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Teachers play important role in our life to become successful in career and business. A
good teacher helps us to become good human being in the society and good citizen of the
country. Teachers know that students are the future of any nation.

So the future development of any nation is in the hands of teachers. What we become in
life is depends on teachers. Teachers impart the data and information in the brain of
students to analyze. Analyzing in the situation what is possible is the most important
thing that we learn from teachers.

Appreciation of teachers is very important because they are most important people in the
country. What we’re seeing today in business, politics, and society all affected by teachers.
So, in India, we celebrate teacher day every year on 5 September on the occasion of the
birth Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan (5 Sep 1888 – 17 April 1975).



Today the people are changing and their thinking and development ideas are more
against nature. Now for the world, a teacher is just a teacher. Politician just speech
on teachers day on the occasion and forget. People share few post on social media
regarding teacher and then forget. People forget more things than they are learning from

Schools and students celebrate the teachers day occasion and appreciate the efforts
teachers are doing. This is great if people should follow the lessons of teachers.

The real gift for teachers is when students become a good human being, successful in their
career and business. Not all teachers are good in teaching and similarly, not all students
are like “Shishya and Guru” especially in the modern era. Some teachers are great and
they are always in heart of students.

Students look up to teachers for advice and guidance. Students not only interested in
academic lessons but they are interested to follow their life lessons. That’s why it’s highly
important for teachers to inspire students to follow good habits not bad by their own
example. An education is important in everyone’s life and plays various roles in different
stages of life. It’s important that people realize the importance of teachers and follow
their lessons.
How teachers bring changes in student’s life

For me, teachers are the real VIP’s, not politicians. We need teachers on every step of life
and career. Teachers are not only important for students but also for society. Presence of
teachers in any meeting and social activities boost the moral and make the time more

Parents are also teacher where kids become what they want to be. Teachers are not only
human being but they are like natural plants.

A leader is a teacher in some cases where he/ she teach how to lead a company. Parents
are also teacher where kids become what they want to be. Teachers are not only human
being but nature, plants, table, pen,

Teachers are not only human being but nature, plants, table, pen, the internet, society all
are teachers if we see these things from the eyes of the learner.

Life is a teacher. Time is a Teacher.

It’s depending on us what we think and how we think and what is the impact of our
thinking on society and our career. When we learn we become creative and creativity
leads us thinking and execution of thinking make a great from good and good from
average. According to what I understand so far from these lines of Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam.



I am not capable to explain the meaning of this great teacher but I will try. In this case, we
learn from teachers that give us creativity. Creativity in students mind leads to thinking
right or wrong. Taking a right decision in right time give us great results. These results
bring changes in our life. Here are my thoughts about the importance of Teachers

Teachers build a society with good human being.

“To me, the sole hope of human salvation lies in teaching.” – George Bernard Shaw

Teachers help us to become a good human being. Good human being can contribute to
the development of society. A developed society with good people helps others to become
successful and happy.
The ideology and morals help people to learn how to handle relationships in life. Teachers
help us and show how to interact with different personalities. These things really matter
later in the life of students. This is why teachers are an important pillar of society.

Today our society need to understand and analyze right and wrong. We need people who
think about the future and create solution those are nature-friendly. We need leaders who
drive the nation into the development and independence. For the development of society,
we can’t only depend on teachers.

We should need to execute their lessons in the society. We need to support people as a
society to become successful. We need to post and share good things on social media that
make others happy and positive. We need to explore possible solutions. We need to
appreciate good things.

But this is not possible without self-analysis. Today I think societies are influenced by
media. Media explore what they think right or wrong. It’s ok that they are doing their
duty. But we all need to analyze that our duty is not to explore bad things but good things.
What is coming generation learn from this kind of social media and politicians whereas
they just criticizing each other for the voting purposes?

That’s why we need great teachers in schools who think about the future of the country.
Teacher’s roles are really important to teach students what is right or wrong and what
the effects of doing certain things.

Every teacher wants to be a good teacher, but what is this myth about being a
"good teacher"? Who is it? What are the characteristics? And how can you become
Teaching jobs are often lucrative and satisfying for people who love to teach. I am a
teacher too, though I do not think myself as a very good teacher, but I know for one
thing that majority of my students do love me, and I guess this is the point where good
things start to happen.
I was thinking about what are the characteristics of a good teacher and how can I one.
Or which characteristics and qualities should a good teacher possess? So I came up
with some qualities which I found most relevant for a person involved in a teaching
job. I believe if a teacher possesses the following characteristics and qualities, he/she
can become a very good teacher with large fan base too.

Friendliness and Congeniality

I think the most important characteristic of a good teacher can have is to be friendly
and congenial with his students. It is a plus if his students can share their problems
with him, without being afraid or hesitant. I think students have always thoughts of their
teachers as their enemies (in a funny sense though :p). With this mentality, they can
never be close to each other, and besides that how many teachers did you like who
were NOT friendly, and were rather arrogant and rude?

A Good Personality
A good teacher has a very good personality; there is no second thought about it.
Students always get attracted to teachers with good personality which leads to better
communication, understanding, and ultimately good results. Everyone can have a
good, decent, likable, and presentable personality. Just dress sensibly well, smell
good, and be a little gentle and kind. That's all.

Deep Knowledge and a Great Education

Another important characteristic of a good teacher is his knowledge and own
education. There is a saying that 'a teacher is only as good as his knowledge
is.' After all, he is doing a teacher's job, which is to teach. If he himself lacks in the
knowledge of a certain subject that he teaches, he is never going to make a name for
himself. So, sign up with only that subjects which you have really good expertise; and
it is a moral duty too. Otherwise, it is not worth it.

