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Invited Commentary

Contemporary Management of Flail Chest


From the *Department of Surgery and the †Stritch School of Medicine, Loyola University of Chicago,
Maywood, Illinois

Thoracic injury is currently the second leading cause of trauma-related death and rib fractures are
the most common of these injuries. Flail chest, as defined by fracture of three or more ribs in two or
more places, continues to be a clinically challenging problem. The underlying pulmonary contusion
with subsequent inflammatory reaction and right-to-left shunting leading to hypoxia continues to
result in high mortality for these patients. Surgical stabilization of the fractured ribs remains con-
troversial. We review the history of management for flail chest alone and when combined with
pulmonary contusion. Finally, we propose an algorithm for nonoperative and surgical management.

ranks second only to cent volume compression before a rib will fracture.4
head injury as the leading cause of trauma-related
death.1, 2 Chest trauma constitutes 10 to 15 per cent of
Kleinman and colleagues13 used cadavers to study
patterns of rib fractures using blunt forces simulating
all injuries, resulting in approximately 400,000 patients frontal and lateral impact injuries. They observed that
requiring hospitalization each year.2, 3 Specific injuries compressive force, if applied laterally or in an ante-
to the thorax may involve the chest wall, pleura, tra- roposterior direction, causes ribs to fracture not only in
cheobronchial tree, lungs, diaphragm, esophagus, heart, the weaker lateral area, but also posteriorly.13, 14
great vessels, and ribs; fractured ribs are the most The mechanical effects of fractured ribs on pulmo-
common of these injuries. Mortality rates related to rib nary function are rather predictable. The pain that
fractures range from two to 20 per cent.3–5 This wide results from movement at the fracture site leads to
range in mortality rates is partially explained by the splinting of the intercostal muscles. These changes in
influence of successive rib fractures on mortality and by pulmonary mechanics of the chest wall allow for atel-
the varying severity of associated injuries.6–8 ectasis to develop and also impair the patient’s ability to
Flail chest is defined as the fracture of three or more cough and clear secretions.14 Both of these changes
ribs in two or more places and has a reported mortality potentiate the underlying pathophysiology of an asso-
rate between 10 and 15 per cent.9–11 During the past 50 ciated pulmonary contusion. In addition, afferent in-
years, the advances in medical technology and tech- tercostal nerve reflexes cause decreased phrenic nerve
niques have allowed for improved management of flail function and reduced diaphragmatic contractility and
chest, which has reduced morbidity and mortality. An tone.15 Ribs may be fractured bilaterally, and hemo-
associated injury directly related to flail chest is pul- thorax, pneumothorax, or hemopneumothorax may also
monary contusion. Occurring in 30 to 75 per cent of be present, contributing to the development of acute
patients with thoracic trauma, pulmonary contusion is respiratory failure.1, 7
the most common injury associated with rib fractures.
The incidence of pulmonary contusion correlates with
Pathophysiology of Pulmonary Contusion
the magnitude of injury to the chest wall; therefore, the
highest incidence is seen with flail chest.12 This review Pulmonary contusion results from the transfer of
describes contemporary management of flail chest. high energy to the thorax and underlying lung paren-
chyma. One must have a high suspicion for pulmonary
Pathophysiology of Flail Chest
contusion in any patient with respiratory distress after
injury because external signs of chest injury are fre-
Flail chest results when a compressive force is ap- quently not obvious on initial physical examination.
plied to the chest wall. The thorax can withstand 20 per The appearance on chest radiographs is described as
a nonanatomic opacification of the lung parenchyma
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Fred A. Luchette, that may be focal or diffuse; however, this radiographic
M.D., M.Sc., Department of Surgery, 2160 South First Avenue, appearance of pulmonary contusion may not become
Maywood, IL 60153. E-mail: apparent until 24 to 48 hours after the injury.14, 16, 17

