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Child Study Procedures

The district’s identification system is developed according to the requirement of nondiscrimination
as Eastern Carver County Schools does not discriminate in education on the basis of race, color, creed,
religion, national origin, sex, age, marital status, status with regard to public assistance, sexual
orientation, or disability.

 Eastern Carver County Schools Child Study Procedures –See Appendix A

 Special Education Categories Considered for Identification and Evaluation in ISD #112 –See Appendix C

A. Identification

Eastern Carver County Schools has developed systems designed to identify pupils with disabilities
beginning at birth, pupils with disabilities attending public and nonpublic schools, and pupils with
disabilities who are of school age and are not attending any school.

Infant and toddler intervention services under United States Code, title 20, chapter 33, section 1431 et
seq., and Code of Federal Regulations, title 34, part 303, are available in Eastern Carver County
Schools to children from birth through two years of age who meet the outlined criteria.

The team determines that a child from birth through the age of two years is eligible for infant and
toddler intervention services if:

A. the child meets the criteria of one of the disability categories in United States Code, title 20, chapter 33,
sections 1400, et. seq., as defined in Minnesota Rules; or

B. the child meets one of the criteria for developmental delay in subitem (1) or the criteria in subitem (2);

(1) the child has a diagnosed physical or mental condition or disorder that has a high probability of resulting in
developmental delay regardless of whether the child has a demonstrated need or delay; or

(2) the child is experiencing a developmental delay that is demonstrated by a score of 1.5 standard deviations
or more below the mean, as measured by the appropriate diagnostic measures and procedures, in one or
more of the following areas:
(a) cognitive development;
(b) physical development, including vision and hearing;
(c) communication development;
(d) social or emotional development; and
(e) adaptive development.

The team shall determine that a child from the age of three years through the age of six years is eligible
for special education when:

A. the child meets the criteria of one of the categorical disabilities in United States Code, title 20, chapter 33,
sections 1400 et seq., as defined in Minnesota Rules; or
B. the child meets one of the criteria for developmental delay in subitem (1) and the criteria in subitem
(2). Eastern Carver County Schools has elected the option of implementing these criteria for developmental

A. The child:
(a) has a diagnosed physical or mental condition or disorder that has a high probability or resulting in
developmental delay; or
(b) has a delay in each of two or more of the areas of cognitive development; physical development, including
vision and hearing; communication development; social or emotional development; and adaptive
development, that is verified by an evaluation using one or more technically adequate, norm-referenced
instruments. The instruments must be individually administered by appropriately trained professionals and
the scores must be at least 1.5 standard deviations below the mean in each area.

B. The child’s need for special education is supported by:

(a) at least one documented, systematic observation in the child’s routine setting by an appropriate
professional or, if observation in the daily routine setting is not possible, the alternative setting must be
(b) a developmental history; and
(c) at least one other evaluation procedure in each area of identified delay that is conducted on a different day
than the medical or norm-referenced evaluation; which may include criterion references instruments,
language samples, or curriculum-based measures.

Eastern Carver County Schools plan for identifying a child with a specific learning disability (SLD) is
consistent with Minnesota Rule 3525.1341. Eastern Carver County Schools plan for identifying a child
with a SLD is attached.

 Eastern Carver County Schools Plan for Identifying SLD

B. Evaluation

The evaluation used to determine whether a child is eligible for infant and toddler intervention services
must be conducted within the timelines established in Code of Federal Regulations, title 34, part 303. It
must be based on informed clinical opinion; and must be multidisciplinary in nature, involving two or
more disciplines or professions; and must be conducted by personnel trained to utilize appropriate
methods and procedures. The evaluation must include:

A. A review of the child’s current records related to health status and medical history;
B. an evaluation of the child’s levels of cognitive, physical, communication, social or emotional, and adaptive
developmental functioning;
C. an assessment of the unique needs of the child in terms of each of the developmental areas in item B; and
D. at least one documented, systematic observation in the child’s daily routine setting by an appropriate
professional or, if observation in the child’s daily setting is not possible, the alternative setting must be

The team shall conduct an evaluation for special education purposes within a reasonable time not to
exceed 30 school days from the date the district receives parental permission to conduct the evaluation
or the expiration of the 14-calendar day parental response time in cases other than initial evaluation,
unless a conciliation conference or hearing is requested.

Eastern Carver County Schools conducts full and individual initial evaluation before the initial provision
of special education and related services to a pupil. The initial evaluation shall consist of procedures to
determine whether a child is a pupil with a disability that adversely affects the child’s educational
performance as defined in Minnesota Statutes, section 125A.02, who by reason thereof needs special
education and related services, and to determine the educational needs of the pupil. The district
proposing to conduct an initial evaluation to determine if the child qualifies as a pupil with a disability
shall obtain an informed consent from the parent of the child before the evaluation is conducted.
Parental consent for evaluation shall not be construed as consent for placement for receipt of special
education and related services. The District will not override the written refusal of a parent to consent
to an initial evaluation or re-evaluation.

Evaluations and reevaluations shall be conducted according to the following procedures:

A. Eastern Carver County Schools shall provide notice to the parents of the pupil, according to Code of Federal
Regulations, title 34, sections 300.500 to 300.505, that describes any evaluation procedures the district
proposes to conduct.

B. In conducting the evaluation, Eastern Carver County Schools shall:

(1) use a variety of evaluation tools and strategies to gather relevant functional and developmental
information, including information provided by the parent, that are designed to assist in determining
whether the child is a pupil with a disability and the content of the pupil’s individualized education
program, including information related to enabling the pupil to be involved in and profess in the general
curriculum, or for preschool pupils, to participate in appropriate activities;
(2) not use any single procedure as the sole criterion for determining whether a child is a pupil with a disability
or determining an appropriate education program for the pupil; and
(3) use technically sound instruments that are designed to assess the relative contribution of cognitive and
behavioral factors, in addition to physical or developmental factors.

C. Eastern Carver County Schools ensures that:

(1) tests and other evaluation materials used to evaluate a child under this part are selected and administered
so as not be discriminatory on a racial or cultural basis, and are provided and administered in the pupil’s
native language or other mode of communication, unless it is clearly not feasible to do so;
(2) materials and procedures used to evaluate a child with limited English proficiency are selected and
administered to ensure that they measure the extent to which the child has a disability and needs special
education and related services, rather than measure the child’s English language skills;
(3) any standardized tests that are given to the child have been validated for the specific purpose for which
they are used, are administered by trained and knowledgeable personnel, and are administered in
accordance with any instructions provided by the producer of such tests;
(4) the child is evaluated in all areas of suspected disability, including, if appropriate, health, vision, hearing,
social and emotional status, general intelligence, academic performance, communicative status, and
motor abilities;
(5) evaluation tools and strategies that provide relevant information that directly assists persons in
determining the educational needs of the pupil are provided;
(6) if an evaluation is not conducted under standard conditions, a description of the extent to which it varied
from standard conditions must be included in the evaluation report;
(7) tests and other evaluation materials include those tailored to evaluate specific areas of educational need
and not merely those that are designed to provide a single general intelligence quotient;
(8) tests are selected and administered so as best to ensure that if a test is administered to a child with
impaired sensory, manual, or speaking skills, the test results accurately reflect the child’s aptitude or
achievement level or whatever other factors the test purposes to measure, rather than reflecting the
child’s impaired sensory, manual, or speaking skills, unless those skills are the factors that the test
purposes to measure; and
(9) in evaluating each pupil with a disability, the evaluation is sufficiently comprehensive to identify all of the
pupil’s special education and related service needs, whether or not commonly linked to the disability
category in which the pupil has been classified.