A Good Communicator
One of the very important characteristics of a good teacher is his communication skills.
He should be a very good speaker. This characteristic will provide benefits in several
ways. For example:
1. If his communication skills are good, he can convey his lectures with better skill
and results.
2. If he is a good speaker, his class strength increases automatically. People love to
hear a person who he can speak well enough. There is always a shortage of good
speakers in the world ;)

A Good Listener
Apart from being a good communicator, a good teacher should also have the
characteristic of being an even better listener. As there is Turkish proverb:
"If speaking is silver; then listening is gold."
Remember, a good listener will always have many friends and fans. Because people
do not want to hear every time, they need people who can listen to them as well. And
when a good teacher develops this patient quality in himself, he starts to become a
great teacher.

A Good Sense of Humour

A good teacher should also have the quality and characteristic of having a good sense
of humour. It is a logical fact that a person generally teaches the next generation and
as they are younger than the professor, they are expected to have more fun in the
class too. So, a good teacher is the one who can keep up with his sense of humour,
and with his strong communication skills and personality, can also maintain the
discipline of the class.
The last but obviously one of the most important characteristics to have in his box of
qualities: he should be a gentle, kind, chivalrous, and benevolent person. Students
should love him, and when they do love him, they idolize him. Then ultimately, they
will respect him, will do the homework, and eventually will bring greater outputs and

Teaching skills and practices

The most frequent comment made by students was that highly rated lecturers
explained in a way which was clear and helped students to understand. They made
difficult work comprehensible without oversimplifying, and used simple language. If
technical language was used, it was clearly defined. In lectures, visual media, such as
overheads, slides, handouts and blackboard diagrams were used to assist in
explanation or clarification where appropriate. Abstract concepts were illustrated with
examples, and the distinction between concept and example was made clear.

Highly rated lecturers were well prepared, structured their lecture content effectively,
and communicated the structure to students. They clearly defined the subject
objectives and emphasised important points. They spoke clearly and at an appropriate
speed and allowed adequate time for students to both take notes and listen, indicating
when note-taking was and was not required. They often provided handouts to assist
students to take notes without furious copying. They used questions and activities to
engage students' thinking and interest.

They were highly knowledgeable and up to date in their subject area, but did not
pretend to "know it all" and were willing to learn from their students, recognising that
work experience makes many part-time and senior students a valuable resource.

Students commented that the lecturers tried to make the work interesting. They related
new concepts to students' experiences by means of case studies, relevant examples
or anecdotes, and placed a high priority on varying student activities during lecture

Student participation was encouraged, in lectures as well as tutorial or laboratory

sessions. These lecturers knew that most students gained a better understanding from
active involvement than from passive note-taking. They therefore made a conscious
effort to release time from "lecturing" for student analysis, problem solving,
questioning, discussion or "buzz group" activities relevant to the topic for the lecture.
During lectures, they made frequent opportunities for questions from, or discussion
by, students, and attempted to answer all questions promptly and clearly. They treated
all student questions seriously and did not intimidate or ridicule. They also asked direct
questions of students in order to check understanding before or during a lecture.

Giving time for students to actively engage with the subject matter means reducing
time available to cover new content. The lecturers' most frequent strategies for gaining
time without compromising course objectives were:
 Providing students with printed subject notes and/or summary handouts, thus
reducing note writing, and encouraging students to highlight key points, add
comments and note insights generated during class interactions.
 Thoroughly explaining key concepts and examples in short lecture segments,
and encouraging students to access texts and references for further details and
multiple examples.
 Reducing the content covered in lectures to central areas, and encouraging
wider reading and/or the integration of work experience through carefully
designed assignments and tutorials.

Attitude towards students

Highly rated lecturers genuinely wanted students to learn, understand and develop
critical thinking abilities, as well as master content or learn skills. They demonstrated
an empathy with student thinking, anticipating misconceptions and allowing students
to develop understanding in a variety of ways. They observed students in class for
signs that they were failing to keep up, were bored, or were not understanding, and
were flexible in responding to student needs. They encouraged student feedback on
their teaching, and often sought informal feedback during classes.

Outside class time, they made a point of being approachable and willing to help
students. They tried to avoid "spoon-feeding" and encouraged students to take an
active role in working through their difficulties, but would take time to work though
concepts in detail with those who genuinely had difficulties.

Personal qualities

Highly rated lecturers showed enthusiasm for their subject, professional area and
teaching role. Students found this motivating and commented that they looked forward
to coming to classes. The most frequently mentioned personal attribute of the highly
rated lecturers was their "easy going", "relaxed" or "open" manner, and the relaxed
atmosphere that this brought to the classroom. Students also appreciated appropriate
humour and an attitude which suggested that learning was enjoyable.

One set of characteristics of good teaching, extracted from research studies and
summarised from the individual lecturer's point of view (Ramsden, 2003) includes:

 A desire to share your love of the subject with students

 An ability to make the material being taught stimulating and interesting
 A facility for engaging with students at their level of understanding
 A capacity to explain the material plainly
 A commitment to making it absolutely clear what has to be understood at what
level and why
 Showing concern and respect for students
 A commitment to encouraging independence
 An ability to improvise and adapt to new demands
 Using teaching methods and academic tasks that require students to learn
actively, responsibly and co-operatively
 Using valid assessment methods
 A focus on key concepts, and students’ misunderstandings of them, rather than
covering the ground
 Giving the highest quality feedback on student work
 A desire to learn from students and other sources about the effects of teaching
and how it can be improved.

A similar set of characteristics has been derived from feedback from students at UTS,
and is summarised in the following section.

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