You are on page 1of 130


1. Prepare your CV + model - Pregatirea CV-ului ……………………………………………… 7
2. Agency (Agentie)…………………………………………………………………………………………… 10
2.1. Aplication form +model - (Formular - Aplicatie)…………………… 11
2.2. Terms of agreement + model - (Termenii contractuali)………. 19
3. Apply for PIN + model - (Aplicatie NMC)…………………………………………………….. 21
4. Apply for job + model - (Aplicatie loc munca)…………………………………………… 28
5. Interwiew + model - (Interviu)……………………………………………………………………… 36
6. Job offer + model - (Oferta de munca)………………………………………………………… 38
7. Agreement +model - (Contract de munca)…………………………………………………... 41
8. Apply for DBS +model - (Aplicatie Cazier Judiciar) ………………………………………. 53
9. Open bank account - (Banca)………………………………………………………………………….. 59
10. Rent a home + model - (Locuinta)……………………………………………………………….. 63
11. Work in hospital - (Munca in spital)……………………………………………………………….. 72
11.1. Health care personnel & Estabishments (Personal Medico - Sanitar
si Unitatile de Ingrijire……………………………………………………………………….. 74
11.2. Medication - (Medicamente) …………………………………………………. 78
11.3. Patient history - (Anamneza pacientului) ………………………………… 80
11.3.1 Breast – (Sani) …………………………………………………………… 82
11.3.2 Clinical examination – (Examen clinic)……………………….. 83
11.3.3 Drug history – (Tratamente urmate) ………………………… 84
11.3.4 Family history – (Istoric familiar)……………………………….. 85
11.3.5 General health – (Stare generala) ……………………………… 86
11.3.6 Habits – (Obiceiuri) ……………………………………………………. 87
11.3.7 Haematology – (Hematologie) …………………………………… 89
11.3.8 Medical records – (Fisa de observatie)……………………….. 90
11.3.9 Miscellaneous – (Generalitati) ……………………………………. 91
11.3.10 Palpitation – (Palpitatii) …………………………………………….. 92
11.3.11 Past medical history – (Istoric personal) …………………… 93
11.3.12 Pregnancy – (Sarcina) ………………………………………………… 94
11.3.13 Sexual history – (Istoric sexual) ………………………………….. 97
11.3.14 Social history – (Mediul de viata) ……………………………… 98
11.3.15 Traumatology – (Traumatologie) ………………………………. 99

11.4. List of symptoms, syndromes and diseases/ Lista simptomelor,
sindroamelor si bolilor………………………………………………………………………………… 100
11.5. Pain – (Durere) ………………………………………………………………………. 108
11.5.1 History – (Anamneza) ……………………………………………………….. 109
11.5.2 Headache – (Durere de cap) ……………………………………………… 111
11.5.3 Palpitation – (Palpare) ……………………………………………………… 112
11.5.4 Relieving factors – (Factori calmanti) ………………………………… 113
12. Elderly’s diseases – (Boli de varsta) …………………………………………………………. 114
12.1 Diabetes mellitus – (Diabet zaharat) ………………………………….. 116
12.2 Infectious diseases – (Boli infectioase) ……………………………….. 117
12.3 Rheumatology – (Reumatologie) ……………………………………….. 118
12.4 Stroke and paralysis – (Atac cerebral si paralizie)……………….. 119
13. The elderly – (Persoane in varsta) …………………………………………………………… 120
13.1 Appetite – (Apetit) …………………………………………………………… 121
13.2 Bowel habit – (Tranzit intestinal) …………………………………….. 122
13.3 Clinical examination – (Examen clinic) ……………………………… 123
13.4 Diet – (Dieta) ……………………………………………………………………. 124
13.5 Weight – (Greutate) ………………………………………………………… 125
14. Apply for benefits + model - (Aplicatie pentru beneficii) ………………………… 126
15. Bibliography - (Bibliografie)……………………………………………………………………… 129

Qualified: RGN
Specialism: General Medicine
Position Required: Registered General Nurse
Location Required: UK
NMC Registration Number: Pin 15C0430C
Availability for Interview: April 2015
Availability to start: April 2015

I am a balanced person as well as polite, patient and

sociable. I easily interact with people. I was a volunteer
while I was in the nursing school in different places such as:
The Night Shelter, “Hippocrate” Postgraduate Medical
School and The Ambulance Service. After finishing my
school I volunteered to a dermatology clinic. From my
volunteer experience I have learned the following: to be
responsible, to have initiative to solve all the problems, to
manage a critical situation, to be a good team worker.
To manage the time well while working to administer the
medicine well, to monitor the vital signs, to educate the
patients to live a healthy life and to give the first aid in good
The volunteering helped me to change my attitude towards
me and the other person around me by being more tolerant
and more caring.


Personal Description:

NMC Registered General Nurse (RN1), dynamic,

hardworking, trustworthy, open to new concepts and exposure
to new environments, eager to learn, adaptable.

Professional Background:

2012 - present: Practice Nurse at General Practitioner's Surgery

Dr. Safciu Artur Individual Practice, St. Mare, Nr. 9,
Dambovita County, Romania.
• Nursing Assessments
• IV treatments
• Health Promotion Programs
• Minor Injury Clinic

2011 - 2012: Nursing Home for the Elderly “Varste”, Targoviste,

• Assisting residents with their daily routine
• Administration of medication
• Referrals for hospital appointments and
organisation of transport
• Working in close connection with Social Services

2009 - 2011: Voluntary work as Staff Nurse in Cardiology

Department at Targoviste County Hospital.

Skills and Qualifications:
• Happy to work as part of a team
• Dealing with emotionally charged situations
• Competence
• Compassion
• Communication and observation

1. Specialization course – theme: Family planning (2011)
2. Specialization course – theme: Varicose ulcer (2011)
3. Member certificate – profession: General Medical Assistant
4. Certificare of professional abilities – specialization: General
Medical Assistant, Health and Pedagogic Assistance area (2006-
5. High-school graduate diploma (2006)

My biggest professional achievement occurred while I was working
in the cardiology department. One day I entered the ward in order
to measure the patient's blood pressure and I noticed that a
patient (suffering of atrial fibrillation and being administered a
cordarone perfusion) was not breathing any more. So, I measured
his vital functions and I started to perform a cardiac massage.

The doctor on duty was announced and, until his arrival ,

I continued executing the resuscitation maneuvers. This was a
unique experience for me and the fact that the patient's family
came and thanked me with tears in the eyes meant a big
achievement for me.


Agency Agentie
Agent Agent
Agreement Accept
To accept A accepta
To recruit A recruta

Welcome to our agency.

We are a recruitment agency who work with British companies in
the medical sector.
We recruit nurses and carers for UK companies. If you will accept to
work with us you will not pay any fee.
You must send to us a CV, sign terms of agreement and application

Bine ati venit la agentia noastra.

Suntem o agentie de recrutare care lucreaza cu companii britanice
din sectorul medical.
Noi recrutam asistenti medicali si infirmieri pentru companii din
UK. Daca veti accepta sa lucrati cu noi nu veti plati nici un comision.
Trebuie sa ne trimiteti CV-ul, termenii contractuali si aplicatia


Address Adresa
Application Cerere, solicitare
Association Asociatie
Birth certificate Certificat de nastere
Block capitals Litere mari de tipar
Confidential Confidential
Criminal conviction Condamnare
Driver licence Carnet de conducere
Employer Angajator, patron
Employment Angajament, serviciu, slujba
Feedback Raspuns, reactie
Form Formular
Job duties Atributii de servici
Language Limba
Marriage certificate Certificat casatorie
National identity card Card national de identitate
Private Privat
Qualification Calificare
Reference Referinta
Rejection letter Scrisoare de respingere
To fill A completa (formularul)
To suffer A suferi
Work permit Permis de munca

- I want to apply for a nurse job.

- Ok. Please fill this application form and send it to us on our email.
- What info do you need?
- Only usual info from your CV: name, address, work experience, education, health
and references.

- Vreau sa aplic pentru un post de asistenta.

- Ok. Va rog sa completati aceast formular si sa ni-l trimiteti pe mail.
- Care sunt informatiile de care aveti nevoie?
- Ce ati pune intr-un CV normal: nume, adresa, unde ati mai lucrat, educatie,
sanatate, referinte.


Please save this to your computer.

Fill it in and email to

Or send it by post to:


31 Meadow Court, Meadow Drive,


Telefon UK: 0044 (0)7550 805346 - Telefon Fix Romania: 0373780180



Date of Application:


Job Reference Number: Applicant Reference Number:

Position applied for:

How did you hear of this vacancy? (include date)


Full Name: Mr/Ms/Mrs/Miss

Address: Telephone Number:
(Including STD Code)


(Tick box if you do not want
to be contacted at work).

Do you need a work permit to Email:

take up employment in the

Work Permit No:


QUALIFICATIONS: Please give details of examinations attempted and results
(including any examinations fsiled).

Name(s) and Dates Subject/Courses Examination

Address(es) of Studied&Level Result/Grade
School(s)/College(s) (include any
examinations failed)
From To

FURTHER AND HIGHER EDUCATION: Please give details of all further and higher
education since leaving school including training courses and details of qualifications.

University/College/Inst Dates Subject Studied Qualifications

itute Attended Fro To Type of Training Obtained

PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS: Please state whether you are a member of any

technical or professional association, and if so, which:

FOREIGN LANGUAGES: Please list any foreign languages you speak and your
level of competence both oral and written:


Please list in reverse order all the organisations for which you have worked during
the last 20 years. Please ensure that any employment gaps or job breahs are aslo

Name(s)and Dates Position Starting/Leaving Reason

address(es) of From To Held/Main salary for
Employer(s) Duties Leaving


(Continue on separate sheet if necessary).


Are you health?

If no, please give further information:

For health and safety reasons, and to ensure your wellbeing, we would like
ascertain the following information.
Have yoy ever suffered, or do you currently suffer from any illness,
condition, injury or disability that would be aggravated or prevented you
from,or cause you difficulty in carrying out any of the job duties?

If yes, please provide further information:
If yes, what reasonable adjustments, if any, do you consider would be
appropriate to enable you to carry out the tasks in your employment?

SUITABILITY FOR THIS JOB. (One of these must be your present/most recent

Can we approach your present/most recent employer? Yes/No

Name, Position, Name, Position, Name, Position, Address and
Address and Address and Telephone Number
Telephone Number Telephone Number

I confirm that the above information is correct.

I declare that I do not possess, nor have ever possessed a criminal conviction,
whether in the UK or anywhere else in the world, nor have I been subject to
any Conditional Discharges, Bindovers or Cautions. I understand my potential
employment is subject to a Criminal Records Bureau Disclosure Check and that
in the event that this Declaration is found to be false that my employment
may be terminated immediately.
I understand that any false information or deliberate omissions will disqualify
me from employment or may render me liable for dismissal.
I consent to RO EXPERT Ltd using and keeping information I have provided on
this application or elsewhere as part of the recruitment process and /or
personal information supplied by third parties, such as referees, relating to my
application or future employment. I consent to my CV and references being
forwarded to employers. I understand that the information provided will be
used to make a decision regarding my suitability for employment and, if
successful, the information will be used to form my personnel record and will
be retained for the duration of my employment and as long as is deemed
necessary thereafter. If am not successful, I understand that the Organisation
will retain the formfor as long as is deemed necessary for the purpose of
recruitment and that the Organisation may use it to contact ne in the event of
there being any other for which I may be suitable.
Signed………………………………………………… Dated……………………………………

Interviewed by: Date:

Comments/ Areas to Examine:
Decision: Reject: Further Interview: Accept:
(tick as applicable)
Interviewer’s report and reasons for decision: Rejection letter sent: Yes/No

CV Sent
Employer: Employer:
Date: Date:
Feedback: Feedback:

Employer: Employer:
Date: Date:
Feedback: Feedback:

Employer: Employer:
Date: Date:
Feedback: Feedback:

APPOINTMENT RECORD ( To be completed where there has been an offer

of employment)
Date sent: Date sent:
Response: Response:
Acceptance/Refusal/No reply Last/present employers reference validated:
Good/Satisfactory/No Reply/Suspect/

Further proof of N.I. number or right to work requested:
Starting Date: Grade: Job Title:
Starting Salary: Personne/clock Number:

Candidate pack sent by: Mail/Email/Fax Date:


In order for this applicationto be considered you must send in the following with
your application form:

 3 Copies of identification documents from the list:

British passport (front cover, photo page and page with your signature)
Non-European passport (front cover, photo page and page with your
EEC passport (front cover, photo page and page with your signature)
National identity card
Certificate of registration/ naturalisation as a British Citizen
Any other document that supports your eligibility to work in the UK
Permanent NI number,
Drivers Licence,
Birth certificate,
Marriage Certificate,
 Copy of Visa or Work permit if currently in the UKand a British Citizen.
 Previons or Current Work Permit
 Medical and Police checks if applicant is not the UK.
You might be required to undergo a Criminal Check, for thath purpose, please
provide the following:
 Previous 5 years addresses. (complete attached form)
 Birth certificate
 Mariage certificate
 2 References
Please attach the above to this application form and then return to:
31 Meadow Court, Meadow Drive, UK
Telefon UK: 0044(0)7550805346-Telefon Fix Romania: 0373780180
E-mail: asistenti@europeanmedicalstaff.com1


Agreement Acord, contract, intelegere

Candidate Candidat
Client Client
Consent Acord, consimtamant
Correct Corect
Term Durata, termen
To agree A accepta, a consimti
To sign A semna
True Adevarat
Work-seeker Cauta munca

- Please read carefully our terms of agreements.

- Why?
- Because you will find there all terms of agreement for all our candidates.
- What should I do after?
- If you are agree with our agreement please sign and send to us on email.

- Va rog sa cititi termenii nostri contractuali cu grija.

- De ce?
- Pentru ca acolo o sa gasiti conditiile pentru toti candidatii.
- Ce ar trebui sa fac dupa?
- Daca acceptati termenii va rog sa semnati contractul si ni-l trimiteti prin mail.


Date: 05/19/2015



Following our recent correspondence we write to confirm how we will provide

our recruitment services to you.
1.RO EXPERT LTD are to provide you permanent recruitment services that is to
say we will act as an agency as defined under the Employment Agencies Act 1973.

2. You authorise RO EXPERT LTD to seek work on your behalf.

3. In our recent correspondence you informed us that you wish us to seek

employment as a Registered Nurse.

