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“reward system” of the brain, is involved significantly the trajectories of other

in impulse control disorders. behavioral addictions and the substance

There are no evidence-based treatment for use disorders. One small study even
CBD. Treatment have generally followed reported a group of regular sunbathers who
the same protocols as with other impulse exhibited opioid withdrawal symptoms
control disorders, namely, cognitive- upon administration of naltrexone, an
behavioral therapy (CBT) and opioid antagonist.
pharmacotherapies. Pharmacotherapies While most recent research has
have included the use of SSRIs, adopted the addiction paradigm in
psrticularly fluoxetine and citalopram. understanding excessive tanning, there are
There is some evidence of improvements other psychiatric disorders that may also
with naltrexone suggesting that opiate explain the manifestations of the illness.
antagonist mught play a role in CBD. The following three disorders have been
Since the medication findings are mixed, proposed as “possible underlying
no empirically supported treatment psychopathologies” for excessive tanning:
recommedations can be made. CBD has obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD),
also been recommended and has been body dysmorphic disorder (BDD), and
shown to yield significant improvement borderline personality disorder (BPD).
compared with a control group, and the At this time , limited research has
improvement attributed to CBT were been conducted to support or refute these
maintained during a 6-month follow-up. explanations. Furthemore, an alternative
formulation of the illnes could suggest that
excessive tanning may be a behavioral
There is a subgroup of people for whom
addiction that is often found to be
tanning is clearly excessive and seems to
comorbid with these disorders-OCD, BDD
reflect frank psychopathology. Excessive
and BPD.
tanning is not disreet DSM-5 diagnosis,
The lack of research in this area
nor is it mentioned as an example of a not
extends to treatments. However, if we
otherwise specified impulse control
accept that excessive tanning is best
disorder. However, for this subgroup of
appreciated as a behavioral addiction, then
people who tan excessively, their
(1) addressing underlying or co occuriing
presentation, symptomatology, psychiatric
psychiatric conditions and (2) providing
comorbidity, consequences of behavior,
CBT or motivational interviewing (MI)
and overall course of illness resemble
seem to be the most reasonable approach
women who indoor tan very frequently The DSM-5 includes kleptomania in the
markedly reduced their behavior following category of disruptive, impulse controln
an MI session delivered by a trained peer and conduct disorders, which also includes
counselor. Interestingly, a comparison intermittent explosive disorders, conduct
group that was given identical information disorder, and pyromania. The DSM-5
but through the Internet with no person-to- requires the following symptoms for a
person contact failed to show any diagnosis of kleptomania:
significant difference from the control  Reccurrent failure to resist impulse to
group. steal object that are not needed for
A number of other psichosocial personal use or their monetary value.
interventions have been tried in small  Increasing senseof tension immediately
samples of more normative populations, before committing the theft.
including the following three, which have  Pleasure, gratification, or relief at the
shown some promising result, including time of committing the theft.
showing patients ultraviolet photos of skin  The stealing is not committed to
damage, showing patients “image norms of express anger or vengeance and is not
aspirational peers” approving paleness, in response to delucion or a
and providing feedback on the patient’s hallunation.
sun tanning behavioral patterns by a  The stealing is not better explained by
physician. conduct disorder, a manic episode, or
In addition to treatments, prevention antisocial personality disorder.
has play a major role in addressing the Kleptomania is characterized by
proposed illness, especially since there is recurrent episodes of compulsive stealing.
little evidence of safe and effective Often confused with shoplifting, it differs
therapeutic interventions. Current public in that those with kleptomania do not steal
health efforts go beyond raising awareness for personal gain. They steal in response to
of the risk of suntanning. State, federal, an overwhelming urgecauses fellings of
and international regulations are being anxiety, tension, or arousal.stealing
concidered and implemented to limit soothes these feelings.however,following
indoor tanning by imposing higher taxes this,there are often feelings of guilt,
and prohibiting minors from using such remorse,and fear.these feelings frequently
facilities. serve as barriers to treatment seeking.
Kleptomania is a psychiatric disorder examined the comorbidity of OCD in
that is poorly understood and the subject of subjects with kleptomania have been
only few empirical studies. While the inconsistent with some showing a
prevalence of the disorder in the US relativety high co- occurrence (45% to
general population is unknown, it has been 60%), while others show low rates (0% to
estimated at 6 per 1000 people. 6,5%). When rates of kleptomania have
While kleptomania meets criteria for been examined in subyeths with OCD , a
impulse control disorder (inability to similarly low co-occurrence was found
control one’s impulse to steal ,repeated (2,2% to 5,9%).
expression of impulsive acts that . lead to Kleptomania and subtance use
physical or financial damage),it shares disorders have central qualities in
many characteristics oof OCD.there is common. These include recurring or
evidence derived from studies of clinical compulsive participation in a behavior in
characteristics,familial transmission,and spite of undersirable consequences
treatment response that suggests that weakened control over the distrubing
kleptomania may have subtypes that are behavior an overwhelming need or desire
more lke OCD, addictive disorders, or experienced befor taking part of the
mood disorders. problematic behavior, and a positive
A correlational aspect lmined in pleasure-seeking condition throughout the
inking kleptomania to OCD is seen in the act of the disturbing behavior the anxiety,
biolgic perspective on OCD. Studies of tension, or arousal that those with
the brain using magnetic resonance kleptomania experience and the relief that
imaging showed that subjects with OCD they feel upon stealing, followed by guilt
has significantly less white matter than did or remorse are consistent with opponent
normal control subjects, suggesting a proces descptions and wanting-but-not-
widely distributed brain abnormality liking states described for subtance use
associated with OCD. OCD is considereda disordes. Similiar to subtance use disordes,
result of serotonin deficiency.the use of a higher percentage of cases of
SSRIs in the treatment of both OCD and kleptomania have been noted in
kleptomania and has been considered a adolescenes and young adults and a
link between the disorder. smaller number of cases among older
Prevalence rates between the two aduts. Family history also show a likely
disorder do not show a stroong common genetic input to subtance use and
relationship. The results of studiest,which kleptomania in the family members of
persons with kleptomania than in the
general population.
Tereatment for kleptomania has
many commonaties with treatmenth for
subtance use disordes and OCD.
Treatment usually consists of a
combination of therapies including
pharmacotherapy and talk therapy. While
there are no medications specifically
approved for the treatment of kleptomania,
the similarity and suggested biologic
dynamics of kleptomania and OCD and
impulse control disordes led to the theory
that similiar groups of medications could
be used for all of these conditions.
Fluexotine and other SSRIs have been
widely used to treat kleptomania , although
there has not been strong evidence
supporting the efficacy of SSRIs in
treating the disordes. There has been some
promising evidence supporting the use of
mood stabilizers, antiseizure,medication,
and opioid antagonesis, particularly
naltrezone. Opioid receptor antagonist
have been shown to lessen urge-related
symptoms, which is a central part of
impulse control disordes and subtance

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