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Chapter I


Background of the Study

Given the speed and power of technology for change, growth, and innovation, it is necessary for

digital learners to adjust themselves effectively in the new digital world. With the widespread internet

connection, people can easily access to information. Moreover, even at very early stage at preparatory

school, computer-aided instruction are offered as digital tools. It is obviously seen that today’s generation is

growing up too fast because of the modern technology which people are enjoying and at the same time

helpful in their everyday lives.

The rampant existence of modern technology may cause serious problems to people. The fact that

most of the millennials today tend to choose staying at home spend much time talking with friends on their

cell phones, sending text messages, interacting through social Internet media like Facebook, surfing the

World Wide Web, playing computer games or any other gadgets instead of playing outside, making friends

with other people and exercise their mind and body which is very helpful to their health.

One of the main reasons why students are attracted to computers is because of computer games.

There are also good things that a student can benefit in playing computer games because there is also other

types of video games that are educational which can help them enlighten their minds, discover new

knowledge, improve their thinking skills, stuffs that they think it never existed and experience new things that

they have never encountered in their entire life. According to Lucido (2012), educational computer games

can enhance students’ motivation to learn, but only depends on how they play. Because modern technology

is now very accessible to people especially students, they can easily go to computer shops near the school

to play and most of them spend the whole time with it.
Some students get hooked on to playing computer games so much so that they tend to lose interest

in other more important things like studies. Some of them who don’t have any knowledge about computer

games before are now addicted to it because they are easily affected by peer pressures and also because

of ignorance which tends them to play games they have never experienced before. In this matter, some

students who are unfortunate in terms of money spend their whole allowance to these kinds of activity which

will result in not participating or not so active in school because of hungriness. Sometimes, some students

chose playing computer games rather than attending the class because they used to think that being in a

class is boring that will lead them to failure of their subjects and retake it again which it takes a very long time

to finish his/her chosen course (Shockley, T., & Gabbard , G. O. 2006).

According to Nagutom, (2013) the first reason that teenagers play computer games too much

is very simple, because computer games are very fun. Computer games’ aims focus on to relieve stress.

Therefore, computer games are very splendid violent content. There has long been the brief that violent

content may teach violent behavior” “Mind and Media”. Moreover, Barrie Gunter asserted, “Extrapolating …

from playing computer or video games with violent themes, such as heightening of perceptions risk or danger

in the real world,” “The effects of video games on children”, Also he declared in same book, “The power of

video or computer games may also derive form the feeling of control which they stimulate in young players”.

Thus, computer games drive teenagers more violent. Besides, teenagers could misunderstand that they are

computer games character.

Good study habits are the key to learning. Everyone cannot be brilliant but everyone can learn how

to study. A good study habit includes being ordered, always attend the class and participate during

discussions and avoid talking while the lecture is on. Effective study habits, even highly intelligent student

failed due to inefficient work and lack of knowledge on how to study effectively. It is obviously seen nowadays

that students spend their vacant time for doing their habits instead of advancing their studies. Some of these
habits make them neglect their school responsibilities because of enjoyment that it caused to them. As cited

by Burrill, D. A. (2008), the important skills for study have to be learned and practiced. Moreover, students

who put in more classrooms how and who work to a more regular program of study have a better academic


This research comprise the adverse effects of computer games addiction that students should know

in order for them to take initiative to lessen or avoid their addiction. It aims to give information or advice and

even strategies that can help students and this can increase their grade. Most of the student’s today play

computer games regularly for entertainment and leisure or a way of hanging out with their friends and many

of them missed the effective study habits. In this problem, the researcher wishes to improve and enhanced

their learning and to reach their highest potential in significant improvements on test scores and the highest

level of success in the classroom or on the job.

Statement of the Problem

This study will seek to find out the adverse effects of computer games addiction to the academic

performance of high school students in Anda, Pangasinan.