D. Upon completion of administration of tests and other evaluation materials, the determination of whether the
child is a pupil with a disability as defined in Minnesota Statutes, section 125A.02, shall be made by a team of
qualified professionals and the parent of the pupil in accordance with item E, and a copy of the evaluation
report and the documentation of determination of eligibility will be given to the parent.
E. In making a determination of eligibility under item D, a child shall not be determined to be a pupil with a
disability if the determinant factor for such determination is lack of instruction in reading or math or limited
English proficiency, and the child does not otherwise meet eligibility criteria under parts 3525.1325 to

Additional Requirements for Evaluation and Re-evaluations

A. As part of an initial evaluation, if appropriate, and as part of any reevaluation under this part, or a
reinstatement under part 3525.3100, the IEP team and other qualified professionals, as appropriate, shall:

(1) review existing evaluation data on the pupil, including evaluations and information provided by the parents
of the pupil, current classroom-based assessments and observations, and teacher and related services
providers observation; and
(2) on the basis of the review, and input from the pupil's parents, identify what additional data, if any, are
needed to determine whether the pupil has a particular category of disability, as described in Minnesota
Statutes, section 125A.02, or, in case of a reevaluation of a pupil, whether the pupil continues to have
such a disability, the present levels of performance and educational needs of the pupil, whether the pupil
needs special education and related services, or in the case of a reevaluation of a pupil, whether the pupil
continues to need special education and related services, and whether any additions or modifications to
the special education and related services are needed to enable the pupil to meet the measurable annual
goals set out in the individualized education program of the pupil and to participate, as appropriate, in the
general curriculum.

B. The district shall administer such tests and other evaluation materials as may be needed to produce the data
identified by the IEP team under item A, subitem (2).

C. Each district shall obtain informed parental consent, in accordance with subpart 1, prior to conducting any
reevaluation of a pupil, except that such informed parental consent need not be obtained if the district can
demonstrate that it had taken reasonable measures to obtain such consent and the pupil's parent has failed to

D. If the IEP team and other qualified professionals, as appropriate, determine that no additional data are needed
to determine whether the pupil continues to be a pupil with a disability, the district shall notify the pupil's
parents of that determination and the reasons for it, and the right of such parents to request an evaluation to
determine whether the pupil continues to be a pupil with a disability, and shall not be required to conduct such
an evaluation unless requested to by the pupil's parents.

E. A district shall evaluate a pupil in accordance with this part before determining that the pupil is no longer a
pupil with a disability.

When restrictive procedures are used twice in 30 days or when a pattern emerges and restrictive
procedures are not included in a child's individualized education program or behavior intervention plan,
the district must hold a meeting of the individualized education program team, conduct or review a
functional behavioral analysis, review data, consider developing additional or revised positive behavioral
interventions and supports, consider actions to reduce the use of restrictive procedures, and modify the
individualized education program or behavior intervention plan as appropriate. At the meeting, the
team must review any known medical or psychological limitations that contraindicate the use of a
restrictive procedure, consider whether to prohibit that restrictive procedure, and document any
prohibition in the individualized education program or behavior intervention plan.

 Eastern Carver County Schools Restrictive Procedure Plan

 For more information, see Restrictive Procedure Documents found under the "Admin Tool Box/Resources"
Chapter and/or the "Behavior Resources" Chapter on our Specialized Education Services main insider
Procedures for determining eligibility and placement.

A. In interpreting the evaluation data for the purpose of determining if a child is a pupil with a disability under
parts 3525.1325 to 3525.1351 and the educational needs of the child, the school district shall:

(1) draw upon information from a variety of sources, including aptitude and achievement tests, parent input,
teacher recommendations, physical condition, social or cultural background, and adaptive behavior; and

(2) ensure that the information obtained from all of the sources is documented and carefully considered.

B. If a determination is made that a child is a pupil with a disability who needs special education and related
services, an IEP must be developed for the pupil according to part 3525.2810.

Summary of Evaluation Results

An evaluation report must be completed and delivered to the pupil's parents within the specified
evaluation timeline. At a minimum, the evaluation report must include:

A. A summary of evaluation results

B. documentation of whether the pupil has a particular category of disability or, in the case of a reevaluation,
whether the pupil continues to have such a disability;
C. the pupil's present levels of performance and educational needs that derive from the disability;
D. whether the child needs special education and related services or, in the case of a reevaluation, whether the
pupil continues to need special education and related services; and
E. whether any additions or modifications to the special education and related services are needed to enable the
pupil to meet the measurable annual goals set out in the pupil's IEP and to participate, as appropriate, in the
general curriculum.

C. Plan for Receiving Referrals

Eastern Carver County Schools plan for receiving referrals from parents, physicians, private and public
programs, and health and human services agencies are attached.

District iTEAM forms and procedures:

 Eastern Carver County Schools iTEAM, Introduction - See Appendix D

 iTeam Process and Procedures - See Appendix E
 Step 1A
 Step 1B
 Step 1C
 Step 2
 Step 3
 Step 4

Non Public Consultation and Child Find:

 Nonpublic Consultation Agenda-

 Nonpublic Consultation Summary
 Private School Consultation Form- See Appendix F
 Program Outline for Nonpublic Services- See Appendix G

Plan for Receiving Birth-age 5 Referrals- See Appendix H

Appendix A:

Child Study Procedures:

Administration & Management
Reviewed and Revised 8.09.2016

Eastern Carver County Schools utilizes weekly building child study meetings to implement child study
procedures including ongoing review of methods of providing special education services for students
with disabilities and on individualized educational plans.


