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Werewolf: the Apocalypse Gift Encyclopedia (2015)

Table of Contents
Breed Gifts Homid 2
Metis 7
Lupus 11

Auspice Gifts Ragabash 15

Theurge 23
Philodox 30
Galliard 36
Ahroun 41

Tribal Gifts Black Furies 47

Black Spiral Dancers 55
Homid Gifts 62
Metis Gifts 62
Lupus Gifts 63
Ragabash Gifts 63
Theurge Gifts 64
Philodox Gifts 65
Galliard Gifts 65
Ahroun Gifts 66
Stolen Gifts 66
Bone Gnawers 68
Bunyip 78
Children of Gaia 80
Croatan 87
Fianna 90
Get of Fenris 97
Glass Walkers 102
Red Talons 116
Ronin 125
Shadow Lords 126
Silent Striders 134
Silver Fangs 140
Skin Dancers 150
Stargazers 150
Uktena 160
Wendigo 172
White Howlers 180

Planetary Gifts Nerigal 184

Eshtarra 185
Mitanu 186
Sokhta 187
Katanka-Sonnak 188
Hakahe 189
Tambiyah 190
Meros 191
Zarok 192
Lu-Bat 193
Ruatma 195
Shantar 196
Rorg 197

Miscellaneous Singing Dog Gifts 198

Storm-Eater Gifts 198
Breed Gifts
Many spirits teach Breed Gifts, usually in accordance with ancient pacts or as rewards for past deeds.
For instance, an ancient tale tells of a metis who helped a mole hide from predators. In return, the mole taught the
metis how to burrow through earth, and since that time, mole-spirits will teach metis that Gift. When a werewolf
wishes to learn a breed Gift, she will have a relatively easy time finding a spirit to teach her.

Homid Gifts involve humankind's skills and abilities not only as toolmakers and cultural beings, but
also as conquerors of nature. Humanity's adversarial stand against nature has given them great control over their
environment, but also a vague disquiet within their souls. Such are the repercussions of severing their primordial
relationship with nature. Humans have become strangers to the world of spirit. Thus, many of the Homid breed's
Gifts are taught by their ancestors rather than by nature spirits.

• Apecraft’s Blessings (Level One) — Though many of Gaia’s children use tools, none have mastered
them so thoroughly as humanity. The homid focuses this mastery into the tools she uses, causing their spirits to
awaken and lend her aid. An ancestor-spirit or spirit of a man-made object teaches this Gift.
System: The werewolf spends a turn concentrating, and then the player rolls Wits + Crafts (difficulty
7). Each success reduces the difficulty by one on the next roll she makes for her character to employ a tool made
by human hands. The purpose is irrelevant—this Gift is equally efficacious for attempts to repair an engine, drive
a car or fire a gun.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.152)
• City Running (Level One) — Humans are creatures of the city, raising their steel and glass nests
high into the sky. This Gift allows a homid to easily scale the concrete canyons and navigate the tangled back
alleys and rooftops of the urban landscape. Some lupus derisively refer to this Gift as “Climb Like an Ape.” It is
taught by an ancestor-spirit or an urban city-spirit.
System: The player spends a point of Rage. For the rest of the scene, the character may climb urban
features at her full movement speed, and the difficulty of all Athletics rolls to navigate through cities (running
down cluttered alleys, climbing the side of buildings, leaping from rooftop to rooftop) is reduced by two.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.152; referred to as Climb like an Ape on Book of the City,
• Dead-Eye (Level One) — Survival in the Savage West may depend on a single lucky bullet. With this
Gift, a Garou makes her own luck. Even the most difficult shots can be accomplished with the assistance of this
power. A raven-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: By spending one Willpower, the player can reroll any one Firearms, Archery or other missile
weapon roll.
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West Companion, p.70)
• Jam Gun (Level One) — The Garou can cause any type of gun to jam or misfire with the use of this
Gift. This Gift is taught by certain Wyld-spirits by way of revenging themselves on the invading Weaver forces.
System: The Garou spends one Gnosis and rolls Manipulation + Crafts (difficulty 5). The gun becomes
unusable for one turn per success.
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West, p.139 & W20 Wyld West, p.29)
• Master of Fire (Level One) — Fire-spirits were among the very first to make pacts with humanity,
allowing men to warm themselves, drive off wild beasts, and clear the land. The cornerstones of civilization were
laid in these simple acts, granting the spirits of flame much prestige. Homid Garou remember and continue to
call upon these ancients pacts to protect themselves as the final fires of the Apocalypse loom. An ancestor-spirit
or fire elemental teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point. For the rest of the scene, fire inflicts bashing rather than
aggravated damage to the Garou.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.153)
• Persuasion (Level One) — This Gift imbues a homid’s words with intrinsic credibility and
conviction, causing them to ring true to the ear and lay heavy on the heart. An ancestor-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player rolls Charisma + Subterfuge (difficulty 7). Success lowers the difficulty of all
social rolls by one for the rest of the scene, and allows successful rolls to have uncommonly strong impact (such
as changing long-held political views, or causing an addict to seriously reconsider the course of his life).
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.153)
• Shape Smoke (Level One) — When on the trail, sometimes it’s better not to let anyone know where a
body is camping. The tiniest wisps of smoke can give away a location and can bring no end of trouble. Using this
Gift, the Garou can completely disperse or shape into patterns the smoke or steam from a small campfire to a
train. This Gift is taught by an air-spirit.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Manipulation + Stealth against a variable
difficulty (4 to shape a campfire’s smoke, 7 to disperse a train’s steam, 9 to dissipate the smoke from a raging
inferno, etc.).
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West – Frontier Secrets, p.7)
• Smell of Man (Level One) — To creatures of the wild, man’s scent is death. To creatures of the city,
it is authority, comfort, easy meals. This Gift, taught by an ancestor-spirit, enhances a werewolf’s human scent,
infusing it with spiritual power.
System: Non-supernatural wild animals lose two dice from their dice pools when interacting with the
Garou, save when defending themselves or running away, and will be inclined to flee rather than attack if
possible. Domesticated animals recognize the werewolf as a friend, and even trained attack dogs will do no more
than wag their tails at the character unless attacked first. This Gift’s effects are permanently active.
(Source: Werewolf: the Apocalypse Corebook Revised, p.133)
• Stench and the City (Level One) — Many city Garou use this Gift when facing off against just about
anything with a particularly sensitive nose: this can include other Garou, Black Spiral Dancers, and a host of
normal animals or Wyrm-creatures. The Gift incapacitates its target by overwhelming its sense of smell with the stink
of the city: sweat, blood, human waste, rot, smoke and car exhaust.
Garou have been known to use this Gift to pull one of their own out of the thrall of frenzy, or to incapacitate a
crazed wolf without permanent injury. The Black Spiral Dancers are said to be quite familiar with Stench and the City
as well, and are perfectly willing to use it on Gaian Garou.
System: The Garou should select a target with a sense of smell better than a human, spend a point of
Rage, and roll Stamina + Primal-Urge (difficulty of the target’s Stamina + 5, maximum of 9). For every success
rolled, the target loses one die from all actions for the next turn; if five successes are rolled, the target is
incapacitated for the scene. The target may resist by holding its breath, if he is aware; if he does so he must
follow the rules for suffocation on p.189 of Werewolf. This Gift is taught by a skunk-spirit.
(Source: Book of the City, p.112)
• Commanding Voice (Level Two) — The Garou’s presence and tone of speech are so powerful that
when he tells people what to do, they listen and take action. The Garou must speak loud enough to be heard by
the targets. This Gift is taught by an ancestor-spirit.
System: The Garou rolls Charisma + Subterfuge (difficulty 6). If successful, the difficulties of all
Social rolls are reduced by one for the remainder of the scene.
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West, p.139-140)
• Divide (Level Two) — Humanity excels at making tiny differences into massive gulfs. This can be
seen in racism, sexism, and homophobia. This Gift rises up such hatred and suspicion. It is taught by a dog spirit.
System: By spending one Gnosis point, and rolling Manipulation + Brawl, difficulty 7, the Garou can
exacerbate divisions between individuals or groups. Note that the Gift cannot actually create anger and divisions;
they must already exist to be exploited. If used on the theoretical "perfect family", the Gift would fail. Among
humans, the Gift simply prevents any resolution of issues and difficulties, possibly breaking into violence. One
success might cause targets to raise voices at one another, three would spell lawsuits, and five might bring them
to blows.
Amongst Garou and other shapeshifters with Rage, however, the Gift is even more powerful. Every
success on the initial roll adds one success on all Rage rolls the targets make throughout the scene. With such
manipulation, it is doubtful that any peace can be made, and highly probable new troubles will emerge.
(Source: Players Guide to Garou, p.184)
• Jam Technology (Level Two) — With a slight gesture, the werewolf unbalances the Wyld and
Weaver energies within technological devices, either suffusing them with destructive chaos or amplifying their
inherent stasis until they refuse to do anything at all. Computers crash, guns jam, cars stall, and even the simplest
of shaped objects refuse to function. A gremlin — a type of Wyld-spirit that enjoys breaking things — teaches
this Gift.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point, rolls (Manipulation + Crafts) and chooses the level of complexity
she intends to jam. All technological devices (i.e. any devices shaped from fabricated materials like metal or
plastic) of that complexity within 50 feet (15 m) cease to function for two turns per success. The devices remain
unchanged, but inert — knives won’t cut, gunpowder won’t ignite, gears won’t turn, and so on. The difficulty of
the roll is based on the following chart:
Device Difficulty
Computer 4
Phone 5
Automobile 7
Gun 8
Knife 9
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.153-4)
• Global Citizen (Homid Level Two) — Some homid Garou have a propensity for travel that has them
able to fit in wherever they go. This Gift takes this principle a step further. The Garou blends into different
cultures, and inherently understands minor cultural traditions, faux pas, and quirks. To the untrained observer,
she appears part of the group. Her skin and facial structure doesn’t change, but nobody seems to notice any
difference in heritage. She does not become able to understand languages associated with the group; that’s the
purview of other Gifts such as the Homid Gift: Speech of the World and the Child of Gaia Gift: Speech of All
Things (below). A chameleon-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: This Gift effectively makes the Garou part of whatever culture she immerses herself in. Any
active efforts to out her as a non-member suffer a +3 difficulty. Any time she needs to fake a behavior with which
she’s unfamiliar, she can emulate it if she succeeds at an Intelligence + Etiquette roll. The difficulty depends on
the commonalities with her home culture. A culture similar to hers is difficulty 5, most other human cultures are
difficulty 7, and cultures that are lost, unnatural, or alien are difficulty 9. With a point of Gnosis, she can
temporarily establish relevant Allies and Contacts Background dots equal to her Wisdom dots, divided however
she likes.
(Source: W20 Rage Across the World, p.119)
• Mark of the Wolf (Level Two) — The werewolf marks those she comes in contact with, leaving
them to carry the same aura of the predator the Garou does. This subtle curse can wreak havoc in a target’s
private or professional life, and is a favorite of many homids looking to provoke discord in the ranks of the
enemy. A Lune teaches this Gift.
System: The player selects a target that has had some interaction with the Garou during the scene (even
something as simple as light conversation in an elevator counts), then rolls Manipulation + Primal-Urge
(difficulty 7). The target inherits the Curse (see p. 262) as though she had a Rage rating equal to that of the Garou
for one day per success.
• Rooftop Sprint (Level Two) — On occasion, a city Garou may find himself in a chase across the
rooftops of his town. He may be pursuing a fleeing Wyrm-spirit or Black Spiral Dancer, or he might be running
for his life from similar foes. Rooftop Sprint makes such a chase much more survivable — and even winnable —
for the Garou who uses it. He becomes able to leap up and down several stories, and easily spring across open
alleyways. The primary restriction on the character’s movement is that he cannot touch the ground, or the Gift’s
effect ends at once.
System: The player must spend a point of Rage and roll Dexterity + Athletics (difficulty 6). For every
success achieved, the character can jump up or down one story (3 meters) or 3 meters horizontally, without
danger or difficulty. Athletics rolls can improve jumping distances, just as always; the effects of those Athletics
rolls just add to the result given by this Gift. The Gift’s effects last for one scene, or until the character touches
the ground at street level — if the Garou touches pavement, grass, or anything else commonly considered
“ground” he is considered to have touched ground, but if he leaps from car roof to car roof he should be okay.
Rooftop Sprint is taught by an alleycat-spirit.
(Source: Book of the City, p.112-113)
• Speech of the World (Level Two) — This Gift allows Gaia’s warriors to read and wield the spirit of
speech, bypassing the need to learn different languages and dialects. The Garou may speak and understand any
human language she encounters, though she speaks with an obvious accent, marking her as an outsider. Speech
of the World doesn’t convey literacy, nor is it an encyclopedia of cultural information. An ancestor-spirit teaches
this Gift.
System: The player rolls Intelligence + Academics (difficulty 7). The effect lasts for one scene.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.154; Dark Ages: Werewolf, p.112)
• Spirit Brand (Level Two) — When horses react with fear toward
werewolves, and are tracked easily enough by their enemies, it’s usually a lot easier
to get around by running in wolf form. Moving from town to town without horse nor
railroad still raises questions, though. This Gift strikes a bond with an animal, usually
a horse, to make it a more useful and sturdy companion. By touching the animal, the
Garou can leave an invisible glyph on its skin that makes it not just friendly to the
Garou, but harder to track and easier to feed. Horse, Unicorn or Pegasus-spirits teach
this Gift.
System: The player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls Intelligence + Animal
Ken. The Garou strikes a bond with the animal for one lunar month per success.
Domesticated animals so branded serve the Garou loyally, and can understand his
commands, although they may lack the intelligence to interpret them — a horse
might understand a command to bring back his saddle blanket, but wouldn’t
recognize an unfamiliar item. Wild animals affected by this Gift treat the Garou with
deference, but will not risk themselves for him.
In addition to goodwill, this Gift also confers a measure of protection. Anyone
meaning the animal harm is at +3 difficulty to track it, and the animal gains two
extra dots of Stamina for as long as the glyph lasts. Sadly, this Gift can’t be used to
protect human or wolf Kin.
(Source: W20 Wyld West, pp.29-30)
• Staredown (Level Two) — Rage burns in a werewolf’s eyes, striking fear into the hearts of mortals
and animals, causing them to flee for their lives. Used against another werewolf, the target will freeze in place
rather than run. A ram- or snake-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: This Gift affects only one target at a time. The player rolls Charisma + Intimidation (difficulty
5 + the target’s Rank, if applicable). The victim flees for one turn per success, though he may spend a point of
Willpower to resist the effects of the Gift for one turn. Should the player roll five or more successes, the victim
flees for the rest of the scene. Garou and other shapeshifters with Rage do not flee, but may not attack while the
Gift is in use.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.154)
• Calm the Savage Beast (Level Three) — Even the most callous of homids can sympathize with the
Rage that moves their fellow Garou in the final days. This Gift allows the werewolf to lend a frenzying Garou the
will to escape her Rage’s hold over her. It is taught by an ancestor-spirit.
System: The player spends a Willpower point and rolls Manipulation + Primal-Urge (difficulty 8). If successful,
the Willpower point soothes a frenzying Garou within 30 feet (9 m), canceling the frenzy. By spending an extra
point of Willpower, this Gift may affect non-Garou in a state of frenzy, such as other shapeshifters or vampires.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.154; Dark Ages: Werewolf, p.112)
• Cowing the Bullet (Level Three) — The spirits of tools recognize man as their master; as a result,
they become reluctant to harm the homid. A Weaver-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends a Gnosis point. For the rest of the scene, the Garou gains two additional
soak dice against all crafted weapons not made of silver.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.154)
• Disquiet (Level Three) — Pulling the mercurial tide of the target’s emotions to their lowest ebb, this
Gift makes its target feel inexplicably depressed and withdrawn. The subject finds his emotions muted and
concentration difficult. An ancestor-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player rolls Manipulation + Empathy against a difficulty equal to the target’s Willpower.
If successful, that opponent will be unable to recover Rage for the duration of the scene, and all difficulties for
extended actions increase by one. Moreover, the target becomes listless and generally less inclined to stir himself
to pursue any action of dubious necessity, such as investigating strange noises.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.154)
• Gaia’s Toolbox (Level Three) — Garou are half wolf, and so runners after prey. But they are also
half human, and thus toolmakers and tool users whose brains and hands enable them to control far more of the
cosmos. This Gift allows the Garou to see how any tool fits into the greater “toolmaker puzzle”: the question of
how humans can survive their own cleverness. A monkey-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The Garou holds a tool or thinks of a task. She need not be in Homid form, but must be able to
do what the Gift requires. She breathes carefully, asking Gaia’s will for the place of the tool or deed; the player
rolls Intelligence + Primal-Urge. The Storyteller, based on the number of successes, will allow the Garou some
insight into how the tool can be used to affect the web of life. Often in ways that are not obvious. As the Garou
doesn’t receive the answer to any one particular question (other than “What can this object/deed accomplish in
the greater scheme of things?”), this Gift is mainly useful for gaining “hints” from the Storyteller as needed.
(Source: Book of the City, p.112)
• Reshape Object (Level Three) — The Garou can shape once-living (though not undead) material
into something else instantly. Trees may become shelter, buck antlers spears, animal hides armor, and flowers
sweet perfumes. The item will resemble the object from which it was created (e.g., the aforementioned spear will
be made of antler, not wood). A Pattern Spider teaches this Gift.
System: The player rolls Manipulation + Crafts against a difficulty defined by the scope and
complexity of the transformation (a broken tree limb into a spear would be difficulty 5, while a fallen tree into a
canoe would be 8) and spends a Gnosis point. The transformation persists for one scene per success, or
permanently with five or more successes. Expending an additional Gnosis point allows a created weapon to
inflict aggravated damage for the remainder of the scene in which it is created.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.154)
• Tongues (Level Three) — This Gift allows the Garou to read or write any human language
encountered, no matter how ancient or obscure. Galliards often use this Gift when translating ancient texts to
revive old legends or compose new songs for moots. This Gift is taught by a Raven-sprit.
System: After spending one Willpower point, the player rolls her Intelligence + Linguistics. The
obscurity and relative age of the language determines the difficulty. A common modern language such as Spanish
is difficulty 4. Old Gaelic would be difficulty 7. An ancient and obscure tongue, such as Etruscan, would be
difficulty 10. The number of successes determines the character's fluency with the language. All effects last one
scene. The Gift works strictly on human languages; it will not decipher other shapeshifter glyphs or Hunter code,
for example.
(Source: Players Guide to Garou, p.185; Werewolf Players Guide, 2 nd Ed., p.43→35; Dark Ages: Werewolf,
• Body Shift (Level Four) — Garou raised in the shifting maze of human society are well-prepared for
the endless adaptations Gaia demands of her protectors. An ancestor-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The Garou can use her shapeshifting to alter her physical Attributes: a dot of Dexterity can be
shifted to Strength or Stamina, and so forth. The player rolls Stamina + Primal-Urge (difficulty 9). For each two
successes, one physical Attribute dot can be shifted for the rest of the scene.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.154)
• Bury the Wolf (Level Four) — The war against the Wyrm isn’t always a matter of slashing claws
and righteous fury — sometimes duplicity is required. A werewolf can temporarily “restrain” her inner wolf and
appear to be a normal human. An ancestor-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Gnosis (difficulty of her own Willpower).
Success causes the character to appear human to all supernatural scrutiny. The Gift also nullifies the Curse and
makes spending Rage impossible, and locks her in homid form so long as its effects persist. The number of
successes determines the Gift’s duration; to “free the wolf” before that time elapses requires a full turn of
concentration and another point of Gnosis.
Successes Duration
One One Scene
Two 12 hours
Three One day
Four One week
Five One lunar cycle.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.154-5)
• Cocoon (Level Four) — The werewolf wraps himself in a thick, opaque, chitinous sarcophagus,
immobilizing himself but also becoming nearly impervious to harm. The cocoon provides immunity to fire,
starvation, gas, high pressure, cold, and similar environmental hazards. An insect- or Weaver-spirit teaches this
System: The Garou spends one Gnosis point. While the werewolf remains in the cocoon, any attack
that strikes him must do damage at least equal to his Stamina + Rituals; the cocoon keeps him safe from any
lesser amount of damage, but is destroyed if it’s pierced. The cocoon lasts for one day, but its duration may be
extended by spending more Gnosis to renew it. The Garou may emerge from it at any time he chooses.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.155)
• Gaia’s Embrace (Level Four) — Known only to the Pure Ones, this Gift allows the Garou to
become one with the land. If seriously wounded, the Garou may “crawl into” the earth to seek the Gaia’s aid.
Once protected within Her womb, the wounded child is mended by the power of the Goddess. An earth-spirit
teaches this Gift.
System: After suffering aggravated wounds, the Garou must be buried alive or dig his own way under
the soil. This Gift sustains an interred Garou and heals his aggravated wounds at a rate of one per hour, instead of
one per day.
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West Companion, p.70-71)
• Spirit Ward (Level Four) — This Gift allows a werewolf to protect herself from spirits by
performing a quick warding rite. The werewolf traces an invisible pictogram in the air that frightens and
unnerves any nearby spirits, and which travels with the Garou for as long as it persists. An ancestor-spirit teaches
this Gift.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Manipulation + Rituals (difficulty 7). Spirits
within 100 feet (30 m) of the character must subtract one from their dice pools for each success. Any spirit that
comes within 50 feet (15 m) of the character (except a caern spirit or the character’s pack totem) loses one point
from its Essence per turn for each success the player rolled. This Gift lasts for one scene.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.155)
• Weave of Steel (Level Four) — The Homid can mystically reinforce any manmade structure or
material, giving planks the strength of steel and steel the toughness of diamond. This Gift is taught by a Weaver-
System: The werewolf must concentrate for a turn in reweave the object’s strength. The player spends
one Gnosis and rolls Strength + Crafts, difficulty 7. The effects are largely up to the Storyteller to adjudicate; one
success will make a shirt a lot more durable, while five successes will reinforce a rickety, half-rotted trestle
enough to support a ore-laden train. Generally speaking, objects gain the equivalent of one Health Level per
success, making them harder to destroy. If the Homid chooses to affect his clothing with this Gift, he gains an
extra die to his soak pool for every success; this clothing counts as armor (and can be used to soak silver
damage), but is effectively weightless. However, such re-strengthened armor is only effective versus cutting or
piercing attacks, as it offers no rigid protection against heavy blows. As a rule of thumb, objects gain
the equivalent of one Health Level per success, making them harder to destroy.
Clothing so affected grants a die of soak (counting as armor) for every success, but
these soak dice can be used only against lethal damage. The clothes lack the rigidity
to protect against bashing damage. Against aggravated damage that takes the form
of cutting or piercing, the soak dice are reduced by half.
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West, p.140 & W20 Wyld West, p.30)
• Assimilation (Level Five) — A werewolf with this Gift blends smoothly into any culture, no matter
how strange or unfamiliar he might normally find it. He could slip among Bedouin nomads as if he were one of
them, or he could shop in a Chinese market without anyone noticing that he doesn’t belong. The Gift doesn’t hide
racial differences, but it does allow the werewolf to mimic the behaviors and mannerisms of a native. It also
grants the ability to speak and understand the culture’s language, although this knowledge vanishes as the Gift
ends. It is taught by an ancestor-spirit.
System: The player rolls Manipulation + Empathy. If successful, the character interacts with members
of another culture as if he were one of them. The difficulty depends on how alien the culture is. Another Garou
sept would be 5, while a Black Spiral hive or foreign country could be as high as 9. The character suffers no
Social penalties when interacting with members of the culture, although he will enjoy no special benefits either.
The Gift lasts for one scene, plus one day per Willpower point spent when activating it.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.155)
• False Comfort (Level Five) — Humanity has done much to surround itself with comfort and safety.
People have developed armor to protect themselves from their own weapons, locks to keep out their own
brothers and walls to shelter them from the beasts at their doors. But the ancestor-spirits remember when these
comforts were but dreams in the minds of clever humans, and they can teach the Garou how to bypass them. A
Garou using this Gift does not shred armor or smash through doors, he simply ignores them entirely.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Gnosis (difficulty 7). For one turn per success,
the Garou is completely unaffected by human technology unless he chooses to be. The character can see, walk or
reach through anything crafted by humanity including walls, armor and other clothing.
(Source: Dark Ages: Werewolf, p.113)
• Beyond Human (Level Five) — The Garou is human plus — Human plus strength, agility and
health. Human plus devoted, assured spirituality and meaning. Human plus animal instinct and lightning reflexes.
Human plus righteous fury with which to meet the Apocalypse. He is as man, but greater. Every Garou radiates
this to some extent, but this Gift warps that perception, changing the Garou from a figure to be avoided to one to
be admired or adored. An ancestor-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: Once learned, this Gift’s effects are permanent. Humans dealing with the werewolf
instinctively pick her out as more desirable, important, and interesting than those around her — regardless of the
character’s capacity in such matters. The Curse still applies, but rather than being instinctively feared as a
predator, the werewolf becomes an intimidating figure of great presence. Finally, the character may boost her
Social Attributes by spending Rage or Gnosis. Each point of either spent raises one Social Attribute by one point
for the rest of the scene. Social Attributes may be raised above 5 in this fashion.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.155; This Gift was known as “Übermensch” in Players Guide to
Garou, p.185)
• Part the Veil (Level Five) — This potent Gift immunizes a human from the Delirium for a scene.
However, the human will forget much of what he knows if exposed to the Delirium at a later date. An ancestor-
spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends a Gnosis point and rolls Charisma + Empathy. Only one success is needed.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.155)

The spirit world has never hesitated to provide its blessings to metis — in the eyes of the spirits, a metis
is as true a Garou as any other. Metis Gifts tend to be an eclectic collection of pacts and powers. Constantly
scorned by their brethren and denied pride of place, metis learn to make friends where they can and take what
allies they can get.

• Create Element (Level One) — The metis may create a small amount of one of the four Western
classical elements — fire, air, earth, or water. She could make a rock to throw, fill a bathtub with no faucet, light
fires without matches, or provide air in an airtight room. She cannot create specialized forms of any element.
Precious metals (especially silver), lethal gases, and acid are beyond her reach. Elementals teach this Gift.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Gnosis. Each success allows the character to
create roughly one cubic foot (.3 cubic meter) of the desired element, to a maximum weight of 100 lbs (45 kg),
anywhere she can see within 60 feet (18 m). The element remains in existence until used up (breathed, in the case
of air, or burned up, in the case of fire without any fuel to keep it going). The flames created by this Gift inflict
one health level of damage per success, to a maximum of three levels of damage.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.155-6)
• Primal Anger (Level One) — The metis gives of herself to feed the Rage in her heart, burning away
her very blood and muscle in the process. The spirits of ancient metis teach this Gift; few members of other
breeds have endured enough shame and suffering to learn it.
System: The character may inflict a single level of aggravated damage on herself once per scene, and
gain three points of Rage in exchange (even if doing so takes her beyond her permanent Rage rating).
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.156)
• Rat Head (Level One) — Metis are born into a world where they metaphorically don’t belong; it
seemed only natural to rat-spirits to teach them to get into such places in the literal sense as well. This Gift
renders the metis’s bone structure collapsible, allowing her to squeeze through any gap she can fit her head into.
System: The player spends one Gnosis and rolls Dexterity + Athletics (difficulty 7). For the rest of the
scene, the metis may squirm through any gap she can fit her face into, moving at her walking speed to do so.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.156)
• Sense Wyrm (Level One) — The werewolf can sense nearby manifestations of the Wyrm. This Gift
involves a mystical sense, not a visual or olfactory image, although Garou often describe the Wyrm’s spiritual
emanations as a stench. This Gift doesn’t necessarily sense dedication to the Wyrm, merely contact with its
spiritual essence, which can cling to even blameless souls. Sense Wyrm requires active concentration; the
spiritual sense it provides doesn’t function passively. The Gift may be taught by any Gaian spirit.
System: The player rolls Perception + Occult. The difficulty depends on the concentration and strength
of the Wyrm’s influence: sensing a single fomor in the next room would be difficulty 6, while detecting the
stench of a Bane that was in the room an hour ago would be difficulty 7. Vampires register as Wyrm-tainted, save
those with Humanity ratings of 7 or higher.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.156)
• Shed (Level One) — The metis can shed a layer of fur and skin, slipping from an opponent’s grasp or
escaping from bonds with ease. A lizard-spirit or snake-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player rolls Dexterity + Primal-Urge (difficulty 7). If the roll succeeds, the character loses
a tuft of fur or skin (revealing healthy new hide), allowing her to slip free of grapples or bonds such as ropes or
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.156)
• Burrow (Level Two) — This Gift grants the ability to burrow through the earth, creating a tunnel
roughly the size of the digger’s body, which others can follow through. The werewolf must be in a form
possessing claws to use this Gift. Mole-spirits teach this Gift.
System: The player rolls Strength + Athletics against a difficulty depending on the substance to be
excavated (4 for loose mud, 9 for solid rock). Some metals (such as steel and titanium alloys) and other
reinforced structures won’t yield to the werewolf no matter how hard she digs. The character can burrow one
yard per turn for each success. After the initial roll, the character does not need to roll again to continue at the
same speed.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.156)
• Curse of Hatred (Level Two) — The metis takes hold of the hate in her soul and layers it into her
words, scourging the spirits of those she addresses. A spirit of hate teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Manipulation + Expression (difficulty equal to
the target’s Willpower). If she succeeds, her opponent loses two Willpower points and two Rage points. This Gift
may be used on an opponent only once per scene.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.156)
• Form Mastery (Level Two) — This Gift empowers the Wyld spark that resides in all Garou, granting
the character greater control over her shapeshifting abilities. A wolf-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: When shapeshifting (see p. 285), all difficulties are reduced by 1. Additionally, when enacting
partial transformations (see p. 286), the player need no longer spend a Willpower point, and the difficulty of the
roll is 7. This Gift’s effects are permanent.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.156)
• Haunting Stare (Level Two) — The Garou summons her hereditary instability and focuses it into her
stare. Gazing into the eyes of the metis leaves the victim choking with horror. An ancestor-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The user must spend a turn in concentration to focus her will, but the Gift takes effect
immediately. Upon making eye contact, the victim must successfully roll her Willpower (difficulty 8) or be
unable to act during her next turn. The difficulty to use Haunting Stare increases by one against Garou who are
insane (including Silver Fangs).
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West Companion, p.71)
• Sense Silver (Level Two) — To those truly born Garou, Luna has granted the ability to sense a
werewolf’s greatest weakness. This Gift, taught by Lunes, allows the metis to detect the presence of silver.
System: The player rolls Perception + Primal-Urge (difficulty 7). If successful, she can detect the
presence of any silver within 100 yards. Three successes allow her to pinpoint the silver’s location.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.156)
• Wriggle (Level Two) —Metis sometimes have to hide in all the wrong place at all the wrong times.
With this Gift, they can take best advantage of their surroundings to get away and take a breather. The spirit of a
Cockroach teaches this Gift.
System: Spend a Gnosis point, and the Gift takes effect immediately. For the rest of the scene, no
matter what her form, the metis can squeeze into a space no less than half the size of her body. Storytellers
should make judgments on space limitations.
(Source: Guardians of the Caerns, p.105)
• Chameleon (Level Three) — Like the Gift’s reptilian namesake, the Garou can blend with her
natural surroundings. Unlike the lizard, the werewolf shifts fluidly with changing backgrounds, thus allowing the
Garou to move about and even attack. A chameleon- or octopus-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point to activate the Gift. Anyone trying to see the werewolf,
even in open ground, must make a Perception roll (difficulty of the Garou’s Wits + Stealth) to detect her. Once
the Garou attacks, the difficulty drops by 3. The Gift affects only sight; it does not mask the Garou’s sound or
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.156-7)
• Eyes of the Cat (Level Three) — The werewolf may see clearly in complete darkness. His eyes glow
a lambent green while this power is in effect. A cat-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The character suffers no penalties from darkness. This power may be used at will; it requires
no roll or expenditure.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.157)
• Frozen Form (Level Three) — Homids and lupus have no idea what it’s like to grow up as a metis,
never changing from Crinos form for years upon years. This Gift, taught by any aerial spirit, lets a metis give
others a taste of what spending extended time in Crinos is really like.
System: Spend a Willpower point and roll Stamina + Primal-Urge, difficulty 6. For each success, the
target must spend one full day in Crinos, consecutively if more than one success is rolled. This Gift only works
on other Garou, even Black Spiral Dancers.
(Source: Guardians of the Caerns, p.105)
• Mental Speech (Level Three) — This Gift enables mental communication, even over vast distances.
The user must either know the target personally (although friendship isn’t necessary) or have something that
belongs to that person, such as a lock of his hair. Bird-spirits and spirits of intellect teach this Gift.
System: The player rolls Charisma + Empathy (difficulty 8) and spends a Willpower point; the effects
last for a scene. The character may hold a mental conversation with a target at a maximum distance of 10 miles
(16 km) per success. Mind reading isn’t possible, but the werewolf may use social Abilities such as Intimidation.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.157)
• Rattler’s Bite (Level Three) Version Two — This Gift lengthens the
metis’ fangs when used, allowing her to inject a deadly venom into a bite victim. Any
venomous snake-spirit can teach this Gift.
System: The player spends a Rage point before making an attack roll. If the
bite succeeds, any remaining damage after the soak roll is doubled. If the attack fails
or causes no damage, the Rage point is still lost.
(Source: W20 Wyld West, p.30-31)
(Note: There is some confusion regarding whether this Gift is Level Three or Level Four, see Rattler’s
Bite (Level Four) Version One below.)
• Shell (Level Three) — Shell places an emotional and instinctual barrier around the metis, shutting out
the hostility of the world and suppressing his own powerful, destructive impulses. It is taught by a turtle-spirit.
System: The player rolls Willpower (difficulty of the character’s own Rage). Success insulates the
metis for a scene behind a mystical and psychological barrier, immunizing him against mind-altering magic of all
kinds for the rest of the scene. However, he cannot gain any successes on Empathy, Primal-Urge or Rage rolls,
nor can he spend Rage points.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.157)
• Splintered Claw (Level Three) — This painful Gift causes the metis' claws to splinter as they pierce
flesh. Tiny bits of claw imbed themselves deep in the victim's body, thus causing tremendous irritation. Healing
such a wound without first removing the splinters is both painful and stupid. Unfortunately, the Gift's user loses
her claws until she spends a round regenerating new ones. A tree-spirit teaches this Gift. Glass Walkers or Bone
Gnawers can learn this Gift from spirits living in houses or other wooden constructs.
System: After a successful attack that causes at least one Health Level of damage, the Garou may spend
a Rage point to activate the Gift. Any damage that the target does not soak cannot be healed until he removes the
bits of claw. As with all other werewolf claw attacks, the wounds are aggravated.
The attacking Garou receives one automatic, nonaggravated wound. The werewolf cannot soak this
wound but can heal it as normal. Until the Garou heals the wound, he has no claws.
(Source: Werewolf Players Guide, 2nd Ed., p.35)
• Badger’s Heart (Level Four) — Metis often possess angry hearts, and in their own way, they have a
keen understanding of Rage, no matter what their auspice. This Gift allows them to affect the Rage of other
werewolves, causing their enemies to expend more of it than necessary. A Badger spirit teaches this Gift.
System: Spend a Gnosis point and roll Willpower, difficulty 7. Three successes are necessary, but if the
roll is made, the target expends twice as many Rage points as he normally would. For example, if Merryk
Winterchase successfully uses this Gift on Mari Cabrah while they're in combat, each time she spent one Rage
point, she would actually use two, without gaining any benefit of the second Rage point. This Gift lasts an entire
(Source: Guardians of the Caerns, p.105)
• Gift of the Porcupine (Level Four) — When using this Gift, the werewolf undergoes a startling
transformation. Her fur becomes elongated, bristly and sharp like the quills of a porcupine. This change makes
her an even more fearsome killing machine. A werewolf must be in Crinos, Hispo or Lupus form to use this Gift.
Porcupine teaches this Gift, and he has a great fondness for metis.
System: The character spends a Gnosis point to sharpen his fur. Anyone whom the metis tackles,
grapples or immobilizes takes aggravated damage from his newfound quills (Strength +1). Furthermore, anyone
who strikes him with bare flesh (and scoring fewer than five successes on the attack roll) takes damage based on
the attacker's own Strength, although the metis still takes normal damage. This Gift lasts for one scene or until
the werewolf wills his fur to return to normal.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.157)
• Lash of Rage (Level Four) — The metis harnesses all of the shame, hate, and fury coiled in his heart
and lashes out with it, destroying another. Bones snap, organs rupture, and cavities fill with blood as the metis’s
Rage tears the target apart. A spirit of fury teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one Rage point and rolls his Rage rating. A target within 100 yards (91 m)
takes one level of unsoakable aggravated damage for each success. This Gift can be used safely only once per
scene. Any additional uses inflict the Gift’s full damage on both the metis and his target.
• Rattler’s Bite (Level Four) Version One — The metis’s eyeteeth lengthen, and she can inject a
deadly poison with her bite. Some elder Garou look down upon this Gift as a deformity. Spider- and snake-spirits
teach this Gift.
System: The player spends a Rage point when attempting to bite an opponent. If the bite is successful,
any remaining damage after soak is doubled. If the attack fails or causes no damage, the Rage point is lost.
(Note: This Gift was Level Three in Werewolf: the Wild West, p.141. Apparently, it has since been retconned to
Level Four in W20. But the version of this Gift from W20 Wyld West, p.30 has been retconned again back to
Level Three. As of CB20, this Gift is Level Four for the Ratkin.)
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.157)
• Wither Limb (Level Four) — With a snarl and a baleful stare, the werewolf ruins an opponent’s
limb: bones twist, muscles wither, flesh desiccates. Creatures with regenerative capabilities will recover after one
scene; all others are permanently crippled. Venomous spirits teach this Gift.
System: The player spends a Gnosis point and rolls Willpower (difficulty equals the victim’s Stamina +
4). The victim adds two to the difficulties of all Dexterity rolls. If a leg is crippled, he can move at only half his
normal speed.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.157)
• Madness (Level Five) —Metis struggle throughout their lives to find a place of dignity and respect
amidst a minefield of horror and abuse. This Gift allows her to unleash her inner demons upon others, inflicting
insanity and madness. The nature of the derangement inflicted varies from individual to individual, but is always
severe, making it impossible for the victim to function normally. Lunes and spirits of trickery and madness teach
this Gift.
System: The player spends a Gnosis point and rolls Manipulation + Intimidation (difficulty equal to the
victim’s Willpower). The target immediately begins to suffer from a Derangement (see p. 485). The insanity lasts
a number of days equal to the successes rolled. During this time, the metis can increase or decrease the severity
of the madness, granting the victim lucidity and then driving him into psychosis. Even after the Gift has ended,
the repercussions may haunt the victim for the rest of his life.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.157)
• Protean Form (Level Five) — Born misshapen, the metis takes her deformity and makes it a source
of power. She can twist her flesh in any number of ways, sprouting a number of unnatural features, from extra
limbs to additional mouths to grasping tentacles. A Chimerling teaches this Gift.
System: The character’s ability to partially transform (see p. 286) is permanently modified, allowing
her to make almost any grotesque modifications the player can imagine. These modifications must logically
bestow one of the following benefits: +2 dice on a certain category of attack rolls (extra clawed limbs for claw
attacks, tentacles for clinches, etc), +2 damage on a certain category of attack rolls (a chest-mounted squid beak
for extra damage on clinches, arms coated in shark teeth for boosted claw attacks, etc.), or +5 yards per turn of
movement (extra legs, vestigial wings, etc.).
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.157-8)
• Totem Gift (Level Five) — Metis are Garou from the moment of their birth, and their ties to the spirit
that guides their tribe run deep. The metis may plead with her tribal totem for power, with effects varying from
tribe to tribe. Rat might send a swarm of rodents to attack the werewolf’s enemies, while Grandfather Thunder
might send down the lightning to strike aside obstacles and opponents. The potential of this Gift depends on the
favor of the totem, and may extend into the miraculous. Only the tribal totem teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Charisma + Rituals (difficulty 7). The greater the
number of successes, the more dramatic the aid provided. One success might cause a minor distraction, whereas
10 successes could produce volcanic eruptions or county-smashing tornadoes.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.158)
• Twist of Fate (Level Five) — Some Stargazer metis have used this Gift to deliver a fatal blow to
unsuspecting enemies, even knowing that the cost will be their own lives. After a Garou has been dealt her own
deathblow, if she invokes this Gift, she may strike her enemy once more ere she dies. It's bittersweet but often
leads to an enemy falling dead alongside the metis warrior. This Gift is taught by a Cobra spirit.
System: The player need only spend one Rage point to get that final shot; no wound penalties apply.
The attack doesn't automatically land, although the metis may spend Willpower to add to the attack roll's
successes (even though she's already spent Rage in the turn). The metis' damage pool is increased by ten dice - a
metis' parting shot channels a lifetime of Rage, and is almost always lethal.
(Source: Guardians of the Caerns, p.106)
• Umbral Body (Level Five) — The metis body is strange. Born in a form not intended by Gaia or
nature, deformed and occasionally showing signs of animals entirely unrelated to man or wolf, it is little wonder
the breed has been outcast and hated. But some metis have used this body to their advantage, and it is perhaps
this strangeness that allows their body to withstand the pressures this Gift inflicts. With this Gift, the metis can
partially reach into the Umbra, sending certain body parts into the Umbra while maintaining others in the
physical world. Doing so makes the metis difficult to hit in combat, to say the least. A Pattern spider teaches this
System: The metis rolls Gnosis (difficulty of the local Gauntlet) and if the roll succeeds spends 1
Gnosis. For the rest of the scene, the metis receives one extra automatic success on all Dodge rolls.
(Source: Players Guide to Garou, p.185)

The Gifts of the lupus breed reflect their strong ties to the natural world and the wilds. Usually these
Gifts enhance the natural abilities of the werewolf, allowing her to perform feats that other breeds would find
• Cousin’s Coat (Level One) — Garou with this Gift can blend in with their natural surroundings
easier than others of their kind. The Gift, taught by a wolf-spirit, allows the werewolf to appear as the appropriate
type and breed of wolf indigenous to the area.
System: This Gift only works in Lupus form. The player rolls Manipulation + Survival (difficulty 7).
Only one success is required, but additional successes will handicap special senses or Gifts (Scent of the True
Form, vampiric senses, etc.) from detecting the ruse. If the Gift succeeds, the werewolf’s Lupus form shifts to
match the indigenous wolves of the area. Garou using this Gift in a city or town usually resemble large dogs, a
very unappealing concept to most.
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West – Frontier Secrets, p.8)
• Find Water (Level One) - This Gift allows a Garou to locate any body of water within 20 miles.
System: The Garou makes a Perception + Survival roll against a difficulty of 6 to use this Gift. One or
two successes will indicate the general direction of the water. Three or four success will indicate the distance,
and five successes will allow the Garou to determine if the water is contaminated in any way.
(Source: Ways of the Wolf, p.51)
• Hare's Leap (Level One) — The werewolf can leap impossible distances. Hare-spirits teach this Gift,
naturally, though cat-, frog-, kangaroo-, and even flea-spirits occasionally do so as well.
System: The player makes a reflexive Strength + Athletics roll (difficulty 7) to activate this Gift. If
successful, the character’s leaping distances are doubled for the scene — or tripled for a single turn with the
expenditure of a Willpower point (see Jumping, p. 271).
(Note: This Gift is known as Salmon Leap in Tribebook: Fianna Revised, p.72)
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.158)
• Heightened Senses (Level One) — This Gift sharpens the werewolf’s senses to an incredible degree.
She enjoys the olfactory and auditory acuity of a wolf whenever she is in Homid and Glabro forms, along with
superior night vision. In Crinos, Hispo and Lupus, her senses become preternaturally potent, allowing sensory
feats that border on precognition. Sudden loud noises, bright lights or overwhelming scents can be disorienting,
however. Wolf-spirits teach this Gift.
System: The player spends a Gnosis point to activate this Gift for a scene. In Homid and Glabro, the werewolf’s
Perception difficulties decrease by two and she may roll Perception + Primal-Urge to perform uncanny sensory
feats such as tracking by scent. In Crinos, Hispo, and Lupus, Perception difficulties decrease by three (this is not
cumulative with the ordinary Lupus-form Perception bonuses) and the werewolf gains an extra die to Primal-
Urge dice pools.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.158-159)
• Predator’s Arsenal (Level One) — One of the most unnerving aspects of the Homid shape is its lack
of proper weapons. This Gift remedies that problem (while still retaining much of the Homid shape’s ability to
blend in with the human world), granting the Garou battle-ready claws and teeth in Homid form. It is taught by a
System: The werewolf concentrates for a turn to gain access to bite and claw attacks in Homid form for
the rest of the scene, or until she dismisses the transformation. These attacks inflict lethal rather than aggravated
damage, and may be concealed by simple expediencies such as the werewolf keeping her mouth closed, wearing
long sleeves, or keeping her hands in her pockets. She can even speak normally without giving herself away, as
long as she’s careful not to open her mouth too wide or smile so that her teeth show, although her voice sounds
rough and a bit distorted (attempting to discern that there’s something amiss with a Garou taking such
precautions requires a Perception + Alertness roll, difficulty 9).
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.159)
• Prey Mind (Level One) — As Gaia dies and her natural order is perverted, predators become prey
with increasing frequency — this is a sorrowful truth that lupus know all too well. This Gift assists the Garou in
evading their enemies that they might fight another day, showing them places to hide, ways to run, and even
chances to strike back. A hare- or deer-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player rolls Wits + Primal-Urge; difficulty 7 in the wilderness, 9 in urban environments.
Each success adds one die to all pools made to escape, outdistance, hide from or evade pursuit for the remainder
of the scene.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.159)
• Sense Prey (Level One) — This Gift lets a werewolf locate enough prey to feed her pack. In the
urban environment, this tends to guide lupus to prey in parks, sewers, animal shelters or even zoos, drawing her
unfailingly to the presence of prey animals. Humans and carnivores too large or dangerous for a lone wolf to
regard as prey do not register as prey animals. A wolf-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player rolls Perception + Primal-Urge. The difficulty is 5 in wilderness environments and
7 in urban environments. Success indicates the location of enough prey to feed a large pack for a day.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.159)
• Sense Wyld (Level One) — The Garou may sense Wyld energies or spirits in the nearby area. Any
Gaian spirit can teach this Gift.
System: The Garou rolls Perception + Enigmas against a difficulty determined by the Storyteller, based
on the strength of the presence.
(Source: Umbra Revised, p.126)
• Axis Mundi (Level Two) — The lupus reaches out with her spirit to feel the presence of Gaia,
centering herself with relation to her Mother. She always knows what direction she is traveling or facing in, so
long as she travels within the Gaia Realm. The spirits of migratory birds teach this Gift.
System: This Gift’s effects are permanent.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.159)
• Eye of the Eagle (Level Two) — This Gift allows the werewolf to see over impossibly long
distances, though not through obstacles — good vantage points are invaluable, and this Gift is in much demand
among caern guardians. It is taught by an eagle-spirit.
System: The player rolls Perception + Alertness (difficulty 7). The number of successes is the number
of miles added to the Garou’s clear visual range.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.159)
• Name the Spirit (Level Two) — The werewolf gains an instinctive rapport with denizens of the
Umbra. He can sense the type and approximate Trait levels (Rage, Gnosis, Willpower) of spirits. Owl- and raven-
spirits teach this Gift.
System: The player spends one Willpower and rolls Perception + Occult (difficulty 8).
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.159)
• Scent of Sight (Level Two) — The werewolf can compensate for her vision completely by using her
sense of smell. She can attack invisible creatures normally or navigate in absolute darkness. Wolf-spirits teach
this Gift.
System: The werewolf fully substitutes her sense of smell for her vision, enabling her to distinguish
identity and location flawlessly (color and fine details, such as letters printed on a page, remain beyond her). A
Perception + Primal-Urge roll may be required to detect things which actively obscure their scent.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.159)
• Wyld Ferocity (Level Two) — The harsh, untamed wilderness frequently brings death to humans
who venture into it unprepared. With this Gift, the Garou can heighten the fear humans have of the wild. A panic-
stricken human may be unable to act or have to flee the area. An ancestor-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The Garou must spend one Rage point to activate the Gift and must growl (even in human
form) for the effect to work. All normal humans lose one die from their Dice Pools within 20 feet of the Garou.
Those humans not used to dealing with wild animals must make a Willpower roll (difficulty equals the Garou’s
Rage) or flee the area.
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West Companion, p.71)
• Catfeet (Level Three) — The werewolf gains the agility of a cat, making him immune to falls under
100 feet (~30 m). He also has perfect balance even on the most slippery surfaces, and the difficulties of all
combat actions involving body slams and grappling decrease by two. Cat-spirits teach this Gift.
System: This ability becomes innate to those who learn the Gift.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.159)
• Death Whispers (Level Three) — The ancient Greeks associated the wolf with death. Hecate wore
three wolf heads, while Charon wore wolf ears. Lupus with this Gift echo that connection. By standing entirely
still near a recently dead body, the lupus can hear the final worlds of the deceased. These words are often
rambling and incoherent, but can provide clues and understanding of what happened at the moment of their
death, or of their most prominent thoughts at the moment of their demise.
System: The lupus must stand next to the corpse and stay entirely still, trying to hear the very soft
whispers. The player then rolls Perception + Occult (diff 7). To successfully hear the death whispers, the lupus
must obtain more successes than the number of hours the body has been dead. More successes than required
increase the clarity of the whisper. This Gift may be attempt only once per dead body.
(Source: Players Guide to Garou, p.185-6)
• Healing Sleep (Level Three) — The lupus can fall into a state of hibernation for a day, healing even
the most severe wounds while he sleeps. This Gift is taught by a bear-spirit.
System: The player spends a Gnosis point and rolls Stamina + Primal-Urge. Upon a single success, the
werewolf falls into hibernation, and is unaware of his surroundings while he rests. If injured, he will awaken, but
the healing sleep is spoiled. After a full day and night of rest, the lupus awakes with all Health Levels healed,
even if they were aggravated damage. This Gift cannot heal battle scars, however.
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West, p.142 & W20 Wyld West, p.31)
• Monkey Tail (Level Three) — The lupus may lengthen her tail and use it as a prehensile appendage
at will. Although it’s no replacement for a hand, it can grasp objects, wrap around branches, and even allow the
Garou to hang upside-down. A monkey-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The Garou may employ her prehensile tail at will in any form which possesses a tail.
Successfully manipulating the tail requires a Dexterity + Athletics roll (difficulty varies according to the task).
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition p.159)
• Sense the Unnatural (Level Three) — The werewolf can sense any supernatural presence and
determine its approximate strength and type. Supernatural presences can include magic, spirits, Wyrm taint,
ghosts, vampires, faeries, and any other such unnatural manifestation — although it won’t pick them out
specifically as such. A werewolf may sense a person plagued by haunting as easily as a ghost. Any spirit servant
of Gaia can teach this Gift.
System: The player rolls Perception + Enigmas (difficulty 6). The more successes he rolls, the more
information he gains. The sensory input is somewhat vague and subject to interpretation, though. For instance, a
vampire might smell of clotted blood, fear, corpse-meat or whatever else the Storyteller finds appropriate.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.159-160)
• Strength of Gaia (Level Three) — The Goddess blesses the lupus with the fullness of his might
when he wears the most natural of his skins. While wearing lupus form, the Garou enjoys the full might of
Crinos. A wolf-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one Rage point. His Lupus form base strength increases by four, rather than
the normal one, for the rest of the scene.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.160)
• Beast Life (Level Four) — The werewolf can communicate with other wild animals and attract or
even command them. Domesticated animals may speak with the Garou, but they have given themselves over to
the ways of humans and will provide no aid beyond information. Any animal spirit can teach this Gift, although
lupus prefer to learn it from lion- or wolf-spirits.
System: The character gains the permanent ability to communicate with all animals, regardless of the
form she wears. To attract animals, the player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Charisma + Animal Ken
(difficulty 7). All animals within 10 miles (16 km) per success respond to the summons, and will follow any
requests the Garou makes. It is considered customary to pay homage to the spirit of any animal ordered to
sacrifice itself with this Gift; to do otherwise risks angering the spirit world.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.160)
• Gnaw (Level Four) — The werewolf’s jaws strengthen until she can chew through nearly anything.
Her fangs inflict more damage in combat, and only death will break her grip if she clamps her teeth into an
opponent. Hyena- and wolf-spirits teach this Gift.
System: The player spends one Willpower point and rolls Stamina + 4 against a variable difficulty (3
for wood, 6 for steel handcuffs, 9 for a train car coupling). The length of time it takes to gnaw through something
depends on the number of successes. Additionally, the Gift grants a character’s bite two extra dice of damage for
the rest of the scene.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.160)
• Scream of Gaia (Level Four) — The Garou emits a horrible, ragged scream imbued with Rage and
the pain of Gaia. The force of the scream batters foes and knocks them off their feet. Storm-spirits teach this Gift.
System: The player spends a Gnosis point and rolls Rage. Everyone within a 50-foot (15 m) radius,
except for the werewolf’s pack, is blasted to the ground to suffer one unsoakable health level of bashing damage
per success as a shockwave rips through the area.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.160)
• Terror of the Dire Wolf (Level Four) — Wolves haunt the ancestral nightmares of humanity, and of
those monsters that were once human. The werewolf lets out a fierce snarl that triggers primordial terror in
opponents and drowns them in the Delirium. A wolf-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends a point of Rage and rolls Manipulation + Primal-Urge (difficulty of the
opponent’s Willpower or, if he is affecting a group, the highest Willpower represented). If successful, the
werewolf invokes the full effect of the Delirium on any human, formerly-human, or partly-human creature who
can see her — including those normally immune to the Delirium, such as mages and vampires. Only other
werewolves and Fera are immune. It may be used in any form, although Homid and Glabro raise the difficulty of
the Primal-Urge roll by one.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.160)
• Venom (Level Four) — A common trick of desert-dwelling Garou, this Gift allows the user to
produce a noxious venom. The werewolf s bile can incapacitate or even kill a victim. The Garou herself is
immune to her own poison, but she can be incapacitated by another Garou's Venom attack.
A rattlesnake-spirit teaches this Gift. Most Garou hesitate to make deals with snakes and serpents, but sometimes
necessity outweighs prejudice.
System: After making a successful bite attack, the Garou must roll Stamina + Primal-Urge in a resisted
roll against the target's Stamina + 4. For every additional success the attacker gets, the victim receives an
additional nonsoakable, aggravated wound along with whatever damage the bite caused. Each success also
reduces the target's Stamina by one level until the victim loses consciousness. Additional poisonous bites can
force the victim into a coma and eventually kill her.
(Source: Werewolf Players Guide, 2nd Ed., p.35; Players Guide to Garou, p.186)
• Boon of the Animal Fathers (Level Five) –By entreaty to a specific Animal Father, the Garou can
gain that specific animal totem for one scene. If the Garou entreaties Father Moose, the Garou can gain Moose as
his totem for that scene, gaining all the benefits as if she were allied to that totem. This does not give the special
powers granted by the metis Gift: Totem Gift, only the regular benefits of a totem alliance. The Animal Fathers
are believed to be different, more specific, aspects of the animal totems. This Gift only works with totems that
embody “real” animals; Unicorn or Pegasus or other such totems cannot be entreated with this Gift.
System: The Garou must spend 2 Gnosis and make a successful Charisma + Primal-Urge roll
(difficulty 6). This Gift may only be used once per scene.
(Source: Ways of the Wolf, p.51)
• Elemental Gift (Level Five) — The werewolf calls upon the primal force of Gaia Herself, thereby
commanding the spirits of the elements to rise up, undulate forward and even engulf foes. This Gift summons an
elemental spirit, not merely the raw matter of the elements, but primal spirits possessing power enough to
challenge even something as powerful as a Nexus Crawler. The elementals grant this Gift.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Charisma + Occult (difficulty 7). If successful,
he calls an elemental who grants him the ability to control a large volume of air, earth, water or fire (in any of
their forms) that is approximately 20' by 20' per success. The effect lasts for one scene or until the elemental
leaves or is destroyed.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.160)
• Song of the Great Beast (Level Five) — The Garou travels to the deep wilderness and lets out a
long, mournful howl. One of the Great Beasts of antiquity answers the call, appearing in the Realm near the
werewolf — a mighty and savage being that walked the Earth in ages past. Such creatures include the Willawau
(giant owl), the Sabertooth Tiger, the great Megalodon sharks that swam the seas eons ago and the mighty
Mammoth, who arrives in herds. Who knows what else the Song might call up? The Great Beasts possess power
in the physical world to rival that of mighty spirits in the Umbra. Once the ancient creature arrives, the Garou
may make a request of it, but the Great Beast will fulfill it in its own way, according to its nature. Using this Gift
is risky, but the results can be truly spectacular. Few spirits know this Gift. It’s said that the reclusive Mokolé
(see p. 412) know which spirits can teach the Song of the Great Beast … if any survived the Impergium, and are
willing to talk to the Garou, that is.
System: System: The player spends two Gnosis points and rolls Charisma + Primal-Urge (difficulty 8).
More successes improve the Great Beast’s disposition. Traits are left to the Storyteller’s discretion, but should
always be impressive.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.160)

Auspice Gifts
These Gifts are the secrets given to Gaia’s children by Luna. She bid her many servants teach the Garou
their various tricks, arming them with magical skills with which to protect Gaia.

Luna’s Gifts to the Ragabash defy tradition and conventional wisdom. Well-suited to tricksters, scouts
and saboteurs, the eclectic blessings of the new moon are nothing if not effective.