Specifically, this study will answer the following questions:

1. What is the profile of respondents in terms of :

a. age

b. sex

c. average grade

d. religious affiliation

e. combine monthly income of the parents

f. parents occupation
2. What are the reasons why students play computer games?

3. How long do students play computer games per session on a daily basis?

4. How do students spend their time when they arrive home?

5. Do playing computer games affect the academic performance high school students?

6. What are the effects of playing computer games to the academic performance of high school


Scope and Limitations

This study will be conducted during the 2nd semester of the school year 2017-2018 to identify the

adverse effects of computer games addiction of the high school students in Anda, Pangasinan. Furthermore,

the respondents of the study are students form private High Schools, Integrated Schools and National High


Significance of the study

T h e i m p o r t a n c e o f c o m p u t e r i n t h i s e r a a r e helpful to the school and

undisputable because it has much application that made by computer, In particular software and

programs. The data obtained from identifying the common problems that will encounter in

computer games, their low & failing grades of academic performances. Will one way or another give several

insights to those who are in the educational expertise.

The expected result if this research endeavour will benefit the following:

Policy Makers. The results of this study will give them information on the present trends in education

in which technology is integrated in teaching-learning process.

Teachers. The findings of this study will enable the teachers to discover the positive effects of

computer games and not see only the negative side. Since computer can be a medium of communication

Parents. The results of this study will be great helping to the parents especially those who are

bothered about their children who spend too much spend his time for computer.

Students. The results of this research will surely benefit the students. With this they will start to

realize that computer games can influence their academic performance in school.

Future Researcher. This may benefit them because they can be use this investigation as basis of
their study

that can help to improve their work.

Definition of Terms

Academic Performance. It is how student deal with their studies and how they cope with or

accomplish different tasks given to them by their teachers.

Computer. It is an electronic device for storing and processing data, typically in binary form,

according to instructions given to it in a variable program.

Computer Game. It is a game played by electronically manipulating image produced by a computer

program which is available on or performed using the internet or other computer network.

Internet. It is a global network connecting millions of computer.

Internet café. It is a retail establishment that rent computers by the hour.

Offline Game. It is a computer game that doesn’t require a internet connection to run.
Online Game. It is a computer game that can be run from an internet browser and requires the

internet connection.

Peer pressure. It is the influence from members of one’s group.

Student. It is a person who is studying at a university or other place of higher education.

Study habit. These are the behaviours used when preparing for tests or learning academic material.


This chapter presents some reviewed literature, concepts, and studies related to the study. The said

literature, concepts, and related studies provided the researcher with some vital background, knowledge, and

insights in the development of the study. Furthermore, it served as the bases in organizing the conceptual

focus of the study.


Over the past 25 years, a number of studies have looked at the effects of video games on children

and adolescents. A majority of this research has examined associations between video game use and

aggressive behavior, but there has also been some interest in the effects of video games on school

performance. Video games are a fairly recent new form of entertainment, the first metaanalyses (Anderson

& Bushman, 2001; Sherry, 2001) showed that there is a steadily growing body of research looking at their

impact on players. The prominence of violent content in many types of games (Heintz-Knowles et al., 2001)

and its potential association with aggression has attracted particular attention (Griffiths, 2000).

Young people in academic settings have been found to be heavy users of the Internet, and early

adopters of new technology. This makes them an ideal group for studying trends in Internet and technology

use and therefore and ideal population on which to focus the research of gaming use. While the study of new

technology use can only claim to capture a snapshot of a continually metamorphosing geography, it is our

hope that this early attempt to more clearly define the path of electronic and online gaming will provide a

strong foundation for future research in the field.

Perhaps the most important trend spotted is the integration of gaming into other activities. Students

would take time between classes to play a game, play a game while visiting with friends or instant messaging,

or they would play games as a brief distraction from writing papers or doing other work. The

compartmentalization of leisure activities that their parents have internalized is largely unknown to the current

group of college students. That is not to say that they are unable to relax – quite the contrary. But their leisure

is taken in sips rather than gulps, as a breather between other activities.

