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I J A B EFeasibility

R , Vol. 14,Study
No. 10
of (2016): 6615-6628
Fish Capture with Payang Tool before using Electronic Onjhem Fads… ● 6615



Mimit Primyastanto

Abstract: Study on fish capture with payang tool was done in Madura Strait, East Java. This
study was done to determine the feasibility of fish capture with payang tool before using Fish
Aggregating Devices (FADs) of Electronics Onjhem. This study aims were: (a) to analyze the
short-term of R/C level, Profitability, Rentability, and BEP for fish capture with payang tool
before using Fish Aggregating Devices (FADs) of Electronics Onjhem in Madura Strait. (b)
To analyze the long term feasibility using Net Present Value (NPV), Net B/C, Internal Rate
of Return (IRR) and Payback Period (PP) of fish capture with payang tool before using Fish
Aggregating Devices (FADs) of Electronics Onjhem in Madura Strait. This study uses
descriptive method of qualitative and quantitative survey research techniques. The data
collected are primary and secondary data. Short-term analysis was conducted on revenue cost
ratio (R/C), business profits, Rentability and BEP Analysis results of R/C is 1.6524, Profit
from operations is IDR 207,380,400.00 annually, Rentability is 65.2419% and BEP is
4,455.87 kg. Long-term analyses show the Net Present Value (NPV) is 655,661,472.00. Net
B/C is 15.39, Internal Rate of Return (IRR) is 417,35% and Payback Period (PP) is 0.61 or 3
years 6 months faster than grace period of 5 years.
Keywords: Feasibility Study (R/C, BEP, NPV, Net B/C, IRR), payang, Madura, Fish
Aggregating Devices (FADs).

1.1 Background
By comparing the value of catch obtained from the exclusive economic zones
(EEZ) of countries where both these conditions are met with those countries,
where this is not the case (Diekert. F.K. et al, 2010). Indonesia is known as a
maritime country and largest archipelago in world, with marine area and
including Indonesian exclusive economic zone (IEEZ) approximately 5.8
million square kilometers or 75% of total Indonesia area. Indonesia is the
world's sixth largest fish producer with volume production of six million

Lecturer at Faculty of Fisheries Socioeconomic, Brawijaya University, Malang, Indonesia
E-mail: ;
6616 ● Mimit Primyastanto

tons annually. Former of Ocean and Fisheries Ministry Rokhmin Dahuri also
revealed that Indonesia could become the largest fishery producer in world if
able to increase the fishery cultivation (Fauzi, A. 2004)
Basic properties of all marine fisheries resources are common property.
No one has special rights or prevent others to exploit these resources.
Fishermen race to catch fish as many as possible before preceded by another
fisherman. The presence of economic benefits from fishery makes new
companies also enter to compete in these resources exploitation (Mimit P.,
Payang ships in Madura Strait generally have a size of 1-2 GT (Gross
Tonnage). Fish capture is still dominated by small-scale enterprises with low
level of efficiency and income. Mukhtar (2008) stated that low income of
fishermen is strongly associated with fishermen ability to access capital,
infrastructure facilities, information, skills and technology.
Study and assessment are needed to know fish capture with payang tool.
One thing to note is production factor and business or economic analysis.
Economic analysis is done to analyze the benefits and feasibility level of
fishing capture with payang tool. Knowing and pay attention to these aspects
are expected to make fish capture with payang tool in Madura Strait will get
optimal fish capture and fishermen profit and increasing the feasibility of
their business in future (Mimit P, 2011a).
Based on above description, it needs a feasibility study on fish capture
with payang tool in order to increase profit of payang fishermen communities
in Madura Strait.


2.1 Research Object and Location

This study was done at Madura Strait, East Java Province. The research
objects are fish capture with payang tool, especially before using Electronics
Onjhem FADs. Anchored FADs were first used in the 17th century in the
Mediterranean (Desurmont and Chapman 2001), and early 1900s, fishermen
in the Philippines and Indonesia were also using them (Prado 1991,
Anderson and Gates, 1996).In Sicilian seas, two different purse seines are
used: (a) classic purse seine and (b) a transformed beach seine known as
raustina. In this study we compared these two fishing gears in order to
determine the best one for assessing fish diversity and to evaluate their
impact on the species caught.(Mauro Sinopoli,et al. 2012).
Feasibility Study of Fish Capture with Payang Tool before using Electronic Onjhem Fads… ● 6617

2.2 Research Types

This is a descriptive study. Narbuko and Achmadi (2008) stated that a
descriptive study seeks to solve the existing problems based on data
presentation, analyzing and interpretation. Researcher describes the
feasibility analysis of both from the short-term and long-term perspective
(Mimit. P, 2011b)
This study uses case technique. This is a depth study on a social unit to
produce well-organized and complete overview (Azwar, 2007). Data sources
are subjects where the data can be obtained (Arikunto, 2006). These study
respondents are fishermen who capture fish with payang tool.


