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The Comparison of Efficacies of Topical

Corticosteroids and Nonsteroidal Anti-

inflammatory Drops on Dry Eye Patients: A
Clinical and Immunocytochemical Study



● PURPOSE: To investigate whether conjunctival inflam- ● RESULTS: Group 3 patients had significantly lower
mation represents a primary event in the pathogenesis of symptom severity scores, fluorescein and rose bengal
keratoconjunctivitis sicca or whether it is a secondary staining, and HLA-DR positive cells on days 15 and 30
inflammatory reaction caused by enhanced mechanical compared with patients in other groups. They also had a
irritation as a result of surface dryness and whether significantly higher number of periodic acid–Schiff posi-
anti-inflammatory drops (corticosteroids and nonsteroi- tive (goblet) cells in their impression cytology specimens
dal anti-inflammatory) have therapeutic effects and are on days 15 and 30 compared with the other patients. On
similar. day 30, group 3 patients had significant differences
● DESIGN: Single-masked, randomized, prospective clin- compared with their baseline measurements in terms of
ical trial. above-mentioned parameters. However, we did not detect
● METHODS: Thirty-two keratoconjuctivitis patients a significant effect of any treatment schedule on the
with or without Sjögren syndrome were included in the Shirmer test value and the numbers of Apo 2.7 cells in
study. The patients were randomized to three groups. impression cytology specimens.
Group 1 patients received a topical artificial tear substi- ● CONCLUSIONS: Topical corticosteroids had a clearly
tute (ATS); group 2 received ATS plus nonsteroidal beneficial effect both on the subjective and objective
anti-inflammatory drops (NSAID); and group 3 received clinical parameters of moderate-to-severe dry eye pa-
ATS plus topical corticosteroidal drops. The eye symp- tients. These effects were associated with the reduction
tom severity scores, Schirmer test values, rose bengal and of inflammation markers of conjunctival epithelial cells.
fluorescein staining scores were evaluated before treat- (Am J Ophthalmol 2003;136:593– 602. © 2003 by
ment and 15 and 30 days after start of treatment. Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.)
Impression cytology specimens were stained using immu-

nohistochemical methods to detect the percentages of LTHOUGH THE IMMUNOPATHOLOGIC ANALYSIS OF
human leukocyte antigen II (HLA-DR) positive, Apo the lacrimal gland has received considerable atten-
2.7 positive, and periodic acid–Schiff positive cells. Sta- tion, less work has been done on pathologic
tistical analyses were performed within and between changes occurring in the ocular surface of patients with
groups. keratoconjunctivitis sicca (KCS). However, a strong ex-
pression of human leukocyte antigen II (HLA-DR) anti-
Accepted for publication March 14, 2003. gens has been found in conjunctival epithelial cells of dry
InternetAdvance publication at April 24, 2003. eye patients.1 A strong relationship also has been proposed
From the Louisiana State University, School of Medicine, LSU Eye
Center, New Orleans, Louisiana (A.M.A., E.D.V., H.E.K.); and Selçuk between inflammatory pathways and apoptosis, which
University, School of Medicine, Department of Pathology, Konya, directly affects epithelial turnover.2 Overexpression of
Turkey (M.C.A.). apoptotic markers was shown in impression cytology spec-
This study was supported in part by US Public Health Service Grant
EY02377 (H.E.K.) from the National Eye Institute, National Institutes of imens from patients with KCS.3,4 The above findings
Health, Bethesda, Maryland, and an unrestricted departmental grant from support the immunopathogenesis of KCS. However, it is
Research to Prevent Blindness, Inc., New York, New York. not clear that this inflammatory reaction represents a
Inquiries to Avni Murat Avunduk, MD, KTU Lojmanlari No: 31/17
61080, Trabzon, Turkey; fax: (⫹90) 462-3252270; e-mail: avunduk@ primary phenomenon. Conversely, it may result from chronic surface dryness and an increased friction between

