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Test your knowledge of Thanksgiving history and tradition.

Be safe, have fun, and Happy Thanksgiving from everyone at Technocom!

1. Where did the Thanksgiving holiday originate?

a. America
b. England
c. Ireland
d. Mexico

2. In 1621, Pilgrims at Plymouth Colony shared a harvest feast with

which American Indian Tribe?
a. Chickasaw
b. Shoshone
c. Susquehanna
d. Wampanoag

3. What percentage of Americans eat turkey on Thanksgiving?

a. 39%
b. 50%
c. 88%
d. 99%

4. Where did turkeys originate?

a. Africa
b. Central Asia
c. North and Central America
d. Australia

5. In what city is the annual Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade?

a. New York City
b. Macy, Ind.
c. Macy, Neb.
d. Pasadena, CA
6. Which president proclaimed Thanksgiving Day an official national
a. Thomas Jefferson
b. Abraham Lincoln
c. Ulysses S. Grant
d. John F. Kennedy

7. Each year, the president receives a gift of a live turkey and then
“pardons” the bird during a ceremony at the White House. What
happens to the pardoned turkey?
a. It is set free to live in the wild
b. It is served at the president’s Thanksgiving dinner
c. It lives the rest of its life on a farm
d. It is auctioned off to the highest bidder

8. For many Americans, football is as much a part of Thanksgiving as

are turkey and pumpkin pie. An NFL game has been played on
Thanksgiving Day since what year?
a. 1920
b. 1930
c. 1940
d. 1950

9. The day after Thanksgiving typically is the busiest shopping day of

the year. The day often is referred to as:
a. Thanksgiving Friday
b. Black Friday
c. Casual Friday
d. Super Friday

10. Which dessert was not part of the first Thanksgiving celebration?
a. Pumpkin pie
b. Apple cake
c. Pecan pie
d. All of the above
Thanksgiving Quiz Answers
1. (a) America
2. (d) Wampanoag
3. (c) 88%
4. (c) North and Central America
5. (a) New York City
6. (b) Abraham Lincoln
7. (c) It lives the rest of its life on a farm
8. (a) 1920
9. (b) Black Friday
10. (d) All of the above

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