Computers, video games, and the internet have become entrenched features of our daily lives.

Computer use has reached beyond work and is now a major source of fun and entertainment for many

people. For most people, computer use and video game play integrated into their lives in a balanced healthy

manner. For other time spent on the computer or video game is out of balance, and has displaced work,

school, friends, and even family. (

Gaming is also leading today’s college students toward considering interaction as a routine

component of entertainment. The number that were observed either playing multiplayer online games, instant

messaging while gaming or chatting with friends in the same room while gaming, along with the number that

reported playing games frequently at a friend’s house, leads to the conclusion that gaming is less a solitary

activity and more one that is shared with friends and others. Increasing adoption of “always on” broadband

technologies and Internet enabled cell phones will likely further contribute to the interactive uses of gaming

and entertainment today’s college student will pursue.

According to the researchers of University of Washington (2008), there are two areas of

psychological research and theory is of critical importance here: addiction and mood disorders. To the extent

that your child becomes preoccupied with the games, has seemingly uncontrollable urges to play when their

attention should be on other topics, such as school, spends more and more time doing nothing but playing
the games in order to get satisfaction from them, that is, the behavior is comparable to an alcoholic or drug

addict’s having increased tolerance for their substance of choice, and refuses school or stops doing

homework, then a very maladaptive habit, if not an addiction, could be in the making, and you should seek

professional help. (Tucker, 2012)

If pursued as a solitary activity, playing video games can decrease important social interactions with

family and friends. A child's interactions with friends may become limited to pumping them for information

about hidden passageways and secret doors.

If allowed to dominate your child's leisure and study time, video game scan decrease development

of skills in sports, music and art performance in school can be affected if reading and homework. If he doesn't

do his homework, if he doesn't get enough sleep, if he doesn't play outdoors, if he becomes a loner, or if he

seems preoccupied with aggressive behavior as seen in a video game.

Game time can even be used as an incentive for finishing these tasks properly. Educational computer

games tap the motivational power of arcade games and help them learn. They combine academics and

entertainment, and also teach computer skills.

Video games are not bad for children. They can teach certain skills and they are more educational

than watching TV.

One of the oversights in video game research is the paucity of studies examining college age

students and academic variables. Many current college age students grew up playing video games, whereas

twenty years ago this would not have been the norm. Thus the relation between video game play and school

performance may have changed as video games have become more mainstream. Educational level is

associated with video game play. Current students who are at least 18 are more likely to play video games
than non-students. Approximately 82% of full-time and 69% of part-time students report playing video games

compared to 49% of non-students (Gentile, 2009). Video games may also now be experienced as part of a

social interaction. Video games may serve as social facilitators or group activities either in person or via

online play (Wack & Tantleff-Dunn, 2009).

Many video game players and non-players spend time watching others play video games

(Entertainment Software Association [ESA], 2010; Stermer et al., 2006). In the present study, we surveyed

college students to examine the relations between video game playing and school performance. College and

high school GPA were used as measures of school performance. Video game exposure was measured via

self reported time spent playing video games per week. Passive video game exposure, watching other people

play, was examined in order to create a more complete picture of time spent in video-game related activities.

Participants also completed questions designed to assess their interest in and exposure to violent video

games. We predicted video game playing would be significantly negatively correlated with school

performance. In addition, we expected a stronger relation for males than for females. We expected that video

game watching would be significantly negatively correlated with school performance. We predicted that high

frequency video game players would have poorer attitudes towards homework than lower frequency users.

Finally, we predicted that violent video game enjoyment would be significantly negatively correlated with

school performance. (Stephen Burges)

The advantages that are evident in playing computer games are that you will eventually know more

about the computer software and hardware as each game will have its individual problem and this will have

to be solved through knowing the use of the computer software and hardware. Playing computer games will

also resut in the understanding of computer jargon which would otherwise confuse the mind of a non-player.

One more advantage would be that our fingers will grow accustomed to pressing buttons on the keyboard as

we gradually become better in our skills at the computer games.