All buildings are required to have a weekly Child Study Meeting (CST)

Team Membership

Each building CST meeting will include the following team members:

 Special Education Coordinator

o Coordinates agenda and facilitates weekly child study meeting, also services on
building intervention/problem solving team to connect intervention team to child
study team and child find procedures
 School Psychologist
 Building Special Education Teachers/ IEP Managers
 Related Service Providers (i.e. school nurse, occupational therapist, social worker,
physical therapist, specialists…)
 Building Administrators- invited to each weekly meeting
 District Special Education Administrators- attend at least 5 CST meetings per building
each year

Purpose and Agenda

Building CST meetings are in place to support special education staff in fulfilling due process
requirements efficiently while maintaining compliance with state and federal laws and rules governing
special education. Child study team reviews and processes initial referrals as well as monitors and
collaborates around ongoing reevaluations and annual individual education plan development and
service delivery. The plan for receiving new referrals is outlined in district iTeam procedures (TSES
chapter 1C); parent/guardian requests for assessment go directly to child study team for review and
subsequent follow up via a team meeting with parents. Special education coordinators facilitate weekly
CST meetings at the building level utilizing a common agenda format (attached: 2013-2014 Child Study
Team Agenda Template). Child study meetings are also utilized to engage in ongoing teaming around
special education service delivery and methods of providing special education services for identified
special education students. Eastern Carver County Schools offers a full continuum of special education
services and related services as defined by individualized student education plans.
Eastern Carver County Schools: District Special Education Services and Programs Link: -See Appendix B

Administration and Management

District special education administration will meet monthly with district special education coordinators.
At these meetings, special education due process and legal updates, district child study procedures and
methods for providing special education services are discussed and reviewed. Child study agenda items
are articulated and discussed to establish consistent and efficient dissemination of information to
building special education teams through the weekly CST meeting process.

Special education coordinators utilize building folders on the shared technology drive to archive
agendas, special education staff schedules and related special education procedure and service delivery
documents. These documents can be viewed by building special education staff, building administration
and district special education administration for ongoing review and administrative management.

District special education administration attends each buildings child study meeting at least 5 times a
year to meet directly with building special education teams and provide ongoing building administration
and management related to child study procedures and service delivery at the building level.

CST Facilitator Contact Information

Building CST Facilitator Name and Contact Information

Family Learning Center Ryan Bellmont – Special Education Coordinator
545 Pioneer Trail Chaska, MN 55318
Kindergarten Center and La Academia Ryan Bellmont – Special Education Coordinator
110600 Village Rd Chaska, MN 55315
Victoria Elementary School Erin Valenta- Special Education Coordinator
9300 Red Fox Drive Victoria, MN 55386
Clover Ridge Elementary School Patricia Lange- Special Education Coordinator
11400 Hundertmark Rd Chaska, MN 55318
Jonathan Elementary School Robin Bloom- Special Education Coordinator
110300 Pioneer Trail West Chaska, MN 55318
Chaska Elementary School Jo Dunham- Special Education Coordinator
1800 No. Chestnut St Chaska, MN 55318
East Union Elementary School Erin Valenta- Special Education Coordinator
15655 County Road 43 Carver, MN 55318
Bluff Creek Elementary Jennifer Cordes- Special Education Coordinator
2300 Coulter Blvd. Chanhassen, MN 55317
Chanhassen Elementary School Benjamin Hullerus- Special Education Coordinator
7600 Laredo Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317
Chaska Middle School East Robin Bloom- Special Education Coordinator
1600 Park Ridge Dr Chaska, MN 55318
Chaska Middle School West Patricia Lange- Special Education Coordinator
140 Engler Blvd Chaska, MN 55318
Pioneer Ridge Middle School Patricia Lange- Special Education Coordinator
1085 Pioneer Trail East Chaska, MN 55318
Chaska High School Jennifer Cordes- Special Education Coordinator
545 Pioneer Trail Chaska, MN 55318
Chanhassen High School Jo Dunham- Special Education Coordinator
2200 Lyman Blvd. Chanhassen, MN 55317
Integrated Arts Academy Robin Bloom- Special Education Coordinator
11 Peavey Rd Chaska, MN 55318
STAR Program Erin Valenta- Special Education Coordinator
7808 Kerber Boulevard, Suite 200 Chanhassen,
MN 55317
Nonpublic Schools and Southwest Metro Jennifer Hayes- District Representative
Educational Cooperative 952-556-6178
11 Peavey Rd Chaska, MN 55318
2016-2017 Child Study Team Agenda Template
School Name
Specialized Education Services Child Study Agenda
Date & Time
Present: Team Members

I. Building Information and Team Problem Solving

a. Student centered planning and problem solving
b. Health services updates
c. Special education caseload/student list
d. Scheduling issues, concerns
II. Trainings/PD-Share out staff
a. Big take away ideas
b. Specific insights & questions that have been raised
c. Implications for action in the classroom
III. District Information and News
IV. Due Process Review, Review of Sped Forms Building Report
a. Initial referrals & iTeam
b. IEP happenings
i. Scheduled
ii. In process
iii. Coming up
c. Evaluation happenings
i. In process
ii. Upcoming
V. Budget Overview
VI. Ongoing Reminders:
a. State testing
b. ESY
c. Other (i.e. SOP, IEP driven diploma)
Appendix B:

District Special Education Services and Programs

Eastern Carver County Schools provides a full continuum of special education and related services
depending on each student's unique special education needs and the goals determined by the student's
Individual Education Planning (IEP) team. Services are provided in the least restrictive learning
environment which is appropriate for the individual student. Brief descriptions are listed below.

Resource Programs This model of service provides added special education support to students and
is available in all district 112 schools. Students flex out of the general education classroom for
individual or small group support specific to individual goal areas. Resource special education staff
may provide direct, indirect, team teaching or other specialized support depending on student need.
Students may access resource supports a minimal amount of time to over half of their school day
depending upon need.

Team Teaching or Co-Teaching This model of service provides extra support in the general
education classroom. Two teachers (one general education and one special education) share the
teaching responsibilities for their class. The special education teacher provides accommodations and
individual support or services to facilitate the success of all students.

Center-Based Programs This model of service provides instruction and support to students who
may need specialized instruction and support more than half of their school day. Students who
present unique needs for a consistent and structured special education environment may benefit from
center-based programming. Needs addressed in programs vary, including academic, functional, and
behavioral programming. District Center-Based Programs operate in conjunction with general
education, with future mainstreaming as the goal. These programs are not offered at every site, thus
student transfer and placement may occur based on student needs. District programs include:
Readiness, Class, Discover, Aim, Apsire, and Embark.

Special Education Services and Related Services

Direct Services Special Education or related services provided directly to the student by special
educators. Service can occur in a variety of settings including the general education classroom,
resource room, center-based classroom or a combination.

Indirect Services Special education or related services which pertain to the student but are not
directly provided to him/her including: ongoing progress reviews, cooperative planning, consultation,
demonstration teaching, modifications and adaptations of the environment, curriculum, materials or
equipment, and monitoring and observing the student. Indirect services may be provided by a special
education teacher or related services professional.
Related Services Related services are a broad array of services that assist a student with a disability
to benefit from their program of specialized instruction. Related service includes but is not limited to:
speech-language services, pathology and audiology services, occupational therapy, orientation and
mobility, physical therapy, interpreting services, psychological services, social work services, school
nurse services, special transportation etc. While many of these services appear similar to or have the
same title as medical and/or mental health services that may be provided in a clinic or hospital, there
are significant differences between a related service provided by the schools and the services that
may be provided by another agency. The purpose of a related service is to facilitate the student's
access to and allow them to benefit from their program of specialized instruction. To clarify, if a
student can access and benefit from the specialized instruction (i.e., meet their IEP goals) without a
particular procedure or therapy, then it does not qualify as a related service. It is therefore possible
that a particular intervention or therapy may be medically necessary, but may not be needed within
the schools in order for the student to access and benefit from their specialized instruction. In
situations where a student needs service from both the medical community and the schools, it is
important that the school and outside provider communicate to insure services are coordinated and
supportive of one another.