Thank you for selecting RO EXPERT LTD and should you have any queries, or
require any further information on the services we provide please contact Anca
Prisacaru on 0755 0805346.

Please read the statement below and sign on acceptance of our services.

Candidate Declaration
I hereby confirm that the information given is true and correct. I consent to my
personal data and CV being forwarded to clients. I consent to references being
passed onto potential employers.

Signed by candidate POPA FLAVIA Name: POPA FLAVIA Date: 05/19/2015

Kindly return a signed copy to us by post or email.

31 Meadow Court, Meadow Drive, UK - Phone: 0755 0805346
E-mail: 2

Application pack Pachet de aplicatie
Area of practice Aria de practica si munca
Assessment Evaluare
Authorised translator Translator autorizat
Automatic recognition Recunoastere automata
Black ink Vopsea (mina) neagra
Booklet Brosura
Capital letters Litere mari de tipar
Cheque Cec
Clarification Clarificare, lamurire
Competent authority Autoritate competenta
Concern Grija, interes, preocupare
Consulate Consulat
Declaration Declaratie
Disability Dizabilitate
Eligility Eligibilitate
Embassy Ambasada
Employer Angajator
Fee Onorariu, taxa
Lawyer, solicitor Avocat
Letter Scrisoare
Medical practitioner Medic de familie
Methods of payment Metode de plata
National Identity Card Card de identitate
Natary public Notar public
NMC (Nursing Midwifery Colegiu asistentilor si moaselor
Passport Pasaport
Mayor Primar
Qualification Clarificare
Register Registru, catalog
Registration authority Autoritatea de inregistrare
Request Cerere
Resident in UK Rezident in UK
Risk Risc
Specific duties Atributii specifice
Stamp Stampila
Supporting documents Documente doveditoare
To attest A confirma, a dovedi
To certify A certifica
To register A consemna, a inregistra
To sign A semna
Translated Traduse

First step if you want to work in UK like nurse is to apply for PIN to NMC.
You must apply for the PIN on the NMC website and fill your name and address. You
will receive an envelope with all documents and info that you need.
Please fill application form and send it with all documents translated and certified.

Primul pas pentru a lucra in UK care asistenta/asistent este sa aplici pentru PIN la
Trebuie sa aplici pentru PIN pe site-ul de la NMC si sa completezi numele si adresa.
Vei primi un plic cu toate documentele si informatiile de care ai nevoie.
Va rog sa completati formularele si sa le trimiteti inapoi CV, documentele traduse si



DBS (disclosure and barring Cazier Judiciar

Disclosure Destainuire, dezvaluire
Employment history Istoricul angajarii
Endorsement Sanctionare
Full time Loc de munca permanent
Home office Institutie care reglementeaza munca in UK
Letter from Home Office Scrisoare de la Home Office
Marital status Statutul matrimonial
Nationality Nationalitate
Part time Loc de munca temporar
Position held Pozitia detinuta
Proof of address Dovada adresei
Reason for leaving Motivul plecarii
References Referinte
Sheet Foaia/pagina
Work experience Experienta de munca
Work permit Permis de munca

- Hello. I want to apply for this job.

- Full time or part time?
- Full time, please.
- Do you have PIN from NMC?
- Yes, I do.
- In this case you must apply for DBS. When you will receive your DBS you can start to
work. Thank you.

- Buna ziua. Vreau sa aplic pentru acest job.

- Full time sau part-time?
- Full-time va rog.
- Aveti PIN de la NMC?
- Da am.
- In acest caz trebuie sa aplicati pentru DBS. Cand o sa il primiti puteti sa incepeti sa
lucrati. Multumesc.

All information will be treated in the strictest confidence

Application for the post of:

Available to take un post on:


(Mr/ Mrs/ Miss/ Ms/ Dr) Forename(s):
Previous Surname:

Contact Tel.Nos. Home:

Home: Work:
National Insurance Number:

Do you need a Work Permit/Visa or any other documents necessary YES/NO

to be
employed in UK?
If yes, you will be required to produce one of the following:
Passport/ Work Permit/Letter from Home Office/Birth Certificate
and your National Insurance Number
What salary are you seeking?
Dates of any holiday arrangements made over next 12 months:
How would you travel to work? Car/ Bus
Walk/ Other
Do you hold a full UK driving licence? YES/NO
Do you have any endorsements? YES/NO
If yes, please give details:
Profesional/Union Membership NMC PIN Expiry date:

Do you have a case pending with the N.M.C.? YES/NO

If yes, provide details below:
Do you have any special requirements in relation to interview YES/NO
If yes, please give details below:


School/College/University Dates Qualification Obtained


Please give details of previous posts held over the last ten years, the most recent shown
Position Employers Name Dates from/to Reason For Leaving
and Address Month&Year

Position held
Date commenced
Present salary
Period of Notice Required
Name and address of employer

Reason for leaving

STATEMENT TO SUPPORT APPLICATION (any other information that you

feel is relevant and supports your application. Continue on additional
sheet if required)

REFERENCES (one should be your current/most recent employer)


If this is your first position educational references will be acceptable or if you have only held
one job the second reference may be educational.

May we contract referees prior to interview? YES/NO

Do you have Disciplinary action pending? YES/NO
Do you have Disciplinary action on file? YES/NO


The nature of this work requires that all employees are subjects of a police criminal records
check. This must be undertaken before an offer of employment can be confirmed. A
criminal record may not, itself, disqualify from employment, but failure to disclose such a
conviction may.
The Rehabilitation of Offenders Act does apply to this position and call cautions and
convictions for specified serious violent and sexual offences and other specified offeces of
relevance to posts concerned with safequarding vulnerable adults will be subject to
The amendments to the Exception Order 1975 (2013) provide that certain spent convictions
and cautions are ‘’protect’’ and are not subject to disclosure. Guidance and criteria on the
filtering of these cautions and convictions can be found on the Disclosure and Barring
service website.

Have you a prosecution pending? YES/NO

Have you ever been convicted at a Court or been cautioned by the police YES/NO
for any offence?
Have you ever received a reprimand or warning for any offence? YES/NO
If yes to any of the above, please provide details below:
Date of offence/caution:
Nature of offence:


Have you ever been referred for inclusion on the DBS Adult first List? YES/NO
Are you currently included on the DBS Adult First List? YES/NO
Are you involved in a matter being considered as a Safeguarding matter? YES/NO

I declare that the information I have given in this application form and the Health
Assessment form is to the best of my knowledge correct. I understand that any offer of,
or my employment, may be terminated immediately if it is subsequently discovered that I
have given information which is untrue or misleading, or that I have withheld
Signed: Print Name: Date:

JULY 2013




Please use block capitals throughout.
The recruitment process within this organisation has a minimum of two stages. The information given will
be reviewed completion of application is part of the frist stage. The information given will be reviewed and
a decision made as to whether or not to proceed to Stage two, the Interview.

Position applied for: ……………………………………..

Surname: Forenames: Date of Birth:

Nat. Ins No:

Home Adress: Name& Address of next of Kin

Post Code: Post code:

Home Tel. No. Mobile: Tel. No: Relationship

Marital Status: Nationality:

Education: Qualifications:
Schools/Colleges/University attended

Professional Education: Qualifications:

College attended:

Nursing Staff only:

PIN No:……………………………… Expiry Date:………………………….

Employment History:
Please list previous jobs for last 10 years, starting with most recent first. (Or enclose Curriculum

Name of Employer, Job Title & Start date Finish Reason for Leaving

Continue on a separate sheet if

Short Courses Attended Location Date
relevant to position

You must provide references from your two most recent employers. Please provide an additional
character reference.
All will be contacted so please inform referees that you have used their name.
Current or most recent Previous employer Character reference
employer reference

Name: Name: Name:

Address: Address: Address:

Post Code: Post Code: Post Code:

Tel. No: Tel. No: Tel. No:
E-Mail: E-Mail: E-Mail:
I confirm that the information I have given on this is correct and that misleading statements may
be sufficient for cancelling any agreement made. Because of the sensitive nature of the duties that
the duties that the post holder will be expected to undertake, I aslo undersand that the
declaration will include details of any criminal convictions, cautions, reprimands and final
warnings and any other information that may have a bearing an my suitability for the post. I
understand too, that an Enhanced Disclosure will be sought in the event of a successful
Signature:………… Date:…………………….
Office use only:

Interview date: Proof of Address on file:

Proceed to Stage two:

CRB from completed: References requested:

Offer of Employment:

Start date:

Photographic evidence checked and on file: Date requested:

Copy of Birth Certificate on file:

Employment history Istoricul angajarii
Need Necaz, nevoie
References Referinte
Relative Ruda
Suitable Corespunzator, potrivit
Work experience Experienta de munca

- Hello! When can we make the interview?

- Tomorrow morning at 10.00? Will be suitable for you?
- Sorry! Tomorrow at 10.00 I will have other interviews. Maybe next Monday at 9.00?
- It will be perfect. How it will be?
- I will call you and if everything will be fine we will see on Skype. Is it OK for you?
- Yes . It is fine.
- See you on Monday.
- Thank you. Bye-bye.

- Buna ziua! Cand putem sa facem interviul?

- Maine dimineata la 10? Este bine pentru tine?
- Scuze! Maine dimineata la 10 am alte interviuri. Lunea viitoare la 9 este bine?
- E perfect. Cum o sa fie?
- O sa te sun si daca totul o sa fie bine o sa ne vedem pe Skype. Este bine asa?
- Da, este bine.
- Pe luni atunci.
- Multumesc. La revedere.

We will ask you to do a self-presentation (as widely as possible).
Why do you think you are good for nursing job?
Where have you worked before and what did you do?
Why do you want to work in UK?
Do you have relatives or friends in UK?
Do you want to work in a certain area in UK?
Do you want to go alone or with family in the UK?
How many needs has Virginia Henderson?
When did you apply for PIN?
When will be you available to come in UK?
Please spell your name.

Buna ziua.
O sa va rugam sa faceti o prezentare despre dumneavoastra (cat de larga posibil).
De ce credeti ca sunteti bun pentru postul de asistent?
Unde ati lucrat inainte si ce ati facut?
De ce vreti sa lucrati in UK?
Aveti familie sau prieteni in UK?
Vreti sa lucrati intr-o zona anume in UK?
Doriti sa veniti singur sau cu familia in UK?
Cate nevoi are Virgina Henderson?
Cand ati aplicat pentru PIN?
Cand o sa puteti veni in UK?
Va rog sa va spuneti numele pe litere?

Additional hours Ore suplimentare
Bank holiday Zi libera
Capitals Litere mari
Draf contract Ciorna de contract
Holiday Concediu, vacanta
Key duties and responsabilities Principalele indatoriri si
Offer letter Scrisoare de oferta
Reason Motiv
Registered nurse Asistent medical inregistrat
Salary payment Plata salariului

- Hello Flavia!
- Hello, Mrs. Moore.
- I call you with a good news. We want to hire you.
- Oh. I am so glad. Which are the next steps?
- I will send you our job offer. Please read it carefully and send it back sign by you. In
this offer you will find all info that you need: location, salary, holiday, additional
- Thank you. I am waiting. Bye.

- Buna Flavia!
- Buna ziua, domnisoara Moore.
- Am vesti bune. Vrem sa te angajam.
- Oh. Sunt atat de entuziasmata. Care sunt pasi urmatori?
- O sa iti trimit oferta de munca. Te rog sa o citesti cu atentie si sa o trimiti inapoi
semnata. In aceasta oferta o sa gasesti toate informatiile de care ai nevoie: locatie,
salariu, vacanta, ore suplimentare.
- Multumesc. Astept. La revedere.



ADDRESS TBC 20 May 2015


Offer of Employment - Garden Nursing Home – Registered Nurse

Following your telephone interview for the above position we have pleasure in sending you this offer
letter. Prior to confirming your employment the company needs to be in the receipt of two satisfactory
references as well as DBS clearance. These are conditions precedent to this offer of employment and in
the unlikely event that the required information does not come through or is not satisfactory then the
employer reserves the right to terminate the contract of employment.

The employment is offered on the understanding that a placement fee is being paid to a third party, Ro
Expert. In the event that the employee leaves for whatever reason, or the employer terminates the
employment due to gross misconduct within 6 months of the start date then the employee shall be liable
to reimburse the employer for the recruitment agent’s placement fee deductable on a pro rata basis. The
employer will deduct this sum from the final salary payment and by accepting this offer the employee
agrees to this condition. The deductable sum will be calculated pro rata, based on length of employment –
i.e. for every month worked, the balance will reduce until clear after 6 months.

The details of this offer are as follows;

Employer Garden Properties Ltd

Location Garden Nursing Home, Lane, Littlewick
Start Date 11th June 2015
Position Registered Nurse
Reporting To Home Manager
Pay £12.50/ hour – inc. Weekend/Night/Bank Holiday
Hours of Work This position demands 42 working hours per week as standard. However, additional
hours may be required
Holiday 28 days including bank holidays

A draft contract will be forwarded to you for your perusal along with the key duties and responsibilities on
acceptance of this offer. Please confirm your acceptance of this offer of employment by signing the
attached and returning to us at your earliest convenience.

Yours sincerely NAVA MOORE

Managing Director
For and On Behalf of Garden Properties Ltd

I, Flavia Popa, confirm acceptance of the above offer.

Signed: ………………………………………… Date:……………………………….

