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Sept 08, 2017

Deed of Assignment

To Whom It May Concern:

As per attacked Statement of Claimant executed by me as a sole Beneficiary of

late LEONARDO P. AGUILAR, my father under the BC No. 2481530, I would like to;
Designate/assign my sister MAY C. AGUILAR to;
1. Transact and negotiate with KCFAPI.
2. Signed all pertinent papers related to the claim re: Death claim of late
3. To receive the check/any amount issued on the claim.
In this regard I ask that the check be issued to the name of MAY C. AGUILAR.
Reason of this assignment, is my inavailability cause I am out of the country after
this deed of assignment.
Any favor and consideration regarding this request is highly appreciated.

Sincerely yours,


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