0002-9394/03/$30.00 © 2003 BY ELSEVIER INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 593

palpebral and bulbar conjunctiva because of tear defi- or significant illness; or were pregnant or lactating. Post-
ciency. menopausal patients who were on hormonal replacement
Evidence of inflammatory processes in the pathogenesis therapy were also excluded. Before initialization of the
of KCS led to the development of cyclosporine A (CsA) as study, the patients were instructed not to use any topical or
a first attempt to treat this condition therapeutically. The systemic medication for at least 1 week.
proposed mechanisms of CsA are twofold: immunomodu- On day 0, Schirmer test, tear breakup time, fluorescein
lation and anti-inflammation. Immunomodulatory activity and rose bengal staining examinations were performed on
of CsA is achieved by its selective inhibition of the signal both eyes of all patients. The Schirmer test was performed
transduction cascade of inflammatory cytokines such as after corneal staining, because it may affect the staining
interleukin 2 and an eventual prevention of the autoim- pattern of the cornea with either fluorescein or rose bengal.
mune response.5 The anti-inflammatory effect of CsA is We used the previously described scoring system for rose
through its inhibition of phosphatases.6 Topical CsA bengal and fluorescein staining.11 We also obtained symp-
treatment of dry eye patients has been reported to be tom severity scores from patients12 who were instructed to
clinically effective7,8 and to reduce the numbers of acti- grade their symptoms averaging the symptom severities for
vated lymphocytes and immune-related markers within the both eyes. The results of the Schirmer test and rose bengal
conjunctiva.9,10 The efficacy of topical CsA in dry eye and fluorescein staining scores were evaluated separately
patients suggested that other immunosuppressive or anti- from right and left eyes.
inflammatory drops would have a similar or greater bene- Impression cytology specimens were obtained from the
ficial effect in KCS patients. right eyes of all patients on day 0, day 15, and day 30 to
The aims of this study are twofold: (1) to investigate avoid statistical comparison between different eyes in
whether conjunctival inflammation represents a primary different periods. For this purpose, Whatman nitrocellulose
event in the pathogenesis of KCS or whether it is a filter paper (cat no: 7195004, Whatman Int. Ltd., Maid-
secondary inflammatory reaction caused by enhanced me- stone, UK) was used. The paper was cut into strips of
chanical irritation as a result of surface dryness; and (2) to approximately 6 ⫻ 15 mm, which were pressed against the
investigate whether other anti-inflammatory drops (corti- temporal bulbar conjunctiva for 5 seconds and removed.
costeroids and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory) have sim- Patients were randomized to three groups according to a
ilar therapeutic effects. computerized list generated by the LSU Eye Center bio-
statistician. Group 1 patients were treated with a preser-
vative-free topical artificial tear substitute (ATS; Refresh,
METHODS Allergan Inc., Irvine, California, USA) four times a day in
both eyes. Group 1 patients did not receive any medication
THE STUDY WAS COMMENCED AS A SINGLE-SITE, PROSPEC- besides Refresh. Groups 2 patients were treated with
tive, randomized, and single-masked clinical trial. In- topical nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) eye
formed consent was obtained from all patients, and the drops, flurbiprofen (Ocufen, Allergan Inc. Irvine, Califor-
research was begun after obtaining approval from the nia, USA) four times a day plus ATS four to eight times a
Institutional Review Board of the Louisiana State Univer- day in both eyes. Group 3 patients were treated with
sity Health Sciences Center. The research was carried out topical corticosteroidal drops (TSD) FML (Allergan Inc.,
according to the tenets of the Declaration of Helsinki. All Irvine, California, USA) four times a day plus ATS four to
study medications were dispensed in coded bottles. The eight times a day in both eyes. The patients were in-
examiner (A.M.A.) was masked as to the medication used structed to discuss their medications only with the study
by the patients. Thirty-two KCS patients with or without coordinator and not with the examiner.
Sjögren syndrome were included in the study. All patients The impression cytology sample strips were cut into
were at least 21 years of age. Inclusion criteria for patients three pieces: one piece was used for periodic acid–Schiff
included Schirmer test (without anesthesia) of 7 mm in 5 (PAS) staining; one was used for HLA-DR (Monoclonal
minutes or less in at least one eye; mild superficial punctate Mouse Anti Human HLA-DR, Alpha-Chain Clone TAL
keratitis defined as a corneal punctate fluorescein score of 1B5 Code No. M0746 Lot068 DAKO); and the other for
⫹1 in either eye (scale 0 [none]–3 [severe]); and one or Apo 2.7 (Monoclonal Antibody Apo 2.7 Cat. No: 2087
more moderate dry eye related symptom including itching, Immunotech) staining. The strip samples were placed
burning, blurred vision, foreign body sensation, dryness, separately cell side down on gelatin-coated slides. The
photophobia, and soreness or pain. slides, with adherent nitrocellulose strips, were air dried
Patients were excluded from the study if they had eye thoroughly at room temperature, placed in 100% metha-
injury, infection, nondry eye ocular inflammation, trauma, nol, and washed repeatedly with methanol until the
or surgery within the previous 6 months; received concur- nitrocellulose totally dissolved. The slides were then
rent treatment that could interfere with the interpretation wrapped in waxed papers and mailed to the laboratory in
of the study results (systemic corticosteroids, immunosup- suitable containers. The immunohistochemistry tech-
pressive therapy, and so on); had an uncontrolled disease niques reported by Bales and Durfeen13 were used.