Name in Capitals: ……………………………………….6

36 hours per week 36 ore pe saptamana
Absent Absent
Action disciplinary Masura disciplinara
Agreement, contract Contract, intelegere
Appeal Apel la o hotarare
Break Pauza
Case of emergency Caz de urgenta
Collective agreement Contract colectiv
Compensatory time Timp compensatoriu
Complain Plangere
Confidentiality Confidentialitate
Contents Continut
CRB (Criminal records bureau) Cazier judiciar
Damage Paguba, prejudiciu
Day and night shift Schimb, (tura) zi si noapte
Deduction Deducere
Disciplinary procedure Procedura disciplinara
Discrimination Discriminare
Discussion Conversatie, discutie
Entitlement Dreptul
Equal opportunity Drepturi, oportunitati egale
Formally notifiend Notificare formala
Grievance procedure Procedura abuziva
Harassment Hartuiala
Health and safety Sanatate si siguranta
Holiday request Cerere de concediu
In house In cadrul firmei
Incapacity for work Incapacitate de munca
Instant dismissal Concediere imediata
Job description Descrierea locului de munca
Maternity benefits Concediu de maternitate
Medical certification Certificat medical
Mutual consent Acord reciproc
National insurance number Numar de asigurare national
Notice Aviz, notificare

Pension scheme Schema de pensie
Period of sickness Plata concediului medical
Place of work Locul de munca
Policy Politica
Public holiday Zi libera legala
Reasonable alternative Alternativa rezonabila
Resident Rezident
Rules and regulations Reguli si dispozitii
Salary, wage Salariu, leafa
Second job Al doilea loc de munca
Shift Schimb, tura
Staff meetings Intalniri, sedinte cu personalul
Staff training Cursuri de pregatire cu
Statutory sick pay Perioada concediului medical
Temporary work Munca temporara
Terms and condition Termeni si conditii
To commence A incepe
Probationary period Perioada de proba
Uniform Uniforma
Visitor Vizitator

- Hello Mrs. Moore. I receive you agreement and I have some questions.
- Please, tell me more.
- Will be remuneration £ 13/hour for additional hours?
- No. We will pay you £13/hour and for additional hours you will be payed with £
- Ok, and where I will work?
- You can see in agreement that you will work in ST. GEORGE HOSPITAL.

-Buna ziua domnisoara Moore. Am primit contractul de la dumneavoastra si am

cateva intrebari.
- Te rog, care sunt problemele?
- Salariul o sa fie de £ 13 pe ora pentru orele suplimentare.
- Nu. O sa te platim cu £ 13 pe ora si orele suplimentare o sa fii platita cu £13.5.
- Bine si unde o sa lucrez?
- Poti sa vezi in contract ca o sa lucrezi la Spitalul Sfantul George.


Healthcare Ltd
London WT 123PU


Date: 01.07.2015

1. Introduction

1.1. This statement sets out the particulars of your employment with the Company as
at today’s date which are required to be given to you under the Employment Rights
Act 1999.
1.2. Your employment commenced on 01/07/2015 and no employment with a
previous employer counts as part of a period of continuous employment.

2. Job Title

2.1. The title of the job, which you are employed to do, is RN. You may be required to
undertake all the duties that are within your capabilities within the context of this
Job Title.

3. Remuneration

3.1. £13.00 per hour. (Pay rate will be reviewed in 3 months) Only Christmas day
(25th Dec) and New Year’s day (1st Jan) Time & Half.
3.1.1. Pay period runs from 16th to 15th of every month and wages are paid by BACS
transfer on the last day of each month between 9.00 am to 5.00 pm. If, for some
reason, wages are not paid on that date then wages will be paid the following day.

4. Hours of Work

4.1. Your contracted hours of work are 36hrs per week. You will be working shift
works as to the needs of the home and this would include day or night work. Your
contracted weekly hours may be reduced if the home occupancy goes down and If
there is a temporary shortage of work, we reserve the right to lay off staff.

5. Place of Work

5.1. Your principle place of work will be St Georges

5.1.1. We can require you to work at any reasonable operational location, now or in
the future. This may occasionally include travel within the UK on our behalf. We
determine your work location strictly on business need.

6. Holidays

6.1. You are entitled to take 5.6 weeks holidays

6.2. All holidays are assessed on a pro rata/accrual full month basis.
6.3. If your employment commenced or terminates part way through the holiday
year, your entitlement to holidays during that year will be assessed on a pro
rata/accrual full monthly basis. Deductions from final salary due to you on
termination of employment will be made in respect of any holiday taken in excess of
entitlement. Holidays must be taken at times convenient to the company and
sufficient notice of intention to take holiday must be given.
6.4. No more than 14 days’ holiday may be taken at any one time unless the Area
Manager gives permission in writing.
6.5. Holiday entitlement unused at the end of the holiday year cannot be carried over
into the next holiday year.
6.6. You cannot take any holiday during the first three months. No holiday is allowed
during Christmas and New Year unless approved in writing by the Area Manager.
6.7. The company does not pay for compassionate leave. However, you can take
unpaid leave.

7. Breaks

7.1. All staff should have ¼ hour break during an early shift and ¼ hour break during
an afternoon shift. If working a long day, it should be ¼ in the morning, ½ hour for
lunch and ¼ hour again for tea. Night staff should have a 1-hour break, ½ hour break
around 11.00 pm and a ½ hour break around 2.00 am.
7.2. If for any reason, i.e. in the case of emergencies, staff are not able to take their
break at the allocated time, then there should be compensatory time allowed for.
7.3. If an emergency should occur during the staff member’s break, they must deal
with this and then return to their break. Staff are not allowed to leave the premises
during their break.
7.4. No Meals are provided by the home during your working hours.
7.5. Breaks are not paid.

7.6. You must have specific regard to our business needs when you take such breaks.

8. Absence through Sickness

8.1. If you are absent from work on account of sickness or injury, you or someone on
your behalf should inform the Company of the reason for your absence as soon as
possible but no later than 10 am on the working day on which the absence first

8.2. In respect of sickness lasting seven or fewer calendar days you need not produce
a medical certificate unless you are specifically asked to do so.

8.3. For any absence for sickness or injury you will be required to provide a self-
certificate upon the day of returning to work in the form attached to this statement.

8.4. In respect of an absence lasting more than seven calendar days, you must, on
the eighth calendar day of absence, provide a medical certificate stating the reason
for absence and thereafter provide a like certificate each week to cover any
subsequent period of absence.

9. Statutory Sick Pay

9.1. This replaces the State Sickness Benefit for the first twenty-eight weeks of
absence through sickness in any one period. It is paid to you by the Company on
behalf of the State and is subject to PAYE and NI Contributions.

9.2. Your entitlement to SSP depends on:

9.2.1. The number of days of sickness - there is no entitlement for the first three
qualifying days.

9.2.2. Your normal weekly earnings.

9.2.3. Proper notification to the company through sickness (which you must do
before the end of the first qualifying day);

9.2.4. Proper provision of certificates, that is, a self-certificate for the first seven days
of illness and a Doctor’s certificate thereafter. Your qualifying days for SSP are those
you normally work.
10. Absence

10.1. The company operates a strict absence policy and any absence will be subject
to factual reasons behind the absence. If the manager is not satisfied with the
evidence provided we reserve the right to follow disciplinary procedures or to serve
notice to terminate your employment at any time.

11. Collective Agreements

11.1. There are no collective agreements affecting your employment.

12. Pension Scheme

12.1. The Company does operate a pension scheme applicable to your employment.
Please consult the Head Office

13. Notice of termination of Employment

13.1. The first six months of your employment will be probationary and your contract
will be temporary. After the expiry of your probation period your contract will
become permanent. During this period we will review with you your performance
and suitability. We hope to confirm your employment following such review.
Sometimes it may be necessary to extend your probation period with your
knowledge. We may also terminate your employment at any time during the
probation if you do not reach the standards we require.

14. Additional Notice Provisions

14.1. Your contract of employment remains in force during the notice period.
However, we may require you not to attend your normal place of work. We may
require you not to perform your regular duties. We may provide reasonable
alternatives. We may let you stay at home (garden leave). This is all at our absolute

14.2. You must remain available for us to contact you and to work if we wish. You
may not take any alternative employment during this period except with our express
written consent. We may expect you take any accrued leave.

14.3. We may make a payment in lieu of notice at our absolute discretion. Where we
offer such payment, subsequent discovery of any repudiatory breach of contract on
your part will lead to revocation. Where payment has already been made and we
discover such conduct, we have the right to seek recovery.

15. Disciplinary Procedures

15.1. The disciplinary procedure applicable to you is attached to this statement.

Please note the company does not pay any wages to any employee following instant
dismissal due to gross misconduct.

16. Health and Safety at Work

16.1. You are reminded that you have a statutory duty to observe all health and
safety rules and to take all reasonable care to promote the health and safety at work
of yourself and your fellow employees. Willful breaches of the health and safety
policy will be dealt with through the disciplinary procedure.

17. Changes to your Terms of Employment

17.1. The Company reserves the right to make reasonable changes to any of your
terms and conditions of employment.

17.2. You will be notified in writing of any minor changes of detail not later that one
month after the change has taken place.

17.3. You will be given no less than one month’s prior written notice of any
significant changes in the terms and conditions of your employment and such
changes shall be deemed accepted unless you notify the Company of any objections
in writing before the expiry of the one-month period.

17.4. We may occasionally expect you to work beyond the hours you normally work.
We only do this if there is urgent business need and you will be paid for your
additional hours of work in the same way.

18. Deductions
18.1. The Company may require you to repay any losses sustained in relation to the
property or money of the Company, Resident, Visitor or other Employee of the
Company caused through the carelessness, negligence, recklessness, breach of the
Company’s Disciplinary Rules and Procedures, or any dishonesty on your part, either
by deduction from salary or any other method reasonably acceptable to the

19. Deductions from Pay

19.1. We can require you to repay us, by deduction from pay or any other method
acceptable to us:
19.1.1. Reasonable losses to property or monies sustained by us, any other
employee, our clients, customers or visitors. This applies when due to your
carelessness, negligence, recklessness, breach of procedures/rules or
dishonesty/commission of an unlawful act.

19.1.2. Any damages, expenses or other monies reasonably payable by us to a third

party for your act or omission.

19.1.3. Remuneration, expenses or other payments made in error or by

inappropriate claim/misrepresentation.

19.1.4. Holiday pay, which already exceeds your accrued holiday entitlement at the
date of leaving your employment.

19.1.5. An amount equal to our reasonable loss or the extra cost of covering your
duties should you fail to work your full contractual notice. This applies when you
leave our employment early without our agreement.

19.1.6. Attachment of earnings orders and any other statutory deductions orders
issued to us.

19.1.7. Costs resulting from any training paid for, should you leave our employment
early before your contract period expires

19.1.8. Any other sums you owe including, but not limited to, outstanding loans,
advances and relocation expenses
20. Gratuities

20.1. You may not either directly or indirectly receive or accept for your own benefit
any gift, commission, rebate, discount, gratuity or profit from any resident or from
any person, Company or firm having transactions with the Company without the
written consent of the Managing Director of the Company.

21. Equal Opportunities

21.1. This Company supports the principle of equal opportunities in employment

irrespective of gender or race and believes that as part of the principle male and
female staff whatever race should receive equal pay for the same or broadly similar
work, for work rated as equivalent and for work of equal value.

21.2. The Company’s Policy is that all employees have the right to be treated with
dignity. Harassment will not be permitted or condoned.

21.3. Any complaint concerning discrimination or harassment of whatsoever nature

should be raised as a grievance under the Company’s grievance procedure.

22. CRB

22.1. This contract is subject to obtaining a full clear CRB and if at any time during
employment a CRB is not satisfactory to the company, it reserves the right to
terminate the contract. A repeat CRB will be done after completing three years of
your employment at the cost of the employee.

23. Courses/Training

23.1. If you have been sponsored to go on any course and have not completed it for
any reason, the company will deduct the full course fee and the number of paid
hours allocated to you for the course. If you leave the company within one year of
completion of the course, the company reserves the right to deduct the full course
fee and any hours allocated to you for the course.

23.1.1. You will be required to attend all mandatory training as requested by home

23.2. Managers and other senior personnel should give a formal handover to any
new Managers/Senior staff prior to leaving. On termination of employment all due
holidays should also be taken prior to the end of the employment. The Operational
Manager should also be advised of all the computers and email passwords at all

23.3. Should any full time employee start a second job they should get permission
first in writing from the Manager of the home. The company will also deduct any
agency fee if paid to any company for your recruitment.

24. Confidentiality

24.1. Confidentiality should be taken very seriously and any confidential information
should not be discussed without the approval of the person in charge. Any breach of
confidentiality will lead to immediate suspension also Healthcare Ltd operates a very
strict sound, media and phone policy which all employees are expected to abide by.

25. Miscellaneous

25.1. This contract remains subject to a full clear CRB at any time.

25.2. Uniforms will be required and you are required to pay for the cost of the
uniform or it may be deducted from your wages at the discretion of the manager.

25.3. You are required to inform the company immediately of any changes to your
contact detail, i.e. address and telephone number as the company is required to keep
your up to date details at all times. Failure to do so may result in disciplinary action
being taken.

25.4. The national minimum wage rate applies for worker under aged 21 which are as
follows: 18 – 20 £5.03, under 18 £3.72 Apprentice £2.68
25.5. Application to be the registered manager with CQC must be made at start of

25.6. No change of pin numbers/passwords for emails, computers or bankcards is

allowed unless approved by the Group Manager/Director. The company reserves the
right to access your email and computers at any time.

25.7. If references are requested on behalf of any employee it is Aster policy that we
send a standard reference confirming the dates of employment and the job title only.

25.8. You are required to advise the company if you have any other member of
family or close friend working within the group and also if any resident within the
group is a relative of your's

25.9. No staff is allowed to forward any Aster emails to their personal emails or to
any third party without strict approval in writing from the Operational Manager or
Director. Failure to do so will be considered gross misconduct .


I accept this employment on the terms and conditions identified above. I understand
and accept that these are the prime documents for setting out my terms and
conditions of employment. I will ensure I remain aware of their contents.



I acknowledge that the organisation and/or its third party representatives retain
personal data about me. I am aware that such data may be paper based and/or
stored electronically. I give my permission for such data to be processed in a fair and
lawful manner. I acknowledge that legislation requires my employer to enroll eligible
jobholders into an auto-enrolment workplace pension scheme. Subject to my
eligibility, I give permission to deduct my contributions from my salary/wages. Such
deduction is subject to my right to opt-out of these provisions as prescribed by

Signed: .......................................................... Name:……………………… ……………..


Dated: ..............01-07-2015............................................

I accept the terms and conditions set out above.

Signed: ......................................................... Name: ……................................................

Dated: ................04-06-2015.......................................... 7

Check Verificare
CRB – Criminal Records Bureau Cazier judiciar
Employer Angajator
Volunteer Voluntar

Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks (previously CRB

1. Overview
2. Documents the applicant must provide
3. Arranging checks as an employer
4. Tracking the application and getting a certificate
5. DBS barred lists
6. Appeals and disputes
7. Contact the Disclosure and Barring Service

1. Overview

The Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) and the Independent Safeguarding

Authority (ISA) have merged to become the Disclosure and Barring Service
(DBS). CRB checks are now called DBS checks.

A DBS check may be needed for:

 certain jobs or voluntary work, eg working with children or in healthcare

 applying to foster or adopt a child

There are different rules for getting a criminal record check

inScotland and Northern Ireland.