528 THE AMERICAN SURGEON June 2014 Vol. 80

The parenchymal injury related to pulmonary contu- pressure that occurs with diaphragmatic excursion.
sion causes respiratory dysfunction, capillary hemor- During expiration, the flail segment elevates above
rhage, local and regional inflammation, increased the intact chest wall as a result of the relative positive
capillary permeability, and migration of neutrophils pressure in the pleural space. This motion may not be
into the extravascular space. The sum effect of these initially apparent on inspection of the chest as a result of
alterations is an increase in alveolar consolidation and splinting of the fractured ribs by the intercostal muscles,
reduced compliance, which result in increased right- which will minimize movement of the flail segment
to-left shunt and hypoxia.18, 19 When inflammation during respiration. However, eventually the chest wall
and edema are severe, the contusion also affects un- musculature fatigues, unmasking the flail segment by
injured lung tissue in the contralateral hemithorax. visualization of the paradoxical motion. Chest radiog-
Davis and colleagues20 measured protein content in raphy has a sensitivity of only 50 per cent for identifying
bronchoalveolar lavage fluid using a porcine model of a displaced rib fracture, and it is also unreliable for
pulmonary contusion. They found delayed but signif- identifying a flail segment.25–27 The availability of
icant capillary leakage and increasing infiltration of computed tomography (CT), which is significantly
protein and neutrophils in lavage fluid from the non- more sensitive for detecting fractured ribs, makes CT
injured contralateral lung. the imaging modality of choice for evaluating injured
The mortality rate for the combination of flail chest patients with major thoracic injuries. With liberal use
and pulmonary contusion is in excess of 40 per cent of thoracic CT scan, treatment and management plans
compared with a mortality rate of 16 per cent for blunt are changed in 20 per cent of severely injured pa-
thoracic injury alone without pulmonary contusion.21 tients.27, 28 In addition to revealing rib fractures,
The cumulative effect of the combination of both in- thoracic CT scan also allows for the diagnosis of pul-
juries is increased hospital length of stay and greater monary contusion and assessment of the severity of in-
incidence of mechanical ventilation and long-term jured lung parenchyma (Fig. 1). A pulmonary contusion
morbidity resulting from chronic pain or chest wall can be diagnosed as a lung consolidation in the setting of
deformity.22, 23 When Trinkle and colleagues24 hy- overlying chest wall trauma on CT.12 Patients with a
pothesized that pulmonary contusion was the principal pulmonary contusion compromising greater than 20 per
injury that accounted for the respiratory insufficiency cent of their total lung volume are at very high risk for
seen with flail chest, the standard of care was finally adverse events, including pneumonia and acute res-
altered to address the physiologic changes arising from piratory distress syndrome, which may influence their
this injury. Almost 40 years later, pulmonary contusion flail chest management.12
continues to be recognized as the primary pathophysi-
ology accounting for the increased mortality and mor-
History of Management
bidity related to flail chest, and it takes priority over the
flail chest in patient management. Jones and Richardson first described flail chest in
1926.1 Subsequently, the deformity of the chest wall
resulting from flail chest was referred to as ‘‘stove in
chest’’ until the arrival of the first automobiles, at
Physical examination often leads to the initial di- which time the incidence of flail chest increased and
agnosis of rib fractures because the awake and in-
teractive patient notes localized pain during palpation
of the thorax at the fracture site. However, the first and
second ribs are difficult to assess for fracture on clin-
ical examination as a result of their anatomic location.
Similarly, fractures of the 10th through 12th ribs are
associated with less pain as a result of their lack of
continuity with the sternum but should raise suspicion
for intra-abdominal or retroperitoneal injuries. Imag-
ing studies facilitate the diagnosis of specific fractured
ribs and also associated injuries.
The most common ribs that fracture with blunt
trauma are the fourth through the ninth, which are
also the ribs involved with flail chest. The paradoxical
movement described with flail chest occurs as the in-
volved segment of the chest wall retracts during in-
spiration as a result of the negative intrapleural space FIG. 1. Pulmonary contusion.