FIGURE 2. An impression cytology specimen stained with
antihuman Apo 2.7 after treatment with nonsteroidal anti-
FIGURE 1. An impression cytology specimen from a patient
inflammatory drops plus artificial tear substitute. Apo 2.7 is a
with pretreatment period. The monoclonal antibody (anti hu-
specific apoptosis marker, and anti-Apo 2.7 antibody stains cell
man HLA-DR) stains cell membranes in a granular manner, as
membranes of reactive cells. Arrows indicate positive cells (bar
evidenced by this photomicrograph. Arrows indicate the cells
ⴝ 25 ␮).
stained positively (bar ⴝ 25 ␮).

Negative and positive control slides were run with each Power was calculated to detect an among-group differ-
sample. The staining pattern of goblet cells of colon ence in change from baseline in symptom severity scores
mucous epithelium was used as control to PAS staining. on day 30. The power of the study was calculated accord-
Similarly, the staining pattern of human tonsil specimen ing to the given formula.14 For a sample size of 11 patients,
was used as control to HLA-DR and the staining pattern of the power to calculate 1 grade difference was 0.64.
the basal cell layers of squamous epithelium was used as
control to Apo 2.7 staining. The slides were viewed and
photographed using a Zeiss Photomicroscope III (Zeiss, RESULTS
Oberkochen, Germany). To standardize data collection,
four fields on each sample were viewed using a 25⫻ A TOTAL OF 32 PATIENTS WERE ENROLLED IN THE STUDY.
objective and photographed. Cell counts were carried out Four patients were discontinued for administrative reasons.
on coded slides to avoid bias. In masked fashion, two Eight patients in group 1, nine patients in group 2, and 11
examiners quantified the pattern of staining photographi- patients in group 3 concluded the whole study period.
cally (Figures 1 and 2). Percentages of reactive cells were None of the above discontinued patients reported adverse
determined by counting at least 200 cells in each speci- effects that could be related to the medications used in this
men. Damaged cells were not considered. study.
Statistical analyses were performed using SPSS for Group 1 contained five female and three male patients
Windows (Version 6.0 and 10.0, SPSS Inc., Chicago, (mean age, 51.2 ⫾ 12.4 SD). Five female and four male
Illinois, USA). The first comparison between and within patients constituted group 2 (mean age, 46.67 ⫾ 8.66 SD).
groups on different examination days was analyzed using a Group 3 comprised seven female and four male patients
two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) test. Examination (mean age, 57.6 ⫾ 12.4 SD).
days and groups were chosen as independent variables or At the beginning of the study (day 0), no significant
factors, and the other parameters were chosen as depen- difference was detected between groups in terms of any
dent variables. Within groups, changes from baseline were parameters studied.
evaluated with a one-way ANOVA test (day was the We did not observe any complication that could be
independent variable) using the Tukey post-hoc test. The linked to the study medications during treatment period.
comparisons between groups on different examination Significant differences between groups, days, and mean
points were also analyzed with a one-way ANOVA test effect were observed in terms of symptom severity scores
using the Tukey post-hoc test (group was an independent (mean effect, P ⫽ .01; groups, P ⫽ .01; days, P ⫽ .09;
variable). P ⫽ .05 was considered significant for all effects. two-way ANOVA). Group 3 patients had significantly less
The null hypothesis was that there was no difference symptom severity scores both on days 15 and 30 compared
among the treatment groups with regard to changes from with groups 1 and 2 patients (P ⫽ .02 and P ⫽ .03 for day
baseline values. The alternate hypothesis was that there 15 comparisons, and P ⫽ .03 and P ⫽ .03 for day 30
was a change. comparisons). When comparisons were made between the

