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Science Plus 5 PRIMARY

Teacher’s Book

490095 _ 0001-0011.indd 1 08/08/13 13:19

Student's material T
Student's Book T
The Essential Science Plus Student’s Book consists of twelve T
Unit 1

Living things
core units, which are organized into three terms. Each unit B

comprises ten pages and follows a regular pattern. 1.1

Wild mushrooms are living things that grow on
forest floors, tree trunks and even on top of each
other. They need moist, cool temperatures and
What three life processes do all living things
carry out?
What is a habitat?
a. A place where plants and animals live.
some light. Wild mushrooms are seasonal
a. Interaction, breathing and reproduction. b. A very large place where animals live.
and can be found in the autumn and spring.
b. Growing, living and breathing. c. A small place where only plants live.
There are many different types of wild
mushrooms, but they can look very similar, c. Nutrition, interaction and reproduction. d. A place where animals obtain food

which makes them very hard to identify. Wild d. Being born, living and dying. and water.

Opener page and Refresh your memory! mushrooms are often spectacular. Some are
edible and delicious, but others can be poisonous.

A mosaic of photographs, accompanied by questions, C

introduces the main theme of the unit. Each Refresh your E
memory! page consists of four question cards with multiple REPRODUCTION
Animals can be viviparous or oviparous.
Plants are different from animals because…

choice answers. Student’s work with a partner to revise

What is a viviparous animal? a. they move more slowly.
a. An animal that lays eggs. b. they make their own food.
b. An animal that has lungs. c. they grow in all directions.

concepts from the previous course.

c. An animal that eats other animals. d. they don’t live in habitats.
d. An animal born from its mother’s womb.
Where can you find wild mushrooms?
Why can you find wild mushrooms in autumn
and spring?

Essential Science Plus 5 PRIMARY

Why is it so important to identify mushrooms

E sse nt i a l S c i e nc e P l u s
Information and practice pages
Have you ever been mushrooming? Where
did you go?
Do you think mushrooms are plants or STudEnT’S MATERIAl

The theme of each unit is divided into sub-topics covering

Essential Science Plus 5 PRIMARY Essential
Essential Science Plus 5

E sse n tial S cie n ce P l u s

Activity Book

Science Plus 5 PRIMARY Science Plus 5 PRIMARY

StudEnt’S MAtERIAl StudEnt’S MAtERIAl
Essential Science Plus 5 PRIMARY Essential

Es s e nti al Sc i en c e Plus
Science Plus 5 PRIMARY
StudEnt’S MAtERIAl

4 WHAT DO YOU REMEMBER? Test your partner. five 5

Studen t’ s B o o k
Student’s Book Activity Book


S tu d e n t’s B ook
class Audio cd

six pages. Each topic is presented using short texts,
teacher’s Book teacher’s Resource Book


• digital Flashcards, Posters
and Web bank
• Interactive Whiteboard
• i-book
• teacher’s Resources
and Maps

i-solutions Language Companion

Interactive resources for
Science and Art

Student’s Book Activity Book Student’s Book Activity Book


Essential   Essential Essential  

CP: 490117
Essential Science Plus 5 PRIMARY Teacher’s 

Es s e n t ia l S c ie n c e P l u s    T e a c h e r’ s B ook
Class Audio CD 2 Science Plus 5 Class Audio CD 1 Teacher’s 
Science Plus 5 PRIMARY

Class Audio
The Essential Science Plus Class Audio contains two CDs.
UNIT TRACKS Resource  Science Plus 5 PRIMARY
Essential   Essential Unit 7 7.1 – 7.8 They include the recordings of all the texts from the Student’s Book,
Class Audio Starter unit 0.1 – 0.2

Activity Book
Science Plus 4 PRIMARY Science Plus 4 PRIMARY Unit 8 8.1 – 8.8 as well as two additional listening activities per unit. Unit 1 1.1 – 1.8
Unit 9 9.1 – 9.8 Unit 2 2.1 – 2.8
Unit 10 10.1 – 10.8 Unit 3 3.1 – 3.8
Photocopiable worksheets:
Unit 11 11.1 – 11.8 Unit 4 4.1 – 4.8
Unit 12 12.1 – 12.8 Unit 5 5.1 – 5.8 • Reinforcement
Unit 6 6.1 – 6.8 • Extension
• Culture & Festivals
• Investigate!
• Assessment
Student’s Book Activity Book


Teacher’s  Essential   Essential   Teacher’s  Essential  
Book Science Plus 4 PRIMARY Science Plus 4 PRIMARY Resource  Science Plus 4 PRIMARY
class Audio Book
Photocopiable worksheets:
• Reinforcement
• Extension
• Culture & Festivals
• Investigate!
• Assessment

Te a c h e r’ s B ook
class Audio cd

class Audio cd

class Audio cd Teacher’s Book Teacher’s Resource Book

i-solutions Essential  
Science Plus 4 PRIMARY Essential  
Science Plus 4 PRIMARY
Science Plus 4 PRIMARY
cd 1
• digital Flashcards
• digital Posters
• Web bank cd 2
IWB Activities
Companion 4
© Richmond Publishing © Richmond Publishing
Santillana Educación, S. L., 2012 Santillana Educación, S. L., 2012
Primary CLIL

Essential   Essential  
Science Plus 4 PRIMARY Science Plus 4 PRIMARY
Teacher’s Resources
cd 3
cd 4 and Maps
© Richmond Publishing
Santillana Educación, S. L., 2012 ©2
© Richmond Publishing
nd Pu
blishing - Santillana E

Santillana Educación, S. L., 2012

i-solutions Language Companion

•   digital Flashcards,   •   Interactive Whiteboard   Interactive resources for 
Posters and Web bank Activities Science and Art

•  i-book
 •  Teacher’s Resources 
and Maps


photographs and illustrations. Students practise the concepts

teacher’s Book teacher’s Resource Book teacher’s Book teacher’s Resource Book

Science Plus 5 PRIMARY

Student's Audio
Essential i-solutions Essential 5 PRIMARY

• digital Flashcards, Posters

Es s ential Science P lu s i-s olu tions

CP: 490305

• digital Flashcards, Posters

Essential Essential
Science Plus 5 PRIMARY Science Plus 5 PRIMARY Science Plus 5 PRIMARY Science Plus 5 PRIMARY
Language Language
Language Companion 5

and Web bank
The Language Companion is designed to help CLIL teachers in bilingual

Companion 5
Essential Science Plus i-solutions is a box set

and Web bank

IWB Activities
programmes with vocabulary and structures that the children may not have been
containing four CDs which offer digital components
• Digital Flashcards exposed to or have not had sufficient practice with. This innovative multimedia
• Digital Posters

Companion 5
for the CLIL Science classroom. tool can be used on an interactive whiteboard or on a computer with print

Essential Science Plus i-solutions has the following

CD 1 • Web bank CD 2 options available for all worksheets.
The Language Companion has two sections: Science and Art. The Science section
components: covers material from the seven Science syllabus topics, while the Art section deals
with ten typical topics for each level.
CD 1 • Digital Flashcards © Richmond Publishing © Richmond Publishing
Santillana Educación, S. L., 2012 Santillana Educación, S. L., 2012

• Interactive Whiteboard
Each section then offers three main areas to practise: Words, Language and
• Digital Posters Primary CLIL

• Interactive Whiteboard

CP: 490294

CP: 490283
• Web bank

CD 2 • Interactive Whiteboard Activities

Minimum requirements:
Intel Pentium III (or equivalent); PowerPC G3 800 MHz
CD 3 • i-book

Science Plus 5 PRIMARY
(recommended: >1000 MHz)

CD 4 • Teacher’s Resources and Maps

5 Science Plus 5 PRIMARY 256 MB of RAM (recommended: >512 MB)
Screen resolution: 1024x768 pixels
i-book Teacher’s Resources
© Richmond Publishing
8x CD-ROM Drive

Minimum requirements and instructions:
See readme.txt file in each CD.
CD 3 CD 4 and Maps Operating systems:

Santillana Educación, S. L., 2013

• Windows 98, NT, 2000, XP, Vista and Windows 7

• i-book
• Mac OSX v.10.1.x, 10.2.x, 10.3.x or 10.4.x ©2

• i-book
011 S.L

Rich i ón,
© Richmond Publishing © Richmond Publishing • Linux (plugin Flash 8.0 or higher) mond
Pu bl ishing - Santillana Ed
u ca c
Santillana Educación, S. L., 2012 Santillana Educación, S. L., 2012

CP: 490279

CP: 490268
Language Companion 4

The Language Companion is designed to help CLIL teachers in bilingual
programmes with vocabulary and structures that the children may not have been
exposed to or have not had sufficient practice with. This innovative multimedia
tool can be used on an interactive whiteboard or on a computer with print
Companion 4
options available for all worksheets.
The Language Companion has two sections: Science and Art. The Science section
covers material from the seven Science syllabus topics, while the Art section deals

Insert the CD-ROM. The program will launch

with ten typical topics for each level.

CP: 490154
Each section then offers three main areas to practise: Words, Language and

Minimum requirements:
Intel Pentium III (or equivalent); PowerPC G3 800 MHz
(recommended: >1000 MHz)
256 MB of RAM (recommended: >512 MB)
Screen resolution: 1024x768 pixels
automatically. If the program fails to start

• teacher’s Resources
automatically, open the file exeWin.exe to run.
8x CD-ROM Drive

Operating systems:
• Windows 98, NT, 2000, XP, Vista and Windows 7

• teacher’s Resources
• Mac OSX v.10.1.x, 10.2.x, 10.3.x or 10.4.x
• Linux (plugin Flash 8.0 or higher)
Language Companion
Insert the CD-ROM. The program will launch
automatically. If the program fails to start
automatically, open the file exeWin.exe to run.
Insert the CD-ROM and open the file exeLinux.htm
to run. For full screen press F11.
Insert the CD-ROM and open the file exeLinux.htm
Interactive resources
Insert the CD-ROM and open the file to run.

to run. For full screen press F11.

Primary CLIL
for Science and Art

312387_Est_Lang_Comp_4.indd 1 cian magenta amarillo negro 20/12/11 15:41


and Maps
Insert the CD-ROM and open the file to run.

and Maps Primary CLIL
cian magenta amarillo negro

i-solutions Language Companion i-solutions Language Companion

Interactive resources for Interactive resources for
Science and Art Science and Art

and language through simple activities.

Student’s Book Activity Book Student’s Audio Cd

490154_Serigrafia.indd 2 23/01/13 12:32

Student's Audio
Essential Essential Essential

CP: 490117
Essential Science Plus 5 PRIMARY Teacher’s

Esse n tial Sc ie n c e Plu s

Class Audio CD 2 Science Plus 5 Class Audio CD 1 Teacher’s
Science Plus 5 PRIMARY

UNIT Book TRACKS Science Plus 5 PRIMARY Class Audio

The Essential Science Plus Class Audio contains two CDs.
UNIT TRACKS Resource Science Plus 5 PRIMARY
Essential Science Plus 5 PRIMARY Essential Science Plus 5 PRIMARY
Essential Unit 7 7.1 – 7.8 They include the recordings of all the texts from the Student’s Book,
Class Audio Starter unit 0.1 – 0.2

Es s e n t ia l S c ie n c e P l us
Science Plus 5 PRIMARY
StudEnt’S MAtERIAl

as well as two additional listening activities per unit.