• Blur of the Milky Eye (Level One) — The werewolf’s form becomes a shimmering, indistinct blur,
as though seen through heavy cataracts — even in the midday sun. The Ragabash is not truly invisible, however,
and if spotted, this Gift’s protection fails until the observer is distracted. A chameleon- or ermine-spirit teaches
this Gift.
System: The player rolls Manipulation + Stealth (difficulty 8). Each success increases the difficulty of
all Perception rolls made to detect him by one for the rest of the scene.
(Note: This Gift is known as Walk under the New Moon in Werewolf: The Wild West, p.143)
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.161)
• Fool’s Gold (Level One) — The Garou makes relatively worthless objects (beads, cheap metal, cod
liver oil) or items of inferior craftsmanship (blankets, rifles) appear to be highly valuable and desirable. This
doesn’t cause a blind lust in others to possess the objects, but does make them extremely predisposed toward
whatever deal is offered in trade. This is taught by a magpie-spirit.
System: The player must make a Wits + Subterfuge roll (difficulty 7). The Gift affects all targets
present, although individuals may make Willpower rolls (difficulty 8) to resist its effects. Alternately, particularly
savvy characters may roll Perception + Subterfuge (difficulty 7) to pierce the deception. The number of successes
determines the Gift’s duration; one success only lasts a couple turns, three lasts the entire scene, while five makes
the effect permanent.
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West – Frontier Secrets, p.8)
• Hush (Level One) — Though Ragabash are teachers, one thing they can't always teach is when to
keep one's mouth shut. Maybe a brash Ahroun is about to say something unfortunate to a bigger Ahroun, or
perhaps a talkative cub is about to reveal too much about what she knows. In such situations, this Gift acts as a
temporary stopgap; it makes the target fumble for words, lose his train of thought or become momentarily
distracted. Besides keeping friends from saying stupid things, the Gift can also be used against insulting rivals or
the fomori calling in reinforcements. Because of the bond between packmates, it is easier to use this Gift within
the pack — after all, it's for the greater good, right? A mockingbird-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player rolls Wits + Subterfuge (difficulty is the target's Wits + 4; for a packmate reduce
the difficulty by one). Every success stalls the target for one turn, preventing the target from communicating
verbally (although other forms of communication, such as sign language or writing, are still possible).
(Source: Book of Auspices, p.32-33)
• Infectious Laughter (Level One) — Laughter is the tool with which Gaia’s tricksters promote
enlightenment and the knife that slashes through the veil of Rage. When the Ragabash laughs, those around her
are compelled to follow along, forgetting their grievances. A coyote- or hyena-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The Ragabash must make some comment mocking the present situation in which she finds
herself, then laugh at it. The player then rolls Manipulation + Expression (difficulty of the highest Rage rating of
anyone listening). Success causes those who hear the Ragabash’s comment and laughter lose hold of their ire,
and forget what it was that had them upset in the first place — although their temper will return if they are
reminded of what the New Moon has made them forget.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.161)
• Liar’s Face (Level One) — The Ragabash wraps herself in such a deceitful attitude that nothing she
says can be trusted — not even the clear and unvarnished truth. The werewolf may make a single truthful
statement, and no human who hears it will believe her. A platypus-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: After the character makes a truthful statement, the player spends one Willpower point and rolls
Charisma + Subterfuge (difficulty 7). This Gift is automatically effective on humans, causing them to believe the
Ragabash is lying. Supernatural listeners whose Willpower rating is lower than the Ragabash’s successes also
refuse to believe the Ragabash’s words.
(Source: W20, p.161)
• Open Seal (Level One) — The werewolf can open nearly any sort of closed or locked physical
device. A raccoon-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player rolls Gnosis (difficulty of the local Gauntlet rating). If the object is sealed with
magic, the player must spend a Gnosis point before making the attempt.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.161)
• Scent of Running Water (Level One) — The werewolf can mask her scent completely, making
herself virtually impossible to track. A fox-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The difficulties of all rolls to track the Garou increase by two. This Gift’s effects are
permanent, though the Ragabash may temporarily suppress them at will (which may be necessary to blend in
with wolf packs).
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.161)
• Spider’s Song (Level One) Version Two — This Gift is new in the time of the Savage Frontier.
Its form in this era is a simpler and easier trick to learn, being limited to telegraph wires or poles (which are
treated as land lines). The Ragabash doesn’t need to know Morse code to understand a transmitted message.
(Source: W20 Wyld West, p.31)
(Note: This is the Savage Frontier version of this Gift. The modern version is Level Two and detailed
• Trailblazer (Level One) — With this Gift, the Garou can wend his way through thick underbrush as
if walking on the open plains. The Ragabash also finds the fastest trails and shortest routes from one location to
another. When used in a town or city, the Garou can still find the shortcuts through alleys and dart through
crowded streets with ease. A crow-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player must roll her Perception + Survival, or Larceny in cities (difficulty 7). The number
of successes equals the quality of the new route and decreases the travel time. Every success reduces travel time
approximately 10 percent, up to a maximum of half the original travel time. The difficulty of any rolls to track
the user increases by two when this Gift is active.
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West Companion, p.71)
• Alter Scent (Level Two) — The Garou can change his scent trail to evade a hunter or leave a false
trail. The Garou can reproduce any scent he has encountered, from deer to diesel trucks. A skunk-spirit teaches
this Gift.
System: The player rolls Wits + Primal-Urge to reproduce any scent the Garou has encountered
(difficulty 6). The number of successes determines the accuracy of the false scent. Garou with this Gift can
reproduce the aroma of other Garou or even inanimate objects. A simple success is usually enough to mimic
other animals (including humans), though three successes are needed to simulate inanimate objects or plants, and
five are needed to reproduce accurately the smell of a specific individual. The Gift’s effect’s last for one scene.
(Source: Werewolf Players Guide, 2nd Ed., p.36; Players Guide to Garou, p.186)
• Beyond Fear (Level Two) — Eschewed by urbane Garou, this “dark trick” shows the target of the
Gift a haunting vision of her own death. The vision comes as a dream or trance-like revelation. This Gift is taught
by sickness-spirits or wolf-spirits.
System: This Gift has no mechanical system per se, though the dreams it engenders are chilling enough
to give even the bravest Garou pause.
(Source: Ghost Towns, p. 100)
• Blissful Ignorance (Level Two) — The Garou can become completely invisible to all senses, spirits
or monitoring devices by remaining still. A chameleon-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player rolls Stamina + Stealth (difficulty 5). Each success subtracts one success from the
Perception + Alertness rolls of those looking for the character. If no one is actively seeking the werewolf, one
success provides perfect concealment.
(Note: This Gift is known as Hide in Plain Sight in Werewolf: the Wild West, p. 143)
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.161)
• Emergency Exit (Level Two) — Sometimes things go sour, and the most important thing a pack can
know is the way to the nearest exit. This Gift allows a Ragabash to smell out the nearest exit from a realm or
enclosed space; obviously, it's at its greatest use in hostile and unfamiliar Umbral territory. Rat-spirits teach this
System: The player must spend a Willpower point and roll Perception + Survival, difficulty 8. One
success indicates general direction; the more successes, the more information the Ragabash receives. This Gift
doesn't point to the safest exist out — the exit may be guarded, or lead somewhere worse than the Ragabash's
current surroundings — only the closest.
(Source: Umbra Revised, p.133)
• Man With No Name (Level Two) — This roamer’s Gift lets the Ragabash move through town
without leaving a mark on the townsfolk’s memories. People forget her name and appearance after she moves on.
She becomes a figure of rumor and hearsay, which may even make her seem larger than life.
A wind-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player rolls Charisma, Manipulation or Appearance + Enigmas (difficulty is the victim’s
Intelligence + Alertness; when used to affect a group, the highest Intelligence + Alertness sum among the group
applies). The difficulty is increased by one if the character has visible Battle Scars. Success indicates how much
the group can remember about the character once she’s out of sight. One success means that the people that the
character meets have difficulty remembering specifics about the character’s appearance – they’ll remember
perceived gender, rough assumed age (within a decade or so), and whether the character was an adult or a child,
but have difficulty remembering her exact name or appearance. With three successes, they don’t remember her
name, where she came from, or where she went. With five successes, they don’t remember her at all. An affected
person may recall the Garou by spending a Willpower point, but even that memory fades after a day.
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West, p.143 & W20 Wyld West, p.31)
• Obscure the Truth (Level Two) —Not many Garou can look a Philodox in the eye and get away with
bald-faced lies. The Ragabash with this Gift has an edge over all his kin. She can calmly explain that the sky is
green or gleefully regale her comrades with the exploits of a lone, heroic Ragabash and have no fear of being
called on her prank. The ever-deceptive fox-spirit might teach this Gift to a Garou. Then again, he might just say
he's teaching you the Gift.
System: By spending a Gnosis point, the Ragabash gains an air of sincerity that is nearly impossible to
penetrate. Once activated, consider the Ragabash's Subterfuge to be double its normal rating.
(Source: Werewolf Players Guide, 2nd Ed., p.36)
• Pulse of the Prey (Level Two) — If the werewolf knows anything about her prey—even a nickname,
initials, or crude description—she can track it as fast as she can travel. This unerring sense of direction works
anywhere, and is as useful for tracking spirits through the Deep Umbra as Pentex executives through Baltimore.
A wolf- or dog-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: No roll is required unless the target is hiding actively (intent alone is not enough), in which
case a Perception + Enigmas roll is made against a difficulty of the target's Wits + Stealth. If the target is a spirit,
the difficulty is the spirit's Gnosis.
(Note: This Gift is known as Sense of the Prey in earlier editions of Werewolf. Hey, it only took White Wolf
four editions and twenty years to realize that having two different Gifts named Sense Prey and Sense of the Prey
would confuse people!)
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.161)
• Slip of the Tongue (Level Two) — Sensing the truth is the purview of the Half Moon, but the
trickster is adept at obtaining admissions of guilt, however accidental. By engaging in a conversation (heated or
otherwise), the user of this Gift can make the target accidentally remark on what she wished to hide ("of course I
had everything to do with his death... I mean, nothing to do with it!" or "The necklace isn't here, search all you
like, but don't bother with the study, that's so obvious!") The slip may only arouse already suspicious minds, but
it may fluster the target enough to cause some more tangible admission of guilt, like a confession or an attack.
This Gift is taught by a Gaffling of Falcon or by any truth spirit.
System: The Ragabash must engage the target in a conversation relating to the suspected crime or
action. The player and target make a resisted Manipulation + Subterfuge roll, difficulty of the opponent's
Willpower. One success allows a subtle slip only noticeable to the already suspicious, while five results in the
spilling of damning information no judge could discount.
(Source: Book of Auspices, p.33)
• Spider’s Song (Level Two)Version One — The Ragabash can steal messages from the Weaver’s
web, plucking them from the air or eavesdropping as they race through telephone lines. The Ragabash must be
aware that a conversation is happening to listen in on it (though she doesn’t have to know who’s on the other end
of the line). For conversations across land lines, the Ragabash must place her ear against a telephone pole or
cord; to listen in on cell phone discussions (or even to intercept text messages) she need only be able to see one
of the phones being used. Spider- and raven-spirits teach this Gift.
System: The player spends a Gnosis point. She listens in on the conversation (or receives mental
translations of text messages) for as long as she keeps her ear to the line or keeps the cell phone user in sight.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.161)
• Taking the Forgotten (Level Two) — The Ragabash with this Gift can steal something from a target,
and his victim will forget that she ever possessed the stolen item. A mouse-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: After successfully stealing the item, the Player must score three successes on a Wits + Stealth
roll (difficulty of the victim's Intelligence + Streetwise).
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.162)
• Trickster Beacon (Level Two) — Known as the "Kick Me Gift" by particularly irreverent New
Moons, this places a spiritual beacon on the unwitting target, attracting the local troublemaking spirits. While
potentially lethal pranks are off limits, anything else is fair game: items are moved or lost temporarily, the target
is surrounded by jeering spirits in the Umbra or momentarily loses his way in familiar territory. The beacon
cannot be removed or hidden (and the target can never see it although all spirits and perceptive Garou can), but
an eloquent and lucky victim may be able to "buy off" the spirits with the appropriate chiminage. This Gift is
taught by any trickster spirit.
System: The Ragabash expends a point of Gnosis and touches the target (a pat on the back or
handshake do as well as a punch). The player rolls Wits + Enigmas (difficulty is the target's Rank +2; difficulty 5
for nonshapeshifters). The Gift effects last for one day per success. A botch marks the Ragabash instead (the
unfortunate must roll against himself to determine how long the plague of spirits lasts, and a botch on the second
roll means a full lunar month). Even spirits agree there is such a thing as carrying a prank too far. A Ragabash
who uses this Gift more than once per lunar month or against a given individual more than once per season risks
becoming the target of the spirits' attention (subtract one success from the die roll for each consecutive use of the
(Source: Book of Auspices, p.33)
• Empty Hand (Level Three) — The Garou’s hand may seem to grasp the air, while in reality it may
hold a pistol or even a stick of dynamite. This Gift obscures one possession for the Garou, making it completely
undetectable to others. A raccoon-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player grasps the item and spends one Willpower point to make the object undetectable.
The object must be hand-held and should not be larger than the Garou’s arm. For one scene, the item remains
undetectable to all senses (including peeking from the Umbra) except touch, even if the Garou drops it.
Unfortunately, even the Gift user can’t see the item, so dropping it is bad.
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West Companion, p.71)
• Fly Feet (Level Three) — Like an insect, the Garou can now cling to vertical surfaces. She can walk
along walls or hang from a ceiling. The adhesive grip of the Garou can even assist her when catching falling
objects or seizing handholds when she is falling! A fly-spirit, naturally, teaches this Gift.
System: The Garou can automatically activate this Gift with a Dexterity + Athletics roll. The difficulty
depends on the surface. For instance, wood or stone is difficulty 5; glass or ice is difficulty 9. Moving along the
ceiling increases the difficulty by 1. The Storyteller should halve all movement rates unless the player rolls five
or more successes.
(Source: Werewolf Players Guide, 2nd Ed., p.36)
• Gremlins (Level Three) — The Ragabash can cause a technological device to malfunction merely by
touching it. This Gift actually causes the spirit energy within the device to work counter to its function. If the
Garou can frighten the spirit sufficiently, it will flee the device, causing it to malfunction permanently. A Gremlin
teaches this Gift.
System: The player rolls Manipulation + Intimidation; the difficulty is determined by the complexity of
the item. The more successes the Garou obtains, the more the device is damaged. Three successes disables the
device permanently (the spirit has fled). Good roleplaying might certainly warrant one to three additional dice, at
the Storyteller’s discretion.
Device Difficulty
Computer 4
Phone 6
Car 7
Gun 8
Knife 9
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.162)
• Liar’s Craft (Level Three) — The Ragabash can tell the most outrageous of lies and have them
accepted as truth — for a while, at least. This Gift is taught by a fox-spirit.
System: The character first tells his lie, then the player rolls Wits + Subterfuge (difficulty of the target’s
Wits + Subterfuge, or the highest rating in a group of listeners). One success convinces a single individual, while
three successes are needed to dupe a crowd. Since the roll is made after the lie is told, this Gift always carries
some element of risk.
(Note: This Gift is known as Bald-Faced Lie in Werewolf: the Wild West, p. 143 and as Reynard’s Lie in
Werewolf: the Dark Ages, p.102 & Dark Ages: Werewolf, p.118)
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.162)
• Impunity (Level Three) — One of the Ragabash's jobs is to voice uncomfortable truths.
Unfortunately, not all tolerate that role, and those who most need to hear the truth are often least willing to listen.
No Moons must be quick on their feet to avoid a furious elder who's been called on the carpet by a subordinate.
With this Gift, the Garou may tell a respected leader he screwed up without becoming the dead messenger. The
Gift is taught by a cat-spirit.
System: By succeeding in a Charisma + Subterfuge roll (difficulty 6), the Ragabash can avoid the worst
repercussions of his statements. The target(s) must make a Willpower roll (difficulty 6 plus the No Moon's
successes) to punish or attack the speaker for the rest of the scene. Each attempted use of this Gift in the span of
a lunar month adds an additional +1 to the No Moon's difficulty. Note that whatever the Ragabash says must be
clearly and completely true from the user's point of view - no prevarication or double entendres are possible. For
example, "Your nephew broke the Litany" would work if said Garou ate a policeman, but not if he failed to
respect a Black Spiral's territory. (Though a simple opinion, such as "You're being an idiot," is acceptable if
heartfelt). The Storyteller is the final arbiter. If the Ragabash attempts to misuse this impressive Gift, not only
will he not realize it didn't work until after he speaks, but Cat will make her displeasure evident.
(Source: Book of Auspices, p.33)
• Monkey Tail (Level Three) — As the lupus Gift.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.162→p.159)
• Open Moon Bridge (Level Three) — The werewolf has the ability to open a moon bridge, with or
without the permission of the totem of that caern. A Lune teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point. See the Rite of the Opened Bridge (p. 207) for more
information on opening moon bridges. The maximum distance that can thereby be covered is 1,000 miles (1600
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.162)
• Pathfinder (Level Three) — The werewolf can strike implausible trails through pristine wilderness
and the urban jungle alike, locating the fastest and shortest routes from one place to another. A crow-spirit
teaches this Gift.
System: The player rolls Perception + Survival (for wilderness) or Streetwise (for urban environments)
against difficulty 7. The number of successes equals the quality of the path she blazes and how much she
decreases her travel time. Every success reduces travel time by approximately 10 percent, up to a maximum of
half the original travel time. The difficulty of any rolls to track the werewolf increase by two when this Gift is
active; this decrease is cumulative with other similar effects, such as Scent of Running Water.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.162)
• Riddle (Level Three) — Taking their cue from numerous trickster legends, some Ragabash love to
confuse their targets with unusual quizzes and mysterious puzzles. Those with this Gift add a little spiritual
punch into the mix, slowly driving their targets mad with riddles. A spirit servant of Sphinx teaches this Gift.
System: The player must first create (or find) a riddle to be told. It must have a solid answer that can be
understood by most people. After telling it to the victim, the player spends one Gnosis. From then on, the victim
will be driven to distraction by the riddle and until he can solve it, he suffers a +1 difficulty to all rolls. In
addition, every morning the victim loses one Willpower. Should this drain him entirely of Willpower, he will go a
little crazy, most commonly by barricading himself in his room for a day and refusing to come out. At the end of
the day, however, the riddle will no longer concern him.
(Source: Player’s Guide to Garou, p.186)
• The Usual Suspects (Level Three) — The wary Ragabash often wants to keep tabs on others,
whether to know the location of a wandering cub or trail a suspicious government agent. The Usual Suspects
allows the user to know the general whereabouts of several subjects at any time. Owl-spirits or urban spirits of
Wisdom teach this Gift.
System: The Ragabash can keep tabs on a number of individuals equal to her Gnosis rating. To choose
a target, the New Moon must either have an unobstructed view or have a strong scent trail of the target and make
a Gnosis roll (difficulty 7). Thereafter, by spending a Gnosis point and concentrating for three turns (the player
rolls Perception + Enigmas, difficulty 8 for physical beings or Gnosis rating for spirits) the Ragabash can sense
the general location of the target. Successes increase accuracy; one success would give "Southwest, a mile or two
away," while five would allow "South-southwest, 1.3 miles, on the porch of his house." If the Garou already has
a maximum number of targets saved, she must "lose" one before acquiring another.
(Source: Book of Auspices, p.33-34)
• Fog of War (Level Four) — No matter how disciplined the army and ordered the plan, a battlefield is
chaos. Smoke, noise, hidden enemies and fear can all lead to disorganization. Even in the modern age, mistaken
identity leads to "friendly fire" casualties. This Gift exacerbates this problem to often devastating effect. A
commander might not see advancing foes, or see foes that aren't there; a team may fire upon allies, or mistake a
command to "advance" for a call to "retreat." This Gift is taught by a raven- or other trickster-spirit.
System: The Garou sings, howls or plays an eerie song (bagpipes are popular), spends a Gnosis point
and rolls Manipulation + Performance (difficulty 8). If successful, foes in hearing range must make a standard
Perception roll every turn to be fully aware of what's happening around them. They lose one success on this roll
for every success rolled by the player; if the end result is negative successes, it counts as a botch. Zero successes
on perception indicates confusion, while on a botch the character critically misinterprets what she sees. The Gift
lasts as long as the song or howl continues, but the singer must concentrate on the song (and thus cannot engage
in combat or other strenuous activity).
(Source: Tribebook: Fianna Revised, p.71)
• Luna's Blessing (Level Four) — When Luna stands visible in the night sky, silver ceases to act as a
bane to the Garou. Indeed, when the moon waxes full, silver may well turn on those who would wield it against
Gaia’s children. A Lune teaches this Gift.
System: When the moon shows in the sky in a visible phase, the character suffers lethal or bashing
damage from silver, rather than aggravated (damage type depends on the form of attack — a silver-headed cane
would do bashing damage, while silver bullets inflict lethal damage). Additionally, all attacks against the
werewolf with silver weapons at this time are considered to roll a 1 in addition to all dice actually rolled — or a
pair of 1s during the full moon. The Garou retains his normal vulnerability to silver during the day, on nights of
the new moon, and when the moon is below the horizon.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.162)
• Madness Season (Level Four) — A fine line often exists between madcap humor and the precipice of
insanity. The New Moon's understanding of this boundary enables her to send enemies teetering off the brink into
lunacy. While this Gift does no lasting harm to the victim, it can make him an object of ridicule and scorn... and
grant a measure of respect to the Ragabash who uses it. Any spirit of Luna can teach this Gift.
System: The player expends one Gnosis point and makes a resisted Manipulation + Subterfuge roll
against the target's Willpower. One success causes the victim to become gibbering and helpless in a fit of
madness for a number of turns equal to the Ragabash's Gnosis rating; three successes causes the madness to last
the remainder of the scene. With Storyteller's discretion, four or more successes may render the victim incoherent
for a longer period of time.
(Source: Book of Auspices, p.34)
• Umbral Dodge (Level Four) — The Ragabash finds that the best way to deal with an enemy is to
send him far away — perhaps to a place where he’ll learn the folly of his ways. She may tear open a hole in the
Gauntlet while dodging an enemy’s attack, sending them to the land of spirits. A trapdoor spider-spirit teaches
this Gift.
System: When attempting to dodge a close-range attack, the player spends one Gnosis point and
increases the difficulty of the dodge by one, or to the rating of the local Gauntlet, whichever is higher. If the
dodge succeeds in avoiding the attack completely, the attacker is dropped into the Penumbra (or into the physical
world if this Gift is used in the Penumbra).
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.162)
• Whelp Body (Level Four) — The Garou delivers a devastating curse upon a foe’s body, causing it to
weaken or palsy. Many consider the use of this Gift upon a foe to constitute a declaration of eternal enmity. Pain-
and disease-spirits teach this Gift.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Gnosis, resisted by the target’s own roll of higher
of Gnosis or Stamina. The Garou’s difficulty is the opponent’s Willpower, while the victim’s difficulty is the
Ragabash’s Gnosis. Each success scored by the Ragabash allows her to remove one point from any of the
victim’s Physical Attributes. The effect is permanent, although the victim may restore these Attributes via
experience. This Gift may be used only once ever against a given opponent.
(Note: This Gift is known as Leper’s Curse in Dark Ages: Werewolf, p.118)
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.162)
• Blank (Level Five) — "Consider it a bio-electrical blackout." That's how Pat O'Reidy described this
Gift, and it remains the best description there is for it. For a short period, everyone in the room simply goes
blank. They still stand upright (unless they were laying down to begin with, but eyes close, senses go dead, and
nobody moves. Meanwhile, the Ragabash can move about without being seen, or can take actions they otherwise
couldn't. Any actual attempt to harm someone will break the communal trance, so slitting their throat while they
remain unconscious won't work. But you could certainly pick someone up, put him in the trunk of a car, and take
him elsewhere. A spirit of electricity or an electric eel spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends three Rage and rolls Gnosis (difficulty 8). Each success "blanks" every person in a
room for one turn. Supernatural creatures (including vampires, mages and imbued hunters) can make a resisted
Willpower roll (again, difficulty 8) against the Ragabash's Gnosis roll. Every extra success the Ragabash gains
over his target blanks the victim for one turn.
(Source: Player’s Guide to Garou, p.186)
• Ghost Town (Level Five) — The Ragabash can take advantage of the
lonely spaces between towns. This Gift lets him cause an entire settlement, landmark
or the like appear to be abandoned or even seem to disappear altogether. This Gift is
taught by a Mirage-spirit.
System: The player spends two Willpower points and makes a Wits +
Subterfuge roll (difficulty 8) to enact the character’s vision over the specified locale.
The number of successes required depends on the size and activity of the town or
place affected; it would take a single success to mask a hermit’s shack or empty
mine, and five successes to cloak a bustling town of moderate size. If the roll
botches, the character is the only one affected by the altered perception. The locale’s
inhabitants are unaware of any change, but travelers, newcomers or even residents
who have been away for a while perceive or remember the place as abandoned. Even
evidence such as maps might not amend their memories. To penetrate the ruse takes
active investigation, in the form of a Perception + Investigation roll (difficulty of the
Ragabash’s Wits + Subterfuge).
A ghost town’s inhabitants and visitors cannot perceive one another. If either
party moves a physical object, the other party can see the change, even if they have
no explanation for it. The Gift’s effects last for one story.
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West, p.144 & W20 Wyld West, p.31)
• Steal Spirit (Level Five) — The Ragabash can steal one opponent’s strength of spirit or her Rage.
With her ill-gotten gains, she can pummel her drained opponent.
System: The player rolls her Wits + Larceny (difficulty equals the targets Willpower). The number of
successes indicates the number of temporary Rage or Willpower points (not both) that the victim loses. The
player receives that number of points to the appropriate statistic up to her permanent maximum. If she receives
Rage in excess of her permanent rating, she must make an immediate frenzy roll.
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West Companion, p.71)
• Thieving Talons of the Magpie (Level Five) — The Ragabash can steal the powers of others and use
them herself. These powers can be Gifts (either Garou or those of other Fera), spirit Charms, vampiric
Disciplines, Sphere magic or any other such power (the Edges of the Imbued may be exempt, at the Storyteller’s
discretion). Naturally, a magpie-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player must gain three successes on a Wits + Larceny roll (difficulty of the target’s
Willpower). If successful, the Ragabash steals the targeted power, depriving its owner of its use. Powers are
stolen piecemeal, so a Ragabash who steals a vampire’s power to merge with the earth (Protean •••) doesn’t also
gain its ability to see in the dark or grow claws (Protean • and ••). The Garou may keep the power for as many
turns as she wishes, so long as she pays a point of Gnosis each turn. The werewolf’s Gnosis is substituted for any
Traits exclusive to the victim that might be necessary to work the power, such as a vampire’s blood pool or a
mage’s Arete. The Ragabash must know something about her target’s powers, either through observation or
rumor, and she must target a power in the terms by which she would understand it (“I wish to steal the wizard’s
ability to command fire!”). This Gift grants no insight into stolen powers, so botches tend to be dramatic and
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.163)
• Thousand Forms (Level Five) — The werewolf with this Gift may change herself into any animal
between the sizes of a small bird and a bison. The Garou gains all the special capabilities (flight, gills, poison,
sensory abilities, etc.) of the animal she mimics. She may not take the form of Wyrm-beasts (not that she would
wish to!), but with some extra effort she may take the form of mystical beasts (such as a griffon or unicorn),
provided the beast remains within the usual size limitations of the Gift. Wyld-spirits teach this Gift.
System: The player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls Intelligence + Animal Ken (difficulty 6). One
success allows the character to assume the shape of any normal animal. For the duration of the scene, he may
make additional transformation rolls without spending additional Gnosis, provided he only takes the shape of
normal animals. To allow the character to take on a mythical form, the player must spend an additional point of
Gnosis and succeed against a difficulty of 9.
(Note: This Gift is known as Chimerical Form in Dark Ages: Werewolf, p.119)
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.163)
• Turn the Moon (Level Five) — This Gift essentially makes a werewolf "walk a mile in someone
else's shoes." For a short period of time, the New Moon can change the auspice of another werewolf to whatever
she deems appropriate. Any spirit of Luna can teach this Gift.
System: The Ragabash spends a Willpower point, and the player rolls Manipulation + Primal Urge. For
each success, the target must spend a day in his new auspice. The Ragabash can end the effects of the Gift earlier,
if she so chooses. The target loses access to specific auspice Gifts, gains or loses enough temporary Rage points
to bring him to the base minimum for the appropriate auspice, and suddenly finds his thinking influenced by the
duties of the new auspice. For example, if the Ragabash changes an Ahroun into a Philodox, he'll start trying to
lead by example, feel an urge to settle disputes and try to bring things around him into balance (an opportunity
for some fun and creative roleplaying). The New Moons of rank use this Gift to teach a lesson to those taking the
duties of their auspice too much to heart, and it can be quite effective at showing them a different perspective.
(Source: Book of Auspices, p.34)
• Violation (Level Five) — Those few Garou privy to the secret of Violation know well the hate and
revulsion of others. This power requires the Garou to make physical contact with the target, but once that has
happened, the victim is quickly overwhelmed with feelings of defilement. To learn this Gift, the Garou must
confront a malevolent spirit such as a pain- or hate-spirit (though not a Bane) in spirit combat; if he wins, he may
wrest the knowledge of this Gift from it.
System: The Garou rolls Manipulation + Primal-Urge (difficulty of the target’s Willpower). For the
next turn, and for a number of turns equal to the number of successes, the victim cannot spend Rage or
Willpower. Additionally, the difficulties of all Willpower rolls are increased by two, while the difficulties of Rage
rolls are decreased by two (the victim may not be able to direct his anger, but he definitely feels it).
(Source: Werewolf: the Apocalypse 2nd Edition, p.119)
• Weakest Link (Level Five) — With this Gift, a New Moon can delve into the hearts and minds of a
given pack. He can sense the fears and concerns of either friends or enemies to best help or harm them. Armed
with this knowledge, the Ragabash can guide his own pack in attacking foes or use his own peculiar brand of
wisdom to facilitate peace and healing. Any Weaver spirit can teach this Gift.
System: After spending a Willpower point, the player rolls Perception + Enigmas. With each success
above one, he can find out crucial information on two packmembers per success. For example, with two
successes, he can target two packmembers; with three, he can learn about four packmembers. The Storyteller
should word things in a descriptive way; she needn’t give specific rank or auspice, for example, but might point
out who’s leading and who’s following. Moreover, this Gift can clue in a Ragabash on specific fears or phobias
he can best use to his advantage. At the Storyteller’s discretion, he might also discern the ranking of pack
members, who has the most Rage and Gnosis, and possibly certain Merits or Flaws. Storytellers should be
generous, as this is a rare and powerful Gift.
(Source: Book of Auspices, p.34)
• Firebringer (Level Six) — The Ragabash performs the ultimate trick, stealing a supernatural power
and turning it into a Gift, which may in turn be bestowed upon others as though the New Moon were a spirit
teacher. Alas, the Ragabash must first survive having the power used upon him. Coyote or another trickster
Incarna teaches this Gift.
System: After having a power used on him, the Ragabash may spend one point of permanent Gnosis to
internalize it into a Gift. The Ragabash cannot use this Gift himself, and in fact forfeits all defenses against that
power if ever used on him in the future; it exists instead as a treasure to bequeath upon the Garou Nation. Any
power may become a Gift in this fashion — even the vile magic of the Wyrm may be stolen and turned to the
defense of Gaia. The Storyteller determines the new Gift’s appropriate level and what sort of spirit Garou should
be able to learn it from. In the case of mages, this power steals particular rotes rather than entire Spheres.
(Source: Book of Auspices, p.34 & Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.163-4)

Luna’s Gifts to the children of the Crescent Moon grant insight into the Umbra and its denizens, as well
as power over spirits and the minds of others.

• Airt Perception (Level One) — Using this Gift, a Theurge can roughly identify a spirit by its airt -
the trail left in the wake of a spirit’s passing. This works essentially like tracking in the corporeal world, and is no
more informative - a hunter can tell deer tracks from bison tracks, but can’t learn anything meaningful about an
unknown creature. Also, powerful and subtle spirits are often able to disguise their airts. Any ancestor-spirit
renowned as a great hunter can teach this Gift.
System: Treat this exactly as a Garou identifying and tracking animals (by scent or by looking for
tracks, at the Theurge’s discretion), but apply it to spirits instead. Note that Garou may not be able to go
everywhere spirits do to follow the trail - remember, spirits can fly.
(Source: Book of Auspices, p.56)
• Mother's Touch (Level One) — The Theurge channels spiritual power through her hands, mending
the wounds of any other living creature. This Gift may not heal the werewolf herself, spirits, or the undead. A
bear- or unicorn-spirit teaches it.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Intelligence + Empathy (difficulty is the target’s
current Rage, or 5 for those with no Rage). Each success heals one level of lethal, bashing, or aggravated
damage. The healer may even heal fresh Battle Scars (see p. 259) in this manner, if the Gift is applied during the
same scene in which the scar is received and an extra Gnosis point is spent.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.164)
• Sense Chiminage (Level One) — Theurges have ways of knowing all manner of secret things other
Garou would wish stayed hidden; with this Gift, they can learn where the balance of chiminage lies with any
spiritually aware being with a glance. The Gift reveals if the target has paid all proper obligations to the spirits, if
he has ignored a debt or engaged in blasphemy against his totem or other spiritual patrons. An owl-spirit teaches
this Gift.
System: A Perception + Subterfuge roll (difficulty 7) reveals the target’s state of debt in the spirit
worlds; with three or more successes, the Theurge may learn the name of the one spirit the target most recently
egregiously wronged, if such a being exists.
(Source: Book of Auspices, p.56-57)
• Sense Weaver (Level One) — The Garou may sense Weaver energies or spirits in the nearby area.
This Gift is taught by any Gaian spirit.
System: The Garou rolls Perception + Science against a difficulty determined by the Storyteller, based
on the strength of the presence.
(Source: Umbra Revised, p.133)
• Sense Wyld (Level One) — As the Lupus Gift.
(Source: Umbra Revised, p.133)
• Sense Wyrm (Level One) — As the Metis Gift.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.164→p.156)
• Spirit Snare (Level One) — The Theurge casts out an invisible, mystic net which entangles hostile
spirits, confounding them with a mixture of magical force and long-broken but still potent Gaian law. An owl-
spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Intelligence + Occult (difficulty 8) as an attack
directed at a spirit within 30 feet, which can be defended against normally. Rather than inflicting damage, this
attack reduces the spirit’s effective Willpower by two for the purpose of all combat actions for the rest of the
scene. Multiple applications of this Gift don’t stack.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.156)
• Spirit Speech (Level One) — This Gift bestows understanding of the language of the spirit world,
permitting the Garou to clearly understand and speak with any spirit he encounters. The Gift doesn’t influence
spirits’ attitudes toward the werewolf in any way, nor ensure that they have any desire to communicate with him.
Any spirit can teach it.
System: Once learned, this Gift allows the Garou to understand the communication of spirits
intuitively. Particularly alien spirits may be difficult — or, in the case of many Banes, outright painful — to
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.164)
• Umbral Tether (Level One) — The Umbra is a shifting world where logic doesn’t always apply and
losing one’s way is easy. Theurges ensure they can always find their way back to the point where they entered the
Umbra with this Gift, which creates a silvery “umbilical cord” connecting the Garou to the point where they last
crossed the Gauntlet. Only the werewolf who creates the tether can see it. This Gift is taught by a spider-spirit.
System: No roll is needed to create the thread. However, after each full day the character spends in the
Umbra, a point of Gnosis must be spent to maintain the cord; otherwise, it slowly corrodes from the point of
entry and toward the Garou.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.164)
• Battle Mandala (Level Two) — A mystical sigil burns itself into the ground around the Theurge,
visible only to those with Gnosis ratings. This circle drains the Essence from spirits caught within its web. A
spider- or antlion-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one Gnosis and rolls Intelligence + Occult (difficulty 7). The battle mandala
encompasses a radius of (50 x number of successes) feet (or 15 meters per success) around the Garou; spirits
(other than the Garou’s pack totem) within the mandala lose one Essence per turn. The mandala dissipates at the
end of the scene or when the werewolf steps outside of its bounds, whichever comes first.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.163)
• Command Spirit (Level Two) — The Theurge can give commands to spirits she meets and expect
obedience. The Gift doesn’t grant the ability to summon spirits — only to compel them to obey. As always when
dealing with spirits, clear wording is essential, as some clever spirits may attempt to twist the spirit of issued
commands while obeying them to the letter. Any Incarna avatar can teach this Gift.
System: The player spends a Willpower point and rolls Charisma + Leadership (difficulty is the spirit’s
Gnosis). The character can issue successive commands once the spirit is under her control; each additional
command requires that the player expend an additional Willpower point. The spirit cannot be ordered to leave a
place or object (or, in the case of fomori, person…) to which it is bound. Doing so requires the Level Three
Theurge Gift: Exorcism.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.164)
• Name the Spirit (Level Two) — As the Level Two Lupus Gift.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.164→p.159)
• Sight from Beyond (Level Two) — This is a Gift of prophecy. The werewolf becomes an oracle,
prone to dreams and visions which hint at future opportunities, challenges and threats to come. These visions are
always veiled in symbolism — an impending war against the local vampires might be presaged by visions of
skyscrapers weeping blood from their upper stories, while a death in the sept might be heralded by dreams of a
chorus of mournful howls rising to a ghost-pale moon. Owl-spirits teach this Gift.
System: Visions are entirely under the Storyteller’s control and are best handled through roleplaying,
though a truly stumped player might ask for a Wits + Occult (difficulty 7) roll to help interpret a particularly
puzzling vision.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.164)
• Spirit Knife (Level Two) — Using this Gift, a Theurge can imbue a knife - or any other weapon she
hand-crafted herself - with the power to strike across the Gauntlet, affecting enemies on the other side. This Gift
conveys no ability to see across the Gauntlet beyond what the Garou normally possesses, however. A wasp-spirit
teaches this Gift.
System: The Garou spends one Gnosis point, and any single weapon she crafted entirely herself is able
to strike creatures on either side of the Gauntlet in any area where the Gauntlet is equal to or lower than her
Gnosis. This effect lasts for the duration of the scene.
(Source: Book of Auspices, p.57)
• Spirit Skin (Level Two) — Generally, spirits are fairly friendly to Garou, at least ones that aren't
automatically hostile to anything. That doesn't mean, however, that they treat a Garou exactly the same as they
treat other spirits, and that's where this Gift comes in handy. By activating it within the Umbra, the Theurge
disguises herself as a spirit (usually a wolf spirit) to all concerned. She still physically looks exactly like her
Lupus form, she simply gives the impression of a spirit rather than Garou. Some Theurge have also used the Gift
to throw off pursuit by hiding in a pack of wolf spirits. A chameleon-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one Gnosis and rolls Appearance + Subterfuge (difficulty 6 if imitating a
wolf spirit, difficulty 8 for anything else). Each success keeps the disguise in place for one hour. While
sometimes imitating a spirit other than a wolf is useful, it should be noted that the character will still somehow be
recognizable as themselves to those looking for them. Even though they will clearly not look like their Lupus
form, something about them will still give the game away. This Gift is obviously of little use outside the Umbra.
(Source: Players Guide to Garou, p.186-7)
• The Spirit’s Displeasure (Level Two) — Theurges use this Gift as a form of mystical warning
against those who have offended the spirits. It causes the victim to suffer ill luck, and to witness an omen from
his own culture indicating foreboding or cosmological displeasure. Note that many modern people may not
recognize an omen as an omen, but they will still find it unsettling by its very nature. A Stormcrow teaches this
System: The Theurge spends a point of Gnosis, burns an effigy of the victim and rolls her Manipulation
+ Occult (difficulty 7); the intended target does not need to be present. Sometime in the same story the Gift is
used, the target will botch an important (but not life-threatening) roll automatically, or suffer botch-like effects at
one time in his everyday life.
(Source: Book of Auspices, p.57)
• Tinker’s Touch (Level Two) — The Theurge can mend a broken object with a touch, as long as the
item contains metal. This Gift is especially useful for emergency wagon repairs or fixing guns during a siege. A
metal-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point to activate the Gift. She must place together and
continuously touch any separated portions of the item to be mended for one turn. During which time, slipped
nails slither solidly back into place, bent rifle barrels straighten, shattered blades reform, and so forth. Items
blasted to bits (such as an exploded artillery shell) are beyond the scope of Tinker’s Touch.
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West Companion, p.72)
• Whispers from Thoth (Level Two) — This Gift allows the user to hear across the Shroud.
Conversations (if any) happening in the Shadowlands become audible to the Garou. This is a very versatile and
discrete Gift, as there is no visible effect: The wraiths do not know they are being eavesdropped upon. This Gift
is taught by owl-spirits.
System: The player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls Perception + Enigmas (difficulty of the Shroud
rating + 3, to a maximum of 10). If the roll succeeds, the Theurge may hear conversations within earshot across
the Shroud for the remainder of the scene.
(Source: Ghost Towns, p. 101)
• Castigate (Level Three) — The Theurge calls upon the spirits to revoke their favor from another
Garou; she must verbally state the target’s offenses against the spirit worlds, and the target must be present; if
successful, the target loses both Renown and spiritual Gifts. A hyena-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls (Charisma + Intimidation) against a difficulty
equal to the target’s (Gnosis + 3). Each success causes the target to lose one point of temporary Renown for
good. In addition, the target loses access to one Gift of the Theurge player’s choice for the remainder of the story,
of a maximum level equal to the successes rolled.
(Source: Book of Auspices, p.57)
• Evocation of Ceremony (Level Three) — Rituals are not used only to evoke supernatural effects;
they also have an inherent value to Theurges in and of themselves. Using this Gift, the Garou evokes a sense of
awe, reverence and holy mystery through ritualistic behavior - anything from a Garou rite to a Catholic
sacrament. Along with any normal mystical effect, the ceremony produces a sense of reaffirmation and
cosmological belonging in everybody who participates. While Theurges usually use this effect to strengthen
sincere spiritual devotions or build community among Garou, it’s just as easily abused to keep participants in a
rite in ignorant, dogmatic fear of the supernatural world - the Theurge’s intent, not the nature of the Gift,
determines which is the case. An enigmatic spirit teaches this Gift.
System: Any being can attempt to inspire, unify or cow an audience through ritualism with a Charisma
+ Rituals, Occult, Performance or Subterfuge roll as appropriate to the exact situation. Possession of this Gift
increases the Charisma of the Theurge by four dots, only for the purposes of such attempts (to a maximum of
(Source: Book of Auspices, p.57)
• Exorcism (Level Three) —This is the Gift of ejecting spirits from places, objects, or even people,
whether they are bound or in voluntary possession. Any Incarna avatar can teach this Gift.
System: The werewolf must concentrate for three uninterrupted turns. If the spirit does not wish to
leave, the player must roll Manipulation + Intimidation (difficulty of the spirit’s Willpower). If the spirit was
bound to its lodging, the exorcist must gain more successes than the binder did when tying the spirit to its
location. This Gift can be used to “cure” fomori, although doing so inflicts ten levels of aggravated damage at a
rate of one level per turn as the Bane tears free of its fleshly home. This ensures the host’s swift demise unless a
powerful healer manages to preserve his life during the exorcism.
(Note: This Gift is known as Expel Spirit in Dark Ages: Werewolf, p.120)
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.165)
• Parting the Velvet Curtain (Level Three) — The Garou with this Gift may open the Gauntlet,
physically transporting creatures other than shapeshifters into the Umbra. This Gift is taught by a turtle-spirit.
System: The Garou must touch the creature to be affected; the player spends a Gnosis point and rolls
Gnosis against a difficulty equal to the local Gauntlet plus one per creature affected. Kinfolk or other
shapeshifters do not add to the difficulty as do other creatures. If the roll is successful, the Gift user automatically
steps sideways along with his passengers.
A maximum of eight other creatures may be transported in this fashion. While in the Umbra, the
affected creatures are bound to the Garou with silk threads. They will always remain by the Garou's side and
must leave the Umbra when the Garou does. However, the Garou may sever a thread and send a creature back to
its starting point by spending a Willpower point.
If the affected creature wants to resist either the initial transition or the return to the physical world, she
may make a resisted Willpower roll against the Gift-wielder (difficulty 6 for both rolls).
(Source: Umbra Revised, p.133-4)
• Prophetic Vision (Level Three) — This Gift enables the Garou to receive a vision of the future based
on the study of the night sky. The vision usually reveals itself in astrological terms ("Lu-Bat's influence suggests
an attitude of acceptance towards the events of the next several days" or "The intervention of Shantar indicates
that changes may occur rapidly in the near future"). This Gift is taught by a star-spirit.
System: The Garou spends one Gnosis point and rolls Wits + Enigmas (difficulty 7). The number of
successes indicates how precise a vision appears to the character. A single success provides vague information,
while three of more successes allows the revelation of specific details. Storytellers should couch their visions in
symbols appropriate to the Incarna and matter at hand; the seer should have to interpret the vision rather than be
(Source: Rage Across the Heavens, p.111)
• Pulse of the Invisible (Level Three) — Spirits fill the world, and none know this fact better than the
Theurge. This Gift grants constant awareness of the spirit world. Even in the physical world, the Theurge can
interact with spirits in the Penumbra at will. While most spirit activity isn’t worth watching, the Theurge will be
automatically aware of any dramatic changes or upheavals nearby. Any spirit can teach this Gift.
System: If the Garou’s permanent Gnosis equals or exceeds the local Gauntlet, he can see into the
Umbra automatically. Otherwise, the player must roll Gnosis to look through the Gauntlet (difficulty of the
Gauntlet rating). Such awareness lasts for the rest of the scene or until the character enters an area with a stronger
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.165)
• Spirit Path (Level Three) — The Umbra can often confuse the senses of even the most perceptive
tracker. The Theurge who possesses this Gift can track a particular spirit anywhere in the spirit world. As long as
the Garou knows the spirit's name, she can find that spirit no matter which Umbral realm it takes refuge in. A
cockroach-spirit can teach this Gift.
System: As long as the Garou knows the true name of the spirit, she can use this Gift. She must spend a
Gnosis point to be able to find the spirit. A successful Perception + Enigmas roll (difficulty 8) reveals the
location of the errant Umbral denizen. Some Realms and certain Charms can make this Gift more difficult to use.
The Gift: Name the Spirit can be used in conjunction with Spirit Path.
(Source: Werewolf Players Guide, 2nd Ed., p.36)
• Umbral Camouflage (Level Three) — Although perfectly visible to all others, this Gift renders the
werewolf undetectable to spirits. A wind-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point, and for the remainder of the scene, she is completely
invisible to spiritual senses. She may move about as normal but cannot make any attack actions without
disrupting the Gift.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.165; Werewolf: the Wild West Companion, p.72)
• Umbral Sight (Level Three) — Although all Garou can Peek from the Penumbra into the Realm, the
Theurge is capable of shifting his sight into the Penumbra from the physical world. This Gift is taught by an owl-
System: The player spends a Gnosis point and rolls Perception + Alertness (difficulty of the area's
Gauntlet). In all other ways, this Gift works exactly like Peeking. The ability lasts for the rest of the scene or
until the character moves to an area with a higher Gauntlet. Note that while focused on the Umbra, the character
cannot see in the physical realm.
(Source: Werewolf Players Guide, 2nd Ed., p.36)
• Umbral Tracking (Level Three) — Usually only the Garou who creates an Umbral tether can see it.
If a Theurge has this Gift, that is no longer true. This Gift is taught by a fly spirit.
System: By spending one point of Gnosis, the Garou can see all active Umbral tethers around her. She
does not know to whom the tethers belong, but can tell in what direction it extends to the Garou. If the Garou
attempts to break the tether, the tether's creator knows immediately and may make a resisted Strength + Occult
roll at difficulty 6 against the Garou. If the attacker gains more successes, the tether is destroyed.
(Source: Players Guide to Garou, p.187)
• Web Walker (Level Three) — The Garou may travel on the Pattern Web through the Umbra without
physical difficulty, and without attracting the unfriendly attention of Weaver-spirits in the area. Any Weaver-spirit
can teach this Gift.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Charisma + Science (difficulty 7). Success
enables the Garou (and her pack, so long as they stick close to her) to travel through the Umbra across the Pattern
Web as though she were on a moon bridge. Whether the Web’s strands go where the Garou wants to travel is
another matter entirely.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.165; Umbra Revised, p.134 & Book of the City, p.113)
• Blurring the Mirror (Level Four) — This Gift allows the Theurge to cloud the minds of other
beings, making it impossible for them to find the Umbra or step sideways into it. Once used as a form of
punishment for arrogant pups, this Gift is more often deployed as a weapon against Black Spiral Dancers in the
days of the coming Apocalypse. A Weaver-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point for every individual she wishes to affect. The Gauntlet
increases by five for those targets for the rest of the scene. Up to five individuals can be affected at once. While
normally used against other Garou, this Gift is effective against any being capable of entering the Umbra
sideways, including other Fera and some mages.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.165)
• Grasp the Beyond (Level Four) — The werewolf may carry things in and out of the Umbra without
having to dedicate them to herself (see the Rite of Talisman Dedication, Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
p.211). This Gift affects objects, people and animals, both willing and unwilling. An opossum- or kangaroo-spirit
teaches this Gift.
System: The character must grasp the object or person he wishes to take to (or from) the spirit world,
and spend a number of Willpower points: one for small items (a knife or cell phone), two for larger items (a
backpack or shotgun), and three for man-sized items (including people). The player makes the usual Gnosis roll
to pierce the Gauntlet and step sideways; if successful, both he and the desired object or person pass into the
Umbra. An unwilling subject may resist with a Willpower roll; each success subtracts one from the Garou’s
If left in the Umbra too long, living beings turn into spirits entirely.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.165)
• Obscure the Spirit World (Level Four) — This Gift allows the elder to confuse the minds of young
Garou, making it impossible for them to step sideways. The victims of this Gift are blind to the spirit world and
all of its denizens. Quite often used as a punishment, the Gift has obvious tactical advantages when fighting other
Garou. A coyote-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point for every Garou she wishes to affect. The Gauntlet
increases by five for those targets. The effect lasts for one story. The Gift can affect up to five Garou at any one
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West Companion, p.72)
• Placation (Level Four) — Shamans from many diverse cultures are said to know secrets for placating
angry ghosts and ancestors - this Gift is one of them. A Theurge with this Gift always knows exactly what kind of
sacrifice is necessary to make atonement for an offense against the spirit world, and is skilled in the secret
methods of offering it. A spirit from the realm of Erebus teaches this Gift.
System: With a Perception + Occult roll (difficulty 7), the Theurge learns what she must offer to placate
an offended spirit. Usually, as long as both offender and Theurge are sincere, a few points of Gnosis spent is
sufficient to restore harmony; if the offender is dead or absent, or the offense is truly great, the spirit courts may
require the Theurge take on a geas as chiminage, offer a fetish or undertake a quest. In legendary cases, Theurges
have even been known to surrender their lives to restore the Garou Nation’s ties to a wronged Incarna to totem
(Source: Book of Auspices, p.57-58)
• Prophecy (Level Four) — This Gift offers the Theurge true insight into the future. Such visions are
sporadic and sometimes enigmatic, but unless a specific effort is made to change what is ahead, they are always
accurate. An owl-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: This Gift is as much a story element as a power; the player should check with his Storyteller
before buying it for a character. Regardless of whether it is possessed by a player character or not, visions come
only at the Storyteller’s whim and contain whatever information he desires. The Storyteller should obviously
avoid depicting player characters’ futures in such visions, to avoid turning them into a set piece.
(Source: Book of Auspices, p.58)
• Shadowplay (Level Four) — The Theurge breathes life into her shadow, which can then perform
tasks for her. The shadow moves about independently with the same abilities as its creator. The Theurge's
emissary can cause lifesaving distractions, pick up remote objects and even fight battles.
System: To activate the shadow, the player must roll Dexterity + Enigmas (difficulty 8) and spend one
Gnosis point. The Theurge must act out the doings of her shadow by making "shadow puppets" with her hands.
No light need be present for the shadow to be active. In all respects besides appearance, the shadow maintains the
same Traits and Abilities as the Garou. The werewolf cannot create multiple shadows. The shadow can operate
out of sight of the Garou; its range is ten yards per success.
(Source: Werewolf Players Guide, 2nd Ed., p.36)
• Spirit Drain (Level Four) — The Garou may drain power from a spirit to feed her own resolve. A
rat-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player makes a resisted Gnosis roll against the spirit. If the player succeeds, the spirit
loses one Essence point per success for the rest of the scene. For every two points drained, the Garou gains a
temporary Willpower point. She loses any points exceeding her maximum at the end of the scene.
(Note: This Gift is known as Spirit Wassail in Dark Ages: Werewolf, p.121)
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.165)
• Spirit Ward (Level Four) — As the homid Gift.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.164→p.155)
• Feral Lobotomy (Level Five) — Unleashing a surge of pure Wyld energy, the werewolf can devolve
an opponent’s mind into that of an animal, effectively destroying his intelligence. A Wyldling teaches this Gift.
System: The player rolls Wits + Empathy (difficulty of the target’s Willpower + 3, maximum 10) and
spends a number of Gnosis points. If successful, the Garou can destroy the target’s Intelligence Attribute
permanently; the target loses one Intelligence dot for each two points of Gnosis spent, and cannot lose more
Intelligence than the number of successes rolled. Lost Intelligence is replaced with feral, animalistic behavior.
The player must also declare the total Gnosis expenditure before seeing the results on the target — neither the
player nor the character knows the victim’s Intelligence Attribute rating. A botch on the roll indicates that the
powerful Wyld spirit is summoned but not bound, and is free to wreak havoc.
(Note: this Gift is also known as Nightmare Possession in Dark Ages: Werewolf, p.121 and as Savage the
Mind in Werewolf: the Wild West, p.145)
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.165)
• Healing the Soul (Level Five) — Through a week-long ordeal of fasting, trance states and spirit
communion, the Theurge is able to set the elements of the Triat into perfect balance within one individual’s soul.
Obviously, the subject to be healed must be willing, and the two individuals must remain in solitude (save for
contact with spirits) for the duration. This Gift can cure insanity, ease emotional wounds, heal the effects of
trauma and remove desensitization. If the spiritual injury was caused by ill conduct on the subject’s part,
however, this Gift can only benefit them once: even the greatest empath has little sympathy for those who
willingly slide back into self-degradation after being helped out the first time. An avatar of Unicorn teaches this
System: The effects are largely character and story based. This Gift alone cannot cure full-blown
Harano, but it can certainly ameliorate the causes, preventing it before it takes hold completely.
(Source: Book of Auspices, p.58)
• Malleable Spirit (Level Five) — The Garou can change a spirit's form or purpose. A Chimerling
teaches this Gift.
System: The Garou's player must best the spirit in a resisted Gnosis roll. The difficulty is based on what
the Garou tries to accomplish, while the spirit's difficulty is the Garou's Gnosis.
Change Difficulty
Characteristics (Willpower, Rage, Gnosis; 6
one point changed per success)
Disposition (Friendly, Neutral, Hostile) 7
Type (Naturae, Elemental, Bane, etc.)9
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.166)
• Poisoned Legacy (Level Five) — This most terrible Gift allows the Theurge to lay a great and
malicious curse upon a victim of her choice. Such a stigma is irreversible, and will remain with the victim for all
her life. The victim must be present, and the Theurge must verbally state her malediction. A spirit of hatred, or an
animal spirit of a highly venomous animal, teaches this Gift.
System: The Theurge spends a point of Gnosis and a point of Willpower, then rolls Manipulation +
Occult against a difficulty of the target’s Willpower as she pronounces the curse. With one to five successes, the
Theurge can inflict the Cursed Flaw on her target at a level equal to the successes rolled; the Storyteller chooses
an appropriately poetic manifestation. With six or more successes, the Theurge can instead choose to inflict the
Dark Fate Flaw.
(Source: Book of Auspices, p.58)
• Spirit Vessel (Level Five) — One of the best kept secrets of the Theurge elders is the ability to
channel a spirit. For a short time, Garou and spirit become one creature with the abilities of both. Usually, the
Garou remains in control, adding the spirit's Charms to her repertoire - but sometimes things go awry.
Elementals, especially fire elementals, understand the workings of this Gift. Banes can also teach this Gift - but
at a dangerous cost.
System: The player rolls her character's Gnosis and spends a Gnosis point to activate the Gift. The Rite
of Summoning chart determines the difficulty of this Gift. Every success allows the Garou to use one of the
spirit's Charms for up to one scene. A botch on the roll indicates the Garou accidentally channels a Bane that
goes on to turn the Theurge against her friends.
(Source: Werewolf Players Guide, 2nd Ed., p.37)
• Ultimate Argument of Logic (Level Five) — Those who speak with the Theurge leave convinced of
some fact they might otherwise have disbelieved. If successful, the Garou can cause the target to believe
implicitly in one aspect of existence (true or false) — that the Earth is the center of the universe, that there is
such a thing as a spirit world, or that cities are unnatural affronts to nature, for example. A coyote-spirit teaches
this Gift.
System: The player needs three successes on a Manipulation + Performance roll (difficulty of the
target’s Wits + Enigmas).
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.166)
• As In the Beginning (Level Six) —The Theurge can tear away aeons of the Weaver’s works for a
short while. This Gift rips down the Gauntlet entirely, merging the worlds of flesh and spirit as they were in the
days of legend. Moreover, this mended region acts as a shining beacon to Gaian spirits, calling a flood of nature-
spirits and other allies to assist the Theurge. An avatar of Gaia Herself teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends three points of Gnosis and rolls Wits + Occult (difficulty of the local
Gauntlet). The Gauntlet is torn open within the local area. The thinner the Gauntlet, the wider the rip: from a few
rooms in the midst of a skyscraper to an entire mile of landscape in the depths of the Amazon. Friendly spirits of
the Storyteller’s choosing come flooding out to aid the Theurge — the more successes, the greater the number or
power. The Gauntlet is permanently lowered by 1 in an area where this Gift has been used; this benefit doesn’t
stack with repeated use.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.166)
• Invoked Presence (Level Six) — By using this awesome Gift, the Theurge can call upon an Incarna
or Celestine directly, bringing their focus to bear on the area around him. This does not summon an Avatar;
rather, the presence is a mystical permeation of the principle the invoked spirit represents. The Theurge will later
need to repay the debt owed to the spirit he invoked before he can use this Gift again; this typically entails a
strong geas, an extended spirit quest or the sacrifice of a valuable fetish. Any Celestine's avatar can teach this
System: The Theurge spends five points of Gnosis and the presence of a Celestine or Incarna is made
manifest within a 180 yard radius globe around her for several hours. Essentially, this Gift is like a sustained,
area-effect form of Totem Gift, and the effects are thus highly variable dependent upon which greater power the
Garou chooses to invoke. The following three effects are constant:
• Any actions that directly support the principle of the invoked spirit have a number of dice equal to the
Theurge's Gnosis added to their dice pool. In the case of combat, only one type of combat roll (attack, damage,
dodge, initiative, etc.) will be so enhanced.
• Attempting to take any action directly antithetical to the invoked spirit requires three successes on a
Willpower roll (difficulty 8), and even then, the action will be rolled at +2 difficulty.
• The spirit will send members of its Brood equivalent in power to a full pack of Rank One Garou to the
site to aid the Theurge and his allies immediately.
Beyond this, the effects are dependent on the power the Theurge chose to invoke; Unicorn may simply
make any act of violence impossible in the area; a Harvest Incarna may cause all the plants in the area to grow to
rich and healthy maturity in minutes, while invoking the Weaver might make the Gauntlet utterly impenetrable).
(Source: Book of Auspices, p.58)

Luna gifts her Half Moon children with powers of balance, judgment, and enforcement of law. The
judges and mediators of the Garou nation use their magic to discern the truth, lead in times of peace, and mediate
among their fellows.