the phrase ‘‘steering wheel injury’’ was used to describe needing pain control alone for the flail chest injury.
it.2, 3 The disruption of the chest wall resulting in flail Trinkle and colleagues24 found that conservative man-
chest was initially viewed as mechanical instability with agement aimed at treating the underlying contusion, and
the focus of treatment on minimizing the movement of not just the flail segment, resulted in better outcomes for
the flail segment. As a result, numerous strategies were patients sustaining thoracic trauma. They hypothesized
developed in an effort to stabilize the chest wall. Until that management should be focused on the contusion
the 1930s, these approaches took the form of strapping and consist of intravenous fluid restriction, diuretics,
the chest with various materials or exerting compres- aggressive respiratory therapy, and pain control. The use
sion externally with sandbags.23 Treatment during the of mechanical ventilation was limited solely to treating
next two decades used mechanical devices, including the sequelae of pulmonary contusion: right-to-left ar-
surgically applied wires, hooks, and even screws. The teriovenous shunting, influx of inflammatory factors,
Hudson method involved the passage of long metal increased capillary permeability, and increased alveolar
pins under the pectoralis muscles and the serratus filling leading to respiratory distress.35 They concluded
anterior muscles. The pins were then attached to bows that the routine use of mechanical ventilation to treat
and suspended from overhead traction frames. Coun- flail chest, although common in many hospitals, was
terweights were adjusted to minimize the movement of actually ‘‘a triumph of technique over judgment.’’11, 24
the flail segment of the chest wall to reduce pain and in This study advanced the management of flail chest,
an attempt to restore the thoracic volume to normal. encouraging the use of more selective mechanical
However, none of these treatments altered the high ventilation based on failure to maintain oxygenation,
mortality rate associated with the condition.29, 30 ventilation, and pulmonary hygiene. This strategy was
With the arrival of volume-cycled ventilators in the supported by the findings from two prospective ran-
1950s, Avery and colleagues31 introduced the concept domized studies. Both Richardson and colleagues and
of internal pneumatic stabilization for the management Bollinger demonstrated a significant reduction in mor-
of flail chest. The authors recognized the impact of bidity and mortality when intubation was avoided in
pulmonary edema and atelectasis on outcomes, but they patients with flail chest and pulmonary contusion.17, 30
considered these to be secondary to the paradoxical During the last two decades of the 20th century, the
motion of the flail segment that caused increased dead focus of treatment of flail chest has been directed at
space, ineffective ventilation, and hypercarbia. The maintaining adequate ventilation and pulmonary hy-
concept of the dead space air ‘‘pendulating back and giene. Numerous studies have demonstrated the ben-
forth’’ between the alveoli and tracheobronchial tree efit of using regional analgesia administered through
was used to explain the pathophysiology of flail chest. an epidural catheter rather than systemic narcotics in
They concluded that mechanical ventilation allowed these patients.36–38 Alternatives include the delivery of
for internal splinting of the chest wall and correction long-acting local anesthetics as intercostal nerve blocks
of dead space. Although the theory of Pendelluft was or into the paravertebral18, 19, 39 or intrapleural space.38
never proven, the attractiveness of the explanation con- Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ketorolac
veniently justified routine use of mechanical ventilation are also beneficial adjunctive analgesics. The next ad-
for patients presenting with flail chest for the next two vance in management of flail chest came with improved
decades.32, 33 The mortality from flail chest was initially strategies for stabilizing fractured ribs.
lowered by the use of mechanical ventilation, but ven-
tilator-associated complications began to increase, ne-
gating the initial improvements in patient prognosis.16 Current Management
Eventually, Shackford and colleagues32 described
the high incidence of barotrauma, ventilator-associated
pneumonia, and tracheal injury with routine use of Selective management therapies target the underlying
mechanical ventilation for treating flail chest. pulmonary contusion and attempt to mitigate the com-
As the understanding of the pathophysiology behind plications associated with the flail segment, including
flail chest injury progressed, researchers found that the pain, atelectasis, and compromised pulmonary hygiene.
paradoxical motion was not the primary cause of To treat the underlying pulmonary contusion, the goal of
morbidity and mortality. Maloney34 demonstrated that fluid resuscitation is to maintain euvolemia by pre-
the hypoxia was the result of a pulmonary right-to-left venting hypovolemia and fluid overload.5, 16, 24 Clear-
shunt related to the underlying pulmonary contusion, ing pulmonary secretions and preventing infection is
not a result of the paradoxical movement of the flail done through maintaining adequate pulmonary clear-
segment. This finding led to introduction of ‘‘selective ance with such techniques as suctioning, inspiratory
management’’—identifying which patients required spirometry, and intermittent positive-pressure (non-
management of the pulmonary contusion versus those invasive) ventilation to clear secretions and guard
530 THE AMERICAN SURGEON June 2014 Vol. 80

