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Week 1 一诺千金 Homework

1. Read the article 一诺千金 thoroughly, find out meanings of all the
highlighted words, especially proverbs, idioms and special terms, study
them well and save them to your personal word pool. You can use the
provided vocab list as reference.

2. Answer the following questions (Try to use Chinese as much as you

can), and put into Lino.

1) 本文写了几件事?请用一句话分别总结每件事。
2) 男孩的家庭状况怎样?你怎么知道的?
3) 男孩是怎样把钱还上的?
4) 没带伞的男孩是怎样坚持等他的朋友?找出一两句话来说明。
5) 你觉得作者对她爽约的朋友的心情会怎样?你怎么知道的?

3. Read the short article “大款“ and answer the questions. Saved your answers that
you may share with others at class.

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