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Situation: Health statistics will provide the nurse vital information which she can use for good decision –
making in relation to which specific health promotion/prevention activities will be needed by which group of
people in the community.
1.) In 2000, there were 15 cases of Acute Respiratory Infection (ARI) in Barangay B, while Barangay C
had 20 cases. The total number of children in Barangay B is 300 and 200 in Barangay C. The percentage
of children who had ARI is:
A. Higher in Barangay C than in Barangay B
B. Not comparable in Barangay B and C
C. The same In Barangay B and C
D. Higher in Barangay B than in Barangay C
2.) From January 1 to 15, 2000, there were 8 cases of tetanus neonatorum admitted in San Lazaro
Hospital. There were two deaths. What is the case fatality ratio of this disease:
A. 20% B. 30% C. 28% D. 25%
3.) The infant mortality rate is the number of children:
A. Dying for every thousand of the population
B. Dying 0 – 5 year old in every thousand population
C. Dying in the first 4 weeks in every thousand children born alive that year
D. Dying before 1 year old in every thousand children born alive that year
4.) Which of the following measures the proportion of the population which exhibits a particular disease at
a particular time and deals with new and old cases:
A. Proportionate morbidity rate C. Incidence ratio
B. Case fatality rate D. Prevalence ratio
5.) Which of the following measures that risk of dying from causes related to pregnancy, childbirth and
A. Maternal mortality B. Neonatal death rate C. Fetal death rate D. Infant mortality rate

Situation: The following 2001 data are available in your health center. You analyzed these for planning
No. of population - 25,000
Population under 1 year - 600
No. of live births - 800
No. of maternal deaths - 8
Total deaths from all causes - 1,025
No. of deaths from pneumonia - 110
No. of pneumonia Cases - 500
6.) The crude birth rate for 2001 is:
A. 24/1000 B. 25/1000 C. 30/1000 D. 32/1000
7.) The maternal mortality rate is:
A. 10/1000 B. 20/1000 C. 12/1000 D. 15/1000
8.) The infant mortality rate is:
A. 25/1000 B. 40/1000 C. 30/1000 D. 20/1000
9.) The case of fatality rate for pneumonia is:
A. 40% B. 30% C. 22% D. 35%
10.) The crude death rate is:
A. 41/1000 B. 38/1000 C. 31/1000 D. 25/1000

Situation: From January to September, there were two (2) outbreaks of typhoid fever in Camarines Sur
and Cavite. Epidemiological investigation was done by the Rural Health unit team.
11.) As a Public Health Nurse, you know that typhoid fever is caused by:
A. Improper personal hygiene C. Intake of unsafe water or food
B. Inhalation of contaminated air D. Fomites
12.) The primary purpose of conducting this investigation is to:
A. Identify groups who are at high risk of contracting the disease
B. Delineate the etiology of the disease
C. Encourage cooperation and support of the community
D. Identify geographical location where the diseases would most likely occur
13.) If a similar outbreak will occur in your community and you will conduct an epidemiological
investigation, which of the following types of data will be required:
A. Population statistics, mortality and morbidity data
B. Household survey data
C. Morbidity data and demographic characteristics of individuals
D. Mortality and morbidity data
14.) Which of the following sources of data will not be necessary:
A. Records maintained by hospitals C. Population census
B. Health care reports D. None of these
15.) As a Public Health Nurse in a Rural Health unit, you have a vital role in the conduct of
epidemiological investigation and this is among others the.
A. Institute appropriate control measures in a confirmed outbreak
B. Checking the presence of signs and symptoms according to the standard case
C. Monitor selected number of diseases by weekly charting or graphing these as they occur in
the Barangay
D. Planning and securing necessary resources needed for disease control measures.
16.) Which of the following tells us how many babies born alive would die before reaching one year of age
in a given time and place:
A. Specific child death rate C. Neonatal death rate
B. Infant mortality rate D. Crude death rate
17.) Observation of events in the community are presented in the form of tables/graphs. Which of the
following graphs is best to use in presenting trend of births and death rates over periods of time:
A. Pie-chart B. Bar graph C. Line graph D. Arc diagram
Situation: Based on the safe motherhood survey, maternal mortality ratio is 209/100 000 live births and
prenatal mortality rate is also high.
18.) Based on DOH findings, maternal tragedies occur due to delayed referrals. Which one below
contributes primarily to delay?
A. transportation and communication C. Late detection of complication
B. Untrained manpower D. Lack of blood and supplies
19.) Target population for total care during pregnancy, delivery and postpartum belongs to this group:
A. 15-40 B. 15-49 C. 16-45 D. 18-35
20.) Maternal mortality rate is the number of maternal deaths per 1, 000 live births in a specific year.
Which one below is the correct formula?
A. Live births + number of fetal deaths x 1, 000
Number of deaths of maternal causes
B. Live births + number of fetal deaths x 1, 000
Number of maternal deaths
C. Number of deaths due to maternal deaths x 1, 000
Live births + number of fetal deaths
D. Number of deaths due to maternal causes x 1, 000
Live births + number of fetal deaths of the same year
21.) Infant mortality rate is deaths under one year of age per 1, 000 live births in a specific year. Which
formula is correct?
A. Deaths under one year x 1, 000
Live births of the same year
B. Deaths below one year x 1, 000
Live births of the same year
C. Deaths below one year x 1, 000
Live births below one year
D. Live births below one year x 1, 000
Deaths below one year
22.) Incidence rate means new cases as percent population and prevalence rate means cases in a given
period of time as percent population. Which formula below is the prevalence rate:
A. Number of cases of specific disease x 1, 000
Estimate population
B. Total number of a disease (old + new) x 1, 000
Estimated population at the time
C. Number of cases of a specific disease during a specific time x 100
Estimated population exposed to that disease during the time
D. Total number of a disease (old + new) at a given time x 100
Estimated population at the time
“There are ten factors of success: one is work, the other nine are more work.” – Jose Rizal

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