According to Pogue (2000), what is true about study habits was that more than thirty years ago still

rings true today-students fail because they do not know how to study. The best advice he can give is to

develop sound study skills. It’s a common scene if some college students fail to finish a passing requirement

for a subject course. What is lacking is their ignorance of developing good study habits that are necessary

for good academic performance. And to worsen their ignorance are their psychological conception of giving

up so easily and the tempting distractions of the surrounding that lead them to a zero percent possibility of

creating their own ideal habits. So, it has become a major trouble to college students who are known to be

suffocated with loads of works from school.

To elaborate more about study habits, Rothkopf (1982) referred to it as to whether students study at

the same time each day, whether they shut off radio, television while reading and whether they paraphrase

and write down what they have read during the practical instructions. Study habit also describes some

external activities which serve to activate and facilitate the internal process of learning. Study habit is the

daily routine of students with regards to their academic duties and responsibilities. Each student has his own

study habits varying on his preferences with the place and time of studying, techniques in studying and more.

According to Palm Beach Community College (PBBC, 2008), they recommend that student’s study

should have at least three hours out of class for every hour spent in class. They also said that a student must

have a special place to study with plenty of room to work. And students should not be cramped. They

presupposes that study time will go better if a learner take a few minutes at the start to straighten things up.

A desk and straight-backed chair is usually best. “Don't get too comfortable--a bed is a place to sleep, not to

study” as what they said. A student must have everything close at hand (book, pencils, paper, coffee,

dictionary, computer, calculator, tape recorder, etc.) before starting to study. Students are not suggested to

spend on time jumping up and down to get things. The PBCC suggests also that distracting noise should be

minimized however they said that there are some people need sound and some like silence. In this case, a
learner must finds what works for him or her. Culprits are family and friends. consider a "do not disturb" sign

and turning on your answering machine is the way also to have better study habits according to the PBBC.

The best advice he can give is to develop sound study skills. He said that a student should make sure that

he/she has a good study environment, a good desk, a sturdy chair, good light, comfortable room temperature

and a quiet atmosphere. That means he/she should eliminate all external and internal distractions. Second,

get a good overview of the assignment before starting the work. Know what skills, facts and ideas that are

expected to master and the ground that are expected to cover. (Khim. 2011).

According to Muega (2003), students need to acquire reasoning skills that would enable them to

think critically and to make the right decisions claims on issues. Reasoning entails presentation of arguments.

It is when one makes conclusions from what he reads. It is from reading and reasoning one gets to extend

his knowledge crtically. To expand Muega’s ideas, according to Acido (2008), data have revealed that the

major difference between students with below average, average, and above average reasoning skills centers

on their study habits—whether they have good or bad study habits, and their attitude towards learning a

particular skill—whether they are interested or not, are responsible for their learning or not, and take

responsibility over what they do or not. Acido proves Zolten & Long’s idea that the awareness on the

responsibilities of a college student is essential to increase studying skills.

Professors in the developing countries said that the undergraduate students should be fully equip

with high level of analytical skills, the capacity for critical reasoning, self-reflection and conceptual grasp and

ability to learn autonomously and exercise flexibility of mind (Simmons2003). Study habits are said to be

improving because of the advent and wide use of the Internet, hypertext, and multimedia resources which

greatly Affects the Study Habits (Liu, 2005).Karim and Hassan (2006) also note the exponential growth digital

information, which changes the way students perceive studying and with printed materials that are to be use

in facilitating study. (JamesB, 2012)

Jbosila, (2013) defines study habits as the attitude of one person towards their academic year in life.

It has been also studied by many researchers. In fact, according to psychologist John M. Grohol, the study

habit of students is affected by its environment. Due to that, he suggests that student should study in smarter

way. And so he gives ten effective study habits to assist the students with their schoolwork. These ten

effective study habits are the following: 1.) Improve your study mindset by thinking positively towards study,

avoiding catastrophic and absolute thinking such as self-pitying, and lastly, avoid comparing yourself with

others. 2.) Environment matters in studying so it would be better if you find your ideal place that suits your

studying approach. 3.) Bring everything you need, nothing you don’t. Through this study habit, you will be

able to focus more on your schoolwork and you will avoid such destruction. 4.) Outline and review your notes.