against respiratory failure and the need for mechan- The combination of effective analgesia and pul-
ical ventilation and possible tracheostomy.29 monary hygiene, coupled with treatment of the un-
Adequate analgesia is the primary therapy that has derlying pulmonary contusion, allows for maintenance
been shown to allow for effective pulmonary mechanics, of pulmonary function and avoidance of mechanical
minimizing atelectasis while maintaining clearance of ventilation.
secretions.6, 9 There are several analgesic modalities that
have been demonstrated to provide adequate control of
chest wall pain. These range from oral and intravenous
narcotics, continuous or patient-controlled regional an- It is argued that the high rate of morbidity associated
esthesia, and epidurals. Systemic narcotics should be with flail chest with pulmonary contusion outweighs
avoided because they may actually cause reduced the benefits of surgical fixation of the flail segment.41
pulmonary clearance of secretions and thus increase the Although approximately 68 per cent of patients re-
risk of atelectasis and hypoxia requiring intubation. quiring mechanical ventilation secondary to flail chest
Regional anesthesia can be very effective for not only are reportedly extubated by postinjury Day 3, surgical
providing adequate pain control, but also optimizing fixation has become a more common and acceptable
diaphragm functioning with a reduced risk of hypo- practice.16 The most common indications for surgical
tension. Unfortunately, regional blocks are limited by stabilization are failure to wean from mechanical ven-
the half-life of the agents and require repeated ad- tilation, inability to provide adequate pain control, and
ministration.9, 37, 38 Epidural administration of anal- the need for restoration of volume loss. These losses
gesia is very effective at reducing pain and can be occur when the fractured rib edges are not in apposition
used for several days or weeks while the rib fracture and thoracic volume is subsequently reduced.22, 42–44
pain is resolving. A common complication seen with However, there is no current consensus regarding the
the use of epidural catheters is hypotension from the timing of operative fixation or the approach to use for
sympathetic blockade that results from the use of exposure of multiple consecutive fractured ribs. Most
local anesthetic. A rare complication is the development surgeons prefer to fixate fractures involving the lateral
of infection of the epidural space with abscess forma- and anterior surfaces of the ribs as a result of easier
tion. If not diagnosed early, the infection may spread dissection and exposure through a single posterolateral
to the spinal cord, leading to paralysis. Despite the thoracotomy incision. The effect of a concomitant pul-
known risk of complications associated with epidural monary contusion on pulmonary function should also be
catheters for analgesia in flail chest, they are the considered when selecting patients for surgical stabili-
preferred method for analgesia in this setting as a re- zation. Several studies have shown that rib fixation does
sult of their effective control of pain and fewer of the not provide short-term benefits when the patient re-
neurologic effects associated with oral or parenteral quires prolonged mechanical ventilation for manage-
narcotics.6, 9, 37 ment of a pulmonary contusion.42, 45–47
Despite the development of ‘‘selective management,’’ The operation proceeds with the patient placed in the
mechanical ventilation continues to have a role in the lateral decubitus position, and a posterolateral thora-
management of patients with flail chest and pulmonary cotomy incision is made to allow exposure of the
contusion. Mechanical ventilation is indicated in pa- specific ribs requiring fixation. The serratus anterior
tients who have persistent hypoxia despite adequate and latissimus dorsi muscles may be retracted anteriorly
analgesia and hemodynamic stability.16, 17 Advances and posteriorly, respectively, to avoid excessive division
in ventilator technology have yielded methods of ven- of the muscles for exposure of the fracture site. Alter-
tilating patients with flail chest that are better tolerated natively, several small incisions may be made overlying
than continuous mechanical ventilation (CMV) or con- the fractured segments to avoid muscle division. The
tinuous positive pressure ventilation. Cullen and col- intercostal muscles are separated at the superior border
leagues40 studied CMV and synchronized intermittent to avoid the neurovascular bundle running inferiorly and
mechanical ventilation (SIMV) with positive end expi- also to enable entrance into the pleural cavity for
ratory pressure (PEEP). They found SIMV combined alignment of fractured segments and visualization of
with PEEP to be the superior mode of ventilation. Use the lung during fixation. The ends of the fracture ribs
of SIMV allowed patients to breathe spontaneously should be cleared of soft tissue to ensure ideal alignment
and avoid hypocapnia, whereas concurrent use of PEEP and apposition of the fracture edges, which is necessary
increased functional residual capacity by minimizing for optimal healing.
alveolar collapse during expiration. This strategy also There are numerous systems available for fixation,
enabled recruitment of previously collapsed pulmonary ranging from cables and Kirschner wires to intra-
regions, decreasing intrapulmonary shunting and im- medullary rods, small fragment plates, and fixators
proving global ventilation–perfusion.40 (Fig. 2).22, 43, 48–55 One of the original devices described