StudEnt’S MAtERIAl

Unit 8 8.1 – 8.8 Unit 1 1.1 – 1.8

St u d e n t ’ s B ook
Unit 9 9.1 – 9.8 Unit 2 2.1 – 2.8
Student’s Book Activity Book Student’s Book Activity Book


Unit 10 10.1 – 10.8 Unit 3 3.1 – 3.8
Unit 11 11.1 – 11.8 Unit 4 4.1 – 4.8
Photocopiable worksheets:

Teach er’s Book

class Audio cd
5 class Audio cd

teacher’s Book teacher’s Resource Book teacher’s Book teacher’s Resource Book Unit 12 12.1 – 12.8 Unit 5 5.1 – 5.8 • Reinforcement

• Extension

• digital Flashcards, Posters

and Web bank
• Interactive Whiteboard
cd 1
© Richmond Publishing
Science Plus 4 PRIMARY
• digital Flashcards
• digital Posters
• Web bank

Santillana Educación, S. L., 2012

Science Plus 4 PRIMARY
cd 2
© Richmond Publishing
Science Plus 4 PRIMARY
IWB Activities

Santillana Educación, S. L., 2012

Science Plus 4 PRIMARY
• digital Flashcards, Posters
and Web bank
• Interactive Whiteboard
Unit 6 6.1 – 6.8
• Culture
teacher’s Resources
cd 3
cd 4 and Maps

• i-book • i-book
© Richmond Publishing
Santillana Educación, S. L., 2012
© Richmond Publishing
Santillana Educación, S. L., 2012

• teacher’s Resources • teacher’s Resources

and Maps and Maps

i-solutions Language Companion i-solutions Language Companion

Interactive resources for Interactive resources for

• Investigate!
Science and Art Science and Art

• Assessment

Activity Book


CP: 490117
Essential Science Plus 5 PRIMARY

Esse n t ia l S c ie n c e P l u s    T e a c h e r ’ s B ook
Class Audio CD 2 Science Plus 5 PRIMARY Teacher’s 
Class Audio CD 1
Class Audio
The Essential Science Plus Class Audio contains two CDs.
UNIT TRACKS Resource  Science Plus 5 PRIMARY
Essential   Essential Unit 7 7.1 – 7.8 They include the recordings of all the texts from the Student’s Book, Starter unit 0.1 – 0.2

Activity Book
Science Plus 4 PRIMARY Science Plus 4 PRIMARY Unit 8 8.1 – 8.8 as well as two additional listening activities per unit. Unit 1 1.1 – 1.8
Unit 9 9.1 – 9.8 Unit 2 2.1 – 2.8
Unit 10 10.1 – 10.8 Unit 3 3.1 – 3.8
Photocopiable worksheets:
Unit 11 11.1 – 11.8 Unit 4 4.1 – 4.8
Unit 12 12.1 – 12.8 Unit 5 5.1 – 5.8 • Reinforcement
Unit 6 6.1 – 6.8 • Extension
• Culture & Festivals
• Investigate!
• Assessment
Student’s Book Activity Book


Teacher’s  Essential   Essential   Teacher’s  Essential  
Book Science Plus 4 PRIMARY Science Plus 4 PRIMARY Resource  Science Plus 4 PRIMARY
class Audio Book

The Essential Science Plus Student’s Audio

Photocopiable worksheets:
• Reinforcement
• Extension
• Culture & Festivals
• Investigate!
• Assessment

class Audio cd

lass Audio cd

Class Audio Cd

Teacher’s Book Teacher’s Resource Book


i-solutions Essential  
Science Plus 4 PRIMARY Science Plus 4 PRIMARY
Science Plus 4 PRIMARY Language
cd 1
• digital Flashcards
• digital Posters
• Web bank cd 2
IWB Activities
Companion 4
© Richmond Publishing
Santillana Educación, S. L., 2012
© Richmond Publishing
Santillana Educación, S. L., 2012
Primary CLIL

Unit 1
Essential   Essential  
Science Plus 4 PRIMARY Science Plus 4 PRIMARY
Teacher’s Resources
cd 3
cd 4 and Maps
© Richmond Publishing
Santillana Educación, S. L., 2012
© Richmond Publishing
Publishing - Santillana Ed

Santillana Educación, S. L., 2012

i-solutions Language Companion

•   digital Flashcards,   •   Interactive Whiteboard   Interactive resources for 
Posters and Web bank Activities Science and Art

•  i-book
 •  Teacher’s Resources 
and Maps

Teacher’s Resource Book


What are cells? The parts of a cell


Language Language
Language Companion 5

The Language Companion is designed to help CLIL teachers in bilingual

Companion 5
programmes with vocabulary and structures that the children may not have been
exposed to or have not had sufficient practice with. This innovative multimedia

1.3 Companion 5
tool can be used on an interactive whiteboard or on a computer with print
options available for all worksheets.
The Language Companion has two sections: Science and Art. The Science section
covers material from the seven Science syllabus topics, while the Art section deals
with ten typical topics for each level.
Each section then offers three main areas to practise: Words, Language and
Communication. Primary CLIL

Minimum requirements:
Intel Pentium III (or equivalent); PowerPC G3 800 MHz
(recommended: >1000 MHz)
256 MB of RAM (recommended: >512 MB)
Screen resolution: 1024x768 pixels
8x CD-ROM Drive

Operating systems:
Windows 98, NT, 2000, XP, Vista and Windows 7
Mac OSX v.10.1.x, 10.2.x, 10.3.x or 10.4.x 011
ichm ón ,
Linux (plugin Flash 8.0 or higher) ond P caci
ublishing - Santillana Edu

Language Companion 4

The Language Companion is designed to help CLIL teachers in bilingual
programmes with vocabulary and structures that the children may not have been
exposed to or have not had sufficient practice with. This innovative multimedia
tool can be used on an interactive whiteboard or on a computer with print
options available for all worksheets.
The Language Companion has two sections: Science and Art. The Science section
covers material from the seven Science syllabus topics, while the Art section deals

Insert the CD-ROM. The program will launch

with ten typical topics for each level.
Each section then offers three main areas to practise: Words, Language and

Minimum requirements:
Intel Pentium III (or equivalent); PowerPC G3 800 MHz
(recommended: >1000 MHz)
256 MB of RAM (recommended: >512 MB)
Screen resolution: 1024x768 pixels
automatically. If the program fails to start
automatically, open the file exeWin.exe to run.
8x CD-ROM Drive

Operating systems:
• Windows 98, NT, 2000, XP, Vista and Windows 7
• Mac OSX v.10.1.x, 10.2.x, 10.3.x or 10.4.x
• Linux (plugin Flash 8.0 or higher)

Insert the CD-ROM. The program will launch
automatically. If the program fails to start
automatically, open the file exeWin.exe to run.
Insert the CD-ROM and open the file exeLinux.htm
to run. For full screen press F11.
Insert the CD-ROM and open the file exeLinux.htm
Insert the CD-ROM and open the file to run.

to run. For full screen press F11.


312387_Est_Lang_Comp_4.indd 1 20/12/11 15:41

Insert the CD-ROM and open the file to run.


cian magenta amarillo negro

Language Companion

Cells have three main parts: 1 Interactive Whiteboard Interactive resources for

contains the recordings of all the

Science and Art

Teacher’s Resources

1.2 Membrane. This is the covering around the cell.

All living things carry out three basic life processes: nucleus
nutrition, reproduction and sensitivity. In addition, all Nucleus. This is the part that controls the function of the cell. Teacher’s Book Teacher’s Resource Book
living things are made up of cells. Cytoplasm. This is a jelly-like material, composed mainly of cytoplasm membrane

presentation texts in the Student’s Book.

2 Baker’s yeast, used to make bread, is water, between the nucleus and the membrane. It contains
Cells are the basic units of life. Most cells are very small and a unicellular living thing. the organelles, which carry out different functions of the cell. 1 The main parts of a cell. dIGITAl MATERIAl AlSO AVAIlABlE
can only be seen through a microscope.
Essential i-solutions Essential 5 PRIMARY

Cells are living units and they carry out the three basic life

Essenti a l Sci ence Plus i - soluti ons

CP: 490305

Essential Essential
Animal and plant cells Science Plus 5 PRIMARY Science Plus 5 PRIMARY

Icons in both the Student's Book and the

Science Plus 5 PRIMARY Science Plus 5 PRIMARY
Language Language
Language Companion 5

The Language Companion is designed to help CLIL teachers in bilingual
Essential Science Plus i-solutions is a box set

processes. In addition, cells can specialize to perform

IWB Activities
Companion 5
containing four CDs which offer digital components
• Digital Flashcards programmes with vocabulary and structures that the children may not have been
exposed to or have not had sufficient practice with. This innovative multimedia
for the CLIL Science classroom. • Digital Posters

Companion 5
tool can be used on an interactive whiteboard or on a computer with print

Essential Science Plus i-solutions has the following

CD 1 • Web bank CD 2 options available for all worksheets.
The Language Companion has two sections: Science and Art. The Science section

All animal and plant cells have three main parts: a membrane,
components: covers material from the seven Science syllabus topics, while the Art section deals
with ten typical topics for each level.

a particular function. 1
CD 1 • Digital Flashcards © Richmond Publishing © Richmond Publishing
Santillana Educación, S. L., 2012 Santillana Educación, S. L., 2012

Each section then offers three main areas to practise: Words, Language and
• Digital Posters Primary CLIL

CP: 490294

CP: 490283
• Web bank

a nucleus and cytoplasm with organelles. However, animal Essential
CD 2 • Interactive Whiteboard Activities Minimum requirements:
Intel Pentium III (or equivalent); PowerPC G3 800 MHz
CD 3 • i-book

Science Plus 5 PRIMARY Science Plus 5 PRIMARY

(recommended: >1000 MHz)

Depending on the number of cells, living things can be

256 MB of RAM (recommended: >512 MB)
CD 4 • Teacher’s Resources and Maps
5 Screen resolution: 1024x768 pixels

cytoplasm i-book Teacher’s ResourcesLoudspeakers

8x CD-ROM Drive

and plant cells are different.

Minimum requirements and instructions:
See readme.txt file in each CD.
CD 3 CD 4 Operating systems:

classified into:

Teacher's Book indicate when to use

• Windows 98, NT, 2000, XP, Vista and Windows 7
© Richmond Publishing • Mac OSX v.10.1.x, 10.2.x, 10.3.x or 10.4.x ©2
011 S.L
ALSO AVAILABLE © Richmond Publishing
Santillana Educación, S. L., 2013 • Linux (plugin Flash 8.0 or higher)
m ond P
ublishing - Santillana Edu
Santillana Educación, S. L., 2012

CP: 490268

CP: 490279

Plant cells have specialized organelles called chloroplasts that

Language Windows
Companion 5 Insert the CD-ROM. The program will launch
automatically. If the program fails to start

Unicellular. Living things made up of a single cell. 2

automatically, open the file exeWin.exe to run.