Out of District Services On some occasions, student needs surpass what the district can offer. In this
event, our district contracts with programs outside of Eastern Carver County on a case-by-case basis.
Appendix C:

In Minnesota, students can receive special education services under thirteen categorical disability areas.
A team of qualified professionals, including parent(s), determines whether the student meets criteria in
one of the disability areas and is in need of special education services. MN Rule Chapter 3525.2710

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

Autism is a developmental disability with onset usually in the first three years of life. It is a behaviorally
defined syndrome characterized by an uneven developmental profile and disturbances in interaction,
communication, and perceptional organization. Autism occurs on a continuum from mild to severe. It occurs
by itself or in association with other disorders. It may include the diagnosis of pervasive developmental
disorder. Professionals with experience and expertise in the area of autism will be included on the team
determining the disability and educational program.
**Autism: Click for more information from the Minnesota Department of Education**

Deaf/Blind (DB)
Deaf/Blindness means medically verified visual impairment paired with medically verified hearing impairment
that, together, interferes with acquiring information or interacting in the environment. Both conditions need to
be present and student must meet the criteria for both vision and hearing impairments.
**Deaf/Blind: Click for more information from the Minnesota Department of Education**

Developmentally Delayed (DD)

Developmentally Delayed, formerly known as ECSE, is available to students from birth to seven years of age
who have a substantial delay or disorder in development, or have an identifiable sensory, physical, mental, or
social/emotional condition or impairment known to impede normal development and need special education.
Students are eligible for these services if they meet criteria in 2 or more areas as specifically defined by the
Department of Education.
**Developmental Delayed: Click for more information from the Minnesota Department of Education**

Developmental Cognitive Disability (DCD)

Developmental Cognitive Disability refers to significant deficits in general intellectual functioning resulting in
or associated with deficits in adaptive behavior that may require special education instruction and related
**Developmental Cognitive Disability: Click for more information from the Minnesota Department of
Education **

Emotional or Behavioral Disorders (EBD)

EBD means an established pattern characterized by one or more of the following behavior clusters: severely
aggressive or impulsive behaviors; severely withdrawn or anxious behaviors, general pervasive unhappiness,
depression, or wide mood-swings; severely disordered thought processes manifested by unusual behavior
patterns, atypical communication styles, and distorted interpersonal relationships.
**Emotional or Behavioral Disorders: Click for more information from the Minnesota Department of

Deaf and Hard of Hearing (DHH)

Hearing impairment is the term used to describe the wide range of hearing loss, whether temporary or
permanent, slight or profound. A hearing impairment has the potential to affect educational, communicative, or
social functioning that may result in the need for special education instruction and related services.
**Deaf/Hard of Hearing: Click for more information from the Minnesota Department of Education**

Other Health Disability (OHD)

Other Health Disability refers to a medically diagnosed chronic or acute health condition that may adversely
affect academic functioning and result in the need for special education and related services. Examples of
health impairment include, but are not limited to, epilepsy, cancer, traumatic brain injury, Tourette’s
syndrome, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, and cystic fibrosis.
**Other Health Disabilities: Click for more information from the Minnesota Department of Education**

Physically Impaired (PI)

Physically Impaired refers to a medically diagnosed chronic, physical impairment, either congenital or
acquired, that may adversely affect physical or academic functioning and result in the need for special
education and related services.
**Physical Impaired: Click for more information from the Minnesota Department of Education**

Severely Multiple Impaired (SMI)

Severely Multiple Impaired refers to students who may meet criteria in 2 or more disability areas.

Specific Learning Disability (SLD)

Specific Learning Disability means a student is functioning at an academic level significantly below grade
level peers and is demonstrating a severe discrepancy between intellectual ability and actual achievement in
one or more of the following areas: Oral expression and listening comprehension; Basic reading skills and
reading comprehension; Written expression; Mathematical calculation or mathematics reasoning.
**Specific Learning Disability: Click for more information from the Minnesota Department of Education**

Speech / Language Impairments (S/L)

Speech/language impairments fall into four different areas. 1) A fluency disorder means the intrusion or
repetition of sounds, syllables, and words; prolongation of sounds; avoidance of words; silent blocks; or
inappropriate inhalation, exhalation, or phonation patterns. These patterns also may be accompanied by facial
and body movements associated with the effort to speak. 2) voice disorder is displayed when a student’s voice
interferes with communication, due to quality, progidy or health factors. 3) An articulation disorder is the
absence of or incorrect production of speech sounds that are developmentally appropriate. 4) A language
disorder means a breakdown in communication as characterized by problems in expressing needs, ideas, or
information that may be accompanied by problems in understanding.
**Speech Language Impairment: Click for more information from the Minnesota Department of Education**

Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)

Traumatic Brain Injury means an acquired injury to the brain caused by an external physical force, resulting in
total or partial functional disability or psychosocial impairment, or both, that adversely affects a child’s
educational performance.
**Traumatic Brain Injury: Click for more information from the Minnesota Department of Education**

Visually Impaired (VI)

Visually Impaired means a medically verified visual impairment accompanied by limitations in sight that
interfere with acquiring information or interaction with the environment to the extent that special education
instruction and related services may be needed. Visual disorders fall into 3 basic categories: visual
malfunctions which can be corrected with lenses; visual impairments which adversely affect sight even with
corrective lenses; and severe vision impairments which affect sight to such an extent that alternative methods
must be used to read and travel.
**Visually Impaired: Click for more information from the Minnesota Department of Education**
Appendix D:

ISD 112 – Overview & Introduction to

Intervention Planning Process (IPP)

It is essential that intervention planning, implementation and evaluation be conducted in systematic,

planned and individualized ways. The following process is an outline for all teams across the district to
use when addressing intervention for learning and/or behavior concerns being manifested within the
educational setting. It is understood that each building within the district may have slight variations to
match their educational model. It is also important to consider which school personnel in each building
will be responsible for each step in this process.

The prereferral process is initiated when there are significant concerns about a K-12 student’s progress.
This process can be initiated by a parent or by school personnel. In situations where school personnel
initiate the process, it is very important that parents have been informed regarding concerns before this
formal intervention planning begins.

Intervention planning process consists of 4 steps. The steps are an outcome of a district-wide task force
and three working committees with representatives from all schools, including both general education
and special education staff. Along with the description of each step, there are suggested documentation
forms to facilitate completion of the steps.

Based on the results from this general process, building teams may decide that:

a) there has been sufficient improvement in the identified problem, and the interventions will
be continued to support the continued success of the student

b) although improvements have been noted, there are still concerns and the intervention
process should be continued with revisions

c) no improvements have been noted and a special education evaluation may be requested
 If a special education evaluation is being requested, the referral packet will actually
consist of the forms completed throughout the intervention process.