5.) Use memory games or mnemonic devices in memorizing pieces of information regarding your studies. 6.)

Practice by on your own or with friends since practice makes perfect. It can also assist you to remember your

lesson easily. 7.) Make a schedule you can stick to and being committed to it hinder you from cramming. 8.)

Take breaks and rewards. These breaks will facilitate you to do your schoolwork more efficiently and

effectively. Meanwhile, the rewards could be used as your motivation in studying. 9.) Keep healthy and

balance. Though it is difficult to live a balanced life while in school, you must consider that the more balanced

you seek out in your life, the easier for you to overcome every components in your life. Being healthy also,

gives you more energy to do your tasks. 10.) Know what are the expectations are for the class to abet you

understand the course requirements and the professor’s expectations.

Micheng, 2012) describes study habits as the routinely or habitual way of studying the learner. It

accustomed method of approach to units of student’s learning with his consistency in ignoring, destruction of

his effectiveness to the specific materials being studied and the effects which he exerts throughout the

process. Every year there are lots of comments from educators, school, administrators, and parents who are

a loss on how to improve their students or children study habits. This required the teacher to promote a new
mind set of learning style theories to appreciate each students as a unique individual, instead of trying to

force all student into one fixed or pre-set model. Learning style works for all ages, for it is not only children

who need to enjoy while learning. Remember, the best way to help your children or students learn is to let

them be free. It is only through this freedom that they manifest their initiate skills and abilities. Good study

habits help the students to gain much effective learning that profit even more. Students who perform well in

classroom and who are academically outstanding are proofs that they have good study habits. This is

because study habits involve using organizational techniques of learning which exercise the particular talents

and aptitudes of the students.

Every students has different study habits, they have different learning preferences. Some prefer

auditory styles while others may be highly visual or tactual/kinesthetic. Everybody has a learning style, and

everybody has a learning style strengths. Different people just have different strengths.


Today almost all of us have electronic devices at home for us to be comfortable and handy at

times. But it also has a negative effect on children, especially teenagers. Parents usually buy computers for

their children educational resource. But teenagers who always seek to fun activities around them use

computer to play games, chat with their friends and to catch up with the latest gossip on celebrities. And

before they know it they are already addicted to computer. Computer can cause teenagers to be physically,

and mentally ill, and the more the child spends more time on the computer, the more he or she loses time to

focus on academics, and to talk to their family.

(Jones. 2003) elaborates that according to the students, gaming has little impact, either positive or

negative, on their academic lives. About two-thirds (66%) felt that gaming had no influence on their academic

performance. However, in response to another question close to half (48%) of college student gamers agreed
that gaming keeps them from studying “some” or “a lot.” In addition, about one in ten (9%) admitted that their

main motivation for playing games was to avoid studying. Nevertheless college student gamers’ reported

hours studying per week match up closely with those reported by college students in general, with about two-

thirds (62%) reporting that they study for classes no more than 7 hours per week, and 15% reported studying

12 or more hours per week. While some educators have noted the possible benefits of gaming as a learning

tool, most gamers (69%) reported having no exposure to video, computer, or Internet gaming in the classroom

for educational purposes. However, one third (32%) of students surveyed admitted playing games that were

not part of the instructional activities during classes.

According to Gentile (2004), video games are natural teachers. Children find them highly motivating

by virtue of their interactive nature. Children are actively engaged, provide repeated practice, and include

rewards for skillful play. These facts make it likely that video games could have large effects, some of which

are intended by game designers, and some of which may not be intended. The data about children's video

game habits are correlated with risk factors for health and with poorer academic performance. When video

game play is analyzed for violent content, additional risk factors are observed for aggressive behavior.