Language Companion Linux

absorb sunlight, which plants need to make their own food.

Insert the CD-ROM and open the file exeLinux.htm
Interactive resources to run. For full screen press F11.
Primary CLIL
for Science and Art

cian magenta amarillo negro
Insert the CD-ROM and open the file to run.

Multicellular. Living things made up of many cells. Plants 3 All plants and animals are Chloroplasts contain chlorophyl, which makes plants green. Primary CLIL

and animals are multicellular. 3 multicellular living things. cell wall

cian magenta amarillo negro

i-solutions Language Companion

the recordings.
Plant cells are usually bigger and have a regular shape.
Animal cells can be many different shapes. 2 Interactive resources for
• Digital Flashcards, • Interactive Whiteboard Science and Art
Plant cells have a rigid cell wall around the membrane. 3 2 Animal cell and plant cell. Posters and Web bank Activities
• i-book • Teacher’s Resources

The CD is in MP3 format.

muscle cell
red blood cell

white blood cell

liver cell
intestine cell
3 The cell wall makes some plant stems very hard.
490095_cubierta _ 0001-0001.indd 1

1 Different types of specialized human cells.

Science Plus 5 PRIMARY

1.4 1 WORK WITH THE PICTURE. Compare the animal and plant cells. Talk about how they
are similar and how they are different.

1 WORK WITH THE PICTURE. Describe the different types of human cells to your partner. 2 Match and write sentences in your notebook.
Talk about their shape and their particular function. The membrane... is around the membrane of plant cells. Student's Audio
2 Copy and complete the sentences. The cell wall... is between the membrane and the nucleus.
a. Every living thing is made up of . The nucleus... are specialized plant organelles.
b. We are living things. The cytoplasm... controls the function of the cell.
c. We can only see cells through a . The organelles... is the covering around the cell.
© Richmond Publishing
d. All cells carry out the life processes of , reproduction and . The chloroplasts... are located in the cytoplasm. Santillana Educación, S. L., 2013
CP: 490154

6 six seven 7

Practising competences and Show what you know
The Practising competences page is designed to help Essential

E sse nt ia l S ci en ce Pl u s i - sol ut i o n s
CP: 490305

Science Plus 5 PRIMARY

students become competent in interdisciplinary skills related 490154_cubierta _ 0002-0002.indd 2 24/01/13 09:32
Essential Science Plus i-solutions is a box set

to the unit theme. Each unit ends with a revision page, Show
containing four CDs which offer digital components
for the CLIL Science classroom.
Essential Science Plus i-solutions has the following

what you know, with activities covering the key concepts. components:
CD 1 • Digital Flashcards
• Digital Posters
• Web bank

CD 2 • Interactive Whiteboard Activities

1 Living things Unit 1

CD 3 • i-book

Activity Book
1 Unscramble the words and complete the sentences. 1 Read and tick (✔).

a. All living things are made up of (llesc)

CD 4 • Teacher’s Resources
b. Cells carry out three basic functions: nutrition, sensitivity and (nrcouterupdi)

They have a hard cell wall around the membrane.
Minimum requirements and instructions:
c. Most cells can only be seen through a (sirmpoccoe) They can be many different shapes. See readme.txt file in each CD.
d. To perform a particular function, cells can (izleecpais) They have a regular shape.

The Essential Science Plus Activity Book offers further

e. Living things can be classified into unicellular and (litlrmlueclua) They have specialized cells called chloroplasts.
2 Draw the different types of specialized human cells.
2 Read and complete the text about the organization of 5living things.

practice of the concepts introduced in the Student’s Book. Language

Language Companion 5

The Language Companion is designed to help CLIL teachers in bilingual

Groups of the same type of cells work together to form . Tissues are
programmes with vocabulary and structures that the children may not have been
exposed to or have not had sufficient practice with. This innovative multimedia

Companion 5
tool can be used on an interactive whiteboard or on a computer with print
options available for all worksheets.
The Language Companion has two sections: Science and Art. The Science section
covers material from the seven Science syllabus topics, while the Art section deals
with ten typical topics for each level.
Each section then offers three main areas to practise: Words, Language and

organized to form , and organs are organized to form .


Minimum requirements:
Intel Pentium III (or equivalent); PowerPC G3 800 MHz

Each activity is linked to a sub-topic and can be completed

(recommended: >1000 MHz)
256 MB of RAM (recommended: >512 MB)
Screen resolution: 1024x768 pixels

Finally, all the systems form an 8x CD-ROM Drive


Operating systems:
• Windows 98, NT, 2000, XP, Vista and Windows 7
• Mac OSX v.10.1.x, 10.2.x, 10.3.x or 10.4.x
• Linux (plugin Flash 8.0 or higher)


Language Companion
Insert the CD-ROM. The program will launch

3 Label the five levels of organization of a dog.

automatically. If the program fails to start
automatically, open the file exeWin.exe to run.
Insert the CD-ROM and open the file exeLinux.htm

in class or given as homework.

Interactive resources
to run. For full screen press F11.
Insert the CD-ROM and open the file to run.

Primary CLIL
for Science and Art

cian magenta amarillo negro

red blood cell liver cell muscle cell neuron

Twelve Investigate! pages are designed to provide practice 3 Label the parts of the cell: nucleus, cytoplasm, membrane, organelles.

of the scientific method.

490305_cubierta _ 0001-0001.indd 1

4 Use the words from Activity 3 to complete the sentences.

a. The controls the function of the cell.

b. The are located in the cytoplasm. 4 Write the levels of organization of a dog in order.

c. The is the covering around the cell. a. Muscle cell b. c.

d. The is between the nucleus and the membrane. d. e.

4 5

490084 _ 0004-0007.indd 4 08/02/13 08:37 490084 _ 0004-0007.indd 5 08/02/13 08:38


490095 _ 0001-0011.indd 2 08/08/13 13:19

Teacher's resources
Teacher's Book Class Audio
The Essential Science Plus Teacher’s The Class Audio includes
Essential Essential

CP: 490117
Book offers step-by-step
Class Audio CD 2 lesson plansScience Plus 5 recordings
Class Audio CD 1 of all the texts
Science Plus 5 PRIMARY

with full-colour reproductions of theUNIT TRACKS

Class Audio
The Essential Science Plus Class Audio contains two CDs. from the Student’s Book

Unit 7 7.1 – 7.8 They include the recordings of all the texts from the Student’s Book,
Class Audio Starter unit 0.1 – 0.2

Student’s Book. Answer keys Unit 8

Unit 9
Unit 10
8.1 – 8.8
9.1 – 9.8
10.1 – 10.8
as well as two additional listening activities per unit.

and two additional listening

Unit 1
Unit 2
Unit 3
1.1 – 1.8
2.1 – 2.8
3.1 – 3.8

are included in the Teacher’s Book. Unit 11

Unit 12
11.1 – 11.8
12.1 – 12.8 activities per unit.
Unit 4
Unit 5
4.1 – 4.8
5.1 – 5.8
Unit 6 6.1 – 6.8

Cross-references indicate when to use the The additional listening

Essential Science Plus Activity Book. transcripts are at the back
of the Teacher’s Book.

490117_Sobre.indd 1 01/02/13 13:01

Plus 5 PRIMARY Teacher’s

E sse nt i a l S c i e nc e P l u s

Book Science Plus 5 PRIMARY

Teacher's Resource Book
Te a c h e r’ s B ook

Science Plus 5 PRIMARY
Student's Audio

The Essential Science Plus

© Richmond Publishing
Santillana Educación, S. L., 2013
CP: 490154

Teacher’s Essential
Teacher’s Resource Book
Student’s Audio Cd
490154_Serigrafia.indd 2 23/01/13 12:32

Resource Science Plus 5 PRIMARY

hotocopiable worksheets:
Science Plus 5 PRIMARY
Photocopiable worksheets:
is a spiral bound book of
photocopiable worksheets
• Reinforcement
• Extension

5 • Culture
• Investigate!
• Assessment

with the following sections:

• Reinforcement
acher’s Resource Book


ompanion 5
Companion 5
Primary CLIL
• Extension
m ond P
ublishing - Santillana Edu

• Culture
• Investigate!
mary CLIL
a amarillo negro

nguage Companion
eractive resources for
ence and Art

• Assessment
Answer keys are provided.
490106_cubierta _ 0001-0002.indd 1 24/01/13 12:32

24/01/13 13:28

Digital resources
Essential The i-solutions pack consists of four CDs:
i-solutions Essential Science Plus 5 PRIMARY
E sse nt ia l S ci en ce Pl u s i - sol ut i o n s

CP: 490305


Teacher’s Resources
CD 1 Digital flashcards, Digital posters and Web bank
There are three sections. The Digital flashcard bank provides over 150
© Richmond Publishing
Santillana Educación, S. L., 2013
CP: 490268

box set

the following
Essential images to project onto a whiteboard or to print out. Each image offers
Science Plus 5 PRIMARY

CD 3
i-book the option of listening to the audio and viewing the written word.
© Richmond Publishing
Santillana Educación, S. L., 2013 The Digital posters can be printed when required. The Web bank includes
CP: 490279


490268_cubierta _ 0002-0002.indd 2

24/01/13 09:30
some of the best, free web links for teaching Science, Geography and
5 Science Plus 5 PRIMARY
IWB Activities

CD 2
© Richmond Publishing
Santillana Educación, S. L., 2013
CD 2 IWB Activities
CP: 490283

490279_cubierta _ 0002-0002.indd 2

24/01/13 09:31
The Interactive Whiteboard Activities CD contains five interactive activities
Science Plus 5 PRIMARY

CD 1
• Digital Flashcards
• Digital Posters
• Web bank
per unit which can be used to help reinforce the course content in a fun way.

CD 3 i-book
© Richmond Publishing
Santillana Educación, S. L., 2013
CP: 490294

490283_cubierta _ 0002-0002.indd 2 24/01/13 12:30

The i-book contains all the core course material in interactive format: Student’s Book, Activity Book, Teacher’s Book and Teacher’s Resource
24/01/13 09:28 Book, as well as the Answer keys to all the components.
CD 4 Teacher’s resources
490294_cubierta _ 0002-0002.indd 2 24/01/13 09:32

This CD contains the PDFs of the Teacher’s Resource Book.



490095 _ 0001-0011.indd 3 08/08/13 13:19

Student's Book
Opener page and Refresh your memory! P

Unit 1


Number and title of
the unit 1.1
Wild mushrooms are living things that grow on LIFE PROCESSES HABITATS
forest floors, tree trunks and even on top of each What three life processes do all living things What is a habitat?
other. They need moist, cool temperatures and carry out?