FIGURE 3. Change from baseline in symptom severity scores. *Significantly different from baseline value (all P ⴝ .000 both for
days 15 and 30; P ⴝ .003 on day 15 for ATSⴙTSD treated group, and P ⴝ .002 on day 30 of ATSⴙTSD treated group). ATS ⴝ
artificial tear substitute; NSAIDs ⴝ nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drops; TSD ⴝ topical corticosteroidal drops.

treatment days in particular groups, no significant differ- There was a significant difference between days 0 and 15 in
ence was found in groups 1 and 2 patients. However, a group 2 patients (P ⫽ .007). However, other comparisons
significantly less symptom severity score was detected on within and between groups did not give any significant
day 30 compared with day 0 in group 3 patients (P ⫽ .02). difference (Figure 4). Left eye comparisons between groups
Comparison between days 0 and 15 also gave a significant gave similar results.
result (P ⫽ .03). Other comparisons within and between Comparison between groups in terms of fluorescein
groups did not differ significantly (Figure 3). staining patterns of right eyes was significantly different in
Similarly, when rose bengal staining of right eyes was terms of groups (P ⫽ .019), but no significant difference
compared between groups, significant differences were was observed in terms of days (P ⫽ .074) or main effect (P
obtained in terms of main effect (P ⫽ .03) and group ⫽ .092). Group 3 patients had a significantly lower
comparison (P ⫽ .04), but no significant difference was fluorescein staining score compared with group 2 patients
observed in terms of day comparison (P ⫽ .07) (two-way on day 30 (P ⫽ .017). In group 2 patients, the fluorescein
ANOVA). Although there was no significant difference staining score was significantly lower on day 15 compared
observed between groups on day 15, group 3 patients had with day 0 (P ⫽ .017). Similarly, comparisons between
significantly lower rose bengal staining scores compared days 0 to 15 and 0 to 30 gave significant results in group 3
with group 2 patients on day 30 (P ⫽ .046), but compar- patients (P ⫽ .018 and 0.016, respectively). Other com-
ison between groups 2 and 3 did not show a significant parisons within and between groups did not differ signifi-
difference. In group 3 patients, the mean rose bengal cantly (Figure 5). Comparison between left eyes among
staining score on day 30 was significantly lower than that fluorescein staining pattern gave similar results.
of day 0 (P ⫽ .01), and the mean score on day 15 was also In impression cytology examinations, comparison be-
lower than that on day 0 (P ⫽ .02). However, comparison tween groups in terms of PAS staining gave a significant
between days 15 and 30 was not significantly different. result among group comparison (P ⫽ .003) and main effect


FIGURE 4. Change from baseline in rose bengal staining of right eye. *Significantly different from baseline value (P ⴝ .007 on day
15 of ATSⴙNSAIDs group; P ⴝ .02 on day 15 of ATSⴙTSD group; P ⴝ .01 on day 30 of ATSⴙTSD group). ATS ⴝ artificial
tear substitute; NSAIDs ⴝ nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drops; TSD ⴝ topical corticosteroidal drops.