Fisher (2006) stated that, there's also another type of computer addiction that's been identified, which

has been labeled "positive addiction." It may sound like a contradiction of terms, but having a positive

addiction is defined as obsessive behavior in which the benefits received outweigh the cost of the addiction.

There are many ways in which immersing oneself into the computer can actually help make a person a better,

healthier, more aware human being. Not all the stuff on the Internet is bad, by any means. There's an

incredible wealth of valuable, enriching material available in an endless variety in cyberspace, as well.
In addition, there are a growing number of researchers who argues that meeting someone online

may actually be a more intimate and revealing experience than face to face contact, because you're

communicating your thoughts, feelings, and emotions in a more real way, free of the game playing and

posturing that often accompanies real world dating. You get to know the inner person in a more direct,

spontaneous way without worrying about facial expressions or inflections of the other person's voice. In a

very real way, couples who made their first contact online often know each other in a deeper, more intimate

way than couples who meet in the outside world.

Further, it is important to remember that even if a person spends a significant amount of time on the

computer every day, that doesn't necessarily mean that the person is negatively addicted. Spending a

considerable amount of time online doesn't always ruin a person's life or the lives of the other people. There

are people who use their computers to reach out to others in a meaningful way and use the awesome power

and positive aspects of the Internet to learn and grow in every area of their lives and to become better


On the other hand, Portal (2007) stated that, compulsive gaming is already considered a

psychological disorder. The growing number of students suffering from computer game addiction and video

game addiction can be puzzling for many people. What the people don’t realize is that any form of addiction

roots from things that used to be harmless. Just like in gambling, virtual games bring a sense of fun, thrill and

excitement when played, these feelings actually make the game more appealing and engaging and addictive.

The seriousness of video game addiction and computer game addiction has gone unnoticed. It managed to

sneak from a good thing that turns out bad due to abuse and bad usage.(

Moreover, Kranz (2008) stated that the seriousness of the issues caused by computer game

addiction and video game addiction was even claimed to have created a new face of addiction in modern-

day societies. Since this kind of addiction roots from seemingly harmless sources, what leads to addiction is

the people's abuse to the effects or benefits that they bring. Since no one will ever prevent using computer

these days, at work or in school, theorists predict that this kind of disorder will be much harder to


When time spent on the computer, playing computer games or cruising the internet reaches a point

that is harm a child’s or adult’s family and social relationships, or disrupt school or work life, that person may

be caught in a circle of addiction. Like other addiction, the computer or video game has replaced friends and

family as a source of person’s emotional life. Increasingly, to feel good, the addicted person spends more

time playing video games or searching the internet. Time away from the computer or game causes moodiness

or withdrawal. (

Payne et al (2000) studied the role of computer games on social isolation, low self-esteem and

violence. The results showed no relationship between playing computer games and self-esteem in girls, but

there was a negative relationship between the two in boys. Also, the scores of violence had a positive

correlation with amount of exposure to computer games. Other results showed that in spite of children's

attraction to games, there was no evidence that computer games cause social isolation.17 Since in computer

games, players conform to the characters in the game, in creating the new situations that occur in the game,

the theory of participatory modeling and active conditioning can be used in explaining data on violent

behaviors and possible rewards they get in response.18

Azad Fallah et al (2001) in their study investigated the relationship between games and social skills

of 258 male students of first grade of high school. The results showed a significant relationship between the

game-type and presence of others in the game location with social skills of adolescents. Selecting home as
the place of game had a significance negative relationship with social skills and those adolescents who were

mostly playing at home, had less social skill (cited from Doran).7 However, in the present study, there was

an inverse relationship between addiction to computer games and social dysfunction. It means that as the

addiction to computer games increases, social dysfunction will decrease.

