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I call to all spiritual contracts that exist:

-within my past, present and future beings,

-selves and existence in this dimension and time stream

-and all time streams above and below the Earth centric sine wave of co-

At this exact moment, in the ever-present co-creating moment, I summon all DNA
lineage ancestors to create a unified-proper spiritual court of equity so I may find
remedy and resolve with all contracts that have inserted fine print during the pre-
birth and birth process.

I call forth the proper spiritual court of equity to hear my decree of contract

I revoke all spiritual contracts with the pharmaceutical industry of this planet,
cultural programming, societal mindsets, belief systems and delivery systems that
dominate and control healing and recovery programs and create an energetic
imbalance that impacts every man, woman and child on our world.

I call forth all ancestors of all soul relations to hold space in this spiritual court of

I call to Earth Mother and all her light denizens within all inner and outer space to
come forward and occupy this spiritual court of equity. O Great Mystery, who is
the source of all power, I call to you. Grant me the knowledge to balance my way
of being so I may heal myself, my family, my tribe, my nation, and our Mother

I hereby revoke all energetic contracts with the pharmaceutical industry that
promotes the overuse of chemicals in circumstances where they are unnecessary
and sometimes deliberately detrimental to the health and well being of humanity.
I do not consent to the advertising campaigns, commercials, endorsements, and
all other forms of publicity that promote a one-sided view of the treatment
offered by pharmaceutical medications, deliberately misleading consumers into
believing that drugs are the only effective, scientifically recognized remedy, while
generating disinformation about the use of safe, natural, non-toxic alternatives,
suppressing and dismissing their use.

I hereby revoke all societal belief systems that adhere to the assumption that
vaccines are remedies for diseases, instead of promoting healthy lifestyles that
support the human body’s best defense against microbes, a healthy immune
system that is supported by global, proactive health measures: universal access
to pure water, wholesome food, necessary supplements, proper hygiene, healing
treatments that strengthen and complement the human body, comfortable
housing, a happy, ethical, spiritually sound workplace, and a caring, supportive
community. I do not consent to the deliberate manufacture of viruses with the
intention of depopulating targeted groups, races and nationalities.

I withdraw my energy from covert branches of an industry that secretly develop

any form of gas or other chemical agents that can be used to control, eradicate,
and exterminate targeted groups, races, and populations. I do not consent to the
manufacture of precursor chemicals used for the production of any addictive
substance, including cocaine and heroin and all synthetic psychotropic chemicals
that are used deliberately to entrap and ensnare unwitting humans who are lured
into their consumption. I do not consent to profit-driven motivations that seek to
exploit, control, and poison humanity, including any affiliations with black market
narcotics, overuse and misuse of tranquilizers and any and all other mind-
numbing and behaviour altering substances such as Ritalin: substances that dull
and suppress the human spirit, lessening its ability to awaken and respond to its
inner voice.

I hereby revoke all spiritual contracts with the medical industry that have
compromised an infant’s health and immune system by replacing breast milk with
baby formulas and introduced grain-based baby foods to infants prematurely and,
in so doing, potentially damaged their immune systems. Promoting the
consumption of manufactured food for profit is an agenda that does not serve the
health and wellbeing of humanity.

I do not consent to the inclusion of aspartame, dyes, synthetic preservatives , and

any agents such as magnesium stearate that are used only to accelerate
production and thereby increase profit. I do not consent to the mindset that
fluoride is necessary for cavity prevention and dental health and as such needs to
be added to public drinking water, blatantly rejecting the documentary proof of
the hazards this toxic chemical wrecks upon the endocrine system and the human

I hereby revoke all belief systems that the medical system has an exclusive
monopoly on deciding what therapies are offered to patients, excluding natural,
holistic, remedies because they remove profits from pharmaceutical companies. I
do not consent to draconian treatments that promote and prolong suffering
because they pander to a voracious, parasitic agenda that saps the energy from
and devalues the dignity of the human species.

I revoke all belief systems that drugs can supersede the natural healing power of
the human body and the philosophy that supports swallowing a pill or ingesting a
chemical instead of following a proactive lifestyle that nurtures and respects the
needs of the human body and the human heart. I trust and honour the wisdom of
my body and the power of my soul. I am a God Sovereign Free Being.

I call forth all the ancestors to honour this reading of my free will and enter it into
the Earth Akashic record for all sentient kind to understand our freedom comes
with the use of free will at all times.

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