Question cards with

a. A place where plants and animals live.
some light. Wild mushrooms are seasonal
a. Interaction, breathing and reproduction. b. A very large place where animals live.

and can be found in the autumn and spring.
b. Growing, living and breathing. c. A small place where only plants live.
There are many different types of wild
mushrooms, but they can look very similar, c. Nutrition, interaction and reproduction.
d. Being born, living and dying.
d. A place where animals obtain food
multiple choice
which makes them very hard to identify. Wild and water.

mushrooms are often spectacular. Some are
edible and delicious, but others can be poisonous.
answers. Students
photographs test a partner’s
designed to capture previous knowledge
the students’ attention in a fun way.
and introduce the REPRODUCTION
Animals can be viviparous or oviparous.
What is a viviparous animal?
Plants are different from animals because…
a. they move more slowly.

theme of the unit a. An animal that lays eggs.

b. An animal that has lungs.
b. they make their own food.
c. they grow in all directions.
c. An animal that eats other animals. d. they don’t live in habitats.
d. An animal born from its mother’s womb.
Where can you find wild mushrooms?
Why can you find wild mushrooms in autumn
Questions to introduce
and spring?

Why is it so important to identify mushrooms

the main theme and Have you ever been mushrooming? Where

did you go?
Do you think mushrooms are plants or

draw on students’ animals?

previous knowledge
4 WHAT DO YOU REMEMBER? Test your partner. five 5

Information and practice pages S

Unit 1

The organization of living things Systems. Organs join together to form systems. Organs
within systems work together to perform a common function.
For example, the muscular system makes our body move.

A B Organisms. Finally, all the different types of systems work

together to form an organism. In a multicellular living thing,
cells, tissues, organs and systems all work together so the
organism functions correctly.


1 WORK WITH THE PICTURE. Look at the diagram. Describe to your partner the different
levels of organization of a dog.

Activities to practise
1 Examples of tissues. A. The muscle
tissue of an animal. B. The epidermal
1.5 Levels of organization 2 Copy and complete the text.
tissue of a plant.

Texts recorded on
Multicellular living things are made up of many different types Groups of cells work together to form . Tissues are organized to form .
of cells. These cells work together at different levels.
The levels of organization of multicellular organisms include:
Animals have
of epidermal cells.
tissue which consists of muscle cells. Plants have which consist
the main concepts
the Student’s and
Tissues. Groups of the same type of cells join together to 3 Copy the pictures

and language
form tissues. All the cells which form a tissue perform the in your notebook.
same function. For example, animals have muscle tissue Label the levels

the Class Audios

which consists of many muscle cells. Plants also have of organization
tissues, for example, the epidermis is the tissue that covers and connect them
leaves and consists of epidermal cells. 1 in order with arrows
Organs. Tissues join together to form organs. Tissues in to make a diagram.
organs work together to perform a common function.
For example, muscle tissues join together to make the
muscle organ. Plants also have organs. 2 2 Leaves and stems are plant organs.


muscle cell

Key vocabulary
muscle tissue
organ: muscle

is highlighted muscular system

photographs and
in bold
bone cell organ: bone

illustrations to illustrate
bone tissue skeletal system

8 eight nine 9
the contents

Additional listening activities on the

Class Audio



490095 _ 0001-0011.indd 4 08/08/13 13:19

Practising competences and Show what you know
Unit 1
Practising competences Show what you know
IDENTIFYING THE PARTS OF A MICROSCOPE 1 Copy the table and tick (✔). 2 Copy and complete the diagram of the
levels of organization.

Activities to practise Cells, as well as some other living things, are so small that we cannot see them
with the naked eye. However, we can observe them through a microscope. membrane
animal cell plant cell

A microscope is an instrument with several lenses that make very small objects appear cell wall
much larger than they really are.

Tube. It supports cytoplasm

skills related to the Eyepiece. It contains

the lens you look through.
the eyepiece.
When using a microscope…
a. where do you place the sample?

unit theme.
b. which parts contain lenses?
c. how do you focus the sample?
Objective lenses. d. how do you control the light?
These lenses 3 Compare plants and animals to fungi. Write sentences in your notebook describing
magnify the sample. how fungi are similar to plants, and how they are similar to animals.

Revision of content
Stage. This is where

Arm. It supports the
you put the sample.
different parts of
the microscope.

It controls the amount of
light projected onto the
Focusing knobs.
and language from
the unit
They help to adjust
the focus.

Light source. It provides Base. It supports

light to look at the sample. the microscope.
4 Copy and complete the sentences with fungi, monerans and/or protists.
a. ……. and ……. can be multicellular.
b. ……. and ……. can make their own food.
c. ……. and ……. can move about.

1 What lives in a drop of pond water? d. ……. and ……. can be harmful.

Investigative tasks
1. Put a drop of pond water on a 4. Draw what you see in your notebook. 5 SPEAKING. Read and discuss with your partner which kingdom each living thing
microscope slide and place a cover Label the parts of cells that you can belongs to.

to stimulate curiosity slip over it.

2. Put the slide on the microscope stage.
3. Look through the eyepiece. Use the
identify. Can you tell if any of the cells are
plants or protozoa? Explain.
Now write some sentences under your
a. It is a multicellular living thing. It cannot move about. It makes its own food.
b. It is a unicellular living thing. It is very small and can be harmful.
and practise the picture, describing what you see. c. It is a multicellular living thing. It can move about. It feeds on other organisms.
focusing knobs to adjust the focus. Start

practising specific
with the large knob. d. It is a multicellular, aquatic living thing. It makes its own food.
e. It is a multicellular living thing. It cannot move about. It feeds on other organisms.

scientific method. 12 twelve thirteen 13

are flagged

Special sections
Show that you can

Show that you can

1 Copy and write the part of the cell that corresponds to each description. 5 Copy and complete the sentences.
Then, circle the parts that belong only to plant cells. Which ones correspond to the numbers
on the diagram?
a. Jelly-like material that contains the organelles.
b. Specialized organelles that absorb sunlight. a. absorb water and mineral salts.
c. Rigid covering around the membrane. b. Raw sap travels up to the leaves through
tubes called . 1
d. Part that controls the function of the cell.
e. The covering around the cell. c. Plants take in carbon dioxide through tiny
openings called .
d. Sunlight is trapped by a green substance 2
2 Look at the pictures and name the kingdom each living thing belongs to.
called .
Then, write one characteristic of each kingdom.
e. travels through tubes called 3
animal – protista – fungi – monera – plant phloem vessels.
f. Plants release through stomata.

a b c d e
6 Copy the words in the correct column.

seed – tuber – stolon – spore – pollen – rhizome – pistil – fruit – stamen – bulb

sexual reproduction asexual reproduction

3 Copy and write the name of each type of vertebrate.

a. Oviparous, cold-blooded, with scales and lungs.
b. Oviparous, warm-blooded, with wings.
c. Oviparous, cold-blooded, with scales and gills.
d. Viviparous, warm-blooded, with fur or hair.
e. Oviparous, cold-blooded, with bare skin. 7 Look at the food web and write your answers.
a. Name two producers in this food web.
4 Copy the table and classify the invertebrates. Then, add one more example of each. b. Name two primary and two secondary
consumers in this food web.
clam – sea urchin – yellow tube sponge – grasshopper – c. Write one food chain with a producer,
sea anemone – earthworm a primary consumer and a secondary
d. Write another food chain with a producer

sponges cnidarians worms echinoderms molluscs arthropods
and a primary, secondary and tertiary

44 forty-four forty-five 45

490073 _ 0044-0045.indd 44 19/02/13 11:57 490073 _ 0044-0045.indd 45 14/02/13 10:14

At the end of each term, the Show that you can section provides a double-
page with a variety of activity types for assessment and evaluation. These
activities revise the main content as well as the key language.

Key vocabulary

Six pages of key vocabulary, with simple, clear definitions. The key
vocabulary is organised by unit.

490095 _ 0001-0011.indd 5 08/08/13 13:19

Teacher's Book
The Essential Science Plus Teacher’s Book reproduces all the sections of the Student’s Book in full-colour.
In addition, it contains step-by-step instructions for each lesson. The structure of each lesson is shown in
clearly marked sections in the teaching notes:
•  Objectives T
•  Key language fo
•  Presentation
•  Activities
•  Reinforcement and Extension activities A
Each Teacher’s Book unit starts with a double-page programming spread. v

Unit programming
An overview of the content p
objectives, language A visual map providing an in
objectives and assessment List of contents at-a-glance summary of th
criteria for the unit for the unit the unit theme and topics

1 Living things Unit outline

Living things
Competence in linguistic
communication A list of the
•   Describing the different types  

What are cells?

of human cells (SB p. 6: 1. Work  
with the picture .) competences
students are
•   Describing the similarities and 
differences between animal  
Unit content The parts of a cell
and plant cells (SB p. 7: 1. Work with  

expected to
the picture .) 
•   Describing the parts of cells (SB p. 7: 
Content objectives Contents 2. Match and write sentences in your 
•   To understand that all living things are made up of one or more cells
•   To learn the main parts of a cell
•  B
  asic life processes: nutrition, 
reproduction and sensitivity
The organization of living things notebook.)
•   Describing the levels of organization  develop in the
of a living thing (SB p. 9: 3. Copy  

unit, with
•   To differentiate between animal and plant cells •  Parts of animal and plant cells
the diagram in your notebook.)
•   To learn about the five levels of organization of multicellular living  •  L  evels of organization of  The classification of living things
multicellular organisms •   Describing the characteristics  
things: cell, tissue, organ, system, organism

reference to
of kingdoms (SB p. 11: 1. Work with  
•   To study the five kingdoms of living things and their characteristics •  C
  lassification of living things  
the picture.)  
into kingdoms The animal, plant and fungi
•   Understanding written and oral texts 
Language objectives
specific activities
(Class CD, Unit 1)
•   To describe cells: big/small, hard, regular/irregular, round, long •  U
  sing labelled diagrams to learn 
the parts of cells
•   To identify the main parts of a cell: membrane, nucleus, cytoplasm,  The monera and the protista
organelle, chloroplast, cell wall •  U
  sing a Venn diagram to  Knowledge and interaction
•   To name the levels of organization: cell, tissue, organ, system, 
understand the similarities and  with the physical world
differences between the plant 
organism •   Recognizing the characteristics of the 
and animal kingdoms
•   To describe the functions of living things: eat, feed on, move about,  five kingdoms (SB p. 10-11: Animal 
•  U
  sing tables to organize and  kingdom, Plant kingdom, Fungi 
learn vocabulary kingdom, Monera kingdom, Protista 
Assessment criteria Investigate! Practising competences kingdom)
•  S  howing interest in different  What lives in a drop of pond  Identifying the parts of a  
•   Differentiate between unicellular and multicellular living things
types of cells and their main  water? microscope
•   Name the main parts of a cell parts  Competence in ‘learning
•  Describe animal and plant cells •  A
  ppreciating the complexity of 
to learn’
•   Name the five levels of organization of multicellular living things: cell,  the organization of living things Show what you know •   Identifying the parts of a microscope 
tissue, organ, system, organism •  S  howing interest in the  Parts of animal and plant cells (SB p. 12: Practising competences)
•   Name the five kingdoms of living things and their characteristics classification of living things into  Levels of organization of   •   Finding out what lives in a drop of 
five kingdoms living things water (SB p. 12: Investigate!)
The five kingdoms of living things •   Evaluating one’s own progress  
(SB p. 13: Show what you know)

Values education References

to the Investigate!,
•  Understanding the fundamental importance of cells 
•   Appreciating that an organism is the result of all its systems 
working together

Suggested timing for the unit

•   Reflecting on the diversity of living things and the need to 
protect all life forms Practising
October November December

4A 4B

490095 _ 0012-0023.indd 12-13 05/08/13 16:50

and Show what
you know sections

A calendar to help References to educational

organize the values which students
school year will acquire in the unit



490095 _ 0001-0011.indd 6 08/08/13 13:19

Opening page and Refresh your memory!
1 1


Objectives Refresh your memory!

