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Downloadable Text for Running Dictations

Low Intermediate (B1)

Many years ago, air travel was rare. Very few

people flew. Tickets were expensive. However,
service was very good. Seats were large. On
long flights, good food was served. Today, air
travel is common. However, many people don’t
like flying. They say that service now is worse
than a few years ago.
Intermediate (B2)

Over the years, billions of dollars have been

spent to explore space. Some people think that
more exploration is needed, while others
disagree. Recently, the budget for NASA was
greatly reduced. In your opinion, should more
money be spent on space exploration?
Advanced (C1)

Humans may never reach Mars, but our presence is

already being felt on the Red Planet. Human
proxies, in the form of rovers like Opportunity
and Curiosity, probe and pry over landscapes
that have been selected by scientists for their
accessibility and scientific potential. The Holy
Grail would be for one of these wandering robots
to detect indisputable signs of life.

By  Amy  Tate     ©  Cambridge  University  Press  2014  

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