• Aura of the Just (Level One) — When the Gift user commits a just act, everyone around him knows
it merely by gazing at him. The Aura of the Just proclaims to one and all that this Garou is in the right. Where
circumstances or perceptions might cloud the judgment of witnesses, the Gift clears all doubts. Alternatively,
those who know the Philodox can see his guilt when the Gift does not activate. A falcon-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The user spends one Willpower point to activate this Gift. When the Garou commits a just and
fair act, all who witness it know intuitively that it is so. While this Gift does not guarantee respect, anyone who
sees the aura cannot doubt the Philodox’s merit.
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West Companion, p.72)
• Ma’at’s Feather (Level One) — According to Egyptian legend, if the heart of one of the dead was
heavier than Ma'at's feather, she would feed it to the beast Ammit, destroying their soul entirely. If it was lighter,
then the dead person was admitted to the afterlife. This Gift was first the province of Silent Strider Philodox (and
is still most common amongst that tribe), but has spread throughout all of Garou society. It allows the Philodox to
sense the weight of a fallen Garou's soul and determine if he died as one of Gaia, or had fallen to the Wyrm. It is
used to determine what rituals will be undertaken for the deceased, and is taught by a bird- or lion-spirit.
System: If the Garou died in the service of Gaia, the Gift works automatically, revealing this to be so. If
however, the Garou had betrayed the Mother, then a roll of the Philodox's Perception + Occult (difficulty of the
deceased's former Gnosis) is needed to correctly determine their guilt. A simple success is sufficient, and the
Storyteller is encouraged to roll secretly for each use of this Gift, to keep the players guessing.
(Source: Players Guide to Garou, p.187)
• Fangs of Judgment (Level One) — It falls upon the Philodox to levy not only judgment but also
punishment against those who have fallen from their proper stations. This Gift, taught by an ancestor-spirit,
causes the werewolf’s claws and fangs to burn with the righteous power of law.
System: The player spends one Willpower point. For the next full day, all of the Garou’s natural
weaponry attacks do two extra dice of damage to all beings who have fallen from their original purpose to the
service of the Wyrm (such as Black Spiral Dancers, fomori, and corrupted nature spirits; Banes which came into
existence as agents of the Wyrm are, regrettably, exempt from this Gift’s sanction).
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.166)
• Moon Lore (Level One) — Using this Gift, the werewolf can learn the phase of the moon that
heralded the birth of another. Although it can determine auspice, Moon Lore gives no clue to whether the subject
is a werewolf or even if it is supernatural in any way; being born under a waxing gibbous moon means much
more to a Garou than it does to a normal human. Any moon-spirit can teach this Gift.
System: A single success on a Perception + Primal-Urge roll (difficulty 6) is required to determine the
moon's phase at the time of the subject's birth; two successes determine whether it was waxing or waning.
(Source: Book of Auspices, p.79)
• Persuasion (Level One) — As the homid Gift.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.166→p.153)
• Resist Pain (Level One) — Fortifying herself with purpose and will, the werewolf shuts out the pain
of her wounds. A bear- or badger-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one Willpower point; the character ignores all wound penalties for the rest
of the scene.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.166)
• Scent of the True Form (Level One) — The Philodox is able to scent the truth of those she meets,
literally sniffing out an individual’s true form. A vulture-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The Garou can smell Kinfolk or a fellow werewolf automatically; pre-Change werewolves
smell like Kin. In all other cases, the player must roll Perception + Primal-Urge (difficulty 6). One success will
identify a normal human or animal; two successes will detect a vampire, changeling, demon, mummy, or Fera;
three successes will detect a human-seeming HIT Mark cyborg or similar infiltrator robot; four successes are
needed to sniff out a mage, ghoul, or fomor. The Imbued register as normal humans to this Gift. Unfamiliar
scents aren’t automatically recognized: A Philodox that has never encountered any Rokea might not immediately
recognize the scent she detects as “wereshark.”
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.166)
• Strength of Vision (Level One) — A Philodox can apply his will to a goal and then ignore all
distractions from it. This Gift is taught by a boar-spirit.
System: By spending a Willpower point, the character can ignore interruptions, distractions and upsets
as she pursues some goal. Any information that the character needs to recall to achieve her purpose is
immediately accessible. The effect lasts for one scene.
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West – Frontier Secrets, p.8)
• Truth of Gaia (Level One) — As judges of the Litany, Philodox may easily separate truth from
falsehood. A Gaffling of Falcon teaches this Gift.
System: The player rolls Intelligence + Empathy (difficulty equals the subject’s Manipulation +
Subterfuge). This Gift reveals only which of the words that have been spoken are true and which are false. It
doesn’t reveal the truth behind a lie unless the speaker utters it. If the speaker is uncertain whether his words are
true or false, the Gift identifies them as neither.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.166)
• Wrongful Death (Level One) — This Gift allows the Philodox to observe the final resting place of
someone deceased and determine whether or not their death was natural or the result of other circumstances
(violence, poison, sickness, etc.). This Gift does not reveal the cause of death, only if the death occurred by fair
order or foul. While this Gift does not actually allow communication across the Shroud, a distinct feeling of
emptiness occurs to the Gift user if the deceased has become a wraith, and no final delineation between natural or
unnatural death is forthcoming. This Gift is taught by eagle-spirits and, more rarely, justice-spirits.
System: The player rolls Wits + Occult (difficulty 7). Success indicates the character obtains an
accurate result, or total lack thereof…
(Source: Ghost Towns, p. 101)
• Call to Duty (Level Two) — Names hold great power in the spirit world, and the Philodox may
exploit this to summon and command any spirit she knows by name. Only one command may be given, and the
spirit departs immediately after fulfilling it. Alternatively, all spirits in the area may be called in times of great
need. An Incarna avatar teaches this Gift.
System: The Garou must know the name of the spirit she wishes to summon. The player rolls Charisma
+ Leadership (difficulty equal to the spirit’s Willpower). The second mode of this Gift simply requires the player
to spend two Gnosis points to summon all Gaian spirits within a one-mile (1.6 km) radius. If the character has
abused this Gift in the past (in the Storyteller’s estimation), the spirits might refuse the call — such a general
summons is rooted more in appeal to duty than compulsion. The mightiest of spirits (Incarnae and above) are
generally able to ignore this Gift if they choose.
(Note: This Gift is known as Call to Arms in Werewolf: The Wild West, p.146)
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.166)
• Command the Gathering (Level Two) — The Philodox draws all eyes to herself with a great
exclamation, a clap of her hands, the striking of klaive to shield, or some other such gesture. Until she has had
her say, none may depart or interrupt her. A lion-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one Willpower point and rolls Appearance + Leadership (difficulty equals
the highest Willpower among those whose attention she seeks to gain). If the roll succeeds, all in attendance fall
quiet and listen. Any individual who wishes to interrupt the Philodox or walk out before she has finished
speaking must spend two points of Willpower to do so.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.167)
• King of the Beasts (Level Two) — The Philodox’s authority extends even into the realm of beasts, so
that he can command the loyalty of any single animal. If successful, the animal follows the letter and spirit of his
commands unconditionally. A lion- or falcon-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The Philodox targets one animal within 100 feet (30 m). The player rolls Charisma + Animal
Ken (difficulty 7). The power lasts until the Garou releases the animal from its obligation to him; this Gift can
only hold sway over one animal at a time.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.167)
• Mend the Forked Tongue (Level Two) — The Garou can command a target to speak the truth,
despite the victim’s desires.
System: The Storyteller rolls Manipulation + Intimidation (difficulty is the victim’s Intelligence +
Subterfuge) on the player’s behalf. On a successful roll, the werewolf forces a particular person to speak the truth
about a specified subject. The subject has to spend two Willpower points to resist the command. If the Philodox’s
roll fails, the subject refuses the command. If the roll botches, the subject may lie to the character (thus the need
for the Storyteller to make the roll for the player).
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West, p.146)
• Omen of Truth (Level Two) — Half Moons are seldom called upon to make easy decisions or clear-
cut judgments - if things were so simple, the Philodox would not be needed. Yet when it comes down to it, even
the judge could use a hint now and then. By taking a moment to look around, the wise Garou may see in the fall
of a leaf or path of a butterfly an answer he seeks.
System: The player spends a Gnosis point and makes a Perception + Enigmas roll (difficulty varies,
from 9 in a featureless, sealed space to 5 for a forest at sunset). The Gift takes a minimum of one full minute to
use; the user gains a -1 difficulty if he dwells on the problem for half an hour. Successes add to the nature and
certainty of the omen, while a botch brings an equally certain but erroneous conclusion. More than most, the
effects of this Gift are up to the Storyteller, and depend on the situation; in general, though, the Storyteller should
use it to give a hint as to Gaia's two cents worth on the matter in question).
(Source: Book of Auspices, p.79)
• Realm Wisdom (Level Two) — A wise Garou knows to obey the laws of a realm for maximum
results; however, sometimes those laws aren't immediately obvious. Although experience is the best teacher,
sometimes a Philodox needs to take a shortcut. By channeling the wisdom of a realm's spirits, the Philodox can
intuitively guess important facts about the realm. This Gift is taught by an ancestor-spirit.
System: This Gift works in any realm or zone. The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Perception
+ Law against a variable difficulty; the more obscure or less traveled the realm, the higher the difficulty. For
example, trying to glean wisdom about the CyberRealm or Battleground might be difficulty 6, whereas learning
the laws of the Null Zone might be a 9. Each success gains a relevant fact about the realm, to a maximum of five
successes. The Storyteller determines which facts are most relevant; for example, if the player gains only one
success in the Abyss, the Storyteller might feel that the most important fact is "don't fall in; if you fall into the
Abyss, you're lost forever." This Gift functions only once per visit to any given realm, and doesn't prevent
redundancy; a Philodox might "learn" the same fact twice in successive visits to a realm.
(Source: Umbra Revised, p.134)
• Strength of Purpose (Level Two) — Philodox use this Gift to fortify themselves in the face of the
Apocalypse, turning hot passion and burning Rage into cold, steely resolve. A wolf-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: Once per scene, the player may roll Stamina + Rituals (difficulty 7). For every two successes,
the Philodox recovers one point of Willpower up to her maximum.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.167)
• Balance Man and Beast (Level Three) — A Philodox needs to keep a tight grip on his bestial side
for fear of losing control and, perhaps worse still, allowing his passions to control his judgment. However, a
Garou cannot deny his animal nature; rationality cannot reign alone. The Garou can calm or enrage himself in
times of need. This Gift is taught by a water-spirit.
System: The character concentrates and meditates on her role as arbitrator and fair judge among the
Garou. The player makes a Gnosis roll (difficulty 8). For every success, one point of Willpower or Rage is
gained, as needed. This self-control can only be used once per scene.
This Gift also allows a Philodox to avoid entering frenzy by putting the character in a profound state of
calm. The player Spends one Willpower point and the character won’t frenzy for of an entire scene, no matter
what happens, unless the character seeks to make the change.
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West, p.146)
• Bonds that Tie Us (Level Three) — The Philodox is mediator and judge, but is also investigator. The
Gift assists a Philodox with such matters by revealing any emotions and opinions that exist between two people.
Many Garou detest this Gift, since it is indiscriminate, revealing any emotion that may exist. It is taught by an
System: The player spends one Rage as the Philodox taps deep into his own wellspring of emotion,
connecting those emotions to those of his target. After this, the Philodox whispers the name of a person with
whom the target has a relationship, and the Philodox will immediately feel every emotion toward that person that
the target has. These emotions aren't real (at least to the Philodox), but they certainly feel it, and it is wise to
avoid the person to whom those emotions are directed for as long as the effect lasts (one scene). A Garou or other
supernatural that does not wish to cooperate with the Gift may roll their Willpower (difficulty of the Philodox's
rage) with a success preventing use of this Gift.
(Source: Players Guide to Garou, p.187)
• Curse the Betrayer (Level Three) — Anyone who cheats the Philodox pays for his dishonesty. After
entering a pact with the Garou, bad luck follows anyone who violates the agreement (including the user). An
Honor-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The Garou must enter a pact with someone. To seal the bargain and make the Gift active, the
participants must shake hands, share a smoke or make a toast to seal the arrangement. Should either individual
break the bargain, double every 1 he rolls for the rest of the story when calculating botches.
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West Companion, p.72)
• Divided Heart (Level Three) — The heart of the werewolf is filled with rage, and quite often, this
internal fire can overcome a werewolf’s strength of will. With this Gift, taught by any tree spirit, a Philodox can
briefly allow another to "hold back" the fury inside, lest a poorly made decision cause irreparable damage.
System: The purpose of this Gift is to help alleviate the difficulties a werewolf encounters when his
Rage exceeds his Willpower (Werewolf Revised, p. 126). For every success on a Manipulation + Primal Urge roll
by the Philodox player, one penalty die is negated for the target character. The effects last for five minutes per
success - a Philodox can temporarily alleviate the Curse, but never negate it.
(Source: Book of Auspices, p.79)
• Mental Speech (Level Three) — As the metis Gift.
Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.167→p.157)
• Scent of the Oathbreaker (Level Three) — Oaths sanctified before a Philodox are a serious matter
indeed, so this Gift grants the judges of the Garou nation the ability to know when an oath has been broken and
to track down the oathbreaker to correct him personally. A dog-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The Philodox may spend one Gnosis point to sanctify any oath or promise he personally
witnesses, no matter how formal or informal. If at any point in the future one of the individuals sworn to the oath
breaks it, the Philodox immediately becomes aware of this, and all rolls for the werewolf to track the oathbreaker
by scent drop to difficulty 4. This benefit lasts until the Philodox next stands in the oathbreaker’s presence.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.167)
• Sense Balance (Level Three) — As the arbitrators of the Garou Nation, the Philodox have developed
an attunement with the cosmic forces that balance the Tellurian. The werewolf may sense an overabundance of
Wyrm, Wyld, or Weaver energies in a location. A cat-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends a Gnosis point and rolls Perception + Enigmas (difficulty 8) to detect the
spiritual balance of an area, if any. Wyrm manifestations feel dense and oily, Weaver presence feels cold and
unyielding, and Wyld energies feel hot and trembling. The Philodox must be at peace and without distraction to
use this Gift.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.167 & Werewolf Players Guide, 2 nd Ed., p.37)
• Spirit Witness (Level Three) — The world is alive and aware on levels that normal men and women
cannot perceive — levels that Garou too often forget, to their chagrin. A Garou uses this Gift to see clearly
through the mists of time to any scene to which she can find a spirit witness, whether she wishes to study an epic
battle or declare an isolated confrontation between two werewolves an honest challenge or a cowardly murder.
This Gift is taught by a tortoise-spirit
System: Before invoking this Gift, the character must find a spirit witness. The spirit does not have to
be friendly, but Gaian spirits cannot resist—their memories are a part of Gaia. Once the spirit has been found, the
player rolls Charisma + Investigation against a variable difficulty. If the spirit has never left the area in which the
event took place (the spirit of an ancient tree or tremendous rock), the difficulty on the roll is 7- If the spirit has
roamed freely, the difficulty begins at 8 for events in the past year, 9 for the past century or 10 for even earlier
events. Bringing die spirit back to the site of the event reduces the difficulty by one. Spirits that are not of Gaia
may choose to resist, rolling their Willpower against a target of the Garou’s Willpower and directly subtracting
successes from the player’s roll.
(Source: Dark Ages: Werewolf, p.122)
• Weak Arm (Level Three) — Philodox are masters of judgment, and this trait extends even into the
field of battle. By watching an opponent's fighting style, the werewolf can evaluate his strengths and weaknesses.
Snake- and wind-spirits teach this Gift.
System: The player rolls Perception + Brawl or Melee — dependent on the subject’s current weapons
of choice — (difficulty 8). Each success grants one bonus die to add to her attack or damage rolls against that
opponent. For instance, a Philodox who gets four successes could add two dice to her attack rolls and two to her
damage pool, or four to her damage rolls, or three to attack and one to damage — whatever combination suits
her. However, the distribution of dice cannot be changed once the Gift has been activated. This Gift can be used
against a given foe only once per scene, and its benefits are lost at the end of the scene. A full turn of
concentration is necessary to use this Gift.
(Note: This Gift is known as Warrior’s Eye in Dark Ages: Werewolf, p.122)
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.167)
• Wisdom of the Ancient Ways (Level Three) — All werewolves have an innate connection to their
ancestors, a form of racial unconscious accessible through intense meditation. The Philodox can tap into these
deep memories to remember ancient facts and lore. An ancestor-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The character must meditate for a short time, concentrating on the past. The player then rolls
Gnosis (difficulty 9, -1 for each point of Ancestors the Garou possesses). The number of successes determines
how detailed and exact the answer he receives will be.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.167)
• Rally to the Cause (Level Four) — At times a Philodox needs to rally Garou to achieve a goal, but as
events in the Savage West prove, Garou can rarely agree on anything, let alone work together. This Gift helps a
Philodox inspire other Garou to follow his cause, despite tribal or personal differences. This power is most
appropriate for inspiring Garou, but also affects humans. This Gift is taught by a falcon-spirit.
System: The character makes a speech before his audience. The player then rolls
Manipulation + Leadership (difficulty is the highest Willpower of any dissenting targets).
Individuals who willingly follow the Philodox automatically rally to him and gain the benefits
conferred by the Gift. If the player’s roll succeeds, Garou who disagree with the character’s plan feel compelled
to aid him despite their differences of opinion (although the expenditure of a Willpower point may allow an
individual to break from the pack). If the roll botches, even a Garou’s dedicated followers may abandon him.
Rallied Garou each receive an extra point of Willpower to be used in achieving the Philodox’s goal.
They may also be quicker to frenzy if that suits the mission ahead (a call to battle, for example); only three
successes on a Rage roll are required to frenzy. Rival Garou have better relations as well, and put their
differences aside for the common goal; difficulties of Social rolls are reduced by two.
The effects of this Gift last until the Philodox’s mission is complete or for the remainder of the scene,
whichever comes first. The Gift can be used to inspire packs, members of a sept or attendants at a moot; even
native and European tribes can be convinced to work together, assuming that the Philodox’s goal is not anathema
to any party.
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West, p.146-147)
• Reality’s Path (Level Four) — Perception is subjective, but the Philodox cannot afford that luxury.
This Gift allows the user to sense whether what the subject believes to be true is actually false. A Jaggling of
Falcon teaches the Gift.
System: The player rolls Perception + Enigmas (difficulty 7). A single success determines if what the
subject is telling an unintended untruth. Three successes will discover if the subject was deliberately misled. Five
successes or more will reveal the truth of the lie at its simplest level (it might tell who perpetrated a crime, but
not why or who the perp was working for). Note that this Gift only works when a subject speaks what he truly
believes; packmates can't go on "fishing expeditions" by throwing out names to determine who really committed
a deed, for example. Reality's Path deals with knowable facts ("She never intended to return", "despite his boast,
your brother didn't kill the Bane single-handed"), not greater spiritual truths.
(Source: Book of Auspices, p.79)
• Roll Over (Level Four) — The Philodox can call on her power to radiate a commanding presence
that compels others to submit to her. Should she succeed in a test of wills, she dominates her foe, which causes
humans to fall to their knees and wolves to roll on their backs. Either a lion- or a wolf-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player begins an extended, resisted Willpower contest. The results are compared to each of
her opponents in turn; when the player has scored three more successes than an opponent, that opponent drops
out of the contest and submits. If one of the opponents accumulates three more successes over the character, the
contest ends. For the remainder of the scene, any individual who has submitted will take no actions at all without
the approval of the character, unless their life depends on it.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.167)
• Scent of Beyond (Level Four) — With a moment’s concentration, the werewolf can hurl her senses
to any place with which she is familiar (even an Umbral location), no matter how far away it may be. Because a
bird-spirit teaches this Gift, her senses perceive the scene from above.
System: The player rolls Perception + Enigmas (difficulty 8). If the target location is in the Umbra, the
difficulty is 8 or the local Gauntlet rating, whichever is higher. This far-seeing continues for as long as the
werewolf desires, but the character suffers a –3 penalty to any attempts to react to local stimuli while her senses
are projected.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.167-8)
• Take the True Form (Level Four) — Any Garou, even the youngest cub, is deadly in Crinos form.
Philodox charged with calming and keeping order among their people find this Gift a blessing for when tempers
are at their peak. It forces a subject into their breed form, which usually cancels a frenzy. Others have used it on
allies the moment before they are attacked with silver in an attempt to abate the damage, or on enemies to gain a
combat advantage. Some wolf-spirits teach this Gift, as do any animal spirits that change their form to show
threat, such as pufferfish- or frill-necked lizard-spirits.
System: The player rolls Manipulation + Primal-Urge (difficulty 7). If successful, Changing Breeds
(including Garou) are forced to revert to their breed form for one turn per success. Other shapeshifted creatures
(such as vampires masquerading as wolves) targeted by this power are likewise forced to revert to their true
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.168)
• Earthfriend’s Pact (Level Five) — Philodox and earth elementals have an affinity for each other.
Both are usually dedicated, stalwart and slow to anger. In recognition of a legendary friendship between an
ancient Garou and elemental, the spirits of the earth teach this Gift to the Half Moons. When the Garou calls for
aid, the ground beneath his feet answers, shaking his enemies to their knees and swallowing the least fortunate
into an early grave.
System: The player spends one point of Gnosis and rolls Charisma + Expression (difficulty 8). During
the first turn, the elementals rouse to action. For 25 yards in all directions, the earth buckles and shakes.
Everyone but the character must succeed on a Dexterity + Athletics roll (difficulty 7) or fall to the ground and try
to soak five levels of bashing damage as the earth rushes up to meet them. No other actions but regaining or
keeping one’s feet are possible while the ground shakes. At the end of one full turn, the ground rends itself,
opening deep clefts near those on the ground. Those who are still on the ground must make a Dexterity + Dodge
(difficulty 6) roll to avoid falling in. Those who fail must soak 10 levels of bashing damage as the rents smash
(Source: Dark Ages: Werewolf, p.123)
• Geas (Level Five) — This Gift places its target under a geas, a sacred oath to obey the Philodox's
bidding. The geas cannot make the targets act contrary to their basic instincts (such as self-preservation).
Therefore, she could send a group on a quest, but she could not make its members attack and try to kill each
other — unless they were psychotics or werewolves without pack bonds. An Incarna avatar teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Manipulation + Leadership (difficulty of the
target's Willpower). In the case of a group, the difficulty is the highest Willpower among its members. The geas'
compulsion lasts until the task is completed or until the target is dropped to the Incapacitated health level in
pursuit of the quest. No victim can labor under more than one geas at a time; the first one laid always takes
(Note: This Gift is known as Honor Bound in Werewolf: The Wild West, p.147. W:tWW indicates that three
Willpower points must be expended to resist the order, and doing so results in the loss of three Honor Renown,
presumably because the Philodox elder would not impose this geas without an honorable reason. –Su-tehp)
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.168)
• Soul’s Guilt (Level Five) — This powerful but very temperamental Gift allows the weight of guilt
which rests on the heart to emerge to the surface. The effect varies but usually appears as shadowing across the
subject's features; the shadows deepen as the guilt grows (other effects include "howls of demons," the sound of
winter winds or even ominous background music). Note that, while useful, it has some severe limitations, for it
registers only what troubles the individual. To a saintly old lady, a white lie may give her nightmares and deeply
shade her soul, while a vigilante may sleep the sleep of the just and go undetected by this Gift. Soul's Guilt is
taught by one of Falcon's brood, or any spirit associated with Justice.
System: The Garou must look at (or in some cases, listen to or smell) the target and concentrate for one
full turn. The player rolls Perception + Empathy (difficulty of 7); number of successes indicate the clarity of the
Garou's impression.
(Source: Book of Auspices, p.79)
• Wall of Granite (Level Five) — Philodox have a stronger relationship with the elementals of the
earth than other werewolves do; just as the earth upholds those upon it, the Philodox uphold the Litany that
sustains their people. While in contact with earth or rock, the Philodox can invoke a wall to protect himself. This
wall moves with the Garou, defending him from all angles. Earth elementals teach this Gift.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point. The wall’s dimensions are three yards high, two yards
long and one yard thick (or a similar number of meters), and if the Garou desires, it may be extended to encircle
a number of allies up to the werewolf’s Gnosis, so long as they huddle close. It has a soak pool of 10 dice, and 15
health levels must be inflicted to penetrate it at any point. The wall lasts for one scene or until released into the
earth by the Garou.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.168)
• Break the Bonds (Level Six) — There are many ways to mystically bend the will of another. This
Gift shatters all such bonds, from the blood domination of a vampire to a mage's mind control or a Half Moon's
geas. Those who know this Gift may use it on any being, including themselves. This Gift is only granted by an
Incarna or equally powerful spirit, usually as a reward for some great service.
System: The Garou is automatically immune to any supernatural coercion, and may break bonds as
though she had Strength 15. She may also break another’s physical bonds with that same Strength, or banish
mental bonds from another with a Manipulation + Leadership roll (difficulty 11 – target’s Willpower).
(Note: This Gift is known as Release from Bondage in Book of Auspices, p.79)
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.168-9)

The Moon Dancers burn with passion and song, and so Luna gives them Gifts that allow them to weave
dream, fantasy and emotion into a tapestry that serves Gaia’s best interests.

• Beast Speech (Level One) — The werewolf may instinctively understand and communicate with any
natural animals, from fish to mammals. She need only speak normally to be understood by animals, along with a
touch of appropriate body language — there is no need to bark like a dog. This Gift doesn’t change animals’
basic reactions or dispositions; most are still afraid of predators such as werewolves. Any animal spirit can teach
this Gift.
System: This Gift’s effects are permanent.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.169)
• Call of the Wyld (Level One) — The werewolf may send her howl far beyond the normal range of
hearing and imbue it with great emotion, stirring the hearts of fellow Garou and chilling the bones of all others. A
wolf-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player rolls Stamina + Empathy; the number of successes determines how far away the
Call can be heard (double the normal range for each success) and how stirring it is to those who hear it. This Gift
should be used in conjunction with one of the Garou howls (see p. 58). The Storyteller determines the effects as
appropriate to the purpose to which it is put, perhaps awarding a bonus die to revel participants for each two
successes, or granting a point of Rage to all listeners for an exceptional battlefield howl.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.169)
• Dreamchaser (Level One) — The Galliard can tap into the unconscious of a sleeping person and
follow the course of his dreams. Although she cannot participate, she recalls the entire dream and can view it
objectively. A dream-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point and must remain within “arm’s reach” of the target (i.e.,
walls, partitions, furniture or other physical obstacles may come between user and target, but no more distance
than the length of the user’s arm) for one night’s sleep. If the sleeper dreams, the Garou can experience the
chaotic event as they unfold. What information she gleans from the vision is up to the Storyteller.
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West Companion, p.72)
• Heightened Senses (Level One) — As the lupus Gift.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.169→p.158-9)
• Memory Circle (Level One) — The Galliards are the Garou's historians, charged with committing
the legends and tales of their people to memory, perfect memory. Not all of them are particularly good at it.
Thankfully, this Gift gives those Galliards a chance to make up for their weakness by planting Umbral
"reminders" on their person. This Gift is taught by an elephant-spirit.
System: This Gift is performed in two parts. When hearing words the Galliard wants to remember
perfectly, he spends one point of Gnosis. As this happens, the Storyteller should write down exactly what he's
committing to Umbral memory. Later, when he wishes to retrieve the memory, he may spend one point of
Willpower and ask the Storyteller to read it back verbatim. The use of this Gift leaves tiny clear spheres matted
within the Garou's fur that can be seen within the Umbra, the so-called "memory circles". Should the Garou wish
to remove a memory circle, they may do so simply by pulling it out of their fur while in the Umbra. Also, it is
possible that a combat within the Umbra might break some of the circles (at the Storyteller's option).
(Source: Players Guide to Garou, p.187-8)
• Mindspeak (Level One) — By invoking the power of waking dreams, the Garou can place any
chosen characters into silent communion. A Chimerling teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one Willpower point per chosen sentient being and makes a Manipulation +
Expression roll (difficulty of the victim’s Willpower) if any participants are unwilling. All those included in the
waking dream may interact normally through the Mindspeak, although they can inflict no damage through it.
Their real bodies can still act, although all dice pools decrease by two. The Mindspeak ends when all the
participants want it to, or on the turn the Galliard fails the roll against an unwilling member. All beings affected
must be within line of sight. The Garou may include her entire pack in the waking dream for only one Willpower
point, if she desires.
(Note: This Gift is known as Waking Dreams in Dark Ages: Werewolf, p.125)
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.169)
• Perfect Recall (Level One) — The werewolf is able to remember and relive any memory with perfect
clarity. An elephant-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player may spend one Gnosis point to perfectly remember any one detail, no matter how
small, from any point in her character’s entire life.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.169 & Book of Auspices, p.101)
• Primal Song (Level One) — The Galliard ingratiates himself with strangers by seeming to know all
of their songs and dances. Having heard only a few hummed bars or having glimpsed at just a movement or two,
the Garou can sing along or lead the dance. Skilled musicians can create new songs appropriate to the style of the
culture in question. A songbird-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: After learning this Gift, it starts automatically whenever the Galliard hears a song or sees a
dance. He will know every word, note or step as if he’d created the piece himself. Whether or not he can
entertain people still depends on the regular rules for Performance.
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West Companion, p.72)
• Call of the Wyrm (Level Two) — This dangerous Gift actually attracts creatures of the Wyrm.
Galliards typically use the Call to bait an ambush or to flush prey from hiding. Any spirit servant of Gaia can
teach this Gift.
System: The Garou's player makes a resisted roll of Manipulation + Performance against the Wyrm
creature's Willpower (both rolls are difficulty 7). If the Wyrm creature loses the contest, it must come to the
source of the Call.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.169)
• Coyote Howl (Level Two) — Throughout the long, lonely night, the Galliard howls without rest. This
Gift alters the sound of her howl to resemble that of a coyote. The Coyote Howl disturbs the sleep of all those
who hear it, making them edgy the next day. A coyote-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: No roll is required, but the Galliard must stay awake all night howling. All who hear the howl
lose one die from all Mental rolls for the entire next day. The Gift refreshes the Galliard in the morning but does
nothing for her packmates.
(Note: This Gift is not to be confused with the Nuwisha Rank Six Gift: Coyote’s Howl, found in Breedbook:
Nuwisha, p.52-53)
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West Companion, p.72-73)
• Command the Gathering (Level Two) — As the Philodox Gift.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.169→p.167)
• Distractions (Level Two) — The Garou can make annoying yips, yelps and howls to divert the
attention of his target. A coyote-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player rolls Wits + Performance (difficulty equals the victim's Willpower). Each success
subtracts one die from the target's dice pool next turn.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.169)
• Dreamspeak (Level Two) — The Galliard can enter another's dream and thereby affect the course of
that dream. The werewolf does not have to be anywhere near the target, but she must know or have seen the
dreamer. A Chimerling teaches this Gift.
System: The player rolls Wits + Empathy (difficulty 8). If the dreamer awakens while the Galliard is
still within the dream, the werewolf is thrown out of the dream world, and he loses a Gnosis point.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.169)
• Howls in the Night (Level Two) — The werewolf sends a full-throated howl shivering into the night
sky, evoking primal terror in Gaia’s enemies. Creatures of the Wyrm who hear the howl find themselves troubled
and unable to rest easily while their enemies are on the prowl. A wolf-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends a Gnosis point and rolls Charisma + Primal-Urge (difficulty 7). Creatures of
the Wyrm who hear the howl will be jolted awake if asleep, and rendered unable to sleep for the next (successes
x 3) hours.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.169)
• Mimic (Level Two) — The Garou can alter her voice such that she can imitate any sound or voice she
has heard, including sirens, gunshots, musical instruments or even specific quotations. The Gift does not allow
the creation of new sounds, but new combinations can have interesting effects. Magpie and parrot spirits know
this Gift, but learning it from them can be an embarrassing and frustrating process.
System: Once the Garou learns this Gift, she can reproduce anything she hears. When simulating
another person's voice (or animal speech) she can only iterate what she has heard and cannot improvise new
speech. Clever Garou create new combinations to form new sentences, but they often sound choppy. The player
must roll Charisma + Performance (difficulty 6) if the intended audience suspects a ruse or knows the original
voice very well (a relative, long-time friend or packmate, for instance).
(Source: Players Guide to Garou, p.188; Werewolf Players Guide, 2 nd Ed., p.37)
• Reverie (Level Two) — This Gift makes the victim's mind wander down memory lane. While it may
occasionally dredge up useful remembrances, it mainly serves to makes someone less observant or less focused
on the task at hand. An ancestor-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: Roll Manipulation + Enigmas (difficulty of the victim's Willpower). For every success, the
difficulty of the victim's rolls related to Mental Attributes increases by one, to a maximum of 9 (representing
stronger, more vivid memories). The effect lasts one minute per success or until the target's attention is diverted.
(For example, a guard under five minutes' worth of Reverie probably won't notice the Ragabash sneaking over
the wall - but if he does, or if the Garou attacks him, the Gift's effects end). The Fianna can't directly control what
fills the victim's mind, but may be able to influence the subject ("Yeah, Gorm, remember that party at the
Standing Stone? And the dancing girl, wasn't she something...").
(Source: Tribebook: Fianna Revised, p.72)
• Unified Force (Level Two) — The Galliard can bond the pack into a truly unified force, striking as
one. As long as no one in the pack succumbs to frenzy, each member strikes at the same instant, and few foes can
stand up to such an attack for long. A wolf-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player must spend one Gnosis point for each turn in which this Gift is to be active. Every
turn that she does so, each player rolls for initiative as usual, but the entire pack acts on the highest initiative
rolled (so if the character’s initiative totals wind up being 10, 8, 14, and 17, the entire pack acts on 17, even if the
pack’s alpha wound up with the 8). The entire pack must be present in the battle for this Gift to be effective, and
if even one pack member frenzies, the effect is lost. Also, only pack members bonded by a totem may enjoy these
benefits. All pack tactics are at -1 difficulty while this Gift is active.
(Source: Book of Auspices, p.101)
• Eye of the Cobra (Level Three) — With an unearthly stare, the werewolf can draw anyone to within
striking distance. A snake-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player rolls Appearance + Enigmas (difficulty equal to the target’s Willpower). The Garou
needs three successes to bring the target to his side; fewer successes will at least start the victim moving in the
right direction. Once there, the target can do as he pleases, but he must try his best to get to the Galliard until
(Note: This Gift is known as Come Hither in Werewolf: the Wild West, p.148 and as Eye of the Asp in Dark
Ages: Werewolf, p.125)
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.169)
• Scent of Distinction (Level Three) — This Gift enables the Galliard to mystically "sniff out" the
general spirit nature of her surroundings (i.e., influenced by the Weaver, Wyld or Wyrm; under the domain of a
powerful Incarna; etc.), as well as the area's history. For example, a werewolf who sniffed out a caern might learn
about the totem and purview of the caern, when it was founded, important events that happened near it, etc. This
Gift is taught by a wolf-spirit.
System: To activate the Gift, the Garou must physically sniff out the area (in any form), meditate for 10
minutes or so, spend a Gnosis point, and roll Intelligence + either Streetwise (for urban areas) or Survival (for
wilderness/rural areas). The Storyteller determines the difficulty. The Gift may be used over as large an area as
the character can physically sniff, but information is more specific for smaller areas.
(Source: Umbra Revised, p.134)
• Sing to the Spirits (Level Three) — The earliest incantations to spirits were sung, and although the
Theurges may be the chosen auspice to deal with them, the Galliards still know some songs with power in them.
Such songs are many, but always have a similar construction. They begin by calling out the spirit's name, and
ordering it to stay away, and finish with a threat issued against it if it doesn't. When done right, the spirit will be
unable to approach the Galliard, or anyone she touches. The Gift is taught by a bird- or fish-spirit.
System: The player spends one Gnosis and rolls Strength + Performance (difficulty 7). The spirit
named must remain one meter per success away from the Galliard and anyone she is touching. The Galliard
doesn't need to know the exact name of the spirit, but must be able to name it appropriately (telling what sort of
spirit, such as Cat or Nexus Crawler is sufficient). The spirit may attempt to break through this ward by rolling
their Rage, difficulty 8; they must obtain more successes than the Galliard did on their Performance roll. This
Gift lasts one scene.
(Source: Players Guide to Garou, p.188)
• Song of Heroes (Level Three) — Reciting a tale of ancient Garou heroism, the Galliard conjures up
the spirit of fallen heroes and infuses those listening with some portion of their power. An ancestor-spirit teaches
this Gift.
System: This Gift requires the full recitation of a story of epic heroism, taking at least several minutes.
At the end of the tale, the player spends two Gnosis points and rolls Charisma + Performance (difficulty 8).
Every two successes on this roll add one point to a single Ability score for all listening Garou and Kinfolk, much
like the Ancestors Background (see p. 136). This bonus lasts until the sun rises.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.170)
• Song of Rage (Level Three) — This Gift unleashes the beast in others, forcing werewolves,
vampires, and other such creatures into frenzy and turning humans into berserkers. A wolverine-spirit teaches this
System: The Garou rolls Manipulation + Leadership (difficulty of the target’s Willpower). The victim
flies into a violent rage (or frenzy, if naturally prone) for one turn per success.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.170)
• Song of the Siren (Level Three) — The Garou’s song or howl can entrance anyone who hears it. A
songbird-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player rolls Charisma + Performance (difficulty equal to the target’s Willpower) and
spends one Gnosis point. Packmates resist the Gift automatically; all others in earshot whose Willpower is
exceeded are affected. Enchanted targets can’t perform any actions for a number of turns equal to the successes
rolled, unless one Willpower point is spent per turn of free action.
(Note: This was a Level Four Gift in Werewolf Players Guide, 2 nd Ed., p.37)
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.170)
• View the Battlefield (Level Three) — Moon Dancers are renowned for their ability to be everywhere
at once during a fight. Some onlookers say that Galliards have a sort of innate sense of where they need to be
during a fight, either to witness a blood feud consummated or simply to help an overwhelmed packmate. This
Gift is part of the reason for these tales, and allows the Galliard to see the entire battlefield in her mind’s eye. A
hawk spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Wits + Alertness. The difficulty varies based on
the size of the battlefield. One large room would be difficulty 5, while a football field would be difficulty 7 and
an entire forest would be difficulty 9. If the roll succeeds, the character can see the entire battlefield as if from
above (and can look through ceilings and the like to view the combatants below). This makes ambushing the
character nearly impossible, and allows her to know if any of her allies are in immediate danger. Even if the
character’s sight is somehow blocked (through use of the Gift: Shroud, for example) she still instinctively knows
the exact location of her packmates. This Gift lasts for one turn per success on the initial roll.
(Source: Book of Auspices, p.101)
• Book of Years (Level Four) — The Galliard taps into a floodgate of knowledge from her ancestors.
While the amount of information thus received is overwhelming, the Garou, if she keeps her head about her, can
find information on nearly any topic. An ancestor-spirit teaches this Gift, although certain reptilian spirits have
been known to impart it as well.
System: The player rolls Wits + Enigmas or Ancestors (whichever is higher; the Garou need not have
the Ancestors Background to learn this Gift) at a difficulty of the local Gauntlet. The character falls into a trance
and is immediately immersed in a deluge of memories stretching back to the dawn of time. This flood continues
until the character terminates the Gift, and the memories get older the longer she remains in the trance. For every
hour the character remains under the Gift's influence, the memories stretch back roughly five centuries. For each
hour that the character remains in the trance, however, the player must roll Willpower (difficulty 7) to keep the
character grounded in her own time. If the roll fails, the character must either immediately terminate the trance or
lose a point of temporary Willpower as the memories threaten to consume her. If the roll botches, her body
disappears and reappears somewhere in the Umbra; the Legendary Realm and the Battleground are both popular
While the character cannot hope to remember all or even most of the information she sees, she can attempt to
search for specific moments in history. The result is a sort of vision quest; the Storyteller may choose to simply
describe what the character sees or might lead the character on a quest through the memories of the Garou until
she finds the information she needs.
(Source: Book of Auspices, p.101)
• Bridge Walker (Level Four) — The Galliard has the ability to create minor moon bridges through
which she alone can travel. The Garou travels between the ends of this moon bridge in one percent of the time it
would take to travel that distance normally, allowing her to disappear from in front of a foe and reappear behind
it instantly. Note that these moon bridges are not protected by Lunes, and they attract the interest of spirit
creatures occasionally. These beings have even been known to follow the Garou into the physical world. A Lune
teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point to create the bridge. The moon bridge lasts for only one
passage, unless the player spends an additional three Willpower, in which case it lasts until the next full moon.
The maximum distance that can be traversed by the bridge is the Garou’s Gnosis in miles (1.6 km per Gnosis
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.170)
• Fog of War (Level Four) — As the Ragabash Gift.
(Source: Tribebook: Fianna Revised, p.71-72)
• Gift of Dreams (Level Four) — The Galliard crafts a dream, then breathes it into a sleeping
individual. A Lune teaches this Gift.
System: The player rolls Wits + Expression (difficulty 6) to craft the dream; more successes allows for
more vivid and impactful dreams. To ensure that an individual experiences this dream, the Galliard must breathe
it into the target’s mouth while they sleep. The player spends a Gnosis point to complete the Gift. Dreams crafted
with this Gift are often unusually vivid and dramatic, often leaving even lifelong skeptics convinced that they
hold some deep meaning.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.170)
• Shadows by the Firelight (Level Four) — The Galliard invokes shadows and dreams to set the stage
for a play in which other werewolves play a part. The Galliard narrates the tale, and the actors are swept along in
the narrative, willing or no. The Gift is often used at moots, since it allows many to participate in the retelling of
legends. It is also used as an object lesson for the wayward and stubborn. An ancestor-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: To press an unwilling actor into the shadowplay, the player spends one Gnosis point per target
and rolls Manipulation + Performance (difficulty equal to the target’s Willpower). The effects last until the story
ends (one scene), or until the actor is attacked. Willing participants require no roll or expenditure.
(Note: This Gift is known as “Shadows by the Firelight” or “Shadows by the Fire Light,” depending on the
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.170)
• Song of Mockery (Level Four) — This Gift allows the Galliard to learn her rival’s deepest, darkest
secrets. Perhaps unfortunately, it requires her to sing of those secrets before a crowd. This Gift is taught by a
System: The player rolls Wits + Investigation (difficulty 8). The character begins to sing
extemporaneously about her chosen subject; each success on the roll improves the quality of the song and reveals
another secret. The secrets may simply be peccadilloes (the subject eats too many onions and therefore smells) or
far worse (the subject sired a metis). Thankfully, poetic license may veil the worst from the ears of those who are
simply expecting a song.
(Source: Dark Ages: Werewolf, p.125)
• Call for Vengeance (Level Five) — When a crime against Gaia is too great to go unpunished, the
character uses this Gift to bring the fury of the Garou down on the offender. He howls the name of the criminal
and the crime to the heavens, and both worlds echo the Call. An ancestor-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player rolls Stamina + Performance (difficulty 7). The howl echoes for a 20-mile-per-
success radius. Garou who hear are not obligated to join the hunt, but those who do have their Willpower rating
increased by three (to a maximum of 10) for the duration. In addition, if the criminal can hear the howl, her
Willpower is effectively reduced by two points for the next week. The character cannot use this Gift again until
the offender is caught and brought to Gaia’s justice. (Appropriate justice is left to the Storyteller’s discretion).
Without doubt, the children of the full moon are the fiercest of Gaia’s warriors. The very sight of Luna in the sky
fills them with Rage. Luna’s gifts to them temper that rage, forging it into a terrible weapon or improving their
ability to lead their fellows in the fray.
(Source: Dark Ages: Werewolf, p.126 & Werewolf: the Dark Ages, p.102-103)
• Fabric of the Mind (Level Five) — The highest-ranked Galliards can bring the products of their
imagination to very solid life, crafting creatures from the spiritual essence of dreams. Chimerlings teach this Gift.
System: The player makes an extended roll of Intelligence + Performance (difficulty 8). She can create
any form of life she can imagine, assigning it one dot of Traits for each success gained on the roll. The werewolf
can take as long as she wants to form the creature, accumulating successes from turn to turn, but once she stops,
the dream being takes form and requires the expenditure of Gnosis per scene to keep it manifested.
(Note: This Gift is known as Manifest the Vision in Werewolf: the Wild West, p.164 and as Dream Golem in
Dark Ages: Werewolf, p.125)
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.170)
• Head Games (Level Five) — Emotions become a palette with which the Galliard may paint whatever
picture takes her fancy. She may change the target’s emotions as she pleases, from love to hate and back again. A
coyote-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player rolls Manipulation + Empathy (difficulty equal to the target’s Willpower). Success
allows the Garou to steer the emotions of any one individual for the rest of the scene. These emotions don’t last
beyond the end of the Gift’s duration unless events naturally reinforce them (such as the Galliard acting friendly
toward an individual she has forced to regard her warmly).
(Note: This Gift is known as Heart Twister in Werewolf: the Wild West, p.149)
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.170)
• Legend’s Insight (Level Five) — While any Garou with a spiritual connection to her ancestor-spirits
may borrow an ancestor's wisdom from time to time, the Galliards have, unsurprisingly, perfected the process.
The character may call upon her illustrious predecessors for skill or knowledge and become, for a moment, the
best she can possibly be. An ancestor-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: Only characters with the Ancestors Background may learn this Gift. The player rolls Charisma
+ Ancestors (difficulty 7). For each success, the player may boost an Ability to five dots, or an Ability already at
that level to six dots. Normally, "modern" Abilities such as Computers, Drive, and even Firearms are disallowed,
but this is left to the Storyteller's discretion. The player should specify what ancestor she is calling upon and what
Abilities that ancestor is likely to grant her; these choices should remain consistent through subsequent uses of
this Gift (that is, the same ancestor probably shouldn't be granting Brawl, Melee, and Athletics one session and
then Occult, Enigmas and Rituals the next).
(Source: Book of Auspices, p.101-102)
• Break the Bonds (Level Six) — As the Philodox Gift.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.170→p.168-9)
• Storyteller (Level Six) — Rather than simply telling and retelling the stories of old, or even waiting
until the events of the day become the new stories, the Galliard can change the events of the ongoing drama
unfolding around her. She may add new "characters," alter chains of events, and even change the motivations of
the major participants. However, as this Gift can literally have world-altering ramifications, the handful of Garou
in history that have known it have been loath to actually use it. Rumor has it that the defeat of the Storm-Eater
was due partially to use of this Gift - but likewise, rumor also states that the horrific events in Russia during the
past century stem from a Child of Gaia Galliard who thought that she knew the way the story would end. No one
knows what sort of spirit teaches this Gift; presumably an avatar of Gaia, but since so few Garou even know of
the Gift's existence, no one can say for certain.
System: The player spends one permanent Gnosis point and explains, in as much detail as possible, the
change she wants to make to the story. The Storyteller, of course, has final say, and once the "dramatic alteration"
is done, the Garou has no further control. Events that she concocts can and do spiral out of control, so utmost
care must be taken with the Storyteller Gift.
(Source: Book of Auspices, p.102)

While all Garou are Gaia’s warriors, the Ahroun are the fighters among fighters. Burning with the gift
of Luna’s Rage, Ahroun channel their righteous fury into terrible weapons or cunning leadership on the

• Empathy of Hatred (Level One) — Using this Gift, an Ahroun can tell at a glance how strongly a
given individual is ruled by anger - both at the moment and over the course of their life. An Epiphling of Rage
teaches this Gift.
System: No roll is needed; the effect is automatic. By spending an action focusing on a person, the
Ahroun can learn the permanent and temporary Rage that said person possesses. This is most useful for spirits
and other shapechangers, of course, although some fomori may possess Rage as well. The Shadow Lord Gift:
Aura of Confidence blocks the perception granted by this Gift completely.
(Source: Book of Auspices, p.122)
• Falling Touch (Level One) — This Gift allows the Garou to send her foe sprawling with but a touch.
Any aerial spirit can teach this Gift.
System: The player rolls Willpower (difficulty of the opponent’s Stamina + Athletics). Even one
success sends the victim to the ground. This Gift may be employed through even the lightest, brushing contact at
no cost, or may be delivered through an attack by paying one point of Willpower or Rage. Such attacks inflict
full damage in addition to knocking the target prone.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.170-1)
• Inspiration (Level One) — Other werewolves look to the Ahroun for leadership in battle, and this
Gift helps them to live up to that trust. The werewolf employs this Gift to lend her resolve and righteous anger to
those who share her cause. A lion- or wolf-spirit teaches it.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point. All comrades (but not the Gift’s user) receive one
Willpower point, which disappears if it is not used before the end of the scene.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.171)
• Pack Tactics (Level One) — While the Ahroun’s role as the overall leader of Garou is questionable,
there’s no doubt at all who should take control of the pack in battle. By taking the lead and coordinating pack
actions, the Ahroun gifts all her packmates with great competence in the heat of battle. A wolf-spirit teaches this
System: The player spends a Willpower point before initiating a Pack Tactics maneuver (see p. 300)
and divides a pool of extra dice equal to her Leadership score among everyone performing the maneuver. The
dice should be divided as evenly as possible, although the player may choose where to distribute extra dice (or in
case of the Ahroun’s Leadership score granting fewer dice than the number of packmates involved).
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.171 & Book of Auspices, p.122)
• Razor Claws (Level One) — By raking his claws over stone or another hard surface, the Ahroun
hones them to razor sharpness. Either a cat- or bear-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one Rage point and the Ahroun takes a full turn sharpening her claws. All
claw attacks do two additional dice of damage and are made at –1 difficulty for the rest of the scene.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.171)
• Spur Claws (Level One) — In ancient times, Ahroun warriors made common cause with the spirit-
Queen of Bees. As her own hive-children rallied to protect her, so too did the Garou fight in defense of Gaia, and
the Queen decreed that they should be properly equipped for the fight. This Gift, taught by a bee-spirit in
recognition of that alliance, allows the Ahroun to transform her claws into hooked and barbed spurs.
System: The player spends one Rage. The next successful claw attack the character makes buries her
claws into the victim, where they stick after breaking free from the werewolf’s fingertips. Until the victim takes
the time to pull them out (which takes a full turn), they suffer +2 difficulty to all actions. The Garou’s claws take
a full turn to regenerate.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.171)
• Steadfast (Level One) — No matter the task, the Ahroun does not tire. This Gift allows the Garou to
work, run, or fight far beyond her normal limits. A horse-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one Rage point. For the remainder of the scene, her Stamina doubles any
time she has to roll it. This Gift does not affect soak rolls.
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West Companion, p.73)
• Trick Shot (Level One) — As the Glass Walker Gift.
(Source: W20 Wyld West, p.31→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.183).
• Gift of the Salamander (Level Two) — The Ahroun with this Gift can become virtually impervious
to flame. She can walk through a blazing building, hold her hand in a torch flame or even plunge her
arm into a cauldron of boiling oil without ill effect.
This Gift is taught by a fire elemental, most often a Salamander.
System: The player spends one Rage to activate the Gift; the effects last for one scene. While under the
Gift’s protection, the Ahroun receives four extra dice for the purposes of soaking any form of heat or fire
damage, whether supernatural or not. She also becomes immune to the effects of smoke inhalation, although she
still needs oxygen to survive.
(Source: Werewolf: the Dark Ages, p.103)
• Iron Claws (Level Two) — The Garou’s claws transform to sharp iron talons, making her the bane of
the fae, whether Nunnehi or Kithain, who live in the Savage West. This Gift is taught by an earth elemental.
System: The Garou spends a Rage point and touches her claws to an iron object. For the remainder of
the scene, her claw attacks then do an additional die of damage. The iron talons inflict aggravated damage on any
target which has a susceptibility to iron. What’s more, the character can more readily claw enemies that are toxic,
spiny or otherwise dangerous to the touch; if the Garou would take damage from clawing such an opponent, she
gains an extra three dice to soak this incidental damage. These dice are used only to soak damage that’s a direct
result of attacking such an opponent; if the cactus-skinned mockery smacks the werewolf with a fist, the
werewolf must soak as usual.
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West – Frontier Secrets, p.8)
• Renewed Vigor (Level Two) — By slaying a Wyrm beast (or other enemy, shameful though inter-
tribal conflict may be) in a particularly spectacular fashion, the Ahroun can inspire all allies who have her in their
line of sight to fight harder through her example. A hawk-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: To activate this Gift, the Ahroun must have spent at least three Rage points in that turn, and
must have killed an enemy with a stroke that brought it at least three health levels below Incapacitated. The
Ahroun spends a point of Willpower, and all her Garou allies gain a number of points of temporary Rage equal to
her Charisma Rating. Using this Gift does not require a separate action in combat aside from the action used to
kill the enemy.
(Source: Book of Auspices, p.122)
• Sense Silver (Level Two) — As the metis Gift.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.171→p.156)
• Shield of Rage (Level Two) — Such is the Rage burning within an Ahroun’s heart that all lesser
furies quail before it. A wolverine-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one Willpower point. For the rest of the scene, all spirits’ Rage scores are
considered two less than their real values for the purpose of rolling damage against the Ahroun.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.171)
• Spirit of the Fray (Level Two) — A cat-spirit grants the Ahroun the Gift of blinding speed and
lightning reflexes, permitting her to strike before any foe.
System: Once the Ahroun learns this Gift, its effects are permanent. She adds 10 to all her initiative
rolls, and if she chooses, may spend a Gnosis point to add another 10 to an initiative roll (such an expenditure
prevents spending Rage for extra actions, however).
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.171)
• Spiritual Wrath (Level Two) — Garou are by nature beings half of corporeal flesh and half of spirit
ephemera, living in two worlds simultaneously. By calling upon this Gift, an Ahroun manifests her spiritual
nature more strongly than physical for a brief period, allowing her claws to cut through defenses they could never
normally pierce. This Gift has no effect on creatures that are half spirit already, like other Garou, fomori and
changelings. But any being entirely of one world, such as Banes, vampires, ghosts or animals, is vulnerable to its
sting. Any spirit of war can teach this Gift.
System: The player spends a point of Gnosis; the difficulty to soak the damage from a single claw
attack the Ahroun makes in that turn is raised to 9. Note that the usual rule of being unable to spend Rage and
Gnosis in the same turn still applies.
(Source: Book of Auspices, p.122)
• Strength of the Pack (Level Two) — The Ahroun, the heart of the pack’s strength, can share any or
all of her physical might with her pack members. Just as if she handed her packmate a loaded gun, the Ahroun
grants her more power to do the work of the pack. A bear-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends a Rage point to make the Gift active. She may then temporarily reduce her
strength by any amount, to a minimum of 1, and lend that strength to her packmates with just a touch. The Garou
decides how much strength goes to each pack member chosen. The effects last for one scene.
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West Companion, p.73)
• True Fear (Level Two) — The werewolf displays his full, terrifying might — baring teeth or claws,
howling, or simply looming ominously over a foe. Terror strikes one foe into quiescence. Spirits of fear teach this
System: The player rolls Strength + Intimidation (difficulty equal to the target’s Willpower). Each
success cows the enemy for one turn; the victim cannot attack during this time, but may defend himself and
otherwise act normally (although his actions are likely guided by overwhelming terror).
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.171)
• Combat Healing (Level Three) — This Gift allows the werewolf to mend his injuries without rest or
hesitation — even in the heart of combat — as claws and bullets tear fresh rents in his flesh. While other Garou
struggle to mend their wounds under fire, the Ahroun never stops fighting. Elemental spirits teach this Gift,
although they must generally be bested in battle first.
System: The Ahroun no longer needs to pause or roll Stamina to heal during combat, and automatically
regenerates one non-aggravated health level every round. This benefit is permanent.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.171)
• Heart of Fury (Level Three) — The Garou steels himself against anger, suppressing his Rage and
creating a mental wall to hold back the tide of righteous fury that threatens to drown him. The anger always
returns, however, and the Garou had best be ready to pay its bill. A boar-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player rolls Willpower (difficulty equals the character’s permanent Rage). Every two
successes add +1 to the character’s frenzy difficulties for the scene, making it harder to frenzy. When the scene
ends, past slights and injuries come rushing back to haunt the werewolf, refilling his heart and soul. He must
spend one Willpower point or make an immediate frenzy check at regular difficulty.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.171)
• Purity of Spirit (Level Three) — Many Galliards relate stories describing the werewolves’ weakness
to silver as a kind of chiminage - the price Luna extracts from her children for the gift of Rage. Using this Gift,
the werewolf can, at great cost, briefly shield himself against silver’s damaging power with his own spiritual
energies. A Lune teaches this Gift.
System: The Garou spends a number of Gnosis points, and immediately receives this many automatic
successes to soak damage from silver, even if she has no dice to roll. The effect lasts for a number of turns equal
to the Gnosis spent, not including the remainder of the turn in which it was activated. The Gift does not take an
action to activate, and indeed can be activated immediately if the Garou has been struck by surprise with a silver
bullet or blade to help ameliorate the damage... as long as the user hasn’t spent any Rage that turn, of course.
This Gift cannot be active at the same time as Luna's Armor; whichever is activated last cancels the prior Gift.
(Source: Book of Auspices, p.122-123)
• Shake the Earth (Level Three) — The force of the Ahroun’s Rage splits the ground, before him and
knocks his foes off their feet. Even a minor tremor can cause great damage to houses, mineshafts and people. An
Earth elemental teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one Rage point to cause a three-foot-wide stretch of ground, extending 10
feet in front of the user, to split into a chasm that is 10 feet deep. Anyone over that spot must make a Dexterity
roll (difficulty 7) or fall into the hole. For every Rage point beyond the first, the Garou can make similar holes or
deepen the first one.
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West Companion, p.73)
• Shatter Bone (Level Three) — Victims with twisted arms or crushed legs are much easier prey. The
Ahroun with this Gift can destroy bone with a single punch, regardless of the damage inflicted by the blow. A
hyena-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: Before striking an opponent, the Ahroun must spend a Willpower point and a Rage point. The
Garou must target a specific limb, which increases the difficulty as indicated in the chart below. Also, he must
spend the Willpower and Rage even if the blow does not connect or he scores fewer than three successes.
The successful use of this Gift crushes whatever bone structure lies beneath the targeted flesh and causes a
number of Health Levels of damage equal to (the number of successes in the attack roll - 3). This damage is
unsoakable but does not cause aggravated wounds. Broken arms and legs subsequently handicap an opponent in
any combat. A fractured skull renders the victim unconscious. A broken spine causes paralysis. See the chart
below for full effects.
Target Difficulty Special Effect
Skull +3 Stamina Roll (difficulty 8) to stay conscious.
Arm +2 Dexterity roll to hold items; target cannot use broken limb to attack.
Leg +1 Dexterity roll to stay standing; target cannot run or attack with broken limb.
Rib +2 Stamina roll (difficulty 6) to avoid puncturing a lung.
Spine +4 Must attack from rear; target remains paralyzed until this wound heals.
(Source: Werewolf Players Guide, 2nd Ed., p.37-38)
• Silver Claws (Level Three) — Luna sends her children to teach this powerful but painful Gift to
those warriors who gain her favor. When invoked, it transforms the werewolf’s claws into silver.
System: The player rolls Gnosis (difficulty 7) to activate this Gift. Silver claws inflict aggravated
damage to all targets, and are naturally unsoakable to Garou and most other Fera. The Ahroun suffers searing
agony while manifesting these silver claws. Each turn, she gains an automatic Rage point, and all non-combat
difficulties increase by one because of the distraction. On each turn that her Rage points exceed her Willpower,
she must check for frenzy. The Gift lasts for one scene, unless the Garou takes a turn to voluntarily end it sooner.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.171-2)
• Spirit Savage (Level Three) — In the spirit world, a warrior often finds himself dealing with hostile
spirits much more often than he'd like. This Gift allows the Ahroun to brutally savage a spirit with a bite,
impeding the spirit's ability to attack or defend itself. Spirits find this Gift horrifying, and are unwilling to aid any
warrior who uses it unjustly (such as against any Gaian spirit). It's taught by wolverine-spirits, who care little for
the opinion of their fellows.
System: The Garou must successfully bite his spirit opponent and spend a Rage point. The player then
rolls Strength + Brawl, difficulty 4; if the successes equal or exceed the spirit's Willpower, the spirit's Rage is
effectively reduced by one point, plus one point for every extra success, for the rest of the scene. This Gift can be
used only once per scene against any given spirit, and it cannot reduce a spirit to zero Rage.
For example, Tanya Riverjumper ignores the foul stench and clamps down on a Hogling. She gains six
successes; three more than the Hogling's Willpower. The Hogling loses four Rage for the rest of the scene; it now
has only four dice to attack and defend itself, and it's probably terrified to boot.
(Source: Umbra Revised, p.134)
• Wind Claws (Level Three) — The Ahroun’s claws and fangs pass through the flimsy protections of
their enemies as though they were but air and hope. An air elemental teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one Rage point. For the rest of the turn, all of the Ahroun’s natural attacks
completely ignore any armor (mundane or magical) that targets might be wearing; the targets forfeit all soak dice
from such protection.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.172)
• Body Shift (Level Four) — As the homid Gift.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.172→p.154)
• Clenched Jaw (Level Four) — The werewolf bites down with such power that her grip won’t loosen
until she chooses to let it; even in death, her jaws remain locked. A wolf- or hyena-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: After making a successful bite attack, the player may spend a Rage point to invoke this Gift.
For each successive turn she chooses to maintain her grip, she makes a bite attack roll (difficulty 3). While foes
can make a resisted Strength roll to break the grip (suffering an additional health level of damage in the process
of trying to tear free), the Garou may add half her Willpower to her dice pool (round up).
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.172)
• Full Moon’s Light (Level Four) — The full moon is Luna’s warrior phase, when she searches out
her enemies. the Ahroun can call upon her determination in finding her foes, illuminating any who oppose her.
Lunes teach this Gift.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point. For the remainder of the scene, anyone within one mile
who is working against the Ahroun or her pack emits a soft glow, as though illuminated by moonlight. This Gift
can be used to confound powers of stealth or even invisibility, but only if the target is actively attempting to
harm, compete with, or otherwise foil the Ahroun or her pack..
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.172)
• Stoking Fury's Furnace (Level Four) — This Gift allows the Garou to husband his Rage, keeping it
burning for as long as Gaia’s enemies remain to be defeated. A wolverine-spirit teaches it.
System: This Gift’s effects are permanent. The werewolf regains one Rage point during any turn in
which he takes damage. This Rage does not cause a frenzy check, though other sources will induce checks as
usual. Additionally, the player can spend one Rage point per turn without losing any temporary Rage. If multiple
Rage points are spent during any turn, however, all are marked off.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.172)
• Touch of Rage (Level Four) — Using this Gift, an Ahroun can channel a portion of her Rage to
another, be the beneficiary Garou, human or animal. In the former case, the effect is fairly mundane, lending an
ally strength in combat; in the latter, it grants an awesome and destructive quality to beings that do not normally
possess such.
On a social level, this Gift can be a potent source of inspiration (and instigation) as well - while Rage is
an intensely visceral and difficult-to-control quality, it also bestows the ability to feel righteous anger at
corruption and injustice - a faculty many humans have lost in the quiet apathy of the World of Darkness. A fury-
spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The Ahroun spends one Willpower, or two if bestowing Rage on a mortal. He then expends a
number of temporary Rage points, and the target gains them and may spend them normally. Once any points
above the target’s normal maximum Rage (zero for humans) are spent, they are gone for good barring a second
use of this Gift. This Gift cannot grant Rage to Mages, ghosts or other kinds of supernatural beings that do not
already possess Rage. Spirits already have a Rage Trait, but can receive the temporary points to use to gain extra
actions in combat as Garou do.
(Source: Book of Auspices, p.123)
• Aegis (Level Five) — This Gift grants a Garou a mystical aegis protecting her from attacks. This is
not a literal shield; rather, strikes simply fail to hit vital areas, bullets deflect off a belt buckle and circumstance
otherwise conspires to prevent blows from landing solidly on the warrior while this ability is in effect. A wind-
spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends a point of Willpower, and the difficulty of all attack rolls made against her
for the duration of the scene is increased by two. Any attack roll that scores only one success (after dodge, if
applicable) against the Garou is considered to be a graze, and inflicts only bashing damage).
(Source: Book of Auspices, p.123)
• Kiss of Helios (Level Five) — The Ahroun can invoke the sun’s power to gain immunity to flame.
Additionally, she may ignite any portion of her body and keep it burning as she desires. Garou with this Gift are
as likely to light their mane to honor the sun during rituals as they are to ignite their claws or fangs in battle. A
fire elemental or sun-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one Gnosis. For the rest of the scene, the character is unharmed by any
natural source of flames or heat. Artificial (napalm, gas fires, etc.) and supernatural flames can inflict no more
than a single level of bashing damage during a turn. The character inflicts two additional dice of aggravated
damage with burning attacks.
(Note: This Gift is known as Sun Dance in Werewolf: the Wild West, p.150)
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.172)
• Shared Strength (Level Five) — No matter how strong you are, you can't be everywhere. Sooner or
later, if you live long enough, every Ahroun will experience the heartbreak of seeing a packmate die in combat,
and knowing that they simply couldn't be there to help. Elders have seen this more than any, so it is not unusual
that they would learn a Gift like this. This Gift allows an Ahroun to donate his capacities to one of his packmates
for a single turn, imbuing them with their strength, speed and skill. However, they pay a high price for this help,
losing their own strength for the same amount of time. This Gift is taught by a wolf-spirit.
System: The player spends two Gnosis and states a period of time for the Gift to remain active. This
could be "the next turn", "an hour", "the rest of the scene" or even "until the day I die". If the Ahroun dies, the
Gift ceases to work immediately, so "until the Final Battle" won't work unless you survive to see it.
For that amount of time, one Garou of the Ahroun's choice and within their line of sight immediately is treated as
possessing the Ahroun's Physical Attributes, Brawl, Dodge and Melee abilities (if the target has higher abilities,
they retain their own high scores). However, the Ahroun is treated as having a mere one dot in all Physical
attributes, in all forms, as long as the Gift is active and no dots in Brawl, Melee and Dodge. The target and
Ahroun cannot spend experience points to raise any of the shared Traits until the Gift ends.
(Source: Players Guide to Garou, p.188)
• Strength of Will (Level Five) — A werewolf with this Gift is a pillar of indomitable will. He can
share this terrifying strength with others as well, leading them through the gates of Malfeas without a moment’s
fear or hesitation. A wolf-spirit or an Incarna avatar teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends a point of Willpower and rolls Charisma + Leadership (difficulty 8). Each
success grants all the Garou’s allies within 100 feet (and her packmates anywhere within 100 miles) an extra
point of Willpower. The extra points last for the rest of the scene and may raise an ally’s Willpower above its
maximum (and even above 10). This Gift can only be used once per scene.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.172)
• One on One (Level Six) — The World of Darkness is a complex place, filled with intrigue,
misdirection and all manner of supernatural evasion. Ahroun, however, are simpler beings and this Gift allows
them to extend their direct methods where they might not otherwise reach. The Garou says a brief prayer to Luna
and the other innumerable spirits of blood, terror and vengeance in the Garou pantheon. She is then transported
instantly to a single foe of her choice, whom she may engage in one-to-one combat to the death under Luna's
own aegis. The foe cannot flee (though tactical withdrawal with the specific intent of continuing the fight this
scene is acceptable), nor can she receive aid from outsiders. The invoker is bound by same restrictions, of course.
Luna herself teaches this Gift, and not through an avatar — the petitioner must journey to Luna's court
in the Aetherial Realm and convince the capricious goddess that her reasons for needing this power are just.
System: This Gift cuts through all supernatural forms of warding, concealment, contingency spells and
similar precautions without any roll. For the remainder of the scene, both affected parties can receive no aid from
other sources, and can only use powers that are directly physical in nature. A vampire's unearthly strength and
speed or a faerie's ability to strike at enemies with the spirit of holly would remain potent, but a member of either
race would be stripped of his supernatural mind-clouding and unearthly presence. Likewise, a Namebreaker
might throw lightning or increase his own strength, but not teleport away or turn incorporeal to avoid the Garou's
strikes utterly.
This Gift involves the direct interference of the Celestine Luna in mortal affairs, and the Storyteller
should remember that a thinking being is determining the Gift's exact effects, not a defined supernatural spell.
The Storyteller should make judgment calls on the Gift's effects keeping it within its intended spirit of providing
a fair, open and physical fight. A Garou asking to be transported to a vampire in torpor, for example, might find
the Leech awake and ready to fight...
The Garou must expend a point of permanent Gnosis to activate this Gift. Once the fight is done,
normal rules of reality reassert themselves — which might be bad if the Garou has been sent to Malfeas or some
other hellish domain.
(Source: Book of Auspices, p.123-124)
• Unstoppable Warrior (Level Six) — The werewolf with this potent Gift may shrug off even flames
and the claws of his own kind. A warrior Incarna teaches this Gift.
System: The Garou becomes permanently capable of healing all aggravated damage as though it were
lethal damage, save for wounds inflicted by silver.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.172)

Tribal Gifts
Spirits in service to or allied with a tribe’s totem teach Tribal Gifts. Some tribes’ Gifts haven’t changed
in centuries, while others (such as the Glass Walkers) regularly reinvent their relationship with the spirits.
Learning a Gift from another tribe usually requires the Garou to be on good terms with at least one
member of the tribe (generally a packmate) who can summon the appropriate spirit. Even then, the Garou must
convince the spirit she is worthy of its blessings, and that she won’t turn them against its tribal allies.
Some Garou are extremely touchy about outsiders learning their tribal blessings, while others believe
the practice strengthens the Garou Nation as a whole in its war against the Wyrm.
Black Furies
The Black Furies’ Gifts reflect their closeness to the Wyld and allow them to unleash their centuries of
tribulation on others. They possess some of the most effective war-Gifts of all the tribes.