for stabilizing fractured ribs, the Judet strut, has been sutures, these plates are designed to slowly transfer the
used with some success to bridge the fractured ribs in- stress and physiologic load to the bone as it heals. The
volved in a flail segment. The Judet strut is a malleable absorbable polymer struts may decrease pain after sur-
metal plate that can be molded around the superior and gical fixation, potentially eliminating the need for a
inferior edges of the rib. The plate is secured to the rib subsequent operation to remove hardware as a result of
with spurs that are molded to penetrate one cortex of the chronic pain.67 Although the absorbable fixation de-
bone. During positioning and manipulating the spur, vices are more expensive, animal models reveal that
there is a high risk of incorporating the neurovascular these plates promote faster healing with greater bone
bundle along the inferior edge of the rib and injuring strength. Research has also demonstrated that outcomes
or impinging the neurovascular bundle. If the inter- with absorbable fixation devices are superior to those
costal nerve is injured, this may be a source for chronic with nonoperative management when comparing post-
pain.42, 56–58 operative residual angulation and alignment.68, 69
Similar to the Judet strut is the U-plate. The U-plate Another option for fixation is intramedullary struts
eliminates the possibility for neurovascular bundle or rods. Their use for rib fixation is founded on the
injury by its application because it is affixed to only the principles that have allowed its almost universal use in
superior aspect of the rib. In contrast to the Judet strut, surgical fixation of long bones of the extremities. The
its application does not require dissection of the sur- original material used in the construction of these
rounding intercostal muscles and periosteum. The plate smaller intramedullary devices was associated with
is fixated with locking screws placed through both a high failure rate as a result of loss of fracture re-
cortices at the middle of the rib.59 duction. The underlying cause of the failure of these
Most surgeons use metal plating systems for fixation early rods and struts was believed to be rotational
that are manufactured in generic sizes, similar to those stress.42, 43, 50, 70, 71 Advancements in technology and
used for facial fractures. These systems take various further research have provided improvements in the
forms, including tubular plates, dynamic compres- design, including the use of contoured titanium to in-
sion plates, and low-contact dynamic compression crease stability and minimize movement of the rib with
plates.41, 42, 44, 47, 49–54, 60, 61 The plates are malleable rotation and a single unicortical locking screw to de-
so they can be configured to the shape of the specific rib crease displacement.
anatomy. Furthermore, reconstructive plates are thin When selecting surgical candidates for fixation of
enough to allow for physiologic movement without a flail chest wall segment, surgeons should weigh long-
placing stress on the individual plates during the re- term risks and benefits carefully. The short-term out-
spiratory cycle and future activity. comes of surgical fixation versus those for nonoperative
Absorbable plates have been successfully used both management of flail chest have been reviewed over the
in flail chest deformities after trauma and in non- last 50 years, but much of the literature is limited to
traumatic thoracotomy.62–66 Implanted using absorbable retrospective studies examining a small number of