Ahmadi (1998) studied the effects of computer games on adolescents of the city of Isfahan. The aim

of his study was to find out if computer games have social effects. The results showed that violence and

aggression in students who played these games was higher than those who did not play. Also, social

participation of students who were playing computer games was low.10

The first factor noticed in most studies as well as the present study is the disorder in general health

of players. Various studies show that playing too much computer games causes physical damages and

increases anxiety and depression in players. Many studies show that most adolescents who are addicted to

computer games have high heart beat and blood pressure due to too much excitement and stress. Most of

those who involve in these games do not notice the time passing and even forget to eat. It seems that creating

a cause and effect relationship between computer games and physical health or more generally speaking,

cause and effect relationship between addiction to computer games and mental and physical health is

simplification of the subject. There are various causes for correlation between addiction to computer games

and physical health, anxiety and depression. First, addiction to computer games can cause disorder in

physical health, increase anxiety and depression. Second, it is possible that disorder in physical and mental

health cause people to get attracted to computer games. Third way is that both addiction to computer games

and disorder in physical and mental health are created due to the effects of other factors.

Considering associations between playing computer games and physical and mental disorders, the

negative effects of these games are basically related to the games and their nature. Therefore, some

computer games can be constructive, while others can have damaging effects on children's body and mind.
Therefore, we should accept anyway that computer games like many other phenomenon of technology age

have found their way to our children's and our lives. If we want to ignore them and deprive our children playing

them, we make them more eager to access them and if they cannot play games at home, they will go to their

friends, if they cannot play there, they will go to Internet cafe and places they can find computer games.

On the other hand, if we want to leave our children on their own in this field, mental, psychological

and physical risks threat them. So, parents and authorities in cultural and educational fields should have

appropriate plans to provide proper involvement of children in these games and in this regards, we should

produce games which are based on our culture. Moreover, it is important to prevent import of damaging and

harmful games to the country, which is a responsibility of authorities. Also, serious supervision on children's

involvement with computer is needed at home; especially their involvement with computer games and parents

should teach their children the proper culture of playing games. In fact, one of main worries about computer

games, considering their wide usage among adolescents is that these games may create a more attractive

environment compared to school works and interfere with school and educational performance of children. It

is obvious that if children spend all their time out of school to computer games and neglects other activities

which may be useful from the social viewpoint or for their thinking, it will not be favorable. In addition, the

newness of this phenomenon demands lots of curiosities and researches. Investigating the negative effects

of computer games on educational achievement is recommended for further studies.

In spite of more than 20 years studies on computer and video games and their outcomes and effects

in the world, in Iran where a great portion of population is youth and adolescents and there is a significant

prevalence of computer games, there are few studies on this topic, which suggest the need for further studies.

Recent studies have shown that trait hostility may moderate the effects of playing violent videogames

(Lynch, 1994; Lynch, 1999; Anderson & Dill, 2000). Lynch (1999) has found that the physiological effects of
playing violent video games may be even greater for children who already show more aggressive tendencies.

Social learning theories of aggression (Anderson & Bushman, 2002; Huesmann, 1986; Patterson,

DeBarysche, & Ramsey, 1989) have dominated most of the discussion of video game violence. Other

research similarly suggests that Japanese culture tends to foster socially engaging emotions, whereas

Western culture tends to foster socially disengaging emotions (Kitayama, Mesquita, & Karasawa, 2006).

People develop their own motives and needs to get their gratification or find a solution for their problems,

which they meet through media consumption or non-media-based activity (Lucas & Sherry, 2004). For

example: some people play video games to meet their need of entertainment and excitement, while others

play video games to meet their social needs.

It is worth mentioning that most of the studies brought out earlier on the same issue have tried to

bring out the negative side of the whole aspect while keeping the brighter side. However, it can also not be

denied that there is no privation of such studies too, which have dubbed video game as a health-enhancing

Chapter 3


This chapter presents the research design, the respondents of the study, research instruments,

construction of the instrument, data gathering procedure and the statistical treatment of data that will be

employed in the study.

Research Design

The researcher will use the normative survey or descriptive survey research in gathering data to

identify the adverse effects of computer games addiction of the high school students in Anda, Pangasinan.

