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“Now why would I do that?

” the monkey said

HANU with a chuckle. The chuckle grew into a full belly
laugh, and Graush’s cheeks flamed as his
Graush hefted his ax at the traveler who dared fellow bandits laughed with her.
refuse to pay the “toll.” The insolent monkey
For many cultures the monkey is a symbol of fun
rammed the tip of her staff into the half-orc’s
and chaos or a sign that cleverness triumphs over
solar plexus, and Graush stopped in his tracks.
brute force. The monkey is also a teacher whose
“Oh, my,” said the monkey. Graush swung, but apparent foolishness hides profound wisdom. The
the monkey ducked and cracked the staff once hanu gleefully embody this picture of the monkey.
across each of the bandit’s shins. “You’re so Many people, especially those who take themselves
much bigger than I am,” the monkey mock- too seriously, find the hanu to be irreverent and
whined. Graush roared and charged with his annoying… but when the monkey folk start their
axe raised. The monkey sidestepped and spun antics, even their enemies can't help but smile.
the staff over her head. The tip cracked Graush
in the back of the head three times, and the Similar to Simians
bandit went to his knees. The monkey pouted A hanu looks like a large monkey with fully upright
and said, “Whatever shall I do?” posture, a high domed cranium, and eyes that shine
“Stand still, curse you!” Graush bellowed. with intelligence and mischief. The body is covered
with fine, silky hair that can appear in the same Male Names: Dinzinok, Gohwindun, Gusaiam,
variety of colors that appears in monkeys, and the Haoluntet, Jozaodin, Komandei, Kurijor, Mailikun,
eyes are usually brown or black. Ohkinkon, Palomai, Shanluat, Turonai, Wulowan,
Xeijinao, Zendinau
Female Names: Chenzina, Darushah, Fantaiwo,
Wise Irreverence Heishudi, Jinsunah, Linzindoh, Nehshanti,
Hanu respect those who show themselves to be wise, Ohlanzu, Pauxiaro, Raojineh, Saotiweh,
but they have little regard for people who demand Shechuna, Tanshino, Wenwinsi, Zaowunte
respect – they see it as their sacred duty to puncture Sample Usage: Jinsunah’s family name is Jin. Her
overblown egos and deal embarrassing defeats to acquaintances and coworkers address her as Sunah,
bullies. Many people think that the hanu hate rules, but only her family and close friends are allowed to
but this isn't really true. What the monkey folk hate call her Su.
is blindly following rules without knowing what
those rules are meant to accomplish. Hanu don't
break rules without understanding them first, and Hanu Traits
they only follow rules that make sense to them. Hanu are as different from one another as different
species of monkeys – even within the same family –
but they do share certain traits.
Tree Dwellers Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score
Most hanu live in sprawling villages that are built increases by 2.
high in the trees for protection from terrestrial Age. Hanu reach physical maturity around the age
predators. They have developed many techniques for of 10 and live to about age 60. They don’t show signs
fighting while climbing and for dealing with arboreal of advanced age until their 50’s.
attackers. The troop is the most important social Alignment. Rare is the hanu who is of a lawful
unit followed by the extended family. The immediate alignment; they have little regard for rules and none
family consists of a patriarch, his wives and their whatsoever for traditions that are maintained solely
children (some of whom may not be the patriarch's). out of habit. Their dislike of the kind of selfishness
Few communities can throw a party to match a and egotism that demands power over others makes
celebration in a hanu village. them strongly disinclined against evil.
Size. Hanu stand 3 to 4 feet tall and weigh 60-85
Now and Zen pounds. Your size is Small.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet, and
Hanu rarely come down from the trees to wander your base climbing speed is 30 feet.
from their homes, but when they do it is usually on Hanu Weapon Training. You are proficient with
a quest for spiritual enlightenment. For the monkey the blowgun, quarterstaff and sling. The quarterstaff
folk this can mean anything from pursuit of martial is a finesse weapon for you.
perfection, a search for knowledge, or the soul-deep Monkey See, Monkey Do. The presence of skillful
seeking of great wealth. For hanu all of these goals people makes you more skillful. If a creature you can
are equally worthy. see succeeds on a check with a skill in which you
are not proficient you may choose to have advantage
Hanu Names on your next check with that skill. You may only
have this benefit for one skill at a time, and you
All hanu names are three syllables long with simple must use it before you take a short or long rest.
sounds. The first and third syllables are accented. Languages. You can speak, read, and write
The first syllable is the family name and the Common and Draconic.
remainder is the individual's formal name. The Subrace. The monkey folk have adapted to a
familiar form of address, which consists of the number of different environments. Choose one of the
second syllable, is only appropriate for immediate following subraces.
family and close friends. Male names end in
consonants other than "h" or in two-vowel
combinations while female names end in "h" or in
single vowels.
Jungle Hanu
The jungle hanu are the most numerous
subrace of monkey folk. They live in rain
forests all over many worlds. Jungle hanu are
renowned as performers and tricksters.
Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score
increases by 1.
Jackanapes. You are proficient in the
Performance skill.
Speak No Evil. You have advantage on Charisma
(Deception or Persuasion) checks for talking your
way out of a fight.

Mountain Hanu
Some hanu have learned that steep cliffs are
just as good as trees when it comes to avoiding
predators and marauders. Mountain hanu are
clever artisans whose mastery of tools is their
most important adaptation to difficult environs.
Their other great strength is the excellent
vision that they have developed living in their
mountain aeries.
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score
increases by 1.
Grease Monkey. You are proficient with tinker’s Optional Feats
See No Evil. You have advantage on Wisdom
(Perception) checks that depend on sight. Gorilla Warfare
Prerequisite: Hanu
Savannah Hanu You fight as well using improvised weapons as other
people do with real ones. You are proficient with
The savannah hanu are the only members of improvised weapons, and your damage die with an
their race who live in permanent settlements on improvised weapon becomes 1d6.
the ground. They are also the bravest of their
kind – a useful trait when one must confront
the big cats instead of running from them – but
not so foolhardy as to confront enemies when Prerequisite: Hanu
You can distract your opponent with foolish antics.
they can hide from them.
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score You may use a bonus action to make a Charisma
(Performance) check opposed by your target’s
increases by 1.
Wisdom (Insight) check. If you win your opponent
Hear No Evil. You have advantage on any saving
has disadvantage on attack rolls against you and
throw to recover from being frightened or to avoid
concentration checks to maintain spells on you until
becoming frightened.
the end of your next turn.
Monkey’s Paws. You are proficient in the Stealth

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