Minnesota Statutory Requirements (2007):

Alternative Instruction Required Before Assessment Referral
Before a pupil is referred for a special education evaluation, the district must conduct and document at
least two instructional strategies, alternatives, or interventions using a system of scientific, resource-
based instruction and intervention in academics or behavior, based on the pupil’s needs, while the pupil
is in the regular classroom. The pupil’s teacher must provide the documentation. A special education
evaluation team may waive this requirement when it determines the pupil’s need for the evaluation is
urgent. This section may not be used to deny a pupil’s right to a special education evaluation.

MN Statue. 125.A.56(a)

Questions & Answers

Regarding Prereferral in ISD 112

Why have a district preferral process?

 The prereferral process gives schools, students and families an opportunity to gather
information, develop preventative strategies, and find solutions that will lead to success in
the general education program. ISD #112 believes it is important to have a consistent
procedure for prereferral throughout all schools.

 Prior to making a referral for special education evaluation, teams must determine whether
there is sufficient evidence of a disability to support a referral or whether it is more likely
that the student’s difficulties are the result of racial and cultural, communication,
socioeconomic or other factors. In determining whether to proceed with a formal referral,
the team also needs to consider school-related factors. For example, there may be a
mismatch between the student’s background knowledge and classroom expectations.

 There is a wide variation in academic and social development within our student
population. Some students may need alternative classroom strategies in order to be
successful. This does not mean that the student has a disability. We must continue to
allow, expect and accommodate for individual learning differences. Conducting
interventions and observing student response to these interventions can help determine
which students are demonstrating learning “differences” and which student may be truly

Should teams consider the preferral process for any student concern?
 Many students exhibit behavioral or academic difficulties at some time during their school
career. There are often situational or developmental factors that may be contributing to the
current pattern. It is important to address the situation in the least intrusive way, thereby
determining if typical intervention can be successful.

 Special education is reserved for students with lifelong disabilities as defined by Federal
and State law and regulation. Special Education evaluation is conducted only for the
purpose of eligibility. It is not within the domain of special education to conduct
evaluations for any other purpose.

 Interventions can be successful! Many students will benefit from the kinds of typical
accommodations that can be offered through regular education. A student may
demonstrate a profile consistent with special education criteria, but is only eligible for
service if they need specialized instruction.

How do we respond when parents request a special education evaluation?

 There are times when parents insist that a special education evaluation is conducted without
going through the intervention process. At these times, this decision is based on a team
decision and around the best interest of the child. It is imperative that the parent be given
the information and rationale regarding the intervention process and that they be informed
that the school district supports following this process. School staff should never advise
parents that requesting an evaluation in writing can circumvent the intervention process. If
and when parents make a formal request for evaluation in writing, preferral intervention
and the process needs to be considered and not automatically waived. It is district “best
practice” to invite the parent in for a discussion, and offer to begin the process of
intervention planning at that time.

In statute, interventions may be waived in urgent situations. How do we define

 Only in cases where the team determines that the need for an evaluation is “URGENT”,
can this process be waived. An example of this type of situation might be a student who
has experiences a mental health crisis that has triggered significant concerns in the
educational environment. The team may feel that in this instance, the pattern that the
student is demonstrating is of a critical nature, and that elongating the evaluation process
would not be in the best interests of the student.

 When parents request special education evaluations outside of a crisis situation, the school
is obligated to give them information about the purpose of a special education evaluation.
Parents must be informed that an evaluation of this type addresses eligibility criteria in
specific categories of disability. It is not a general educational evaluation of learning or
behavior patterns. In addition, parents must be informed regarding the intervention
planning process.


*i-TEAM Intervention Planning Process (IPP) and Related Resources

*RtI / Tiers of Evidenced-Based Intervention and Instruction

*Documentation Forms

*I-TEAM Meeting Process and Agenda

Appendix E:

ISD #112
Schools of Eastern Carver County

Intervention Planning Process (IPP)

& Related Resources

The following people served on the team that authored or provided feedback about
these resources:

Lori Beth Warnberg Lynn Jasper Candice Gallipo Liz Olson

Cindy Yokiel Jane Best Molly Ericksen Nancy Larson
Laura Pingry-Kile John Dahl Lynn Jasper Carrie Schafer
Bonnie Menken Jay Woller Diane Harr Sue Herby
Cathy Gallagher Judy Nagel Aimee Barham Rose Mattson
Kathy Jungerberg Scott Eidsness Erin Swoboda Mary Pat Nydahl
Lisa Gilbert George Peoples Amy Piotrowski
Kathy Fontes Deb Batdorf Michelle Swenson
Renee VanGorp Sam Richardson Lonna Moline
Joe Moran Nate Slinde Jan Kemper
Deb Elhardt Amy Rivera Mary Ann Hallgren
Carly Bailey Ellen Voigt Kelly Wiebe
District 112 ~ Intervention Planning Process

Intervention planning is a collaborative process that includes all necessary stakeholders. Teams hold
shared responsibility. Participants may include: teachers, ELL staff, parents, administrators and others
who are involved and know the student. In contrast to special education child study teams, intervention
planning process (IPP) focuses solely on creating strategies to help children to be more successful in
general education classrooms. Classroom teachers are central and highly valued members of the IPP.
Among its core components, the model promotes collegial atmosphere in which teachers work together
to solve student problems, employs evidence based interventions ideas to promote student success, and
uses dependable but time-friendly assessment methods to measure the progress of struggling learners.

Step 1 (A): Define the Problem

A teacher (or team of teachers) notices an area of concern that persists beyond preventive, proactive
classroom accommodations. The decision is made to seek intervention planning assistance (don’t wait
too long or start this process too early). The focus is on student growth or outcomes versus special
education eligibility.

 Presenting problems may affect educational progress in the areas of: academic
achievement, social-emotional/behavioral skills, communication, motor development,
health/physical development, and/or daily living skills.

What is the goal in Step 1?

The ultimate goal is to define the problem in specific and objective terms, review baseline data, identify
patterns across settings, etc… The teacher will summarize by writing a statement that describes what
the difficultly looks like, how often it occurs, in what setting(s) it occurs, and the level of intensity. The
description should be written so that anyone observing the student could recognize the presenting

What else needs to be done?

In order to define the problem, the three components of the first step (A-C) need to be completed
simultaneously, including record reviews and parental input. Review informal observations and current
classroom performance (baseline data). Vision/hearing and other possible health concerns are also
ruled out on an informal basis.
What happens next?

A decision is made to continue with Tier 1 Interventions (high quality classroom instruction for all
students) OR if the student needs more intensive instruction matched to the defined problem, Tier II
Interventions, and would benefit from the IPP process.

If moving forward the intervention process, identify the staff stakeholder with the greatest knowledge
about the student and the concerns presented. This person will be the main “student advocate” and
will lead the process.

 Complete Intervention Planning Process (IPP) Worksheet – Step #1 (A) 

Step 1 (B): Conduct Record Review

When conducting a record review, what should be reviewed?