Who can ask for a DBS check

An employer can ask for a DBS check for certain roles.

DBS eligibility guidance lists most roles that are eligible for a check. However,
the guidance isn’t comprehensive so contact DBS if unsure.

Applicants (job candidates) can’t do a criminal records check on themselves.

Instead, they can request a ‘basic disclosure’ fromDisclosure Scotland (you
don’t have to be from Scotland to do this).

How to get a DBS check

1. The employer gets an application form from DBS or an umbrella body (a
registered body that gives access to DBS checks).
2. The employer gives the applicant the form to fill in and return to them along
with documents proving their identity.
3. The employer sends the completed application form to DBS or their umbrella
4. DBS sends a certificate to the applicant. The employer has to ask the
applicant to see the certificate.

If the applicant has subscribed to the DBS update service, the employer can
check their certificate online.

How long a DBS check is valid

A DBS check has no official expiry date. Any information included will be
accurate at the time the check was carried out. It is up to an employer to
decide if and when a new check is needed.

Applicants and employers can use the DBS update service to keep a
certificate up to date or carry out checks on a potential employee’s certificate.

Types of criminal records check

There are 3 types of check. The employer or organisation running the check
should provide the applicant with more information about the level of check

DBS check applicants must be 16 or over.

The time it takes to process a DBS check depends on:

 the level of check

 if the details given for the check are correct
 what police forces need to be involved in the check

Generally, it can take around 8 weeks to get a DBS check.

Standard (£26)

This checks for spent and unspent convictions, cautions, reprimands and final

Enhanced (£44)

This includes the same as the standard check plus any additional information
held by local police that’s reasonably considered relevant to
the workforcebeing applied for (adult, child or ‘other’ workforce).

‘Other’ workforce means those who don’t work with children or adults
specifically, but potentially both, eg taxi drivers. In this case, the police will
only release information that’s relevant to the post being applied for.

Enhanced with list checks (£44)

This is like the enhanced check, but includes a check of the DBS barred lists.

An employer can only ask for a barred list check for specific roles. It’s a
criminal offence to ask for a check for any other roles.

Checks for eligible volunteers are free of charge. This includes anyone who
spends time helping people and is:

 not being paid (apart from for travel and other approved out of pocket
 not only looking after a close relative

An employer can only apply for a check if the job or role is eligible for one.
They must tell the applicant why they’re being checked and where they can
get independent advice.8



TITLE (Mr,Mrs,Ms,Miss):
Give details below including dates from and to. If more than 3 changes use cont.
Dates (month & year) From: To:
Dates (month & year) From: To:
Dates (month & year) From: To:
Please forward copies of all
identification documents taken with this


All other addresses must be provided where applicant has lived for the previous 5
years including dates from and to. There must be no gaps in dates (provide on cont.
sheet if required)
Address (incl. Post Code):

From: To:

Address (incl. Post Code):

From: To:
Address (incl. Post Code):

From: To:

Has the applicant been convicted of a YES NO

criminal offence or received a caution
reprimand or warning?
Applicant’s signature


For office use only:

UCheck Ref. No:

What Documents Need to be Produced:

Group 1 – Primary Trusted Identity Credentials

 Current valid Passport

 Current Driving Licence (photo card is only valid if the associated
counterpart licence is also produced)
 Birth Certificate

Group 2a – Trusted Government/State Issued Documents

 Current UK Driving Licence (old style paper version)

 Marriage/Civil Partnership certificate (UK)
 Adoption Certificate (UK)
 HM Forces ID Card (UK)

Group 2b –Financial/Social History

 Mortgage Statement (UK)**

 Bank/Building Society Statement (UK)*
 Credit Card Statement (UK)
 P45/60 (UK)**
 Council Tax Statement (UK)**
 Work Permit/Visa (Resident permit – valid up to expiry date)**
 Utility Bill (UK)*
 Benefit Statement e.g. Child Allowance, Pension*
 Job Centre document, Department for Work & Pensions document*
 EU National ID Card
Items marked * - should be less than 3 months old
Items marked ** - should be issued within last 12 months9

Account Cont
Accountant, bookkeeper Contabil
Balance Sold
Banknote Bancnota
Banking Bancar
Bankruptcy Faliment
Broke Lefter
Brookkeeping Contabilitate
Cheque Cec
Coin Moneda
Credit, loan Imprumut
Currency Valuta
Deposit Depozit bancar
Duty, tax Imprumut
Guarantee Gaj
Interest Dobanda
Money Bani
Pound Lira sterlina
Receipt Chitanta
Savings-bank Banca de economii
To borrow, to lend A imprumuta
To convert A converti
To credit A credita
To guarantee, to warrant A garanta

- Hello. I want to open a bank account.

- Are you an employee?
- I am working at a hospital. I am a nurse.
- How much is your salary?
- It will be £35.000/year
- You must bring proof of your address, 2-3 bills and your passport.
- When can I use this account?
- Account will be ready in 3 days.

- Buna ziua. Vreau sa deschid un cont bancar.

- Sunteti angajat?
- Eu lucrez la spital. Sunt asistent medical.
- Cat este salariul dumneavoastra?
- O sa fie £35.000 pe an.
- Trebuie sa aduceti dovada unde locuiti , 2-3 facturi si pasaportul.
- Cand o sa pot folosi contul?
- Contul o sa fie gata in 3 zile.

Banking Account

Our bank accounts for UK non-residents can serve your everyday banking
needs in most places in the world
We take a global view of your banking needs. Our bank accounts for non -
resident clients are designed to operate internationally and come with the
full range of facilities that you expect from a major inter national bank.

Non-resident bank account services

You can have a UK bank account or one located in an offshore center,

depending on which is best for your financial planning needs. Wherever your
account is located, you have the confidence of knowing that these are well-
run, stable territories and that the world -renowned Barclays name is behind
the service.


Our bank accounts offer all the functions required for international banking,
as well as meeting your day-to-day needs.


We offer a choice of location, currency and account type. You can choose to
have your account located in the UK or offshore in Jersey or the Isle of Man.
For currencies, you can choose between sterling, euros or US dollars.


You can manage your everyday banking at a time that suits you with
telephone and internet banking. For those with more complex requirements,
we offer a Relationship Service.


Your online security is a top priority for us. As well as using the latest
security technology to handle your electronic transactions, we provide you
with a unique membership number and pass code so you can access your UK
bank account when you want. For international payments ma de online, we
offer a discount on the standard tariff (subject to a maximum daily limit of
£50,000 or local currency equivalent).


In all cases, your account with Barclays Wealth and Investment Management
is the gateway to a host of extra services, including loans and mortgages,
savings and investments, wills and estate planning.


 Proof of identity, such as a passport

 Proof of residence, such as a recent utilities bill
 Bring these items to a branch or send certified copies 10

Address Adresa
Advance Avans
Apartment Apartament
Avenve, boulevard Bulevard
Basement Subsol
Bathroom Camera de baie
Bill Factura de utilitati
Block of flats Bloc apartamente
Building Cladire
Ceiling Tavan
Chalet Cabana
Court Curte
Council Tax Taxa locala (de consiliu)
District Cartier
Domicile, residence Domiciliu
Door Usa
Downstairs, first floor, grand Parter
Electricity Electricitate
Elevator, lift Ascensor
Forest Padure, codru
Fence Gard
Field Camp, domeniu
Fireplace Camin, semineu, vatra
Floor Dusumea, pardoseala
Floor, storey Etaj
Garage Garaj
Gas Gaz
Gate Poarta
Host Gazda
Home, house Casa
Kitchen Bucatarie
Landlord Proprietar
Lane Stradela, ulita
Market, square Piata
Neinghbour Vecin

Place Loc, localitate, locuinta
Radiator Calorifer
Real estate Agentie imobilara
Region Regiune
Rent Chirie
Room Camera
Shower Dus
Street Strada
Studio apartment, one room Garsoniera
Tenant Chirias
To live, to reside A trai, a locui
Town Oras
Villa Vila
Wall Perete, zid
Water Apa
Window Fereastra
Yard Curte

We live in a small town, in a nice district with good neighbours.

We live in a house. It isn’t a big house. It has 3 bedrooms and a nice big saloon.
We work with a real estate, we don’t know our landlord.
Our house has a big court with green grass, flowers and trees.
We payed for three months in advance and now we pay monthly. We pay our bills
and council tax.

Noi traim intr-un orasel mic, intru-un cartier frumos cu vecini buni.
Traim intr-o casa. Nu e o casa mare. Are 3 dormitoare si un living mare.
Noi lucram cu agentie imobiliara, nu ne cunoastem proprietarul.
Casa noastra are o curte mare cu iarba verde, flori si copaci.
Am platit in avans 3 luni si acum platim in fiecare luna. Ne platim facturile si taxele
catre consiliu.



This Rental Agreement or Residential Lease shall evidence the complete terms and
conditional under which the parties whose signatures appear below have agreed.
Landlord/Lessor/Agent, ____________________, shall be referred to as „OWNER’’
and Tenant(s)/Lessee, __________________, shall be referred to as „RESIDENT”. As
consideration for this agreement, OWNER agrees to rent/lease to RESIDENT and
RESIDENT agrees to rent/lease from OWNER for use solely as a private residence, the
premises located at __________________ in the city of ______________________.

1. TERMS: RESIDENT agrees to pay in advance £ ______ per month on the ___ day
of each month. This agreement shall commence on ___, ___ and continue; (check

A. ___ unitil ___, ____as a leasehold. Thereafter it shall become a month- to-month
tenancy. If RESIDENT should move from the premises prior to the expiration of this
time period, he shall be liable for all rent due unitil such time that the Residence is
occupied by an OWNER approved paying RESIDENT and/or expiration of said time
period, whichever is shorter.

B. ___ unitil _______,___________ on a month-to-month tenancy unitil either party

shall terminate this agreement by giving a written notice of intention to terminate at
least 30 days prior to the date of termination.

2. PAYMENTS: Rent and/or pther charges are to be paid at such place or method
designated by the owner as follows _____________. All payments are to be made by
check or money order and cash shall £ ____, and additional charges/fees for
__________, for a total payment of £ _____. All payments are to be made payable to

3. SECURITY DEPOSITS: The total of the above shall secure compliance with the
terms and conditions of this agreement and shall be refunded to RESIDENT within
_____days after the premises have been completely vacated less any amount

necessary to pay OWNER; a) any unpaid rent, b) cleaning costs, c)key replacement
costs, d) cost for repair of damages to premises and/or common areas above
ordinary wear and tear, and e) any other amount legally allowable under the terms
of this agreement. A written accounting of said charges shall be presented to
RESIDENT within _______ day of move-out. If deposits do not cover such costs and
damages, the RESIDENT shall immediately pay said additional cost for damages to

4. LATE CHARGE: A late fee of £ _____, (not to exceed ____% of the monthly rent),
shall be added and due for any payment of rent made after the _______ of the
month. Any dishonored check shall be treated as unpaid rent, and subject to an
additional fee of £ ________.

5. UTILITIES: RESIDENT agrees to pay all utilities and/or services based upon
occupancy of the premises except _________________.

6. OCCUPANTS: Guest(s) staying over 15 day without the written consent of OWNER
shall be considered a breach of this agreement. ONLY the following individuals
and/or animals, AND NO OTHERS shal occupy the subject residence for more than 15
day unless the expressed written consent of OWNER obtained in advance

7. PETS: No animal, fowl, fish, reptile, and/or pet of any kind shall be kept on or
about the premises, for any amount of time, without obtaining the prior written
consent and meeting the requirements of the OWNER. Such consent if granted, shall
be granted to have a pet and/or animal of any kind, an additional deposit in the
amount of £ ___________ shall be required along with additional monthly rent of
£_______ along with the signing of OWNER’S Pet Agreement. RESIDENT aslo agrees
to carry insurance deemed appropriate by OWNER to cover liability and damages
that may be caused by such animals.

8. LIQUID FILLED FURNISHINGS: No liquid filled furniture, receptacle containing more

than ten gallons of the OWNER. RESIDENT also agrees to carry insurance deemed
appropriate by OWNER to cover possible losses that may be caused by such items.

9. PARKING: When and if RESIDENT is assigned a paking area/space on OWNER’S
property, the parking area/space shall be used exclusively for parking of passenger
automobiles and/or those approved vihicles listed on RESIDENT’S Application
attached hereto. RESIDENT is hereby assignet or permitted to park only in the
following area or space __________. The parking fee for this space (if applicable is £
________ monthly. Said space shall not be used for the washing, painting, or repair
of vehicles. No other parking space shall be used by RESIDENT or RESIDENT guest(s).
RESIDENT is responsible for oil leaks and other vehicle discharges for which RESIDENT
shall be charged for cleaning if deemed necessary by OWNER.

10. NOISE: RESIDENT agrees not to cause or allow or any noise or activity on the
premises which might disturb the peace and quiet of another RESIDENT and/or
neighbor. Said noise and/or activity shall be a breach of this agreement.

11. DESTRUCTION OF PREMISES: If the premises become totally or partially

destroyed during the term of this Agreement so that RESIDENT’S use is seriously
impaired, OWNER or RESIDENT may terminate this Agreement immediately upon
three day written notice to the other.

12. CONDITION OF PREMISES: RESIDENT acknowledges that he has examined the

premises and that said premises, all furnishings, fixtures, furniture, plumbing,
heating, electrical facilities, all items listed on the attached property condition
checklist, if any, and/or all items listed on the attached property condition checklist,
if any, and/or all other items provided by OWNER are all clean, and in good
satisfactory condition except as may be indicated elsewhere in this Agreement.
RESIDENT agrees to keep the premises and all items in good order and good
condition and to immediately pay for costs to repair and/or replace any portion of
the above damaged by RESIDENT, his guests or/and invitees, except as provided by
law. At the termination of this Agreement, all of above items in this provision shall be
returned to OWNER in clean and good condition except for reasonable wear and
tear and the premises shall be free of all personal property and trash not belonging
to OWNER. It is agreed that all dirt, holes, tears, burns, and stains of any size or
amount in the carpets, draps, walls, fixtures, and/or any other part of the premises,
do not constitue reasonable wear and tear.

13. ALTERATIONS: RESIDENT shall not paint, wallpaper, alter or redecorate, change
or install locks, install antenna or other equipment, screws, fastening devices, large
nails, or adhesive materials, place signs, displays, or other exhibits, on or in any
portion of the premises without the written consent of the OWNER except as my be
provided by law.