The main content objectives •   To introduce the unit topic

•   To learn about wild mushrooms 1.1 Wild mushrooms are living things that grow on
forest floors, tree trunks and even on top of each
What three life processes do all living things
What is a habitat?
Use the revision cards to help Ss 
revise their previous knowledge of 
the unit topics.
•   To activate previous knowledge 

for each lesson

other. They need moist, cool temperatures and carry out? a. A place where plants and animals live.
about living things some light. Wild mushrooms are seasonal
a. Interaction, breathing and reproduction. •   Revise the four topics with the class 
and can be found in the autumn and spring. b. A very large place where animals live.
b. Growing, living and breathing. using the suggestions below. 
c. A small place where only plants live.
Key language There are many different types of wild
mushrooms, but they can look very similar, c. Nutrition, interaction and reproduction. d. A place where animals obtain food •   Ss ask and answer the questions 
•   Vocabulary and structures:  which makes them very hard to identify. Wild d. Being born, living and dying. and water. orally in pairs.
mushrooms are often spectacular. Some are
animal, forest, mushroom, trunk;  edible and delicious, but others can be poisonous.
•  Check answers as a class.
go mushrooming; cool, delicious, 
Life processes
edible, moist, poisonous, seasonal
A summary of the key Presentation
•   Ask Ss to give some examples  
for each life process and write 
them on the board.

language structures and •   Bring different types of fresh 

mushrooms to class, or photos. 
Allow Ss to pick them up and to 
•   Ss name six different habitats. 

vocabulary observe them using a magnifying 
glass. Talk about their shape,  REPRODUCTION PLANTS AND ANIMALS
Write them on the board. Then, 
ask Ss to name some animals and 
size, colour and texture. Ask Ss to  Animals can be viviparous or oviparous. Plants are different from animals because… plants that live in each habitat. 
compare these mushrooms to the  What is a viviparous animal? a. they move more slowly. Revise how animals and plants 
a. An animal that lays eggs.
ones on page 4. b. they make their own food. adapt to their habitats.
b. An animal that has lungs. c. they grow in all directions.
Look, read and say c. An animal that eats other animals.
An introduction to the unit
d. they don’t live in habitats.
d. An animal born from its mother’s womb.
•  Ss look at the photos on page 4.  LOOK, READ AND SAY •   Revise the difference between 
Point to different mushrooms. Ask Ss  Where can you find wild mushrooms? viviparous and oviparous animals. 

to describe them. Point to the largest  Why can you find wild mushrooms in autumn Ask Ss to identify the five vertebrate 
photo. Ask: What season is it? How  and spring? groups (mammals, birds, fish, 
do you know? Why is it so important to identify mushrooms amphibians, reptiles). Volunteers 
  1.1 give examples of each group and 
Have you ever been mushrooming? Where
did you go? say whether these animals are 
•   Play Track 1.1. Ss listen and read. Do you think mushrooms are plants or viviparous or oviparous.
•   Next, volunteers ask and answer 

Questions to stimulate
Plants and animals
the questions on the page. Ask 
4 WHAT DO YOU REMEMBER? Test your partner. five 5 •   Revise the three types of plants 
more questions to recycle and 
(trees, bushes, grasses.) Then, Ss 
practise vocabulary:

observation skills, activate   D  o you think any of the mushrooms 

on this page are poisonous?
490073 _ 0004-0013.indd 4 13/03/13 11:39 490073 _ 0004-0013.indd 5 13/03/13 11:39
say how plants differ from animals.

prior knowledge and to    Have you ever seen any wild 

   Think of safety rules for going 
Reinforcement Reinforcement

introduce the main theme of

•   Use the photos to play I spy: I spy with my little eye something that begins  •   Say true or false statements about habitats, reproduction, and plants  
with the letter ‘G’. (Grass.) and animals. In teams, the class take it in turns to answer true or false.  
   Do you like eating wild  If they are correct, they win one point. If they are incorrect, the other team 
the unit Extension
•   Ss choose one of the mushrooms in the photographs, draw it and then 
wins the point.

write a short description in their own words.
   Photos (clockwise from top left):  •   Ss make an index card of a poisonous mushroom. They should include a  •   Write on the board: Which animals are endangered because their 
sickener (Russula emetica);  description, where it grows and how toxic it is. They attach a picture. Use  habitats are changing?  Ss search the Internet to find examples and share 
glistening inkcap (Coprinus  the index cards to make a poster for the class called BE CAREFUL! them with the class.
micaceus); fly mushroom (Amanita 
muscaria); turkey tail fungus 
(Trametes versicolor) 

4 5

490095 _ 0012-0023.indd 14-15 05/08/13 16:51

Information and practice pages

What are cells? 1.3 The parts of a cell
Unit 1 UNIT 1
Full-colour reproductions
of the Student’s Book
Objectives Cells have three main parts: 1
1.2 Membrane. This is the covering around the cell.
All living things carry out three basic life processes:
•   To learn the characteristics of cells nutrition, reproduction and sensitivity. In addition, all Nucleus. This is the part that controls the function of the cell.
•   Play Track 1.3. Ss listen and read. 

•   To identify the main parts of a cell living things are made up of cells. Cytoplasm. This is a jelly-like material, composed mainly of cytoplasm membrane They point to the main parts of  
water, between the nucleus and the membrane. It contains
•   To differentiate between animal  Cells are the basic units of life. Most cells are very small and
2 Baker’s yeast, used to make bread, is the cell in the diagrams.
a unicellular living thing. the organelles, which carry out different functions of the cell. 1 The main parts of a cell.
and plant cells can only be seen through a microscope. •   Ask: How are plant and animal 
Cells are living units and they carry out the three basic life Animal and plant cells cells different? What specialized 
processes. In addition, cells can specialize to perform
Key language a particular function. 1 All animal and plant cells have three main parts: a membrane, organelles
plant cells absorb sunlight? Why 
a nucleus and cytoplasm with organelles. However, animal do plants need sunlight? What 
•   Vocabulary and structures: nutrition,  Depending on the number of cells, living things can be
and plant cells are different. cytoplasm
classified into: makes plants green? What makes 
sensitivity, reproduction; cell wall,  Plant cells have specialized organelles called chloroplasts that
Unicellular. Living things made up of a single cell. 2 some plant stems hard?
chlorophyll, chloroplast, cytoplasm,  absorb sunlight, which plants need to make their own food. nucleus
Multicellular. Living things made up of many cells. Plants 3 All plants and animals are Chloroplasts contain chlorophyl, which makes plants green.
membrane, nucleus, organelle; 
Ideas to introduce the
and animals are multicellular. 3 multicellular living things. cell wall
Plant cells are usually bigger and have a regular shape.
covering, liver, neuron, microscope,  Animal cells can be many different shapes. 2

shape, yeast; absorb, carry out,  Plant cells have a rigid cell wall around the membrane. 3 2 Animal cell and plant cell.
1. Work with the picture. Compare

topic and motivate

(be) composed of, specialize; basic,  the animal and plant cells. Talk
jelly-like, multicellular/unicellular muscle cell about how they are similar and
red blood cell
how they are different.

students. Fun activities

Presentation •   Ss look at diagram 2. Ask: Do 
•   Explain that ‘sensitivity’ (reacting to  white blood cell animal cells have chloroplasts? 
the environment) includes the life  Which cells have a cell wall? 

which students can relate

liver cell
process ‘interaction’.  neuron
•   In pairs, Ss take it in turns to say 
intestine cell
•   Show pictures of cells. Ss describe 
3 The cell wall makes some plant stems very hard. how animal and plant cells are 
similar and how they are different.

to their personal
1 Different types of specialized human cells.
what they see. Say: All living things  Activities
are made up of cells. 1.4
1.4 1 WORK WITH THE PICTURE. Compare the animal and plant cells. Talk about how they
  1.2 are similar and how they are different.

•   Play Track 1.2. Ss listen and read.
1 WORK WITH THE PICTURE. Describe the different types of human cells to your partner.
Talk about their shape and their particular function.
2 Match and write sentences in your notebook.
The membrane... is around the membrane of plant cells.
•   Play Track 1.4. Ss look at the 
illustration, listen and check their 
answers to Activity 1.
•   Ask: How can we see very small  2 Copy and complete the sentences. The cell wall... is between the membrane and the nucleus.
cells? What do cells do? What is the  a. Every living thing is made up of . The nucleus... are specialized plant organelles. 2. Match and write sentences
difference between unicellular and  b. We are living things. The cytoplasm... controls the function of the cell. in your notebook.
multicellular living things? c. We can only see cells through a . The organelles... is the covering around the cell. •   Volunteers read out the beginning 

!, •   Ss look at photographs 2 and 3. 
Ask: Which of these living things 
d. All cells carry out the life processes of , reproduction and . The chloroplasts... are located in the cytoplasm. of the sentences for other 
volunteers to complete.
Audio tracks are clearly
do you think is multicellular? A  •   Ss write the complete sentences  
6 six seven 7

volunteer reads the captions. in their notebooks.
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1.   Work with the picture. Describe
the different types of human cells
to your partner. Reinforcement Reinforcement
•   Ask Ss about the different human  •   Draw the different types of human cells on the board. Volunteers describe  •   Ss draw and label a plant cell and an animal cell.
cells in illustration 1: Which cell is 
each one. They talk about its shape and function.
round and red, with a dent in the  Extension
middle? Which cell is long and thin?   Extension •   In groups, Ss find out about bamboo plants and make a poster. They 
What system is the (intestine cell) 
•   Find images of cells of living things as seen through a microscope on the  include where bamboo plants grow, what animals eat bamboo plants,  
part of? (The intestine cell is part  
Internet, for example, amoeba or paramecium, and show them to Ss. how people make use of bamboo, etc. They include a picture of  
of the digestive system.)
a bamboo plant and a drawing of bamboo cells. 
•   Ss do the activity in pairs.
2.  Copy and complete the sentences.
•   Ss copy and complete the sentences 
in their notebooks.

Activity Book, page 4

6 7

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Vocabulary is grouped Cross-reference to the A wide variety of optional reinforcement

and presented in Activity Book and extension activities
alphabetical order


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Key competences
Key competences are a combination of knowledge, skills and attitudes appropriate to different
contexts and situations. They encourage the development of skills rather than the assimilation
of theoretical content: individuals become ‘competent’ when they learn how to solve problems
effectively. Competences develop progressively and are acquired in different learning situations
and institutions. They are interdisciplinary because they integrate knowledge that originates
in different academic disciplines. Essential Science Plus 5 focuses on key competences in the unit
activities. The Practising competences page per unit helps develop skills related to competences.