FIG. 2. Fixation devices. (Left, top to bottom)

Wire fixation devices, Judet struts, U-plates, rib
plates. (Right, top to bottom) Intramedullary fixation
devices, Kirschner wire, rib splint. Used with per-
mission from Fitzgerald DC, Denard PJ, Phelan D,
et al. Operative stabilization of flail chest injuries:
review of literature and fixation options. Eur J Trauma
Emerg Surg 2010;36:427–33.87
532 THE AMERICAN SURGEON June 2014 Vol. 80

patients and a wide variety of outcomes as measures impact implosion force. Once again, early fixation
of morbidity. resulted in early extubation (mean, 1.9 days), reduced
One of the early studies that evaluated the long-term ICU length of stay (5.7 vs 16.7 days; P < 0.01), and
morbidity that resulted from severe chest wall injury lower incidence of pneumonia and sepsis.
was performed by Livingston and Richardson in 1990.72 Granetzny and colleagues75 randomly assigned 40
They prospectively studied results of pulmonary func- patients with flail chest to either nonoperative man-
tion tests (PFTs) in 28 survivors of major thoracic agement or fixation of the ribs with Kirschner wires 24
trauma at 6 and 12 months after injury, comparing hours after admission. The nonoperative group in this
them with those of a historic cohort group. None of Egyptian study was managed with various methods of
the patients received surgical fixation of the chest external stabilization (packing and strapping). The
wall. Both groups required mechanical ventilation for group managed with early fixation demonstrated a sig-
an average of three weeks. Two weeks after discharge, nificantly shorter duration of mechanical ventilation
PFT results ranged from 40 to 50 per cent of predicted (2 vs 12 days), ICU length of stay (9.6 vs 14.6 days), and
values. Over the next year, there was continued im- hospital length of stay (11.7 vs 23.1 days).75 Two
provement in PFTs to 65 to 90 per cent of predicted months after discharge, the group that had undergone
values. The authors concluded that recovery from severe early fixation had significantly better PFT measure-
chest injury occurs rapidly in most patients, long-term ments, fewer chest infections, and lower incidence of
respiratory disability is uncommon, and recovery of chest wall deformity and scoliosis compared with the
pulmonary function justified the major commitment nonoperative group.75
of intensive care unit (ICU) resources required for In 2002, a Japanese study by Tanaka and colleagues21
recovery.72 also examined the value of operative management in
More recently, operative stabilization of flail chest patients with flail chest with or without pulmonary
has been advocated as a method to reduce the duration contusion. After 5 days of mechanical ventilation, pa-
of critical care support traditionally required for these tients were randomly assigned to either undergo fixation
severe chest wall injuries. Voggenreiter and colleagues60 or continue management with internal pneumatic sta-
evaluated the efficacy of operative management in the bilization. There was a significant reduction in mean
setting of pulmonary contusion. Patients without a pul- days of ventilation (10.8 vs 3.4; P < 0.05), ICU length of
monary contusion who had early fixation of the flail stay (16.5 vs 26.8 days; P < 0.05), and incidence of
segment required significantly fewer days of mechan- pneumonia (24 vs 77%; P < 0.05) in the operative
ical ventilation than those managed nonoperatively group. The decreased stay and need for additional in-
(6.5 ± 7.0 days vs 26.7 ± 29.0 days; P < 0.02). Patients terventions also resulted in a significant reduction in the
who had progressive paradoxical motion of the flail hospital cost ($13,455 ± $5,840 for the surgical group vs
segment during weaning also benefitted from operative $23,423 ± $1,380 for the group receiving pneumatic
stabilization of the chest wall. However, the group that stabilization).21
also had a concomitant pulmonary contusion that un- Finally, a recent prospective study from Australia by
derwent early fixation of the fractured ribs did not Marasco and colleagues76 randomly assigned 46 pa-
benefit from the procedure.60 tients with flail chest to either surgical fixation using
In a prospective study completed over 10 years, polylactide copolymer plates or continued mechanical
Lardinois and colleagues73 studied pulmonary function ventilation within 48 hours of admission. Importantly,
in patients who had undergone early fixation (average, they did not exclude patients with an associated pulmo-
within 2.8 days of injury) of anterolateral flail chest nary contusion. Surgical fixation resulted in a signifi-
injuries with reconstruction plates. Most (85%) patients cantly shorter ICU stay (11.8 vs 14.9 days; P < 0.03) and
were liberated from mechanical ventilation within seven reduced need for noninvasive ventilation (3 vs 50 hours;
days after stabilization. At six months, PFTs demon- P < 0.01). In contrast to the studies by Granetzny and
strated resolution of clinically significant pulmonary Tanaka, there was no difference between the two groups
restriction.73 The long-term benefit of early stabilization in the incidence of pneumonia, need for tracheostomy,
was also reported by Mouton and colleagues.59 Within or hospital length of stay. At 3-month follow-up, there
their 1997 study, 95 per cent of patients with flail chest was no difference in PFT results or quality of life. There
achieved 100 per cent working capacity at the time of was an average cost savings of $14,443 for those who
follow-up assessment (mean, 28 months). The majority underwent surgical rib fixation.76
(86%) returned to preoperative sports activity levels When combined, these three studies included a total
without experiencing chest wall or shoulder girdle pain of 123 patients with flail chest, of whom 61 received
or dysfunction.59 some form of operative stabilization of the flail seg-
Solberg and colleagues74 reported a unique approach ment. Although each study examined different out-
to flail segments with posterior fractures after a lateral comes and criteria for fixation, they all demonstrated

