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Sample Games :

15. Ibble Dibble (A burnt cork)

Players sit in a circle. Each one has a number. Player A says 'Ibble Dibble Number 1 with No Dibble Ibbles calling Ibble Dibble Number...' and
chooses another number. The person with that number repeats the phrase word perfectly, and chooses another number. Players who slip up
get a cork mark on their face (a Dibble Ibble). So for their first call, they shout 'Ibble Dibble Number 1 with One Dibble Ibble calling?…' And
so on. The adult version has drinks as forfeits.

16. I went to the shop and bought...

An apple, a banana… Players take it in turns to repeat original item, and add a new one, following the letters of the alphabet.

17. Kipper racing

Each player cuts a kipper from a sheet of newspaper. Line the fish up and fan them towards the finishing line with a magazine.

18. Matchbox race (Two matchbox sleeves)

Two teams stand in line, hands behind their backs. The player at each end sticks the matchbox sleeve on their nose and on the word 'go',
docks it onto the nose of the next player. First team to move the matchbox to the end of the line wins.

20. Musical Chairs

Place a row of chairs (or cushions) back to back in the middle of the room. There should be one fewer than there are players. Players circle the
chairs while the music plays and sit down when it stops. Chairless players drop out. One chair (or cushion) is removed. The play continues.

21. Party Bag

Hang a paper bag filled with sweets from a door frame. Each player is blindfolded and given three chances to hit the bag with a stick. The
winner bursts the bag and pockets the sweets.

22. Pass the Clothes

Pass a bag of dressing-up clothes around the circle. When the music stops, take an item and put it on. Continue until everyone is wearing
something daft.

23. Pass the Orange (Two oranges)

Two teams sit on the floor facing each other and pass an orange down the line with their feet. If the orange touches the ground, it goes back to
the start.
24. Pin the Tail on the Donkey
(Piece of wallpaper, blindfold, Blu-Tack) Draw a donkey on the back of the wallpaper
and fasten onto the wall. Or pin the nose on a snowman.

25. Reverse-Bottle Spillikins

Take turns to place a match on top of an empty wine bottle. Whoever disturbs the
matches loses.

26. Sardines
One person hides. The person who finds them joins them. So does the next one to find
them. Last player to discover them is the next sardine.

27. Squeak Piggy Squeak

Player A is blindfolded. The players take their seats. Player A sits on one knee, invites
the person to 'squeak piggy squeak', and has to guess the identity of the squeaker (or

28. Statues
Put on the music, get everyone dancing, press pause. The first one to move is out. And so on, until one person is left.

29. The Game

Each team thinks up a list of phrases: song, book or film titles, proverbs, and so on. Team A gives the first one to a player on team B, who has
to act it out for the rest of Team B. When they guess it (or give in), Team B gives Team A a title. And so on. Use the same conventions as

30. Ripping fun

Take a Strauss waltz, rock, rap, salsa, anything with a decent rhythm, and tear strips of newspaper in time.

31. Tower of Flour

Fill a pudding bowl with flour and turn it upside down on a plate. Put a jelly baby on top of the flour. Players take it in goes to cut a slice from
the mound, without disturbing the jelly baby. The one who makes the flour collapse has to pick up the sweet from the plate in their mouth
(and gets a very floury face).

32. Toothless Vegetable

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