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Globalization offers humankind a new and a very different vision both on

international affairs and on international economic relations, which have gained

momentum and turned over time.
It is easy to think of the world as this huge, vast place. It’s easy to think that our actions and
choices can’t possibly affect people halfway around the world from us. But that’s not true.
As I’ve traveled and as I have lived in Italy and Hungary, I’ve come to realize that this
world is actually a pretty small place. We’re not all that different from each other. In reality,
the world is rather interconnected. Here in our small but beautiful country, where more and
more people leave the country and, from time to time, come back, the globalization shows up
in several ways: the music we listen to, the media, the food we eat, the language classes we
take. Because of Moldova’s complex past, almost every single Moldovan is at least bi-
lingual, and many are tri-lingual. One of the most important in its relevance is the fact that
most of the Moldovans live and work abroad.

See? Even in this little country halfway around the world, it’s easy to see how
interconnected our world is.


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