FIG. 3. Thoracic trauma algorithm.

a significant reduction in ventilator days and ICU these patients are at great risk for rapid decom-
length of stay with operative stabilization of the chest pensation within the first 24 to 48 hours.40, 81 When
wall. pain relief is not adequately achieved with nonoperative
management, the patient should be considered for
early surgical stabilization of the flail segment. Other
indications for operative fixation of the flail ribs in-
Thoracic trauma continues to be a major cause of clude severe rib displacement with loss of apposition
morbidity and mortality in the polytrauma patient, ac- of the rib edges, significant reduction in the pleural
counting for 10 to 15 per cent of all injuries and ranking cavity volume, and overriding rib fractures.49, 50, 82, 83
second only to head injury as the leading cause of Early operative fixation (within 2 to 5 days) avoids
trauma-related death.4, 6, 37 The majority of flail chest the need for intubation. In the intubated patient, sur-
injuries, with or without pulmonary contusion, can be gical stabilization of the unstable chest wall has been
adequately treated with nonoperative interventions. shown to reduce ventilator days, ICU and hospital
Multiple studies have concluded that regional analgesia length of stay, incidence of pneumonia, and hospital
delivered by an epidural catheter or administered into cost while preventing long-term reduction in pulmo-
the paravertebral space will relieve pain adequately to nary function. Although patients with a concomitant
avoid the need for intubation and mechanical venti- pulmonary contusion do not generally experience the
lation; however, some patients will progress to acute same short-term benefit of reduced ventilator days
respiratory failure despite these measures and require and hospital length of stay, they may reap long-term
intubation.38, 39, 77 Multiple studies have demonstrated improvement in pulmonary function from undergoing
that early operative stabilization of the flail segment surgical restoration of thoracic volume and chest wall
reduces morbidity for patients without an associated mechanics.22, 43, 45, 76, 81, 84–86
pulmonary contusion.75, 76, 78–80
On the basis of our review of the literature, we pro- REFERENCES
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