Survey historical data in order to give more evidence and documentation related to the concern.
Examples of sources include:

 Cumulative file for current and previous grades and other relevant data/records

 Previous interventions and assessments

 Formal assessments – standardized measurements (MAPS, MCA II)

 Informal assessments – curriculum based measurements and work samples

 Attendance and discipline records, including possible truancy

 Relevant medical records - General education teacher checks with school nurse to confirm
health records (hearing, vision, medications, attendance, etc).

 Participation in:
o special education,
o title I,
o PAC,
o ELL,
o 504,
o Individual Health Plan,
o before or after school programming

 Any other pertinent information

 Complete Intervention Planning Process (IPP) Worksheet – Step #1 (B) 

Step 1 (C): Parent Interview/Questionnaire/ELL Process

What is the purpose of gaining parent input prior to planning interventions?

Parents need to be contacted prior to planning interventions in order for effective communication and
to rule out other possible factors. The purpose of the interview is to gather information regarding
background, situational variables, parent perspective, medical history, etc…

Who contacts the parent?

The classroom teacher (student advocate) contacts parents to share information and concerns and to
gather additional insights and data from parent feedback. General ed. teacher also shares information
they have collected so far. The parent interview will be conducted by the classroom teacher or possibly,
social worker, nurse, administrator, as designated appropriate using an interpreter when necessary.

What is the recommended method for conducting the interview?

Although a questionnaire may be mailed home, it is preferable to conduct an interview with the parent
either in person or over the phone.

What are the next steps?

Once steps 1(A), 1(B), and 1(C) are complete, refine student concerns. Resolve or provide brochure
and/or information to parents regarding the intervention planning process if the decision is made to
proceed to step #4.

 Complete Intervention Planning Process (IPP) Worksheet – Step #1 (C) 

Step 2: Design an Intervention Plan – “i-TEAM” Process

What is an i-TEAM?

It is recommended that all individual buildings in ISD 112 have an active “i-TEAM”.

The i-TEAM meeting process is based on an efficient, research-based problem solving model. To initiate
an i-TEAM meeting, the classroom teacher (student advocate) completes step 1 (A-C). An initial i-TEAM
meeting is then scheduled.

This team needs to be comprised of staff with expertise in the area of evidence-based interventions,
multi-tier approaches to differentiated instruction, data based decision making, knowledge of RtI
components, building resources, student opportunities, have a clear understanding of the intervention
planning process and the requirements for special education evaluations. The i-TEAM uses problem-
solving and data driven decision making processes in determining and creating plans for students.

 This team will have a “process facilitator” who coordinates the efforts and the i-TEAM
 Building i-TEAM’s should meet on a regular basis to discuss students within the Intervention
Planning Process (IPP).

What happens at the i-TEAM Meeting?

See attached worksheet used during the meeting. The team follows specific steps:

1. Assess teacher concerns

2. Inventory student strengths and talents
3. Review baseline data
4. Select target teacher concerns (target behaviors)
5. Set academic and/or behavioral goals (set observable, measurable, and realistic goals for
6. Design an intervention plan
7. Discuss method of monitoring progress
8. Create plan how to share information with the student’s parent
9. Discuss plans to review the intervention and monitor the plans


How many interventions does the i-TEAM plan for in this process?

At least two evidence-based interventions need to be conducted that are agreed upon by the i-
TEAM. Interventions usually take place one at a time, but may happen simultaneously with i-
TEAM approval over the 4-6 weeks (20 – 30 school days). At times it may be decided to plan for
one intervention then plan for a second intervention that reflects the RESULTS of the first.
Therefore, there may be multiple i-TEAM meetings to discuss interventions. In cases where that
are multiple concerns, there needs to be at least one intervention for each targeted problem
identified in Step 1(A).

How long should the interventions last prior to determining next steps?

Interventions need to occur for a minimum of 4 weeks (20 school days). If an intervention was
started at the end of the school year, the process may be continued in the fall as long as the
target problem behavior and results of the first step (A-C) is found to be consistent.

How do the planned interventions fit into an RtI framework?

These interventions are considered to be Tier 2 (targeted group interventions) or Tier 3

(intensive, individual interventions). Universal interventions (Tier 1) are for all students and are
not considered appropriate interventions for pre-referral or intervention planning purposes.
However, interventions should be planned and provided at increasing levels of intensity to
accelerate students’ rate of learning.

What is the standard for interventions?

Interventions need to be evidence-based, observable, measurable, sustainable, relevant, and

reasonable. Interventions are targeted to the specific problem or area of concern.
Interventions must include instructional and/or environmental changes that are systematic and
coordinated in nature (not accommodations or modifications). They must also be individualized
and measurable. They need to be focused on the instruction of strategies or acceptable
positive, social skills / replacement behaviors. The student’s specific intervention plan needs to
be based on the refined problem and the information gathered through record review and
parent contact. All documented interventions should have clearly identified:

 Baseline Data
 Anticipated Goal and Outcome
 Actual Outcome

Who coordinates and administers the interventions?

A variety of school personnel may be involved, depending on the situation. The main “student
advocate” of the interventions is most likely the teacher who brought the concern/referral to
the table. This person is coordinating the efforts across settings in order for the interventions to
be implemented throughout the students day and all necessary communication occurring.

How is data collected during the intervention?

Progress is closely monitored to assess both the learning rates and level of performance of
individual students. Student data should be viewed individually and in comparison with the peer
group. Educational decisions about the intensity and duration of interventions are based on
individual student response to instruction.

What are the roles of i-TEAM members?

To help i-TEAM meetings run more smoothly, team members may take on structured roles. The process
facilitator runs the meeting, keep participants on task, and checks in with the referring teacher to make
sure that he or she agrees with the interventions being proposed. The process facilitator also assists the
referring teacher (student advocate) in collecting information about the student prior to the meeting
and may also support the teacher in starting the intervention plan.

The recorder takes notes on the meeting discussion in sufficient detail to create a detailed, written
intervention plan. The time-keeper tracks elapsed time during the meeting to ensure that the team
members use valuable meeting time efficiently.

What is the role of parents?

Communication with parents is encouraged. It may be beneficial to seek parent input before planning
for an intervention. Encourage parents to monitor their child’s progress and support their child’s efforts
throughout the intervention process.

After interventions are planned with the i-TEAM, what are the next steps?

Prior to leaving the i-TEAM meeting, the referring teacher (student advocate) will have:

o A specific plan for evidence-based interventions, including clear baseline data and
desired goals
o A date for a follow up meeting with the i-TEAM following the intervention

 Complete Intervention Planning Process (IPP) Worksheet – Step #2 

Step 3: Implementation of the Intervention Plan

How is data collected BEFORE the intervention?

Collect and document base line data on the target problem area(s) in order to compare the same data
set following the intervention.
How is data collected DURING the intervention?

During implementation, it is important to monitor student progress frequently in order to examine

student achievement and gauge the effectiveness of the intervention. Interventions must be
implemented with fidelity. Attempt to use the same method of collecting progress monitoring data as
was used for baseline data collection.