14. PROPERTY MAINTENANCE: RESIDENT shall deposit all waste in a clean and
sanitary manner into the proper receptacles and shall cooperate in keeping the
garbage area neat and clean. RESIDENT shall be responsible for disposing of items of
such size and nature as are not normally acceptable by the garbage hauler. RESIDENT
shall be responsible for keeping the kitchen and bathroom drains free of things that
may need to be cleared of stoppage and for the expense or damage caused by
stopping of waste pipes or overflow from bathtubs, wash basins, or sinhs.

15. HOUSE RULES: RESIDENT shall comply with all house rules as stated on separate
addendum, but which are deemed part of this rental agreement, and a violation of
any of the house rules is considered a breach of this agreement.

16. CHANGE OF TERMS: T he terms and conditions of this agreement are subject to
future change by OWNER after the expiration of the agreed lease period upon 30-day
written notice setting forth such change and delivered to RESIDENT. Any changes are
subject to laws in existence at the time of the Notice of Change Of Terms.

17. TERMINATION: After expiration of the leasing period, this agreement is

automatically renewed from month to month, but may be terminated by either party
giving to the other a 30-day written notice of intention to terminate. Where laws
require „just cause”, such just cause shall be so stated on said notice. The premises
shall be considered vacated furnished for RESIDENT’S use are returned to OWNER.
Should the RESIDENT shall be liable for termination date or fail to vacate all
possessions on or befor the termination date, RESIDENT shall be liable for additional
rent and damages which may include demages due to OWNER’S loss of prospective
new renters.

18. POSSESION: If OWNER is unable to deliver possession of the residence to

RESIDENTS on the agreed date, because of the loss or destruction of the residence or
because of the failure of the prior residents to vacate or for any other reason, the
RESIDENT and/or OWNER may immediately cancel and terminate this agreement
upon written notice to the other party at their last known address, whereupon
neither party shall have liability to the other, and any sums paid under this
Agreement shall be refunded in full. If neither party cancels, this Agreement shall be
prorated and begin on the of actual possession.

19. INSURANCE: RESIDENT acknowledges that OWNERS insurance does not cover
personal property damage caused by fire, theft, rain, war, acts of God, acts of others,
and/or any other causes, noe shall OWNER be held liable for such losses. RESIDENT is
hereby advised to obtain his own insurance policy to cover any personal losses.

20. RIGHT OF ENTRY AND INSPECTION: OWNER may enter, inspect, and/or repair
the premises at any time in case of emergency or suspected abandonment. OWNER
shall give 24 hours advance notice and may enter for the purpose of showing the
premises during normal business hours to prospective renters, buyers,lenders, for
smoke alarm inspections, and/or for normal inspections and repairs. OWNER is
permitted to make all alterations, repairs and maintenance that in OWNER’S judment
is necessary to perform.

21. ASSIGNMENT: RESIDENT agrees not to transfer, assing or sublet the premises or
any thereof.

22. PARTIAL INVALIDITY: Nothing containned in this Agreement shall be construed as

waiving any of the OWNER’S or RESIDENT’S rights under the law. If any of this
Agreement shall be in conflict with the law, that part shall be void to the extent that
it is in conflict, but shall not invalidate this Agrement nor shall it affect the validity or
enforceability of any other provisions of this Agreement.

22. NO WAIVER: OWNER’S acceptance of rent with knowledge of any default by

RESIDENT or waiver by OWNER of any breach of any term of this Agreement shall not
constitute a waiver of subseqnuet breaches. Failure to require compliance or to
exercise any right shall not be constituted as a waiver by OWNER of said term,
condition, and/or right, and shall not affect the validity or enforceability of any
provision of this Agreement.

23. ATTORNEY FEES: If any legal action or proceedings be brought by either party of
this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be reimbursed for all reasonable attorney’s
fees and costs in addition to other damages awarded.

24. JOINTLY AND SEVERALLY: The undersigned RESIDENTS are jointly and severally
responsible and liable for all obligations under this agreement.

25. REPORT TO CREDIT/TENANT AGENCIES: You are hereby notified that a

nonpayment, late payment or breach of any of the terms of this rental agreement
may submitted/reported to a credit and/or tenant reporting agency, and may create
a negative credit record on your credit report.

26. LEAD NOTIFICATION REQUIREMENT: For rental dwellings built before 1978,
RESIDENT acknowledges receipt of the following: (Please check)

- Lead Based Paint Disclosure From

- EPA Pamphlet



28. NOTICES: All notices to RESIDENT shall be served at RESIDENT’S premises and all
notices to OWNER shall be served at ____________________________________.

29. INVENTORY: The premises contains the following items, that the RESIDENT may

_________________________________________________________________ .

30. KEYS AND ADDDENDUMS: RESIDENT acknowledges receipt of the following

which shall be deemed part of this Agreement: (Please check)

- Keys # of keys and purposes ________________________________________

- House Rules ___ Pet Agreement ____ Other___________________________ .

31. ENTIRE AGREEMENT: This Agreement constitutes the entire Agreement between
OWNER and RESIDENT. No oral agreements have been entered into, and all
modifications or notices shall be in writing to be valid.

32. RECEIPT OF AGREEMENT: The undersigned RESIDENTS have read and understand
this Agreement and hereby acknowledge receipt of a cpoy of this Rental Agreement.

RESIDENT’S Signature ______________________

Date _____________________

RESIDENT’S Signature _____________________

Date ______________________

OWNER’S Or Agent’s Signature ________________

Date ___________________11

Bronchi Bronhiile
Gall bladder Vezica biliara
Heart Inima
Human body systems Sistemele corpului uman
Kidney Rinichi
Large intestine Intestinul mare
Larynx Laringe
Liver Ficat
Lung Plaman
Organs Organe
Pancreas Pancreas
Stomach Stomac
The circulatory system Sistemul circulator
The digestive system Sistemul digestiv
The endocrine system Sistemul endocrin
The excretory system Sistemul excretor
The musculoskeletal system Sistemul muscular
The nervons system Sistemul nervos
The reproductive system Sistemul reproductiv
The respiratory system Sistemul respirator


Cardiology Cardiologie
Dermatology Dermatologie
Endocrinology Endocrine
Gynaecology Ginecologie
Haematology Hematologie
Mortuary Mortuar
Neurology Neurologie
Obstetrics Obstretica
Oncology Oncologie
Ophthalmology Oftalmologie
Orthopaedics Ortopedie
Paediatrics Pediatrie
Pathology Patologie
Pharmacy Farmacie
Physiotherapy Fizioterapie
Psychyiatry Psihiatrie
Radiology Radiologie
Renal unit Unitate renala
Surgery Chirurgie
Traumatology Traumatologie

Human body is the most complex system.

A system is a group of organs and tissues associated with particular physiological
I studied at the medical university about the importance of heart, kidney, liver and
I want to work in a hospital, in cardiology, neurology and surgery. I think these are
the most important departments into a hospital.

Corpul uman este cel mai complex sistem.

Un sistem este un grup de organe si tesut asociate cu functiile fiziologice.
Am studiat la universitatea de medicina despre importanta inimii, rinichiului, ficatului
si plamanilor.
Vreau sa lucrez intr-un spital la cardiologie, neurologie sau la chirurgie. Cred ca
acestea sunt cele mai importante departamente intr-un spital.


Acupuncturist Acupunctor
Anaesthetist Anastezist
Bacteriologistic Bacteriolog
Cardiologist Cardiolog
Cardiothoracic surgeon Chirurg cardiotoracic
Chiropractor Chiropractician
Consultant Medic specialist
Consultant in accident Medic specialist in medicina de
emergency urgenta
Consultant in clinical Neurofiziolog
Consultant in forensic medicine Medic specialist in reabilitarea
Consultant in infectious diseases Specialist in boli infectioase
Consultant in palliative Specialist in terapii paliative
Consultant in rehabilitation Medic specialist in reabilitarea
medicine medicala
Consultant in sports medicine Medic sportiv
Consultant in tropical medicine Specialist in boli tropicale
Consultant in vascular medicine Flebolog, specialist in medicina
Dermatologist Dermatolog
Ears, nose and throat surgeon Otorinolaringolog (ORL-ist)
Endocrinologist Endocrinolog
Female nurse Asistenta
Gastroenterologist Gastroenterolog
General manager Director general
Geriatrician/ gerontologist Geriatru/gerontolog
Gynaecologist Ginecolog
Haematologist Hematolog
Head of department Sef de sectie
Homeopath Homeopat
Hospice nurse Asistent(a) - centre de ingrijire
Immunologist Imunolog
Male nurse Asistent
Matron Asistent(a) – sef(a) asista la
Maxillofacial surgeon interventii chirugicale
Medical oncologist Chirurg BMF
Medical student Oncolog
Microbiologist Student la medicina
Midwife Microbiologist
Nephrologist Moasa
Neurologist Nefrolog
Neurosurgeon Neurolog
Nurse’s aide/health care Neurochirug
assistant (HCA) Infirmier
Nursing home Centu de ingrijire
Obstetrician Obstetrician
Occupational physician Medic specialist in medicina
Ophthalmologist Oftalmolog
Orthopaedic surgeon Ortoped
Osteopath Osteopat
Paediatrician Pediatru
Pathologist Anatomopatolog
Personal manager Director de personal
Pharmacist Farmacist
Physician Internist, specialist in medicina
Plastic surgeon Chirurg plastician
Practice nurse Asistent(a) specializata
Private nurse Asistent(a) care isi exercita
activitatea pe cont propriu
Professor Profesor
Psychiatric hospital Asistent(a) – psihiatrie
Psychiatrist Psihiatru
Radiologist Radiolog
Registered nurse (RN) Asistent(a) autorizata
Respiratory physician Pneumolog
Rheumatologist Reumatolog
Social woeker Asistent social
Staff Nurse Asistent (a) medical (a)

interventii chirugicale
Surgeon Chirurg
Theatre nurse Asistent (a) - bloc operator
Urologist Urolog
Vascular surgeon Chirurg vascular
Ward sister Asistent(a) sef(a) de

Could you please tell me where I could find:

- a medical centre?
- a surgery?
- a health centre, a clinic?
- a chemist?
- a private medical laboratory?
- a physiotherapy clinic?
- a primary care centre?
I am the receptionist.
I am the medical secretary.
Hello, who is the patient?
Give me:
- your name
- your address
- your phone number
- your date of birth
Give me:
- your European health insurance card
- your private insurance card
Do you have already an appointment?
At what time?
Do you want an appointment with:
- a nurse?
- a doctor?
- a GP?
- a consultant?
I work in a hospital.

Puteţi să-mi spuneţi unde se află:
- un centru medical?
- o clinică de chirurgie?
- o clinică?
- o farmacie?
- un laborator de analize medicale privat?
- o clinică de fizioterapie?
- un centru de îngrijire în regim nespitalicesc?
Eu sunt receptionerul/receptionera.
Eu sunt secretara medicala.
Bună ziua, cine este pacientul?
- numele dumneavoastră
- adresa dumneavoastră
- numărul dumneavoastră de telefon
- data naşterii
- cardul european de asigurări de sănătate
- carnetul de asigurare medicală privată.
Aveţi deja programare?
La ce oră?
Doriţi o întrevedere cu :
- o asistentă?
- un medic?
- un medic internist?
- un specialist?
Lucrez intr-un spital.

1 unit of alcohol O unitate de alcool
(alc/vol x volume consumed) : (alc/vol x volum consumat) :
1000 = 1000 =
A lot Abundent, mult
Cup full Cană
Capsule Capsula
Chemist Farmacist
Cream Crema
Inhaler Inhalator
Injection Injectie
Liquid medicine, syrop Sirop
Ointment Pomade
Pharmacy Farmacie
Suppository Supozitor
Tablet, pill Comprimat
Litres (1) Litri (1)
Millilitres (ml) Mililitri (ml)
None at all Deloc
Noral amount Cantitate normală
Pint (~ 474 ml) Pintă
Reduced quantity (a few drops) Cantitate foarte mică (câteva
Small amount Cantitate mică/Puţin
Table spoon Lingură
Tea spoon Linguriţă
X units X unităţi

How long have you been on this medication?

- Why are you on this medication?
There are now a huge number of medicines on the market and they are grouped
here according to the condition they target:
- Analgesics - to kills pain
- Antiarrhythmics - to control irregular heartbeat
- Antibiotis - to fight with bacteria
- Anticoagulants - to prevent blood clotting
- Antidepressants - for changing mood
- Antihistamines - to control allergies
- Antihypertensives - to lower blood pressure
- Anti - inflammatories - to reduce inflammation
- Diuretics - to rid the body of excessive fluids
- Hypoglycemics - to lower the level of glucose in the blood
- Immunosuppressives - to prevent the body from rejecting organ transplant
- Laxatives - to increase bowel movements
- Sedatives - to suppress anxiety and relax the muscles.

- De când luaţi acest medicament?

-De ce luaţi acest medicament?
Exista o gama variata de medicamente pe piata si sunt grupate in functie de conditia
care o urmaresc:
- Calmante - sa amorteasca durerea
- Aritmice - sa controleze inima
- Antibiotice - sa omoare bacterile
- Anticoagulante - sa previna coagularea sangelui
- Antidepresive - sa schimbe starea de spirit
- Antihistaminice – sa controleze alergiile
- Antihipertensive - sa reduca presiunea sangelui
- Anti-inflamatori - sa reduca inflamatiile
- Diuretice - sa scape de excesul de fluide din corp
- Hipoglicemie - sa reduca nivelul de glucosa din sange
- Imunosupresoare - sa previna corpul sa respinga un transplat de organ
- Laxative - sa creasca miscarile intestinului
- Sedative - sa opreasca anxietatea si sa relaxeze muschii.


Cigarette Tigara
Fever Febra
Patient Pacient
Patient history Istoricul pacientului
Sweat Transpiratie
To drink A bea
To smoke A fuma
To sweat A transpira
Weigh Greutate

Hello, what is your name?

What brings you here today?
How old are you?
How much do you weigh?
Your weight:
- is it stable?
- has it increased?
-has it decreased?
Do you feel a lack of energy?
Do you have any fever?
Do you have sweats?
Do you have rigors/attacks of shivering?
How long have you been fasting?
Do you smoke?
How many cigarettes a day?
Do you drink alcohol?

Buna ziua cum va numiti?