Key competences in Science

 ompetence in
C  ocial competence
linguistic communication and citizenship
This is the ability to interpret and use language as a tool This competence refers to the ability to understand and
for oral and written communication. Verbal participate successfully in the society in which we live.
communication is fostered by the exchange of opinions, At Primary level, this is developed by promoting group
the narration of personal experiences and by giving cooperation, solidarity and satisfaction at successfully
oral expositions on different topics. Reading and writing completing given tasks. An understanding of codes
simple texts also develop this competence. of conduct and customs in different environments is
essential. This is achieved through the discussion of
appropriate and inappropriate behaviour in different
Mathematical situations.
This competence is the ability to use numbers, perform  ultural and artistic
basic operations, understand symbols and solve
problems in order to interpret the physical world.
Natural Science includes mathematical interpretations This competence involves recognising the importance
and the mathematical expression of natural facts of artistic creations at various times in history and in
and phenomena. different cultures. It includes the appreciation of the
visual arts, music and literature. The systematic
interpretation of illustrations and photographs helps to
 nowledge and interaction
K develop this competence.
with the physical world
This competence develops the ability to interact with  ompetence in ‘learning
the physical world and apply the scientific method to
to learn’
explain its phenomena. At Primary level, students are
encouraged to define and solve problems, design This competence is acquired by learning how to apply
and carry out simple experiments, work out solutions, different techniques aimed at selecting, organizing,
analyse and describe their results. interpreting and memorizing information. The sections
Show what you know and Show that you can give
students the opportunity to summarize what they have
 rocessing information and digital
P learned.
This is the ability to use both traditional and modern  utonomy and personal
technologies to obtain, process and transmit
information found in traditional and digital media.
Students learn how to use lists, tables and index cards The study of Science demands autonomy and initiative.
to classify information. They develop confidence in From the moment a hypothesis is formulated, until
and a critical use of Information and Communication conclusions are reached, students need to plan and
Technology (ICT). organize their work creatively and with critical sense.


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Student's material....................................................... ii
Teacher's resources................................................... iii
Student's Book............................................................ iv
Teacher's Book............................................................ vi
Key competences....................................................... viii
Teacher's Book contents............................................ ix
Student's Book 5 contents.......................................... x

Lesson plans
Term 1
Unit 1............................................................................ 4
Unit 2........................................................................... 14
Unit 3........................................................................... 24
Unit 4........................................................................... 34
End of Term 1............................................................... 44

Term 2
Unit 5........................................................................... 46
Unit 6........................................................................... 56
Unit 7............................................................................ 66
Unit 8........................................................................... 76
End of Term 2.............................................................. 86

Term 3
Unit 9........................................................................... 88
Unit 10.......................................................................... 98
Unit 11........................................................................... 108
Unit 12.......................................................................... 118
End of Term 3.............................................................. 128

Key vocabulary........................................................... 130

Audio transcripts........................................................ 136
Answer key.................................................................. 142


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Student's Book 5 Contents

1 Living things • What are cells?

• The parts of a cell
• The organization of living thing s
Identifying the parts of a microscope

• The classification of living things

• The animal, plant and fungi kingdoms
• The monera and the protista kingdoms

2 Animals • Vertebrates. Mammals and birds

• Vertebrates. Reptiles, amphibians and fish
• Invertebrates. Sponges, cnidarians
Discovering interesting marine

and worms
• Invertebrates. Echinoderms and molluscs
• Arthropods
14 • Insect groups

3 Plants • Plant classification. Non-flowering plants

• Seed-producing plants
• Plant sensitivity
Observing and displaying the parts
of a flower

• Plant nutrition
• Sexual reproduction
• Asexual reproduction

4 Ecosystems • Components of ecosystems

• Relationships in ecosystems
• Nutrition in ecosystems
Fighting solid waste pollution

• Food chains and food webs

• Ecosystems in danger
• Protecting ecosystems


5 The Universe • Components of the Universe

• Types of galaxies
• The Solar System. The Sun and the planets
Observing the skies

• Dwarf planets and small celestial bodies

• Space exploration
• Living in Space

6 The Earth • The Earth’s spheres: the geosphere

and the hydrosphere
• The atmosphere and the biosphere
Analysing the consequences
of a natural disaster

• External changes to the Earth’s crust

• Volcanoes and earthquakes
• Types of rocks
• The rock cycle

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7 The landscapes
of Spain
• Landscapes of the Iberian Peninsula
• Mountains of the Iberian Peninsula
• Spanish coasts and Islands
Using a map scale to calculate

• Rivers in Spain
• The watersheds of Spain
• Lakes, lagoons and reservoirs

8 The climates
of Spain
• Climate
• Factors that affect climate
• Climate variation in Spain
Looking at climatic conditions to help
plan a trip

• The climates of Spain

• The climates of Spain
• Vegetation in Spain


9 Population
and the economy
• Population and population density
• Factors affecting population
• The population of Spain
Analyzing the production process

• The primary sector in Spain

• The secondary sector in Spain
• The tertiary sector in Spain

10 Prehistory • The Palaeolithic Age

• Tools and art in the Palaeolithic Age
• The Neolithic Age
Discovering the work
of archaeologists

• Tools and art in the Neolithic Age

• The Metal Ages
• New inventions and megalithic
98 monuments

11 Ancient History • Pre-Roman times

• Early colonizers
• Roman Hispania. Political life
Using timelines to organize past

• Roman Hispania. Social life

• Pre-Roman art
• Roman art and architecture

12 The Middle Ages • The Visigoths

• Al-Andalus
• Life in Al-Andalus
Comparing Romanesque and Gothic

• The Christian Kingdoms

• Medieval cities
• Architecture in the Middle Ages



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1 Living things U

Unit content

Content objectives Contents

•  To understand that all living things are made up of one or more cells • Basic life processes: nutrition,
•  To learn the main parts of a cell reproduction and sensitivity
•  To differentiate between animal and plant cells • Parts of animal and plant cells
•  To learn about the five levels of organization of multicellular living • Levels of organization of
things: cell, tissue, organ, system, organism multicellular organisms
•  To study the five kingdoms of living things and their characteristics • Classification of living things  
into kingdoms
Language objectives
•  To describe cells: big/small, hard, regular/irregular, round, long • Using labelled diagrams to learn
the parts of cells
•  To identify the main parts of a cell: membrane, nucleus, cytoplasm,
organelle, chloroplast, cell wall • Using a Venn diagram to
understand the similarities and
•  To name the levels of organization: cell, tissue, organ, system,
differences between the plant
and animal kingdoms
•  To describe the functions of living things: eat, feed on, move about,
• Using tables to organize and
learn vocabulary
Assessment criteria
• Showing interest in different
•  Differentiate between unicellular and multicellular living things
types of cells and their main
•  Name the main parts of a cell parts
•  Describe animal and plant cells • Appreciating the complexity of
•  Name the five levels of organization of multicellular living things: cell, the organization of living things
tissue, organ, system, organism • Showing interest in the
•  Name the five kingdoms of living things and their characteristics classification of living things into
five kingdoms

Suggested timing for the unit

October November December


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Unit outline
Competence in linguistic
Living things communication
• Describing the different types  
of human cells (SB p. 6: 1. Work  
What are cells? with the picture .)
• Describing the similarities and
differences between animal  
and plant cells (SB p. 7: 1. Work with  
The parts of a cell the picture .)
• Describing the parts of cells (SB p. 7:
2. Match and write sentences in your
The organization of living things notebook.)
• Describing the levels of organization
of a living thing (SB p. 9: 3. Copy  
the diagram in your notebook.)
The classification of living things
• Describing the characteristics  
of kingdoms (SB p. 11: 1. Work with  
the picture.) 
The animal, plant and fungi
• Understanding written and oral texts
(Class CD, Unit 1)

The monera and the protista

Knowledge and interaction
with the physical world
• Recognizing the characteristics of the
five kingdoms (SB p. 10-11: Animal
kingdom, Plant kingdom, Fungi
kingdom, Monera kingdom, Protista
Investigate! Practising competences kingdom)
What lives in a drop of pond Identifying the parts of a  
water? microscope
Competence in ‘learning
to learn’
Show what you know • Identifying the parts of a microscope
Parts of animal and plant cells (SB p. 12: Practising competences)
Levels of organization of   • Finding out what lives in a drop of
living things water (SB p. 12: Investigate!)
The five kingdoms of living things • Evaluating one’s own progress  
(SB p. 13: Show what you know)

Values education
• Understanding the fundamental importance of cells
• Appreciating that an organism is the result of all its systems
working together
• Reflecting on the diversity of living things and the need to
protect all life forms


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Living things
•  To introduce the unit topic
•  To learn about wild mushrooms 1.1 Wild mushrooms are living things that grow on
forest floors, tree trunks and even on top of each
•  To activate previous knowledge other. They need moist, cool temperatures and
about living things some light. Wild mushrooms are seasonal
and can be found in the autumn and spring.

Key language There are many different types of wild

mushrooms, but they can look very similar,
which makes them very hard to identify. Wild
•  Vocabulary and structures:
mushrooms are often spectacular. Some are
animal, forest, mushroom, trunk; edible and delicious, but others can be poisonous.
go mushrooming; cool, delicious,
edible, moist, poisonous, seasonal

•  Bring different types of fresh
mushrooms to class, or photos.
Allow Ss to pick them up and to
observe them using a magnifying
glass. Talk about their shape,
size, colour and texture. Ask Ss to
compare these mushrooms to the
ones on page 4.

Look, read and say

• Ss look at the photos on page 4. LOOK, READ AND SAY
Point to different mushrooms. Ask Ss Where can you find wild mushrooms?
to describe them. Point to the largest Why can you find wild mushrooms in autumn
photo. Ask: What season is it? How and spring?
do you know? Why is it so important to identify mushrooms
Have you ever been mushrooming? Where
did you go?
•  Play Track 1.1. Ss listen and read. Do you think mushrooms are plants or
•  Next, volunteers ask and answer
the questions on the page. Ask
more questions to recycle and 4
practise vocabulary:
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Do you think any of the mushrooms
on this page are poisonous?
Have you ever seen any wild
mushrooms? Reinforcement
Think of safety rules for going
•  Use the photos to play I spy: I spy with my little eye something that begins
with the letter ‘G’. (Grass.)
Do you like eating wild
•  Ss choose one of the mushrooms in the photographs, draw it and then
write a short description in their own words.
Photos (clockwise from top left): •  Ss make an index card of a poisonous mushroom. They should include a
sickener (Russula emetica); description, where it grows and how toxic it is. They attach a picture. Use
glistening inkcap (Coprinus the index cards to make a poster for the class called BE CAREFUL!
micaceus); fly mushroom (Amanita
muscaria); turkey tail fungus
(Trametes versicolor)

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Unit 1 UNIT 1
Refresh your memory!
Use the revision cards to help Ss
LIFE PROCESSES HABITATS revise their previous knowledge of
What three life processes do all living things What is a habitat?
the unit topics.
carry out? a. A place where plants and animals live.
a. Interaction, breathing and reproduction. •  Revise the four topics with the class
b. A very large place where animals live.
b. Growing, living and breathing. using the suggestions below.
c. A small place where only plants live.
c. Nutrition, interaction and reproduction. d. A place where animals obtain food •  Ss ask and answer the questions
d. Being born, living and dying. and water. orally in pairs.
•  Check answers as a class.