What is the student advocate’s (referring teacher) role during implementation?

Communicate with all teachers and staff involved in implementation. Communicate with the student’s
parents regarding the status of the interventions, timelines, progress and ideas for parents to support
school efforts. Track and chart data regarding progress on specific interventions. Track and chart data
regarding progress on specific interventions!

What should occur following approximately 2-3 weeks of implementation?

The building i-TEAM may meet to discuss the following:

 Progress of the first planned intervention and plan the second one based on their results of the
 If the first intervention is not having a positive effect on the target problem, the intervention
plan could be revised and continued. The process may lead the interventions from a Tier 2
(targeted interventions) to a Tier 3 (Intensive Interventions) status.
 If the intervention plan was implemented fully and the results are not positive, proceed with the
second intervention. At this time, observing and collecting data to evaluate the results of a
different approach is critical.
 If things are improving, the team may choose to continue the intervention and place the IPP on

 Complete Intervention Planning Process (IPP) Worksheet – Step #3 

Step 4: Evaluate the Results

At the building i-TEAM follow up meeting, the referring teacher (student advocate) shares the results
from specific interventions in order for the team to answer the following questions based on data.
Remember to keep the parents updated regarding the intervention results and steps within the process.

At this point, the following documentation forms will have been completed:

1. Problem identification worksheet (step 1, A)

2. Record review (step 1, B)
3. Parent Interview / Questionnaire (step 1, C)
4. Documented Intervention Form (step 2)
Review the data, comparing it to the baseline information. Upon review the following two outcomes
may apply:

1. Were the interventions successful? There has been sufficient improvement in the identified
problem (the intervention outcome fell between baseline and goal). The intervention goals
were met or showed promising progress to meet goals given more time or minor adjustments.
Consider this next step…

a. Select a new behavior and/or academic goal and create a new intervention to meet
that new goal (or raise the current goal).
b. Create a plan to discontinue to present intervention because all goals have been
achieved. Discuss strategies to help the student to generalize gains to other
activities or settings. Decide how to ‘fade’ the intervention while maintaining
student gains.
c. Continue with the present intervention without changes. Schedule a follow-up
meeting later in the year to ensure that the student continues to make gains.
d. Continue with the present intervention with minor changes. Schedule another
follow-up meeting later in the year to ensure that the student continues to make
 Complete documentation forms and file in student’s cumulative file

2. Did the interventions show only minor progress or no progress? The outcome did not
differ significantly from baseline. No significant improvements have been noted despite
several well-implemented and monitored interventions.
Consider this next step…

a. A special education evaluation will be requested - Complete documentation forms

and forward all completed paperwork to the lead special education teacher/child
study team
b. Substantially revise or replace the present intervention. Schedule another follow-up
meeting in several weeks.

 Complete Intervention Planning Process (IPP) Worksheet – Step #4 

Appendix F:

Nonpublic School Consultation Form: 2016-2017

Individuals with Disabilities Education Act Affirmation of Representatives of Private Schools

Instructions: Obtain the signatures of private school representatives after conducting the consultations
required by Title 34, section 300.134 of the Code of Federal Regulations. Maintain the signed
affirmations in the school district. Send documentation of the consultation process to MDE only if a
private school representative fails to provide a written affirmation within a reasonable period of time in
accordance with Title 34, section 300.135, of the Code of Federal Regulations.

By signing below as a private school representative, I affirm the Eastern Carver County School District
has engaged in timely and meaningful consultation during the design and development of special
education and related services for parentally placed private school children with disabilities, as required
by Title 34, section 300.134 of the Code of Federal Regulations implementing the Individuals with
Disabilities Education Act. Topics of consultation included:

 The child find process and how parentally placed private school children suspected of
having a disability can participate equitably, including how parents, teachers, and
private school officials will be informed of the process;

 The determination of the proportionate amount of federal funds available to serve

parentally placed private school children with disabilities, including the determination
of how the amount was calculated;

 The consultation process among the school district, private school officials, and
representatives of parents of parentally placed private school children with
disabilities, including how the process will operate throughout the school year to
ensure parentally placed private school children with disabilities identified through
child find can meaningfully participate in special education and related services;

 How, where, and by whom special education services will be provided for parentally
placed private school children with disabilities, including a discussion of types of
services, including direct services and alternate service delivery mechanisms, how
such services will be apportioned if funds are insufficient to serve all children, and
how and when these decisions will be made; and
 How, if the school district disagrees with the views of the private school officials on
the provision of services or the types of services, whether provided directly or
through contract, the school district will provide private school officials a written
explanation of the reasons why the school district chose not to provide services
directly or through a contract.

_________________________________________ ___________________________________
Name of Nonpublic School Representative Name of Nonpublic School

_________________________________________ ___________________________________
Signature of Nonpublic School Representative Date Signed
Appendix G:

Program Outline: Eastern Carver County Schools Nonpublic Services 2016-2017

Type of Services Provider of Services Location of Services

Health Services – hours calculated by School district Registered Nurse Nonpublic Site
estimated enrollment
Secondary Counseling – hours School district employed Nonpublic Site
calculated by estimated enrollment Counselor or Counselor under
contract with district
Child Find: Locating, identifying, and District Specialized Education Nonpublic Site
initial evaluation Services Team: District
Representative and School
Re-Evaluation: 3-year, educational Servicing Building, Specialized Public School Site
comprehensive evaluation Education Services Team
Specialized Education Services and School district employed, Indirect Services – Nonpublic Site
Related Services certified specialized services staff Direct Categorical Services– Public
School Site
Direct Speech Articulation –
Annually Negotiable depending on
child count

Child Find
The district is responsible for locating, identifying, and evaluating all children with
disabilities within its boundaries, including those who attend nonpublic schools within its
boundaries. 34 C.F.R. 300.111; Minn. R. 3525.0750.

A request for an evaluation may come from a family or from a teacher or staff at a nonpublic school.
Either way, the district must convene a meeting to solicit input from the family and the nonpublic
school about the request within a reasonable time of the request. The team will convene to consider a
parent request, review general education intervention results, and determine if evidence of a
suspected disability may exist. Often, these interventions are documented through the building’s
intervention planning team and are based on evidence-based data collection. (District Representative
and Nonpublic School Psychologist are available for consultation and staff training on the intervention
process, as needed.) If a child is suspected to have a disability, the district must propose an evaluation
plan within a reasonable period of time. The district will provide parents with prior written notice of its
intent to accept or deny their request, as well as provide evidence used in this determination. All initial
evaluations, planning and results meetings will be held on site at the nonpublic school. Eastern Carver
County Schools Staff involved in initial evaluations for possible categorical eligibility:
District Representative: TBD
Nonpublic School Psychologist: Kathleen Petersen
Speech Staff at CMSE: St. John’s, Guardian Angels, Chapel Hill Academy (6-8)
Speech Staff at Chaska Elem: St. John’s Lutheran, Guardian Angels (K-5)
Speech Staff located on site at St. Hubert and Chapel Hill Academy for
speech only. Related services needs will be from the above public schools.