De ce aţi venit azi la consultaţie?
Ce varsta aveti?
Ce greutate aveţi?
Greutatea dumneavoastră:
- este stabilă?
- a crescut?
- a scăzut?
Vă simţiţi lipsit de energie?
Aveţi febră?
Aveţi frisoane?
De cât timp nu mâncaţi?
Cate tigari fumati pe zi?
Consumati alcool?

Bottle – feed Hranit cu biberonul
Bra Sutien
Breast San
Breast – feed Alaptat
Breast examination Examinarea sanilor
Cancer Cancer
Cyst Chist
Intervention, operation, Operatie
Pain Durere
Surgeon Chirurg

I am going to examine your breasts.

Would you mind undressing?
Could you please remove your bra?
Keep your hands to the side.
Press them on your hips.
Now lie back.
Do you examine your breasts regularly?
Have you ever felt a lump in one of your breasts?
Did you breast - feed your children?
Did you bottle - feed your children?

Vă voi examina sânii.

Vă rog să vă dezbrăcaţi?
Puteţi să vă scoateţi sutienul?
Ţineţi mâinile în lateral.
Puneţi mâinile în şold.
Acum întindeţi-vă.
Vă examinaţi sânii regulat?
Aţi simţit o umflătură la unul dintre sâni?
V-aţi alăptat copiii?
V-aţi hrănit copiii cu biberonul?

Answer Raspuns
Blood pressure Tensiune arteriala
Blood test Analiza de sange
Confortable Confortabil
Examination Cercetare, examinare
Examination table Masa de examinare
Question Intrebare
To breathe A respira
To lie A sta culcat, a zacea

Make yourself comfortable.

Can you take off your top?
Can you undress down to the waist?
Can you breathe quietly?
Can you lie on this side?
Breathe in and hold.
Breathe out and hold.
Breathe in and out through your mouth.
Check your blood pressure
What is it usually?
Lie down and then stand up.

Instalaţi-vă comod.
Puteţi să vă scoateţi bluza?
Puteţi să vă dezbrăcaţi până la mijloc?
Puteţi respira încet?
Puteţi să vă culcaţi pe partea aceasta?
Inspiraţi şi ţineţi-vă respiraţia.
Expiraţi şi ţineţi-vă respiraţia.
Inspiraţi şi expiraţi pe gură.
Să vă iau tensiunea
Ce tensiune aveţi de obicei?
Întindeţi-vă, apoi ridicaţi-vă.


Allergy Alergie
Antibiotic Antibiotic
Drug, medication, medicine Medicament
Injection Injectie
Prescription Reteta
Syringe Seringa

Have you taken any new medications recently?

Do you take any: prescribed medication?
Do you know their names?
What dose are you taking?
How many times a day?
Do you have them with you?
Show me the medicine containers.
Can you show me your last prescription?
Are you allergic to anything that you know of?

Luat medicamente noi recent?

Luaţi: medicamente pe reţetă?
Ştiţi cum se numesc?
Ce doză luaţi?
De câte ori pe zi?
Le aveţi la dumneavoastră?
Arătaţi-mi cutiile de medicamente.
Îmi puteţi arăta ultima reţetă?
Din câte ştiţi, sunteţi alergic la ceva?

Accident Accident
Age Varsta
Alive In viata
Brother Frate
Cause Cauza
Children Copii
Disease Boala
Family Familie
Good health Sanatos
Hereditary disease Boala ereditara
Parent Parinte
Problem Problema
Sister Sora
To die A muri

Are your parents alive?

Do you have any :
- brothers and sisters?
- children?
What was the cause of their death?
- accident
- heart problem
- cancer
- infectious disease
- other

Părinţii dumneavoastră sunt în viaţă?

- fraţi şi surori?
- copii?
Din ce cauză au decedat?
- accident
- probleme cardiace
- cancer
- boală infecţioasă
- altele

Appendix Apendicita
Cancer Cancer
Childhood diseases Bolile copilariei
GP (General Practitioner) Medic de familie
Health Sanatate
Hernia Hernie
Hospital Spital
Operation, surgery Operatie
To heal A se reface, a se vindeca
Tumor Tumoare

Who is your GP?

Have you ever been hospitalised?
Have you had any surgery?
- Which ones?
- appendix
- tonsils
- cancer
- other
Did you ever/do you have:
- high blood pressure (hypertension)?
- diabetes?

Cine este medicul de familie?

Aţi mai fost spitalizat?
Aţi suferit vreo operaţie?
- Ce fel?
- apendicită
- amigdale
- cancer
- altele
Aţi avut vreodată/aveţi:
- hipertensiune arterială?
- diabet?

Alcohol Alcool
Beer Bere
Cigarette Tigara
Cigars Tigari de foi
Habit Obicei
Pipe Pipa
Spirit Bautura spirtoasa
Sport Sport
To smoke A fuma
To drink A bea
To quit A renunta
To try A incerca
Wine Vin

Do you smoke?
How many cigarettes a day?
Smoking 20 cigarettes (1 pack) a day.
How many years have you been smoking?
Have you ever tried to quit?
What have you tried?
- without help
- tablets
- patch
- chewing-gum
Do you drink alcohol?
How many:
- glasses of wine?
- cans of beer?
- shots of whiskey or spirits?

Fumaţi ?
Câte ţigări pe zi?
Consumul a 20 de ţigări (1 pachet) pe zi.
De cati ani fumati?
Aţi încercat să renunţaţi?
Ce aţi încercat?
- fără ajutor
- pastile
- plasture
- gumă
Consumaţi alcool?
- pahare de vin?
- halbe de bere?
- shot-uri de whisky sau băuturi spirtoase?

Blood Sange
Blood group Grupa sangvina
Blood test Test de sange
Dizzy Ametit
Haemoglobin Hemoglobina
Hemorrhage Hemoragie
High blood pressure Hipertensiune
Low blood pressure Hipotensiune
Needle Ac
Syringe Seringa
To bleed A sangera
Transfusion Transfuzie

We will make a blood test.

Are you always so pale?
Do you know what blood group you are?
- AB
- Rh +
- Rh -
Have you ever had a blood transfusion before?

Noi vom face o analiza de sange.

Mereu sunteţi atât de palid?
Ştiţi ce grupă sangvină aveţi?
- AB
- Rh +
- Rh -
Aţi făcut vreodată o transfuzie de sânge?

Address Adresă
Age Vârstă
Date of birth (DOB) Data naşterii
Diagnosis Diagnostic
Examination Examen clinic
History of present complaint Istoricul bolii
Investigations Investigaţii
Marital status Stare civilă
Married Căsătorit
Medical records Observaţii medicale
Miscellaneous Fişa administrativă
Name Nume
Occupation Profesie
Past medical history Istoricul medical
Present complaint Motivul consultaţiei
Single Celibatar
Systemic direct questions Semne funcţionale
Treatment Tratament

- Hello. Welcome to our clinic. Please tell me your name.

- Ionescu Maria.
- I will try to find your medical records?
- I am waiting.
- Can you please confirm some information?
- Yes of course. What info do you need?
- Your name, age, DOB, marital status, address, occupation.

- Buna ziua. Bine ati veniti la clinica noastra. Va rog sa imi spuneti
numele dumneavoastra.
- Ionescu Maria.
- O sa incerc sa gasesc fisele medicale.
- Astept.
- Puteti sa ne confirmati niste informatii?
- Da sigur. De ce aveti nevoie?
- Numele dumneavoastra, varsta, data nasterii, daca sunteti
casatorita, adresa si ocupatia.

Age Varsta
Disease Boala
First name Prenume
Health Sanatate
Name Nume
Pain Durere
Pain killer Calmant
Start Start
Stop Stop
Surname Nume de familie
To be ill A fi bolnav
To feel A simti
To start A porni
To stop A opri

- Hello, what is your name?

- Surname Ionescu, first name Mariana.
- How old are you?
- I have 29 years old.
- What brings you here today?
- I have a pain.
- Where do you feel the pain?
- At the chest.
- When did the pain start?
- Yesterday morning.

- Buna ziua, cum va numiti?

- Numele de familie Ionescu, prenume Mariana.
- Cati ani aveti?
- Am 29 de ani.
- Ce va aduce astazi aici?
- Am dureri.
- Unde aveti dureri?
- In zona pieptului?
- Cand a inceput durerea?
- Ieri dimineata.

Caffeine Cofeina
Electric shock Soc electric
Emotion Emotie
Exercise Efort, exercitiu
Heart beat Bataia inimii
Injuri Traumatism
Irregular Iregulat
Regular Regulat
Surgery Operatie

Do you feel your heart beat fast and strong?

Did it feel:
- regular?
- irregular?
Was it:
- around 100-130 per minute?
- around 150?
- around 180?
Have you ever been to the hospital with palpitations?
How they successfully stopped?
Do you ever get palpitation?

Simţiţi că inima vă bate repede şi puternic?

- regulat?
- neregulat?
- în jur de 100-130 pe minut?
- în jur de 150?
- în jur de 180?
- imposibil de stabilit?
V-aţi prezentat veodată la spital din cauza palpitaţiilor?
Medicii au reuşit să le oprească?
Aveti palpitatii?

Cancer Cancer
Childhood diseases Bolile copilariei
Gradual Progresiv
Life Viata
Low blood pressure Hipotensiune arteriala
Past Trecut
Position Pozitie
Power Putere
Relax Relaxare
Rest Repaus
Stress Stres
Sudden Brusc
Vertigo Vartej
Young Tanar

Have you ever been hospitalised?

- When?
Have you had all the childhood diseases?
Have you had any surgery?
- Which ones?
Did you ever/do you have:
- high blood pressure (hypertension)?
- diabetes?
- sexually transmitted diseases?

Aţi mai fost spitalizat?

- Când?
Aţi avut toate bolile copilăriei?
Aţi suferit vreo operaţie?
- Ce fel?
Aţi avut vreodată/aveţi:
- hipertensiune arterială?
- diabet?
- boli cu transmitere sexuală?

Baby Bebelus, copilas
Babyhood Pruncie
Birth Nastere
Child Copil
Clots Cheaguri de sange
Coil Sterilet
Condom Prezervativ
Contraception Contraceptie
Contraction Contractie
Delivery Nastere
Diaphragm Diafragma
Ectopic Extrauterin
Gel Gel
Labour Travaliu
Morning sikness Greturi matinale
Patch Plasture
Period Menstruatie, perioada
Pregnancy Sarcina
Pregnancy test Test de sarcina
Push! Impingeti!
Sterilisation Sterilizare
To bleed A sangera
Vasectomy Vasectomie
Water Apa

What age were you when you got your first period?
What is the date of your last menstrual period?
Are your periods:
- regular?
- irregular?
How long do your periods last?
Do you pass any clots?
Do you bleed between your periods? (intermenstrual bleeding)
When was your last smear test?
Have you a vaginal discharge?
Are you pregnant?

Have you had a pregnancy test?
Estimated date of delivery (EDD)
Have you any morning sickness?
Do you feel the baby moving?
Have your waters broke?
Are you in labour?
Are your contractions:
- numerous?
- regular?
- frequent?
- painful?
Is it your first pregnancy?
How many times have you been pregnant?
Were your pregnancies:
- normal?
- ectopic?
Do you use contraception?
Which one?
- condoms
- diaphragm
- oral contraceptive pill (OCP)
- coil
How long have you been trying to get pregnant?
Have you had a coil fitte?
I am going to examine you “down below”. Lie down on the examination table.
Spread your legs apart.

La ce vârstă aţi avut prima menstruaţie?

Care este data ultimei dumneavoastră menstruaţii?
Menstruaţia dumneavoastră este:
- regulată?
- neregulată?
Cât timp durează menstruaţia?
Eliminaţi cheaguri de sânge?
Aveţi sângerări între menstruaţii? (sângerări intermenstruale)
Când aţi făcut ultimul frotiu?
Aveţi scurgeri vaginale?
Sunteţi însărcinată?
Aţi făcut un test de sarcină?

Data estimată pentru naştere
Aveţi greţuri matinale?
Simţiţi copilul mişcând?
Vi s-a rupt apa?
Aţi intrat în travaliu?
Contracţiile sunt:
- multe?
- regulate?
- frecvente?
- dureroase?
Este prima dumneavoastră sarcină?
De câte ori aţi fost însărcinată?
Sarcinile dumneavoastră au fost:
- normala?
- extrauterina?
Folosiţi metode contraceptive?
- prezervative
- diafragmă
- pilulă
- sterilet
De cât timp încercaţi să rămâneţi însărcinată?
V-aţi pus un sterilet?
Vă voi examina „jos”. Culcaţi-vă pe masă. Depărtaţi picioarele.

Drug Drog, medicament
Injection Injectie
Needle Ac
Sex Sex
To have sex A face sex
To inject A injecta
To make love A face dragoste
To share A impartasi, a imparti
Transfusion Transfuzie

What is your sexual orientation?

- heterosexual
- bisexual
- homosexual
Have you ever injected drugs?
Do you share needles?
Have you been tested for HIV/AIDS?
Are you prepared to have one?

Care este orientarea dumneavoastră sexuală?

- heterosexual(ă)
- bisexual(ă)
- homosexual(ă)
V-aţi injectat vreodată droguri?
Folosiţi aceleaşi ace?
Aţi făcut un test HIV/SIDA?
Sunteţi pregătit pentru un test HIV/SIDA?

Employed Angajat
Home Locuinta
House wife Casnica
Single Singur
Sociable Sociabil
Social Social
Society Societate
To divorce A divorta
To get married A se casatori
To live A locui
Unemployed Fara serviciu
Widow Vaduva
Windower Vaduv

Who lives at home with you?

Are you:
- single?
- married?
- divorced?
- a widow (woman)?
- a widower (man)?
Are you currently: employed/working?

Cine locuieşte cu dumneavoastră?

- celibatar(ă)?
- căsătorit(ă)?
- divorţat(ă)?
- văduvă?
- văduv?
In prezent sunteţi: angajat(ă)?

A dislocation Dislocare
A ruptured ligament O ruptură de ligament
A sprain O luxaţie
Bone Os
Compound, open fracture Fractură compusă, deschisă
Compression fracture Fractură de compresie
Displaced fracture Fractură deplasată
Fracture Fractura
Ice Gheta
Simple fracture Fractură simplă
Slippery Alunecos
Stress fracture Fractură de stres
To slip A aluneca

- Hello! I have a fracture.