Life processes
•  Ask Ss to give some examples  
for each life process and write
them on the board.

•  Ss name six different habitats.
Write them on the board. Then,
REPRODUCTION PLANTS AND ANIMALS ask Ss to name some animals and
Animals can be viviparous or oviparous. Plants are different from animals because… plants that live in each habitat.
What is a viviparous animal? a. they move more slowly. Revise how animals and plants
a. An animal that lays eggs. b. they make their own food. adapt to their habitats.
b. An animal that has lungs. c. they grow in all directions.
c. An animal that eats other animals. d. they don’t live in habitats. Reproduction
d. An animal born from its mother’s womb.
•  Revise the difference between
viviparous and oviparous animals.
Ask Ss to identify the five vertebrate
groups (mammals, birds, fish,
amphibians, reptiles). Volunteers
give examples of each group and
say whether these animals are
viviparous or oviparous.

Plants and animals

WHAT DO YOU REMEMBER? Test your partner. five 5 •  Revise the three types of plants
(trees, bushes, grasses.) Then, Ss
13/03/13 11:39 490073 _ 0004-0013.indd 5 13/03/13 11:39
say how plants differ from animals.

•  Say true or false statements about habitats, reproduction, and plants  
and animals. In teams, the class take it in turns to answer true or false.  
If they are correct, they win one point. If they are incorrect, the other team
wins the point.

•  Write on the board: Which animals are endangered because their
habitats are changing?  Ss search the Internet to find examples and share
them with the class.

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What are cells? 1.3

Objectives 1.2
All living things carry out three basic life processes:
•  To learn the characteristics of cells nutrition, reproduction and sensitivity. In addition, all
•  To identify the main parts of a cell living things are made up of cells.
2 Baker’s yeast, used to make bread, is
•  To differentiate between animal Cells are the basic units of life. Most cells are very small and a unicellular living thing.
and plant cells can only be seen through a microscope.
Cells are living units and they carry out the three basic life
processes. In addition, cells can specialize to perform
Key language a particular function. 1

•  Vocabulary and structures: nutrition, Depending on the number of cells, living things can be
classified into:
sensitivity, reproduction; cell wall,
Unicellular. Living things made up of a single cell. 2
chlorophyll, chloroplast, cytoplasm,
Multicellular. Living things made up of many cells. Plants 3 All plants and animals are
membrane, nucleus, organelle; and animals are multicellular. 3 multicellular living things.
covering, liver, neuron, microscope,
shape, yeast; absorb, carry out,
(be) composed of, specialize; basic,
jelly-like, multicellular/unicellular muscle cell
red blood cell

•  Explain that ‘sensitivity’ (reacting to white blood cell

the environment) includes the life liver cell

process ‘interaction’. intestine cell
•  Show pictures of cells. Ss describe
1 Different types of specialized human cells.
what they see. Say: All living things
are made up of cells.
1 WORK WITH THE PICTURE. Describe the different types of human cells to your partner.
•  Play Track 1.2. Ss listen and read. Talk about their shape and their particular function.

•  Ask: How can we see very small 2 Copy and complete the sentences.
cells? What do cells do? What is the a. Every living thing is made up of .
difference between unicellular and b. We are living things.

multicellular living things? c. We can only see cells through a .

d. All cells carry out the life processes of , reproduction and .
•  Ss look at photographs 2 and 3.
Ask: Which of these living things
do you think is multicellular? A
6 six
volunteer reads the captions.
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1.  Work with the picture. Describe
the different types of human cells
to your partner. Reinforcement
•  Ask Ss about the different human •  Draw the different types of human cells on the board. Volunteers describe
cells in illustration 1: Which cell is each one. They talk about its shape and function.
round and red, with a dent in the
middle? Which cell is long and thin? Extension
What system is the (intestine cell)
•  Find images of cells of living things as seen through a microscope on the
part of? (The intestine cell is part  
Internet, for example, amoeba or paramecium, and show them to Ss.
of the digestive system.)
•  Ss do the activity in pairs.
2. Copy and complete the sentences.
•  Ss copy and complete the sentences
in their notebooks.

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Unit 1 UNIT 1
1.3 The parts of a cell
Cells have three main parts: 1 organelles
Membrane. This is the covering around the cell.
Nucleus. This is the part that controls the function of the cell. •  Play Track 1.3. Ss listen and read.
Cytoplasm. This is a jelly-like material, composed mainly of cytoplasm membrane They point to the main parts of  
water, between the nucleus and the membrane. It contains
the cell in the diagrams.
the organelles, which carry out different functions of the cell. 1 The main parts of a cell.
•  Ask: How are plant and animal
Animal and plant cells cells different? What specialized
All animal and plant cells have three main parts: a membrane, organelles
plant cells absorb sunlight? Why
a nucleus and cytoplasm with organelles. However, animal do plants need sunlight? What
and plant cells are different. cytoplasm
makes plants green? What makes
Plant cells have specialized organelles called chloroplasts that
absorb sunlight, which plants need to make their own food.
some plant stems hard?
Chloroplasts contain chlorophyl, which makes plants green.
Plant cells are usually bigger and have a regular shape.
cell wall
Animal cells can be many different shapes. 2
Plant cells have a rigid cell wall around the membrane. 3 2 Animal cell and plant cell.
1. Work with the picture. Compare
the animal and plant cells. Talk
about how they are similar and
how they are different.
•  Ss look at diagram 2. Ask: Do
animal cells have chloroplasts?
Which cells have a cell wall?
•  In pairs, Ss take it in turns to say
3 The cell wall makes some plant stems very hard. how animal and plant cells are
Activities similar and how they are different.
1.4 1 WORK WITH THE PICTURE. Compare the animal and plant cells. Talk about how they
are similar and how they are different.
•  Play Track 1.4. Ss look at the
2 Match and write sentences in your notebook.
illustration, listen and check their
The membrane... is around the membrane of plant cells.
answers to Activity 1.
The cell wall... is between the membrane and the nucleus.
The nucleus... are specialized plant organelles. 2. Match and write sentences
The cytoplasm... controls the function of the cell. in your notebook.
The organelles... is the covering around the cell. •  Volunteers read out the beginning
The chloroplasts... are located in the cytoplasm. of the sentences for other
volunteers to complete.
•  Ss write the complete sentences  
seven 7
in their notebooks.
13/03/13 11:39 490073 _ 0004-0013.indd 7 13/03/13 11:39

•  Ss draw and label a plant cell and an animal cell.

•  In groups, Ss find out about bamboo plants and make a poster. They
include where bamboo plants grow, what animals eat bamboo plants,  
how people make use of bamboo, etc. They include a picture of  
a bamboo plant and a drawing of bamboo cells.

Activity Book, page 4

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The organization of living things
•  To learn that multicellular
organisms are made up of different
types of cells
•  To identify the different levels of
organization: cells, tissues, organs,
systems, organisms
1 Examples of tissues. A. The muscle
Key language 1.5 Levels of organization
tissue of an animal. B. The epidermal
tissue of a plant.
•  Vocabulary and structures: Multicellular living things are made up of many different types
epidermis, organ, organism, of cells. These cells work together at different levels.
The levels of organization of multicellular organisms include:
organization, system, tissue;  
Tissues. Groups of the same type of cells join together to 1.6
(be) made up of, consist of, form,   form tissues. All the cells which form a tissue perform the
join together, perform, work same function. For example, animals have muscle tissue
which consists of many muscle cells. Plants also have
together; common, epidermal,
tissues, for example, the epidermis is the tissue that covers
muscular; within; Tissues join leaves and consists of epidermal cells. 1
together to form organs. Organs. Tissues join together to form organs. Tissues in
organs work together to perform a common function.

Presentation For example, muscle tissues join together to make the

muscle organ. Plants also have organs. 2 2 Leaves and stems are plant organs.

•  Ask: What does unicellular mean?

What does multicellular mean? Are
plants multicellular or unicellular? CELLS TISSUES ORGANS


•  Play Track 1.5. Ss listen and read

muscle cell muscle tissue
the text on pages 8 and 9. Ask: organ: muscle

What are multicellular living things

made up of? What are tissues
made up of? What are organs
made up of? Do plants have
organs? bone cell organ: bone

•  Ss look at the examples of tissues   bone tissue

in diagram 1. Ask: Are animals and

plants multicellular or unicellular?
8 eight
What does muscle tissue consist
of? What does a plant epidermis 490073 _ 0004-0013.indd 8 13/03/13 11:39 490073 _ 0004-0013.i

consist of? Where is the epidermis

of a plant?
•  Ask: What are systems made
up of? What does the muscular Reinforcement
system do? What do all the systems
•  Ss play Hangman with key words from the text on pages 8 and 9.
together form?

•  Show a photograph of a raw pork tenderloin or bring one to class. Help
Ss to identify the muscles, the tendons, the fat, and the connective tissue.
Then, they draw and label a pork tenderloin in their notebooks.

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Unit 1 UNIT 1
Systems. Organs join together to form systems. Organs
within systems work together to perform a common function.
For example, the muscular system makes our body move. •  Ss look at the diagram on pages 8
Organisms. Finally, all the different types of systems work and 9.
together to form an organism. In a multicellular living thing,
cells, tissues, organs and systems all work together so the
•  Focus on the levels of organization
organism functions correctly. of the muscular system. Ss follow
the arrow from the different levels
Activities to the dog (cells, tissues, organs,
systems, organism). Repeat with
1 WORK WITH THE PICTURE. Look at the diagram. Describe to your partner the different the skeletal system.
levels of organization of a dog.
•  Draw a flow chart on the board:
2 Copy and complete the text.
cells → tissues → organs →
Groups of cells work together to form . Tissues are organized to form .
systems → organism. Ss compare
Animals have tissue which consists of muscle cells. Plants have which consist
of epidermal cells.
it to the diagram.
1.6 3 Copy the pictures •  Ask: What is bone tissue made up
in your notebook. of? What are bones made up of?
Label the levels What is the skeletal system made
of organization
and connect them
of? Etc.
in order with arrows
to make a diagram. Activities
1. Work with the picture. Look at
the diagram.
•  Ss look at the diagram on pages  
8 and 9. Ask: What levels of
organization can you see? What
kind of systems can you see?
•  In pairs, Ss take it in turns to
describe the levels of organization
of a dog.
2. Copy and complete the text.
muscular system •  Read out the sentences. Ss say  
the missing words.
•  Ss copy and complete the text.
skeletal system
3. Copy the pictures in your
nine 9 •  Name the levels of organization
and ask Ss to point to the
13/03/13 11:39 490073 _ 0004-0013.indd 9 13/03/13 11:39 corresponding pictures. Ask: Which
is the (first) level of organization  
of a cat?  Ss: The (bone cell). Etc.
•  Ss copy the pictures in the correct
Reinforcement order in their notebooks to make
•  Ss choose either the levels of organization of muscles or of bones   a diagram. They label the levels
and copy and label the drawings in their notebooks. of organization and then connect
them with arrows.
Extension 1.6
•  Ss find diagrams of the five levels of organization of living things on the
•  Play Track 1.6. Ss look at their
Internet. They choose one and make a flow chart in their notebooks,
diagram of the levels of organization
similar to the one on the board.
of a cat and check their diagrams.

