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Music Video Risk Assessment

Production Title: Kendrick Lamar - Swimming Pools Production Dates: Jan - Feb 2018
Producer Name: Ali Duba Director Name: Ali Duba
Date of Risk Assessment: 20/01/18 Risk Assessment Conducted by: Ali Duba

Hazard People who maybe Property which Risk controls RISK - Action required to
be harmed may be damaged already in place Low/Moderate/ control risk
Dropping Camera N/A Film Camera: Camera securely MODERATE Put camera in case
(iPhone 7 plus or stuck to a tripod or when it’s not being
GoPro) to a neck strap used
depending on what
is being filmed
Actors tripping Actors N/A Make sure the floor LOW
over is clear of objects
whilst filming and
actions are taking
Breaking N/A Property of the All members of the MODERATE
locational items location production process
( ex. tables, chairs) are to be respectful
when handling the
mise en scene of the
filming location.
Hazard People who maybe Property which Risk controls RISK - Action required to
be harmed may be damaged already in place Low/Moderate/ control risk
Bad Weather: All members of the Electrical Make sure that all LOW Most of the music
(Rain/Snow) filming process equipment: electrical equipment video will be filmed
(Phone, Camera, goes back into bags/ indoor, so it is
Laptop, LED cases whilst not in unlikely that the
lighting) use equipment will be
harmed by rain or

Just in case if it does

rain/snow when we
are filming, I could
bring an umbrella to
protect the camera
from being
Persmission of People within the The location Before any filming LOW We will be filming
Filming location is conducted, the in an area with
location is notified, minimal members
so that we can film of the public if not
without being an empty area, so it
escorted out. is unlikely that we
will not be allowed
to film considering
its next to a friend’s

Emergency Contact number

Fire Brigade 101

Ambulance 103

Police 102

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