• Arion’s Burden (Level One) — The Black Furies had many tribeswomen among the ancient
Scythians, who were renowned for their use of cavalry. During their battles with other Garou tribes, the Furies
often surprised their enemies by showing that they too could employ cavalry, thanks to this Gift. Most animals
shy away from creatures of high Rage, and even the Glabro form tended to make a werewolf heavier than the
horse could handle. But this Gift perfectly calms the mount's mind and makes the Black Fury as light as a child
to it. It is taught by an avatar of Pegasus.
System: The Black Fury rolls Charisma + Athletics (difficulty 6). A simple success is all that is needed
to keep this Gift active for the rest of the scene. While this Gift works to calm any animal normally friendly to
the Black Fury, it is most commonly employed on horses. Riding in Crinos form, even with this Gift, is a tricky
business, requiring a Dexterity + Athletics (difficulty 7) roll.
(Source: Players Guide to Garou, p.189)
• Breath of the Wyld (Level One) — Furies embrace the energy of creation, and they can share that
passion with others. With this Gift, the Black Fury instills a feeling of vitality, life, and lucidity in another living
being. It is taught by a servant of Pegasus.
System: The Fury must touch her target’s skin. The player rolls Gnosis (difficulty 5 against Garou and
Kinfolk; difficulty 6 for others). Success grants the recipient a rush of mental vitality — in game terms, one
additional die on all Mental rolls for the rest of the scene. It also adds one to the difficulties of any Rage rolls
made during the scene.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.173)
• Heightened Senses (Level One) — As the Lupus Gift.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.173→p.158-9)
• Man’s Skin (Level One) — Distasteful though it may be, the Black Furies sometimes find it
necessary to pass unnoticed through the world of men. This Gift allows a Fury to effectively change gender in the
eyes of onlookers. Her features and build become decidedly more masculine, and her garb seems of a masculine
cut. Her hair, eye and skin color remain the same; the result is a man who shows a slight family resemblance to
the Fury. Despite this Gift’s name, it works equally well when male metis Furies employ it to disguise
themselves as women. The Gift is taught by an ancestor-spirit or a seahorse-spirit.
System: The player rolls Charisma + Subterfuge (difficulty 7). The illusion lasts for one scene per
success, or until the Fury shifts form. The disguise withstands casual tactile contact, although heavy or violent
contact will reveal the truth.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.173)
• Owl Speech (Level One) — Black Furies may invoke the kinship between their tribe and the owls of
Athena. This Gift combines the effects of the Galliard Beast Speech Gift and the Philodox King of the Beasts
Gift, though it only works on owls. This Gift is common among the Temple-Keepers of Artemis and the
Sisterhood. Many of their Kinfolk share this Gift, and new sisters often receive it as an initiation Gift.
System: As per the Gift Beast Speech, but it only works on owls.
(Source: 2nd Ed Black Furies Tribebook, p.41→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.169)
• Sense Wyld (Level One) — As the Lupus Gift.
(Source: Umbra Revised, p.133)
• Sense Wyrm (Level One) — As the Metis Gift.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.173→p.156)
• Song of the Seasons (Level One) — The wild is a harsh mistress. By calling the Mother into her
heart, a Fury may tame the worst effects of weather and season. No matter how hot the sun or bitter the wind, the
Fury feels as comfortable as springtime. This Gift is taught by a weather-spirit.
System (old version): The player spends a Gnosis point; the protection lasts for one day. With this Gift
in action, the werewolf remains immune to extremes of temperature, so long as those extremes aren’t severe
enough to be considered attacks. The Gift also raises the damage difficulty of environmental attacks (ice storms,
bonfires, cold winds) from 6 to 7. This Gilt protects against temperatures only; it offers no defense against
explosion, earthquake or tornado damage.
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West, p.151)
System (new version): The player spends a Gnosis point; the protection
lasts for one day. During that time the werewolf suffers no ill effects or even
discomfort from extremes of temperature, so long as those extremes aren’t severe
enough to be considered attacks. Temperature- related attacks (ice storms, bonfires,
cold winds) can still affect her, though the difficulty on related attack rolls increases
by 1. This Gift protects against temperatures only, not against other dangers
associated with climate such as tornadoes or lightning.
(Source: W20 Wyld West, p.31)
• Watchful Eyes (Level One) — Since time immemorial, the Black Furies have been able to determine
the location of those that break the laws of Gaia. Such beings ((human, Garou or spirit) are not always Wyrm- or
Weaver-tainted; as in the classic example, Orestes was not under the influence of any supernatural being when he
killed his mother Clytemnestra, but he did break Gaia’s laws by doing so. This Gift has been the Furies’ tool for
such a hunt; with a few moments’ concentration, the Black Fury who uses Watchful Eyes can roughly determine
the distance and direction to the nearest such criminal. This Gift is taught by an Owl spirit.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Perception + Investigation (difficulty 6). Success
indicates the distance and direction to the nearest violator of Gaia’s laws (as interpreted by the Storyteller). Note
that this Gift does not identify the lawbreaker, and it is somewhat vague: it has a margin of error of roughly 10%
of the distance between the Garou and her quarry (that is, if the nearest violator is ten blocks away, the Gift will
point out a one-block area. A botch causes this Gift to wrongly identify a potential target.
(Source: Tribebook: Black Furies Revised, p.65-6)
• Wyld Resurgence (Level One) — Bent to Gaia’s service, the creative, living essence of the Wyld
roars through the Fury’s body, shining beneath her skin as a rippling wave of prismatic energy which focuses on
and shines out through her wounds. This surge supercharges the werewolf’s regenerative powers, quickly
mending even the most grievous of wounds. A servant of Pegasus teaches this Gift.
System: The Fury spends a turn in concentration and the player spends one Gnosis point. The werewolf
immediately heals either three levels of bashing damage or two levels of lethal damage. With the expenditure of a
Willpower point in addition to the Gnosis point, one level of aggravated damage may be healed instead. Damage
caused by silver weapons cannot be healed with this Gift.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.173)
• Curse of Aeolus (Level Two) — The Fury calls up a thick, eerie fog that obscures vision and
unnerves her opponents. The Fury can see through her own fog with no difficulty. A fog-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player makes a Gnosis roll, with the difficulty depending on humidity and closeness to a
body of water (a lake shore might be difficulty 4, while a desert would be 9). Those other than the Fury who are
enveloped in the fog lose half of their dice on all Perception rolls (round up). All those enveloped within the fog
also lose one die from all Willpower rolls, save the Fury and her packmates. The fog covers roughly one city
block in area.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.173)
• Form Mastery (Level Two) — As the metis Gift.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.173→p.156)
• Kali’s Tongue (Level Two) — A terrible Wyrm-creature terrorized the land in ancient days of myth.
For every drop of blood it spilled, another monster would spring up from the ground. A goddess of destruction
spread out her tongue to catch each drop of blood as it fell, and in this fashion enabled the monster’s defeat.
Modern Black Furies apply similar magic in their struggles against Black Spiral Dancers and other resilient foes.
A cobra-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one point of Rage and rolls Manipulation + Medicine (difficulty equals the
target’s Rage or Willpower –3, whichever is lower). Each success prevents the target from healing damage by
any means (including Gifts like Mother’s Touch) for one turn.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.173)
• Kneel (Level Two) — By pointing a finger or claw at a target, a Fury can force him to his knees. Only
the strongest-willed can do anything but strain and swear in response. This Gift is taught by one of Pegasus’s
System: The Fury rolls Manipulation + Intimidation (difficulty of the subject’s Willpower). Her target
falls to his knees unless he spends a Gnosis point to resist the Gift’s effects (other supernatural beings may spend
their own form of mystic energy, such as blood or quintessence, but mortals remain helpless). The target kneels
for one turn per success.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.173 & Werewolf: the Wild West, p.151)
• Pulse of the Prey (Level Two) — As the Ragabash Gift.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.173→p.161)
• Stoking the Soul’s Fire (Level Two) — Every aspect of a Fury’s life has different strengths: the
Maiden’s fury at Gaia’s pain is unmatchable, the Mother’s will is indomitable, and the Crone’s spirituality is
beautiful and terrible. A Maiden Black Fury can use this Gift to replenish her natural strengths by sacrificing her
suppressed natures. The Maiden’s greatest strength is her anger; she can sacrifice from her will and spirituality to
stoke that rage to scorching intensity. This Gift is taught by a wolverine-spirit.
System: A Maiden using this Gift rolls Intelligence + Occult with a target of her own permanent Rage;
she spends one temporary point of Willpower and one temporary Gnosis, and refills her Rage pool if she
achieves two or more successes.
(Source: Tribebook: Black Furies Revised, p.66)
• Touch of the Muse (Level Two) — With this Gift, the Fury invokes the spirits of art and artifice,
allowing her to lower the difficulty of any Social Attribute rolls for the duration of the scene.
System: A Gnosis roll (difficulty 8) reduces the difficulty of Social rolls by one per success. The roll
itself depends on what the character attempts. A poetry reading, for example, would require Manipulation +
Expression, whereas a seduction would involve Appearance + Subterfuge.
(Source: 2nd Ed Black Furies Tribebook, p.41)
• Trail of Pain (Level Two) — Once solely the province of the Amazons of Diana camp, this Gift has
become the property of the tribe as a whole. It allows the Black Fury to sense people in torment of any sort.
Some Black Furies use this Gift to uncover individuals suffering abuse. Other Black Furies use this Gift to track
the abusers after wounding them. This Gift is taught by a spirit servant of Pegasus.
System: The Garou must spend at least one turn in silent thought before using this Gift, clearing her
soul of its own pain so she can sense that of others. After this, one Gnosis point and a successful Perception +
Empathy roll (difficulty 6, raised by 1 for every wound level the Black Fury herself currently carries) will either
pick out a particular individual as suffering in a crowd, or will sense the direction of someone suffering within 50
(Source: Players Guide to Garou, p.190; Werewolf Players Guide, 2 nd Ed., p.37)
• Whore’s Vengeance (Level Two) — This Gift affects the most sensitive areas of the human or animal
anatomy. By causing either minor irritation or wracking pain, Whore’s Vengeance can distract or even
incapacitate a victim. The target of this Gift need never have visited a house of ill repute, nor does the Gift user
need to practice the profession. A spirit of Lust teaches this Gift.
System: The player rolls her Intelligence + Medicine (difficulty equals the target’s Willpower). If the
roll succeeds, the target breaks out in a painful rash in his or her sensitive region. Each success subtracts one die
from the target’s Dice Pool for the remainder of the scene. This Gift affects only living animals (including
humans) and has no effect on spirits or the undead.
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West Companion, p.73)
• Bacchantes’ Rage (Level Three) — When deep in the wilds, the Black Furies can use this Gift to
inflict extra damage. Even the toughest Get of Fenris have walked away with a battle scar due to the effects of
this potent Gift — and some couldn't walk away at all. This Gift is taught by a Wyld-spirit.
System: The Garou spends two Gnosis points to activate the Gift. During combat, she may spend Rage
points to deal extra damage after a wounding hit; every point spent causes one additional; unsoakable Health
Level of damage.
(Source: Werewolf Players Guide, 2nd Ed., p.38)
• Barring the Will (Level Three) — The Mother’s will is impossible to compromise when she does
not wish to yield. She can sacrifice her anger and spirit energies to replenish her strength of purpose. This Gift is
taught by a donkey-spirit.
System: A Mother using this Gift rolls Intelligence + Occult with a target of her own permanent
Willpower; she spends one temporary point of Rage and one temporary Gnosis, and refills her Willpower pool if
she achieves two or more successes.
(Source: Tribebook: Black Furies Revised, p.66)
• Coup de Grace (Level Three) — The Garou finds the point of her foe’s greatest weakness — and
strikes at it. An owl-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one Willpower point and rolls Perception + Brawl (difficulty of the target’s
Stamina + Athletics). If successful, the player doubles her damage dice on the Garou’s next successful attack.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.173)
• Flames of Hestia (Level Three) — The Black Furies revere the holy Wyld places of the world; part
of the tribe’s set of tools is the Flames of Hestia Gift, which enables a Black Fury to purify a person, spirit or
object with searing white-hot flames. The fire coruscates around the Fury’s hands, enabling her to apply the Gift
to anything she can touch. This Gift is taught by an avatar of Hestia the teacher.
System: Spend one Gnosis and roll Gnosis with a difficulty of 8. Success enables the Fury to cleanse
tainted food or water, or heal damage caused by radiation, poison or disease at one Health Level per success. The
Flames of Hestia last for just one turn; however, a Fury can activate the Gift and strike at a foe in the same turn.
Flames of Hestia do one level of unsoakable aggravated damage per success on the Gift roll, if used against a
Bane or a fomor in hand-to-hand combat.
(Source: Tribebook: Black Furies Revised, p.67 & 2nd Ed Black Furies Tribebook, p.41)
• Heart Claw (Level Three) — The Fury breaks one of her claws off in a wound, imbuing it with all of
her killing intent. The claw continues to burrow into her opponent’s flesh, and will not stop until it finds his
heart. A wasp-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: Upon making a successful claw attack, the player spends one point of Willpower. The
burrowing claw inflicts one automatic level of unsoakable lethal damage each subsequent turn until it either kills
the target or is dug out of the wound (a Dexterity + Medicine action, difficulty 7, requiring a turn’s full
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.173)
• Song of the Siren (Level Three) — As the Galliard Gift.
(Note: This was a Level Four Gift in Werewolf Players Guide, 2 nd Ed., p.37)
(Source: Werewolf Players Guide, 2nd Ed., p.37→→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.170)
• Spirit Ripper (Level Three) — The Furies are one with the Wyld in many ways. By channeling that
kinship into a blast of pure chaos, a werewolf may shred a spirit’s essence, scattering its power to the Umbral
winds. Sadly, this power does nothing against Wyld-spirits; it can be pretty effective against Wyrm and Weaver
ones, though. This Gift is taught by a Wyld-spirit.
System: The Fury rolls her current Gnosis against difficulty 6; each success reduces a spirit’s Power by
three (i.e., a spirit hit by, a three-success attack loses nine Power points). Each attack costs the Garou one Gnosis
point. The Armor Charm cannot prevent this damage. Unless the spirit is materialized, Spirit Ripper works only
in the Umbra. It will not harm material beings in any way, although possessed ones (mockeries and the like) take
one aggravated Health Level per success.
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West, p.151)
• Visceral Agony (Level Three) — The werewolf’s claws change to barbed, wicked talons dripping
with black venom. While this venom is not itself lethal, it inflicts crippling agony. A pain-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends a Rage point before the character attacks. Any wound penalties suffered as a
result of the character’s attacks during that turn are doubled (i.e. a foe at Wounded would lose four dice) for the
rest of the scene. If the target is resistant to pain (such as in a frenzy) he suffers his normal wound penalties
(Note: This Gift is known as Devil Talons in Werewolf: the Wild West, p.151)
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.174)
• Wings of Pegasus (Level Three) — The Fury can sprout majestic wings when in Hispo form,
allowing her to fly at will. An avatar of Pegasus teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends a Gnosis point to produce the wings capable of 50 miles per hour (80 kph)
flight, which last until dismissed. Fine flying maneuvers require a Dexterity + Athletics roll at a difficulty
determined by the Storyteller.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.174)
• Beast Life (Level Four) — As the lupus Gift.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.174→p.160)
• Body Wrack (Level Four) — Pouring her Rage and pain into an opponent, the Fury induces
debilitating agony. Victims tend to fall to the ground, screaming between convulsions. A pain-spirit teaches this
System: The player spends a Gnosis point and rolls Gnosis (difficulty equals the victim’s Stamina + 3).
If successful, the target is left stunned and convulsing for one round per success. Additionally, the target subtracts
one die from all rolls for the rest of the scene.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.174)
• Bolster the True Name (Level Four) — The Crone has no need of a child’s rage, and her wiles are
enough to let her survive the day that the Mother’s stalwart nature fails her. She can sacrifice her hatred and will
to reinvigorate her spiritual connections. This Gift is taught by a Lune.
System: A Crone using this Gift rolls Intelligence + Occult with a target of her own permanent Gnosis;
she spends one temporary point of Rage and one temporary Willpower, and refills her Gnosis pool if she
achieves two or more successes.
(Source: Tribebook: Black Furies Revised, p.67)
• Bow of Pegasus (Level Four) — A Fury infuses her how with spiritual energy to become
fantastically adept at striking targets from any distance. Arrows shot from her bow travel in a flash of light
toward any target within her sight, as though there were no distance between them. A spirit servant of Pegasus
teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls Gnosis (difficulty 6). Success allows the
character to shoot arrows that travel instantly to any target in the character’s range of visibility, rendering the
target unable to dodge. Additionally, the difficulty to hit a target drops to four while this Gift is active. The Gift
lasts for one turn per success.
(Source: Dark Ages: Werewolf, p.129)
• Calm Before the Storm (Level Four) — The Black Furies are at heart a tribe of contradiction, they
both represent the harmony and beauty of the Wyld, but also the spectacular savagery and brutality of the same.
Sometimes, they even bring the two forces together, such as with this Gift. It lays a sense of peace and quiet over
an area, not an uncomfortable silence but a serene sense of security. It is, naturally, used to prepare an ambush.
The moment this peace breaks, these spirits of calm depart quickly and are replace with spirits of anger, storm
and pain. Few subjected to this Gift survive the assault that follows. This Gift is taught by a cat-spirit.
System: The Black Fury spends one Gnosis and rolls Charisma + Primal Urge, difficulty 7. A simple
success projects a sense of utter safety on a group of no more than ten people. If they expect an ambush, they
may roll Perception + Empathy (difficulty 8) in order to sense the sudden change of emotion within their own
group. If they obtain more successes than the Black Fury on her Primal Urge roll, they can sense the impending
assault and run. Otherwise, the Gift works and the resulting chaos causes the targets to lose one die on each of
their rolls for every success the Black Fury initially rolled.
(Source: Players Guide to Garou, p.190)
• Dispel the Golden Waste (Level Four) — This rare and radical solution to the Gold Rush remains a
deeply kept secret. It summons up the spirits of gold from their resting-places, whirls them into a dust cloud, and
whisks the gold away, leaving the area worthless for prospectors. Where does the gold go? Most Furies simply
shrug. Who cares? It’s only valued by selfish men. Some speculate that the spirits deposit the loot in some hidden
Fury den. The tribe certainly has ready cash when it’s needed....
System: The player makes a Gnosis roll, difficulty 8. Success creates a whirlwind of gold dust which
sweeps the vicinity free of gold and pyrite. Any shaped gold turns to dust. The Gift can and will work in
"civilized" areas like banks, although a sealed vault prevents the dust from leaving. In open spaces, air currents
carry the gold far away; the Fury cannot redirect the dust to suit her own needs. The gold’s eventual destination
remains a mystery only the Storyteller can solve.
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West – Frontier Secrets, p.9 & W20 Wyld West, p.31)
• Healing Breath of Mother Gaia (Level Four) — Furies are healers as well as warriors. By bringing
forth the Earth’s healing powers, a Fury can dispel the worst effects of Wyrm-taint and injure the creatures of
corruption. A cool breeze blows across the mortal and spirit worlds alike when this Gift is used.
System: The Fury rolls her permanent Gnosis and spends one point per success. The roll’s difficulty
depends on how corrupted the area is.
Corruption Difficulty
Mildly Tainted (a battlefield) 6
Tainted (fomori bunks) 7
Corrupted (a Wyrm-cult’s lodge) 8
Blighted (an Umbral Blight) 9
Hopeless (an Anchorhead to Malfeas) 10
The presence of Wyrm-creatures in the area raises the difficulty by one (maximum 10). Each success reduces the
corruption by one level. The Healing covers an area roughly 100 feet by 100 feet; a Fury can spend double the
Gnosis to heal twice that area. While the Gift’s effects aren’t immediately noticeable, the place begins to
"recover" from the Wyrm’s effects. In time, the Penumbra reshapes itself into a more "neutral" state. Any Wyrm-
creature caught within a 20-foot radius of the Garou when she casts the Gift suffers one aggravated Health Level
(nonsoakable) per success.
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West, p.151)
• Wasp Talons (Level Four) — The Fury with this Gift can fire her claws from her hand like darts. She
can’t make claw attacks with that hand until her claws regenerate, of course, but this is rarely a problem when her
opponent lies eviscerated on the other side of the room. A wasp-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends a Rage point and rolls Dexterity + Brawl to hit. The difficulty is figured as
though the character is using a firearm; the medium range is 20 yards (18 m). Damage is calculated normally for
a claw strike. Regenerating fired claws takes one turn.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.174)
• Anger of the Goddess (Level Five) — With the force of Gaia Herself, the Black Fury elder strikes
down even the most powerful enemies. Few can withstand the righteous anger of Gaia unleashed. The power can
take many forms: a lightning bolt from the heavens, an avalanche, or even a tornado. The wrath of the Goddess
blindly ravages the innocent and guilty alike. An avatar of Gaia Herself is the only spirit that teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends three Rage points to summon Gaia’s wrath. The Storyteller determines what
freak natural events follow, but the full force of the Goddess strikes the target (multiple lightning bolts, a tornado
touching down at his feet, etc.). Unfortunately, the Gift affects everyone around the target as well, as the power
of nature is indifferent to innocence.
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West Companion, p.73)
• Arrow of Artemis (Level Five) — To honor Luna in her aspect as Artemis, the huntress of the moon,
the Black Furies strive to master the art of archery. This Gift is the ultimate expression of their skill. By invoking
the huntress’ name and freeing her mind of distractions, a Fury can invest a single arrow with the light of Luna
— and celestial killing power. Virtually no force on Gaia can make her miss, and when the arrow strikes, it does
so with the force of a thunderbolt. This Gift is taught only by powerful Lunes in direct service to Luna-the-
System: The Black Fury spends a point of Gnosis as she draws back the arrow and sights on her target;
this takes a full action. While she is looking down the shaft of the drawn arrow (which glows with a faint silver
light once "charged"), she can see through any illusion or darkness that might impair her sight; this includes
vampiric Disciplines, Gifts and magick.
When she fires the arrow the next turn, the archer rolls Dexterity + Archery to hit as usual. However,
this Gift gives her 3 bonus successes on the roll, and reduces the difficulty of the shot by 2 - only the most
incredible botches or superhuman evasion can make the shot miss. The arrow inflicts ten dice of aggravated
damage; those slain by the missile are immolated in a quick-burning silver fire that does not spread further than
the corpse, and leaves only bones behind.
However, this Gift must only be used in time of war - else Artemis becomes very displeased. If the Fury
releases the arrow without a genuine living (or undead) target, or relaxes the bow and doesn’t fire at all, the spent
Gnosis point is permanently lost. Furies only invoke this Gift when they know they have a target that must be
slain; using the illusion-dispelling abilities to "scan for invisible enemies" is highly disrespectful, and counts as
abuse of the Gift.
(Source: Werewolf: the Dark Ages, p.103)
• Gorgon’s Gaze (Level Five) — The Fury’s eyes burn red, gold, and green as this hideous power of
legend transforms living flesh into stone with but a gaze. Difficult to find and even more dangerous to approach,
legendary Basilisk teaches this Gift.
System: After making eye contact, the player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Appearance + Occult
(difficulty of the target’s Willpower). The victim is completely paralyzed for one turn per success; five successes
permanently transform the target to stone.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.174)
• Thousand Forms (Level Five) — As the Ragabash Gift.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.174→p.163)
• Wyld Warp (Level Five) — This Gift summons a swarm of Wyld-spirits to aid the Fury. When they
arrive, the Wyldlings behave in a wildly unpredictable, but beneficial, fashion. They might tear the Fury’s foes
limb from limb, replenish her pack’s Rage, destroy all Weaver-tools in the area, or haul opponents away into the
Deep Umbra. A Wyldling teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point and one Rage point, then rolls Wits + Enigmas (difficulty
equals the local Gauntlet). Successes summon a variable number of Wyldlings, which will alter the situation as
the Storyteller sees fit.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.174)
Black Furies Camp Gifts
Amazons of Diana
• True Shot (Level One) — The accuracy of Artemis on the hunt could not be equaled by any other;
this Gift allows Maidens to replicate their aunt’s spectacular feats of archery on the battlefield or on the hunt. It is
less effective for Mothers and Crones than for Maidens, but still gives them some benefit. This Gift is taught by a
System: Spend a point of Rage and receive +3 to your dice pool for a single arrow shot. Mothers and
Crones receive only a +2 bonus; Luna is said to favor those Garou who can replicate her own aspect as Artemis.
This Gift can be used in conjunction with Flurry of Arrows, below, but can only be used for one arrow per turn.
(Source: Tribebook: Black Furies Revised, p.67)
• Flurry of Arrows (Level Two) — The bow of Artemis slew many monsters of both human and Black
Fury myth; the incarnation of Luna as maiden huntress was a swift and accurate shot with the bow.
Appropriately, Luna has taught her children how to nock and release arrows more rapidly that a human might
follow. This Gift is taught by a Lune.
System: Spend a point of Rage; for the remainder of the scene, the character receives a free shot per
turn from a bow (though not a crossbow) at no dice pool penalty. Thus, the character could simply take two bow
shots, each at no penalty, or she might take three shots and suffer a -2 on the first shot, -3 on the second and no
penalty on the granted by Flurry of Arrows.
(Source: Tribebook: Black Furies Revised, p.67)
• Blizzard of Arrows (Level Four) — The Black Fury who uses this Gift truly shows herself the equal
of any man — or machine — on the battlefield. Once Blizzard of Arrows is activated, the Garou deals out
nightmarish pain to the hordes that oppose her. Heroes with this Gift might single-handedly have turned cavalry
charges, in the days when such things still took place. For today, however, the Fury with this Gift is the perfect
ally when faced by hordes of Wyrm-creatures. This Gift is taught by a porcupine-spirit.
System: Spend a point of Willpower and two points of Rage, and you may take a single arrow shot (at
no multi-action penalty) at every foe within 100 yards, to a maximum of 20 enemies. Simply roll to hit once,
using the sight and range penalties for the hardest-to-hit foe in range, and apply that number of successes against
each enemy, which individually may soak, dodge, etc. as the Storyteller sees fit.
This Gift is limited by the number of arrows you have on hand: all the arrows you intend to shoot must
be someplace that they can be easily nocked and shot from (in a quiver on the back or waist, or stuck point-first
into the ground in front of you; scattered on the ground nearby will not suffice). The bows and arrows may be of
modern manufacture, but cannot use any exceptional Weaver-based equipment (such as laser sights or explosive
tips) to gain any accuracy or damage bonus. However, a fetish bow shooting talens is perfectly acceptable.
(Source: Tribebook: Black Furies Revised, p.67-8)
• Rend (Level Two) — The Furies of myth did not use swords or axes to destroy the enemies of the
Gods; the Black Furies of old did not use weapons to slay enemies of Gaia. They used teeth and claws, and sheer
animal might. While many Bacchantes certainly do use the tribe’s ritual labrys and bow, and other carry klaives
and other fetish weapons, when they frenzy they most often fight with their natural weapons. Even out of frenzy,
the Bacchantes recognize the intimidation factor of rending a foe with fang and claw, and may revel in its primal
nature. Rend allows the Bacchantes to rip through substances they could not ordinarily pierce, and do as much
damage with their natural weapon as another might with a human’s sword. This Gift is taught — sometimes to
great comic effect — by a wine-spirit.
System: Spend a point of Rage, and roll Strength + Primal-Urge (difficulty 6). For each success, the
Fury gains the ability to rip through tough substances for one turn. When wearing any of the “war forms”
(Glabro, Crinos or Hispo) and using hand-to-hand maneuvers, the character ignores the first three dice of the
target’s soak pool — the target rolls three fewer dice to soak. This ability to pierce defenses also applies to
inanimate objects such as walls or doors, making it considerably harder to hide from Black Furies inside
buildings or underground. In the case that a given object does not have a soak or armor rating, treat the Fury’s
Strength as being three higher for purposes of the Feat of Strength needed to rip through the object.
Successful uses of Rend to destroy a wall, door or enemy add 3 dice to the Fury’s next Intimidation roll
against those who saw her do so.
(Source: Tribebook: Black Furies Revised, p.68)
• Storm of Mother’s Wrath (Level Five) — When the Black Furies take up arms to destroy an enemy
of Gaia, they are like unto a force of nature. Should a pack of Bacchantes include one with Storm of Mother’s
Wrath, they nearly become a force of nature. The Fury wielding this Gift causes a fearful dark hailstorm to erupt,
even out of a clear sky; the pack of Bacchantes, however, are not inconvenienced by the storm, and can move
around and fight in it without difficulty. Signs of such a hailstorm in the area tend to be a red flag for Wyrm
creatures, who know that a pack of Furies must be involved in a desperate fight; they may move to join in, or
they may wait in ambush outside of the storm. A Mammatus, a Wyld-spirit of the air, teaches this Gift.
System: Spend a point of Gnosis and roll Stamina + Survival (difficulty 7). The storm has a 100-meter
diameter and a duration of one minute. Every success on the roll extends the storm’s diameter by 100 yards and
extends the duration by one minute. Physical beings caught within the storm — humans, Garou, fomori, and
materialized spirits — take a 3-die penalty to all physical dice pools. The exception to this is the pack of the
character responsible for the storm; that group receives no penalty. Humans react to the storm as though faced
with the Delirium; most will attempt to flee its fury. The storm cannot be generated indoors or underground, and
its effects will not penetrate solid walls (though the pelting hail can and does break windows).
(Source: Tribebook: Black Furies Revised, p.69)
• Messenger’s Fortitude (Level Two) — As the Silent Strider Gift.
(Source: Tribebook: Black Furies Revised, p.69 & 2nd Ed Black Furies Tribebook, p.41→Werewolf 20th
Anniversary Edition, p.192)
• Omen of Power (Level Two) — The Freebooters are famed among the Garou for their ability to find
items and places of great magical power. Some believe that they follow Wyld-spirits in their nearly-random
wandering through the Umbra; others say the Freebooters can sense the perturbations of even the weakest ley-
lines. Regardless of the true nature of their abilities, many Freebooters can sniff out the locations of dormant
caerns (that is, those once opened whose power has since faded). When conditions are right, they can even sense
particularly powerful fetishes from a distance. This Gift is taught by a hound-spirit.
System: Spend one Gnosis point and roll Perception + Enigmas; the difficulty is known only to the
Storyteller, and is based on the distance to the source of power. Success means that the rough distance and
direction to a mystic power source is revealed to the Black Fury. The source of power can be an active or
dormant caern, or a level 5+ fetish. The base difficulty of the roll is 7, if the source of power is within 10 miles;
decrease it by 1 if the distance is less than 1 mile, and increase it by 1 if the distance is between ten and twenty
miles — Omen of Power cannot detect sources of power greater than twenty miles distant. This difficulty is
decreased by 2 if the source of power is an active caern, and increased by 1 if it is a fetish rather than a dormant
By default, this Gift is accurate to within about 20% — if a caern is within 10 miles, Omen of Power
will give its distance and direction to within about 2 miles. Additional successes on the Gift’s activation roll
decrease that margin by 5% per success, but never to less than 5%. The Gift can be re-used as the Garou closes in
on a source of power, to further refine the target’s location. Omen of Power does not tell the Garou anything
about the source of power other than its direction and distance; she will not even know whether it is a caern or a
Example: Talisha, a Freebooter, wishes to find a nearby source of magical power. She spends one
Gnosis point and rolls Perception + Enigmas to discover if anything is nearby. The Storyteller, knowing there is
an active Black Spiral Dancer Hive about fifteen miles away, calculates the difficulty as follows: the base is 7,
+1 for such a long distance, -2 for the source being an active caern. That makes the final target 6; he looks at
Talisha’s roll and sees that she has earned two successes. That means she’ll have a decent idea where the source
of power is, to within about 10% of its distance from her, or about one and a half miles. Of course, she won’t
know it’s a Spiral caern until she gets up close....
(Source: Tribebook: Black Furies Revised, p.69)
• Moonshadow (Level One) — With this Gift, a Daughter of the Moon may step sideways using a
patch of moonlight. In addition, the difficulty is lowered by one.
System: As per rules for stepping sideways, with the effects noted above.
(Source: 2nd Ed Black Furies Tribebook, p.41)
• Spirit Loan (Level Two) — In extreme circumstances, a Moon-Daughter may find that another
Garou has far more use for one of her Gifts than she does. To this end, Gaian spirits have shown the Daughters
how to lend one of their Gifts to another werewolf for a limited duration. The Black Fury who uses this Gift feels
somewhat bereft of Gaia’s love and attention while another Gift has been loaned, but suffers no other ill effects.
This Gift is taught by a hen-spirit.
System: Roll Charisma + Occult (difficulty of the recipient’s Rage). Success allows the Fury to loan a
single Rank One Gift to another Garou for a set period of time, to a maximum of three days per success. When
that time is up, (or if either the lender or receiver dies) the Gift returns to the lender. While the Gift has been lent
out, the lender has no access to it and for all intents and purposes does not know it. The recipient uses the Gift as
though she had learned it herself from the appropriate spirit: she uses her own dice pools for success, and spends
her own Rage, Gnosis or Willpower to activate it. A Black Fury can only lend one Gift out at a time, although
there is no limit to the number of “loaned” Gifts a Garou may receive at any one time. She may loan out Gifts
that ordinarily cannot be taught (for instance, she might loan a non-Black Fury the Amazons of Diana’s True Shot
Gift, above) though if her tribemates discover her “indiscretion,” the social consequences might be dire. A Fury
cannot use Spirit Loan to lend out Spirit Loan.
(Source: Tribebook: Black Furies Revised, p.70)
Order of Our Merciful Mother
• Mother’s Touch (Level One) — As the Theurge Gift.
(Source: Tribebook: Black Furies Revised, p.70 & 2nd Ed Black Furies Tribebook, p.41→Werewolf 20th
Anniversary Edition, p.164)
• Truest Sacrament (Level Two) — The Order of Our Merciful Mother frequently leavens Christian
ceremony with Gaian supplication, to better aid their flocks. Truest Sacrament enables them to do so without
rousing the suspicion of the faithful; humans with faith in Christianity see Gaian ritual as innocuous and even
appropriate, after this Gift’s application. In so doing, the Furies are better able to free the most dogmatic and
closed-minded followers of patriarchal faiths to accept a broader spiritual mindset. This Gift takes advantage of
humans’ ability to rewrite their memories of an event to suit their preconceptions in the same way the Delirium
does. This Gift is taught by a unicorn-spirit.
System: Truest Sacrament can be used either before or after a Gaian ritual begins. Used before a ritual,
the character must make a Charisma + Subterfuge roll, with a target equal to the highest Willpower of the
surrounding crowd; she will need to achieve one success for every seven onlookers. Should the Fury succeed, the
next Gaian ritual she participates in will seem innocuous and appropriate to the crowd on hand. If Truest
Sacrament is used during or after a ritual — if one or more humans happen upon a group of Garou during a rite
— the same dice pool as above is used, but the character must also spend one Gnosis.
Note that Truest Sacrament will not cover up truly egregious or spectacular violations of the Veil —
spattering blood, spirit fireworks and so on will be remembered and probably not thought of as harmless or
normal. But if the rite is simpler, or the more hallucinatory effects can somehow be concealed from witnesses,
the Furies may get away with it.
The salutary effects of this Gift on the psyches of the most reactionary and closed-minded humans
should be roleplayed out over time; there is no explicit game effect.
(Source: Tribebook: Black Furies Revised, p.70)
• Spirit Smuggler (Level One) — Members of the Sisterhood frequently make deliveries though
countries with broad laws against contraband; they might also wish to carry a weapon into an area interdicted by
metal detectors or the like. Spirit Smuggler makes this much easier to do, and it is useful in a wide variety of
situations. When the character wishes to hide an item from searches, she can use this Gift to push the item into
the Gauntlet for a short time; it will return to the character’s possessions in the physical realm after a few minutes
have passed. This Gift is taught by a raccoon-spirit.
System: The character rolls Dexterity + Subterfuge and spends a Gnosis point to push a small item (5
pounds or less, no more than a gallon in volume) through the Gauntlet into the Umbra; the difficulty on this roll
is the local Gauntlet rating. If she achieves 2 or more successes, the item now resides in the Gauntlet, and cannot
be sensed or manipulated by anyone in the Realm (unless a searcher can see into the Umbra). The item will
return to the character’s physical possessions at the end of the scene. Should the character achieve only one
success, the item is pushed through into the Gauntlet but will not return of its own accord, and has to be fetched
by stepping sideways. A botch on the Dexterity + Subterfuge roll means that the item is lost in the Umbra or that
a spirit pickpocket has made off with it. This Gift does not halt the flow of time for the smuggled object — and
explosions in the Gauntlet can have some strange effects on both the local spirit world and the physical plane, for
those who might consider using this Gift to stow a live bomb.
(Source: Tribebook: Black Furies Revised, p.71)
• Winged Delivery (Level Three) — While the Sisterhood has a large network of Kinfolk, contacts,
smugglers and informants available, at times the most effective means to move an item is to give it to a friendly
spirit and have that spirit make the delivery. Using this Gift and some concentration, the character pushes a small
item into the Umbra and gives it to an Owl Jaggling, which will deliver the item to a well identified person or
location as rapidly as it can travel.
Garou who abuse this Gift to send dangerous items or active weapons (like grenades) into the Umbra
— thereby jeopardizing the owl-spirit’s existence — find that the retribution of the spirit world is swift and
harsh. This Gift is obviously taught by owl-spirits.
System: Spend one Gnosis and roll Charisma + Empathy (difficulty is the local Gauntlet). On a
success, the item enters the Umbra, and the Jaggling will deliver it to a clearly defined recipient. A human or
Garou recipient must be named and described; a location need only be described, with directions given. The Owl
Jaggling travels at roughly 100 miles an hour through the spirit world, and will deposit the item in the immediate
vicinity of the target unless the target is somehow protected against the spirit world or the prevailing Gauntlet is
8 or above. If either of those conditions prevent delivery, the spirit returns to the Garou at full speed and returns
the item without comment.
(Source: Tribebook: Black Furies Revised, p.71)
The Temple of Artemis
• Walk With Hades (Level Five) — When Persephone entered the lands of the dead with Hades, her
lover, her mother, Demeter, the harvest goddess, went in after her. As an aspect of Gaia, Demeter understood her
daughter’s desire for Hades, but refused to let a powerful spirit remain in the deadlands for long. Eventually,
Persephone acquiesced to return to the living realm, under the agreement that she could periodically return to
Hades’ side, and could return to the Underworld eventually.
Demeter agreed to this arrangement verbally, but eventually performed a secret ritual to block her
daughter from entering the realms of the dead. Such travel is, after all, counter to the proper way of things.
Embittered by her now-permanent separation from her lover, Persephone taught a number of favored Black
Furies the secret roads into the land of the dead; these secrets have been passed down by Persephone’s spirit
servitors and aged Garou to the present day. Technically, use of this Gift violates one of Gaia’s laws — “The
living live, and the dead shall remain dead.” But since it is only used by the most ancient and respected Black
Furies, and even then only in the most extreme circumstances, few punishments have come down onto those
forced to use it. This Gift is taught by Persephone, her spirit servitors and a select few Black Fury elders.
System: Spend one Gnosis and roll Gnosis (the difficulty is the local Gauntlet) to step sideways into the
lands of the dead. If the Fury succeeds, she enters the Shadowlands of the Dark Umbra rather than the Penumbra
of the Middle Umbra. She can remain there for only a single day (24 hours), after which point she must cross
back to the mortal realm (rolling to step sideways as usual) or risk eternal capture in the ghost-world. If the
character takes more than 24 hours to return, the Gauntlet equivalent increases by 1 for every 2 hours the Fury
remains past the deadline: when it reaches 10, the Fury is trapped and will begin her afterlife as a ghost. She will
not become an ancestor-spirit.
The dead lurk near places, people and things that were important to them in life, and they are creatures
of almost pure emotion in death. They are still coherent, thinking beings, but are occasionally possessed of a
terrible hate and fury towards the living, and many attack without provocation. When not so enraged, they do
have most of their memories of life, and are likely to be willing to answer the Fury’s question if the two were
friendly in life. This scene should be roleplayed out: no dice roll is an appropriate way to describe a character’s
encounter with a loved one.
Note: Storytellers with access to Wraith: the Oblivion are welcome to use that game’s version of the
afterlife — in place of the Gauntlet rating, use the local Shroud, and so on.
(Source: Tribebook: Black Furies Revised, p.71-2)

Black Spiral Dancers

Just as Garou learn Gifts from Umbral spirits, Black Spiral Dancers can learn dark powers from the
spirits of the Wyrm. The most effective place to develop these talents is, of course, the Spiral Labyrinth. When
overcoming one of the nine ordeals, the initiate may learn the Gift as a way of surviving her visionquest.
Black Spiral Dancers possess Gifts according to breed, tribe and auspice as normal, although certain
Gifts (largely those that draw aid from Gaian spirits, or are taught exclusively by Gaian spirits) are useless to the
Dancers. For instance, a Dancer Theurge can of course learn Spirit Speech, although Mother's Touch is unlikely.
Storytellers should be creative in altering certain Gifts, however; a lupus Dancer who invokes a sinister version
of the Gift: Song of the Great Beast should receive an appropriately creative response (which should be good for
a reaction from the players).