The Individual Service Plan (ISP)

An “individual service plan” (ISP) describes the special education and related services that
the school district will provide to a child with a disability who attends a nonpublic school
for all or part of the school day. Special education services are equitable but not identical to
public services. The special education and related services described in an ISP must be
provided by personnel meeting the same standards as personnel providing services at the
public school district. A services plan must be developed, reviewed, and revised consistent
with the requirements for developing, reviewing, and revising an individual education
program (IEP).
Accommodations/Adaptations/or Assistive Technology will only be addressed on these
plans, as needed for the student to be able to access and benefit from their special
education and related services ONLY. Nonpublic schools may or may not choose to
complete a separate accommodation plan to implement in their general education settings.

All initial and annual ISP meetings will be held on site in the public school setting. The
general education teacher in the nonpublic will be invited to these meetings, as well as the
building administrator. If unable to attend, input from the general education teacher will be
gathered ahead of time through email, phone call, or input form (page 2 of Excusal of
Absence Form). The parent must be in agreement to this excusal and will be asked to sign
our excusal form for our records.

Reevaluations: All reevaluation planning and results meetings will be held at the public
school site. As much of the actual assessments, as possible, will be completed at the public
school site, during the regularly scheduled service delivery times. If additional time is
needed, ie: for observations, staff is encouraged to work with their building team to allow
time for the scheduling of these few visits.

The 2016-2017 agreements continue the contract of services offered at the public school
site. The school district will offer students transportation from the nonpublic site to the
public school site up to 5 days per week for elementary students and 3 days per week for
secondary students. Students in elementary schools may receive 45 minutes (1 day/week)
to 225 minutes (5 days/week). Students in secondary schools may receive 48 minutes (1
day/week) to 144 minutes (3 days/week). Students will continue to be serviced under an
Individual Service Plan (ISP) within the above times and schedules. Direct service needs are
discussed as part of the ISP meeting process.

 If teams determine student’s need(s) warrant additional services to make

progress towards goals and benefit from specialized instruction, the school
district will propose and offer an Individual Educational Plan (IEP) with
additional direct time in the public school special education setting.
 Transportation will be arranged through the district specialized
transportation shuttle process for all nonpublic students.

Roles and Responsibilities:

IEP Manager:
o Coordinate the provision of direct/indirect services as per student’s current ISP
o Students are serviced on the Eastern Carver County Schools student contact days;
which may be somewhat different than nonpublic calendars.
o Remain mindful of differences in school calendars, and plan accordingly.
o Complete attendance calendar to refer to when completing progress reports;
 I.e.: student was offered 10 service sessions this reporting period and was
in attendance for 7/10 sessions.
o Complete written progress reports to be sent to parents per student’s ISP
o Hold annual ISP meetings:
 Meetings to be held at public school site in conjunction with parent input
for day/time. General education teacher at nonpublic will be invited,
along with a nonpublic building representative.
 Gather input from nonpublic educators through completing an ISP input
form or page 2 of “Excusal IEP team member” form on Sped Forms
 Use ISP meeting notes and distribute “Procedural Safeguards Notice:
Parental Rights for Private School Special Education Students”, found on
the Insider.
 Use ISP documents found on Sped Forms to write student’s educational
o Use communication log tab in Sped Forms as you would for any student to log the
sending of due process documents, meetings, or parent communications as
o Complete transportation shuttle request and update as needed, and annually each
spring. Communicate to nonpublic parent regarding their responsibility to notify:
nonpublic school, transportation department, and you if their child will not be in
attendance for any reason.
o Work with specialized services building team in scheduling reevaluations, just as
you would for any student on your case load. If an observation is warranted in the
nonpublic setting, utilize team to determine who and how this will be
o Send completed attendance calendar to Barb Franks at the end of the school year
for MDE reporting purposes.
o As students may be identified as eligible for ISP services throughout the year,
Coordinators will work with District Representative to:
 Facilitate the scheduling of initial ISP meetings in their buildings
(utilizing the child study process)
 Assigning ISP manager as appropriate
 Attend Initial ISP meetings as warranted to welcome new families
o Request clerical complete daily status log for new ISP students as needed
o Include NP student numbers in program planning and in the budget process as
o Assist building administration in welcoming new nonpublic families.
o Work with administrative and teaching staff to develop a contingency plan in the
case of unforeseen teacher absences, where no substitute is available to deliver
services. A communication plan will be in place at the beginning of each school
year to be shared with nonpublic principals and staff.

Public Site Principals

o Work with building Coordinator on developing a “welcome” plan for nonpublic
families to be included in either building’s “open-house” nights or offering
separate tours, and times for families to visit buildings
o Work with building Coordinator on communication procedures developed to
include nonpublic families’ addresses/emails in building wide mailings of
upcoming events, essential building information, or emergency procedures.
o Keep identified service delivery times and specialized service provider schedules
in mind when developing building wide activities/schedules.

Nonpublic Principals
o Keep identified service delivery times in mind when developing building wide
schedules, activities, and special events.
o Immediately communicate to the bus company directly if there are any issues or
questions regarding transportation services.
o As new students enroll in the nonpublic school, principals will communicate with
families regarding the availability of services through Eastern Carver County
Schools, by sending a copy of our Director’s letter to parents. Principals will also
contact District Representative, regarding those newly enrolled students,
identified as receiving specialized services in their previous school.
 The District Representative will arrange an informal meeting with new
families, after receipt of contact information from school principal, to
answer questions and discuss services delivered by Eastern Carver County
Schools per this service agreement.
 Due Process procedures will then be initiated to offer parents a formal
Individualized Services Plan meeting at the identified public school site,
after receipt of current IEP, ISP, and evaluation report. Parents will first be
asked to complete an “Eastern Carver County Schools Nonpublic
Instructional Registration Form” to facilitate entering demographic
information into the district systems.
 Upon receipt of this enrollment form, the District Representative
will contact both public and nonpublic school personnel to arrange
a mutually agreeable ISP meeting time with family.
 At the conclusion of this meeting, families will be sent a Prior
Written Notice outlining what was discussed at the meeting, and
what the district is proposing, along with a draft copy of an initial
or annual ISP.
 Parents have the opportunity to accept or reject services through
documenting their decisions on the Prior Written Notice, and
returning this document to district personnel. If rejecting services,
parents are encouraged to provide clarification if this is temporary
due to scheduling difficulties, or they request their student be no
longer considered as a special education student.
Appendix H:

Plan for Receiving Referrals

Early Childhood Special Education
Eastern Carver County Schools
The district has a dedicated staff person to intake and track referrals
Online and phone referrals are made to Jill Steffens at 952-556-7222
Jill efficiently intakes referrals from parents, community members, and also from Help Me Grow
at the State of Minnesota.
In Jill’s absence the Specialist and Supervisor have the ability to review phone and email
messages and intake referrals when one arrives.
Referrals are distributed to appropriate staff based on age and reported concern
Referrals are tracked weekly during Child Study meetings in order to ensure that timelines are

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