This study collects primary and secondary data as follows.
(a) Primary data
According to Cooper (1996), primary data collection is derived from
original source to answer the question under study. Primary data
collection method in this research is observation and interviews.
 Observation: Observations were conducted to fish capture effort with
payang tool.
 Interview: Interviews were conducted by interviews regarding fish
capture operations with payang tool, including venture capital,
operation costs, fish yield, and species of fish caught.
(b) Secondary data
Narbuko and Achmadi (2008) revealed that secondary data source is
derived from studies of others for their own goals. Secondary data in this
research include the general condition of study site, population location,
and general condition of fisheries around the sites.

2.4 Data Analysis

This study uses descriptive qualitative data and descriptive quantitative to
analyze data.

Qualitative Data Analysis

Descriptive qualitative is qualitative data analysis without calculations
anddescriptive quantitative to analyze data with calculations (Nazir, M.
6618 ● Mimit Primyastanto

2009). Descriptive Quantitative data analysis in this study was done by

following method.

Business Feasibility Analysis

Business Feasibility Analysis was conducted to determine the feasibility
of business, which consists of short-term and long-term analysis (Mimit P.,
Short-term analysis of a business can be calculated from the short period
of businesses namely once production within one year of production. The
components calculated are follows:
(a) R/C Analysis
R/C is a tool to look at relative advantages of a business within one year
on costs used in such activities (Effendi and Oktariza, 2006).
R/C =
TR = Revenue (IDR/month)
TC = total costs (IDR/month)
(b) Profit Analysis
According Soekartawi (1994) in Mimit P (2003),profit is the difference
between total revenue and expenses.
π = TR-TC
TR = Total Revenue (IDR/month)
TC = Total cost (IDR/month)
(c) Rentability Analysis
According to Riyanto B. (1995) in Mimit P. (2006a), company rentability
shows a comparison between the earnings or capital assets to generate
the profits.
R=  100%
Feasibility Study of Fish Capture with Payang Tool before using Electronic Onjhem Fads… ● 6619

L = Total profits from the submarine for certain period (IDR/month)
M = Capital used to produce the profit (IDR)
(d) Break Even Point (BEP)
According to Riyanto B. (1995) in Mimit P. (2006b), Break Point is a
situation where total revenue equals total cost incurred, there are no
gains or losses,.
FC = Fixed costs (IDR)
VC = Variable fee (IDR)
S = Sales volume (kg)
Long-term Analysis of a business can be calculated from long period
time of a business. The components calculated are NPV, Net B/C ratio, IRR,
PP, and Sensitivity (Riyanto,B.1995 in Mimit P., 2011c)
(a) Analysis of Net Present Value (NPV)
Net Present Value (NPV) is ratio between PV net cash (PV of proceeds)
and PV investment (capital outlays) over the life of investment. (Umar
H., 2003). Formula to calculate NPV is follows:
( Bt - Ct )
NPV =  t 1
(1 - i )t
Bt = benefit in year t
Ct = cost of year t
n = economic lives
i = interest rate
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(b) Analysis of Net B/C

According to Gray et al. (1992) in Mimit P. (2008), Net B/C is defined as
the present value comparison between positive and negative number of
present value. Formula to calculate Net B/C is follows:

( Bt  Ct )n
tn  1
(1  i )n
NetB /C 
(Ct  Bt )n
 tn  1
(1  i )n

Where :
Bt  Ct n
Ct  Bt

t  1 (1  i )
 0 and  (1
t 1  i )n

(c) Internal Rate of Return (IRR)

Internal rate of return (IRR) is a tool to measure the results of internal
return level. Formula to calculate IRR in according to Kashmir and Jafar
(2008) are follows:

IRR  I 2 

X i 2  i1 ) 
NPV1 = positive NPV for experiment value of i1
NPV2 = negative NPV for experiment value of i2
i1 = Interest rate
i2 = interest rate (discount rate that produces NPV2).
(d) Analysis of Payback Period (PP)
Payback period of investment is needed to describe the long duration in
order that capital invested can be recovered completely (Husnan S. et al.,
PP =
Feasibility Study of Fish Capture with Payang Tool before using Electronic Onjhem Fads… ● 6621