• Bale Armor (Level One) — The Black Spiral Dancer’s body is limned in a terrible green-black
radiance that saps the strength from her enemies’ blows and inflicts toxic burns upon their flesh. A Furmling
teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one Willpower point to activate the Gift. The light illuminates a 100-foot
area around the Dancer for the rest of the scene. All attacks against the werewolf suffer a –1 die penalty while
this Gift persists, and anyone who lands a Brawl attack against the Dancer takes one level of bashing damage.
(Source: W20 Book of the Wyrm, p.121)
• Bane Protector (Level One) — The Black Spiral can bind Banes in a pact of mutual alliance. Before
these spiritual servants can act, the werewolf must convince them of her malicious intent, as well as how her
actions will serve the Wyrm. The spirit will likewise attempt to arrange a bargain, agreeing to help in exchange
for performing a service (or sacrifice) afterward. This Gift is taught in the first circle of the Spiral Labyrinth. The
initiate learns not only to deceive and survive the Banes that torment her, but also petition them to aid her.
System: Activating this Gift requires one Gnosis and a successful Manipulation + Leadership roll. One
success forms an alliance for a scene; three form a pact for an hour; five form a spiritual alignment for one day.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p. 426 & Book of the Wyrm, 2 nd Ed., p.105)
• Bite of the Bat (Level One) — The Black Spiral Dancer develops razor-sharp teeth and an insatiable
appetite for blood. When biting an opponent, the character can choose to drink the blood of a foe, quickly
weakening an enemy while temporarily fortifying herself.
System: With the expenditure of one Gnosis point and a Strength + Medicine roll (difficulty 7), the
Dancer activates the Gift. For each success on the roll, the bitten victim loses one Health Level in addition to the
bite damage. The victim must make a Stamina roll (difficulty 8) to resist this additional damage. For each Health
level of damage inflicted on an opponent by this Gift (and only this Gift), the Black Spiral Dancer gains +1
Stamina for the next turn, but only with a successful Gnosis roll (difficulty 8).
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West, p.272)
• Cloud of Night (Level One) — As the Level One Uktena Gift.
(Note: This Gift is known as Shroud in Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.197)
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West, p.272→p.163→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.197)
• Haunting Stare (Level One) — As the Level Two Metis Gift but easier for the Wyrm-ridden.
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West Companion, p.78)
• Rat Head (Level One) — As the metis Gift.
(Source: Werewolf: the Apocalypse Corebook Revised, p.273→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.156)
• Resist Pain (Level One): As the Philodox Gift. Black Spirals who commonly use this Gift still feel
pain, but that doesn’t impede their prowess in a fight. Some learn to enjoy the thrill of suffering horrible injuries
and surviving.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.166)
• Resist Toxin (Level One) — As the Bone Gnawer Gift. As many toxic hazards as there are in a Hive,
this Gift is often a necessity for survival.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.426→p.174)
• Sense Wyrm (Level One) — As the Metis Gift.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.426→p.156)
• Shroud (Level One) — As the Uktena Gift.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.426→p.197)
• Spiral-Shadow Dance (Level One) — The Black Spiral Dancer learns to twine herself through the
darkness, becoming swift as a scream. A variety of Banes teach this Gift.
System: Whenever the Black Spiral Dancer is concealed by poor lighting (no brighter than the light of
the half-moon), she adds +3 to her Initiative. This Gift’s effects are permanent.
(Source: W20 Book of the Wyrm, p.121)
• Toxic Claws (Level One) — The Dancer can cause toxic waste to ooze from her claws, coating them
with an unhealthy greenish-gray slime. Wounds left by these claws tend to leave unhealthy-looking scars.
System: This Gift requires the expenditure of one Rage point and a turn of full concentration, for the
remainder of the scene, the Dancer's claws inflict an additional die of damage and leave residual Wyrm-taint on
anything she slashes.
(Source: Werewolf: the Apocalypse Corebook Revised, p.273)
• Burrow (Level Two) — As the Metis Gift.
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West, p.272→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.156)
• Ears of the Bat (Level Two) — The Black Spiral with this Gift can unfold bat-like ears. Cartilage
distends as the earflaps extend. Even when the Gift isn’t active, the werewolf has strangely shaped ears in all
System: As long as the Gift is active, the Black Spiral can use echolocation, similar to the way a bat
would. Even in complete darkness, the werewolf can sense the size and shape of every object within range of her
hearing. The Black Spiral can also attempt to sense creatures concealing themselves through supernatural
powers, such as a vampire’s Obfuscate or a werewolf’s Blur of the Milky Eye. This requires a contest between
the Black Spiral’s Perception + Occult and the creature’s activation roll. (Optional Rule: This Gift can be
counteracted with some means of generating confusing ultrasonic sounds. Garou who make a Perception +
Alertness (or Primal-Urge in Lupus form) roll can hear the sonar. With three or more successes, she can
determine the Dancer's exact location.)
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West, p.272→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.426)
• Gold Fever (Level Two) — The lure of easy money draws many settlers to the Savage West. This
Gift lets the user tap into these feelings of avarice and bring them to the surface. Even those humans with
generous natures find themselves slavering for a taste of wealth and the easy life. A greed-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The Storyteller spends one Willpower point and rolls her Manipulation + Larceny (difficulty
7). The number of successes indicates the number of people affected. Victims of the Gift lose any semblance of
propriety and enter a near-frenzied state of greed. Garou are unaffected and the target can resist spending
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West Companion, p.78)
• Grave Claws (Level Two) — The werewolf’s claws and fangs become obsidian daggers, capable of
tearing the soul loose from Gaia’s cycle and pinning it to the Dark Umbra. Any creature slain by this Gift is
guaranteed to leave behind a ghost, which is anchored by dark magic to its killer. Outside of risky Umbral quests,
only killing the Black Spiral Dancer who used this Gift can return a victim’s soul to Gaia. A Nihilach teaches this
System: The player spends one point of Gnosis. Anyone killed by the character’s claw or bite attacks
for the rest of the scene is guaranteed to linger as a wraith. A wraith created using this Gift cannot directly harm
the Black Spiral Dancer, and is tormented by dark urges.
(Source: W20 Book of the Wyrm, p.121)
• Howl of the Banshee (Level Two) — As per the Fianna Gift.
(Source: Dark Ages: Werewolf, p.185→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.179)
• Plague Child (Level Two) — The favored children of the Plague Rats (see p. 90) may choose to learn
this Gift to represent their fallen totem’s favor. The fallen werewolf who knows this Gift finds that ordinary
diseases just can’t take hold in his system. He does act as a carrier, though, and can inadvertently
(or deliberately) infect passersby with a cough or sneeze. Plague Child does not especially protect against
supernatural plagues.
System: The character is immune to non-magical, non-biowarfare diseases. No roll or expenditure is
needed. Magical plagues (like the Metamorphic Plague that troubles the Black Furies) can still infect the
werewolf, and specially engineered germ warfare agents also remain dangerous.
The werewolf remains a carrier of these diseases – they live on or in him, but do him no harm. A Plague
rat or Black Spiral Dancer with this Gift may find that those he encounters fall ill with one of dozens of diseases
from tuberculosis to malaria. Plague Child doesn’t make these diseases any more virulent, but a healthy and
mobile carrier is always better able to spread a disease than one incapacitated by it.
(Source: Apocalypse: Time of Judgment, p.196-197)
• Sprint in Shadow (Level Two) — The Black Spiral Dancers live beneath the surface of the Earth,
down in the chthonic darkness and close to the gibbering inhuman monsters that they worship as incarnations of
their god. A Garou’s long run is difficult through tunnels, as it depends on having plenty of room to run in
straight lines and periodic sustenance. The Black Spirals turned in their earliest days to the spirits that cavort in
the wake of Thunderwyrms, hoping that such spirits could teach them magics to increase their speed when
traveling under the earth. This Gift is taught by a worm-spirit.
System: The character spends a point of Rage and rolls Stamina + Primal-Urge. If one success is
earned, the Black Spiral can undertake a Long Run (Werewolf, p.197) despite being underground and in
occasionally close tunnels. Each additional success on the Stamina + Primal-Urge roll increases the Long Run
speed by a factor of one (so two successes means that the character runs twice as fast as an ordinary Long Run;
Three successes means three times as fast, and so on).
(Source: Apocalypse: Time of Judgment, p.197)
• Terrify (Level Two) — The Dancer with this Gift is more intimidating and terrifying than normal. A
sneer from her is as effective as a full-throated growl from another.
System: Roll Charisma + Intimidation (difficulty is the target's Willpower). If successful, the
difficulties for Social rolls made against that target decrease by one — but only if intimidation could conceivably
alter the outcome in the Dancer's favor. The target's difficulty to strike the Dancer in combat is one higher as
(Source: Werewolf: the Apocalypse Corebook Revised, p.273)
• Wyrm Hide (Level Two) — The Black Spiral can harden his skin into a leathery hide. Like a Black
Spiral calling upon a Bane Protector, the Black Spiral must proclaim his need for aid from the baneful spirit.
Some achieve this through trash-talking or insane rants, often accompanied by physical posturing or disturbing
System: Spend one Gnosis and roll Manipulation + Leadership. Each success grants an additional soak
die, up to a maximum of three. As long as he doesn’t botch the roll, the Black Spiral also treats lethal damage as
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.426)
• Wyrm Speech (Level Two) — This Gift allows the Black Spiral to understand and communicate with
other sentient followers of the Wyrm. Simple communications, however, doesn’t mean that any sort of bond
between the Dancers and the other Wyrmlings exists.
System: The Black Spiral Dancer rolls Wits + Enigmas (difficulty 6) in order to comprehend the speech
of another Wyrmling.
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West, p.272)
• Beautiful Lie (Level Three) — When the Veil is endangered, Gaia protects the minds of the innocent
with the Delirium, granting false memories and delusions. Since Black Spirals commit particularly grisly crimes,
they can use this Gift to channel the Delirium, producing further misdirection or even summoning false evidence
to cover up their activities.
Spirits serving Kirijama and Hakaken are both proficient in this sort of activity. They typically employ
subterfuge to deceive those they wish to suborn. If a werewolf recruits enough servants for their schemes, this
Gift may be taught in exchange. A Black Spiral with a particularly ingenious Dance of Cunning may also learn
this Gift in the Shattered Labyrinth, especially if he exposes (or perpetuates) particularly brilliant lie.
System: A Black Spiral observing a particularly unsubtle rime may attempt to cover it up with a
"beautiful lie." He begins to chant a story of what humans nearby are actually seeing. The Dancer spends one
point of Gnosis and rolls Wits + Subterfuge; the difficulty is 6 (as long as the story is vaguely plausible). Mass
delusions follow, and ephemeral evidence (e.g. animal footprints, a bloody chainsaw, saliva from a rabid dog)
remains for an entire hour to obfuscate the truth.
(Note: Book of the Wyrm, 2 nd Ed., p.105-6 says this Gift is Level Four. I’m assuming that its present write-up as
Level Three is a valid playtested retcon.)
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.427)
• Blue Breath (Level Three) — This Gift enables the Dancer to exhale asbestos fibers in a deadly
cloud of dust. This Gift is taught by Shush’thull, the Bane spirit of asbestos.
System: The Dancer must spend one Gnosis point. Anyone inhaling the dust will begin to choke,
suffering three Health Levels of aggravated damage, if she fails a roll of Stamina + Medicine (difficulty 8).
Players must state that their characters are holding their breath; otherwise, they inhale the dust. A Garou who
uses the Resist Toxin Gift in the same turn is immune to the effects.
(Source: Rage Across Australia, p.53)
• Burning Scars (Level Three) — Black Spiral Dancers often carve stylized scars representing their
devotion to the Wyrm into their bodies. With this Gift, a Dancer can draw upon that devotion to inflict horrible
injuries on her foes. When invoked, this Gift causes the Dancer's scars to glow with an unwholesome brilliance
that almost seems to crawl into the victim's body through his eyes, nose, mouth and ears, burning him from the
inside out and leaving horrible burns that mimic the Dancer's own scars.
System: The Dancer must grab the target, and the player must spend two Rage and roll Wits + Primal-
Urge (difficulty is victim's Stamina + 2). Each success inflicts one level of unsoakable aggravated damage that
appears upon the victim's body as a mirror of the Dancer's glowing scars. These marks of the Wyrm may prove a
powerful social handicap, and it may take some effort to remove them.
(Source: Werewolf: the Apocalypse Corebook Revised, p.273)
• Claws of Corrosion (Level Three) — One of the greatest Black Spiral Gifts, this wicked magic
allows the werewolf to poison a spirit with mystical toxins that slowly corrupt it into a servant of the Wyrm. A
variety of Banes teach this Gift.
System: When the Black Spiral Dancer makes a successful claw attack against a spirit, the player may
spend one point each of Rage, Willpower, and Gnosis, and roll Intelligence + Occult (difficulty 6). This infects
the spirit with a number of ‘corruption points’ equal to the successes rolled; multiple applications of this Gift are
cumulative, and corruption points dissipate
(Source: W20 Book of the Wyrm, p.121-122)
• Coal Breath (Level Three) — Living in tunnels beneath the earth exposes the Black Spirals to many
natural hazards. Rather than succumbing to these deadly toxins, the Dancers learn to use their environment. With
this Gift, the user exhales the deadly gasses she inhaled in the tunnels below. This poisonous cloud envelops the
Dancer’s enemies and chokes them to death. A coal-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The Storyteller spends one Gnosis point and rolls the character’s Stamina + Survival (difficulty
6). Each success creates one five-cubic-foot cloud of billowing poisonous gas. Anyone caught in the cloud must
make a Stamina roll (difficulty 7) or fall unconscious. Characters cannot protect themselves from the effects by
holding their breath. Remaining within the cloud eventually proves to be fatal as every additional round of
exposure causes one aggravated wound. The Gift user is immune to the cloud.
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West Companion, p.78)
• Dagger of the Mind (Level Three) — The Black Spiral can command a Bane to seed a particularly
dark motion in the mind of his prey. The emotion is chosen when the Gift is learned (e.g., paranoia, despair,
remorse, lust; "rage" is not an option, for obvious reasons). The Black Spiral calls upon the proper Urge Wyrm;
one of its servitors then evokes the proper emotion from the victim.
Within the Shattered Labyrinth, the Dance of Endurance tests the limits of a dancer's self-control. If the
initiate survives, one of the Urge Wyrms will show him how to inflict similar tortures on his enemies. Curiously
enough, Stormcrows have learned this Gift; they guard their knowledge carefully. Theurges often use this rite to
weaken their enemies before battle; Philodox use it to give themselves an edge in negotiations.
System: The invocation burns a point of Gnosis and requires a Gnosis roll; the victim can resist this
with a contested Willpower roll. Unless the victim can overcome his emotional struggle, he succumbs to the
desired emotion for a full hour. For an additional Willpower point, the temporary dementia is accompanied by a
brief, revelatory illusion.
(Source: Book of the Wyrm, 2nd Ed., p.105)
• Foaming Fury (Level Three) — When enraged, this werewolf has slavering jaws that foam with a
sickly greenish fluid. Black Spirals with this affliction tend to twitch and chitter. Many exhibit behaviors that
make them look rabid.
System: Anyone bitten by this Black Spiral must make an immediate Stamina roll (difficulty 8) or
succumb to frenzy. If the Black Spiral spends one Gnosis immediately after this attack, she can choose whether
her victim flees or fights without restraint.. (In effect, if the Black Spiral chooses that the victim fight without
restraint, the victim enters the Thrall of the Wyrm — see Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.262.)
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West, p.272→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.427)
• Icy Chill of Despair (Level Three) — As the Level Three Shadow Lords Gift.
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West, p.272→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.190)
• Patagia (Level Three) — The Black Spiral has membranous flaps of skin under her arms, similar to
those of a pterodactyl or flying squirrel. This disfigurement can be concealed, but it’s present in all of the
werewolf’s forms.
System: When combined with the werewolf’s supernatural blessings, this allows a Black Spiral to glide
up to a speed of 25 miles per hour, although the creature cannot gain altitude without spending Rage. The
creature moves faster while using Patagia, but her speed in a turn cannot exceed twice her usual move speed. A
furious Dancer can burn a point of Rage to surge upward or increase her move speed by a number of
yards/meters equal to her Dexterity. Deploying Patagia is a reflexive action, available the moment a Black Spiral
falls or jumps down from a great height.
(Note: This Gift is known as Skinglide in Werewolf: the Wild West, p.272)
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.427)
• Trackless Waste (Level Three) — As the Level Three Red Talon Gift, but only effective in caves and
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West, p.272→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.186)
• Unseelie Faerie Kin (Level Three) — The Black Spiral can call upon changelings, just as Fianna do,
but his fae allies will be members of the Unseelie Court.
This Gift cannot be learned in the Shattered Labyrinth. However, an Unseelie noble or Shadow Court
instigator may offer to teach the proper rituals of this Gift in return for a quest or geas. In some instances, the
changeling may also learn to summon the Black Spiral's pack!
System: As with the Gift: Bane Protector, the petitioner must explain his dilemma, usually in rhyme or
dance (in some cases, this performance is particularly violent or destructive). He must then burn a point of
Gnosis and roll Manipulation + Leadership.
(Source: Book of the Wyrm, 2nd Ed., p.105)
• Call Elemental (Level Four) — As the Uktena Gift; however, the Dancer's call is always answered
by a Wyrm elemental, such as a Furmling or Hogling.
(Source: Book of the Wyrm, 2nd Ed., p.105 & Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.428→p.198-199)
• Crawling Poison (Level Four) —The Black Spiral can infect other shapeshifters with a slow-acting
poison transmitted by a successful claw or bite attack. Ordinary, natural creatures react by becoming queasy or
System: After a successful claw or bite attack, the Dancer must make a Gnosis roll opposed by the
victim’s Stamina (both rolls are difficulty 8.) If the Black Spiral gets more successes than his opponent, his
victim cannot use her regeneration. Each success suppresses regeneration for one hour.
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West, p.272→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.428)
• Doppelganger (Level Four) — As the Glass Walker Gift.
(Source: Book of the Wyrm, 1st Ed., p.75→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.184)
• Eyes of the Wyrm (Level Four) — This is also a fomori power. The Black Spiral Dancer has unusual
eyes that can dilate, revealing visions of the Wyrm’s corruption. Dark images and torturous sights of damnation
fill the minds of everyone unfortunate enough to gaze into the Dancer’s eyes.
System: Anyone meeting the Dancer’s gaze must make a Willpower roll (difficulty 8) or be frozen in
horror for five turns – Wits rating, minimum of one turn. While holding a victim in thrall this way, the Dancer
can neither attack nor defend. His friends are another story.
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West, p.272→p.270)
• Hungry Rust (Level Four) — The werewolf summons a Bane and invests it into a mechanical
device. The Bane awakens when someone next uses the device, spewing corruption throughout. The tool rusts
and twists, both degrading and attempting to bond with its user. A gun might fuse to a person’s hand, coating her
arm in plates of stamped metal and loops of corroded casings, while a vehicle might partially absorb its driver
into the seat and seal his hands to the steering column. A Nexus Crawler teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends two Gnosis and rolls Intelligence + Craft against a difficulty based on the
size and complexity of the device. A revolver would be difficulty 6, a vehicle 9. The next individual to use the
cursed tool must gain more successes on a Wits + Occult roll than the werewolf, or fuse with the tool. This
transformation is permanent for humans, but Garou may forcibly tear themselves loose from the intruding
technology at a cost of (activation successes) levels of lethal damage.
(Source: W20 Book of the Wyrm, p.122)
• Open Wounds (Level Four) — As the Shadow Lord Gift. The wounds may weep, fester, or
suppurate pus and other fluids that appear distinctly unnatural.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.428→p.190)
• Stolen Hide (Level Four) — The Black Spiral Dancer can don tormented spirits like a cloak,
consigning them to oblivion to protect himself. A Nihilach teaches this Gift, but only to those who have already
mastered Grave Claws.
System: The character can only use this Gift against a ghost that she has created with Grave Claws. She
spends a turn in concentration and her player spends one point each of Gnosis and Willpower, then makes a
contested Stamina + Primal Urge roll against the ghost’s Willpower. Success stretches the ghost’s tortured plasm
across the Dancer’s body as a kind of grotesque ablative armor. The werewolf gains two additional Bruised
health levels for each ghost worn in this manner. These health levels are the first lost to damage, and when they
both disappear, the ghost used to create them is destroyed.
(Source: W20 Book of the Wyrm, p.122)
• Wyrm Visions (Level Four) — This Gift allows the Black Spiral Dancer to distort what a victim
sees. The Black Spiral Dancer must make physical contact with a target and breathe into her victim’s mouth. If
successful, the victim’s senses are distorted, giving visions of the madness and suffering caused by the Wyrm.
System: The Dancer rolls Stamina + Medicine (difficulty of the target’s Willpower). Each success
reduces the victim’s Willpower and Dexterity by one. This may only be done once on any target during the
course of the scene. The target affected by this Gift may make a Gnosis roll (difficulty 8 assuming the victim
possesses Gnosis) in order to resist the attack; each success negates one of the Dancer’s successes.
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West, p.272)
• Avatar of the Wyrm (Level Five) — The Dancer assumes an awful and horrific visage, perhaps even
a facet of the Wyrm itself (albeit a small one). The Dancer increases in size, its skin becomes scaly and greenish-
gray, and his claws increase in length to jagged, vicious knives dripping with venom. His howl becomes a
terrifying roar. Only a Maeljin Incarna, one of the Wyrm's most powerful avatars, can teach this Gift.
System: Spend one Gnosis point and one Rage point. The Dancer must concentrate for a full turn, at the
end of which the transformation occurs. The Dancer shifts to Crinos automatically (if he wasn't already in that
form) and adds an additional dot to all Physical Attributes, and one Bruised health level. Additionally, his claws
inflict an additional die of damage and are unsoakable. Finally, treat Delirium as three levels worse to onlookers.
This Gift lasts for the entire scene. If the Dancer has only one level of damage marked off at the end of the scene,
it vanishes when he returns to normal.
(Source: Werewolf: the Apocalypse Corebook Revised, p.274-5)
• Balefire (Level Five) — The word balefire typically refers to unholy green flame fueled by the
corruption of the Wyrm. Black Spirals who learn this Gift can project burning globules of balefire, typically by
spewing corrosive spittle, summoning and hurling spheres by hand, or through mutated flesh capable of a violent
System: The Black Spiral rolls Dexterity + Athletics (difficulty 6, modified by the same factors that
affect Firearms, pg. 293); the victim can attempt a Stamina roll (difficulty 8) to resist those levels of damage. A
victim who can’t match or succeed the Black Spiral’s successes receives a Wyrm-fueled mutation.
These mutations are always harmful and more than horrific disfigurements: each success is treated as a
level of aggravated damage. Healing these mutations takes as long as aggravated damage normally requires, but
the process requires the use of acid, fire, surgical implements, or other tools that can remove those mutated
disfigurements. Until those wounds are healed, the victim is considered tainted for the purposes of the Sense
Wyrm Gift.
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West, p.272→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.428)
• Heart of the Wyrm (Level Five) — With the use of this Gift, the Dancer may send one target into a
"Thrall of the Wyrm" frenzy.
System: The Dancer spends 2 Gnosis points and must roll Wits + Manipulation (difficulty of her
target's Gnosis). One success sends her opponent in a frenzy, 2 or more successes force her target into a "Thrall
of the Wyrm" frenzy.
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West, p.272)
• Kiss of Entropy (Level Five) — The Dancer summons a wave of pure entropy, and blasts it against a
single opponent.
System: The Dancer must spend 1 Gnosis point, and rolls Dexterity + Occult (difficulty 6) in order to
hit her opponent with the black ray of entropy. Use the Firearms chart for complications on this attack. If the
victim is hit, she must make a successful Gnosis roll (difficulty 8). If she fails to resist the effects of the Gift, she
ages 10 years for every success the Dancer obtained on her roll.
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West, p.272)
• Mask Taint (Level Five) — As the Skin Dancer Gift. Scryers also teach this Gift.
(Source: W20 Book of the Wyrm, p.122→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.199)
• Totem Form (Level Five) — This powerful Gift allows a Black Spiral to take on the appearance —
and much of the power — of her pack's Bane totem. For instance, a Dancer sworn to the Dark Fungus might
sprout slime molds and toadstools in place of fur, radiating a cloud of hallucinogenic spores, while a bastard of
the Green Dragon might swell into a draconian war form the equal of any Mokolé. This Gift is only taught by the
pack's totem spirit, and only to the Dancer who shows the most promise. Some packmates have been known to
horribly maim one another in the process of proving who is worthy to learn this Gift.
System: The Dancer must spend a point of Willpower and roll Stamina + Primal-Urge (difficulty 7) to
make the shift. It takes a full turn to transform, although the form lasts for the duration of the scene. The
Storyteller must best adjudicate the appearance and abilities of the totem form; for instance, one of Hakaken's
bastards might radiate fear so intense that opponents have to make Willpower rolls just to act against him, much
less confront him. The results, of course, should always be impressive.
(Source: Book of the Wyrm, 2nd Ed., p.105)
• The White Howl (Level Five) — Once the most sacred blessing of the White Howlers, this mighty
Gift is still passed down among the ranks of the Black Spiral Dancers as a reminder of the past to their Garou
enemies. The sound of the White Howl is sufficient to rend both the workings of the Wyrm, and the hearts of
Garou who hear it and realize how much Gaia has lost. It was once taught by an avatar of Lion, but no spirit
teaches this Gift in the modern age; it survives entirely through a history of Black Spiral Dancers handing it
down from warlord to warlord.
System: The player spends two points each of Gnosis and Rage. The character spends a turn unleashing
a mighty, full-throated howl, and the player rolls Charisma + Primal Urge (difficulty 6). Every Wyrm-tainted
being within earshot suffers a number of levels of unsoakable lethal damage equal to the successes rolled —
including the Black Spiral Dancer herself — and any of her nearby packmates. Each Gaian Garou who hears the
howl, by contrast, loses one point of Willpower per success rolled, as they recognize the lost purity of the White
Howlers, and must face the reality of all that Gaia has lost to the hunger of the Wyrm. Any Garou reduced to 0
Willpower by this Charm falls into Harano.
(Source: W20 Book of the Wyrm, p.122)
Homid Gifts
Black Spiral Dancers have access to the same homid Gifts as Gaian Garou, with the exception of Calm
the Savage Beast.
• Aura of Poison (Level One) — The Black Spiral Dancer surrounds herself in a toxic miasma strong
enough to cause even a human’s dull sense of smell to pick up the reek of a lethal stew of mercury, sulfuric acid,
formaldehyde, and countless other chemicals. The message is clear: the Dancer is death, and should not be trifled
with. A Halassh teaches this Gift.
System: After a turn spent concentrating and the expenditure of a point of Gnosis, the werewolf is
surrounded by a lethal scent for the rest of the scene. No creature lacking a Rage rating will initiate violence
unless attacked first.
(Source: W20 Book of the Wyrm, p.118)
• Power Surge (Level Two) — As the Glass Walker Gift.
(Source: W20 Book of the Wyrm, p.118→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.184)
• Call the Rust (Level Three) — As the Bone Gnawer Gift.
(Source: W20 Book of the Wyrm, p.118→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.175; Dark Ages: Werewolf,
p.130 & Werewolf: the Dark Ages, p.104)
• Feast of Man-Flesh (Level Four) — The Black Spiral Dancers know of the power locked away in
the flesh of men. By eating the uncooked flesh of a human being, the werewolf may temporarily borrow that
person’s knowledge and skills. A cannibal spirit teaches this Gift.
System: This Gift’s effects are permanent. By eating at least one pound of human flesh, the Spiral
Dancer may absorb up to (Gnosis rating) of the following: dots of Abilities the victim possessed (up to a
maximum of the victim’s rating in the Abilities in question) or facts the victim knew (chosen by the Dancer’s
player). These stolen benefits continue for (Rage rating) days. The Dancer may retain Abilities and information
from only one victim at a time. Nonhuman beings wearing human forms such as homid Garou, changelings,
fomori, and vampires do not count as human for the purposes of this Gift, but Kinfolk, ghouls, Imbued hunters,
and mages do.
(Source: W20 Book of the Wyrm, p.118)
Metis Gifts
Black Spiral Dancer metis have access to the same Gifts as their Gaian counterparts, save for Totem
• Bleed (Level One) — The metis can leak phantasmal blood, manifesting false injuries if she is
unwounded, or producing enormous quantities of blood from minor wounds. Many Spirals use this Gift to ‘play
dead’ when a battle is going poorly, or to frame innocents for vicious attacks. A Crimson Pestilent teaches this
System: The player spends one Gnosis point. For the rest of the scene, the character may issue fake
blood in whatever quantities she likes, so long as it doesn’t exceed the volume actually contained in her body
(assume 10 pints in Homid, 20 pints in Crinos, and 7 in Lupus). She can’t drown her enemies in a tsunami of
blood. Since the ichor is fake, she takes no damage; it fades at the next sunset.
(Source: W20 Book of the Wyrm, p.119)
• Nobody’s Bastard (Level Three) — Nobody wants to recognize a metis, and with this Gift, nobody
will. A metis using this Gift is unrecognizable to all who see her. A Bane of abandonment teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Manipulation + Stealth (difficulty 7). If the roll
succeeds, nobody who sees the metis will know who she is for the rest of the scene. Observers don’t mistake her
for anyone else; they simply see her as an unknown stranger. Their memories remain even after the scene — they
don’t suddenly remember that the Garou using this Gift is the stranger.
(Source: W20 Book of the Wyrm, p.119)
• Visceral Agony (Level Three) — As the Black Fury Gift.
(Source: W20 Book of the Wyrm, p.119→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.174)
Lupus Gifts
Lupus Black Spiral Dancers have access to the same Gifts as their Gaian counterparts.
• Ways of the Urban Wolf (Level One) — The Black Spiral Dancers are free to indulge in those
natural urges that Gaia bids her defenders to restrain: to hunt man through the streets of the cities, to revel in his
fear-stench, to drink his blood and eat his flesh. This Gift, taught by Wyrm elementals, makes the Dancer a
master of such urban hunts
System: Reduce difficulty of all Perception, Stealth, and Survival rolls to track and hunt prey in urban
environments by 2. The effects of this Gift are permanent. It doesn’t enhance any rolls once combat begins, and
can only be used to track intelligent prey such as humans, Garou, and vampires.
(Source: W20 Book of the Wyrm, p.119)
• Thousand Teeth (Level Three) — Sharp teeth are the hallmarks of the ultimate predator, and the
ways of the Wyrm’s wolves celebrate nothing if not excess. The muzzle of a werewolf using this Gift erupts with
dozens of extra teeth. Black Spiral Dancers learn this Gift from Scrags, while Gaian Garou occasionally learn it
from shark-spirits.
System: The player spends one Rage point and rolls Stamina + Primal Urge (difficulty 5). She enjoys
+3 damage dice on bite attacks. The Gift lasts for one bite attack per success; any remaining boosted bites are
lost at the end of the scene.
(Source: W20 Book of the Wyrm, p.119)
• Instincts Unbound (Level Five) — Gaia’s warriors must explain the behavior of their fallen cousins
as madness — why else would a wolf seek to despoil the world? The greatest among Black Spiral lupus use this
Gift to teach the Garou the folly of their thinking by showing them the joys of unbound freedom. Psychomachiae
teach this Gift.
System: The Black Spiral Dancer’s player spends one Gnosis point and one Rage point, and rolls Wits
+ Primal Urge against a difficulty of her victim’s Willpower. For one day per success, the target cannot resist her
instincts. She takes what she wants, kills when the urge is upon her, and gives in to her least impulse. If the target
possesses Rage, all Rage rolls are at difficulty 4; if the target is a vampire, all rolls to resist or control frenzy are
against difficulty 9. The target may reduce the duration of this Gift by 12 hours per point of Willpower spent.
(Source: W20 Book of the Wyrm, p.119)
Ragabash Gifts
Ragabash Black Spiral Dancers may use the same tricks as their Garou brethren, save for Luna’s
• Bestowing the Predator’s Shadow (Level One) — It would be fair to say that Black Spiral Dancers
have even less tolerance for being tricked or mocked than other werewolves. This valuable Gift helps Dancer
Ragabash survive the fallout of their Auspice’s duties by passing their identity onto someone else. Phantasmi
teach this Gift.
System: The Black Spiral Dancer must secure a tiny bit of her body on someone else. A bit of spit or
blood, or a lock of hair or fur will do the trick. The player then spends one Gnosis point and rolls Manipulation +
Subterfuge (difficulty 6). The target will look and sound (but not smell) like the Black Spiral Dancer to everyone
but himself for one hour per success.
(Source: W20 Book of the Wyrm, p.119)
• Touch of the Eel (Level Three) — The Black Spiral Ragabash can release a current of electricity
through conductive materials nearby; alternatively, the Spiral can shock someone with a touch.
System: Burn one point of Rage. The electrical charge can carry up to 30 yards/meters if transmitted
through a proper conductor. At a distance, the attack inflicts three dice of lethal damage (difficulty 7 to soak); by
touch, it does four dice. Attacking with a touch requires Dexterity + Athletics; the victim can dodge it (but not
parry or block) as he normally would with Dexterity + Athletics.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.428 & Book of the Wyrm, 2 nd Ed., p.105)
• Cassandra’s Blessing (Level Four) — The Wyrm’ tricksters use division and isolation as instructive
tools, particularly against their many enemies. The victim of this Gift’s ‘blessing’ will find that nobody will
believe anything she has to say, no matter how much evidence she has to back it up. A Nocturna teaches this Gift.
System: The Black Spiral Dancer must touch her target. Then his player spends one Gnosis point and
rolls Wits + Subterfuge (difficulty of the target’s Willpower). Nobody will believe anything the target says for a
number of hours equal to the successes rolled.
(Source: W20 Book of the Wyrm, p.119)
• Silver Reprisal (Level Four) — Luna’s servants only rarely extend her blessing to those who have
danced the Black Spiral, but some Banes can add their own retributive curse to the Garou’s vulnerability to
silver. Rather than protecting the Dancer, as Luna’s Blessing does to Gaian Garou, this Gift causes silver to burn
its wielder in the same moment it harms the werewolf. A Furmling teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one point of Gnosis. For the rest of the scene, anyone who uses silver to
inflict damage on the character suffers debilitating pain and burns on the hand used to strike the blow, receiving
one level of unsoakable aggravated damage — as if caused by silver, in the case of Garou — per damaging
attack delivered. The attacker must make a Stamina roll against difficulty 8 or drop whatever they’re holding in
that hand; even if she succeeds, increase the difficulty of all attacks using that hand by 2.
(Source: W20 Book of the Wyrm, p.120)
• Patience of the Wyrm (Level Five) — This Gift allows incredibly elaborate acts of sabotage and
revenge by allowing the Spiral Dancer to dictate the moment her curses strike her foes. A Black Spiral Dancer
must petition a Nexus Crawler to teach this Gift.
System: This Gift can enhance any other Gift that affects another character, as long as it does not deal
damage. Spend a point of Willpower in addition to the other Gift’s cost. The Black Spiral Dancer then dictates
when the enhanced Gift will take effect, either in simple measures of time, or a set of conditions that she can
utter as a single sentence. For example, she might lay Cassandra’s Blessing on an enemy spy stating that the Gift
will not take effect until the victim attempts to relate what she has learned.
(Source: W20 Book of the Wyrm, p.120)
Theurge Gifts
Black Spiral Dancer Theurges have access to the same Gifts as their Gaian counterparts, save for As In
the Beginning. It’s possible for a Black Spiral Dancer to learn Mother’s Touch, but it’s rare.
• Blood Omen (Level Two) — By examining the entrails of a freshly-killed creature, a Black Spiral
Theurge can gain insights into a possible future. As expected, the vision is almost always tragic or violent. A
Theurge can receive this Gift during the Dance of Cunning. Sometimes this visionquest involves the
dismemberment of the mystic, who watches the violation of her own body. This grants her insights into her true
nature by an examination of her own internal organs.
System: This burns one point of Gnosis and requires an Intelligence + Enigmas roll; the difficulty
depends on the type of creature used — 7 for a Garou, wolf or human, or 9 for any other warm-blooded creature.
More successes will grant a clearer picture of the possible atrocity to come.
(Note: The Kitsune version of this Gift is identical but is listed as Rank Two. Thus, I have determined that the
Book of the Wyrm, 2nd Ed. listing of this Gift as Level Three is erroneous.)
(Source: Book of the Wyrm, 2nd Ed., p.106)
• Poisoned Gauntlet (Level Two) — The Black Spiral Dancer can breathe spiritual toxins into the wall
between worlds, turning the Gauntlet into a deadly trap. A Rust Spider teaches this Gift.
System: The werewolf spends a turn in concentration, and then her player spends one Gnosis point and
rolls Intelligence + Occult against a difficulty of the local Gauntlet. Until the sun next crosses the horizon,
anyone stepping sideways within (Gnosis x 100) yards of the point where this Gift was used takes one die of
aggravated damage per successes rolled. The Gift: Resist Toxin can protect against this Gift’s effects.
(Source: W20 Book of the Wyrm, p.120)
• A Thousand Voices (Level Two) — While hiding, the Black Spiral can create illusory images that
suggest a pack of shapeshifter allies is lurking just out of sight. Howls, shadowy apparitions, footfalls, and even
illusory scents are all possible, although the Gift can’t create the illusion of a specific shapeshifter.
System: For each point of Willpower spent, one illusory ally is created. The Storyteller secretly rolls
Perception + Alertness for each witness present; the difficulty depends on the immediate surroundings (difficulty
4 in a dense forest; difficulty 9 on a vast plain.) The Black Spiral using this should remain hidden; once he’s
spotted, the Gift fails. With one success, the illusory pack consists of Black Spirals; with three successes, the
illusion suggests the presence of allied Fera; with five successes, the illusions hint at horrible sanity-shattering
allies, such as tentacled Lovecraftian horrors, unearthly herculean fomori, or hideous titanic Banes.
(Note: This Gift is described as a Wyrm Philodox Gift in Book of the Wyrm, 2 nd Ed., p.105)
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.426)
• Feast of Essence (Level Three) — The Black Spiral Dancer’s claws are covered with barbed hooks,
which catch and absorb the tattered power of slain spirits, refreshing the werewolf. A Thinbones teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one point of Willpower when the character deals a blow that destroys the
last of a spirit’s Essence. The character gains Gnosis depending on the power of the destroyed spirit: one point
for a Jaggling, two for a Gaffling, and three for any stronger spirit.
This cannot raise the character’s Gnosis points above her maximum value, but is in addition to any Gnosis gained
by harvesting the depleted spirit.
(Source: W20 Book of the Wyrm, p.120)
• Prelude to Apocalypse (Level Six) — As the Gaian Gift: As In the Beginning, this version might be
learned by a Black Spiral Theurge and summons Wyrm-spirits of all kinds. No Black Spiral Theurge has yet
learned this Gift, but it might be taught by a Maeljin Incarna.
(Source: W20 Book of the Wyrm, p.120)
Philodox Gifts
Black Spiral Dancer Philodox have access to the same Gifts as their Gaian counterparts, with the
exception of Fangs of Judgment.
• Acid Talons (Level One) — The Black Spiral Dancer’s claws become a vibrant mixture of black, red,
and yellow, and burn anything they cut. A Wakshaani teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one point of Rage. For the rest of the scene, the werewolf’s claw attacks
inflict one extra die of damage, and the difficulty to soak her claw attacks rises by 1.
(Source: W20 Book of the Wyrm, p.120)
• Smell Fear (Level One) — The Philodox can tell if anyone nearby fears her enough to employ Sense
Wyrm or other perceptive Gifts on her.
System: Roll Perception + Empathy; the difficulty is the target’s Willpower (or the highest Willpower
of enemies present.) For each hour the sense is active, the Black Spiral loses one Gnosis. The Philodox can tell
when anyone is using Sense Wyrm or any Gift that requires Perception against her, such as the Shadow Lord
Gift: Fatal Flaw.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.426 & Book of the Wyrm, 2 nd Ed., p.105)
• Omen Claws (Level Five) — The Black Spiral Dancer’s claws become blades of anti-light, the area
surrounding them suffused with a false glow as a contrast to their nullity. Anyone struck by these terrible claws
suffers visions of the Apocalypse. An avatar of the Maeljin teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one point of Gnosis and rolls her character’s Rage. The Gift’s effects last
for one turn per success. Any character that takes damage from Omen Claws must roll Willpower against a
difficulty of the Dancer’s (Gnosis + levels of damage inflicted, maximum 9) or be incapacitated by nightmare
visions of everything they love tortured by the talons of the Wyrm. The victim cannot do anything when so
afflicted, and loses one point of Willpower per turn. The victim’s player may attempt another Willpower roll to
break free each turn.
(Source: W20 Book of the Wyrm, p.120)
Galliard Gifts
Black Spiral Dancer Galliards have access to the same Gifts as their Gaian counterparts, save for Howls
in the Night.
• Howl of the Hunter (Level Two) — Setting a particular quarry in her mind, the Black Spiral Dancer
crafts a howl specifically designed to elicit terror in her prey. If her victim can hear the howl, it strikes terror into
his heart, haunting him whenever he tries to find rest. A Nocturna teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends a Gnosis point and rolls Charisma + Primal Urge (difficulty 7). If the
desired target hears the howl he will be jolted awake if asleep, and rendered unable to sleep for the next
(successes x 3) hours; every time he attempts to rest, the howl will echo in his ears as though uttered from mere
feet away. The terror increases the difficulty of most Mental and Social actions by +2 (maximum 9) until the
character can sleep.
(Source: W20 Book of the Wyrm, p.121)
• Shadows of the Impergium (Level Two) — As the Red Talon Gift.
(Source: W20 Book of the Wyrm, p.121→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.186)
• Allies Below (Level Three) — The Galliard belts out a rousing howl that summons the spirits of the
Earth. Wyrm creatures far below the Earth’s crust create tremors that may knock anyone within ten yards/meters
prone, open up tunnels or sinkholes, or even collapse part of a building.
System: The extent of the damage inflicted depends on the amount of Gnosis channeled into the
rousing howl. One Gnosis causes a minor tremor; anyone who scores less than three successes on a Dexterity +
Athletics roll is thrown to the ground. Three points can also collapse underground tunnels, knock down trees, or
open sinkholes. Five points can cause structural damage to a building, collapsing walls on anyone within several
feet of it (for five dice of damage); victims can roll Dexterity + Athletics to dodge out of the way (but not parry
or block).
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.426 & Book of the Wyrm, 2 nd Ed., p.105-6)
• Howl of Death (Level Four) — As the Red Talon Gift.
(Source: W20 Book of the Wyrm, p.121→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.187)
• Madness (Level Five) — As the metis Gift.
(Source: W20 Book of the Wyrm, p.121→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.157)
Ahroun Gifts
Ahroun Black Spiral Dancers have access to the same Gifts as their Gaian counterparts, save for Full
Moon’s Light.
• Acid Talons (Level One) — As the Wyrmish Philodox Gift.
(Source: W20 Book of the Wyrm, p.121→ p.120)
• Horns of the Impaler (Level Two) — The Black Spiral is endowed with spiraling, chitinous horns
that sprout from his malformed head. Whether these appear as spiral ram’s horns or massive antlers depends on
the whim of the Drattosi that teaches this Gift.
System: These horns can inflict the same damage as a Bite attack (Strength +2). They can be used
twice each turn, but the attacker does not need to split his dice pool. Alternatively, the Black Spiral can charge his
opponent for more damage (Strength +5), but this requires at least ten feet of running first, and no other attacks
are possible that round.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.426-7 & Book of the Wyrm, 2 nd Ed., p.106)
• Tar Shadow (Level Two) — The Ahroun’s shadow becomes solid and sticky, trapping unwary foes
and making them easy prey. A H’ruggling teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point. For the rest of the scene, any character making a close-
combat attack against the Dancer must make a reflexive Dexterity + Athletics roll (difficulty 8). If they fail this
roll, the attacker is stuck in the Ahroun’s shadow until she can pull herself free with a Strength + Athletics roll
(difficulty 6). While stuck in place, characters cannot move and all attempts to dodge attacks automatically fail.
(Source: W20 Book of the Wyrm, p.121)
• Visceral Agony (Level Three) — As the Black Fury Gift.
(Source: W20 Book of the Wyrm, p.121→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.174)
• Strength Without Limit (Level Five) — Wyrmish power suffuses the flesh and bones of the warrior
who uses this Gift, exaggerating his power beyond the limits of his body. His muscles bulk up until they tear
through his skin, and his flesh peels back from wildly elongated teeth and claws; even his nerves thicken until
they pulse like veins. An avatar of the Maeljin teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends two points of Rage and the character suffers one level of unsoakable
aggravated damage. For the rest of the scene, the werewolf adds one dot to each physical Attribute, and two dice
to the damage of all Brawl attacks.
(Source: W20 Book of the Wyrm, p.121)
Stolen Gifts
Black Spiral Dancers who fall after a long period of service to Gaia bring their own Gifts with them,
though the infectious energies of the Labyrinth warps these abilities. Most of these Gifts started out as Gaian
Gifts, but have additional or changed effects.
• Repress Taint (Level One) — In order to infiltrate the Gaian Garou, a Black Spiral must be able to
hide the touch of the Wyrm. This Gift allows him to repress his taint, hiding it from the prying eyes of the
suspicious. The werewolf must still take care, however, as more talented Garou might sniff him out. Scryers
teach this Gift.
System: The player rolls Perception + Subterfuge, difficulty 7. Every success increases the difficulty to
detect the character’s taint by one, to a maximum of 9. The effect lasts one scene.
(Source: W20 Book of the Wyrm, p.122)
• Bale Aura (Level One) — Twisted from the grandeur of Lambent Flame, a Dancer can shroud herself
in the green light of balefire. The light causes no physical damage, but shadows cast by the light seem to move of
their own accord and the whispers of the Wyrm crackle within the green flames, stoking the Rage within the
Garou. Furmlings and Harpies teach this Gift.
System: The player spends one Willpower point to activate the Gift. The light illuminates a 50-foot
area around the character for the rest of the scene. Garou and Fera require one fewer success to frenzy, and to
enter Thrall of the Wyrm, as the whispers taunt them from the shadows.
(Source: W20 Book of the Wyrm, p.122)
• Hidden Killer (Level Two) — As the Red Talon Gift, but the werewolf can also choose to alter the
evidence to match another Garou so long as she has a piece of the target, such as hair or blood. Abliphets teach
this Gift.
System: As the Red Talon Gift. To change the forensic evidence to match another Garou, the player
must roll Intelligence + Larceny (difficulty 8). Success means the physical evidence remains unchanged, but
forensic evidence changes to match the target.
(Source: W20 Book of the Wyrm, p.122→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p. 185 & Tribebook: Red Talons
Revised, p.65)
• Submit (Level Two) — Stolen from the Black Furies, with a snarl, a Black Spiral Dancer can force a
target to kneel before him, agony coursing through her body until she submits. Spirals with this Gift delight in
forcing a proud Garou to the ground just to kill her while she’s on her knees. Raptors teach this Gift.
System: As the Black Fury Gift: Kneel. Any target who resists the Gift subtracts two from their dice
pools for the Gift’s duration. This penalty can only be offset with the Gift: Resist Pain.
(Source: W20 Book of the Wyrm, p.122-123→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p. 173 & Werewolf: the Wild
West, p.151)
• Ichor Blade (Level Three) — The Spiral’s arm changes into a black blade dripping with dark green
poison. The ichor poisons the blood of anyone injured by the blade, causing crippling agony. Harpies and
Wakshaani teach this Gift.
System: The player spends a point of Rage to transform one hand into a blade. For the rest of the scene,
she may use her arm like a sword, rolling Dexterity + Melee (difficulty 6). Such attacks inflict Strength + 1
aggravated damage. The poison causes excruciating pain, forcing the target to subtract two from his dice pools
for a turn per success. Resist Toxin and Resist Pain both negate the effects of the poison.
(Source: W20 Book of the Wyrm, p.123)
• Gift of the Tainted Totem (Level Three) — A twisted version of an Uktena Gift, a Dancer can not
only bar a pack totem from aiding its children, she can temporarily replace the totem with her own pack or
personal totem. The horror of having a Wyrm spirit binding a Gaian pack, even temporarily, is disorienting, and
the taint left behind might be difficult to explain. Nexus Crawlers teach this Gift.
System: As the Uktena Gift: Banish Totem. If the player succeeds on the Gnosis roll, the pack not only
loses all traits associated with their totem, they gain all traits associated with the Dancer’s totem. The effect lasts
for a number of turns equal to the number of successes. Upon departing, the tainted totem leaves behind enough
Wyrm taint to show up to users of Sense Wyrm for the rest of the scene at difficulty 7. If a member of the pack
used any of the totem’s powers, the lingering Wyrm taint remains for a day, and is difficulty 5 to detect.
(Source: W20 Book of the Wyrm, p.123)
• Howl of the Bane (Level Four) — The Dancers have their own fearsome spirits to call, and in a
blatant mockery of the Wendigo, a Spiral dances in a Blight or Hellhole, hooting, laughing, and slashing profane
glyphs into the air. A bane of the user’s choosing coils from the darkness, taking a description of the target before
it leaves on its murderous quest. Any powerful Bane can teach this Gift.
System: As the Wendigo Gift: Call of the Cannibal Spirit. The user can choose which Bane to summon,
so long as its Essence rating is no higher than 30.
(Source: W20 Book of the Wyrm, p.123→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.201)
• Summon Wyrm Elemental (Level Four) — The Dancer performs a short dance round a piece of a
pure element. The dance corrupts the element and summons forth a Wyrm Elemental (Hogling, Furmling,
H’ruggling, or Wakshanni). A Wyrm elemental teaches this Gift.
System: As the Uktena Gift: Call Elemental. Black Spiral Dancers only bother trying to make a Wyrm
elemental amenable if they need a specific task completed. Many often summon Wyrm elementals simply to
wreak havoc.
(Source: W20 Book of the Wyrm, p.123)
• Mask Taint (Level Five) — As the Skin Dancer Gift. Scryers also teach this Gift.
(Source: W20 Book of the Wyrm, p.123→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.199)
• Cloak of Anthelios (Level Five) — Sculpted from Halo of the Sun, the character speaks the sacred
word of Helios while drawing on his own Wyrm-tainted powers. The character is wreathed in violent red flame
that drapes about him as a cloak. A servant of Helios who breaks under torture can teach this Gift, as can fallen
Children of Gaia who know the sacred word of Helios. The Gift is exceedingly rare, if even acquired as of yet.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point, and the effect lasts one scene. The character adds two
dice of aggravated damage to all Brawl-based attacks in all forms. Any attack that causes more than three health
levels of any kind of damage burns the glyph of Anthelios into the flesh of the victim. The victim bears Wyrm
taint (detectable by Sense Wyrm at difficulty 4) until he is cleansed. Anyone looking directly at the werewolf
adds two to all attack difficulties due to the glare. Vampires are unaffected by the Cloak of Anthelios.
(Source: W20 Book of the Wyrm, p.123)
Bone Gnawers
Whatever else can be said about them, the Bone Gnawers are survivors without peer. Their Gifts —
blessings from Rat and her brood — are geared chiefly toward surviving the perils of the modern world.

• Cardboard Mansion (Level One) — A Bone Gnawer with this Gift can create a perfectly functional
shelter for herself. The Garou can fashion any ordinary cardboard box into a waterproof, noise-resistant and
insulated home. Despite conditions outside the box, the mansion remains dry, warm and quiet. The Bone Gnawer
may also set up a house for someone else, but that person must accept a gesture of affection (a hand-shake is
sufficient) from the Bone Gnawer first. A hearth-spirit can teach this Gift.
System: The Bone Gnawer needs only a box of suitable size. A large enough box can sleep more than
one - as long as everybody is friendly. The Gnawer spends a Gnosis point and crawls in for an evening's nap.
(Source: Players Guide to Garou, p.190; Werewolf Players Guide, 2 nd Ed., p.38-39)
• Cooking (Level One) — The Bone Gnawer takes up a small pot (an old coffee can will do) and a
spoon, and fills it with whatever he can find — cigarette butts, beer cans, old newspapers, dead leaves, whatever
— adds water (spit will do), and stirs. The result is a pasty and bland-tasting, but filling and nutritious mush. A
raccoon-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player rolls Wits + Survival (difficulty 6). The resulting meal feeds one person per
success. At the Storyteller’s discretion, the difficulty can be increased depending on the objects used — 6 for
twigs and deadwood, 7 for small, harmless pebbles, and up to 10 for cyanide and the like.
(Note: This Gift is known as Cookery in Dark Ages: Werewolf, p.129 and as Stone Soup in Werewolf: the Wild
West, p.152.)
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.174)
• Declamation (Level One) — By spending at least an hour studying a written text, the Garou can
memorize vast passages of information word for word. The effects work like a cross between speed-reading and
eidetic memory. Actually understanding or accessing the information is difficult, but repeating it by rote is
simple. Lupus Garou cannot learn this Gift, but remarkably enough, illiterate homids can; for the Gift’s duration,
they can decipher all sorts of “funny little squiggles” on paper. The Garou must be fluent in speaking the
language he is reading.
This Gift is often taught by Rat Finks and Frankweilers. Rat Finks use this Gift to transfer sensitive
information in a format that’s difficult to steal. Frankweiler Galliards use this Gift repeatedly on their favorite
plays and novels. This Gift is taught by a bookworm-spirit, a favorite Gaffling of the Frankweilers.
System: After the Garou spends one Gnosis, he can repeat, word for word, anything he reads over the
next eight hours. As a rough guideline, the Garou can read about a hundred pages in an hour; each time he
‘(studies,” he must concentrate for at least an hour. As a side effect, for the duration of the Gift, the user can add
one die to any one Knowledge based dice pool related to the information. Repeating the information word for
word can take hours; however, a second Garou with the Gift: Mindspeak can sift through the information in the
Gift user’s head in one scene if he doesn’t resist.
A supernatural creature can try to steal this information with a mind reading ability (such as the
vampire Discipline: Telepathy or an application of a mage’s Mind sphere). If this happens, the Garou can resist
with a contested Willpower roll (difficulty 4) in addition to any other defense he would normally have against the
(Source: Tribebook: Bone Gnawer Revised, p.67)
• Desperate Strength (Level One) — The werewolf calls on desperate reserves for a sudden surge of
strength. A badger-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: When rolling a Feat of Strength (see p. 270), the werewolf may add one die to the roll for each
level of bashing damage he willingly accepts as the price of this Gift.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.174 & Tribebook: Bone Gnawer Revised, p.67)
• The Hungry Hound (Level One) — A Garou with this Gift can hunt down the closest source of
discarded, safe, edible food. The user might find a bag of nacho puffs dropped out of a passing car window or the
one perfect warm slice of cheese pizza buried at the bottom of a dumpster. This Gift may also reveal people who
are willing to give a handout or spare some munchies. The Hungry Hound only reveals food that’s available for
free. For instance, it won’t detect the hot dogs within a vendor's cart, but if the man selling them would be happy
to give one away to a hungry-looking wolf-dog, the chance of finding them improves considerably. This Gift is
taught by a raccoon- or squirrel-spirit, often in exchange for liberating a few choice treasures the spirit really
wants. System: Roll Perception + Primal-Urge roll (difficulty 7) and spend a Willpower point. One success
produces an unremarkable snack. More successes can either uncover more food (like a feast of discarded donuts
or cold pizza) or tastier food (like a single untouched éclair). This Gift is somewhere between a specialized
version of hunting and the Lupus Gift: Sense Prey. A successful roll means that the scent of tantalizing food has
just wafted past the werewolf’s nose. Three successes and a couple of sniffs can give more details about the
“prey,” even from a great distance. (“Wait! It smells like... a birthday cake... there’s writing on it...”)
(Source: Tribebook: Bone Gnawer Revised, p.65; known as Nose of the Hungry Hound in Bone Gnawer
Tribebook 2nd Ed p.43 and as Trail of the Larder in Werewolf: the Dark Ages, p.104)
• Kitchen Chemistry (Level One) — With ten minutes, a bit of rage, and everyday household
chemicals, you can unleash a firestorm of vengeance against an uncaring world. You have a deep and instinctive
understanding of the principles of modem chemistry, one that allows you to scratchbuild and detonate explosives.
(This Gift exists to cancel out the need for any sort of “realistic” explosive rules in the game.) Rat-spirits teach
this Gift, occasionally with the help of a few furtive cranks on the Internet.
System: One scene. One Rage. At least three household kitchen chemicals approved by the Storyteller.
The result? An explosion inflicting an amount of aggravated damage equal to the character’s permanent Rage.
Detonating the explosives properly is the difficult part.
At the end of the scene in which the chemicals are cooked, the character attempts an Intelligence +
Science roll (difficulty 6). With one success, the explosives will detonate at a specified date and time. Three
successes allow them to be thrown (Dexterity + Athletics, distance equal to the Garou’s Strength in yards) or
triggered by remote (line of sight). Five successes allow for a complex trigger, such as a timed matchbox fuse,
trip wire, weight-sensitive pressure plate, or sound of a particular television personality’s voice. On a botch, of
course, the bomb goes off in the Garou’s face.
(Source: Tribebook: Bone Gnawer Revised, p.68)
• The Mark (Level One) — The Garou can mark a person or place with a scent only other werewolves
can sense. The mark is subtle; placing it isn’t. This Gift is taught by lost-dog-spirits.
System: Using this Gift requires one Gnosis and a stream of the Garou’s urine. The Garou must use his
own fluids to mark his victim. Any Garou with at least one dot in Primal-Urge can sense the mark within line of
sight. With three dots in Primal- Urge, the Garou can sense it up to a mile away. If the user of this Gift has five
dots in Primal-Urge, he always knows where the mark is. The effects last for twelve hours, then persist until the
following sunset or sunrise (whichever comes first).
(Source: Tribebook: Bone Gnawer Revised, p.67)
• Play Possum (Level One) — With animal cunning, the Gnawer can force her body into a state near
death. Far from a serene, peaceful trance wherein the Garou imitates death, the Gift creates a facade closer to a
drowned, bloated rat. The Garou’s body stinks of rot, maggots crawl on her and flies gather as if to a feast. Only
a scrupulous investigation reveals the truth – but most folks won’t want to get that close. Most Silver Fangs argue
to ban this Gift at moots and social gatherings. A decay-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player must spend a Gnosis point and remain perfectly still to activate the Gift. On
activation, the Garou resembles a rotting corpse to all senses. When the Gift activates, anyone attempting to
detect life in the Garou must roll Perception + Medicine (difficulty equals the user’s Manipulation + Subterfuge)
and physically examine the “carcass.”
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West Companion, p.73)
• Resist Toxin (Level One) — The werewolf’s body is hardened against toxins of all sorts. A rat-spirit
teaches this Gift.
System: The werewolf is permanently immunized to mundane poisons, from arsenic to alcohol, and
adds three dice to resist the effects of Wyrm-enhanced toxins. This Gift may be turned off and on at will (such as
for enjoying alcohol).
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.174)
• Scent of Sweet Honey (Level One) — A target the Garou touched at some point during the last hour
begins to exude a wonderfully sweet aroma, and becomes slightly sticky to the touch. All manner of vermin
quickly appear and coat the victim. The resulting coat of gnats, flies, bees and beetles crawls, stings, and
generally impairs vision and hearing. Insect-spirits teach this Gift.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Wits + Subterfuge (difficulty 7). The target
suffers a –1 penalty to all actions for one hour per success; the smell will not wash off during this time.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.174-175; Werewolf: the Wild West – Frontier Secrets, p.9;
Werewolf: The Apocalypse 2nd Ed, p.125-126)
(Note: This Gift is known as Scent of the Honeycomb in Dark Ages: Werewolf, p.127)
• Smell of Success (Level One) — You’re good at sizing people up. With a few sniffs, you can smell
how successful someone really is. Even on a bad day, you can sense whether he’s got money in his pocket, a
steady job or a place to stay. When passing by street folk begging for change, some people claim they don’t have
anything to give. By repeatedly sizing up people on the street, Bone Gnawers learn to distinguish a real bad-luck
case from a cheap bastard who doesn’t give a damn. After mastering this talent, the Garou can then sniff out
deeper secrets from passers-by.
This insight can also be used on people who beg for food, money or assistance from the Garou; for
instance, Hoods use this ability to distinguish someone who really needs help from a scam artist. Either way, this
Gift is taught by a rat-spirit, usually while the student sits on a street corner asking for help over and over again;
the rats get a cut of any handouts during the time of training.
System: Spend one Gnosis and roll Perception + Streetwise (difficulty 6). Pick a person within about a
city block you can see. One success reveals one of the following facts: whether the person has money in his
pocket, whether he has a job or whether he has a home (your choice). Three successes either answer all three
questions or give more detailed information about one of them: how much money he’s got on him, what his
occupation is and what kind of place he lives in.
If you score five successes, some telltale clue also reveals more specific information. With spiritual
insight, you can narrow down four or five choices of where his home might be, what company he works for or
the last item he just bought. Specific information may come as a vision of facts whispered by a helpful Gaffling.
(“Guess what a little rat just told me.”) Alternatively, (at the Storyteller’s discretion), it can reveal the number of
dots a character has in his Background.
This Gift may be unreliable on creatures other than humans. Most supernatural creatures can resist this
ability with Willpower (difficulty 6) or Perception + Subterfuge (difficulty 7). If a supernatural creature is
impersonating someone else (say, with the Obfuscate Discipline or the Doppelganger Gift), you must beat the
number of successes on the initial roll for that talent. Figuring out a vampire’s haven or where he draws his
financial resources takes a bit of work, but it can be done.
(Source: Tribebook: Bone Gnawer Revised, p.65-6)
• Stench and the City (Level One) — As the homid Gift.
(Source: Book of the City, p.113→p.112)
• Tagalong (Level One) — Commonly used by Bone Gnawers residing in a sept controlled by other
tribes, this Gift ingratiates the Bone Gnawer to a pack's or caern's totem for a short time. While the Gift is in
effect, the Gnawer is treated as a member of a pack with regards to using the totem's blessings and any pack
tactics the pack knows. If used on a caern totem, the totem looks favorably upon the Bone Gnawer. The Gnawer
may then perform the Rite of the Opened Caern, if he knows it, without fear of retribution. A lost-dog-spirit, a
spirit servant of Rat, teaches this Gift.
System: The Bone Gnawer must know the name of the totem in question. He must also prostrate
himself before the caern's center or the pack's leader and wiggle forward on his stomach like a begging dog. The
player rolls Charisma + Subterfuge. The difficulty varies based on the totem's opinion of the Bone Gnawer,
which is left to the Storyteller's discretion. Success indicates that the character gains the previously mentioned
benefits for one day, and that the totem will not look favorably on a Garou who mistreats the Bone Gnawer
without cause. This Gift usually won't cause any bad feelings from the sept or pack in question as long as the
Bone Gnawer minds his manners. However, using it too often certainly will.
(Source: Werewolf: the Apocalypse Corebook Revised, p.144)
• Trash is Treasure (Level One) — The refuse of humanity provides all the canny Bone Gnawer
needs. Through the use of this Gift, any broken object can be temporarily restored to full functionality and
usefulness. A raccoon-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player takes hold of a broken object and rolls Wits + Crafts. The object functions perfectly
for one turn per success, and also supplies its own power, fuel, or ammunition — a dull knife cuts, a busted
microwave runs (without being plugged into anything), an old rusty Saturday night special fires even without
bullets, a junked car starts up and runs. The lifespan of the object’s renewed usefulness can be extended to one
full day by spending a point of Willpower, but the object requires proper power, fuel, and ammunition in such
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.175)
• Urban Ward (Level One) — If your home has no walls, sleeping can be a nightmare. There’s no
guarantee that someone won’t sneak up on you to steal your stuff... or even take your life. Some werewolves
solve this problem by sleeping in packs, but it never hurts to take extra precautions. Rural Garou set twigs and
branches that easily snap underfoot; Bone Gnawers rig the same warnings with tin cans, trip wires, or even
broken glass. With a little mystical aid, a werewolf can enlist spirits in similar defenses. The werewolf can never
be sure exactly where the boundary of the urban ward is set, but he may be paranoid enough to spend more time
setting multiple layers of trash around his encampment. This Gift is taught by a rat-spirit, who usually warns its
student to always collect trash and shiny things for just this purpose.
System: By spending one Gnosis, a Bone Gnawer can ward an area against intrusion. The “area” can be
anywhere between the size of a room and the size of a building. Trash is set around the periphery, usually junk
that makes noise when its disturbed. If anyone crosses this imaginary boundary, the Bone Gnawer hears the
spirits scream a silent warning to him. The ward remains in effect for eight hours (or in some cases, from dusk
’til dawn). The Storyteller secretly rolls the character’s Wits + Enigmas (difficulty 6). Any supernatural creature
attempting to use its powers to overcome the Urban Ward (for instance, with the vampire Discipline: Obfuscate)
must score more successes on its roll to activate the proper supernatural power than the Garou did. For more
mundane creatures, like humans, crossing the boundary automatically warns the Garou, who may consciously
decide whether to wake up. If the trespasser is also using Stealth, the sleeping Garou can make an opposed
Perception + Alertness roll without penalty, as if he was awake. Creatures that “teleport” in by means of Gifts
such as Shadow Step still count as having crossed the boundary; instantaneous passage through the Umbra is still
Umbral passage across the boundary.
(Source: Tribebook: Bone Gnawer Revised, p.66)
• Beneath Notice (Level Two) — While others seek fame, the Bone Gnawers’ best bet in anonymity.
This Gift allows the Gnawer to blend in with the features of a town or village by becoming too familiar to be
noticed. Although no physical change takes place, normal people cannot remember details concerning the Garou.
The Gift works in either Homid or Lupus form and causes people who encounter the user to remember a
nondescript drifter or a mangy dog. A dog-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one Willpower point to remain “anonymous” for the rest of the scene. No
one who sees the Gnawer during that time can remember details concerning his appearance.
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West Companion, p.73-74)
• Between the Cracks (Level Two) — Urban blight is the very underbelly of the Wyrm, and the Bone
Gnawers know it better than any other tribe. The werewolf’s instincts guide him to the nearest barren spot within
an urban area — a place where no human has set foot in at least a week, one which is not only isolated and
currently unoccupied, but also likely to remain so for the rest of the night. This may be a boarded-up, abandoned
building, a vacant apartment, or even a dead subway station. Bone Gnawers find this Gift useful for securing
ritual spaces, setting up ambushes while preserving the Litany, and finding a place to sleep for the night. Any
urban spirit can teach this Gift.
System: The player spends a point of Willpower and rolls Wits + Streetwise (difficulty 5). The more
successes, the more secluded and difficult-to-locate the destination will be.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.175)
• Blissful Ignorance (Level Two) — As the Ragabash Gift.
(Note: This Gift is known as Hide in Plain Sight in Werewolf: the Wild West, p.152)
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.175→p.161)
• Cornered Rat’s Ferocity (Level Two) — When backed into a corner with nowhere to run, there are
only two options — beg for mercy or turn and fight. Rat-spirits teach Bone Gnawers to excel at the latter.
System: The player spends one Rage point and rolls Rage (difficulty 8). Each success grants the
character an additional die to his Brawl pools for the rest of the combat. This Gift sends the Bone Gnawer into an
automatic and unavoidable berserk frenzy; any magic that stops the frenzy also ends the Gift.
(Note: This Gift is known as Cornered Rat in Werewolf: the Wild West, p.152 & Dark Ages: Werewolf, p.130)
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.175)
• Dead End (Level Two) — Through a bit of graffiti and casual sabotage, the Garou can discourage
anyone who wants to track him, follow him, or even take interest in his affairs. The werewolf can alter a sign,
spraypaint directional information, or perhaps just simply turn street signs the wrong way to misdirect people
who find it. This Gift works far better on humans than supernatural creatures. Some urban werewolves attempt
this Gift two or three times a week to keep their stomping grounds hidden (rather like a lesser version of the Rite
of the Signpost, see Tribebook: Bone Gnawer Revised, p.77).
System: Using this Gift requires one Gnosis and enough time to spraypaint graffiti, turn around a street
sign, or commit some other act of urban mischief. (If you need an exact number of turns, roll Wits + Survival,
difficulty 4, and subtract the number of success from 10; that’s the number of turns you’ll need.) On any roll to
track the Garou past this obstacle, increase the difficulty by 3. The effects last for a full week.
(Source: Tribebook: Bone Gnawer Revised, p.69)
• Drunkard’s Luck (Level Two) — In a drunken stupor, the Gnawer walks away from fatal accidents
and hazardous situations with the assistance of this Gift. Where a sober Garou would hesitate and take a mortal
wound, the Gnawer stumbles into the clear despite impaired reflexes. An alcohol-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: This Gift activates automatically when the Bone Gnawer consumes enough alcohol to render
him drunk. In this state, he loses three dice to all of his actions (more if he continues drinking), but he benefits
from an amazing lucky streak. The player can reroll any failed rolls involving defensive actions, including Dodge
and Stamina soak rolls. The Storyteller may also allow the character to avoid hazards that he could not normally
detect, such as falling debris or surprise attacks. When the effects of the alcohol wear off, the Gift deactivates.
The Gift does nothing for hangovers.
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West Companion, p.74)
• Find the Prize (Level Two) — The Garou employing this Gift closes her eyes and thinks about
finding a thing of great value, either a specific item or a general class of things. This Gift is taught by a raccoon-
spirit, often in exchange for liberating a few choice treasures the spirit really wants.
System: The Garou rolls Perception + Enigmas (the difficulty depends on the rarity/uniqueness of the
item being sought). Each success on the roll gives one clue concerning the whereabouts of the item. The clue is
decided by the Storyteller and must be worked into the story: “Turning the corner, you see an ad for the Hound
Dog Café...perhaps the Elvis plate could be there?” Note that just because an item has been located does not
mean it can be easily obtained.
(Source: 2nd Ed Bone Gnawers Tribebook, p.43)
• Guise of the Hound (Level Two) — The Bone Gnawer masks herself so that she blends into the
urban landscape, disguising her Lupus form so that it appears as a large dog rather than a wolf. Despite its
enormous utility, most other tribes spurn this Gift as degrading to the dignity of the Garou. A dog-spirit teaches
this Gift.
System: The player rolls Manipulation + Subterfuge (difficulty 7). The disguise lasts for one scene per
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.175)
• Hootenanny (Level Two) — Bone Gnawer Hillfolk invented this Gift, and they’ve been teaching it to
Galliards everywhere. A good old-fashioned hootenanny involves music played really fast and incredibly
well-“Dueling Banjos” is currently the most common song used with it. While a Garou enacts this performance,
every werewolf in his pack finds it easier to run, fight, jump, or perform any other rapid, strenuous physical
activity. Unfortunately, everyone who hears the performance feels like dancing-they might stomp their feet, clap
to the music, and even dance around if the music’s good enough. This gives the pack a decided edge in combat.
With this Gift, a pack of Hillfolk and a Galliard with a banjo can tear up a whole room full of fomori and Black
Spirals with one hell of a square dance. This Gift is taught by an ancestor-spirit, usually one that looks and acts
like a Galliard. Some Galliards claim this Gift is taught by the ghost of Elvis, but no one believes them.
System: When the hootenanny starts, the Garou using it spends a Gnosis, rolls Manipulation +
Performance, and plays fast-paced, raucous music on a musical instrument. If the character scores three
successes on the first turn, the Gift is activated; if he doesn’t, he can continue to attempt the roll each tum until
he does. For the duration of one scene, as long as he continues to perform, each Garou in his pack can add three
extra dice to any Dexterity + Brawl or Athletics dice pool. A packmate can add these dice to only one action each
round, or he may divide them among multiple actions, but he cannot use more than three bonus dice from this
Gift in a turn. Any enemies listening should make Willpower rolls when this power is activated. If an opponent
hearing the music can’t score at least three successes on this roll, raise the difficulty of all his Dexterity + Brawl
or Athletics dice pools by 2. (Melee and Firearm dice pools are not affected by this Gift.)
(Source: Tribebook: Bone Gnawer Revised, p.70)
• I Got a Rock (Level Two) — Instead of throwing a weapon to cause greater injury, the werewolf
throws projectiles with greater accuracy. This Gift is taught by an air-spirit.
System: Large or unwieldy objects are usually more difficulty to throw than aerodynamic ones; this is
reflected by a greater difficulty on the Dexterity + Athletics roll to chuck it. In the turn this Gift is used, the
Garou bums one Gnosis. The difficulty to throw an object is then 4, no matter how awkward it is to throw. If the
Garou can lift it, he can throw it. The Storyteller may still increase the difficulty because of range or other
modifiers, but with this Gift, a motorcycle becomes as aerodynamic as a baseball. Note that a werewolf can’t use
Stone-Throwing Devil and I’ve Got a Rock in the same turn (one requires Rage and the other requires Gnosis).
Also note that throwing a motorcycle like you’d throw a curve ball or knuckleball shreds the Veil.
(Source: Tribebook: Bone Gnawer Revised, p.69)
• Odious Aroma (Level Two) — The Bone Gnawer can amplify his natural musk until it incapacitates
his foes. A stinkbug-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one point of Gnosis. For the duration of the scene, all beings other than the
werewolf and her packmates that can smell and are within 20 feet (6 m) of the Garou subtract two from all dice
pools as they fight to breathe.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.175)
• On Patrol (Level Two) — This Gift extends the duration and range of Scent of the True Form or
Sense the Unnatural; the Garou needn’t have either one of those Gifts before learning this one, but this Gift is
useless without them. Bone Gnawers who hang out on strategically chosen street comers have a chance to sniff
out Supernatural creatures in the neighborhood. Using the Gift takes about an hour. During that time, if a Wyrm-
tainted creature passes within about a city block, there’s a chance the werewolf will pick up his scent. Galliards
use this Gift while performing on street comers; Ragabash do the same thing while begging for change. Lost-dog
spirits teach this Gift.
System: Spend one Gnosis and roll Stamina + Occult (difficulty 6). The effects last for one hour and
extend for a city block. (In the wilderness, the range depends on the Garou’s sense of smell.) Alternatively, a
Garou with the Gift: Pulse of the Invisible can use it with On Patrol to watch activity in the Penumbra, even
while hanging out in the physical world. As one would expect, a Bone Gnawer sitting on a street comer reacting
to stuff that isn’t really there looks like he’s strung out, drunk, stoned or insane. Even while “chemically
enhanced,” he can still sense the taint of the Wyrm around him.
(Source: Tribebook: Bone Gnawer Revised, p.69-70)
• Plague Visage (Level Two) — Anyone in his right mind fears a leper. This Gift allows the character
to draw an illusion of terrible disease on his features, repelling even the most stouthearted onlookers. A useful
trick for survival, it can earn charity from a well-meaning monk, terrify locals and even serve as a way of
blending in since lepers are all but ubiquitous in some places. This Gift is taught by a rat-spirit.
System: The player rolls Manipulation + Medicine; the illusion of disease lasts for one scene. The
imaginary disease may appear to be anything that the character is familiar with, such as leprosy or smallpox, or
even something entirely invented. Players of humans who view the illusion must roll Willpower (difficulty 8),
lest those humans shrink away from the character in revulsion. Supernatural beings that are immune to disease
have less to fear, so their difficulty is only 6.
(Source: Dark Ages: Werewolf, p.130 & Werewolf: the Dark Ages, p.104)
• Road Ward (Level Two) — You’ve been tossed out of just about everywhere. Now the spirits help
you survive falls that would cripple just about anyone else. Leaping out of a car on the freeway is a minor
inconvenience. Getting pushed off a building is a bitch. Either way, this Gift can still reduce the damage from the
fall. As a side effect, for one scene after you activate the Road Ward, you’ll always land on your feet.
Wanderlust-spirits teach this Gift.
System: Any use of this Gift requires one Willpower point and a Stamina + Survival roll (difficulty 6);
you can immediately activate this Gift before you hit the ground. Falling out of a car moving up to 75 mph
requires one success; every additional 25 mph requires an additional success. If you succeed, you take no damage
and roll to a stop. Falling off a building reduces the damage by one story for each success. As a side effect, Road
Ward cancels the Ahroun Gift: Falling Touch, as well as any trip attempt or leg sweep; it can be activated in
response to any of those attacks.
(Source: Tribebook: Bone Gnawer Revised, p.69; known as “Ward of the Road” in 2nd Ed Bone Gnawers
• Stone-Throwing Devil (Level Two) — Anything you can throw as a weapon becomes deadlier. If
your Garou is the sort of bastard that throws rocks during city riots, dumps garbage on policemen from a fire
escape, or tosses around furniture in bar brawls, then this Gift is for you.
System: Burn one Rage and roll Dexterity + Athletics when the Garou throws a weapon. Add a number
of dice equal to his temporary Rage to the Dexterity + Athletics roll. Of course, if the projectile hits, this means it
may also do extra damage.
(Source: Tribebook: Bone Gnawer Revised, p.69)
• Trash Magnet (Level Two) — Ordinary street garbage becomes the Bone Gnawer's ally as it swirls
about his opponent or engulfs his rival. All the trash nearby assails the target of this Gift, making life difficult.
Older Bone Gnawers can completely immobilize a smart-mouth, upstart Garou in heaps of trash and piles of
garbage. Trash-spirits teach this Gift, although rat-spirits teach a version that animates sewer flotsam.
System: The player rolls Charisma + Streetwise (difficulty 7) to determine the amount of trash
involved. With one success, a minor distraction of newspapers and plastic bags causes a small increase in
difficulties. With 5 successes, the target is buried in garbage and must dig his way to freedom. This Gift affects
toxic waste as well. Note that this Gift does not create trash but instead draws upon the garbage in an area. An
attempt to use this Gift in a sterile environment would fail.
(Source: Players Guide to Garou, p.190; Werewolf Players Guide, 2 nd Ed., p.39)
• Beg (Level Three) — Playing upon the compassion of others, Bone Gnawers can generate an
amazing amount of pity. By exaggerating her miserable state, a clever Bone Gnawer can gain favor with people
who have too much anyway. By groveling or telling her particular sob story, she might get a handout, a favor or
at least a good meal. A pigeon-spirit teaches this Gift, which is one reason only Bone Gnawers ever learn it.
System: The player must spend one Gnosis point and roll Manipulation + Performance. If the
roleplaying is particularly moving, the player can forgo the roll at the Storyteller's discretion. The difficulty
depends on the target: a charitable Child of Gaia might be a 4, whereas an overbearing Get of Fenris might be a
9. The number of successes determines the amount of pity generated and the generosity of the favor.
(Source: Werewolf Players Guide, 2nd Ed., p.39)
• Call the Rust (Level Three) — By whistling softly through his teeth, the werewolf can summon
sudden and destructive rust onto any metal within his immediate vicinity. Guns corrode and jam, knives crumble,
and cars become flaking hunks of junk. This Gift is taught by a water elemental.
System: The player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls Wits + Crafts, with a difficulty depending on the
amount of metal being corroded. A gun or knife would be difficulty 6, while a car might be difficulty 8.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.175; Dark Ages: Werewolf, p.130 & Werewolf: the Dark Ages,
• Cooter’s Revenge (Level Three) — Any Bone Gnawer who watches too much television knows
about Cooter. He’s got a tow truck parked down the street from the Dukes of Hazzard, and he always has the
right tool for the right job. Followers of the tribe‘s automotive totem (described under “Totems”) train
extensively with automotive tools, and wouldn’t be caught dead without them. This Gift not only makes proper
repairs much easier, but can also save your life if you’re caught unaware while changing a tire by the side of the
System: This Gift requires a heavy, automotive tool at least as big as a large crescent wrench (anything
smaller than a half-inch crescent wrench won’t do). If you voluntarily lend out any of your tools, you can’t use
this Gift until you get them back.
For one Gnosis, this Gift reduces the difficulty of any automotive repair roll to 4, (but only if you’re
using the right tool). For one Rage, the Gift can make the tool a deadlier weapon. Whether you prefer a tire iron
or power drill, you can use your chosen tools to inflict Strength + 3 lethal damage for one scene. As an added
bonus, you can do the same damage with all four hubcaps, the four wheel wells, and the spare tire of a car as
ranged weapons.
(Source: Tribebook: Bone Gnawer Revised, p.72)
• Dumpster Diving (Level Three) — One of the less sanitary tribal totems, the Great Trash Heap, has
dissipated its consciousness throughout the dumping grounds, landfills, and trash piles of the world. Bone
Gnawers who follow this totem commune with the Incarna by defending, protecting, and even obeying these
festering heaps. When a Garou has reached this rank of renown, he may be called upon to travel between
festering sacred sites to carry out the totem’s demands.
Just as entering a Moon Bridge helps Garou travel between caerns, dumpster diving allows Bone
Gnawers and their packs to venture from one shrine of the Great Trash Heap to another. The werewolf burrows
down into the trash, tunnels around in it, and then resurfaces inside another Heap on another part of the planet.
Obviously, this Gift is taught by a totem-spirit of the Great Trash Heap. A Garou temporarily serving the totem
through the Level One Gift: Tagalong can learn this Gift, but the werewolf must still petition the totem each time
he uses it.
System: The totem decides when to open and close these gateways and assigns their destinations. When
the pack goes dumpster diving, the highest-ranking Bone Gnawer makes a Gnosis rol1 (difficulty 4) when
entering the trashpile; the travel time is the same as for stepping sideways. This ability cannot be used more than
once per day, and it only works at the totem’s behest. Keeping these pathways open is difficult, so the traveler
and his pack must return to their original site within three days. If they don’t make it back in time, they’ll have to
travel back by more conventional means.
(Source: Tribebook: Bone Gnawer Revised, p.72)
• Friend In Need (Level Three) — It takes a lot for a pack to accept a Bone Gnawer as an equal, but
once they do, the Bone Gnawer's loyalty is unshakable. This Gift allows a Bone Gnawer to risk all, even his own
life, to aid a packmate or tribemate. A dog-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: When a packmate or fellow Bone Gnawer is in danger, the Bone Gnawer may "lend" him what
he needs, be it a Gift the Bone Gnawer knows, his Rage, his Willpower, or even his own life (in the form of
health levels). The Bone Gnawer cannot lend a Gift of a higher rank than the recipient could know, nor can he
lend Abilities or Attributes. The player must spend one Willpower point and roll Willpower (difficulty 7) and
must Succeed for the transfer to take place. If the roll botches, the Bone Gnawer loses the Traits in question but
the recipient does not gain them. This Gift lasts until the end of the scene unless the recipient decides to
terminate it early. If the recipient dies before the Traits are returned, the Bone Gnawer loses them permanently.
(Source: Werewolf: the Apocalypse Corebook Revised, p.144)
• Gift of the Skunk (Level Three) — With this Gift, the Garou can swell his musk glands, allowing
him to spray musk like a skunk. It is, of course, taught by a skunk-spirit.
System: The spray is directed with a Dexterity + Primal-Urge roll (difficulty 7, maximum range of 10
feet). A target struck by this attack must spend a Willpower point to do anything but spend the first turn retching.
Afterwards, he subtracts one from his dice pools for the rest of the scene for every two successes rolled.
Immersion in water negates this Gift, and it is ineffective against targets with no sense of smell.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.175)
• Gift of the Termite (Level Three) — The Gnawer can cause wood and paper to rot with astonishing
speed. Furniture falls apart, documents disintegrate and even buildings collapse. Obviously, one of the best
instructors is a termite spirit.
System: After spending a Gnosis point, the character rolls Intelligence + Repair (difficulty 7). The
number of successes determines the amount of wood or paper destroyed: One success can rot a ream of paper,
three can deteriorate a wall and five successes can collapse the roof of a small building. Strategic use of this
power can have dramatic results even for those of lesser skill.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.175)
• Laugh of the Hyena (Level Three) — Hyena follows no one; instead, she laughs at those who would
name themselves kings. The Bone Gnawer wields the power of this mocking laughter, allowing her to resist any
attempt to command, cajole, force, or demand to do anything she doesn’t wish to. Such refusals are never subtle;
the werewolf cackles like a hyena when calling upon this Gift. A hyena-spirit teaches it.
System: All attempts to mentally compel the werewolf suffer a +2 difficulty penalty, so long as she
laughs out loud at them. This includes the Gift: Roll Over; all effects of the vampire Discipline: Dominate; all
effects of the mage Mind Sphere; and all effects of the wraith Arcanos: Puppetry.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.175 & Tribebook: Bone Gnawer Revised, p.71)
• Lucky Bastard (Level Three) — By performing an epic feat to please the spirits, you’ve found a way
to overcome the curse of your jackal’s blood. This Gift is taught by a jackal-spirit, usually as an act of
forgiveness after an appropriate Umbral quest lasting at least one game session.
System: This Gift can be used once per game session. The Garou spends one Gnosis; the person
roleplaying him can then reroll any one dice pool for that character. The effects only apply if the roll is “better”
(that is, scores more successes) than the original roll.
(Source: Tribebook: Bone Gnawer Revised, p.70-71)
• Rant and Rave (Level Three) — Suffused with the pure energy of the Wyld, the user of this Gift
rants and raves in a torrent of nonsensical language. Only others who are properly attuned to his magic silver-
hammer disco ball dimension can penetrate his tinfoil hat. More precisely, any member of his pack or the Bone
Gnawer tribe can decode whatever nonsense he is saying. He can also project these thoughts at a distance to one
listener; the ranting Garou chooses which individual receives his psychic transmission. The listener does not
have to actually hear the ranting Garou. As long as he’s within the same city, or even the same state or province,
there’s a chance he’ll receive the message. (Unlike the Gift: Mindspeak, line of sight is not always required.)
Ranting Bone Gnawers have been known to hold entire conversations from opposite sides of the same city,
taking turns shouting violent imprecations to no one in particular. A Wyldling-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The ranting Garou spends one Gnosis for each werewolf he wants to receive his secret
message; the duration is one scene. Each one of these targets must either be a member of his pack or a Bone
Gnawer. (This is allowable if he’s temporarily joined a pack with the Bone Gnawer Gift: Tagalong.) Roll the
ranter’s Appearance + Expression (difficulty 6); the number of successes limits how far away his recipient can
one line of sight (as per Mindspeak)
two same building
three same city block
four same city
five same state or province
For Wyld reasons no one can understand, the most powerful application of this Gift actually does have
a longer range in Texas or Alaska than in Rhode Island, New Hampshire, or Vermont. Bone Gnawer Deserters
have gone on epic Umbral quests to deduce the reason why, but have never returned with any sufficiently logical
(Source: Tribebook: Bone Gnawer Revised, p.71)
• Reshape Object (Level Three) — As the homid Gift.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.176→p.154)
• Streets Tell Stories (Level Three) — You’ve got an ear to the sidewalk...literally. By touching a road,
sidewalk, or path of some kind, you receive a flash of impressions about what has transpired there during the last
twenty-four hours. Urban spirits whisper words, waft scents, and even give a taste of events in the neighborhood.
This Gift is bestowed by a City Mother or City Father Totem, usually as a reward for acting in defense of the city.
System: Spend one Gnosis and roll Perception + Streetwise (difficulty 6). You may specify what sort of
information you require before you roll the dice. One success reveals a brief sensory impression with any one
sense other than sight. Three successes gives a rush of images (described rapid-fire by the Storyteller); you may
ask questions about any one of them and receive more specific details with all five senses. Five successes gives
you access complete recall about everyone who’s passed by within the last day, including impressions from all
five senses. However, you’ll need to spend a scene sitting and thinking to recall this amount of detail.
(Source: Tribebook: Bone Gnawer Revised, p.71)
• Attunement (Level Four) —The werewolf may commune with the spirits of a city or town and gain
information about the area from them, including a rough population estimate, enclaves of Garou or other beings,
and any secret tunnels. This Gift doesn’t function in the wilderness, since the Bone Gnawers have lost the knack
for conversing with such spirits easily. A rat-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one point of Gnosis and rolls Perception + Streetwise (difficulty 6). The
amount and accuracy of the information depend on the number of successes rolled.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.176)
• Blink (Level Four) — The Bone Gnawer can duck into a shaded area (an open dumpster, a dark alley,
beneath a parked car) and pop out in another shaded area some distance away. A rat-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Manipulation + Stealth (difficulty 6). The
character can reappear in any shaded area within (number of successes x 20) yards (18 m per success).
(Note: This Gift is known as Run for Ground in Werewolf: the Wild West, p.152)
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.176 & Dark Ages: Werewolf, p.130)
• Cliché Curse (Level Four) — From Roger Ebert's Little Bigger Movie Glossary, "Clichéphobia.
Condition affecting people raised on movies. Symptoms occur when real life situations echo movie clichés, and
the sufferers must take action to avoid what would be the inevitable denouement in a movie."
What is a humorous anecdote in the hands of humans becomes a deadly weapon in the claws of a Bone
Gnawer. Most often employed with an appropriately dramatic curse (although this isn't necessary), the target of
this Gift becomes certain to suffer an unfavorable fate in a cliché-related way. Anyone reaching for something
high in a cupboard will inevitably have the entire contents fall on top of him. Riding a bicycle on a sunny day
invites being hit by a truck. While it is possible to avoid the effects of this curse, doing so requires virtually
shutting yourself from the world, and not in a dark room, either. It is taught by a dog spirit or by a spirit from a
television realm.
System: The player spends one point of Gnosis and names the victim, who must be within hearing
distance and line of sight. For twenty-four hours, the victim risks disaster. Once that disaster occurs, however, the
curse is ended.
(Source: Players Guide to Garou, p.190)
• Face in the Crowd (Level Four) — You thrive in the midst of riots, angry mobs, lynchings, civil
disturbances, or any other situation where a crowd of humans rebels, revolts, or resists authority. The Gift doesn’t
actually enrage a crowd; it just adds direction to a riot already in progress. Wyldlings and Ratkin Twitchers teach
this Gift.
System: Using this Gift costs one Willpower each turn. That tum, you can use one noun and one verb to
direct what an angry mob will do. The Garou doesn’t need to vocalize these commands; the player states them to
the Storyteller.
Silly commands automatically fail. (You could, for instance, issue the command “kill vampires,” but
demanding that everyone “drink Pepsi” does nothing.) You must direct the crowd at something other than itself
(so verbs like “sleep,” “vomit,” or “laugh” or the noun “suicide” are right out). The Storyteller has the right to
veto any noun verb that’s too abusive (“kill yourselves”) or just plain stupid.
(Source: Tribebook: Bone Gnawer Revised, p.72)
• Glass Talons (Level Four) — When using this Gift, the Gnawer can change her claws to glass. Upon
clawing an opponent, the glass talons tear through flesh and bone, breaking off in the target’s wounds. The Garou
is incapable of using this Gift or making a claw attack next turn, for her claws must actually regenerate. This Gift
is taught by a pain-spirit.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point to make the change. If the Garou using this Gift damages
her target with a claw attack, her claws break off, leaving large shards in the open wounds. The glass does an
additional aggravated Health Level of damage every round the shards remain in the wound. The glass can be
removed, but this takes a full turn, and the victim can’t be running around or fighting.
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West, p.152)
(Note: This Gift is known as Claws of the Glassblower in Dark Ages: Werewolf, p.130)
• Infest (Level Four) — The Bone Gnawer summons a horde of vermin to invade a structure no bigger
than a large building. The Gift summons any kind of vermin common to the area — usually a lively variety of
insects, slugs and rodents. The vermin behave according to their natural instincts, generally settling down for
permanent infestation rather than attacking humans. Any vermin-spirit can teach this Gift.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Manipulation + Animal Ken (difficulty 7). One
success warrants an immediate call to an exterminator, five makes the building completely uninhabitable for
quite some time.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.176)
• Shadow of the Rat (Level Four) — Rats are known for their resilience, persistence and ruthlessness.
Since Rat serves as the Bone Gnawer’s tribal totem, Garou of this tribe may learn a great deal about survival
under the tutelage of rat-spirits.
System: The Garou can spend one Gnosis to lower the difficulty of all Stamina rolls (including soak
rolls) by 1 for the duration of the scene.
(Source: Tribebook: Bone Gnawer Revised, p.72)
• Trust Me (Level Four) — Once each game session, a Bone Gnawer with this Gift can tell an
outrageous lie so well that ordinary humans accept it as truth. The story must at least be vaguely possible and end
with the words, “Trust me.” What the human does with this knowledge is entirely a matter of roleplaying.
Munchmausen Ratkin teach this Gift.
System: No roll is necessary: ordinary humans automatically believe the Bone Gnawer’s tale. This Gift
does not work on supernatural creatures or animals.
(Source: Tribebook: Bone Gnawer Revised, p.73)
• Gluttony (Level Five) — The Bone Gnawer can open his jaws far wider than is normally physically
possible, and can swallow things or beings whole. A werewolf with this Gift is even capable of gulping down an
entire buffalo, or a whole pack of Black Spiral Dancers, only to regurgitate the creatures later This Gift is taught
by a catfish-spirit.
System: The player rolls Stamina + Primal-Urge (difficulty 8). Beings can resist with Dexterity +
Dodge. In the case of a very large being or object, one extra success is required for every Health Level the target
possesses beyond the normal seven, or for every extra three feet in size over the Bone Gnawer (obviously, Crinos
form is best for this Gift). Swallowed objects/beings wind up in the Umbra, in a subrealm that is a mystical
"stomach" of the glutton. The Garou can belch these objects out later. The werewolf can store objects in this
mystical stomach for a number of hours equal to his Stamina; after this time, the Garou automatically
regurgitates them hack into the physical world. The objects appear next to the Garou, and are unharmed.
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West, p.153 & Werewolf Players Guide, 1 st Ed., p.39)
(Note: This Gift is known as Maw of the Whale in Dark Ages: Werewolf, p.130)
• Help Me (Level Five) — Once each game session, a Bone Gnawer with this Gift can tell a tale of
suffering so pitiful that he can elicit the help of an average human. With enough successes, he may convince the
human to go out of his way to help the poor suffering bastard get on his feet. Masters of this Gift have managed
to walk with a mark to the ATM for a sizable donation, borrow the keys to a car for an evening, or sleep on
someone’s floor. The tribe has spent millennia watching over the human race; after realizing on some
subconscious level this great service, the human pays his protector back with a grand favor. Great Bone Gnawer
heroes use this Gift when they need help protecting humans from the evils around them.
System: There’s a price to pay, however. Some rabble exploit these victims for all they can get, but this
behavior is hardly considered honorable. Word gets around. Using this help for the common good is
commendable, but if the werewolf uses this Gift from Gaia to rip people off, he’ll lose one temporary Honor each
time if the local Garou find out. In any case, the Storyteller decides what help the human offers.
(Source: Tribebook: Bone Gnawer Revised, p.73)
• Piping (Level Five) — In times of great need, an elder can issue a call to his tribe that echoes through
the Umbra of an entire city. First, hordes of spirits appear before him in the spirit world. They then swarm out to
find everyone of the same tribe. Bone Gnawers use this Gift more than any other tribe, usually relying on hordes
of rat-spirits to find all their hidden brothers and sisters. The tribalists don’t need to answer the call, but the spirit
can relay a brief message exhorting the Garou to aid her brothers and sisters. Using this Gift for a trivial purpose
may cost the Garou temporary Honor.
System: Piping works like the Gift: Call of the Wyld, but it stretches across an entire city and only
works on Bone Gnawers.
(Source: Tribebook: Bone Gnawer Revised, p.73)
• Riot (Level Five) — The werewolf summons a horde of malevolent spirits to provoke the inhabitants
of a city into violent rioting. The Gift plays on the hatred and fear of the down-and-outs of the city: the poor, the
homeless, immigrants, and others the citizenry would rather not acknowledge. The Gnawer can direct the riot to
a limited degree. A rat-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Wits + Subterfuge (difficulty 8). If successful,
the spirits direct their hosts against a target of the Garou’s choice — though things tend to escalate and spin out
of control easily. The riot engulfs an area with a radius of one mile per success rolled.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.176)
• Survivor (Level Five) — The werewolf becomes an ultimate survivor, with no need of food, water or
sleep. She ignores temperature extremes, natural diseases, and poisons. Wyrm toxins have only half their normal
effect on her. A tortoise-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Stamina + Survival. The effects last for one day
per success. By spending a second Gnosis point, the character can gain three extra points of Stamina, and suffers
no wound penalties, but the Gift will prematurely expire 10 rounds later. The Garou must sleep for at least eight
hours when the Gift wears off, and he awakens ravenously hungry.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.176-177)