(P ⫽ .012), but no significant difference could be observed compared with both groups 1 and 2 patients (P ⫽ .032 and P
between day comparisons. On day 15, group 3 patients had ⫽ .042, respectively). On day 30, group 3 patients had a
a significantly greater number of PAS⫹ cells compared significantly less HLA-DR⫹ cells compared with groups 1
with both groups 1 and 2 patients (P ⫽ .034 and P ⫽ .028, and 2 (P ⫽ .024 and P ⫽ .033, respectively). In group 3
respectively). Similar results were obtained on day 30 patients, mean HLA-DR⫹ cells on day 30 were significantly
comparisons. On day 30, the mean percentage of PAS⫹ lower than that in both groups 1 and 2 on days 0 and 15 (P
cells in group 3 patients was significantly higher than in ⫽ .042 and P ⫽ .038, respectively). Other comparisons
both groups 1 and 2 patients (P ⫽ .000 and P ⫽ .001, within and between groups did not reveal any significant
respectively). In group 3 patients, the mean percentage of difference (Figure 7).
PAS⫹ cell was significantly higher on day 30 than both on No significant differences at any examination point (Figure
days 0 and 15 patients (P ⫽ .01, P ⫽ .02). Other 8) were found with Schirmer test values and the percentage
comparisons within and between groups were not signifi- of Apo 2.7⫹ cells in impression cytology specimens.
cant (Figure 6).
Human leukocyte antigen (HLA) staining comparison
between groups also revealed significant differences in terms DISCUSSION
of group comparison (P ⫽ .046), but no significant difference
could be detected in terms of either days or main effect. On THE MOST IMPORTANT RESULTS OF THIS STUDY WERE
day 15, group 3 patients had significantly lower HLA⫹ cells that treatment with TSD significantly improved the ocular

FIGURE 5. Change from baseline in fluorescein staining of right eye. *Significantly different from baseline value (P ⴝ .017 on day
15 of ATSⴙNSAIDs group; P ⴝ .018 on day 15 of ATSⴙTSD group; P ⴝ .016 on day 30 of ATSⴙTSD group). ATS ⴝ artificial
tear substitute; NSAIDs ⴝ nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drops; TSD ⴝ topical corticosteroidal drops.

signs and symptoms of moderate-to-severe dry eye patients, cally result from chronic ocular surface dryness and epi-
and these improvements were associated with reduction of thelial cell degeneration caused by increased friction
HLA-DR⫹ cells and an increase of PAS⫹ cells in con- between ocular surfaces.10 Our results presented here are
junctival impression cytology specimens. However, ATS somewhat contradictory to this hypothesis. This study
alone or ATS plus NSAID did not change these parame- provides evidence that conjunctival inflammation plays a
ters. Keratoconjunctivitis sicca is an autoimmune disease primary role in the pathogenesis of KCS, because treat-
that involves not only the lacrimal gland but also the ment with ATS and ATS plus NSAID drops did not
whole ocular surface. Increased conjunctival inflammation change HLA-DR expression in conjunctival cells, but
has been reported before in KCS patients.1,15 Brignole and treatment with corticosteroids significantly reduced these
coworkers found that conjunctival cells from patients with markers in conjunctival epithelial cells.
dry eye with moderate-to-severe KCS, with or without Our study provides evidence that TSD treatment im-
Sjögren Syndrome, overexpressed inflammatory markers.16 proved clinical signs and symptoms, but topical ATS plus
However, whether inflammation is a primary phenomenon NSAID and ATS alone had no effect on these subjective
in KCS or is the consequence of repetitive abrasion of the and objective clinical parameters. The beneficial effect of
corneal surface after tear film deficiency is not clear. It corticosteroidal drops in the treatment of KCS has been
causes chronic inflammation, lymphocytic infiltrates, and reported before. Marsh and Pflugfelder17 treated 21 severe
apoptosis of ocular epithelial cells that could hypotheti- KCS patients with Sjögren syndrome with nonpreserved


FIGURE 6. Change from baseline in PASⴙ cells. *Significantly different from baseline value (P ⴝ .01). ATS ⴝ artificial tear
substitute; NSAID ⴝ nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drops; PAS ⴝ periodic acid–Schiff; TSD ⴝ topical corticosteroidal drops.