I = The amount of investment costs required
Ab = Net benefit earned each year


3.1 Feasibility Analysis

Short-Term Analysis
(a) Capital
Fixed and liquid capital are invested to capture fish with tool fishing
gear in Madura Strait. Fixed capital is IDR 42,600,000.00 while the
working capital for each year is IDR 317,863,600.00. Therefore, amount
required to capture fish with payang tool is IDR 360,463,600.00.
(b) Production Cost
Business costs are expenses of activities of fishing effort that must be
spent. These costs consist of fixed cost and variable costs. Fixed costs are
incurred although no fishing activities. Fixed costs incurred by owner
annually. It covers maintenance and depreciation costs as well as the
license fee of payang ship. Fixed costs incurred annually are IDR
10,400,000.00. The costs are divided on into depreciation cost of IDR
5,700,000.00 and maintenance cost and licenses extension annually of
IDR 4,700,000.00.
Depreciation cost is allocation of investment costs for business unit
annually over the life of technical unit. Depreciation cost is not an
element of expenditure money but capital depression due to age of
business unit. This cost is obtained by dividing the investment value of
appliance components with durability (Ghaffar, M. 2006).Maintenance
cost for each unit of payang ship is calculated to all components of fishing
tool. Maintenance is done in form of repair and replacement of damaged
equipment components.
Variable costs is incurred during fish capture activities or often called
operational costs. Variable costs are incurred during the operations in
progress. They are cost of diesel fuel, supplies, ice cubes and retribution
and crew wages based on estimated earnings. Variable costs incurred in
one year for 288 trips is IDR 307,463,000.00
6622 ● Mimit Primyastanto

(c) Revenue
Revenue from fish capture with payang tool is influenced by prices per
kg of fish type caught. Based on calculations, revenue of fish capture
with payang tool is IDR 525,244,000.00 per year. According toEssington
(2010) and Melnychuck et al (2012) focus of the effectiveness of catch
share programs for maintaining catch at targeted level and exploitation
rates, compared to quota-based and effort-based fisheries.
(d) R/C
R/C is the ratio between total incomes (revenue) with a total cost (cost).
R/C ratio analysis is used to see whether the costs incurred can generate
profits from revenues of fish sale. Total revenue (TR) obtained from fish
capture with payang tool for one year is IDR 525,244,000.00. Total cost
(TC) for one year is IDR 317,863,600.00. R/C = TR/TC ratio of 1.6524.
This indicates that fish capture with payang tool is feasible. Revenue cost
ratio (R/C) is comparison of revenue earned and costs incurred to
determine the feasibility of a business at this moment.
R/C = revenue/cost
With criteria:
R/C <1 → the business is not feasible
R/C = 1 → the business is breakeven
R/C > 1 → the business is feasible
Each one rupiah (IDR 1.00) costs to capture fish with payang tool will
generate revenue of IDR 1.6524 as the value of R/C is more than one.
The work done is said likely to generate revenue and can be continued.
This shows that every single rupiah costs of payang unit will generate
revenue of IDR 1.6524, because the value of R/C is more than one, then
the work done can be continued.
(e) Profit
Profit is obtained from the difference between total cost and total costs
used in first year to capture fish. Numbers of trips to capture fish are 288
times per year. The profit here is divided into two, namely; profit before
zakat (PBZ) and profit after zakat (PAZ). Profit before zakat (PBZ)
obtained from the reduction of revenues to operating costs, namely: TR -
Feasibility Study of Fish Capture with Payang Tool before using Electronic Onjhem Fads… ● 6623

TC, where the profit is IDR 525,244,000.00- IDR 317,863,600.00 = IDR

207,380,400.00 annually. Profit After Zakat (PAZ) is obtained from Profit
Before Zakat (PBZ) - Zakat 2.5%, namely IDR 207,380,400- (2.5% x IDR
207,380,400.00) of (IDR 207,380,400.00 –IDR 5,184,510.00) = IDR
202,195,890.00 annually. Zakat calculation is 2.5% from profits,
amounting to IDR 5,184,510.00.
(f) Rentability
A rentability calculation is used to determine company's ability to
generate profits with capital used. Rentability value is obtained by
comparing the profit with capital used. Rentability value of fish capture
with payang tool is 65.2419%. This value indicates that the business is
able to earn a profit of IDR 65.2419% for IDR 100.00 capital used for
business operations. Moreover, the distribution of potentially large
resource rents is often a delicate political issue. And most importantly
care must be taken not to destroy existing informal community
arrangements by introducing more formal market based instruments
(Ostrom, E. 2000)
(g) Break Even Point
Break Even Point (BEP) is a condition where the company operations do
not make a profit or losses (Mimit, P. 2014b). BEP on sales is used to
determine the minimum order value to make business is located at
breakeven (no loss/no gain). The amount is IDR 25,084,419.00. It means
if payang tool owner sell the fish production to generate IDR 25 084.
419.00 annually with 288 capture trip, then the condition is breakeven
point where no profit or loss. Total value of sales or revenues for fish
capture with payang tool is IDR 525,244,000.00. It means the business
makes a profit. BEP unit is used to calculate the amount of minimum
production order to makes business in breakeven (no loss/no gain), as
many as 4,455.87 kg. It means that if this business produced a total of
4,455.87 kg per year with 288 capture trip, then the condition is
breakeven point where no profit or loss. Total production in this
business is 93,312 kg. It means that this business makes a profit.
Managing fisheries to provide current and future generations the
optimum yield of living marine resources is a common goal of fishery
managers around the world (Garcia. SM, 2000)
6624 ● Mimit Primyastanto