The Bunyip, isolated from the rest of the Garou, became peaceful stewards of the Dreamtime.
Uncomfortable with their Rage, the Bunyip developed Gifts geared towards peaceful contemplation and
coexisting with the inhabitants of the Dreamtime.

• Bunyip’s Spell (Level One) — Great Bunyip taught his children the trick of paralyzing a person with
a glance, so that they might defend themselves against humans with mercy.
System: The Garou makes eye contact with the target; the player rolls Willpower, opposed by the
target’s Willpower. For each success that the player gains over the target, the target is frozen in place for one turn
and cannot defend himself. If the target is an ordinary mortal, the player may choose to spend a Willpower point
to make the paralysis last for the rest of the scene. The paralyzed victim remembers not being able to move, but
does not know why; it is rationalized away as per Delirium rules. This Gift cannot be used on shapeshifters or the
undead, only mortals or those who are mostly mortal (such as fomori).
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.394; Rage Across Australia, p.116 & Past Lives, p.83)
• Burrow-Bed (Level One) —This Gift was a common survival trick among Bunyip, learned from the
spirits of burrowing animals such as wombats. The Garou can burrow into the ground when he needs to rest,
sleeping comfortably to regain his strength without fear of suffocation.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point. The Garou burrows into the earth to a distance of about
five feet, filling in the hole after himself. The Gift allows the werewolf to rest up to twelve hours without need
for air. The disturbed earth filling the Garou’s burrow-bed is not automatically concealed, and observers can
usually tell that something was recently buried there. As such, this Gift is most useful in areas where the ground
will be covered before long by dust, sand, or leaf litter.
(Source: Past Lives, p.83)
• Dreamwalk (Level One/Two) — The Bunyip’s connection to the Dreaming is so strong that they can
enter and exit the Penumbra with ease. This Gift is taught by any Dreamtime-spirit.
System: At night, under the moon, the Bunyip can temporarily reduce the Gauntlet in her immediate
area by two, for herself only. This requires an uninterrupted minute of concentration and there is no need for a
reflective surface to step sideways.
(Note: Bunyip learn this Gift as Level One, all other tribes learn it as Level Two)
(Source: Rage Across Australia, p.116 & Past Lives, p.83)
• Leap of the Kangaroo (Level One) — As the Lupus Gift: Hare’s Leap, except it is taught by a
(Source: Rage Across Australia, p.116→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.158)
• Mother’s Touch (Level One) — As the Theurge Gift.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.394→p.164)
• Resist Toxin (Level One) — As the Bone Gnawer Gift.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.394→p.174)
• Sense Prey (Level One) — As the lupus Gift.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.394→p.159)
• Coils of the Serpent (Level Two) — As the Uktena Gift.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.394→p.197)
• Crocodile’s Cunning (Level Two) — The Bunyip passed into the lore of humans as an aquatic
monster. This Gift, learned from crocodile-spirits, allowed the Bunyip to defend their waterholes, swamps and
rivers with clever ambushes, or simply to evade pursuers. Crocodile-spirits taught this Gift.
System: The player spends one Gnosis. The character may hold her breath for up to one hour, and gains
two dice to any Stealth rolls made while submerged in water or mud.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.394 & Past Lives, p.83)
• Surface Attunement (Level Two) — As the Stargazer Gift.
(Source: Rage Across Australia, p.116→Werewolf: the Apocalypse Corebook Revised, p.293→Werewolf 20th
Anniversary Edition, p.195)
• Possum’s Feet (Level Two) — This Gift is identical to the Lupus Gift: Catfeet, except that it is taught
by possum-spirits. This Gift may explain some of the athletic feats performed by captive thylacines.
(Source: Rage Across Australia, p.116 → Werewolf: the Apocalypse Corebook Revised, p.136)
• Bunyip’s Boom (Level Three) — This Gift is now known as Lonesome Voice of the Bunyip (see
(Source: Rage Across Australia, p.116→Past Lives, p.83)
• Landspeak (Level Three) — The Aboriginal people of Australia are said to sing to the land; an
explanation for such stories is the Bunyip’s ability to hear the speech of the Earth. This Gift is taught by servants
of the Rainbow Serpent.
System: The Bunyip must crouch and put his ear to the ground, making a Gnosis roll (difficulty 6). The
number of successes indicates the radius in miles inside which the Bunyip hears what is happening on the land’s
surface. If the Bunyip also spends a Gnosis point and makes a successful Past Life roll (difficulty 8), he can hear
sounds from the land’s past. The information will be scant at best, but it is possible to listen to sounds of many
years ago if the land has some reason to remember them.
(Source: Rage Across Australia, p.116 & Past Lives, p.83-84)
• Lonesome Voice of the Bunyip (Level Three) — This Gift was one of the last Bunyip Gifts to be
developed, as it directly arose from the pain and loss of the War of Shame. It is taught by Bunyip ancestor-spirits.
The Garou using this Gift emits the booming cry of Great Bunyip himself, a frightening and saddening roar-howl
of fear and loneliness.
System: The player spends one Gnosis and rolls Charisma + Performance (difficulty 7). The Gift
affects all non-Bunyip within earshot. Those affected lose one temporary point of Willpower per success, and
cannot regain Willpower until they have retreated from the Gift user’s immediate area (roughly earshot) or until
the scene ends. No victim can be affected by this Gift more than once in any sunset-to-sunrise or sunrise-to-
sunset period.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.394-5 & Past Lives, p.83)
• Pulse of the Invisible (Level Three) — As the Theurge Gift.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.395→p.165)
• Dance of the Lightning Snakes (Level Four) — The Penumbra of Australia is inhabited by, among
other things, the lightning snakes — spirits that leap to the earth and rebound to the heavens during Umbral
storms, bringing lightning and rain. This Gift allows a Garou to call on the lightning snakes to evoke a powerful
storm in the Umbra, washing away spirits and lashing foes with bolts of spirit-lightning.
System: This Gift works only in the Umbra. The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Willpower,
with the difficulty based on the spirit world’s existing weather (if any) — 5 if an Umbral storm is already
brewing, to 9 if the spirit world’s skies are clear. The difficulty is reduced by 1 if the character is in Australia or
New Zealand’s Penumbra, where lightning snakes are more plentiful. The storm gathers in three turns; it covers
the equivalent of 5 miles per success, and increases the difficulty or Essence cost of any fire, perception or travel-
related Charms by 1. The Garou may direct the lightning snakes to strike opponents (Charisma + Occult,
difficulty 7 to hit; 10 dice of aggravated damage). The storm cannot bleed over into the physical world, although
a sympathetic, uncontrolled rainstorm may gather in the material world.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.395 & Past Lives, p.84)
• Gnaw (Level Four) — As the Lupus Gift.
(Source: Tribebook: Rage Across Australia, p.116→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.160)
• Gnowee’s Torch (Level Four) — in Australian myth, the sun is the torch carried by Gnowee, a
mother who spends each day searching for a lost son. This Gift allows a Garou to conjure a miniature replica of
her torch a ball of sunlight and flame.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Intelligence + Occult, difficulty 7. The conjured
flame appears in the Garou’s hand, and can be held there for one turn per success before it gutters out; while it is
in the Garou’s hand, the area around the Garou counts as lit by ambient sunlight. The Garou may also hurl the
“torch” at an opponent or object (Dexterity + Athletics, difficulty 7), ending the Gift prematurely, but inflicting a
number of dice of aggravated (fire) damage equal to the Garou’s Gnosis, plus one die per two successes on the
Intelligence + Occult roll.
(Source: Past Lives, p.84)
• Guardians of the Dreamtime (Level Four) — As Australia’s guardians, the Bunyip were given
special powers over the land. This Gift is one of the reasons the outback’s Gauntlet remained low for a longer
time than in the rest of the world. In days past the Bunyip would use this Gift to lead foes into the Penumbra (by
lowering the Gauntlet to nonexistence) then abandon them there. This Gift is taught by a servant of the Rainbow
System: The Bunyip can automatically step sideways at night without the need for a reflective surface.
Furthermore, the difficulty of any attempt to step sideway is one lower than normal. Also, for each point of
Gnosis he spends the Bunyip may reduce the gauntlet in an area by one for a number of hours equal to his
Intelligence + Rituals dice pool.
(Source: Rage Across Australia, p.116)
• Quicksand (Level Four) — As the Red Talon Gift.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.395→p.187)
• Billabong Bridge (Level Five) — Great Bunyip’s children used this Gift to successfully cross large
expanses of Australian terrain by using water as a shortcut. The Garou enters one body of fresh water and
emerges from another such body any distance away; salt water “fouls” the Gift, and cannot transport the Gift
user. Both bodies of water must be personally well-known to the Garou using the Gift.
System: The player spends two Gnosis points and announces her destination. At the Storyteller’s
discretion, using this Gift to leave or arrive in an area of high Gauntlet may require a roll to step sideways to
make the transition safely. The Gift user cannot take anyone with her while using this Gift; only those items
dedicated to her complete the journey.
(Note: This Gift is known as Billabong Stride in Rage Across Australia, p.116 and as Billabong Walk in
Mokolé, p.81, though whether salt water affects the Gumagan version of this Gift depends on the varna of the
Gumagan using this Gift.)
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.395; Rage Across Australia, p.116 & Past Lives, p.84)
• Black Swans (Level Five) — The Australian Aborigines attributed the Bunyip with the ability to
transform people into black swans. Nobody remembers whether the folktales arose from use of this Gift, or if this
Gift arose from the folktales, but the stories are certainly true. The Bunyip used this Gift as a means of punishing
those who went against Gaia, and their ancestor-spirits teach it only to those inheritors who display a tremendous
sense of justice.
System: The Garou must successfully splash an opponent with water taken from the environment;
bottled water would not work, while water taken from a local river and carried in a bottle would, and tap water is
effective in urban environments. The player spends two Gnosis points and rolls Wits + Occult; supernatural
targets (but not ordinary humans) may resist the roll with Willpower. If the player scores more successes than the
target, the target is transformed into a blackfeathered swan.
The swan loses access to most of its supernatural abilities while transformed, although its basic nature
is unchanged; a vampire transformed into a black swan would have no heartbeat or pulse, and would have to
drink blood to survive (although it could not expend blood to increase its Attributes or use Disciplines).
Shapeshifters and other creatures that can take other forms (such as vampires with shapeshifting Disciplines)
remain in swan form for the duration of the scene; for those with no shapeshifting ability, the transformation is
permanent unless somehow reversed.
(Source: Past Lives, p.84)
• Bloody-Mindedness (Level Five) — The Bunyip gains the ability to dedicate himself to one
particular task, be it combat or an artistic endeavor. Nothing will sway the Bunyip from that task. This Gift is
taught by servants of Mu-ru-bul Tu-ru-dun the Bunyip.
System: The Bunyip spends two Willpower points. Afterward, nothing save death can distract or
dissuade the Bunyip from her chosen task. She need not eat or sleep. If the power is used in combat, the Bunyip
becomes oblivious to any other opponents and consequently may not dodge their attacks. Her soak roll pool
versus these attacks, however, is doubled. Versus the chosen opponent, the Bunyip gains one extra attack per
turn, and the difficulties of all actions against that target are reduced by one. She also becomes immune to
supernatural attempts to dissuade her.
(Source: Rage Across Australia, p.116)
• Invoke the Spirits of the Storm (Level Five) — As the Wendigo Gift. This Gift invoked the
Rainbow Serpent in its aspect as rainmaker.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.395→p.201)

Children of Gaia
The Gifts of the Children of Gaia aid in calming others and strengthening themselves. Yet those who
would dismiss the most peaceful of the tribes as ineffective pacifists will be surprised to discover how well the
spirits prepare the Children for the inevitability of battle — the Children know that peace is an ideal to strive
toward, while the looming Apocalypse is a reality.

• Brother’s Scent (Level One) — Drawing upon the universal brotherhood of all creatures of Gaia, the
werewolf seems to fit in wherever he goes. Those given no reason to suspect the Child’s presence simply
overlook her. A servant of Unicorn teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends a Gnosis point and rolls Appearance + Empathy (difficulty 6). All
individuals not specifically on guard against intruders overlook any incongruity in the Garou’s appearance — for
example, a naked man covered in blood and carrying a grand klaive walking through a high-society ball would
draw no particular notice, nor would a wolf wandering through a residential neighborhood. The Garou isn’t
invisible, he simply doesn’t stand out when he otherwise should, and his appearance is considered unremarkable
even when he’s interacted with. If the werewolf’s actions alone would draw attention to himself (shouting,
starting a fight, attempting to kick down a locked door) the Gift’s illusion is immediately broken. Those
specifically on the lookout for individuals who don’t belong (security guards at a private facility, for example)
don’t succumb to this Gift unless their Willpower is lower than the Garou’s successes on the activation roll.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.177)
• Eve’s Blessing (Level One) — Childbirth is a risky endeavor in the Dark Medieval, and the Children
of Gaia cannot stand to see unnecessary suffering. This Gift allows the Garou to improve a mother’s chances of
surviving a birth, as well as keeping the newborn disease-free for a short time. This Gift is taught by a cow-spirit.
System: The player spends a Gnosis point. The character need only lay her hands on the mother-to-be’s
womb. For the next week, the mother and child are treated as having an extra dot in Stamina each, for the
purposes of surviving childbirth, carrying to term and resisting illness and infection. The Gift can be used on
wolves as well. The Gnosis point spent will protect the entire litter of cubs. In the process of invoking this Gift,
the character automatically learns how many children are to be born.
(Source: Dark Ages: Werewolf, p.131 & Werewolf: the Dark Ages, p.105)
• Jam Weapon (Level One) — The Child may stop any Weaver-born weapons from working within
the range of his voice. A dove-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The Garou shouts an ancient word of power and grace and spends a Gnosis point. The player
rolls Willpower against a difficulty of highest Willpower of any armed individual within earshot. For each
success, all manufactured weapons will not function for one turn. This includes guns, crossbows, flame-throwers,
and even knives and swords, which refuse to cut. Natural weapons (such as claws) and natural objects
appropriated as weapons (such as rocks or naturally-fallen tree limbs) are unaffected.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.177 & Tribebook: Children of Gaia Revised, p.66)
• Mercy (Level One) — Children of Gaia see no use for lethal force when they are not fighting
minions of the Wyrm, but even they succumb to frenzy. This Gift, used chiefly by Children of Gaia with high
Rage or in duels, allows the Garou to use her natural weaponry and Rage without fear of killing her opponent. A
dove-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point. For the rest of the scene, all damage that the Garou
inflicts with her own body is considered bashing. A creature “killed” by such damage merely falls unconscious,
and he may heal the wounds at the usual rate for bashing damage (see Healing, p. 256).
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.177)
• Mother's Touch (Level One) — As the Theurge Gift.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.177→p.164)
• Nature’s Bounty (Level One) — Even in the heart of a trackless waste, the Garou with this Gift can
find sustenance. Gaia provides the werewolf with food and water throughout her journey: at least, enough to
survive. The werewolf finds herself drawn to trickles of fresh water or tiny, hidden oases of plant life. The
cactus-spirits that teach this Gift insist the Garou repay Gaia by leaving portions of food behind when she is not
in need.
System: Every success the player receives on a Perception + Survival roll (difficulty 8) provides barely
enough food and water for one person for one day. Multiple successes can provide for multiple people.
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West – Frontier Secrets, p.9)
• Resist Pain (Level One) — As the Philodox Gift.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.177→p.166)
• Swallow Rage (Level One) — This Gift allows the Child of Gaia to overcome her innate savagery,
although at a dangerous cost. By use of this Gift, the Child may stop a frenzy and reduce her Rage by directing it
inward. The inward battle is visible for several minutes and can take the form of a shuddering concentration or
even a masochistic beating. An ancestor-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: When the Garou falls into frenzy, the player may make a reflexive Rage roll, difficulty 7; this
Rage roll, unlike others, cannot in itself induce frenzy. Even one success on this roll immediately brings the
werewolf out of frenzy. However, each success does one health level of lethal damage to the Garou, and reduces
her temporary Rage by a similar amount. The player must decide at the moment of entering frenzy whether to
use this Gift or not; once the Garou has fully succumbed to frenzy, she cannot focus enough to use this Gift.
(Source: Tribebook: Children of Gaia Revised, p.66)
• Water-Conning (Level One) — The Child may purify water by dipping her hand or bowing her
forehead to the surface. An avatar of Unicorn teaches this Gift as a sign of his favor.
System: The Garou touches the surface and rolls Perception + Primal-Urge. Water that is poisoned by
animal dung or parasites has a 5 difficulty. The difficulty is 7 for chemical waste and 9 for Wyrm-taint. Each
success purifies enough water for one person for one day.
(Source: Tribebook: Children of Gaia Revised, p.65-66)
• Calm (Level Two) —This Gift imparts the secret of quelling the anger in others. A unicorn-spirit
teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Charisma + Empathy (difficulty of the target's
Willpower). Each success removes one of the target's Rage points, which may be regained normally. If used on a
creature that has the capacity to frenzy but does not possess Rage (vampires, some fomori), the Gift cancels the
frenzy if the player scores more successes that the target's Willpower.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.177)
• Domestic Seeming (Level Two) — Unicorn does not want humans to fear her children, even the
lupus. Many lupus Children of Gaia learn this Gift in the interest of walking comfortably among humans. By
using this Gift, a werewolf in Lupus form convinces observers that they see a dog, not a wolf. Ordinary humans
look at the wolf and think "husky," "malamute" or some other similar breed of dog. Even other supernatural
beings (save spirits) can be fooled by the Gift, seeing what they expect to see rather than the truth. This Gift is
taught by any spirit of peace.
System: The player spends a Willpower point and rolls Manipulation + Animal Ken; the usual
Manipulation penalties for Lupus form do not apply for the purposes of this Gift. If the player fails the roll, any
observer can tell they're looking at a wolf with a successful Perception + Animal Ken roll. If the player gains any
successes, human observers cannot penetrate the disguise; supernatural creatures may make a Perception +
Animal Ken (difficulty 7) opposed by the player's roll to penetrate the illusion. Spirits of the Middle Umbra are
not affected by the Gift at all; they recognize the werewolf as one of Gaia's warriors as usual. The Gift's effects
last for a scene, or until the werewolf changes form.
(Source: Tribebook: Children of Gaia Revised, p.66)
• Grandmother’s Touch (Level Two) — As the Level One Theurge Gift Mother’s Touch, save that the
Garou may use it to heal himself as well as others. Mother’s Touch must be known before this Gift can be
(Note: Obsolete rules for this Gift are in Tribebook: Children of Gaia Revised, p.66 & 2nd Ed Children of Gaia
Tribebook, p.49)
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.177)
• Luna's Armor (Level Two) — The Child of Gaia invokes the moon’s sacred power. Her body is
briefly wreathed in a shimmer of moonlight, granting her Luna’s protection. This Gift is taught by a Lune.
System: The werewolf concentrates for a turn; the player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Stamina +
Survival (difficulty 6). Each success allows the Garou to add one die to his soak pools. These dice, and these dice
alone, may even be rolled to soak damage from silver. The benefit lasts for one scene.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.177)
• Mule’s Bane (Level Two) — This metis specific Gift allows a metis to lash out at others by visiting
his enemies with his own deformity. Mule-spirits teach this Gift.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Dexterity + Expression to "throw" the metis'
deformity; the difficulty is the opponent's Willpower. The enemy gains the metis' deformity for one tum per
success, subject to Storyteller approval. If the metis botches, his own deformity becomes worse in some fashion
for the remainder of the scene.
(Source: Tribebook: Children of Gaia Revised, p.66-67)
• Fertile Lands (Level Two) — The werewolf employing this Gift calls on Gaia to make even the
harshest, most barren soil fertile. This Gift is taught by a Naturae in service to Gaia.
System: The player rolls Willpower (difficulty 7) and spends one Gnosis point per month to ensure chat
the land is capable of sustaining new crops. The Gift fertilizes one half-acre of land per success on the Willpower
roll. Once ten Gnosis points have been spent, the land is considered permanently fertile, although overfarming or
natural conditions may leach the fertility from the soil as usual.
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West – Frontier Secrets, p.9)
• Para Bellum (Level Two) — Though the Children love life, spring, and all that is good of Gaia, they
aren’t pacifists; they always stand ready to protect their Mother. The werewolf’s Rage bursts forth in a torrent
when another breaks the peace she so cherishes. A bear-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: This Gift may only be used at the beginning of a battle that was not initiated by the Garou, her
pack, or her allies. The player spends one point of Rage; for the rest of the scene, the character enjoys one
additional dot of Strength and Dexterity when attacking the enemy who fired the first shot of the battle, or any
character that has inflicted an injury on a member of the Child’s pack during the scene.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.177)
• Spellbinding Oration (Level Two) — Similar to Persuasion, this Gift allows a Child of Gaia to be
persuasive when dealing with others. The Garou's statements will take on an air of extra meaning and credibility.
Those hearing him are likely to agree with him. This Gift is taught by a Unicorn spirit.
System: The Garou rolls Charisma + Leadership against a difficulty of 6. If successful, the difficulties
of all Social rolls are reduced by two for the remainder of the scene. If the Garou is actively trying to exhort his
audience to anything other than combat (in any form), the difficulties of Social rolls are reduced by three. The
Garou must orate for at least five minutes. The effect lasts for one scene.
(Source: 2nd Ed Children of Gaia Tribebook, p.49)
• Stinging Blows (Level Two) — The Children hate to admit it, but sometimes you can't negotiate your
way to a position of peace. Occasionally, you have to have faith in your own righteousness, and enforce you will
upon those who are genuinely acting like children. But it you're going to do it, at least you can make your claim
as strongly as possible and prevent unnecessary damage. This Gift is taught by a wasp spirit.
System: The Child of Gaia spends one Rage. For the rest of the scene, her attacks are so painful that
anyone struck by her immediately ignores any other foes he may be facing and attack the Child (Willpower roll,
difficulty 9 to resist). Usually this Gift is employed to break apart two foes who otherwise couldn't be. It’s a risky
gambit, but sometimes effective.
(Source: Players Guide to Garou, p.190)
• Unicorn’s Arsenal (Level Two) — The werewolf’s claws and fangs become dazzling and
pearlescent, shining with an inner multihued glory. Those wounded by these natural weapons lose the will to
fight. An avatar of Unicorn teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point to initiate the transformation. Any opponent bearing a
wound delivered by the Unicorn’s Arsenal loses two dice from all attack rolls until the wound has healed.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.177-8)
• Voice of Reason (Level Two) — All too often, emotions obscure rational thought and turn normal
people, both human and Garou, into a bloodthirsty mob. The Children of Gaia use this Gift to break through the
emotional cloud and bring reason back to such a crowd. Once her words reach her listeners’ ears, the Gift forces
them to pay attention. It quells emotional distractions and imparts a moment of clarity on the audience. While the
Gift does not disperse the members of a mob, it does give them a chance to rethink their actions. A reason-spirit
teaches this Gift.
System: The audience must hear the Child of Gaia for this Gift to work. If she is unable to speak, or
cannot be heard over the roar of the crowd, the Gift has no effect. The player must also spend one Willpower
point. For every success on a Charisma + Empathy roll, two people come to their senses and shake off the mob
mentality. If the Gift can affect the majority of the group, the mob disperses.
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West Companion, p.74)
• Calm the Savage Beast (Level Three) — As the homid Gift.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.178→p.154)
• Chant of Morpheus (Level Three) — The user of this Gift can induce a long, restful slumber in the
target. Although the Gift will not stop a frenzied werewolf, it can ward off a frenzy before one takes place. The
Gift disinclines any hostile activity after the peaceful rest. Also, the waking victim is able to think much more
clearly. An opossum-spirit teaches this Gift to individuals with patience and a lot of time.
System: The number of successes on a Charisma + Enigmas roll (difficulty equal to the opponent's
Willpower) determines the number of hours that the target sleeps. One Gnosis point activates this power. For one
hour after waking, the target must spend a Willpower point to take any hostile action against the user of this Gift.
Any attacks directed at the sleeper awaken her immediately and end the effects of the Gift.
(Source: Werewolf Players Guide, 2nd Ed., p.39)
• The Cleaving Hoof (Level Three) — Unicorn's powerful hoofblows often killed the humans that
hunted him. This Gift allows the Garou to focus inner strength into a single blow, ending a fight before further
harm can take place. A unicorn-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends a Gnosis point before rolling to hit. If he successfully strikes his opponent,
the dice gained from Strength in his damage pool count as automatic successes rather than dice. Dice in the
damage pool gained from weapons, claw damage or extra successes on the attack roll must be rolled as usual. For
example, a werewolf with Strength 5 uses this Gift before successfully clawing an opponent; his damage pool
works out to be 9 dice (5 for Strength, +1 for the claw maneuver, +3 for three additional successes on the attack
roll). The player rolls four damage dice, adding any successes (or subtracting in the case or rolling ones) to the
five automatic successes on the damage roll. The defender may soak as usual.
(Source: Tribebook: Children of Gaia Revised, p.67)
• Dazzle (Level Three) — The Garou can flood a target’s mind with the glory and love of Gaia,
rendering him harmless for a short while. A unicorn-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player rolls Charisma + Empathy against a difficulty of the target’s Willpower (+1 if the
target is a creature of the Wyrm). As long as the target isn’t attacked, he stands mutely in awe for the remainder
of the scene. This Gift can be attempted against a given target only once per scene.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.178)
• Good Faith (Level Three) — With this Gift, the Garou can cause all those in his presence to become
filled with a sense of higher purpose. They all feel the work they must do together is more important than their
differences. All other distractions are gone, and they feel inspired to take reasonable positions, rather than
inflexible postures or exaggerated stands intended to be bargained away. Those who resist, and continue to
bargain in bad faith, become loudly and uncontrollably flatulent each time they state their position. This Gift is
taught by avatars of the New World Trinity totem.
System: The Garou rolls Wits + Expression against a difficulty of 6. Anyone who actively wants to
resist finding common ground or negotiating in good faith must make a resisted Willpower roll (difficulty 6)
against the Garou's number of successes. If he fails to resist, his opposition will be betrayed by his sudden
flatulence, and he will likely be shunned and viewed as absurdly inflexible by those who bargain in good faith.
(Source: 2nd Ed Children of Gaia Tribebook, p.50)
• Guilt Trip (Level Three) — By unearthing buried guilt and remorse, the Child of Gaia can force
another to perform an action against her own will. Even if little relation exists between the guilty conscience and
the task at hand, the Gift can be effective. Better results occur when there is a direct link, however. The Gift
works best when the target wants to perform the action, but pride or fear prevents her from doing so.
Many urban spirits that have witnessed the cruelty of humanity toward itself know this Gift and teach it
to the Garou.
System: The player must roleplay the plea; otherwise the Gift automatically fails. Excellent roleplaying
can even negate the need for a roll (or even the need for the Gift). Otherwise, the player must roll Manipulation +
Empathy versus the target's Willpower. One success barely gets a Bone Gnawer to lift his pinkie, whereas five
successes can force a proud Silver Fang to beg for forgiveness. The target can spend Willpower points to resist
this Gift.
(Source: Werewolf Players Guide, 2nd Ed., p.39)
• Lover’s Touch (Level Three) — The Garou can restore what another lacks: not only wounds healed,
but also strength of will and even spiritual essence. Any spirit of love or avatar of Unicorn may teach this Gift.
System: The Garou touches the afflicted individual kindly. The two need not be lovers, but the contact
must convey affection and warmth — an embrace, a caress, or yet more intimate contact. The player spends a
Gnosis point and rolls Intelligence + Medicine; each success heals one level of bashing or lethal damage, or
restores one point of Willpower or Essence (if the target is a spirit). The difficulty is the Rage or Willpower of the
target (whichever is higher). The player may choose to divide the successes among multiple results. Alternately,
by neither healing wounds nor restoring Willpower or Essence, the Garou may suppress a Derangement for one
day per success. This Gift cannot provide permanent relief from such afflictions, but it can act as a start on the
road to recovery.
(Note: Obsolete rules for this Gift are in Tribebook: Children of Gaia Revised, p.67)
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.178)
• Pain Chain (Level Three) — A doctor who treats only the symptoms of a disease doesn’t cure it, but
merely prolongs the patient’s suffering. The Children of Gaia likewise know that only attacking the pawns of the
Wyrm merely prolongs the Apocalypse War, rather than ending it. This Gift helps them go after the Wyrm itself
by sensing who’s pulling whose strings, and even understanding who’s pulling theirs in turn. It is taught by a
System: The player spends one point of Gnosis and rolls Perception + Investigation (difficulty 8). Each
success lets you move “up the chain” one step, revealing the name and face of the next person delivering orders
to your target. A single success would reveal that the corporate oil baron is being ridden by a particularly
manipulative Bane, two would let you know which Black Spiral summoned the Bane, and three might tell you
who that Black Spiral’s alpha is. None of this informs the Child of Gaia where these people are, but it gives them
firm names and visual impressions to go after.
(Source: Players Guide to Garou, p.191)
• Parting the Velvet Curtain (Level Three) — As the Theurge Gift.
(Source: Umbra: The Velvet Shadow, p.138→p.137)
• Sooth the Savage Beast (Level Three) — By being the catalyst for any sort of soothing music
(singing, turning on a radio, playing a CD, etc.) the Garou makes it more difficult to Rage. When Garou must
fight one another, the Children of Gaia sometimes use this to their advantage, as many are more experienced at
holding back their Rage. A nightingale-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player rolls Gnosis, difficulty 7. Each success increases the difficulty of Rage rolls by 1
for all those in earshot (to a maximum difficulty of 10). The effects last for as long as the Child of Gaia is able to
continue providing music.
(Source: Tribebook: Children of Gaia Revised, p.67)
• Speech of All Things (Children of Gaia Level Three) — The Children of Gaia must communicate if
they wish to accomplish their goals of unity and understanding. This Gift is a greater version of the Homid Gift:
Speech of the World. The Garou can understand, read, write and speak any language as fluently as she physically
can. She can emulate the roars of the Simba, but any member of that Breed would know the difference since she
does not have the vocal capacity to make the correct sounds. Within those limits, she can speak the languages of
various Changing Breeds, she knows the secret rune languages of dead magi, and if she were so inclined, she
could even understand the dread tongues of the Wyrm. This Gift does not protect the Garou mind from what she
hears. A servant of Unicorn teaches this Gift.
System: The character can understand any language once she has learned this Gift. With an Intelligence
+ Academics roll (difficulty 7) she can read and write in those languages for the scene. If the language is not in
common usage by more than a single, small group or culture — or does not have a written form — the difficulty
increases to 9.
(Source: W20 Rage Across the World, p.119)
• Spirit Friend (Level Three) — The werewolf projects a feeling of tranquility and fellowship that
spirits naturally perceive. Save for the mad or corrupt, spirits treat the Garou with courtesy and chivalry. This
Gift is taught by a unicorn-spirit.
System: The player rolls Charisma + Empathy (difficulty 7). Each success adds one die to all of the
Garou’s dice pools for interacting with any non-Bane spirits for the rest of the scene.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.178)
• Words of the Alpha (Level Three) — The Children have often sought leadership in human societies
as well as among Garou. This Gift allows a leader to seek the best course of action for a particular goal. Eagle
teaches this Gift.
System: The Garou meditates on the chosen goal, spends a Gnosis point, and rolls Intelligence +
Leadership (difficulty 8). For each success, she gains one fragment of insight, be it a word of advice or hint at
secret knowledge, into the right way to lead this group toward her chosen end. Note that Eagle does not show the
most popular way, or the easiest way. His flight is high, and he flies alone.
(Source: Tribebook: Children of Gaia Revised, p.67)
• Angel’s Semblance (Level Four) — The Children of Gaia do not believe in terrifying humans
without appropriate cause. This Gift allows the Child of Gaia to act in Crinos form without invoking the stark
terror of the Delirium. Instead of seeing a werewolf, onlookers see an angelic figure of exceeding grace and
holiness. Witnesses might remember a Child’s battle with a Wyrm-beast as an angel’s struggle with a demon, or a
warning to leave the woods as the gracious guidance of a guardian angel. Onlookers need not be of the Christian
faith to be affected. Islamic witnesses might remember one of Mohammed’s fiery messengers, while Norse
pagans might think the Garou was a Valkyrie. A spirit of hope teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends a Gnosis point; this Gift lasts for one scene. Use the Delirium chart to
determine how strongly a witness is affected (using the converse, positive reaction). Responses of fear are
replaced with rapture. Even "catatonic fear" should be seen as "complete bliss."
(Source: Dark Ages: Werewolf, p.132 & Werewolf: the Dark Ages, p.105)
• Beast Life (Level Four) — As the Lupus Gift. Children of Gaia who use this Gift never do so if the
animals attracted would come to harm, unless the very heart of a caern is threatened.
(Note: This Gift is known as Lord of the Wilds in Werewolf: the Wild West, p.142)
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.178→p.160)
• Serenity (Level Four) — The Garou can fill a hot heart with the peace of Gaia, even in the midst of
battle. An avatar of Unicorn teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Charisma + Expression (difficulty equal to the
target’s Willpower). For one turn per success, the target automatically fails all Rage rolls, cannot frenzy, and
cannot spend Rage.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.178; Werewolf: the Wild West, p.153 & Werewolf: the
Apocalypse 2nd Ed, p.127)
• Serpent-Driving (Level Four) — The touch of Unicorn's horn sets evil spirits and poisonous beasts
to flight. This Gift enables the Child of Gaia to mimic Unicorn's power, driving foul creatures out of water,
underbrush, and so on. It is a more powerful ability of Unicorn's horn, and Unicorn himself teaches this Gift.
System: The Garou touches his hand or forehead to the water, into the alleyway, or into whatever area
he suspects of harboring enemies. He then rolls Gnosis, with the difficulty being 4 for ordinary animals such
snakes, 6 for lesser Wyrm creatures (such as fomori), 8 for Wyrm-servitors of strong power (such as Black Spiral
Dancers) and 10 for powerful creatures of the Wyrm. For each success, one such creature is forced to abandon its
hiding place or nest by the most direct route possible. If the Wyrm-creatures were using supernatural means of
concealment (such as Gifts or Disciplines), they may make a Willpower test, difficulty of the Garou's Gnosis, to
maintain these powers. They must still physically leave the area, however. Note that this Gift may cause the
creatures to attack and is thus best used with care. Serpent-Driving may be used only once per game session.
(Source: Tribebook: Children of Gaia Revised, p.68)
• Strike the Air (Level Four) — The Garou becomes the ultimate example of passive resistance. She
becomes unable to attack an opponent, but she is also unable to be hit, allowing her opponent to exhaust himself
in the attempt. A mongoose-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one Willpower point and rolls Wits + Dodge (difficulty of the opponent's
Willpower). For the duration of the scene, the opponent cannot strike the Garou, no matter how many successes
he achieves on the roll. This Gift is canceled immediately if the werewolf attacks his opponent or if anyone else
attacks on the Garou's behalf. This Gift will work on multiple opponents, but the player must spend a point of
Willpower and make a new roll for each opponent.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.178)
• Uncaught since the Primal Morn (Level Four) — This Gift grants Unicorn's perfect speed to the
Garou, allowing her to outrun virtually any pursuer. An avatar of Unicorn reaches this Gift.
System: The player spends a Gnosis point and rolls Stamina + Athletics (difficulty equals the highest
Stamina + Athletics of any pursuer). The Garou is unfailingly faster than her pursuers for one scene per success.
(Note: Obsolete rules for this Gift can be found in Tribebook: Children of Gaia Revised, p.68)
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.178)
• Unicorn’s Grace (Level Four) — A Garou with this Gift never loses her poise and rarely loses her
temper. Even in the nastiest arguments or the bloodiest combats, Children of Gaia can maintain their cool with
this blessing. An avatar of Unicorn teaches her followers this Gift.
System: By spending one Gnosis point, the Garou represses her Rage for an entire scene. No matter
how many Rage points the Garou has, humans and animals are unable to detect her supernatural essence. The
Garou also cannot frenzy and can spend Rage points only up to a maximum of her Empathy. This Gift does not
work in Crinos form.
(Source: Players Guide to Garou, p.191 & Tribebook: Children of Gaia Revised, p.67-68)
• Fool’s Medicine (Level Five) — Bigotry may be commonplace in the West, but that doesn’t mean
Gaia’s Children have to like it. Tribe members use this Gift to teach a harsh lesson to people blinded by hatred. It
lets the user make general alterations to a person’s skin tone and facial features. The person remains recognizable
in many respects but suddenly has a cocoa complexion, say, instead of a ruddy one, or “Oriental eyes” instead of
“round eyes”. Loved ones can usually discern the target’s identity, however, which is an aspect of the Gift that
troubles many bigots more than the alteration itself. Basically, the target changes to resemble a member of the
ethnic group he despises most. An ancestor-sprit teaches this Gift.
System: The user spends a Gnosis point to activate the Gift and rolls Perception + Empathy (difficulty
7). The number of successes equals the duration, in days, of the Gift. The user must touch the target for Fool’s
Medicine to take effect, which it does the next time the target sleeps.
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West Companion, p.74)
• Gaia’s Balm (Level Five) — The werewolf is able to end the suffering of mad spirits in the Storm
Umbra. The Gift may restore the spirit to sanity, or destroy it. This Gift only works on spirits that have been
driven mad; it has no effect on Wyrm-spirits.
System: The Garou spends one Gnosis point and one Willpower point and rolls Charisma + Enigmas
(difficulty 8). Each success strips 10 Power from the spirit; when the spirit reaches zero Power, the Child of Gaia
can opt to cure it (restoring it to full Power and cleansing it of its madness) or, if such a cure is impossible
(Storyteller’s option), to destroy it.
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West, p.153)
• Halo of the Sun (Level Five) — The character speaks an ancient word sacred to Helios and is
immediately surrounded by a sphere of blazing sunlight. Those Wyrm-creatures who fear the sun may flee before
the werewolf. This Gift is taught by a servant of Helios.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point; the effect lasts for one scene. The character receives two
extra dice to the damage of any hand-to-hand attacks and causes aggravated damage while he is in Homid and
Glabro forms. Anyone directly facing the werewolf adds three to all attack difficulties due to the glare. Any
vampires within 20 yards (18 m) suffer three levels of aggravated damage per turn.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.178)
• The Living Wood (Level Five) — The Child of Gaia calls upon the powers of the forest to rise and
aid her. Nearby trees begin to move and attempt to protect the Garou. Limbs and vines will restrain, block and
even fight those attempting to harm her. A Glade Child teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Charisma + Survival (difficulty 8). The character
animates one tree for each success rolled. The trees move with the Dexterity of the Child of Gaia, and they can
have Strength ratings from 4 to 15, depending on their size. Other Traits are up to the Storyteller's discretion.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.178)
• Trust of Gaia (Level Five) — The Child of Gaia with this Gift can instantly earn the trust of any who
hear him speak, even over electronic devices like telephones, loudspeakers or television sets. Affected listeners
feel instinctively that the speaker is a good and trustworthy person, although it does not coerce them in any other
way. Those affected will not willingly attack the Garou, although they can still be mind-controlled to do so (and
will hate doing so). Banes, Black Spiral Dancers and other creatures of powerful Wyrm-taint feel intense dislike
instead of trust.
The trust evoked by this Gift does not supersede common sense; if the Child of Gaia drives a speeding
car into a crowd of affected listeners, they’ll still scatter for cover, although they’ll all feel certain that she had a
very good reason to be in such a hurry. The Children of Gaia warn that this Gift has great potential for abuse, and
punish those who use it for petty gain. This Gift is taught by an avatar of Unicorn.
System: The Garou spends a Gnosis point and rolls Manipulation + Empathy; the difficulty is 6 to
affect humans, 8 to affect humans corrupted by the Wyrm or other shapeshifters, or 10 to affect supernaturals
corrupted by the Wyrm (such as vampires). Creatures born directly of the Wyrm such as fomori or Banes, or
ritually enslaved to the Wyrm, such as Black Spiral Dancers, are immune. All listeners must make successful
Willpower rolls (difficulty of the Garou’s Gnosis) to resist. For the duration of the scene, all affected listeners
treat the Garou as if she were a trusted friend. After the Gift's effects end, those affected by the Gift do not
remember being supernaturally swayed.
(Source: Tribebook: Children of Gaia Revised, p.68 & 2nd Ed Children of Gaia Tribebook, p.50)

The Croatan drew their strength from the earth and from Turtle, their totem — who carried the world on
his back. Their Gifts — blessings from Turtle and her other burrowing spirits — are geared chiefly toward using
the strength of the earth and sun against their enemies. (Note: Canonically, these Gifts are unavailable in a
modern setting, unless the Croatan ancestor-spirits have been freed from their banishment of Eater-of-Souls.
Keep in mind, however, that if the sacrifice of the Croatan is undone, then Eater-of-Souls is freed from his
banishment as well. Alternatively, some of these Gifts may have been preserved by either the Uktena or Wendigo
after Middle Brother’s noble sacrifice.)