topical methylprednisolone and observed impressive im- impression cytology specimens. HLA-DR is a major im-
provement in clinical parameters. However, they advo- mune-related marker normally expressed by immunocom-
cated using this treatment as “pulse therapy” because they ponent cells, that has been shown to be upregulated in
observed significant side effects of corticosteroids after epithelial cells in cases of autoimmune and inflammatory
long-term therapy. We did not observe any TSD-related disorders, and in KCS, conjunctival cells overexpress this
complication during the study period, but using corticoste- marker.15 Part of the beneficial effect of TSD on dry eye
roids was relatively weak compared with methypred- patients might be a result of the reduction in HLA-DR⫹
nisolone, and the duration of the therapy was short. Thus, conjunctival cells. The decreasing effect of corticosteroids
it is possible to see corticosteroidal side effects in the on HLA-DR expression of human epithelial cells has been
longer therapy with TSD. Sainz de la Maza Serra and his reported before.16 The mechanism of this reduction may
coworkers treated 15 severe KCS patients with unpre- involve several possibilities. As HLA-DR expression in
served TSD before punctual occlusion and compared the epithelial cells is stimulated by various cytokines, such as
clinical results with the patients who did not receive any interferon-␥ (I-␥) and tumor necrosis factor-␣ (TNF-␣),
pretreatment before punctual occlusion.18 They reported which could be synthesized in the ocular surface and by
that 2 weeks of therapy with unpreserved TSD significantly infiltrating lymphocytes, TSD might downregulate
improved clinical parameters in severe KCS. Treating the HLA-DR expression by decreasing these cytokine produc-
patients with ocular surface inflammation with nonpre- tions. The reductive effects of corticosteroids on TNF-␣
served methylprednisolone drops was reported to avert and I-␥ are well known.17 Conversely, because corticoste-
delayed tear clearance.19 In our study, the clinical im- roids decrease intercellular adhesion molecule-1
provement observed after TSD plus ATS treatment was (ICAM-1) activation,18,19 TSD may display its beneficial
associated with reduction of the number of HLA-DR⫹ effect on the ICAM-1 system. ICAM-1 plays an important
cells and an increase of goblet cell numbers in the role in cell-to-cell interactions and cell migration of

FIGURE 7. Change from baseline in HLA-DRⴙ cells. *Significantly different from baseline value (P ⴝ .042). ATS ⴝ artificial
tear substitute; NSAID ⴝ nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drops; TSD ⴝ topical corticosteroidal drops.

lymphocytes into the surrounding tissues such as the specimens of dry eye patients after treatment with TSD, as
conujunctival epithelium and substantia propria.20 We evidenced by a significant increase of PAS⫹ cells. Such an
failed to find any effect of NSAID on HLA-DR expression effect was demonstrated previously following treatment of
of the conjunctival cells. However, this finding did not non-Sjögren syndrome patients with CsA ophthalmic
seem to be surprising, especially considering the above emulsion.23 The authors speculated that reducing inflam-
possible mechanisms of effect, because NSAID have no mation with topical CsA treatment might have a prolifer-
effect on cytokine production.21 The decrease of HLA- ating effect on goblet cells. It is logical to think the same
DR⫹ cells in conjunctival epithelial cells of dry eye mechanism may be valid for TSD treatment.
patients (Sjögren and non-Sjögren) had been reported An interesting result was obtained in terms of apoptotic
before after topical CsA treatment.9,10 Fukagawa and cell numbers that were investigated by Apo 2.7 expression
associates speculated that chronic stimulation from envi- in impression cytology specimens. Topical TSD treatment
ronmental challenges (contact lens, low humidity, wind, had no effect on the numbers of apoptotic cells. The same
and so on) on the ocular surface interferes with the result has been reported before with topical CsA treat-
neuronal transmission to the lacrimal glands, resulting in ment.10 The authors speculated that increased apoptosis
the activation of vigilant trafficking lymphocytes and sub- after CsA treatment might represent a very early normal-
sequent production of proinflammatory cytokines, promoting ization of epithelial cell differentiation from a severely
the autoimmune response.22 Therefore, CsA and TSD ther- affected state. Although this mechanism may operate for
apy are rational approaches for treating immune-based in- TSD treatment, another explanation is also present. Both
flammation in KCS. corticosteroids and CsA have an inducing effect on apo-
Another important finding of the current study is an ptosis.24,25 Thus, an expected decrease in apoptosis after
increase of goblet cell numbers in impression cytology treatment with either CsA or TSD (because of reduction


FIGURE 8. Change from baseline in Apo 2.7ⴙ cells. Any significant difference is not present in any group. ATS ⴝ artificial tear
substitute; NSAIDs ⴝ nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drops; TSD ⴝ topical corticosteroidal drops.

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