Long-term Analysis
(a) Net Present Value (NPV)
Net Present Value (NPV) is a method to calculate the future value of all
projects at this time value(Gittinger, J and Adler, H. 1993). In this study,
NPV is calculated as the difference between the amount of discount
factor the cash invested for project and bank deposit interest rate of 14%.
From calculation in normal circumstances, NPV value is IDR
655,661,472.00. This value indicates excess net cash inflows after the
initial investment is covered. Therefore, it can be concluded that the
business is feasible because the NPV value of its business more than zero
(b) Net Benefit-Cost Ratio (Net B/C)
Analysis of Benefit-Cost Ratio (Net B/C) is used to determine the ratio
between the gross revenue with total cost used to know quickly how
much benefit from this business (Kadariah and Karlina, L. 1978). From
Value of Net B/C for fish capture with payang tool (under normal
conditions) is equal to 15.39. It is indicate that the business has greater
benefits than costs. It can be concluded that this business is feasible to
run because the value of Net B/C is greater than one (> 1). Adaptive
management, or more specifically passive adaptive management, is an
approach to managing natural resources that encourages learning from
the outcomes of implemented policies and strategies (Allan and Curtis,
2005;Walters 2007).Another framework is benefit-cost analysis (BCA).
BCA is a well-established and widely-used decision theoretic approach
grounded in welfare economic theory for analyzing trade-offs and
assessing the relative merits of alternative policiesor programs (USEPA,
(c) Internal Rate of Return (IRR)
Analysis of Internal Rate of Return (IRR) is used to calculate the interest
rate by equalizing the present value of investment with present value of
net cash receipts in future (Kasmir and Jakfar, 2008). From the
calculations, IRR for fish capture with paying tool (under normal
conditions) is equal to 417,35%. This value indicates that interest rate is
417%, present value of net cash inflows equal t initial investment. It can
be concluded that this business is profitable and feasible because the
value of IRR is greater than the interest rate on bank deposits of 14%.
The methodological reference is cost benefit analysis (henceforth, CBA)
Feasibility Study of Fish Capture with Payang Tool before using Electronic Onjhem Fads… ● 6625

as outlined for example in Florio (2014), extended to include non-strictly

financial or economic measures of output, by considering for example,
patent applications or publications.
(d) Payback Period (PP)
Payback Period (PP) is a method to measure how fast the investment can
be returned. From the calculation, PP value for fish capture with paying
tool (under normal conditions) is 0.61 x 5 years. It can be concluded that
payback period of investment costs in this business is 3 years and 6
months. The payback time is faster when compared with age of capital
investment used for business. Therefore, it can be said that this business
can be continued. Making payang fishermen to become as a businessman
will create entrepreneur or entrepreneurial spirit (Mimit. P., 2014a)


Short-term analysis for fish capture with payang tool show profitable result,
with level of R/C> 1 (1.6524).Profit for a year is IDR 207,380,400.00. Profit
from operations is 65.2419%, and BEP unit is 4,455.87 kg.
Long-term analysis for fish capture with payang tool shows feasible
result for continuity and development. The details are follows. NPV> 0 or a
positive value, with amounting to IDR 655,661,472.00 while the IRR over the
bank rate applicable (14%), IRR value obtained is 417,35%. Net value of B/C
obtained in this fishing business investment (net B/C> 1)is equal to 15.39.
Furthermore, value payback period (PP) = 0.61 (<PP maximum), that is
faster than a grace period of 5 years, by 0.61 (3 years 6 months).

Author can gives suggestion below.
To get optimum production, payang fishermen can adopt more advanced
technologies such as electronic onjhem FADs. It can further intensify the
capture at peak fishing season and in turn can create welfare for fishermen
households and creating food security efforts.
Future research should study the analysis of electronic onjhem FADs in
addition to get economic important fish species and also environmental
friendly. It can increase income of fishermen payang and simultaneously
preserving fish resources for sustainable management. Ultimately, it will
ensure food security for future generations.
6626 ● Mimit Primyastanto

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