• Cookfire (Level One) — The Garou can turn raw, unprocessed food into a cooked meal without need
of fire. In addition, the meal tastes first class. This Gift is taught by earth-spirits allied to Corn Maiden.
System: The player must make a Gnosis roll, difficulty 7; the more successes, the more elaborate the
final meal. This Gift cannot add any food that isn't already present - it cannot spice food if the Garou has no
spices handy, for instance - but it can turn unripe corn on the cob into cakes, or a fish that hasn't been cleaned
into a neatly scaled, gutted, boned, and cooked meal.
(Source: Croatan Song, p.114)
• Master of Fire (Level One) — As the homid Gift.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.395→p.153)
• Mindspeak (Level One) — As the Galliard Gift.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.395→p.169)
• Turtle Body (Level One) — The Garou can call upon one of the powers of Turtle and greatly slow
his metabolism. He must remain inactive, but can exist without breathing for hours at a time. In addition,
uncontrolled bleeding halts. Extremes of heat or cold can be ignored. Ingested or injected poisons slow their
passage through the body, and do not take full effect for hours, allowing someone to fetch an antidote before that
time. This Gift is taught by a turtle-spirit.
System: The player must spend a Gnosis point and make a Gnosis roll, difficulty 6, to enter the torpor-
like trance. The trance lasts for one hour per success, although the Garou may choose to awaken early after a
given amount of time has passed.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.395; Croatan Song, p.114 & Past Lives, p.85)
• Wyld Resurgence (Level One) — As the Black Fury Gift.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.395→p.173)
• Wyld Sight (Level One) — The Garou can see Wyld energy in all its manifestations, thus allowing
him to prevent it from growing too powerful or to defend himself against it. For instance, the Garou can see the
mystic swirling of the Umbral wind that presages a tornado in the physical realm or feel the shaking of the
Umbral earth before a real earthquake. A Garou using Wyld Sight in the physical world can also sense Wyld
spirits in the nearby Penumbra, although the user must enter the Umbra to get more details. This Gift is taught by
a Wyld-spirit.
System: The Player rolls Perception + Enigmas (difficulty 6). If successful, the Garou understands the
nature of the Wyld manifestation and realizes what form of Wyld-spirit is causing it. Use the following table to
determine how early a Garou can predict a Wyld event:
Successes Time Before the Event
One 10 minutes
Two 30 minutes
Three One hour
Four Three hours
Five+ One day
(Source: Croatan Song, p.114-115 & Past Lives, p.85 & 2nd Ed Wendigo Tribebook, p.49)
• Safe Cave (Level Two) — The Garou can cause the earth to split before him, creating a hole into a
small cave that can hold up to five more Crinos-sized people. The hole can be sealed once within the cave, so
that no one outside can discern its presence without supernatural means. Any burrowing or earth-spirit can teach
this Gift.
System: The player must spend a Gnosis point and make a Charisma + Survival roll, difficulty 7, to
open the cave. The decision of whether or not to seal the cave must be made within three turns; the Garou can’t
just open and close the cave once it’s been created. The cave lasts for a variable amount of time; once the
duration expires, anyone in the cave pops out as the cave disappears.
Successes Duration
One One minute
Two Ten minutes
Three One hour
Four Six hours
Five+ Twelve hours
The cave dwellers are safe from physical attack, but some Gifts (such as Hand of the Earth Lords) can still affect
them, as can any concentrated burrowing effort that can dig down into the cave and break its seal.
(Source: Croatan Song, p.115 & Past Lives, p.85)
• Shell Game (Level Two) — Croatan Kinfolk nations used to use all sorts of things as mediums of
exchange; colorful seashells were the most popular. With this Gift, a Garou can transform a shell into another
method of exchange: dollars, coins, English pounds, Japanese yen, whatever. This Gift is taught by a trickster-
System: The player must spend a Gnosis point and make a Manipulation + Barter (modern games can
use Streetwise instead) roll, difficulty 7. The number of successes determines the value of the resulting money.
Using the dollar as an example, one success might create a five dollar bill, three successes a handful of twenties,
and five successes could conjure up $1000 in hundreds. The shell cannot be changed into precious metal (gold or
silver), or gems/jewelry, only an exact facsimile of actual money (including traveler’s checks and money orders).
Once this Gift wears off (and it so in an hour’s time), the money turns back into a pretty shell.
(Source: Croatan Song, p.115)
• Strength of Purpose (Level Two) — As the Philodox Gift.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.395→p.167)
• Turtle Shell (Level Two) — By calling upon Turtle, the Croatan can seal himself in a mystic
protective shield that resembles a turtle’s shell. The shell is opaque from the outside, but those on the inside can
see through it. The werewolf can opt to bring others into the shell with him, if his power is sufficient. This Gift is
taught by a turtle-spirit.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Stamina + Survival, difficulty 7. Each success
gives the shell two soak dice and two effective health levels; the radius enclosed in the protective “bubble” is two
yards per success. A Crinos form werewolf requires about a two yard radius, so with two successes two
werewolves in Crinos form (or three humans or Homid-form Garou, or so on, at the Storyteller’s discretion)
could be protected.
The shell lasts for one scene or until broken, either by the Croatian’s will or by taking damage —
whichever comes first. When dismissed or broken the shell shatters into pieces that then dissolve like so much
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.395; Croatan Song, p.115-116; Past Lives, p.85 & 2nd Ed
Wendigo Tribebook, p.49)
• Call Earth Spirit (Level Three) — This Gift is another of those that draws on the ancient alliance
with Turtle, summoning an earth-spirit to rampage forth and crush things or people at the werewolf’s bidding.
The Garou must have some earth at hand to invoke the earth-spirit, although a handful of earth or a smallish rock
will suffice. This Gift is taught by an earth elemental.
System: The player spends one Gnosis and rolls Manipulation + Occult, difficulty 8. On a success the
spirit is summoned and cuts a path of destruction in a straight line for up to 30 yards, inflicting 10 dice of lethal
damage to anything in its path. Botching the summoning calls forth an earth-spirit that is hostile to its summoner.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.395; Croatan Song, p.116; Past Lives, p.85-86 & 2nd Ed
Wendigo Tribebook, p.49)
• Gift of Plenty (Level Three) — Fertility spirits beholden to the Corn Maiden teach this Gift, by
which a single chosen object can be multiplied into many duplicate objects. In this way, a warrior can make
several arrows from one prototype arrow or more bullets from a single bullet. Any object with spiritual power
(such as a fetish) cannot be duplicated. Anything else, from $20 bills to food can be multiplied using this Gift.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Charisma + Crafts, difficulty 7. The number of
successes determines the number of objects (including the original) that result; two successes will create one
extra duplicate item, four successes will create three, and so on. Duplicating precious metals or rare ritual
components requires an expenditure of two Gnosis points; rare gems or materials such as plutonium, three
Gnosis points.
The newly created objects will last for only 24 hours before vanishing. The effects of using the item
remain however so any food that was eaten is still digested, damage caused by created weapons still must be
healed, and items bought with the money still exist, and so on.
(Source: Croatan Song, p.116 & Past Lives, p.86)
• Shell (Level Three) — As the metis Gift.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.395→p.157)
• Hand of the Earth Lords (Level Four) — As the Uktena Gift.
(Source: Croatan Song, p.116 & 2nd Ed Wendigo Tribebook, p.49→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition,
• Stronger on Stone (Level Four) — Just as the Uktena were mighty in the waters and the Wendigo
drew power from the winds, the Croatan were at their strongest when standing on the earth itself. This Gift
allows a werewolf to mimic that strength — the closer the Garou’s tie to earth, the stronger he gets.
System: The player spends a Gnosis point and one Rage point. The character receives a number of
bonus dice that he can add to strength or Stamina (or divide between them) for the remainder of the scene,
depending on where he stands. On dead wood, concrete or other artificial flooring, the bonus is one die. On
living plant matter (such as thick grass or a tree root), the bonus is two dice. On bare earth, the bonus is three
dice; on naked stone, four dice. If the character is separated from the ground (such as in an airplane or on a
bridge over water), the Gift has no effect.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.395 & Past Lives, p.86)
• Underearth (Level Four) — Since Turtle went into his coma-like sleep, many secrets of earth
powers once known are now forgotten — such as the Umbral tunnels beneath the Umbrascape. The Croatan did
not always rely on Luna’s moon paths when traveling the Umbra. This Gift allowed them to use the secret
tunnels under the earth, known to many earth-burrowing spirits and totems, such as Mole, Badger and
Groundhog (who taught them the Gift). In such a way, the Croatan could travel long distances in the safety of the
Umbral underground.
This Gift is all but lost to werewolves in the 20 th century, but this is almost a blessing; in the modern
era, Ratkin occupy many of these tunnels, making them hostile territory for any Garou.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point; the Garou is made aware of the nearest entrance into one
of these tunnels. Such an entrance may not be close at hand; the werewolf might have to go on a day’s journey
just to reach the nearest opening, depending on the local population of burrowing spirits. Once inside the tunnel,
he can reach his destination safely. When he gets to a multiple branching tunnel, he’ll know the proper way —
otherwise one could get lost for years!
In all other respects, this Gift is much like traveling a moon path, save that the potentially hostile
encounters that may be found along the way take the form of Ratkin and other subterranean denizens, rather than
(Source: Croatan Song, p.116 & Past Lives, p.86)
• Katanka-Sonnak’s Spear (Level Five) — Some cultures that the Croatan took as Kin were sun-
worshippers. The Croatan in turn established strong ties with Helios and the Planetary Incarna of the sun,
Katanka-Sonnak. This Gift springs from this alliance; by invoking the power of the sun, the Garou can call a
shaft of fire from the sky to impale an enemy and immolate him in continuously burning flames. An avatar of
Katanka-Sonnak teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls Dexterity + Occult to strike the target; no range
penalties apply, although the Garou must be able to see her target. If the strike is accurate then the victim takes
10 dice of fire damage each turn; this damage is aggravated, although supernatural creatures can soak it with the
appropriate power (vampires with Fortitude, shapeshifters with Stamina, etc.). The fire cannot be doused with
ordinary water; it will burn for 10 turns unless quenched by a water-spirit, somehow dispelled, or until the victim
takes no damage on a particular turn.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.395; Croatan Song, p.116 & Past Lives, p.86)
• Resolute Vow (Level Five) — The Croatan’s legendary stubbornness and strength of purpose was
often a hindrance, but they often drew great power from it as well. A Garou with this Gift can persevere against
all odds, pursuing a goal of vengeance or a spiritual quest to its end when even great heroes would turn back.
Croatan ancestor-spirits teach this Gift.
System: As the Garou ritually declares his purpose or quest to all within earshot he spends a permanent
Gnosis point. From that point on, the Garou has no choice but to follow his quest to the bitter end. However, any
Willpower rolls made in pursuit of that quest always gain six extra dice (even if this takes his dice pool over 10)
and the Garou also gains six extra Willpower points to spend while on his quest (unused points disappear at the
quest’s completion).
If the Garou abandons the quest before its resolution, good or bad, he not only all the bonus Willpower
points, but he also loses one permanent Willpower point per each bonus Willpower point spent in pursuit of the
quest. These points can never be regained; thus, if a Croatan were to abandon his journey after spending two of
the bonus Willpower points, he could never bring his Willpower to over 8 again.
(Source: Croatan Song, p.116-117 & 2nd Ed Wendigo Tribebook, p.49)
• Survivor (Level Five) — As the Bone Gnawer Gift.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.396→p.176-7)
• Umbral Burrowing (Level Five) — This Gift allows a Croatan to dig his own Umbral tunnel which
he can travel through just as in the Gift: Underearth. The tunnel must connect two points and, as it is unoccupied,
is always safe to travel. The spirits of burrowing animals teach this Gift.
System: The Garou spends three Gnosis points and starts digging. A successful Perception + Occult roll
is necessary to make certain that the tunnel comes out in the right place. The process of digging is, of course,
slower than normal Umbral travel and takes about twice as long as walking a moon path would. The Garou does
not need to eat or rest as he digs and the tunnel will remain a permanent part of the Umbra. It isn’t necessary to
know the Underearth Gift to use Umbral Burrowing, but the werewolf without knowledge of Underearth cannot
necessarily travel tunnels not of his own make without getting lost.
(Source: Croatan Song, p.117 & Past Lives, p.86-87)
• Wall of Granite (Level Five) — As the Philodox Gift.
(Source: Croatan Song, p.117→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.168)

The Gifts of the Fianna speak to their vigorous natures and fae allies, and are often granted by spirits
originating in their native lands.

• Distract the Fool (Level One) — A mischievous Fianna need only point and claim something
remarkable, and everyone who hears him is compelled to gawk in the direction he points. A fox-spirit teaches this
System: The player rolls Manipulation + Expression (difficulty 7). Anyone (except packmates or allies)
that can hear the character gawks in the direction the Fianna points for one round per success. A distracted person
will immediately refocus on an incoming attack or similarly urgent situation.
(Source: Dark Ages: Werewolf, p.134)
• Faerie Light (Level One) — This Gift is a favorite of tricksters. The Garou can conjure a small,
bobbing sphere of (usually white, blue or green) light. The sphere illuminates only a three-foot area, but that is
usually enough to provide the necessary light — or to lead foes into ambush. This Gift is taught by marsh- and
System: The player rolls Wits + Enigmas (difficulty 6). The light can appear anywhere within the
Garou's line of sight. It can move, bobbing along at 10 yards per turn, if bidden to do so. The light lasts for the
rest of the scene.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.178 & Tribebook: Fianna Revised, p.72)
• Firewater Kiss (Level One) — This Gift allows the werewolf to induce a heady, euphoric feeling into
another person’s mind. This state of mind clouds judgment, impairs eyesight and reduces inhibitions, much like a
heavy drinking binge. In some cases this may make an opponent easier to handle, but used improperly it can
make a hostile situation even more dangerous.
System: The player must spend a Gnosis point and roll Manipulation + Medicine (difficulty of the
target’s Willpower). The number of successes indicates the strength and duration of the effect. Every two
successes add one to the target’s difficulties, up to a maximum of a 10 difficulty. The effects range from light-
headedness for a minute (two successes, +1 to all difficulties) to a drunken stupor for an entire scene (six
successes, +3 to all difficulties). The target can temporarily shake off the effects for a round by spending a
Willpower point. If the subject spends a number of Willpower points greater than the number of successes tolled,
the Gift’s effects are negated. This power can’t be used more than once on the same target in the same day.
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West – Frontier Secrets, p.9)
• Hare’s Leap (Level One) — As the lupus Gift.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.179→p.158)
• Persuasion (Level One) — As the homid Gift.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.179→p.153)
• Primal Song (Level One) — As the Galliard Gift.
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West Companion, p.74→72)
• Resist Toxin (Level One) — As the Bone Gnawer Gift.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.179→p.174)
• Sense Fae (Level One) — As the Fianna have acclimated themselves to their new surroundings, they
have also created relations with the fae of the New World. This Gift allows the Fianna to detect fae beings. A
dream-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: No roll is required, but the Fianna must concentrate for one round, during which he may take
no other action. The player must roll Perception + Enigmas (difficulty 7). The Garou can detect fae nature at a
distance of five meters per success. This Gift does not guarantee a friendly reaction from any fae creatures that it
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West Companion, p.74)
• Two Tongues (Level One) — The glib words and clever schemes of the Fianna are wasted on a single
mark. This Gift teaches the werewolf to talk out of both sides of her face, literally carrying on two conversations
simultaneously, and to decide who hears what. An ancestor-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends a Willpower point. For the rest of the scene, the Fianna may simultaneously
carry on two conversations at the same time, which need have no relation to one another. She decides which
listeners hear which version of the words she’s speaking. Anyone suspecting something odd about the Fianna’s
behavior must roll Perception + Alertness (difficulty 9) to detect the Garou’s other conversation and to
understand what she’s saying there.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.179)
• Brew (Level Two) — The Fianna are renowned for their ability to drink liquor. Part of this legend
stems from their ability to make it. With Brew the Garou can mystically transform a pitcher of any liquid into an
alcoholic substance. This Gift can surreptitiously inebriate unsuspecting targets. A grain-spirit, and in some cases
a worm-spirit, teaches this Gift.
System: After spending a Gnosis point, the player rolls Wits + Medicine (difficulty 7). The number of
successes determines the quality and the potency of the concoction. One success can create cheap, domestic beer,
low-budget wine or mediocre tequila, while five successes can create a high quality imported beer, fine vintage
champagne or a top-shelf liquor. A botch creates a brew that induces massive hangovers (-1 penalty for the entire
next day).
(Source: Werewolf Players Guide, 2nd Ed., p.39-40)
• Ceridwen’s Blood (Level Two) — Blood has a power within it. With this Gift, a Fianna can tap the
life-force within her own blood to restore a fallen ally. However, by doing so, she must suffer the wounds she
heals. This Gift is taught by spirits allied to Stag.
System: The Garou can heal an injured target by spilling her own blood (a small cut will do) and rolling
Stamina + Medicine against a difficulty of 8. One wound level is healed per success. However, the Gift-user
suffers a number of wounds equal to the amount healed - she cannot soak this damage. The Fianna can heal
aggravated wounds by spending a Gnosis point, although she will only take non-aggravated wounds in exchange.
(Source: 2nd Ed Fianna Tribebook, p.48)
• Drunkard’s Luck (Level Two) — As the Bone Gnawer Gift.
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West Companion, p.74)
• Fire in the Belly (Level Two) — Anger and inner turmoil does wonders for creativity. Some Fianna
use this principle in new and potentially dangerous ways, directing some of their inner Rage to fuel their creative
urges. While the work is more intense, it is also colored by the Rage, reflecting the redirected fury of the Fiann’s
soul. “Sublime” and “peaceful” are not words associated with works produced using this Gift. On the other hand,
forged weapons take on the new resonance quite readily, attracting War and Rage spirits (-1 difficulty for Rite of
the Fetish). Brigid herself teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends a point of Rage and makes a Willpower roll (difficulty 7). A successful roll
adds an automatic success to an appropriate Craft, Expression or Performance roll. A botch will require an
immediate Rage roll for frenzy. Only one roll per project is possible. Using this Gift more than once a month is
taxing and dangerous; each additional use during a span of a month increases the difficulty by one.
(Source: Tribebook: Fianna Revised, p.73)
• Glib Tongue (Level Two) — This Gift makes listeners hear whatever they wish to hear. The Fianna
can say anything, even total gibberish, but anyone listening will agree heartily. While this Gift is not a way to
talk a millionaire into signing over all his goods, it is a superb method of talking one's way into a party, making
fast friends or avoiding being caught in a lie. A rabbit-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Wits + Expression (difficulty of the listener's
Wits + Alertness). The effects last for one turn per success, after which sanity reasserts itself.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.179)
• Flame Dance (Level Two) — Pushing the fire in his heart into his limbs, the Fianna hurls himself
unharmed through the ranks of Gaia’s foes. A mongoose-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player reflexively spends one Rage point, allowing the character to dodge one attack with
his full dice pool, regardless of what other actions he has taken during the round. Alternately, a Rage point may
be spent to enhance a normal dodge action, adding three dice to the defense.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.179)
• Form Mastery (Level Two) — As the metis Gift.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.179→p.156)
• Howl of the Banshee (Level Two) — The werewolf emits a fearful howl that causes those who hear
it to run in terror. A Banshee — a mournful spirit of the dead — teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends a Gnosis point and rolls Charisma + Intimidation. All who hear the howl
must roll Willpower (difficulty 8; 6 for allies of the Fianna) or flee in terror for one turn per success on the
Garou's roll.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.179)
• Howl of the Unseen (Level Two) — This Gift allows a howl or proclamation from one side of the
Gauntlet to echo across into both realms. It is taught by a cricket-spirit.
System: The player rolls Gnosis (difficulty of the local Gauntlet), after which the Garou may howl or
speak for up to one turn per success rolled; the words or howl will be clearly audible on both sides of the
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.179; Tribebook: Fianna Revised, p.72 & 2nd Ed Fianna
Tribebook, p.48)
• Luck of the Irish (Level Two) — This Gift gives the Fianna a supernatural streak of luck. Mundane
effects include finding four leaf clovers, bills lying on the sidewalk, plump sleeping rabbits waiting to be caught
for supper and minor fortunate coincidences. This Gift is taught by a faerie spirit.
System: The Garou spends one Gnosis point. She may then reroll any failed or botched roll. This Gift is
usable only once per scene. Other minimal, although beneficial, effects may occur at the Storyteller’s whim.
(Source: 2nd Ed Fianna Tribebook, p.48)
• Reverie (Level Two) — As the Galliard Gift.
(Source: Tribebook: Fianna Revised, p.72)
• Sense Secrets (Level Two) — Centuries of association with the fae people have taught the Fianna the
nature of secrets. Things deliberately hidden, whether obscured by brush or dropped down a mineshaft make
their presence known to the Fianna. The Gift gives no indication as to the nature of a secret, only to its existence.
A squirrel-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player rolls Perception + Enigmas (difficulty 8). Every success improves the Fianna’s
sensitivity. One success detects cursory or slipshod concealment, such as tumbleweeds pulled across a cave’s
mouth; five successes detect the presence of the most painstaking obscurement, including hidden-passageways
and the like.
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West Companion, p.74)
• Spear Dancing (Level Two) — The old tales tell of Fianna throwing spears while balanced on the
beam of a chariot at full gallop, or even crossing an army by leaping from spearpoint to spearpoint. This Gift
gives the Fianna the ability to balance on the smallest surfaces, whether tightrope, post or even a spear point. If
successful, the Garou takes no damage from stepping or handstanding on sharp objects, but may otherwise be
wounded normally. A bird-spirit or an ancestor-spirit may teach this Gift.
System: The player spends a Gnosis point and rolls Dexterity + Athletics (difficulty varies: 5 to stand
on the back of a trotting horse, 6 to stay aloft a rolling ball, 8 to jog across a tightrope, and 9 to balance on the
point of a spear). Storytellers may require additional successes for more difficult feats (for example, the horse
breaks into a gallop, or the tightrope is in a high wind). The effects last for a scene.
(Source: Tribebook: Fianna Revised, p.72-73)
• St. Herve’s Folly (Level Two) — According to an old folktale, St. Herve once preached to a wolf that
had eaten the ox he used to plough with, and the wolf was so ashamed that he agreed to plough in the ox's place.
If the Fianna didn't murder St. Herve for this, they wanted to. But they also learned a lesson from it, and
mischief-minded Fianna now use this carnivalesque Gift to create similar, though more pleasing, results. It
convinces a leader of any sort that his status is incorrect and rather that he should serve those whom he rules. It
can convince a town mayor to clean the shoes of a homeless person, or an alpha to bow to the will of his omega.
The Gift is taught, unfortunately, by an ox-spirit.
System: The Fianna must have a chance to lecture the ruler on why he is incorrect in his position. The
player spends one point of Willpower and rolls Manipulation + Expression, difficulty 8. A simple success
convinces him to engage in ridiculous acts of subservience to gross lessers. Each success after the first continues
this effect for one day. Garou and other supernaturals may resist this Gift by spending one point of Willpower,
although if the Fianna continues her lecture and spends another point of Willpower, the victim must continue to
resist. Effectively it becomes a bidding war between the victim and the Fianna; whoever has the most Willpower
(Source: Players Guide to Garou, p.191)
• Warrior’s Draught (Level Two) — By stirring a bit of his own blood into a jack of wine, beer, ale or
mead, the Fianna transforms the drink into a potent elixir. Once quaffed, this potion drives the drinker into a
berserk rage, lending him even more strength than usual during his fury. The Fianna often use this Gift when
alone and making a desperate stand, but many Ragabash also use the draught to wreak havoc in the household of
an enemy by serving it to their foe’s loyal retainer. This Gift is taught by a boar-spirit.
System: The Fianna spends a point of Gnosis as he mixes the draught. The elixir remains potent for a
day (the Fianna may increase the duration by one day for every extra Gnosis point he expends during mixing).
Once drunk, the draught drives the drinker into a berserk frenzy — but for the duration of the frenzy, she gains an
additional dot in Strength and Stamina.
(Source: Dark Ages: Werewolf, p.134-135 &Werewolf: the Dark Ages, p.106)
• Faerie Kin (Level Three) — The Fianna can call upon ancient pacts between her people and the fae.
By emitting a special howl, the Garou can call whatever fae are in the area to help. They will obey the Fianna,
but not without question. A dream-spirit teaches this Gift, and the teaching normally involves a quest of some
System: The player spends at least one Gnosis point and rolls Manipulation + Occult (difficulty 8).
Spending more Gnosis increases the raw power of the faeries who respond, while more successes on the roll
means that more faeries answer. When used on Earth, this Gift most commonly calls dream-spirits known as
chimera, though with higher Gnosis expenditures changelings or their dark-kin cousins may appear; true fae
answer the summons only in appropriate Umbral realms. Botching this roll is bad news; the faeries who respond
are vicious and malevolent, and they will act to hinder the Garou.
(Note: This Gift is known as Faerie Aid in Dark Ages: Werewolf, p.135)
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.179)
• Fair Fortune (Level Three) — The Fianna is blessed with a lucky streak a mile wide. A Chimerling
teaches this Gift.
System: The player may re-roll any failed or botched roll by spending a Gnosis point. The result of the
second roll must be kept, and this Gift may only be used once per scene.
(Note: This Gift was Level Two in Tribebook: Fianna Revised, p.72. Apparently, it has since been retconned to
Level Three in W20.)
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.179)
• Ley Lines (Level Three) — By manipulating ley lines — a spiritual grid that crisscrosses the planet
— the Fianna can disorient world-be trackers or hunters. The victims of this Gift find themselves following false
trails, making wrong turns or walking in circles. The user's trail simply disappears. The secrets of this Gift can be
learned from an earth-spirit.
System: The player spends a Gnosis point and rolls Wits + Occult (difficulty 7). Any attempt to track
the Garou must begin with a successful Perception + Occult roll (difficulty 8), garnering more successes than the
Garou’s player. Otherwise, the tracker’s attempt to follow the Fianna will automatically botch.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.179; Players Guide to Garou, p.191; Dark Ages: Werewolf,
p.116; Werewolf Players Guide, 2nd Ed., p.40)
• Pin the Eagle’s Wing (Level Three) — Known as Lleu’s Spear by the Welsh Fianna (who claim to
have discovered it), a Fianna with this Gift can throw a spear as far as an arrow and sink it deep into its target.
Spirited Fianna can even pierce heavy doors or strike a foe on a high rooftop — or pierce a Leech‘s putrid heart.
Ancestor-spirits teach this Gift.
System: The Fianna must concentrate on the weapon for one full turn and make a Willpower roll
(difficulty 8). She then spends a variable number of Gnosis points. Each Gnosis grants two additional dice, which
can be split between the attack roll and damage roll. Dice may also be used to increase the spear’s flight distance
(20 yards per die allocated). The Gift doesn’t work with any other weapon, even a thrust spear - only a thrown
(Note: this Gift was known as Lleu’s Spear in Werewolf: the Dark Ages, p.106-107)
(Source: Tribebook: Fianna Revised, p.73)
• Prospector’s Luck (Level Three) — In the Old World, the Fianna learned how to find the secret
places where faeries hid riches in the earth. This Gift allows a Garou to sense deposits of gold and silver within a
general area (a couple of mile radius). This Gift is taught by rock-spirits.
System (old version): The player spends a point of Willpower and rolls Perception + Alertness
(difficulty 7). Each success gives the Garou more information. For example, a single success would let the
Fianna know that valuable minerals are in the area; two successes would indicate the type, while three would
give the Fianna a general indication of where the precious metal was located. With five successes, the Garou
could walk over to a stream bed and pluck out a gold-covered rock. This Gift cannot locate gold or silver in an
area where the metals aren’t present. Fianna can only attempt this Gift once in any given place.
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West, p.154)
System (new version): The player spends a point of Willpower and rolls Perception + Alertness
(difficulty 7). The Gift scans an area of half a mile radius per dot of the Gift user’s Gnosis. The amount of
information increases per success: a single success indicates that valuable minerals are or aren’t present in the
area; two successes reveals the type, if any; three gives the Garou a general indication of actual location; five
guides her right to the most accessible deposit, if any exist. Fianna can attempt this Gift, success or failure, only
once in any given area.
(Source: W20 Wyld West, p.32)
• Reshape Object (Level Three) — As the homid Gift.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.179→p.154)
• Song of the Siren (Level Three) — As the Galliard Gift.
(Note: This was a Level Four Gift in Werewolf Players Guide, 2 nd Ed., p.37)
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.170)
• Woadling (Level Three) — The ancient Celts would paint their skin with woad — the components of
which caused a frenzylike state — before marching off to battle. The Fianna carry on this tradition and take it
even further. After painting the woad on their bodies, they can bring the paintings to life to harry an opponent. A
stag-spirit can teach this Gift.
System: Each painting can create one woadling that costs one Gnosis point to animate. The Fianna can
release only one woadling per turn. Each time the player creates a woadling, she should roll Dexterity + Occult
(difficulty 6). Every success subtracts one die from her opponent's pool as the woadling dances and prances
about the target. The woadlings vanish (and must be repainted) after the Gift ends.
(Source: Werewolf Players Guide, 2nd Ed., p.40)
• Airitech’s Daughters (Level Four) — Airitech, a creature of the Otherworld in Celtic lore, had three
daughters who took on the shape of werewolves. In the end, they were slain. This Gift allows the Fianna to play
the part of Airitech, by forcing the visage of a Crinos werewolf onto (at most) three humans. It doesn't make
them stronger, or give them the instincts that Garou have, but they make fine decoys when being hunted by the
Wyrm. Like Airitech's Daughters, these werewolves exist to be murdered. The Gift is taught by an ancestor spirit.
System: The player spends one point of Rage for each human he wants to turn into a werewolf, up to a
maximum of three, before rolling Stamina + Subterfuge (difficulty 8). Each success will turn all humans affected
by the Gift into werewolves for one hour. They do not receive any of the benefits of the Crinos form, do not
cause Delirium, and are not protected by the Veil; the change is largely cosmetic. They may, however, receive a
bonus to Intimidation rolls. This Gift does not work on anyone but mortal humans. It will not affect mages,
changelings, vampires or even the Imbued; it will, however, work on Kinfolk, ghouls and sorcerers.
(Source: Players Guide to Garou, p.191)
• Balor's Gaze (Level Four) — This Gift emulates the power of one of the Fianna's legendary enemies.
One of the Garou's eyes glows a livid red color, and all enemies caught in his gaze are stricken with terrible
agony. A pain-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one Rage point and one Gnosis. She must then roll Perception + Occult
(difficulty 8). For the rest of the scene, any foe at whom the Garou glances must roll Willpower (difficulty 8) and
exceed the player's successes or double over in pain. Any beings thus affected take wound penalties as though
they were at Crippled (-5 dice to all actions), regardless of their current health. Any characters already at
Crippled are considered Incapacitated.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.179-180)
• Faerie Blood (Level Four) — The Garou can temporarily transform his blood into that of a Faerie.
This Gift is taught by a Faerie Lord.
System: The Garou spends two Gnosis points to activate this Gift. This allows him immunity to silver;
however, iron will have the same effect on him that silver normally does. Any Gnosis roll will be at a -1
difficulty; also, the Garou does not have to spend a Gnosis point on any Gift or magic which requires the
expenditure of one Gnosis point (although those with a cost of two or more require the full expenditure). In
addition, he can walk into Arcadia from the Umbra without having to worry about guardians or time-shift effects.
The character will be considered to have potent blood to the Kindred: each blood point is worth two for
their feeding but there is always a side effect for the vampire drinking this fey blood. The Storyteller is free to get
wild with the effect: anything from hallucinations to transforming into a donkeyheaded vampire for a scene. Any
Kindred with the second level of the Auspex Discipline (Aura Perception) will recognize the Garou's blood as
special, even for a werewolf. The Garou does not need to roll for this Gift, but he must spend two Gnosis points
to activate it. This Gift lasts for one scene.
(Source: Werewolf Players Guide, 1st Ed., p.39-40)
• Fog of War (Level Four) — As the Ragabash Gift.
(Source: Tribebook: Fianna Revised, p.71-72)
• Phantasm (Level Four) — The Garou creates an unmoving illusion that contains visual, auditory,
olfactory and even tactile elements. A grain-spirit — the so-called "spirit of spirits" — teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one Gnosis for each 10-foot (3m) radius area to be covered by the illusion
and then rolls Intelligence + Expression (difficulty 6). Anyone who doubts the illusion must roll Perception +
Alertness (difficulty 6) and exceed the Garou's successes in order to see through it.
(Note: This Gift is known as Semblance in Dark Ages: Werewolf, p.135 and as Mirage in Werewolf: the Wild
West, p.154)
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.180)
• Song of the Dire (Level Four) — The Fianna sings a battle song to empower her comrades as she
enters a fray. Driven by their packmate, die embattled Garou double their efforts to defeat die foe. The Black
Spiral Dancers have learned to turn tail and flee upon hearing the lyrics of this dread Gift.
System: The player spends two Gnosis points and rolls Manipulation + Performance (difficulty 8).
Each success adds one die to each of her packmates' Dice Pools; the number of successes cannot exceed the
Fianna's Performance rating. The Garou must keep singing throughout the contest; to do so she must remain in
Hispo form, spend two Gnosis points and allocate at least two dice for singing each round.
(Source: Werewolf Players Guide, 2nd Ed., p.40)
• Warp Spasm (Level Four) — Many tales of Cuchulain state he would glow in combat, radiating a
great heat. At the end of a battle, women would dump water over his body to cool him down. This Gift causes the
user to radiate a tremendous heat, igniting nearby flammable items and melting metal. The aura only works while
the Fianna is in a berserk frenzy. At the end of the frenzy, the Fianna cools off. This Gift is taught by Fianna
ancestor spirits.
System: The Garou spends one point of Rage to activate this Gift, after which she will automatically go
into a Berserk Frenzy. All flammable material she touches bursts into flame. Her hand to hand attacks do two
aggravated wounds of damage in addition to regular attack damage.
(Source: 2nd Ed Fianna Tribebook, p.48-49)
• Call the Hunt (Level Five) — The werewolf calls forth the Huntsman of Celtic mythology to harry
and slay a great evil. The Huntsman himself teaches this Gift.
System: The Garou must chant and concentrate for one full hour. The player then spends one Gnosis
point and rolls Charisma + Occult (difficulty 8). The Huntsman appears with a single hound, plus one hound for
each extra Rage or Gnosis point the player wishes to expend. If the Huntsman judges that the evil he has been
summoned to hunt is insufficiently mighty or wicked to warrant his talents, or if the Garou has already
summoned the Huntsman within the last month, then the Garou becomes the target of the hunt.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.180)
• Fog on the Moor (Level Five) — This Gift transforms the Fianna into a ghostly outline of himself,
allowing him to pass through anything except silver as though he were incorporeal. He may communicate and
strike opponents normally. He cannot be harmed by anything except silver; all incoming attacks pass through
him. A fog-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one Willpower point and rolls Gnosis (difficulty 7) to instantly transform
the Garou into a ghostly form. Each success allows the Garou to stay in that form for one turn, though the Garou
may change back at will. The character cannot regenerate while in this form.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.180 & Dark Ages: Werewolf, p.135)
• Forms of Cernunnos (Level Five) — Celtic legends abound with heroes transforming into animals,
whether to escape, to hunt, or to spy. Cernunnos the Horned God was the master of animals; with this Gift the
Garou is able to master the form of any animal. A Wyld spirit or a faerie spirit teaches this Gift.
System: As per the Ragabash Gift: Thousand Forms, with the limitation that mythical beasts are not
possible forms, but with the addition that another willing person can be changed at the cost of two Gnosis and +
1 difficulty. Said person cannot change back without the assistance of someone who knows this Gift.
(Source: Tribebook: Fianna Revised, p.73)
• Gift of the Spriggan (Level Five) — The Fianna may grow to up to three times her usual size or
shrink to the size of a small puppy. A Chimerling teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Stamina + Primal-Urge (difficulty 8). The effects
last for one hour per success or until the Garou cancels the Gift. If the Garou grows larger, she gains three
Strength dice for every 100% increase in size. If she grows smaller, she retains her normal Traits, but she may
sneak around unnoticed or masquerade as someone's pet.
(Source: Werewolf: the Apocalypse Corebook Revised, p.147)
• Havgan’s Healing (Level Five) — Named after the foe Pwyll dueled with in the Otherworld, this
powerful Gift lets wounds alternately harm and heal the Garou, giving the Fianna a critical edge in a sustained
battle. A death-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: To activate this Gift, the Fianna must spend two Gnosis points and concentrate for one turn.
For the duration of the scene, any health levels that are not soaked alternately harm or heal the Garou. The first
blow to strike the Garou injures him as normal; with the second blow, any damage that is not soaked (and the
player must roll soak as normal) instead is treated as healing. Bashing wounds heal bashing damage, lethal
wounds can heal bashing or lethal damage, and aggravated wounds heal all forms of damage. The third blow
injures, the fourth heals, and so on. Wounds suffered from silver can never heal, however; they inflict damage as
normal, and “use up” that blow - for instance, a Fianna wounded by silver by the fourth blow after activating this
Gift takes unsoakable aggravated damage as normal, and the fifth blow will injure, not heal. (However, any
aggravated damage taken on the sixth blow and every other attack after that could heal the silver damage.) Any
wounds left unhealed by the end of the scene must be healed as usual.
(Source: Tribebook: Fianna Revised, p.73-4)
• Warp-Fury (Level Five) — The Fianna can channel all his power into a desperate frenzy, the likes of
which normal humans have never seen — and lived. The werewolf draws some of his own blood and tastes it to
enter this state. Once he’s been driven into this frenzy, not even armies stand much of a chance of stopping him.
System: The player spends three Rage points and rolls Stamina + Primal-Urge, difficulty 4. The Fianna
goes into a warp-frenzy for one turn for each success. While in this frenzied state, the Fianna takes no penalties
from wounds, gains +4 Strength, +3 Dexterity, +4 Stamina and three extra Bruised Health Levels — all above
and beyond any normal Attribute modifiers for forms. In addition, he regains at least one Rage point per turn. At
the end of this frenzy, the Fianna takes five Health Levels of aggravated damage — that can’t be soaked. If he
survives, his Rage and Willpower drop to 1 each until he’s rested for four hours.
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West, p.154)
• Sleep of the Hero (Level Six) — This powerful Gift has been invoked many times in Fianna history.
When a great hero (Rank 5 or higher) dies in battle, the Fianna take the body and dedicate it to the land and the
spirit of the hero. The champion's life returns, but he remains in a deep sleep, not to awaken until the Apocalypse.
The target must be placed somewhere in the earth, such as a cave, or within a burial mound. During this sleep,
the hero is unaffected by the elements and does not need to breathe. This Gift is taught by Fianna ancestor spirits.
System: The Garou spends two points of Gnosis and rolls Intelligence + Rituals against a difficulty of
9. If she succeeds, the life comes back into the hero and he falls into a deep sleep, usually after having a chance
to say a few last words. If the wielder of this Gift receives five or more successes, then the hero may awaken and
return to the caern at any time of great crisis, at the Storyteller's option.
(Source: 2nd Ed Fianna Tribebook, p.49)
Fianna Camp Gifts
Tuatha de Fionn
• Sense the Unnatural (Level Three) — As the Lupus Gift. The Tuatha de Fionn have long delved into
magic and have gained the ability to sense its presence.
(Source: 2nd Ed Fianna Tribebook, p.49→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.159-160)
• Cairbre’s Tongue (Level Three) — This Gift was used by the ancient songmaster Galliard Cairbre to
show his people the corruption of Breas the Beautiful. By speaking out harshly against or satirizing someone
who is Wyrm-tainted, the possessor of this Gift will cause the Wyrm-taint to appear as splotches on his target's
face, lowering the target's Appearance. This Gift is taught by faeries and Fianna ancestor spirits.
System: The Garou using this Gift must spend a Gnosis point, then roll Manipulation + Performance
against a difficulty of the opponent's Willpower. If the roll succeeds, and the target is Wyrm-tainted, then she
loses a point of Appearance for every success as incriminating blotches spread across her face and body. These
marks last for a scene. If the roll fails, or the target is not Wyrm corrupted, nothing happens.
(Source: 2nd Ed Fianna Tribebook, p.48)

Get of Fenris
Fierce warriors against the Wyrm one and all, the Get's Gifts are almost universally martial. Even their
Ragabash and Theurges are expected to stand out in battle.
• Hunter’s Harmony (Level One) — When hunting, wolves communicate through various means to
corral their prey. This Gift allows a Fenrir to convey thoughts to any of his packmates over distance without
speech. This Gift is taught by a wolf-spirit.
System: The player rolls Charisma + Primal-Urge to send a single communiqué. Each success allows
the Fenrir to convey an increasingly complex concept to his pack members. One success could convey "danger
ahead," while three could convey "ambush in 30 paces by Silver Fangs." Only fellow pack members can receive
the communiqué, they do not hear words and cannot reply. The Fenrir chooses who receives the message.
(Source: Dark Ages: Werewolf, p.132)
• Lightning Reflexes (Level One) — Fenrir are Gaia’s ultimate warriors, effortlessly switching from
offense to defense as the needs of battle demand. A mongoose-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player reflexively spends one Willpower point. For the next day, the character need
neither make a Willpower roll nor spend a Willpower point to abort to a defensive action.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.180)
• Master of Fire (Level One) — As the homid Gift.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.180→p.153)
• Razor Claws (Level One) — As the Ahroun Gift.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.180→p.171)
• Resist Pain (Level One) — As the Philodox Gift.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.180→p.166)
• Safe Haven (Level One) — Few Garou are as territorial as the Get of Fenris. This Gift enables a
Fenrir to keep a close supernatural watch on his territory, becoming instantly aware of any trespassers marked by
the Wyrm. Owl-spirits teach this Gift.
System: The player must spend one Gnosis to establish this early warning system, and one Gnosis per
day to maintain it. Whenever a Wyrm-tainted person or creature crosses into the Fenrir's territory, if the werewolf
is at home or within a mile, the player may roll Perception + Occult (difficulty 7) to detect the intrusion. The
more successes, the more accurately the werewolf pinpoints the intruder's location. Note that this Gift may be
used to protect only that territory that the Fenrir can rightfully call his own; this Gift cannot, for instance, protect
a shared caern unless used by the caern Warder (who can be considered to "own" the territory for the purpose of
this Gift).
(Source: Tribebook: Get of Fenris Revised, p.75)
• Sigurd’s Stride (Level One) — When Odin imprisoned Brunhilde in a ring of fire, it was Sigurd who
dared the fires and rescued her. Like Sigurd, Get of Fenris with this Gift need not fear flame. The Gift is taught
by a fire spirit.
System: The Fenrir spends one Gnosis and rolls Stamina + Primal Urge (difficulty 4). Each success
provides an automatic level of soak against fire damage for the rest of the scene.
(Source: Players Guide to Garou, p.192)
• Snow Running (Level One) — The Fenrir have spread far and wide, but their home is in the North.
This Gift has served them well in their homelands, allowing them to run over snow or ice as if it were solid
ground without sinking in or leaving footprints. An ice elemental teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends a Gnosis point. The effect lasts for a day.
(Note: This Gift is not to be confused with Ice Dance, a similar but slightly different Silver Fang Gift.)
(Source: Tribebook: Get of Fenris Revised, p.75)
• Visage of Fenris (Level One) — The Get appears larger and more fearsome, commanding respect
from peers and cowing his foes. A wolf- or toad-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player rolls Charisma + Intimidation (difficulty 6). Only one success is necessary to affect
non-Garou and Garou of equal rank. To affect Garou of higher rank, the player must score a number of successes
equal to twice the difference of rank between the Garou and the target. For example, for a Rank 1 Garou to affect
a Rank 5 Garou would require eight successes (not very likely). Allies and peers affected by this Gift see the Get
as impressive and noble (-1 difficulty bonus to all Social rolls). Foes pause for a moment to summon the resolve
necessary to fight such a monster (losing one from their initiative ratings). This Gift lasts for one scene.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.180)
• Berserker’s Song (Level Two) — This fearsome battle song is in a language that has yet to be
recognized — it’s certainly not Nordic, any Germanic language, not Garou. Yet it is potent, for it both channels
and increases rage in the warrior who sings it. Some younger Fenrir have begun experimenting with the tune and
discovered that the lyrics can be sung in any method so long as they maintain the lyrics, and sing it in more
modern styles (which outrages some elder Get). An ancestor-spirit teaches this Gift, but cannot explain its
System: After spending two Rage points, the player rolls Stamina + Expression or Performance,
whichever is higher, against difficulty 6. For a number of turns equal to the successes gained, the Get
automatically frenzies, receiving the benefit of ignoring wounds, shifting immediately to Crinos, and immunity
to mind influencing powers. However, he can pull out of this frenzy immediately and may use simple weapons
like swords and bludgeons. If the Garou is stopped from singing, somehow, the effect automatically ends.
(Source: Players Guide to Garou, p.192; Werewolf Players Guide, 2 nd Ed., p.40-41 and Dark Ages: Werewolf,
p.134 as Level Four)
• Fertile Lands (Level Two) — As the Children of Gaia Gift.
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West – Frontier Secrets, p.9)
• Fangs of the North (Level Two) — Blue smoke rolls off of the werewolf’s claws and teeth, which
are transformed into curving daggers of hardened ice. Wounds inflicted with these terrible weapons turn black
and fester, all the warmth and life driven out of them. A snow-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Wits + Survival (difficulty 7). The
transformation lasts for the rest of the scene, or until banished voluntarily. Any individual wounded by the
werewolf’s fangs or claws suffers a –1 penalty for the rest of the scene as chills wrack her body. Additionally,
such wounds heal badly; mortals are likely to lose injured limbs as the tissue necrotizes, and beings capable of
supernaturally swift healing (such as vampires or Black Spiral Dancers) are unable to heal these wounds for one
day per success on the Gift’s activation roll. This Gift can’t be used in Homid, but applies fully to the claws
and/or fangs of all other forms.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.180)
• Halt the Coward's Flight (Level Two) — The Garou may slow a fleeing (not charging) foe, making
him easier to catch. A wolf-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The Garou must spend one turn concentrating, and the player rolls Charisma + Intimidation
(difficulty of the target's Willpower). If the roll succeeds, the target's speed is halved for the rest of the scene.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.180)
• Sense Guilt (Level Two) — This Gift is particularly popular among the Hand of Tyr camp, but is by
no means limited to them alone. By staring into the eyes of his chosen target, the Get can sense any deep-seated
guilt that she might harbor for past offenses. The more perceptive the Fenrir, the more detail he's able to discern.
This Gift is taught by a crow-spirit.
System: The player rolls Perception + Empathy, difficulty 8. One success detects the presence or
absence of regret. Three successes reveal general facts about the offense in question; an adulterer might project a
sense of "betraying my wife" into the Get's mind. Five successes reveal specific facts about the matter; the Get
could pick out the adulterer's partner's name, the time and place of the indiscretion, and possibly even more
intimate facts.
Note, however, that this Gift requires personal feelings of guilt to work. If a Fenrir were to use this Gift
on a vampire that regularly feeds on young children and kills them afterward, the Gift would work only if the
vampire feels guilty about its sins. If the Leech felt that it was perfectly justified in its actions, the Fenrir would
be able to detect nothing. Similarly, the Gift might lead its user to believe a person's crimes are worse than they
are, if the subject feels guiltier than the offenses merit — although with enough successes, the Fenrir might be
able to discern that the subject's shame is misplaced.
(Source: Tribebook: Get of Fenris Revised, p.75 & Players Guide 2nd Ed., p. 41)
• Snarl of the Predator (Level Two) — The Garou lets out a feral snarl that terrifies opponents and
cows them into submission. A wolf-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player rolls Charisma + Intimidation (difficulty of the opponent's Wits + 3). Each success
subtracts one die from an opponent's dice pools on the next turn. This Gift takes one full turn to invoke.
(Note: This Gift is known as Cry of the Killer in Werewolf: the Wild West, p.155)
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.180-1)
• Troll Skin (Level Two) — This Gift allows the Fenrir to draw on the power of earth for protection,
just as the legendary trolls and even Jotunn were able to do. When the Get activates this Gift, her skin grows
tough and thick, covered with warty knots of hard, armored flesh. This Gift is taught by an earth elemental.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Stamina + Primal-Urge (difficulty 5). For each
success, the character receives one extra die on her soak roll. These extra soak dice cannot be used to soak silver
damage; the Gift lasts for one scene, or until the Get chooses to dismiss it. Troll Skin is, alas, quite disconcerting
and unpleasantly pungent. While the Gift's effects last, the difficulty of all Social rolls is increased by 1.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.180; Tribebook: Get of Fenris Revised, p.76 &2nd Ed Get of
Fenris Tribebook, p.47)
• Wearing the Bear Shirt (Level Two) — Fear is for cowards; Rage is for warriors. The Fenrir who
learns this Gift hardens himself against fear, even on an instinctual level. This Gift is taught by a bear-spirit.
System: No roll is required; once this Gift is learned, the effects are automatic. The Fenrir who learns
this Gift never enters fox frenzy; instead, he enters a berserk frenzy, regardless of the stimuli. In addition, the
player can make a Willpower roll to resist any Gifts or other supernatural powers that incite fear, even if a
resistance roll is normally not allowed.
(Source: Tribebook: Get of Fenris Revised, p.76 &2nd Ed Get of Fenris Tribebook, p.47)
• Alberich’s Claws (Level Three) — Alberich was a dwarven king who had his castle below the
ground, carved out of the rock itself. Get of Fenris with this Gift could well have been amongst the builders of
that palace, for their claws can slice directly through stone, steel or any other inanimate material as if it were
butter. It is taught by a mole spirit or earth elemental.
System: The player spends one point of Rage. If the Fenrir's next attack is performed with natural
weaponry and strikes an inanimate object, it automatically does an extra ten levels of damage.
(Source: Players Guide to Garou, p.192)
• Heimdall’s Blade (Level Three) — This Gift turns ordinary items into spiritual manifestations of the
Garou’s Rage. With this Gift, even a barstool becomes a deadly weapon. An ancestor-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one Rage point and grasps her improvised weapon. Until the scene ends or
until the Get drops it, the item has the same statistics as a cavalry saber (difficulty 6, damage Strength + 4).
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West Companion, p.75)
• Loki’s Touch (Level Three) — This Gift is rare among the Get of Fenris, although the Rotagar
(ragabash) find it an appropriate weapon in battle. With just a touch, the Garou may cause a target to go into
uncontrollable fits of laughter. In peacetime situations, the Gift may also be used to defuse a dangerous situation.
This Gift is taught by any trickster-spirit (most often Ratatosk, the Squirrel).
System: The Garou must touch an opponent and roll Manipulation + Empathy (difficulty equal to the
Rage plus the Rank of the target; maximum difficulty of 10). The fits of laughter will last for one round per
success, during which time the target may not take any offensive action, although he may defend himself if
attacked. The laughter is genuine in at least one respect - if no harm comes to the target as a result of the Gift's
use, he is likely to appreciate the laugh just as if the Gift-user had told him an excellent joke.
(Source: Tribebook: Get of Fenris Revised, p.76 &2nd Ed Get of Fenris Tribebook, p.48)
• Mark the Enemy (Level Three) — A specialized power developed by the Swords of Heimdall, this
Gift marks the target with a mystical brand that only this Gift's users can see. The Swords use this brand to label
their enemies so that all other Swords can see the threat. An avatar of Fenris himself teaches his children to
identify their enemies thus.
System: By laying her hand on the target and successfully rolling Manipulation + Occult (difficulty 8),
the Get can mark her enemy. Other Swords who know the Gift can see the mark with a successful Perception +
Occult roll (difficulty 8). Any Garou who knows the Gift can remove the effect; it is otherwise permanent.
(Source: Werewolf Players Guide, 2nd Ed., p.41)
• Might of Thor (Level Three) — The Garou can increase his strength tremendously, the better to slay
his foes. A wolf-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one Gnosis and one Rage, then rolls Willpower (difficulty 8). The Garou's
Strength doubles for one turn per success. This Gift can only be used once per scene.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.181)
• Rage of Fenris (Level Three) — The werewolf calls on Fenris, summoning Strength and Rage from
the Wolf-God and striking at his enemies with increased fury. This Gift is taught by an avatar of Fenris.
System: This Gift may only be used when a Get is outnumbered and facing overwhelming odds. The
player spends two Gnosis and one Willpower. He then rolls Rage, difficulty 5. The Get’s Strength increases by
three and his Rage by five; the effects of this Gift last for one scene. The character can frenzy, but is incapable of
falling into the Thrall of the Wyrm, as he is already under the influence of Fenris. The Rage of Fenris
automatically fails in any attempts where the character is not facing at least two-to-one odds.
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West, p.156)
• Redirect Pain (Level Three) — If a Fenrir is struck in battle, he may rely upon this Gift to retaliate.
His enemy immediately experiences the pain from wounds received by the Fenrir. A cuckoo-spirit teaches this
System: The player spends one Rage point and rolls Manipulation + Primal-Urge (difficulty 8). For one
scene, the target incurs whatever wound penalties indicated by the Fenrir’s current wound levels, regardless of
whether or not the Fenrir actually feels the pain.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.181 & Dark Ages: Werewolf, p.133-134)
• Venom Blood (Level Three) — The Garou may change her blood into a black, acidic bile that
poisons anyone unlucky enough to come into contact with it. A snake- or spider-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one Rage point and rolls Stamina + Medicine (difficulty 7). Anyone coming
into contact with the Garou's blood for the duration of the scene takes one die of aggravated damage per success
on the roll.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.181)
• Body Shift (Level Four) — As the homid Gift.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.181→p.154)
• Curse of the Berserker (Level Four) — Although the tribe is known for its ferocity, this Gift allows
a Get to throw off her frenzy and retain control. This Gift comes with a price, however, as the Garou must choose
another to suffer. That victim then endures the Get’s frenzy instead. A wolverine-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player rolls her Willpower in a resisted action versus her target’s Willpower when a frenzy
is imminent (difficulty equals the opponent’s Willpower). The loser of the resisted action enters a frenzy and the
victor remains in control of his wits.
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West Companion, p.75)
• Glory-Scars (Level Four) — Fenrir are proud of their scars, even those that have maimed them
permanently. This Gift allows a werewolf to overcome her old injuries for a brief period of time, acting as though
her body were never injured. The Fenrir's scars blaze with silver light, and any missing extremities are replaced
with temporary substitutes made of the same cold, bright energy. Any war-spirit of Fenris' brood may teach this
System: The player spends a Rage point and rolls Rage, difficulty 5 + the number of Battle Scars her
Garou has acquired. The Gift's effects last for two turns per success. As long as the Gift is in effect, the Garou
may ignore wound penalties and the debilitating effects of her Battle Scars; even those that have lost a limb may
fight as if whole. Extremities temporarily restored by Glory-Scars function as normal, causing no extra damage.
This Gift cannot restore lost abilities in any other sense but that of combat; a Fenrir who has received the Battle
Scar: Gelded cannot use this Gift to sire offspring, for instance.
(Source: Tribebook: Get of Fenris Revised, p.76)
• Heart of the Mountain (Level Four) — The werewolf becomes as untiring and eternal as the
mountains, and cannot be defeated in a test of endurance. A mountain goat-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one Rage point and one Willpower point. For the rest of the scene, the
Garou cannot fail any task involving Stamina. Torturers can never break him; though he can’t breathe underwater
and his lungs may fill with water, he will not die. The only exception to this is soaking damage. While this Gift is
active, the werewolf is guaranteed to always soak at least one level of damage, but otherwise takes damage
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.181)
• Hero's Stand (Level Four) — The Garou channels the strength of Gaia herself, becoming one with
the earth upon which he stands. While he may not retreat or even move from that spot for the duration of the
Gift, he gains many powers through Gaia's might. An earth elemental teaches this Gift.
System: The player rolls Willpower (difficulty 8). Each success grants one extra die to all Physical dice
pools. Also, the Garou may not be surprised, and all attacks are considered frontal. The Garou may not move
until all foes have been defeated or have fled.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.181)
• Iron Cannot Pierce (Level Four) — This Gift makes a Fenrir unyielding in battle. After carving a
sacred rune into his flesh, a Garou becomes invincible to all iron-based weapons, including steel. His hide can
deflect spears and shatter swords. This Gift is taught by a war-spirit.
System: The Garou must carve a battle rune somewhere in his flesh, which causes no damage. The
player spends a point each of Gnosis and Rage to activate the Gift (this must be done within one hour of carving
the nine). No ferrous weapons inflict damage on the Garou, and they shatter if an attack causes more than two
levels of damage. Other materials, including teeth and claws, cause damage normally.
(Source: Dark Ages: Werewolf, p.134; known as “Iron-Can’t-Bite” in Werewolf: the Dark Ages, p.105)
• Journey Home (Level Four) — No matter what the distance or what the circumstances, the Get can
travel home as easily as he can reach into the Umbra. This Gift is taught by an ancestor-spirit.
System: The player spends all of his Gnosis (minimum of three points) and steps into the Umbra. When
he steps out of the Umbra, he emerges at the place he considers home.
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West Companion, p.75)
• Roar of Vengeance (Level Four) — The werewolf howls at an opponent with impossible force,
shattering bones and bruising flesh. This Gift is taught by a wolf-spirit.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point and one Willpower point. He must also make a Rage roll,
difficulty 6. Each success causes two levels of aggravated damage to one opponent. This Gift may only be used
against minions of the Wyrm, and any attempts to use the Gift improperly cause the character to suffer the
damage he would have inflicted, in addition to costing the character one permanent Glory renown.
(Note: There may or may not be overlap with the Ahroun Gift: Scream of Gaia. They are both Level Four Gifts
with similar effects, but the systems differ.)
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West, p.156)
• Scream of Gaia (Level Four) — As the lupus Gift.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.182→p.160)
• Blaze of Glory (Level Five) — Any Fenrir knows his final battle will be a glorious one. A Fenrir may
invoke this single-use Gift to devour everything around him, including himself and his enemies in a blazing burst
of fiery power. Aging Fenrir elders often receive this Gift before their final quest. This Gift may only be attained
from an avatar of Fenris after an arduous Umbral journey.
System: The player spends one point each of Rage, Gnosis and Willpower and rolls Willpower
(difficulty 6). Each success inflicts five aggravated levels of scorching fire damage on everyone and everything
in a 30-foot radius, including the Garou himself. The Garou cannot soak this damage.
(Source: Dark Ages: Werewolf, p.134)
• Endurance of Heimdall (Level Five) — This powerful Gift grants the Garou great endurance and
hardiness for a time. This Gift is taught by a boar-spirit.
System: The Garou spends one Gnosis point and rolls Willpower (difficulty 6). If successful, the
Garou's Stamina rating is doubled for the duration of the scene. This will aid Stamina and Soak rolls.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.182 & 2nd Ed Get of Fenris Tribebook, p.47)
• Fenris' Bite (Level Five) — The Garou's already vicious bite increases in power terribly, to the point
that the Garou can mangle or even sever limbs with a single bite. An avatar of Fenris teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one Rage point and rolls Strength + Primal-Urge (difficulty equals the
opponent’s Stamina + 3). The Garou’s next bite attack, if it hits, will mangle and disable one of the target’s limbs,
inflicting three automatic, unsoakable, aggravated health levels of damage in addition to any damage already
rolled. The limb is rendered useless until the target can regenerate the damage, or permanently in the case of
humans or other creatures who can’t regenerate. If the player achieves five or more successes on the Strength +
Primal-Urge roll, the limb is severed.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.182)
• The Good Death (Level Five) — No true Get of Fenris fears death — only dying poorly. This Gift is
Great Fenris' final blessing to his children; the Fenrir who activates this Gift intends to die with her foe's
heartsblood on her claws. The werewolf calls on Great Fenris to aid her and sets herself against her foe. The
Fenrir continues fighting long after she should be dead, and doesn't fall until her enemy (or enemies) dies with
her. The avatar of Great Fenris himself teaches this Gift.
System: The Fenrir concentrates for one full turn and spends all her Gnosis in calling for Fenris' favor.
Once the Gift has been activated, the Garou suffers no wound penalties whatsoever, and will not fall until her foe
is dead, at which point she dies immediately. This Gift works only if the named enemy is already on the
battlefield with the Fenrir; it cannot be used to hunt down an absent enemy. Once the battle is won, an avatar of
Fenris descends on the battlefield to devour what's left of the hero and her worldly possessions. For obvious
reasons, this Gift can be used only once, most likely when the character is out of all other options. Improper use
of this Gift (such as attempting to use the Gift to slay an old rival rather than a "true enemy of Gaia") angers
Fenris, who strikes the unworthy Get dead on the spot.
(Note: This Gift is known as Honorable Death in Werewolf: the Wild West, p.156)
(Source: Tribebook: Get of Fenris Revised, p.77-78)
• Horde of Valhalla (Level Five) — When a Get evokes this Gift, he summons Great Wolves to aid
him. It cannot be used lightly, and it requires a good standing with Fenris as well as a truly worthy circumstance.
An avatar of Fenris teaches this Gift.
System: The player may spend as many points of Rage and Gnosis as desired, and then rolls Charisma
+ Animal Ken (difficulty 6). The number of Great Wolves that appear is equal to the number of Rage and Gnosis
points spent. The wolves are functionally identical to the hounds of the Wild Hunt (see p. 370), and they remain
for the rest of the scene.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.182)
• Strength of the Ancestors (Level Five) — This Gift allows a Fenrir to call upon his greatest ancestral
heroes for assistance. It is only used in dire situations, when the lives of more than one Garou are endangered.
Calling on the strength of one's ancestors allows a Get to increase his physical might, wisdom or even sense
acuity substantially, albeit for a limited time. These ancestral heroes come to the aid of a Get only in times of
great peril, and punish any Fenrir who attempts to call on them without need. This Gift is taught by an ancestor-
System: Only Get with at least one dot in the Ancestors Background may learn this Gift. The player
spends one Rage point and rolls Charisma + Rituals (difficulty 10); he may subtract one from the difficulty for
every dot he has in Ancestors. During the casting of this Gift, he must carve the specific runes of his ancestors
into his flesh. For each success, he may add one dot to any Attribute; these dots may be split among different
Attributes, or all applied into the same one.
If the Storyteller believes this Gift has been used inappropriately, his hero-ancestors still give
assistance, but then turn on their descendant, permanently removing a number of Attribute dots equal to those
they granted. There is no appeal.
(Source: Tribebook: Get of Fenris Revised, p.76-77; known as “Strength of the Einherjar” in 2nd Ed Get of
Fenris Tribebook, p.47)
• Call Great Fenris (Level Six) — As the ultimate expression of the pact between tribe and totem, the
greatest Get heroes may summon the war-avatar of their tribal totem to aid them in their hour of need. The avatar
joins in combat, slaying all that are not Get of Fenris or under their protection. However, Great Fenris demands a
sacrifice for his intervention - usually the left hand of the summoner. It's said that if the war-avatar is called for
no good reason, it will devour the summoner entirely before departing - but there are no concrete tales of any Get
of Fenris wise and mighty enough to attain this Gift yet foolish enough to abuse it. This Gift is taught by Great
Fenris himself.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Stamina + Occult (difficulty 6). Success
summons the war-avatar of Great Fenris, who will fight at the Fenrir's side for the duration of the scene. At the
combat's end, the summoner automatically gains the Battle Scar: Maimed Limb as the war-avatar claims Fenris'
due; even if the Garou already possessed that Battle Scar he gains it a second time as Fenris devours another
Fenris’ War-Avatar
Few spirits short of Incarnae themselves are as frightening and dangerous as the war-avatar of Great
Fenris. The avatar of Fenris Wolf appears as an enormous wolf, 10 feet tall at the shoulder. His eyes burn with
rage and his jaws drip with the blood of countless enemies. His coat is a deep gray that seems to shimmer from
black to red and even to white as the light shifts across it. The war-avatar of Fenris is not as powerful as the
Incarna himself would be, but it still defies the usual limitations of spirits, and has Traits even more powerful
than Nexus Crawlers.
Willpower 15, Rage 20, Gnosis 10, Essence 45-80
Charms: Airt Sense, Armor, Blast (thunderbolt), Dreadful Presence*, Materialize, Re-form, Savage*,
Swift Running (as Swift Flight), Tracking
• Dreadful Presence: This Charm is available only to Incarna avatars, and is
constantly in effect. All spirits hostile to the Incarna avatar lose two dice
from all their dice pools while they remain in the avatar's vicinity.
• Savage: By spending one Essence, the spirit adds two dice to all damage
rolls for the remainder of the scene.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.182; Tribebook: Get of Fenris Revised, p.78 &2nd Ed Get of
Fenris Tribebook, p.48)
Get of Fenris Camp Gifts
Those accepted into a Get of Fenris camp, thanks to blood or fervent belief in the camp philosophy, may
sometimes learn certain Gifts as if they were tribal Gifts. These camp Gifts are not shared immediately after
joining a camp, and are not advertised; no camp wants members who have joined only to learn a special trick.
The following camp Gifts may be learned at the usual in-tribe cost of 3 x the Gift level.
• Valkyria of Freya: Coup de Grace (Level Three Black Furies).
• Hand of Tyr: Pulse of the Prey (Level Two Ragabash).
• Mjolnir’s Thunder: Clenched Jaw (Level Four Ahroun).
• Fangs of Garm: Strength of Purpose (Level Two Philodox).
• Glorious Fist of Wotan: Beastmind (Level Two Red Talons).
• Ymir’s Sweat: Chill of Early Frost (Level Four Wendigo).

Glass Walkers
Many Glass Walker Gifts involve Weaver-spirits of one type or another. This association grants the
Glass Walkers great versatility and an unparalleled rapport with modern technology; hopefully, it’s enough to
make up for the lack of respect with which other tribes view their pacts.