- Hello! Oh. Hurry enter in this surgery. The doctor will come as soon as possible
- Is it your first fracture, did you ever break a bone?
- Yes.
- How did it happen?
- I slept on ice.
- Did you ever have a dislocation?
- No! Can you please hurry, it hurts a lot.

- Buna ziua! Am o fractura.

- Buna ziua! Oh. Intrati repede la operatie. Doctorul o sa vina cat de repede poate.
- Este prima voastra fractura sau v-ati mai rupt vreodata un os?
- Da
- Cum s-a intamplat?
- Am alunecat pe gheata.
- Ati mai avut vreodata o dislocare?
- Nu! Puteti sa va grabiti, doare tare.

(Expresii populare sunt marcate cu asterisk *)

Acne Acnee
Acromegaly Acromegalie
Acute pulmonary oedema Edem pulmonar acut
Acute respiratory distress Sindrom de dresa respiratorie
syndrome acuta
Acute tubular necrosis Necroza tubulara acuta
Addison’s disease Boala Addison
Adrenal insufficiency Insuficienta suprarenaliana
Allergic bronchopulmonary Aspergiloza bronhopulmonara
aspergillosis alergica
Allergy Alergie
Alpha 1 – antitrypsin deficiency Deficit de alfa 1 – antitripsina
Alzheimer’s disease Boala Alzheimer
Anaemia Anemie
Angina Angina pectorala
Ankylosing spondylitis Spondilita anchilozanta
Aortic regurgitation Insuficienta aortica
Aortic stenosis Stenoza aortica
Appendicitis Apendicita
Arthritis, osteoarthritis Artrita, osteoartrita
Asthma Astm
Atrial fibrillation Fibrilatie atriala
Atrial septal defect Defect septal atrial
Autism Autism
Avian influenza Gripa aviara
Back pain* Durere de spate*, lumbago*
Be cross-eyed* A avea ochii incrucisati*
Bed wetting* A face pipi in pat
Bedsore Escara
Bell’s palsy, facial paralysis Paralizie Bell, paralizie facial
Blackout* Pierderea cunostintei

Bleeding* Sangerare, hemoragie
Boil Furuncul
Breast cyst Chist mamar
Broken bone* Os rupt*
Bronchiectasis Bronsiectazie
Bronchitis Bronsita
Budd-Chiari syndrome Sindromul Budd - Chiari
Burn Arsura
Cancer Cancer
Cardiac arrest Stop cardiac
Cardiac failure Insuficienta cardiaca
Chickenpox Varicella
Cirrhosis Ciroza
Coarctation of the aorta Coarctatie de aorta
Coeliac disease Boala celiaca
Cold* Raceala
Cold sore Herpes labial
Colitis Colita
Coma Coma
Conjunctivitis, sticky eye* Conjunctivita
Constipation Constipatie
Convulsion, fit, seizure Convulsie
Coryza, cold*, head cold* Coriza, guturai*
Cradle cap* Dermatita seboreica
Cramp Crampa
Crohn’s disease Boala Crohn
Cushing’s disease Boala Cushing
Cut Plaga
Cyst Chist
Cystic fibrosis Fibroza chistica, mucoviscidoza
Cystitis Cistita
Dandruff Matreata
De Quervain’s thyroiditis Tiroida de Quervain
Deep venous thrombosis Tromboza venoasa profunda,
Dehydration Deshidratare
Deliberate self harm Automutilare deliberata
Delirium Delir
Delirium tremens Delirum tremens

Depression, to have a nervous Depresie, a avea o cadere
breakdown* nervoasa*
Diabetes insipidus Diabet insipid
Diabetes mellitus, diabetes* Diabet zaharat, diabet*
Diarrhoea Diaree
Dilated cardiomyopathy Cardiomiopatie dilatata
Dislocation Dislocare, luxatie
Diverticular disease Diverticuloza
Diverticulitis Diverticulita
Down’s syndrome, trisomy 21 Sindrom Down, trisomy 21
Duct ectasia Ectazie canaliculara
Dysmenorrhea, painful periods* Dismenoree, menstruatie
Ear infection* Infectia urechii*
Eczema Eczema
Enlargement of the prostate Adenoma de prostata
Enuresis, bed wetting* Enuresis, a face pipi in pat
Epiglottitis Epiglotita
Epilepsy Epilepsie
Facial paralysis, Bell’s palsy Paralizie facial, paralizie Bell
Fatigue Astenie
Fatty liver, steatosis Ficat gras, steatoza hepatica
Fever, temperature Febra, temperature
Fibroadenoma Fibroadenom
Fibroids Fibroadenom
Fissure in ono Fibrom uterin
Fistula in ano Fisura anala
Fit, seizure,convulsion Convulsie
Flu* Gripa
Fracture, broken bone* Facture, os rupt?*
Funny turn* Criza*
Galactocele Galactocel
Gallstone colic Colica biliara
Gandrene Gangrene
Gastritis, tummy bug* Gastrita
German measles* Rubeola
Gestational diabetes Diabet gestational
Glandular fever* Mononucleoza infectioasa

Glaucoma Glaucoma
Glue ear* Otita seroasa
Gout Guta
Graves disease Boala Basedow
Haemorrhage, bleeding* Hemoragie, sangerare
Haemorrhoids, piles Hemoroizi
Hair loss Caderea parului
Hashimoto thyroiditis Tiroida Hashimoto
Have a nervous breakdown* A avea o cadere nervoasa*
Hay fever Febra fanului
Head cold* Guturai*
Headache, sore head* Cefalee, durere de cap*
Heart attack* Atac de cord*
Hepatocellular carcinoma Carcinoma hepatocelular
Hereditary haemochromatosis Hemocromatoza eraditara
Hernia Hernie
Herpes simplex Herpes
Herpes zoster, shingles* Zona Zoster
Hiatus hernia Hernie hiatala
High blood pressure Hipertensiune arteriala
Hyperthyroidism Hipertiroidie
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy Cardiomiopatie hipertrofica
Hysterical hyperventilation Hiperventilatie psihogena
Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis Fibroza pulmonara idiopatica
Impetigo Impedigo
Induced abortion Intrerupere voluntara a sarcinii
Infectious mononucleosis, Mononucleoza infectioasa
glandular fevar*
Infective endocarditis Endocardita infectioasa
Infertility Infertilitate, sterilitate
Inflammatory bowel Boala inflamatorie intestinala
disease(IBD) (Bll)
Influenza, flu* Gripa
Insect bites Intepaturi de insecte
Irritable bowel syngrome Sindrom de colon iritabil
Ischaemic heart disease Boala cardiac ischemica
Kidney infection* Infectie urinara
Leukaemia Leucemie
Lice Paduche

Low blood pressure Hipotensiune arteriala
Lower respiratory tract infection Infectia cailor respiratorii
Malaria Malaria
Measles Rujeola
Meningitis Meningita
Migraine Migrena
Mitral regurgitation Insuficienta mitrala
Mitral stenosis Stenoza mitrala
Multiple endocrine neoplasia Neoplazii endocrine multiple
Multiple myeloma Mielom multiplu, boala Kahler
Multiple sclerosis Scleroza multipla, scleroza in
Mumps Oreon
Myasthenia gravis Miastenie
Mycosis Micoza
Myocardial infarction, heart Infarct miocardic, atac de cord*
Myocarditis Miocardita
Nappy rash Eritem fesier
Neuralgia Nevralgie
Neurosis Nevroza
Non-small cell lung cancer Cancer pulmonar fara celule
Obesity Obezitate
Obstructive sleep apnoea Apnee obstructiva de somn
Oesophagitis Esofagita
Orchitis Orhita
Osteoarthritis, arthritis Osteoartrita, artrita
Osteoporosis Osteoporoza
Otitis, ear infection*, sore ear* Otita, infectia urechii*
Paget’s disease Boala Paget
Painful periods* Menstruatie dureroasa*
Palsy, paralysis Paralizie
Pancreatitis Pancreatita
Panhypopituitarism Panhipopituirism
Panic attacks Atacuri de panica
Paralysis, palsy Paralizie
Parkinson’s disease Boala Parkinson

Patent ductus arteriosus Persistenta de canal arterial
Patent foramen ovale Foramen ovale permeabil
Peptic ulcer (disease) Ulcer gastroduodenal
Pericarditis Pericardita
Pertussis, whooping cough Pertussis, tuseconvulsiva, tuse
Phaeochromocytoma Feocromocitom
Piles, haemorrhoids Hemoroizi
Pimple* Cos*
Pituitary apoplexy Aplopexie pituitara
Pleurisy Pleurezie
Pneumonia Pneumonie
Pneumothorax Pneumothorax
Polyp Polip
Post traumatic stress disorder Sindrom destres posttraumatic
Premenstrual syndrome Sindrom premenstrual
Primary biliary cirrhosis Ciroza biliara primitiva
Primary sclerosing cholangitis Colangita sclerozanta primara
Pruritus Prurit
Psoriasis Psoriazis
Psychosis Psihoza
Pulmonary embolism Embolie pulmonara
Pyelonephritis Pielonefrita
Rabies Rabie
Red eye Ochi rosu
Respiratory failure Insuficienta respiratorie
Retinal detachment Desprindere de retina
Rheumatic fever Rheumatism articular acut
Rheumatoid arthritis (Poli) artrita reumatoida
Rhinitis, runny nose* Rinita
Rubella, German measles* Rubeola
Runny nose* Rinita
Salpingitis Salpingita
Sarcoidosis Sarcoidoza
Scabies Scabie, raie*
Scarlet fever Scarlatina
Schizophrenia Schizofrenie
Sciatica Sciatica
Seizure, convulsion, fit Convulsie

Severe acute respiratory Sindrom respirator acut sever
Shingles* Zona Zoster
Sick sinus syndrome Aritmie
Sinusitis Sinuzita
Small cell lung cancer Cancer pulmonar cu cellule mici
Sore ear* Infectia urechii*
Sore head* Durere de cap*
Sore throat* Durere de gat*
Spontaneous bacterial Peritonita bacteriana spontana
Spot* Cos*
Sprain Luxatie
Squint, strabismus, to be cross- Strabism, a avea ochii
eyed* incrucisati*
Steatosis, fatty liver Steatoza hepatica, ficat gras
Sticky eye* conjuctivita
Strabismus,squint, to be cross- strabism,a avea ochii
eyed* incrucisati*
Stroke* Atac cerebral*, accident
vascular cerebral
Sty Orgelet, urcior*
Sunburn Arsura solara
Syncope, blackout* Sincopa, pierderea cunostintei
Syphilis Sifilism
Tachycardia Tahicardie
Tapeworm Tenie
Temperature, fever Temperatura, febra
Tetanus Tetanos
Tetany Tetanie
Tetralogy of Fallot Tetralogie Fallot
Threadworms Oxiuri
Throat infection* Durere de gat*
Thrush Muguet, candidoza bucala
Tonsillitis Amigdalita
Torsion of the testis Torsiune testiculara
Trisomy 21, Down’s syndrome Trisomy 21, Sindrom Down
Tuberculosis Tuberculoza
Tummy bug* Gastrita

Ulcerative colitis Colita ulcerativa
Upper respiratory tract infection Infectia cailor respiratorii
Ureteric (renal) colic Colica renala
Urinary incontinence Incontinenta urinara
Urinary tract infection, kidney Infefectia urinara
Urticaria Urticarie
Varicose veins Vene varicoase
Venereal (genital) warts Vegetatii veneriene
Venereal disease Boala venerica
Venous ulcer Ulcer varicos
Vertricular septal defect Defect septal ventricular
Vertigro Vertij
Viral hepatitis Hepatita virala
Vulvovaginitis Vulvovaginita
Wart Verruca
Wax in the ears* Dop de ceara
Whitlow Panaritiu
Whooping cough, pertussis Tuse convulsive, pertussis, tuse
wilson’s disease magareasca13


Cry, scream Strigat, tipat

Muscular Muscular
Pain-killer Calmant
Paintful Dureros
To cry, to scream, to yell A tipa
To hurt A (se)rani
To pain A durea

- Hello.
- Hello. I have a muscular pain.
- Where does it hurt?
- I have a pain on my left leg.
- When did the pain start?
- Yesterday, after 10.00 PM.
- Did you take any pain-killers?
- Yes. Nurofen.
- Ok . It is necessary to rest and I will give you more powerful pain-killer.

- Buna ziua.
- Buna ziua. Am o durere musculara.
- Unde va doare?
- Am o durere la piciorul stang.
- Cand a inceput durerea?
- Ieri, dupa ora 10 seara.
- Ati luat pastile anti-durere?
- Da. Nurofen.
- Ok. Este neceser sa va odihniti iar eu va voi da niste calmate mai puternice.


Left side Partea stanga

Physical activity Activitate fizica
Right side Partea dreapta
Suddenly Brusc
To migrate A migra

Where does it hurt?

Can you show it:
- with all your hand?
- with one finger?
Is the pain:
- central?
- band-like across the chest?
- left side of the chest?
Did the pain start suddenly?
Can you describe the pain?
Does the pain move:
- to the back?
- to the shoulder?
- to the arms?
At the same time of the pain, do you:
- feel sick?
- sweat?
- get palpitations?
- have a temperature
- feel short of breath?

Unde vă doare?
Puteţi să arătaţi:
- cu mâna?
- cu un deget?
Durerea este:
- pe mijloc?
- în bară în piept?
- în partea stângă a pieptului?

Durerea a început brusc?
Puteti sa descrieţi durerea?
Durerea iradiază:
- în spate?
- în umăr?
- în braţe?
- în sus?
Cât timp aveţi această durere:
- vă este greaţă?
- transpiraţi?
- aveţi palpitaţii?
- aveţi temperatură
- rămâneţi fără suflu?


Blurring of vision Vedere incetosata

Double loss Vedere dubla
Migraines Migrene
Symptom Simtom
Visual loss Pierderea vederii

Do you get headaches?

Do you have a headache?
Are you on any medication to control them?
Where does it hurt?
Does the pain move:
- to the back?
- to the neck?
How long does the pain last when you get it?
- minutes
- hours
Is it worse at any particular time of day?
- morning time
- night time

Aveţi dureri de cap?

Vă doare capul?
Luaţi medicamente pentru a le controla?
Unde vă doare?
Durerea iradiază:
- în spate?
- în gât?
Cât timp durează durerea?
- minute
- ore
Este mai puternică într-un anumit moment al zilei?
- dimineaţa
- noaptea

Consistency Consistenta
Deep palpation Palpare profunda
Irregular Neregulat
Light palpation Palpare superficiala
Rigidity Rigiditate
Site Localizare
Size Dimensiune
Sharp Ascutit
Straight Regulat

- I am going to examine your abdomen.

