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Vocabulary 11.

Flipped activity

Word Defintion My definition Sentence

Admitted To allow to ente Accept a fact He admitted in court that he was not a
Advised considered Listen to a person She promised to follow his advice.
Announced to make known publicly or officially Advertise The company president made an
announcement about the merger.
Apologise to express regret for something done or excuse oneself, apologize oneself
said I apologize to my mother
Challenge to demand as due or deserved Challenge for a meeting See challenge defined for kids
Complain to express dissatisfaction Bother He works hard but he never complains.
Promise a declaration that something will or will Oath or agreement She gave me her promise.
not be done
Refuse to express dissatisfaction to decline to accept They asked her to help but she refused
Thank to express gratitude to grateful I want to thank everyone who helped today
Threaten Civil war has been threatening the intimidate
country for years. People threaten to vote for president

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