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TO: All Capitol Complex State Employees

FROM: Mike Wojcik, Director of Physical Services, Secretary of State

Trey Childress, Deputy Governor & Chief Operating Officer

SUBJECT: Water Testing for Legionella Bacteria

DATE: January 22, 2018

Out of an abundance of caution and because of heightened awareness and

continued misconceptions about Legionnaires’ disease, we want to make you
aware of preliminary test results that indicate the possible presence of Legionella
bacteria in the Capitol Complex hot water system. This is the bacteria that can
cause Legionnaires’ disease. We are not aware of any reports of Legionnaires’
disease among Springfield state employees or the general public.

More testing is required and is currently underway. Results should be available in

approximately 14 days. In the meantime, we have been advised by experts that the
transmission of this bacteria in normal, day-to-day office operations is unlikely.

Legionnaires’ disease is typically contracted by inhaling mist or vapor from a

water source contaminated with the bacteria. The disease is not contracted by
drinking water and is not spread person-to-person. Nonetheless, steps are being
taken by the Secretary of State’s Physical Services Department, including advising
against the use of the few showers and removing aerators in the Capitol Complex
as necessary.

The health and safety of state employees and visitors is our top priority. We will
pass along relevant updates as they become available.

For more information regarding Legionella bacteria, please visit the Illinois
Department of Public Health’s website:

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