Activity Book, page 5

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The classification of living things 1.8

Living things are classified into groups called kingdoms. There are five
•  To recognize that living things are
classified into five kingdoms Animal kingdom Plant kingdom Fungi kingdom
•  To identify the main characteristics Monera kingdom Protista kingdom
of each of the five kingdoms
•  To learn about viruses
Animal kingdom A B
Key language The main characteristics of animals are:
•  Vocabulary and structures: alga They are multicellular living things.

(algae), bacteria, cholera, fungus They eat other living things.

(fungi), protozoa, stimulus (stimuli), They can move about from one place to another.
They have a nervous system and sense organs.
substance; (be) fixed to, cause,
They react to stimuli.
feed on, move about, react; Animals. A. Squirrel. B. Dolphin. C. Lynx.
abundant, aquatic, harmful,
Plant kingdom
helpful, microscopic, multicellular/
The main characteristics of plants are: A B
unicellular, visible; beneath; mainly,
They are multicellular living things.
towards; They can/cannot move
They can make their own food by using
about. sunlight and substances from the soil.
They cannot move about because they are
Presentation fixed by roots.
They do not have a nervous system or
•  Ss brainstorm the main sense organs.
characteristics of living things. They can react to stimuli, for example, many
•  Show pictures of different living plants grow towards the light. Plants. A. Bean shoot. B. Daisies.

things. Ss say how they are similar

Fungi kingdom
or how they are different from  
each other. Fungi are different from animals and plants. Most
of a fungus grows beneath the soil. A mushroom
1.7 is the visible part of a fungus.

They are mainly multicellular living things,
although some are unicellular.
•  Play Track 1.7. Ss listen and read.
They cannot make their own food. They feed
on other organisms.
•  Ask: What are the main
They cannot move about because they are
characteristics of the animal/plant fixed to something. Most fungi are multicellular.
10 ten
•  Ask: Where does most of a fungus
grow? How do fungi get food? Can 490073 _ 0004-0013.indd 10 13/03/13 11:39 490073 _ 0004-0013.i

fungi move about? How are fungi

similar to animals? How are they
different from plants?

•  Ask Ss to say what they can see in Reinforcement

the photographs. •  In pairs, Ss make true or false statements about the animal, plant and fungi
kingdoms and take it in turns to answer.
•  Which characteristics of animals
and plants are the same? Which
are different?
•  Ss search the Internet for a simple structural diagram of fungi. They draw
and label it.


490095 _ 0012-0023.indd 20 08/08/13 13:14

Unit 1 UNIT 1
1.8 Monera kingdom
The main characteristics of monerans are: A B
They are unicellular living things.
This kingdom includes bacteria, the most abundant •  Play Track 1.8. Ss listen and read.
living things. Bacteria are very small and can only
be seen through a microscope. •  Ask: Which kingdom do bacteria
Some bacteria can make their own food, and others belong to? How many cells have
feed on other organisms. they got? How do they get food?
Some bacteria are helpful, like the ones used to •  Ss look at the examples of bacteria.
make yoghurt; but others are harmful, like the ones
that cause cholera. 1 1 Examples of bacteria. A. Yoghurt. B. Cholera.
(These are magnified images seen
through a microscope.)
Protista kingdom •  Ask: Are protists unicellular or
The main characteristics of protists are: A B multicellular? Where do algae live?
They can be unicellular or multicellular living things.
•  Ss look at the photographs of
They include protozoa, unicellular organisms that
feed on other organisms.
protozoa and algae. Which of these
They also include algae, unicellular or multicellular protists do we need a microscope
aquatic organisms that can make their own food. 2 to see? (The protozoa.)
•  Ask: Why are viruses not included
Viruses. Viruses are not included in any of the five in any of the five kingdoms? Where
kingdoms because they are not living things. A virus
is a microscopic body that can only reproduce 2 A. Protozoa. B. Algae.
do viruses reproduce?
inside living things. Viruses may cause illnesses.

Activities Activities
1. Work with the picture.
1 WORK WITH THE PICTURE. Look at the photographs of animals and plants.
Which characteristics do they illustrate? •  In pairs, Ss describe the
2 Choose one of the living things. Describe it and say why it belongs to a certain kingdom.
characteristics of the animals  
and plants in the photos.
3 Draw a Venn diagram in your notebook and include similarities and differences
between the plant and animal kingdoms. 2. Choose one of the living things.
4 Copy the table and tick (✔). •  Give an example: A dolphin is
multicellular. It eats fish. It can
animals plants fungi bacteria protists
swim. It has a nervous system and
sense organs and reacts to stimuli.
It belongs to the animal kingdom.
make their own food
3. Draw a Venn diagram in
feed on other organisms
your notebooks and include
similarities and differences
between the plant and animal
eleven 11
13/03/13 11:39 490073 _ 0004-0013.indd 11 13/03/13 11:39
•  Show Ss where to write
characteristics of plants, animal or

Reinforcement PLANTS ANIMALS

•  Divide the class into two teams. Show pictures of living things. Each team
has a few minutes to write as many characteristics of the living thing as
they can. Each characteristic wins a point.

•  Ss search the Internet to find the differences between bacteria and viruses. 4. Copy the table and tick (✓).
•  Before Ss complete the activity, ask
about the different characteristics in
the table: Are animals (unicellular)?

Activity Book, page 6


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UNIT 1 Practising competences

•  To practise key competences Cells, as well as some other living things, are so small that we cannot see them
with the naked eye. However, we can observe them through a microscope.
arising from the unit
A microscope is an instrument with several lenses that make very small objects appear
•  To apply key concepts much larger than they really are.
•  To identify the parts of a microscope Tube. It supports
the eyepiece.

Key language Eyepiece. It contains

When using a microscope…
a. where do you place the sample?
the lens you look through.
•  Vocabulary and structures: arm, b. which parts contain lenses?
c. how do you focus the sample?
base, diaphragm, eyepiece,
Objective lenses. d. how do you control the light?
focusing knob, light source, These lenses
objective lens, stage, tube; This is magnify the sample.
where you put the sample.
Stage. This is where
Presentation you put the sample.
Arm. It supports the
different parts of
the microscope.
•  Show Ss pictures of different  
kinds of microscopes. Show images Diaphragm.
It controls the amount of
of things as seen through   light projected onto the
Focusing knobs.
They help to adjust
a microscope. sample.
the focus.
•  Volunteers read the text and the
parts of the microscope. Light source. It provides Base. It supports
light to look at the sample. the microscope.
•  In groups, Ss answer the questions.

1.  Investigate! What lives in a drop

1 What lives in a drop of pond water?
of pond water? Instructions

•  Ask: What kind of things do you 1. Put a drop of pond water on a 4. Draw what you see in your notebook.
microscope slide and place a cover Label the parts of cells that you can
think live in a drop of pond water? slip over it. identify. Can you tell if any of the cells are
•  Read the instructions with the class. 2. Put the slide on the microscope stage. plants or protozoa? Explain.
Now write some sentences under your
•  Ss look at the living organisms   3. Look through the eyepiece. Use the
picture, describing what you see.
focusing knobs to adjust the focus. Start
in the drop of pond water and draw with the large knob.
what they see in their notebooks.
•  Ask: Can you identify any cells?
•  Ss label the parts of the cells in their 12 twelve
490073 _ 0004-0013.indd 12 13/03/13 11:39 490073 _ 0004-0013.i
•  Ask: Are they plant cells or
protozoa? How do you know?
•  Ss write sentences under their
pictures describing what they see. Reinforcement
•  Divide the class into two teams. Describe a part of a microscope:  
(This is where you put the sample.) The first team to say the name  
of the part wins a point. (The stage.)

•  Ss search the Internet to find out why microscopes are useful  
in medicine. Who uses microscopes? What kind of microscope is used?
What do they use them for?

Activity Book, page 7 A


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Show what you know Unit 1 UNIT 1
1 Copy the table and tick (✔). 2 Copy and complete the diagram of the
levels of organization.
animal cell plant cell
•  To revise key vocabulary and
membrane organism
concepts from the unit
cell wall
•  To give Ss the opportunity to check
their own progress
Key language
•  Vocabulary and structures: revision
of Unit 1
3 Compare plants and animals to fungi. Write sentences in your notebook describing
how fungi are similar to plants, and how they are similar to animals. Presentation
•  Ss look back though Unit 1 and
revise the vocabulary. Ask: What
are cells? (The basic units  
of life.) Etc.

1. Copy the table and tick (✓).
•  Ask about animal and plant cells:
Do animal cells have a cell wall?
4 Copy and complete the sentences with fungi, monerans and/or protists.
a. ……. and ……. can be multicellular.
Ss complete the activity in their
b. ……. and ……. can make their own food.
c. ……. and ……. can move about. 2. Copy and complete the diagram
d. ……. and ……. can be harmful. of the levels of organization.
•  Brainstorm the order of the levels
5 SPEAKING. Read and discuss with your partner which kingdom each living thing of organization. Ss complete the
belongs to.
diagram in their notebooks.
a. It is a multicellular living thing. It cannot move about. It makes its own food.
3. Compare plants and animals
b. It is a unicellular living thing. It is very small and can be harmful.
to fungi. Write sentences in your
c. It is a multicellular living thing. It can move about. It feeds on other organisms.
notebook describing how fungi
d. It is a multicellular, aquatic living thing. It makes its own food.
e. It is a multicellular living thing. It cannot move about. It feeds on other organisms.
are similar to plants, and how
they are similar to animals.
thirteen 13 •  Revise the characteristics of plants,  
animals and fungi and discuss  
13/03/13 11:39 490073 _ 0004-0013.indd 13 13/03/13 11:39 their similarities and differences.
4. Copy and complete the sentences
with fungi, monerans and/or
Reinforcement •  Ask volunteers to read out,
•  Divide the class into two teams. Show a picture of a living thing (for then complete the sentences.
example, yoghurt bacteria). Each team has a few minutes to write as Ss complete the activity in their
many things as they can about it. (Bacteria, makes yoghurt, unicellular, notebooks.
helpful, microbe, only seen through a microscope, etc.) Give points for 5. Speaking. Read and discuss with
each item on the list. your partner which kingdom
each living thing belongs to.
Extension •  In pairs, Ss read and discuss  
•  Take Ss on a field trip to a natural science museum. Before going,   the sentences and decide  
ask Ss what they would like to see and ask them to write a list of what on the answers.
they want to find out.

Activity Book, page 52, Investigate!


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