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PHY 211 Lab Work: Week #3 Projectile Motion and Vectors

Name: ______________________

Objectives: Lab Partner(s): ________________

After completing these investigations you should be able to:

(1) Analyze motion in terms of its components and apply the kinematic
equations to components of motion.

(2) Use gravitational acceleration to calculate the “time to fall” for an

object if the height of release is known.

(3) Determine the initial velocity of a projectile from range-fall


(4) Add vectors graphically, experimentally, or by using components.


Textbook: Chapter 3, especially sections 3.1, 3.3, and 3.7

During Lab:

The investigation involves two parts:

Part A: You will use a “ballistic pendulum” to investigate projectile

motion starting from a horizontal position. Our goal is to
calculate the initial velocity of the steel ball just as it begins its
flight. After lab, you will utilize Walter Fendt’s projectile motion
simulation to investigate a variety of projectile situations.

Part B: You will use a force table to experimentally examine vector

addition. You will also combine the same original vectors
graphically and by using components.

Part A: Projectile Motion using the Ballistic Pendulum apparatus

With no air resistance projectile has a constant horizontal velocity. Gravity

pulls it downward. From height and range measurements we can calculate
the initial velocity of the projectile.

1. Position the Ballistic Pendulum apparatus on a horizontal surface. You

will need to measure the height from which the ball is released. That
information allows you to calculate the time that it takes the ball to
fall. Use:
h= gt 2

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PHY 211 Lab Work: Week #3 Projectile Motion and Vectors

Where h is the release height, g is the acceleration of gravity = 9.8

m/s2, and t is the time to fall. Calculate the time to fall for your

Measured height: __________

Calculate the time to fall:

Time to fall: ___________

2. Place cardboard in the anticipated landing area. Always be sure the

path is clear before you project the ball! People firing the ball (and
those nearby) should wear safety goggles. Others should be sure to
stay out of the way. Fire the ball from the ball launcher and note
where it lands. Adjust the cardboard and tape paper onto the landing
area. Do several trials to get consistent results. Measure the range.

Trial #1

Trial #2

Trial #3


3. Use the range and the “fall time” (calculated above) to calculate the
initial velocity of the steel ball.

Constant Horizontal Velocity = Horizontal Distance Traveled

the time

Your experimental horizontal velocity: _______________

4. Reposition the apparatus so that it is at a different height. Repeat the

steps above to find another value for the horizontal velocity.

New measured height: __________

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PHY 211 Lab Work: Week #3 Projectile Motion and Vectors

Re-calculate the time to fall:

New time to fall: ___________

Trial #1

Trial #2

Trial #3


Your experimental horizontal velocity: _______________

Compare your two values. Comment on the comparison of your two values
for horizontal velocity:

5. Use Walter Fendt’s Projectile Motion Simulation linked from our WebCT

The simulation requests that you set:

Suggestions to get you started:

Initial height 1 meter
Initial speed 5 m/s
Angle of inclination 0
Mass 1 kg
Gravitational Acceleration 9.8 m/s

You will carry out a variety of investigations as suggested below. For each
investigation only vary one of the input values, while holding the other input
values constant.

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PHY 211 Lab Work: Week #3 Projectile Motion and Vectors

a) Investigate the effect of changing the initial height.

Input values held constant: ____________________________________

INPUT RESULTS: Position Details: Final Velocity Details:

Initial Time Horizontal Maximum Hoizontal Vertical Magnitude
Height (sec) Distance Height Component Component (m/s)
(m) (m) (m) (m/s) (m/s)

Analysis: _____________________________________________________

b) Investigate the effect of changing the initial speed.

Input values held constant: ____________________________________

INPUT RESULTS: Position Details: Final Velocity Details:

Initial Time Horizontal Maximum Hoizontal Vertical Magnitude
Speed (sec) Distance Height Component Component (m/s)
(m/s) (m) (m) (m/s) (m/s)

Analysis: _____________________________________________________

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PHY 211 Lab Work: Week #3 Projectile Motion and Vectors

c) Investigate the effect of changing the angle of inclination.

Input values held constant: ____________________________________

INPUT RESULTS: Position Details: Final Velocity Details:

Angle Time Horizontal Maximum Hoizontal Vertical Magnitude
(degrees) (sec) Distance Height Component Component (m/s)
(m) (m) (m/s) (m/s)

Analysis: _____________________________________________________

d) Investigate the effect of changing the mass of the projectile.

Input values held constant: ____________________________________

INPUT RESULTS: Position Details: Final Velocity Details:

Mass Time Horizontal Maximum Hoizontal Vertical Magnitude
(kg) (sec) Distance Height Component Component (m/s)
(m) (m) (m/s) (m/s)

e) Compare the flight time for a “dropped” object and an object projected
horizontally from the same initial height.


f) Set up initial conditions similar to your experimental conditions.

Compare the simulation results to your experimental results.


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PHY 211 Lab Work: Week #3 Projectile Motion and Vectors

Part B: Vector Addition

Select two of these Cases to investigate.

Vector Number One Vector Number Two

Case A 200 grams at 30 degrees 150 grams at 120 degrees

Case B 200 grams at 20 degrees 190 grams at 80 degrees

Case C 200 grams at 40 degrees 170 grams at 280 degrees

Case D 200 grams at 10 degrees 150 grams at 90 degrees

1. Analytically:

On a separate paper, calculate the components of each given vector.

Combine the components to determine the resultant analytically. Be sure to
find both the magnitude and direction.

2. Experimentally:

You will set up the given vectors and then “find” the necessary equilibriant
vector. Initially hold the string and estimate the appropriate angle for the
equilibriant by attempting to center the ring around the holding pin. Put a
pulley in that location and add weights. By trial and error, adjusting both the
weights and the angle of the equilibriant, work toward the best possible

When well balanced, you can remove the center pin and lift-and-release the
ring a bit to test your equilibrium condition. Record your equilibriant vector.

3. Graphically:

Add the given vectors graphically. Be sure to find both the magnitude and
direction of the resultant.

4. Compare your resultants to the equilibriant you found experimentally.

How are the resultant and the equilibriant related?


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