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United States in WWI

Study Guide
U.S. History B
Who were part of the Central Powers
during WWI?

 Austria-Hungary and Germany

 Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria
What role did the Zimmerman note play
in the U.S. getting involved in WWI?
 It is a telegram from the German foreign
minister encouraging Mexico to attack the
United States
 It promised Mexico the opportunity to reclaim
lands lost to the U.S. if Mexico joined the
Central Powers in the event of the U.S.
entering the war
 Mexico did not respond to Germany’s offer
What was Germany’s position on
sinking passenger ships in the Atlantic
 Germany began the war with a policy of unrestricted
submarine warfare—i.e., firing upon any ship
(passenger, merchant cargo, or military/naval, of a
declared enemy, or suspected of aided a declared
enemy) without warning.
 Germany agreed to the Sussex Pledge to surface
and give due warning before attacking (Mar. 1916).
 Germany then broke the Sussex Pledge in resuming
unrestricted submarine warfare (Jan. 1917).
What role did the Lusitania play in
getting the U.S. involved in WWI?

 In May of 1915, 128 Americans died on this

British passenger ship when a German U-
Boat sunk it without warning, suspecting it of
carrying weapons for the British.
How did Americans view submarine

 Uncivilized, barbarous, inhumane, a violation

of principles of freedom of navigation and
How did businesses with overseas
commercial interests view the U.S. getting
involved in WWI?
 Wanted the U.S. government to prepare to
go to war (Preparedness Movement)
 War was disrupting their economic interests,
and most trade lied with the British, causing
U.S. companies to favor the Allied Powers.
What effects did WWI have on foreign
trade prior to 1917?

United States Foreign Trade During World

War I (1914, 1915, 1916)
With Allied countries: 1914--$824,860,237
1915--$1,991,747,493 1916--$3,214,480,547
With Central Powers: 1914--$169,289,775
1915--$11,878,153 1916--$1,159,653
With Northern Neutrals: 1914--$187,667,040
1915--$330,110,646 1916--$279,786,219
What stance did President Wilson take when
he heard about the outbreak of war in
 Proclaimed U.S. Neutrality
What was part of President Wilson’s
campaign strategy for reelection in 1916?

 “He Kept Us Out of War”

How did Jane Addams and Walter
Lippman stand on the war debate?

 Lippman was in support of war (imperialist)

 Jane Addams was against the war (anti-
What events led to the United States
becoming involved in WWI?

 Zimmerman note
 Breaking of the Sussex Pledge
 Sinking of U.S. ships by German U-Boats
 Overthrow of czar of Russia (Russian
What is the convoy system and why
was it used in WWI?

 The convoy system was used when

transporting U.S. soldiers to Europe
 Transport ships were surrounded by armed
naval vessels to protect them from U-Boat
Why did the U.S. Congress pass the
Selective Service Act?

 More troops were needed to get the troops

How did the United States respond to
the new draft and the call for
 With enthusiasm
Know the timeline of the outbreak of
WWI in Europe.

C. Archduke Franz Ferdinand assassinated

G. Austria-H. insists Serbia apologize
D. Serbia refuses to meet Austrian demands
F. Austria-H. declares war on Serbia
I. Russia aids Serbia
B. France prepares to aid Russia
H. Germany enters war against Russia & France
E. Germany invades Belgium
A. Great Britain enters war to aid Belgium
Know the following terms
 Armistice (p. 430)
 Fourteen Points (p. 437)
 Reparations (p. 439)
 Liberty Bonds (p. 432)
 Allied Expeditionary Force (p. 426)
 Doughboys (p. 426)
 Allies (p. 416)
 Sedition Act (p. 435)
 International Workers of the World (p. 435)
Review Question from previous Unit 1:
What role did the Louisiana Purchase play in
the expansion of the United States?

 Added a vast amount of territory to the U.S.

in 1803.
 Gave the U.S. control over most of the land
west of the Mississippi River up to the Rocky
United States in WWI

Study Guide
U.S. History B

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