposes the execution times of the same
operations using the WI software package [6]are given,
along with the speedup achieved by the variable-
precisio~inte€valarithmeticcop.ocessor. 6: Conclusions
The execution times for the VPIAC are determined
by multiplying the number of cycles to perform the This paper presented a coprocessor which
operation by the cycle time (16 ns). The number of implements variable-precision, interval arithmetic.
cycles neededto ped- interval addition, multiplication, Efficient hardware algorithms for the arithmetic
and division with a precision of n words (i.e., 32n bits) operations,elementary function generation, accurate dot
ae products, and interval operations help to improve
Cycles_inrerval add = 4n + 12 performance. The coprocessor gives the programmer the
Cycles-interva1-dt = 2 2 + 4n + 22 ability to determine the accuracy of the result and
Cycks-intend-div = 6d + 8n + 38 recompute inaccurate results using higher precision. It can

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