Relax your muscles.
Breathe gently.
- Does it hurt when I press here?
- Is the skin:
- cold?
- dry?
- moist?
- warm?

- Vă voi examina abdomenul.

Relaxaţi muşchii.
Respiraţi încet.
-Vă doare când apăs aici?
- Pielea este:
- rece?
- uscata?
- umeda?
- calda?

Aggraving factors Factori agravanti
Better Mai bine
Relieving factors Factori calmanti
To worsen A se agrava
To better A imbunatati
Worse Mai rau

Does anything ease the pain?

- rest
- position:
- sitting
- bending forward
- lying still
- medication
What brings on the or malest it worse?
- exercise
- walking
- stress
- cold weather
- change in position.

Există ceva care calmează această durere?

- repausul
- poziţia:
-aplecat în faţă
Ce anume declanseaza sau agraveaza durerea?
- efortul
- mersul
- stresul
- vremea rece
- schimbarea pozitiei.


Allergy Alergie
Alzheimerr’s disease Boala Alzheimer
Arthritis Artrita
Cholesterol Colesterol
Cirrhosis Ciroza
Constipation Constipatie
Cough Tuse
Cramps Crampe
Cystitis Cistita
Delirium Delir
Dementia Dementa
Diarrhoea Diaree
Fever Febra
Fracture Fractura
Gastris Gastrita
Gout Guta
Hepatis Hepatita
Joint Articulatie
Menopause Menopauza
Migraine Migrena
Night sweats Transpiratie nocturna
Pancreatitis Pancreatita
Paralysis Paralizie
Parkinson’s disease Boala Parkinson
Prostate cancer Cancer de prostata
Stroke Atac cerebral

Is the urine:
- clear?
- cloudy?
What is the colour of the urine
- clear
- dark
- cloudy
What is the smell of the urine?
- offensive

How often do you urinate during the night?
Do you wake up at night because you have to pass urine?
Do you have bone pain?
Do you have any of the following?
- High cholesterol?
- Hypertension?
- Diabetes?
- Heart problems?
- Cancer?

Urina este:
- limpede?
- tulbure?
Ce culoare are urina dumneavoastră?
- deschisă
- închisă
- tulbure
Cum este mirosul urinei dumneavoastră?
- neplăcut
De câte ori urinaţi pe noapte?
Vă treziţi noaptea pentru că trebuie să urinaţi?
Aveţi dureri osoase?
Aveti una dintre urmatoarele?
- Colesterol marit?
- Hipertensiune arteriala?
- Diabet?
- Probleme cu inima?
- Cancer?

Diet Dieta
Injection Injectie
Insulin Insulina
Needle Ac
Sweet Dulce
Syringe Seringa
To inject A injecta
To sweeten A (se) indulci

Are you often thirsty?

Are you urinating excessive amounts?
How long have you had diabetes?
What age were you when you were diagnosed?
What weight were you at your diagnosis?
Does diabetes run in the family?
Do you follow a strict diet?
Do you have a glucometer?
Where do you normally inject your insulin?
Does diabetes affect your life?
Is your eyesight affected?

Vă este sete adesea?

Eliminaţi cantităţi mari de urină?
De cât timp aveţi diabet?
Ce vârstă aveaţi când aţi fost diagnosticat?
Ce greutate aveaţi atunci când aţi fost diagnosticat?
Există diabetici în familia dumneavoastră?
Urmaţi un regim strict?
Aveţi glucometru?
Unde vă injectaţi insulina de obicei?
Diabetul vă afectează viaţa?
Vă este afectată vederea?

Fever Febra
Hepatitis Hepatita
Herpes Herpes
Leprosy Lepra
Lyme disease Boala Lyme
Malaria Malaria
Night sweats Transpiratii nocturne
Scabie Raie/scabie
Syphilis Sifilis
Temperature Temperatura
Tetanus Tetanos

Do you have a high temperature?

Do you sweat a lot?
What is your temperature?
Do you have any headaches?
Have you muscle pains?
Have you diarrhoea?
Have you a sore throat?
Have you a runny nose?
Are you sneezing a lot?
Have you a cough?
Have you a rash?

Aveţi febră?
Transpiraţi mult?
Ce temperatură aveţi?
Aveţi dureri de cap?
Aveţi dureri musculare?
Aveti diaree?
Vă doare gâtul?
Vă curge nasul?
Strănutaţi mult?
Aveti o eruptie?

Back pain Durere de spate
Fracture Fractura
Joint pain Durere articulara
Osteoporosis Osteoporoza
Site Localizare
To move A muta
Trauma Traumatism
Worse Cel mai rau

Do you get any pain in the joints?

How long have you had the pain?
Is the pain in all your joints?
Show me them with your hand.
Have you had any fractures in the past?
Have you ever had a fracture in that joint?
When is the pain at its worse:
- constant through the day?
- when moving the joint?
Does the pain disturb your sleep?
Have you osteoporosis?

Aveţi dureri articulare?

De când aveţi aceste dureri?
Durerea este în toate articulaţiile?
Arătaţi-mi-le cu mâna.
Aţi avut fracturi în trecut?
Aţi avut vreodată o fractură la această articulaţie?
Când este mai puternică durerea:
- constant, toată ziua?
- când mişcaţi articulaţia?
Durerea vă tulbură somnul?
Aveţi osteoporoză?


Brain Creier
Disturbance Tulburare
Dizzy Ametit
Lose your balance Pierderea echilibrului
Physiotherapy Fizioterapie
Weakness Slabiciune

Can you use your arms and legs normally?

Can you talk without difficulty?
At what time did you notice the weakness?
Have you ever had a stroke?
What were your symptoms at the time?
- speech disturbance
- visual disturbances
- motor disturbance
- muscle weakness
- paralysis
Are you paralysed?
Since when?

Vă folosiţi normal de mâini şi de picioare?

Puteţi să vorbiţi fără dificultate?
Aţi avut vreodată un atac cerebral?
Ce simptome aţi avut atunci?
- tulburări de vorbire
- tulburări de vedere
- tulburări motorii
- slăbiciune musculară
- paralizie
Sunteţi paralizat?
De când?

Care home Centru de ingrijire
Crutch Carja
Nursing home Centru de ingrijire si sanatate
Residential home Centru residential
Walking stick Baston
Wheelchair Scaun cu rotile
Zimmerframe Cadru

Do you have difficulty in doing any of the following:

- getting in and out of bed?
- getting dressed?
- bathing yourself?
- maintaining the household?
- taking your medications?
Do you live in a ground floor apartment?
Who helps you?
- a carer
- family member

Vă este greu să faceţi următoarele lucruri:

- să urcaţi şi să coborâţi din pat?
- să vă îmbrăcaţi?
- să faceţi baie/duş?
- să faceţi menajul?
- să vă luaţi medicamentele?
Locuiţi într-un apartament la parter?
Cine va ajuta?
- un ingrijitor
- un membru de familie

Appetite Apetit
Diet Dieta
Liquid Lichid
Obese Obez
Solid Solid
To drink A bea
To eat A manca

Have you a good appetite? Yes.

Has your appetite increased? Yes.
Has your appetite decreased? No.
Do you follow a strict diet? Yes.
My GP give it to me.

Aveţi poftă de mâncare? Da.

Apetitul dumneavoastră a crescut? Da.
Apetitul dumneavoastră a scăzut? Nu.
Urmati o dieta stricta? Yes.
Medicul meu de familie mi-a prescris-o.

Bowel Intestin
Constipation Constipatie
Diarrhoea Diaree
Incontinence Inconsistenta
Laxative Laxativ
Mucus Mucus
Toilet Toaleta

Have you notice any blood?

Have you recently:
- changed your diet?
- started new medications?
- taken a course of antibiotics?
- been hospitalised?
- been constipated?
Do you have difficulty in emptying your bowels?
Have you tried any laxatives?
Have they helped?
Are you passing wind (fart)?

Aţi observat vreodată sange?

- v-aţi schimbat dieta?
- aţi început să luaţi nişte medicamente noi?
- aţi urmat un tratament cu antibiotice?
- aţi stat în spital?
- aţi fost constipat(ă)?
Aveţi dificultăţi la defecare?
Aţi încercat laxative?
V-au ajutat?
Aveţi gaze?

Answer Raspuns
Examination Examen, examinare
Pain Durere
Question Intrebare
Relax Relaxare
To lie A sta culcat

Can you lie down on your back with your knees flexed?
Can you remove your shirt?
Lift up your top.
You may leave your bra on.
Open your mouth and say „ahhˮ.
Stick your tongue.
You need to lie on the couch.
Can you take off your trousers?
Keep on your underwear.
Do you have any pain anywhere?
Let me move your joints.
Can I get you to walk as normal up and down this room?

Puteţi să vă întindeţi pe spate şi să îndoiţi genunchii?

Puteţi să vă scoateţi cămaşa?
Ridicaţi-vă bluza.
Puteţi să rămâneţi cu sutienul.
Deschideţi gura larg şi spuneţi „aaaˮ.
Scoateţi limba.
Întindeţi-vă pe pat.
Puteţi să vă scoateţi pantalonii?
Păstraţi-vă lenjeria.
Vă doare ceva?
Lăsaţi-mă să vă mişc articulaţiile.
Puteti merge inainte si inapoi de-a lungul acestei camera?

Cereals Cereale
Chicken Carne pui
Dairy products Produse lactate
Everything De toate
Fish Peşte
Lamb Carne miel
Liquid Lichid
Meat Carne
Milk Lapte
Pork Carne porc
Solid Solid
Soup Supa
Sweets Dulciuri
Vegetables Legume

- Hello. Welcome to our Care Home.

- Hello, thank you.
- I want to ask some question about your diet. Is it OK for you?
- Yes. Please.
- What type of food do you eat?
- Soups, vegetables, diary products and sometime fish.
- Are your teeth good?
- No. I have dentures.
- What type of food causes difficulty?
- Solids.

- Buna ziua. Bine ati venit la casa noastra de ingrijire.

- Buna ziua si multumesc.
- Vreau sa va pun niste intrebari in legatura cu dieta dumneavoastra. Este bine
pentru dumneavoastra?
- Da. Te rog.
- Ce tip de alimente mancati?
- Supe, legume, produse lactate si cateodata peste.
- Dinti dumneavoastra sunt buni?
- Nu. Am proteza.
- Cu ce tip de mancare va provoaca dificultati?
- Solide.
Gram Gram
Food Hrana
Kilogram Kilogram

How much do you weigh?

Has your weight remained constant?
Have you gained weight?
Have you lost weight?
This weight loss was:
- through slimming diets?
- unintentional?

Ce greutate aveţi?
Greutatea dumneavoastră a rămas stabilă?
V-aţi îngrăşat?
Aţi slăbit?
Slăbirea a fost:
- datorată unor cure de slăbire?
- involuntară?

Account Cont
Bank account Cont bancar
Benefit Ajutor, beneficiu
Birth certificate Certificat de nastere
Child benefit Ajutor pentru copil
Document Document
Family Familie
Form Formular
House benefit Ajutor pentru casa
Marriage certificate Certificate de casatorie
National insurance number Numar national de asigurare
Tax benefit Ajutor pentru taxe
To benefit A beneficia, a folosi

1. Overview
You get Child Benefit if you’re responsible for a child under 16 (or under 20 if they
stay in approved education or training).

Only one person can get Child Benefit for a child.

You must report any change of circumstances to the Child Benefit Office.

You may have to pay a tax charge if your or your partner’s individual income is over £

You can choose not to get Child Benefit payments, but you should still fill in the claim
form because:

 it will help you get National Insurance credits which count towards your
State Pension

 it will ensure your child is registered to get a National Insurance number
when they are 16 years old

2. What you'll get

There are 2 Child Benefit rates.

Who the allowance is for Rate (weekly)

Eldest or only child £ 20.70

Additional children £ 13.70 per child

You must contact the Child Benefit Office if you’re paid too much or too little.

You could get Guardian’s Allowance if you’re bringing up someone else’s child
because one or both parents have died. It’s paid on top of Child Benefit.

If families split or join together

If a family splits up, you get £ 20.70 a week for the eldest child you qualify for.


If you have 2 children and one of them stays with you, you’ll get £ 20.70 a week for
them. If your ex-partner claims for the other child, they’ll get £ 20.70 a week for that

If you both claim for the same child, only one of you will get Child Benefit for them.

If 2 families join together, the eldest child in the new family qualifies for the £ 20.70
rate. If you’re entitled to Child Benefit for any other children, you’ll get the £ 13.70
rate for each of them.

How and when Child Benefit is paid

Child Benefit is usually paid every 4 weeks into your bank account on a Monday or
Tuesday. It can be paid weekly if you’re a single parent or getting certain other
benefits, eg Income Support.

The claim form notes explain whose name can be on the account.

Money can’t be paid into:

 Child Trust Fund accounts

 children’s accounts
 joint accounts (if the child is one of the account holders)
 business accounts
 mortgage accounts
 a Nationwide account in someone else’s name
 credit card accounts

ISAs (Individual Savings Accounts) have limits on the amount of money that can be
paid into them. It’s recommended you don’t use these for Child Benefit. 14

1. Oxford Dictionary of Nursing, Fifth Edition, Oxford University Press, 2008
2. Allum, V. and P. McGarr. 2008 Cambridge English for Nursing. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.
3. Barnes, A. 1987. Personal & Community Health. Oxford: Baillere Tindall.
4. Evans. V. and K. Salcido – R.N. 2011. Nursing – Career Paths 1, 2, 3.
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5. Glendinning E. H. and R. Howard. 2012. Professional English in Use
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6. Griece, T. 2007. Oxford English For Careers – Nursing 1. Oxford: Oxford
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7. Griece, T. and J. Greenan. 2008. Oxford English for Careers – Nursing 2.
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13. Manual de ingrijiri special acordate pacientilor de catre asistenti medicali –
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nevoilor fundamentale, Editura – Viata Medicala Romaneasca.
15. Nursingul pacientului critic – Luminita Chiutu, Elena Ionita, Raducu Nemes –
Editura Sitech -2014.
16. Swisher Sauer, E. 1992. Fundamentals of Nursing: Human Health and
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17. Semiologiu Medicala pentru asistenti medicali – Monica Moldovanu -2011


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