Questionnaire will be given to the students who are fond of playing computer games.

Descriptive research describes data and characters about the population or phenomenon being

studied. Descriptive research answers the questions who, what, when, and how. Although the data

description is factual, accurate and systematic, the research cannot describe what caused a situation. Thus,

descriptive research cannot be used to create a causal relationship, where one variable affects another. In

other words, descriptive research can be said to have a low requirements for internal validity.

The description is used for frequencies, averages and other statistical calculations. Often the best

approach, prior to writing descriptive research, is to conduct a survey investigation. Qualitative research often

has the aim of description and researchers may boner follow-up with examinations of why the observations

exist and what the implications of the findings are.

In short descriptive research deals with everything that can be counted and studied. But there are

always restrictions to that. The research must have an impact to lives of the people around you.

The Locale of the Study

The 100 respondents are from Private High Schools, Integrated Schools, and National High Schools. The

researcher will select the respondents who are fond of playing computer games shown on Table 1.
Table 1
The Respondents of the Study

Number of Respondents Percentage

Private Schools 25 25%

Integrated Schools 25 25%

National High Schools 50 50%

Total 100 100%

Research Instrument

In order to gather the data and information to answer the problem, an instrument will be utilized by the

researcher. A questionnaire is especially constructed to suit the particular purposes of the study.

Data Gathering Procedure

After the problems of this study are determined, the researcher selected the desired number of respondents

and gathered the information and data regarding the adverse effects of computer games addiction of the high school

students in Anda, Pangasinan. Then the researcher will start to prepare the questionnaire and will submit to his adviser.

Then a letter of request will be forwarded to the School Heads of the selected schools. Upon the approval, the

researcher will distribute the questionnaire to the respondents. The questionnaires will retrieve immediately and the

data will be gathered, tallied, organized, tabulated, analyzed and interpreted using appropriate statistical tools.

Statistical Treatment of Data

In this study, the researcher will use the following statistical tools to measure, analyze and answer the data

for each problem,

For problem number 1 which is the profile the respondents, descriptive statistics will be used such as

frequencies and percentages.

For problem number 2 for the reason why students play computer games, the average weighted mean will be

The average weighted mean (AWM) will be categorized as follows:

Scale Scale Mean Descriptive Equivalent

5 4.21 – 5.00 Very High

4 3.41 – 4.20 High

3 2.61 – 3.40 Moderate

2 1.81 – 2.60 Low

1 1.00- 1.80 Very Low

For question number 3, on how long do students play computer games per session on a daily basis, frequency

and percentage will be used.

For question number 4 regarding how do students spend their time when they arrive home, average weighted

mean will be used.

The average weighted mean (AWM) will be categorized as follows:

Scale Scale Mean Descriptive Equivalent

5 4.21 – 5.00 Always

4 3.41 – 4.20 Often

3 2.61 – 3.40 Sometimes

2 1.81 – 2.60 Seldom

1 1.00- 1.80 Never

To find out if playing computer games affect the academic performance of the respondents, frequency and

percentage will be used.

To find the effects of playing computer games to the academic performance of the respondents, average

weighted mean will be used.

The average weighted mean (AWM) will be categorized as follows:

Scale Scale Mean Descriptive Equivalent

5 4.21 – 5.00 Very High

4 3.41 – 4.20 High

3 2.61 – 3.40 Moderate

2 1.81 – 2.60 Low

1 1.00- 1.80 Very Low

Name: __________________________

Age: ______

Sex: ________ Male ________ Female

Average Grade: ________________

Religion: __________ Catholic

__________ IFI

__________ Born Again

__________ Methodist

__________ Jerhova’s Witness

__________ INC

__________ Others ________________

Parents Monthly Income

__________ 10,000 – below

__________ 10,001 – 20,000

__________ 20,001 – 30,000

__________ 30,001 – 40,000

__________ 40,001 – 50,000

__________ 50,001 – above

Parent’s Occupation: Father __________

Mother __________

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