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Cognitive Psychology- Focus their attention on how individual process information and how

they monitor and manage thinking.

Four stages of cognitive development

 Sensorimotor (birth to age 2) The child knows how to differentiate self from
objects.Achieves object permanence.
 Pre-operational(2 to 7y/o) The child can learns to use language and is able to
represent objects symbolically.
 Concrete operational(7 to 11 y/o) The child think logically about objects and
events.The child can classify objects.
 Formal operational(11 y/o and onwards) The young person can think logically about
abstract ideas, evaluate data and test hypothesis systematically
 Piagets’ view on how children think and develop has had a significant impact on
educational practice

Metacognition- is a higher order thinking which involves active control over the cognitive
processes engaged in learning.

Constructivism- is a learning theory found in psychology which explains how people might
acquire knowledge and learn.

Humanistic Psychology – is concerned with how learners can develop their human potential

Three personalities behind Humanistic Psychology

 Abrahan Maslow – considered as a Father of Humanistic Psychology and also known

for the Maslows Hierarchy
 Carl Rogers- known as a Father of client-centered theraphy and also well known for
his theory of personality development
 Arthur Combs
 - known for humanistic counselling and education

Social Foundations of Education

 Society and Curriculum
 Changing Economy and Curriculum
 Changing Family Institution and Curriculum
 Cultural Diversity and Curriculum
Ornstein and Hunskin (1998,p.153)provide the following guiding principles in selecting
knowledge for a society that is changing rapidly :

1. Knowledge should compromise basic tools(this includes reading,writing,arithemetic,oral

communication and computer literacy).
2. Knowledge should facilitate learning how to learn(provide learners with skills and tools to
be efficient and effective independent learners).
3. Knowledge should be applicable to the real world(to be able to apply their knowledge in
solution of real-world problems).
4. Knowledge should improve learners’ self esteem and personal integrity(learners need to
feel good about themselves and be able to get along with others).
5. Knowledge should consist of many forms and methods(because there are different ways
of learning,various options and alternatives should be provided for acquiring knowledge).
6. Knowledge should prepare the individual for the world of technology(able to keep
abreast and function in an accelerating world of science and technology).
7. Knowledge should prepare individuals for the world of bureaucracy(able to deal with
various types of bureaucratic organizations in government,business,industry and
8. Knowledge should permit the individual to retrieve old information(to modify and
transform old knowledge to produce new knowledge).
9. Knowledge acquisition should be a lifelong process(school provide the basics and
beyond that individuals learn from other sources such as
10. Knowledge should be taught in context with values(teaching has to incorporate values
because interpretation of knowledge reflects the value structure of the individual).

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