• Control Simple Machine (Level One) — The Garou may command the spirits of the simplest
machines, causing levers to flip, doors to unbolt, pulleys to roll and so on. Any technological spirit can teach this
System: The player spends a Willpower point and rolls Manipulation + Crafts (difficulty 7). The
Garou's control lasts until the end of the scene.
(Note: This Gift is known as Artisan’s Command in Dark Ages: Werewolf, p.142 & Werewolf: the Dark Ages,
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.182)
• Diagnostics (Level One) — At a glance, the Glass Walker can tell what is wrong with a machine. He
can then enlist the aid of the machine's spirit in repairing the faulty device. Any technological spirit can teach this
System: The character automatically succeeds at all attempts to diagnose a problem with broken
technological devices. The player spends one point of Gnosis as the Garou mentally convinces the spirit of a
broken device to aid her in fixing it. The time required to fix the device is halved, as are the number of successes
needed to repair it.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.182-3)
• Gift of Salt (Level One) — This unassuming and yet highly useful Gift allows a Warder to preserve
food at the peak of its freshness, that he might enjoy its bounty year-round. The Warders use this Gift often, not
only to assure that they have a supply of food that won’t offend their acute senses, but also to help maintain the
health of their Kin. The only drawback is that all food preserved in this manner takes on a slightly salty taste (as
if dusted with tears) – but most folk consider this aftertaste, even on fruit, much preferable to the usual flavors of
mold and rot. This Gift is taught by a salt-spirit.
System: The player spends a Gnosis point for each twenty pounds of food to be preserved, and rolls
Intelligence + Herbalism (difficulty 6). The food remains fresh and insect-free for one month per success.
(Source: Dark Ages: Werewolf, p.142 & Werewolf: the Dark Ages, p.110-111)
• Persuasion (Level One) — As the homid Gift.
(Source: Dark Ages: Werewolf, p.142→112 & Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.183→p.153)
• Plug and Play (Level One) — All of the Weaver’s works are connected through the same web, the
same song. The Glass Walkers exploit this truth to draw more power from the modern profusion of technology,
making their devices compatible with almost everything. A Net Spider teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one Willpower point. For the next day, any computer the Glass Walker uses
— no matter how simple — becomes fully compatible with any other digital device, regardless of obstacles such
as different operating systems, lack of physically compatible access ports, or even the complete absence of any
means of receiving or interpreting a wireless signal. Generally, Glass Walkers use this Gift to turn their smart
phones into omni-compatible access keys to computer networks, security feeds, and even car GPS systems.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.183)
• Rope Tricks (Level One) — The Garou can perform simple tricks with a length of rope she is
touching. From a simple string to a noose, any rope obeys her every wish like a well-trained snake. A spider-
spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one Willpower point and must come in contact with the rope she wishes to
control. For the remainder of the scene or until she loses contact, the rope writhes and dances at her command.
The Gift affects only one rope at a time and every new contact requires another Willpower point.
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West Companion, p.75-76)
• Sense Weaver (Level One) — As the Theurge Gift.
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West, p.156 & Umbra Revised, p.133)
• Skyscraper Vision (Level One) — While the urban jungle offers many new possibilities for the
hunter, it also presents its share of difficulties. One of the most troublesome of these is the possibility of their
prey slipping into a crowd and simply disappearing. With this Gift, the Glass Walker can see through the eyes of
a glass spirit in a skyscraper window to pick out their prey from above. The City Father or a glass-spirit teaches
this Gift.
System: The player makes a Gnosis roll (difficulty 6). For every success rolled, the character can see
from the perspective of any window in the area (about half a city block) for one turn. If used to find specific
details, the Storyteller may ask for a second roll using Perception + Alertness, adding one bonus die for each
success gained in the initial Gnosis roll, to see if the mark can be spotted in time. Difficulty should be set by
Storyteller to reflect the elusiveness of the target.
(Source: Tribebook: Glass Walkers Revised, p.75)
• Smith's Blessing (Level One) — The tools of man have great value in a world that resists shaping,
and few people can afford to lose even one. This Gift allows the Warder to make a broken, worn, rotted
or dulled tool like new once more – wood becomes hale, notches vanish, cracks mend. Although the
item doesn’t precisely become new- anyone can tell at a glance that it’s obviously been used before – it
is once again in good shape, as though lovingly maintained since its creation. This Gift is taught by a
Hearth or Forge spirit.
System: The player spends a Gnosis point and rolls Intelligence + Crafts, difficulty 6. The more
successes, the better the condition of the item; a good roll can even make a flawed creation superior to when it
left the forge.
(Source: Werewolf: the Dark Ages, p.110)
• Trick Shot (Level One) — This Gift allows the Garou to execute brilliant feats of sharpshooting,
such as shooting a weapon from an opponent’s hand or firing down the barrel of an enemy’s gun. The Garou
cannot use this Gift to harm an opponent directly, however, and can use Trick Shot only with rifles or pistols. Air-
spirits teach this Gift.
System: As a permanent enhancement, the player adds his character’s permanent Glory rating to his
dice pool when performing a really outlandish shooting trick. Again, the Gift does not allow direct damage to
targets (“I’ll shoot the armored fomor through the eye!”), but can be used to injure opponents indirectly (“I’ll
shoot out the blacked-out window behind the vampire so the sunlight hits him!”).
(Note: According to Werewolf: the Wild West, p.149, this is also an Ahroun Gift.)
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.183)
• Weaver’s Eyes (Level One) — Garou with this Gift gain an insight into the Weaver’s deep and subtle
patterns for hiding information inside of other information and to the invisible patterns buried in large prime
numbers. Encryption algorithms mean nothing to these Glass Walkers; using Weaver’s Eyes, they can even pierce
magical shrouding of data. The Garou must have the data to be decrypted in some form — generally, residing on
a local computer. Weaver’s Eyes cannot be directly used to break open the encryption on a live connection
between two computers, but it will help the Garou use his own abilities to break through that encryption.
System: The player spends one Willpower and rolls Perception + Computer (difficulty of 10 – the local
Gauntlet). The number of successes necessary depends on the encryption used on the message or connection that
the character is trying to pierce. Encryption created by ordinary mortal programmers requires one success to
pierce; mundane encryption created by the top echelon of mortal programmers requires two successes to pierce.
Magical encryption, such as that created by the Gift: Encrypt or similar magical abilities performed by non-
Garou, requires three or more successes — generally speaking, the character must achieve more successes on the
Weaver’s Eyes roll than his opposite number got on an Encrypt roll.
If the character comes across an encrypted connection between two computers, Weaver’s Eyes can help
him break the connection in a hurry, but since the data traffic is far from him, the Gift cannot pierce the
encryption directly. However, it will provide one extra success on the Perception + Computer roll used to break
the encryption, and it will allow the character to attempt to break through magical encryption. This Gift is taught
by a raccoon-spirit.
(Source: Book of the City, p.113)
• Cybersenses (Level Two) — By studying both his natural senses and the sensory capabilities of
machines, the Garou may exchange the former for the latter. He may choose to exchange normal hearing for
radar, or ordinary sight for infrared or UV sight. Any technological spirit can teach this Gift.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point per sense affected. This Gift lasts for one scene.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.183-4)
• Encrypt (Level Two) — Paranoid Glass Walkers — which is to say, most of them — use the best
encryption technologies available on the open market when they send data through the Internet or Digital Web. If
a Glass Walker suspects that a Netspider is watching her Net activity, she may even choose to use this Gift,
which magically protects data against snooping. Encrypt doesn’t ordinarily hide itself from magical observers —
anyone with the ability to see into the spirit world will notice that the message has been enshrouded, unless the
Glass Walker takes special care to hide that.
System: The player must spend one Willpower and roll Manipulation + Computer; the difficulty is (10
– the local Gauntlet). Success means that the character’s message has been encrypted beyond the ability of most
mortals to pierce. This encryption can apply to either a single message (one email or burst of data) or to a
connection (such as might exist between two computers for a long download or chat-conversation). A character
trying to break the encryption on a single message gets just one chance to do so — the magic surrounding the
message deletes it if the character fails. A character trying to break the encryption on a connection can treat the
attempt as an extended test.
With just one success, the encryption can be pierced by mortal means — a human who is not magically
active can break through the encryption with a Perception + Computers roll (difficulty of the Garou’s Willpower)
that achieves five or more successes. With more than one success, the encryption can only be pierced by a Garou
using Weaver’s Eyes (see above) or similar magical abilities. If the Garou additionally spends one Gnosis, the
message does not appear to be encrypted — it seems to be an innocuous conversation, or an income-tax
spreadsheet, or the like. This Gift is taught by a squirrel-spirit.
(Source: Book of the City, p.113-114)
• Garafena’s Crown (Level Two) — Garafena was a mythical serpent in Russian folklore that sat upon
a golden crown and was called upon to give blessing to his followers. A recent Gift that has only been known
since 1998, Garafena now offers his blessings to any Garou who wears his mark. This Gift is taught by a snake-
System: The Glass Walker must don a crown of some description, a hat, or even a scrap of fabric
wrapped around their head will do. The player then spends one Gnosis. For the rest of the scene, any guns fired
by the Glass Walker will never run out of ammunition.
(Note: This Gift is mechanically similar to the Gift: Reload from Werewolf: the Wild West Companion, p.76)
(Source: Players Guide to Garou, p.192 & Werewolf: the Wild West Companion, p.76)
• Hands Full of Thunder (Level Two) — Many Glass Walkers regard the gun as the ultimate sign of
the power of the modern age, and make pacts with the spirits to assure that their firearms do not become useless,
primitive clubs in the midst of battle. A technological spirit or war-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends a point of Gnosis. For the rest of the scene, any gun the Glass Walker fires
won’t run out of ammunition, so long as it had ammo to begin with. Burst restrictions are still recommended with
automatic weapons to keep the gun from overheating and jamming.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.184)
• Heat Metal (Level Two) — Glass Walkers — who understand the workings of science and spirits
alike — can mystically excite the molecules within metal. Metal heated in such a way can be forged, molded or
used to sear flesh. A red-hot crowbar can be a very effective weapon, and heating the exterior of a gasoline tanker
can have explosive results. Glass Walkers learn this Gift from fire, earth, or metal elementals.
System: The Glass Walker must spend one Gnosis point and successfully roll Intelligence + Repair. The
difficulty varies from base metals (such as copper or lead) at difficulty 6 to complex alloys (such as steel or
titanium alloy) at difficulty 8. The number of successes equals the number of rounds the metal stays heated.
Touching heated metal causes one aggravated, unsoakable Health Level of damage per round.
(Source: Werewolf Players Guide, 2nd Ed., p.41)
• Iron Claws (Level Two) — As the Ahroun Gift.
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West – Frontier Secrets, p.10→p.8)
• Jam Technology (Level Two) — As the homid Gift.
(Source: Tribebook: Glass Walkers Revised, p.75 & Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.184→p.153-4)
• Mask the Predator (Level Two) — Even the gentlest Warder unsettles horses, dogs and other
domestic animals with his presence. This Gift allows a Warder to temporarily hide his inner Rage, allowing him
to ride horses or work with dogs as if he were an ordinary man. This Gift is taught by the spirit of any
domesticated animal — a fact that has earned the Warders much derision among other tribes.
System: The player rolls Charisma + Animal Ken. Success means that animals treat the Warder as if he
were an ordinary human for the duration of the scene (but the animals in question will attack the character if they
feel threatened or challenged). However, this power is ineffective against wolves; the Warders have had little
luck in winning the confidence of their wild relatives. Furthermore, this Gift does nothing to mask the Curse as
far as normal humans are concerned.
(Source: Dark Ages: Werewolf, p.142 & Werewolf: the Dark Ages, p.111)
• Overclock (Level Two) — In the world of computers, your equipment is outdated by the time it’s out
of the box. This Gift allows the Garou to make a piece of computer equipment perform beyond its specifications.
This includes speeding up a processor to render a 3D image quicker, improving video cards to display more
polygons than usual or adding more memory to hold larger amounts of information. Any technological spirit can
teach this Gift.
System: The player rolls Manipulation + Computer (difficulty 6). More successes mean more
improvement. However, the Storyteller may decide that a certain number of successes are necessary to attain a
certain speed. (Speeding up your 233mhz Pentium to run the latest game may need only one success, but trying
to Overclock your old Amiga to render modern game graphics in less than a day may need at least three). The
effect of this Gift last one scene or function (in the cases of extended renders and processes).
(Source: Book of the City, p.114)
• Pennies from Heaven (Level Two) — The Glass Walker convinces money spirits to change their
denomination. The coin or note simply metamorphoses into the appropriate denomination. Money spirits teach
the Gift.
System: The Garou spends one Gnosis point and rolls Charisma + Politics. What value the money
becomes determines the difficulty regardless of the original denomination.
Denomination changed to: Difficulty
Penny 3
Nickel 4
Dime 5
Quarter 6
Dollar 7
Five Dollar 8
Twenty Dollar 9
One Hundred Dollar 10
Each success can change one coin or note into another denomination. Foreign currencies can also be
converted in similar fashion, and it is also possible to convert a currency of one country to a different
denomination of another
(Source: Tribebook: Glass Walkers Revised, p.75 & 2nd Ed Glass Walkers Tribebook, p.51)
• Power Surge (Level Two) — By speaking with electricity spirits, the Garou causes a blackout over a
widespread area. An electricity elemental teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Wits + Science (difficulty 7). The number of
successes determines how large of an area is blacked out. One success would black out a single room, while five
would cut the power to a whole neighborhood.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.184)
• Pulse of the Railroad (Level Two) — The Garou with this Gift has learned the ways of the Weaver-
spirits and can commune with them. By placing her ear against a railroad track, she can hear anything happening
anywhere along that rail as if she were actually there. An iron-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: By rolling Perception + Science, the werewolf can attempt to listen to the iron-spirits in the
rail. The difficulty depends on the distance away from the target area. The difficulty starts at 4 with a range of 20
miles, and increases by one for every 10 miles beyond 20 (40 miles would be difficulty 6, etc.). The number of
successes also reflects the amount of details the Garou can discern from the iron-spirits’ constant chatter.
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West, p.156 & W20 Wyld West, p.32)
• Steel Fur (Level Two) — Focusing in on their own being, the Glass Walker wraps himself in spiritual
steel, turning his fur into hardened metal. Metal or earth elementals teach this Gift.
System: The player spends one Willpower point and rolls Stamina + Science (difficulty 7). Each
success adds one die to the Garou's soak pool for one scene. While this Gift is active, the Garou suffers +1
difficulty to all Dexterity rolls, and any Social rolls not involving other Glass Walkers. Obviously, you must be in
Crinos, Hispo or Lupus form to use this Gift. The effect lasts for one scene or until the Garou decides to convert
the metal back into fur.
(Note: This Gift is known as Iron Coat in Werewolf: the Wild West, p.156 & W20 Wyld West, p.32)
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.184; Tribebook: Glass Walkers Revised, p.75 & 2nd Ed Glass
Walkers Tribebook, p.52)
• Control Complex Machine (Level Three) — Similar to Control Simple Machine, the Garou may
now converse with and command the spirits of electronic devices such as computers, video games, smartphones
and cars. One learns (or steals) this Gift from a Net-Spider.
System: The player spends one Willpower point and rolls Manipulation + Science (or Computer). The
Storyteller sets the difficulty based on how complex the machine actually is (8 for a standard laptop). The
Garou's control lasts for one scene.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.184)
• Data Flow (Level Three) — Data Flow is in a way the definitive Glass Walker Gift: Just like the
tribe, it has evolved. Originally it was designed as a "remote control" for electronic devices like electric lights,
and was most commonly used before an attack to put a building in blackout. As time went on and the computer
became more important, this Gift gained a whole new utility. Glass Walkers now use this ability to take control of
the data resources that are so important to the world's economy and to the world in general. By focusing her
attention on a single computer, a Glass Walker can take control of that machine from across the room. She can
order it to erase its memory, alter security clearances, transmit false data or simply print a document. These days
it is used as a Gift of stealth: As detection and forensic investigation continue to improve, this Gift allows Glass
Walkers to avoid any contact whatsoever with their targets. An electrical spirit or the even more complex
computer spirits can teach this Gift.
System: After spending one Gnosis point, the player rolls Wits + Computer (difficulty 7) to gain control
of any electronic device. The Glass Walker must maintain eye contact with the device, or will lose control of it.
Operating a computer would still require additional Computer rolls, they can simply be attempted without
touching the computer.
(Source: Players Guide to Garou, p.193; Werewolf Players Guide, 2 nd Ed., p.41)
• Electroshock (Level Three) — The Glass Walkers are the tribe of glass, steel and electricity. This last
element can be used to directly damage opponents that the Glass Walker can either touch, or who are touching a
conductive material such as metal or water. An electricity-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends a number of Rage points. Each point of Rage spent inflicts two levels of
aggravated wounds on the Glass Walker's opponents. These levels of damage may be divided among as many
opponents as the number of Rage points invested in this Gift. As usual, the character cannot spend more Rage
than half of his permanent rating in one turn.
(Note: This Gift is mechanically similar to the Gift: Lightning Rage from Werewolf: the Wild West Companion,
(Source: Tribebook: Glass Walkers Revised, p.75-76 & Werewolf: the Wild West Companion, p.76 & Werewolf
20th Anniversary Edition, p.184)
• Elemental Favor (Level Three) — By begging, threatening or cajoling an urban elemental, a Garou
can convince the spirit to do her a favor by manipulating or even destroying its earthly shell. Thus, a glass sheet
might explode at the Garou's foes; a door might refuse to open, even if unlocked, or a car's brakes might fail. An
urban elemental teaches this Gift.
System: The player rolls Charisma + Subterfuge (difficulty 7). The Storyteller determines the precise
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.184)
• Intrusion (Level Three) — It's impossible to keep a cockroach out of a house, and it's equally
impossible to keep a Glass Walker out, provided she has this Gift. Once this Gift is activated, the Glass Walker
can easily break almost any barrier that is presented to her; doors mysteriously unlock upon her approach and
padlocks fall open with no explanation. The Gift has, however, a very short and specific time limit. A cockroach-
spirit teaches the Gift.
System: The player spends one point of Gnosis and rolls Gnosis (difficulty 7). For exactly one minute
afterward, all forms of locks and barriers allow her passage, from computerized vault locks to barricades of 2x4s
nailed up across doors. Mystically sealed barriers still require a roll to bypass, but every success on the initial
Gnosis roll adds one automatic success to such attempts. Barriers disabled by this Gift do not automatically re-
seal themselves.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.184 & Tribebook: Glass Walkers Revised, p.76)
• Repel Metal (Level Three) — The Iron Riders were the first tribe to learn about the force of
magnetism, and have tapped its power to suit their own ends. With a mere gesture, the werewolf can repel all
ferrous metals in his immediate area, sending them flying.
System (old version): The player spends a Gnosis point and rolls Strength + Science, difficulty 7. All
objects made of ferrous metal within 30 feet of the Iron Rider immediately fly 20 feet farther away from the
Garou. This is no good against lead bullets or klaives, but works very well against pistols and knives. The Garou
can repel objects weighing up to five pounds for every success on the roll; three successes repel any iron or steel
weighing 15 pounds or less, for instance. If an object is in somebody’s grasp (drawn pistols, for instance), the
object’s owner can try to hold onto it by making a resisted Strength roll against the Iron Rider.
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West, p.157)
System (new version): The player spends a Gnosis point and rolls Strength + Science (difficulty 7). He
can repel objects weighing up to five pounds (2.3 kg) per success; four successes would affect objects up to 20
pounds (9 kg), for instance. Any suitably-sized object made of ferrous metal that is within 30 feet (9m) of the
Gift user immediately flies 20 feet (6m) farther away from the Garou. Non-ferrous metals such as silver are sadly
immune. Anyone holding an affected object can attempt to keep it in hand; this requires a resisted Strength vs.
Strength roll against the Gift user.
(Source: W20 Wyld West, p.32-33)
• Reshape Object (Level Three) — As the homid Gift.
(Source: Dark Ages: Werewolf, p.142→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.154)
• Tongues (Level Three) — As the homid Gift.
(Source: Players Guide to Garou, p.185; Werewolf Players Guide, 2 nd Ed., p.43→35; Dark Ages: Werewolf,
• Weaponmaster (Level Three) — Over the past few centuries, humans have developed a bewildering
array of weapons. The Warders have great respect for this talent for war, and have learned this Gift to take
advantage of that talent. A Warder with this Gift can utilize any man-made weapon as if he were fully trained in it
from childhood; this Gift is particularly popular among lupus. This Gift is taught by a war-spirit.
System: No roll is necessary; the granted expertise is automatic. When using any weapon, no matter
how unfamiliar, the Warder’s attack dice pool is equal to the total of his Dexterity + Melee (or Archery, as
appropriate) or his Gnosis pool, whichever is higher. In addition, no matter how many modifiers may apply, the
difficulty of his attack roll cannot exceed 8.
This Gift is not effective when dealing with firearms, a fact that contributes to its eventual
(Source: Werewolf: the Dark Ages, p.111)
• Web Walker (Level Three) — As the Theurge Gift, save that a Glass Walker need spend only one
Gnosis point to activate the Gift's effects.
(Source: Umbra Revised, p.133-4 & Book of the City, p.114)
• Attunement (Level Four) — As the Bone Gnawer Gift, but taught by a cockroach-spirit.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.184→p.176)
• Call the City’s Wolves (Level Four) — The city is a rich and complex ecosystem, and humans,
animals and machines fill the roles that natural creatures fill in the wilderness. The Glass Walkers cannot often
get wild wolves to aid them, but the city has its own predators. With this Gift, the Glass Walker can make a
phone call, send an email or fax and expect some sort of backup; some master Theurges simply knock on the
nearest door and wait to see who emerges. A City Mother or Father teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends a Rage point and rolls Wits + Leadership. The number of successes equals
the number of city predators who will emerge: the figures who control and cull the human herd. These may be
gang kids, members of citizen vigilante groups, vicious cops, or even wild, diseased dogs. The spiritually
summoned backup arrives a scene later, although the Garou can convert extra successes to speed the arrival of
assistance rather than adding to the numbers. (One success spent in this fashion brings the help in ten turns; two
successes halve the wait to five turns, while three successes brings backup on the next turn.) The “wolves” will
be disposed to cooperate with the Glass Walkers, but won’t charge blindly into battle for him. The effects last for
one scene.
(Source: Book of the City, p.114)
• Doppelganger (Level Four) — The Garou may take the exact likeness of any other human, wolf or
Garou. A chameleon-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Charisma + Performance (difficulty 8). Traits
aren't duplicated, but everything else, including voice, posture and scent, is identical. The effects last for one day
per success (though the Garou may end them at will).
(Note: This Gift is known as Double Walker in Werewolf: the Wild West, p.157)
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.184)
• Gift of the Iron Horse (Level Four) — When between the rails of a railroad line, the Iron Rider can
draw on the strength of the locomotive itself.
System: This Gift need not be activated; its effects are automatic once learned. The Garou can run at
double speed without tiring, and gains an extra die to all her Physical Attributes while touching railroad tracks.
When on open ground, her abilities return to normal.
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West, p.157 & W20 Wyld West, p.33)
• Signal Rider (Level Four) — From the telegraph to the cell phone, the Glass Walkers have always
kept up good relations with spirits of cutting-edge communication. This Gift allows the Garou to open a moon
bridge that rides the back of a telephone signal, transporting her instantly to the location of whoever is on the
other end of the line. A Pattern Spider teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one Willpower and one Gnosis to open the moon bridge. The Garou must
have a connection between a telephone at her location and one at the target destination to use this Gift, although
it doesn’t discriminate between landlines or cell phones — some werewolves have even reported success in
riding the back of online conferencing software, although doing so successfully requires a Wits + Computers roll
(difficulty 7). Signal Rider can take the character no more than (Gnosis x 5) miles (or 8 km per Gnosis dot) — if
the other end of the line isn’t within that range, the Gift fails.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.184-5)
• Tech Speak (Level Four) — This Gift allows the Glass Walker to contact others through any
technological device. The Garou speaks to a Pattern Spider in or near a technological device and tells them the
message to be delivered and whom it should be delivered to. The Pattern Spider then finds the receiver and uses
any communications technology near them to deliver the message; Telephones yell it out, (without picking up the
handset), electronic billboards display it, computer printers print it out as text. If no communications technology
is present, any other technology will activate, though no message will be imparted. If no technology whatsoever
is present near the receiver, the Gift fails. A Patter Spider teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends a Gnosis point and rolls Charisma + Science. The player spends a Gnosis
point and rolls Charisma + Science. The difficulty depends on the distance the message needs to be sent: The
next room is difficulty 4, the same building 5, one block away 6, ten miles (16 km) away 7, a time-zone away 8.
Beyond that is difficulty 9. The more successes achieved, the longer the message can be. A single success will
only allow one word to be sent; five would allow unlimited length.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.185; Tribebook: Glass Walkers Revised, p.76-77 & 2nd Ed Glass
Walkers Tribebook, p.52)
• Tractor Beam (Level Four) — The Garou can transport non-dedicated objects with her to the Umbra
when she steps sideways. She may not take living creatures, only objects. This Gift is taught by Weaver spirits.
System: The Garou spends one Willpower point for each object brought over to the Umbra. It must be
something she can carry and it must weigh no more than her own body weight. However, two or more Garou
with this Gift can team up and carry larger items into the Spirit World. Despite its name, the user of this Gift does
not emit a beam.
(Source: 2nd Ed Glass Walkers Tribebook, p.52)
• Virtual Umbra (Level Four) — This Gift enables a Garou to transport himself into the CyberRealm's
Computer Web (p. 61) from any part of the Pattern Web. Any spirit affiliated with computers can teach this Gift.
System: The player spends a Gnosis point and rolls Intelligence + Computer (difficulty 8). The Glass
Walker may also transport other (willing) characters into the Computer Web, but attempting this feat raises the
difficulty to 10.
(Source: Werewolf: the Apocalypse Corebook Revised, p.135)
• Calm the Flock (Level Five) — With this power, the Garou may walk among humans without
accidentally evoking the Curse or the Delirium. This allows her to live among humans and maintain a family.
The effects, however, do not last for long. This Gift is taught by a homid Ancestor spirit.
System: The Garou rolls Manipulation + Subterfuge (difficulty 7). The number of successes indicates
the number of hours that the effect lasts.
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West, p.157 & Werewolf: The Apocalypse 2 nd Ed., p.130)
• Chaos Mechanics (Level Five) — Werewolves pulse with the Wyld's energy, of course, but all
creatures with form and nature have something of the Weaver in them, or so the Glass Walkers argue. Upon
learning this Gift, the Glass Walker reconciles these two sides of his being, and he can summon primal energy
and mystical form at the same time.
System: A Garou with this Gift may use Rage and Gnosis in the same turn with no penalty. Doing so
allows the Garou to use Rage actions to activate fetishes and use Gifts requiring Gnosis (provided that said Gift
does not take a full turn to enact). What's more important is that it allows the Garou to take Rage actions in the
same turn that he steps sideways, provided that the player rolls enough successes to get to or from the Umbra
instantly. This Gift's effects are permanent.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.185)
• Command the Blaze (Level Five) — Just as a wood actually needs the occasional forest fire to
cleanse away the dead underbrush, cities too are said to require the occasional blaze to sweep away the filth and
allow new life to grow. However, the cities of the Dark Medieval world are often tarred, thatched firetraps. This
Gift allows a Warder to direct the inevitable fire, urging it towards areas that can suffer the burning and guiding it
away from valuable territory (such as libraries or the homes of Kin). Needless to say, it can prove quite useful
when hunting vampires as well. This Gift is taught by a fire elemental of great strength.
System: The player must spend a Gnosis point and roll Willpower, difficulty 7. The Warder’s area of
control originates around her person; the more successes, the farther her area of control stretches.
Successes Radius of Control
One Arm’s reach
Two The entire room
Three A medium, sized building, such as an inn
Four A city block or small keep
Five Three city blocks; a castle
Six+ An entire city
The Warder’s consciousness extends wherever the fire is within her area of control; however, it must be a single
great blaze in origin (no bidding torches and lamps across the city to leap from their sources and run wild). She
must remain still with eyes closed and concentrate to maintain control; if attacked or otherwise distracted, the
control is lost (but can be regained by invoking the Gift again). The fire cannot travel underwater or across bare
stone, but can otherwise leap and twist in unnatural fashion - the flames can extend up to 15 feet away from their
fuel. Needless to say, a vampire confronted with writhing tendrils of flame that seem to intelligently seek him out
will probably fly into immediate Rötschreck - it would certainly seem as though God Himself were reaching out
to strike the damned creature down.
(Source: Dark Ages: Werewolf, p.142-143 & Werewolf: the Dark Ages, p.111)
• Custom Built (Level Five) — Initially a Random Interrupt invention but now spread throughout the
tribe, this Gift is both revered and reviled. Treating spirits as data, the Glass Walker can manipulate the spirit of a
tool to turn it into any other tool. The actual object doesn't change, but its properties and use does. A PDA can
become razor sharp, or a knife could be tapped on to hack into a system. Once the object has been used once,
though, the spirit dies and the object breaks beyond repair. A Patter Spider can teach this Gift, but they never do
so willingly and must be coerced. More commonly, other Garou teach it.
System: A Glass Walker using this Gift spends one Gnosis and rolls Manipulation + Science. Difficulty
depends upon the degree of change. Turning a tool into another of much the same purpose is difficulty 5, (turning
a sword into a pistol), changing a tool into another of different purpose but similar complexity is difficulty 7,
(turning a sword into a frying pan), while turning a toll into another of vastly varying complexity is difficulty 9
(turning a sword into a laptop computer). This tool can be used exactly once; one bullet may be fired, one egg
may be fried, one password may be cracked. After that, the object falls apart.
Many Glass Walkers consider this Gift heinous murder, and if it is used in anything short of a dire
emergency the user will lose Honor and Wisdom (Storyteller's discretion). Simply knowing the Gift is enough to
be shunned by some. Ironically, this attitude is most common among the Random Interrupts, and almost none in
that camp know this Gift.
(Source: Tribebook: Glass Walkers Revised, p.76-77)
• False Comfort (Level Five) — As the homid Gift.
(Source: Dark Ages: Werewolf, p.143→113)
• Quell the Storm (Level Five) — As the favored tribe of the Weaver, Iron Riders are actually capable
of imposing order on even the Storm Umbra. This Gift allows an Iron Rider elder to calm and even dispel
Umbral storms by countering their Wyld energies with the power of the Weaver. Naturally, several tribes, the
Black Furies and Red Talons in particular, resent werewolves who use this Gift to advance the Weaver’s
System: The player spends two Gnosis and rolls Gnosis, difficulty 8. The number of successes
determines how effective this Gift is; one success can slow a strong Umbral wind down or banish an Umbral
breeze, while five successes can convert a full-blown Umbral storm into dead calm in a matter of seconds. If
used against Wyld-spirits, the roll is against a difficulty of the spirit’s Gnosis, and the spirit loses four Power for
every success. The werewolf cannot use this Gift more than once against the same storm or spirit.
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West, p.157)
• Song of the City-Beast (Level Five) — The lupus of many tribes know the Songs of the Great Beast,
which can summon semi-legendary monsters such as giant sharks, apemen and dinosaurs. While skunk-apes,
Jersey Devils and mothmen are not common in cities, the knowledgeable Glass Walker can call forces of equal
power with this Gift. This Gift is usually taught by a City Father or Mother, often in return for the
accomplishment of a great deed.
System: The player spends two Gnosis points and rolls Charisma + Streetwise, difficulty 8. A City-
Beast is less of an actual mythological entity and more of an event — rampaging construction machinery, a
collapsing building, a plague of hell-rats, even an incredibly aggressive St. James Day parade or a block party
gone riot. The Beast will stay long enough to assist in immobilizing or defeating Gaia’s enemies. Its nature
depends on the story but it is likely to be very powerful.
(Source: Book of the City, p.114)
• Summon Net-Spider (Level Five) — The Garou carries a great technological blessing, granting him
an intuitive understanding of the ways of computers; additionally, he can summon a Net-Spider — a Weaver
spirit that gives its summoner near-absolute control over any computer system. The Spider can disrupt, erase, or
destroy whatever system it is sent into. (The exact effects are left to the Storyteller, but are typically destructive.)
An avatar of Cockroach teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Charisma + Computer (difficulty 8). If
successful, the Net-Spider appears and heeds the Garou’s commands. In addition to the destructive power of the
summoned spirit, this Gift allows the Garou to permanently halve the difficulty of all rolls to use, build, or hack
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.185)
• Technotheocratic Apocalyptica (Level Five) — They say the Glass Walkers worship their
technology. That's foolishness. Worshipping mere tools confuses the master with the servant. Worshipping
monsters, now, that has some more flair. This Gift allows the Glass Walker to turn all machines in the room into
possessed monsters; mobile phones suddenly beginning ringing at their loudest volume and hurl themselves at
the person nearest to them, televisions deliberately explode, and electrical wires whip around, tripping and
strangling whomever they can see. This Gift is taught by a Pattern Spider.
System: The player spends three Rage and rolls Charisma + Science, difficulty 8. Assuming at least one
success, every electric device in the room the Glass Walker is in will begin to shake. Two turns after that, the
entire room is filled with monstrous electrical appliances, and everyone in the room suffers a number of
unsoakable aggravated wounds equal to the number of successes rolled. Since this includes the Glass Walker, it
behooves him to leave the room in the time he has.
(Source: Players Guide to Garou, p.193)
Glass Walker Camp Gifts
City Farmers
• Agro Culture (Level One) — The Garou can cause plants to take root and grow in places where it is
usually impossible for plants to grow. This Gift does not make plants grow supernaturally fast; it simply gives
them a chance for life where none existed before. The plants must still be tended to and watered. However, the
plants can use artificial substances such as concrete and plastic for soil. They dig their roots in and grow. Plants
can even be coaxed to grow out of walls, as long as they are nurtured during the process. This Gift is taught by
any plant-spirit.
System: The Garou must plant seeds in the area to be fertilized. If this is a concrete wall, he must place
the seeds in cracks within the surface. He then rolls Charisma + Science (or Herbology) against a difficulty
dependent on the toxicity of the area. An abandoned lot might be 5, a typical city building bathed in the smog of
passing cars might be 6 or 7, while an oil spill site might be 9.
(Source: 2nd Ed Glass Walkers Tribebook, p.52)
Corporate Wolves
• Budget Approval Process (Level One) — As any underpaid and underprivileged office worker will
tell you, getting any budget approved involves knowing whom to ask. Those types would find this Gift a
blessing, as would many other types. This Gift lets you find the weak point of any social group, which person can
be leaned on to get results. It is taught by either an ant- or a bee-spirit.
System: The player spends one Willpower and rolls Perception + Etiquette (difficulty 5). If successful,
the Garou automatically knows which member of a group it would be best to approach to get results in her
efforts. The number of success determines how large a group can be scanned. Working out which punk to hit in a
street gang to make the test run would only require one success, working out which guy needs bribing to bring
down an entire corporation would require at least five. The Storyteller also is fully within his rights to suggest
that no one person holds all the cards in a group and that the Gift simply won't work.
(Source: Tribebook: Glass Walkers Revised, p.77)
• Buzzword Language (Level Two) — The Glass Walkers have always needed the ability to hide in
plain sight more than other tribes by virtue of being in plain sight so much more often. As a result, they've
developed many Gifts for communicating unnoticed, but very few have been so successful as this. The Corporate
Wolf simply begins to babble in the incoherent — yet entirely accepted — tongue of modern business and the
person he's talking to will completely comprehend his message, which can be totally unrelated to a single word
in the conversation.
System: The player spends one point of Willpower and rolls Charisma + Subterfuge, difficulty 7. Each
success determines how accurately the message is conveyed. At one success the message comes out in single-
word sentences. ("You. Me. Escape.") Three successes allow for simple, single-clause sentences. ("You and I will
use the staircase to escape.") Five successes, you could package a short story into the phrase "Leoni and I need to
dialogue about leveraging our core competencies in order to achieve market affiliation."
(Source: Tribebook: Glass Walkers Revised, p.77)
• Takeover (Level Five) — What you wear determines your worth as a human being in the modern,
corporate world. If you live outside the business, you are a number with a dollar sign in front of it, representing
what you own and how much it, and you, are worth. For a business, you are your possessions, and this Gift
makes it literally true. With this Gift, the Corporate Wolf can attack and physically destroy another person by
destroying their possessions. A money-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends three Rage points and rolls Strength + Enigmas (difficulty 8). The number
of successes needed is determined by how long her opponent has owned the object. If he only bought it today,
five successes are needed. If he has owned it for less than a month, four successes are needed; while if he has
owned it for at least six months, then three successes are required. Finally, if it has been owned for over a year,
only a single success is necessary.
Assuming the roll is successful, the Corporate Wolf may proceed to make an attack on the object and
any damage done to the object will also be inflicted upon her opponent. The damage still applies to the object,
however, and if the object is destroyed then any connection between the object and the opponent is destroyed
with it. If it still stands, the Corporate Wolf may continue to attack. If a Corporate Wolf obtains your priceless
Ming vase, you should be all right, but worry if they ever steal your car(Source: Tribebook: Glass Walkers
Revised, p.77-78)
Cyber Dogs
• Cool Mind (Level One) — Too many Garou are afraid of advancing beyond the limits of their bodies.
To counter this, the Cyber Dogs have a Gift that banishes fear, anxiety or any other emotion. People targeted by
this Gift lose their emotion temporarily, able to think perfectly logically. A Pattern Spider teaches this Gift.
System: The Cyber Dog spends one Willpower and rolls Intelligence + Investigation (difficulty 7) in a
resisted roll against the target's Wits + Primal-Urge (difficulty 7). The target can choose not to resist, and you
may target yourself. If successful, the target becomes cold and impersonal for as many turns as successes
achieved, thinking entirely with intellect and ignoring emotion. Emotions do still exist as abstract concepts; a
target can still think, "I love this man, so it would not be to my benefit to harm him." This Gift cannot counter the
effects of the Delirium. Garou under this Gift's effects suffer +2 difficulty to Rage rolls, though frenzy will
disrupt the Gift.
(Source: Tribebook: Glass Walkers Revised, p.78)
• Steel Made Flesh (Level Two) — Sometimes it's useful to take a step back in order to facilitate many
steps forward. An example would be in airports or other places with metal detectors. This Gift allows the Garou
to change all cybernetics in his body back into flesh. While flesh, cybernetics do not operate. A snake or cicada-
spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The Cyber Dog spends one Gnosis. The cybernetics become flesh immediately. The Gift lasts
for the rest of the scene.
(Source: Tribebook: Glass Walkers Revised, p.78)
Dies Ultimae
• Last Ditch (Level One) — When the chips are down and your back’s to the wall, risks need to be
taken. This Gift makes those last choices a little less risky by allowing for some instinctual co-ordination to be
taken. A bee- or ant-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The Soldier looks toward an ally and spends one point of Gnosis before rolling Intelligence +
Primal-Urge (difficulty 7). The ally does not need to spend Gnosis or roll, but must also know the Gift. As long
as one success is rolled, the players of each character may formulate a detailed plan out of character, which both
characters instinctually grasp simply from making eye contact. Each character adds two bonus dice to his or her
next roll, but for the rest of the scene after that they lose two dice from all actions.
(Source: Tribebook: Glass Walkers Revised, p.78)
• Well-Oiled Running (Level One) — The greatest tool a Soldier has is her equipment. The worst
enemy she has is the possibility of it failing. This Gift greatly reduces those chances by safeguarding machinery
against environmental factors. It is taught by a dust, war or water-spirit.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Stamina + Crafts (difficulty 7). The Garou
safeguards one machine against natural corrosion or adverse weather for one day per success. This object can as
small as a box of ammunition or as large as a covered wagon. The device becomes immune to natural corrosion
or damage caused by adverse weather, immersion in water or other such hazards for one day per success. This
Gift defends against natural elements only; it can protect against a prairie fire but not a kerosene fire or dynamite
explosion, for instance.
(Source: Tribebook: Glass Walkers Revised, p.78 & Werewolf: the Wild West – Frontier Secrets, p.9 & W20
Wyld West, p.32)
• Steel Blowfish (Level Three) — One of the stranger Dies Ultimae Gifts, this trick comes as an
extension of the Steel Fur Gift. Like it, the Soldier's fur becomes metallic, however the metal is much harder with
this version, and the Garou puffs up to three times his normal size! However, this also makes him so heavy that
he becomes utterly immobile. But he makes excellent cover, and it is to this purpose that the Gift is usually
employed. The Gift can only be taught by a Pattern Spider found in a car wreck in which at least one person died,
and the airbag failed to deploy. Somewhat depressingly, the Gift is widely known.
System: As with Steel Fur, the player spends one Willpower point and rolls Stamina + Science
(difficulty 7). Each success adds one die to the Garou's soak pool; once the final total has been added up, the soak
pool is doubled. However, while activated the Garou (who must be in Crinos, Hispo or Lupus form) is three
times his normal size in all directions and weighs too much to move. Most Dies Ultimae employing this Gift first
curl into a ball in order to not crash through the ceiling.
(Source: Tribebook: Glass Walkers Revised, p.78-79)
Random Interrupts
• Network Terminal (Level One) — Computers have grown more and more connected in recent years,
most prominently via the Internet. Meanwhile, no matter how good your computer is, there's probably someone
with a better computer and you're likely connected to it. This Gift connects the Random Interrupt to the
theoretical better computer, making all work much easier. A Pattern Spider teaches this Gift.
System: The player rolls Gnosis, difficulty 7. Every success adds one die to any roll involving the
Computer Knowledge. The Gift doesn't provide you with a computer; you actually need to be seated at a
computer that has some form of network connection.
(Source: Tribebook: Glass Walkers Revised, p.79)
• Mind Partition (Level Two) — A favorite among Random Interrupts who discover they can't
multitask nearly as well as their computers, this Gift allows the Garou to break their own mind into segments,
quickly switching their concentration to a new task while never losing their place on the old task. One Cruncher
described the Gift by saying, "It's not true multitasking, but it fakes it well." A Pattern Spider teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one Willpower point and rolls Gnosis (difficulty 6). For every success
gained, the player can add work on one extra extended action every turn, one added per turn. No penalties are
incurred on any of the extended actions, but if just one botch is rolled, all uncompleted tasks fail.
Example: Backup-Circuit is working on a complicated hacking job involving three separate tasks, but
needs to move quickly. He spends one Willpower point, activating Mind Partition and rolls Gnosis, gaining the
needed two successes. On the first turn he begins his work on cracking the door systems, rolling his standard dice
pool. On the second turn he continues to work on the door systems, but also begins work on cracking the
security, and rolls for both tasks. On the third turn and every turn thereafter, he is working on cracking the door
system, security system and defenses system simultaneously. Had he botched the roll, he'd have begun trying to
crack the system but collapse, clutching his head seconds later as his brain breaks under the pressure.
(Source: Tribebook: Glass Walkers Revised, p.79)
• Universal Interface (Level Three) — Most Random Interrupts use two methods for dealing with
computers. Some use mundane computers and techniques, others leap into the Umbra and deal with the
technological spirits driving computers directly. This Gift allows a Random Interrupt to strike a balance between
these two techniques, using the Umbra itself as a computer. He can simply type on air and visualize a screen in
his own mind. A Pattern Spider teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one point of Gnosis and rolls Wits + Enigmas (difficulty 7). Only one
success is needed to fashion the intangible computer, but no more successes may be achieved using the computer
than were achieved on the original Wits + Enigmas roll. The Glass Walker need not be in the Umbra to use this
Gift, and the computer is considered to be connected to both the Internet and GWnet.
(Source: Tribebook: Glass Walkers Revised, p.79)
• Cooling System (Level Four) — As per the Wendigo Level Four Gift: Chill of Early Frost. This Gift
was originally copied from the Wendigo by the Iron Riders, who employed it to preserve food by freezing it, and
was rediscovered by the Random Interrupts, who use it both in combat and to keep server rooms cool. The
Random Interrupts often favor spending a point of Willpower in addition to the point of Gnosis to control the
temperate and keep it just above freezing. Since Great Wendigo would usually rather murder a Glass Walker than
teach them, a Penguin spirit or a Pattern Spider teaches this Gift.
System: Chill of Early Frost system: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Intelligence + Occult
(difficulty varies: 4 if it is already winter, 6 for spring, 9 for summer). Success drops the temperature to a bit
below freezing in a five-mile radius, or even further below zero if it was already winter. All creatures without a
natural coat of fur lose two dice from all pools. This Gift wreaks pure havoc in urban environments, as pipes
burst and roads freeze. This Gift lasts for one hour per success.
(Source: Tribebook: Glass Walkers Revised, p.79 & Werewolf: the Apocalypse Corebook Revised, p.154)
• Phone Travel (Level Five) — The Random Interrupt can effectively reach into a telephone line and
emerge on the other end. She must first dial the number of where she wishes to arrive and someone must answer.
A Patter Spider teaches this Gift.
System: After the phone is picked up, the Random Interrupt rolls Gnosis, the difficulty being the local
Gauntlet. As with stepping sideways, three successes are needed to transmit instantly. If fewer successes are
rolled, and the other side hangs up before she emerges at the other end, the Garou is spat back out at her phone
and takes three levels of lethal damage.
(Source: Tribebook: Glass Walkers Revised, p.79-80)
Wise Guys
• Tommy’s New Trick (Level One) — While one of the Wise Guys favorite gun Gifts (Trick Shot,
rediscovered from the Iron Riders by Gianluigi Lucci) eventually leaked to the whole tribe, this one may well go
with them to their grave. This Gift ensures that when spraying bullets from an automatic gun, not a single bullet
misses its target. A bird spirit (though never a pigeon) teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one point of Gnosis and makes a standard Dexterity + Firearms roll to make
a spray attack. However, the standard +2 difficulty does not apply. Before the attack is resolved, the Wise Guy
may spend one Willpower point to turn one failed die into a success, and this may be repeated until all dice are
considered successes. The only exception to this is if the roll is a botch, in which case no Willpower may be
spent and every bullet misses their target by exactly an inch.
In addition, not one bullet is left at the scene, nor will any bullet hit anything but the Wise Guy's
opponents. This Gift cannot be used on a single enemy; the attack must be a spray involving at least two targets.
(Source: Tribebook: Glass Walkers Revised, p.80)
• Mother’s Touch (Level One) — As the Theurge Gift. Wise Guys using this Gift often recite Luke
17:19 when using it. “And he said unto him, Arise, go thy way: thy faith hath made thee whole.”
(Source: Tribebook: Glass Walkers Revised, p.80 & Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.164)
• Image of the Saints (Level Two) — God or Gaia (take your pick) has His/Her touch on everyone.
This Gift allows the Wise Guy to sense the spiritual or supernatural ties another individual possesses within the
context of Catholic saints. A dove-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Perception + Enigmas, difficulty 8. If successful,
the Wise Guy sees the image of a specific saint overlaid across a specific individual she sees. This saint will
reflect specific aspects of the person depending upon their nature. Another Garou shows a saint reflecting his
pack totem. A supernatural creature that isn't a Garou reveals a saint reflecting their true form, and a normal
human will be seen with a saint reflecting either their Nature or an essential moment of their personal history.
Note to players and Storytellers: Good lists of saints can be found in books and on the Internet.
(Source: Tribebook: Glass Walkers Revised, p.80)
• Whispers on the Street (Level Three) — The Glass Walkers' enemies have historically been non-
werewolves for the most part, since even the Black Spiral Dancers used to avoid the city. It's no surprise that
Gianluigi Lucci invented a Gift that allows communication exclusively between Garou. By picking up an object
and whispering to the spirits surrounding it, the Garou can imbue it with a message that can be heard
subconsciously by every werewolf picking it up. Sadly, this includes Black Spiral Dancers and, some argue, non-
Wise Guy Glass Walkers. A Pattern Spider or insect spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one Willpower point and rolls Gnosis, difficulty 7. The number of successes
determines how long the message stays within the object. One success means the message will endure for a
scene, two successes a day, three successes a week, and four successes a year. Should you roll five successes,
then the message is permanently locked into the object.
(Source: Tribebook: Glass Walkers Revised, p.80)
• Corner Shot (Level Four) — A feared Gift, this allows the Wise Guy to shoot around corners. Packs
were fond of timing this Gift with multiple guns, creating hails of gunfire through open doorways before entering
a room. A bird spirit (again, never a pigeon) teaches the Gift.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Perception + Marksmanship, difficulty 9. Only
one success is needed. Only single shots may be fired with this Gift, never autofire.
(Source: Tribebook: Glass Walkers Revised, p.81)
• Umbral Motorcade (Level Four) — A "motorcade murder" was the Mafia equivalent of a drive-by
killing. The idea was to be gone the moment after the deed was done. Gianluigi Lucci always felt this never went
far enough, and came up with the trick of never being there in the first place. This Gift allows the Wise Guy to
shoot a victim in the physical world from the Umbra. A rat spirit teaches this Gift, a fact that made the Gift
unpopular in some quarters.
System: The Garou fires a gun at the target as normal, but the player should then spend on Willpower
point and roll Gnosis, difficulty equal to the Gauntlet in the area. In effect, the Wise Guy is making the bullet
"reach" across the Umbra, so normally three successes are needed. Should the target be immobile for some
reason (such as being asleep), then one or two successes might be sufficient. Since the target is probably unaware
of the attack, most attacks made with this Gift are at point blank range and probably lethal.
(Source: Tribebook: Glass Walkers Revised, p.80-81)
• Family Debt (Level Five) — This Gift has now been lost, due to overly cautious protection and
careless management. Only sept leaders of the Central House were permitted to learn it, those who did learn it
were placed under intense scrutiny, and the greatest number of those who did belonged to the Wise Guys. At any
one time, maybe only five Glass Walkers on Earth ever knew it. All died in a short period of time due to simple
attrition and old age. The slow collapse of the house system and the quick collapse of the Wise Guys have sealed
its fate, as few spirits that know the Gift teach it to anyone not of the (non-existent) house. However, it is
included for those who wish to ignore the “official” setting, are playing a game set before its disappearance, or to
run a chronicle centered around its rediscovery.
This Gift allows the player to call upon the ancestor-spirits of other tribes, provided they owed the
Glass Walkers (or historical incarnations) a favor before their death. The Gift requires a Garou from the same
tribe as the Ancestor spirit being called to be present (the "guest"), and that Garou must have the Ancestors
background. The Gift is taught by any long-lived spirit, such as a turtle- or elephant-spirit, and often a similar
spirit is called upon to bear witness to any agreements made between the Glass Walkers and the ancestor-spirit.
System: The Garou spends one Willpower point and rolls Gnosis. The difficulty is 10, minus however
many dots of Ancestors Background the guest possesses. If successful, the summoned ancestor literally possesses
his descendant, and can negotiate the terms of repaying the debt.
The Central House used to maintain extensive records of debts owed to the tribe, employing vast
amounts of resources to research them from before the Wise Guys’ time, and using this Gift required a committee
vote to summon one of the debtors. While it was possible to use it without approval, such misuse was strongly
frowned upon. The player should be allowed to create the original debt and debtor, though there should be a
reason the character knows about the debt. This Gift also opens up a negotiation of the debt, not a straight
demand of service. If the favor requested is too excessive, the Ancestor can refuse (Storyteller’s discretion).
In addition, while this Gift can be used with an unwilling guest, doing so is an excellent way to make an
(Source: Tribebook: Glass Walkers Revised, p.81 & 2nd Ed Glass Walkers Tribebook, p.52)
The Tetrasomians are the Glass Walkers’ incarnation in Renaissance Europe. Comprised of humanists, classicists,
scientists, artists and occultists, the Tetrasomians possess the same starting Willpower and Background
restrictions as Glass Walkers.
• Persephone’s Soul (Level One) — As the Black Fury Gift: Breath of the Wyld, but taught by a plant
(Source: Tribebook: Glass Walkers Revised, p.86→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.173)
• Tune of Orpheus (Level One) — Intrigued by the Orphic mysteries and patrons of Renaissance
poetry and song, the Tetrasomians invented a Gift that distracted anyone who heard them sing, play an
instrument or recite poetry.
System: The Garou spends a point of either Rage or Gnosis and makes a Wits + Performance roll. If
successful, everyone in the area will be forced to focus their attention on the Tetrasomian. It does not mean that
they are well inclined toward the Garou, simply that they cannot ignore him.
(Source: Tribebook: Glass Walkers Revised, p.86-87)
• Angel Tricks (Level Two) — As the Glass Walker Gift: Pennies from Heaven, but only turns silver
pennies (worth one twelfth of a shilling) into gold angels (worth ten shillings). Difficulty is 8.
(Source: Tribebook: Glass Walkers Revised, p.87→p.75)
• Hera’s Fur (Level Two) — As the Glass Walker Gift: Steel Fur, but involving stone instead of metal
and taught by an earth elemental.
(Source: Glass Walker Tribebook, Revised, p.87→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.184)
• Control Complex Machine (Level Three) — As the Glass Walker Gift.
(Source: Glass Walker Tribebook, Revised, p.87→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.184)
• Elemental Favor (Level Three) — As the Glass Walker Gift, but with a classical element rather than
an urban one — earth, fire, water or air. Over time, the Glass Walkers’ version of this Gift evolves into the
modern version.
(Source: Glass Walker Tribebook, Revised, p.87→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.184)
• Doppelganger (Level Four) — As the Glass Walker Gift.
(Source: Glass Walker Tribebook, Revised, p.87→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.184)
• Fury of Zeus (Level Four) — As the Level Three Glass Walker Gift: Electroshock, however the
target does not have to be touching a conductive surface or the Tetrasomian.
(Source: Glass Walker Tribebook, Revised, p.87→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.184)
• Judgment of Hades (Level Five) — Adopting the calm mantle of Hades, the Tetrasomian learns to
develop a rigid discipline even in the most powerful hold of Rage.
System: Once this Gift is learned, it is always active. The Tetrasomian can voluntarily enter berserk
frenzy but can maintain limited control within it. He can choose to use melee weapons other than claws and
fangs, and may choose his targets. He still cannot leave frenzy (or the battle) until the battle is resolved and may
not employ ranged weapons. If the Tetrasomian falls into the Thrall of the Wyrm, this Gift can no longer protect
(Source: Glass Walker Tribebook, Revised, p.87)
• Perfect Balance of Soul (Level Five) — As the Glass Walker Gift: Chaos Mechanics.
(Source: Glass Walker Tribebook, Revised, p.87→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.185)
Boli Zousizhe
A Chinese offshoot of the Glass Walkers, the Boli Zousizhe are somewhat more traditional than their ever-
changing Western cousins, and employ several ancient Gifts rarely seen among other branches of the tribe.
• Sheng-Nong’s Eyes (Level One) — The Boli Zousizhe can see from the perspective of his tools and
draw on their concentration for the task at hand, allowing him to perform multiple actions with ease. While this
was originally used to wield two swords with equal dexterity, any tools can be used; even the werewolf’s own
hands count as a “tool.” Either a monkey-spirit or a spirit of war teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point to receive an extra action. For the rest of the scene, the
Garou need not be able to see his opponents in order to attack them. No visibility modifiers or off-hand penalties
affect his actions while this Gift is in effect.
(Source: Glass Walker Tribebook, Revised, p.88→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.183)
• Fu Xi’s Honor (Level Two) — When confronted with a threat to a helpless member of the
werewolf’s family or pack, the Boli Zousizhe can rise above her normal limits to defend them. The spirit of any
animal that mates for life may teach this Gift.
System: The Storyteller must agree that the member of the Garou’s family or pack is indeed helpless
and unable to defend himself. (With rare exception, any human facing a werewolf should be considered
helpless.) The player may then spend one Rage and add one die to all her character’s Physical Attributes for
every point of permanent Honor the character possesses, for the duration of the scene.
(Source: Glass Walker Tribebook, Revised, p.88-89→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.183)
• Yao’s Commands (Level Three) — As the Glass Walker Gift: Elemental Favor. When this Gift is
taken, the Boli Zousizhe must choose to be able to command Eastern elementals (water, wood, fire, earth and
metal) or urban elementals. The character may never command elementals of the other group.
(Source: Glass Walker Tribebook, Revised, p.89→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.183→p.184)
• Yu’s Endurance (Level Four) — Yu was given the tremendous task of protecting Ancient China
against the Yellow River flooding, a task so exhausting that none but he could do it. This Gift is identical to the
Get of Fenris Gift: Heart of the Mountain.
(Source: Glass Walker Tribebook, Revised, p.89→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.183→p.181)
• Huang Di’s Sacrifice (Level Five) — Whilst Huang Di was known for his inventions, he was also the
Yellow Lord and a great leader. Normally used by the pack’s alpha, this Gift allows a leader to revitalize his
followers in moments of darkness. This Gift is taught by only one spirit, who lives at the foot of Bull Mountain
and cries eternally. The spirit resembles nothing, and only teaches the Gift at sunrise.
System: The Boli Zousizhe spends two points of Gnosis and rolls Stamina + Leadership (difficulty 8).
Each success allows one packmate to heal a number of health levels (even aggravated) equal to the number of
successes rolled.
(Source: Glass Walker Tribebook, Revised, p.89→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.183)

Red Talons
The feral Red Talons hate humanity for what it has done to Gaia and their Kinfolk. Griffin’s Gifts,
geared toward the “red in tooth and claw” aspects of nature, suit the Talons’ disposition.

• Beast Speech (Level One) — As the Galliard Gift.

(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.185→p.169)
• Eye of the Hunter (Level One) — Wolves can sense which animal from a herd is sick or weak and
therefore the easiest prey. Red Talons can do so normally when confronted with a herd of deer, but more complex
creatures like predators or pseudo-predators (like humans) make this difficult. This Gift, taught by a wolf-spirit,
allows the Talon to pick out the weakest member of a group at a glance. It does not reveal why the target is the
weak link in a herd, only that she is, but that alone is often enough to give the Garou an edge.
System: The player rolls Perception + Primal-Urge (difficulty 7). If the roll succeeds, the character
knows which member of a given group is the weakest or strongest (determined by the Storyteller) and which is
the leader. If the Red Talon enters combat with this group, she gains an extra die to her attack pools against the
weakest member for the rest of the scene.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.185; Tribebook: Red Talons Revised, p.64 & 2nd Ed Red Talons
Tribebook, p.47)
• Hidden Killer (Level One) — The Red Talons did not survive for so many years without learning
ways to conceal themselves. This Gift allows a Garou to leave behind no physical evidence that would betray her
hand (or claws and teeth) in a slaying. This Gift is taught by a snake-spirit.
System: After a battle, the Garou must touch or lick once each corpse she slew. The player rolls
Intelligence + Larceny (difficulty 7). If the roll succeeds, the wounds alter themselves so that they resemble
stabbing or slashing injuries rather than bite or claw marks. Any peripheral damage (smashed furniture, for
example) remains as it was, but all forensic evidence such as hair, saliva, or blood from the werewolf’s body
disappears from the scene.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.185 & Tribebook: Red Talons Revised, p.65)
• Purify Meat (Level One) — While some Red Talons abstain from eating humans because of the
Litany, the more common reason for hunting more conventional game is that humans are befouled by the
chemicals they put into their bodies. In some parts of the world, this isn't such a problem, but in most countries,
human flesh is foul-tasting and unhealthy, even for Garou. In other places, the land is so corrupted that other
game animals begin to taste rubbery and disgusting. With this Gift, a Red Talon can purge chemicals and other
poisons from dead flesh. A water elemental teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point. The Garou must touch the meat he wishes to cleanse.
Each use of this Gift cleans approximately fifty pounds of dead meat of any non-supernatural toxins.
(Source: Tribebook: Red Talons Revised, p.65)
• Scent of Running Water (Level One) — As the Ragabash Gift.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.185→p.161)
• Water Sense (Level One) — The most precious resource in the unsettled wilderness may be drinking
water, but it can be hard to find. With this Gift, the Red Talon never goes thirsty. Red Talons also use this Gift to
lose pursuers by crossing rivers or to locate prey near watering holes. A water-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player rolls Perception + Survival (difficulty 6). The character can detect water from a
distance of 100 meters for every success.
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West Companion, p.76)
• Wolf at the Door (Level One) — Some humans can't just be splattered all over the nearest tree. Some
of them have to be taught a lesson and left alive, for whatever reason. However, the Red Talons know how to
make the message stick. This Gift induces a terrible dread of and respect for the forest, and it makes a human
target afraid to tamper with it in any way. Any predator spirit can teach this Gift.
System: The werewolf must make eye contact with the target, but can be in any form when she does so.
The player then rolls Charisma + Primal-Urge (difficulty equals the target’s Willpower). The effects last for one
day per success. During this time, the human must roll Willpower to leave his home, and he may not go near
anything resembling a forest, tundra, swamp, or other untamed wilderness area without spending a Willpower
point. If the human does leave his home, he is shaky and fearful until he returns, and his player loses three dice
from all Mental and Social dice pools. Alternately, this Gift can affect a number of humans equal to his Rage at
once (difficulty equals the highest Willpower in the group). In this case, rather than making eye contact, the
humans must hear the werewolf howl in Lupus form. This Gift can be used on Kinfolk, mages, ghouls, and other
“supernatural” humans, but the difficulty increases by two to a maximum of 10.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.185)
• Aura of Ferocity (Level Two) — As the lupus Gift: Wyld Ferocity.
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West Companion, p.76→p.71)
• Beastmind (Level Two) — The werewolf can reduce the mental faculties of his victim to that of an
animal for a time. The victim doesn’t necessarily become less intelligent, but human thinking (logic, complex
tool use, language, and the like) becomes impossible. An avatar of Griffin teaches this Gift.
System: The player rolls Manipulation + Empathy against a difficulty equal to the target’s Willpower.
The effects last for one minute per success, during which the target behaves like a wild animal. If a point of Rage
is spent when directing this Gift at an ordinary human target, its effects last for one day per success.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.186)
• Cull the Herd (Level Two) — A Red Talon using this Gift measures the vitality of her prey to plan
her attack strategy effectively. During the Impergium, Red Talons used this Gift to pick the weakest of the
humans and destroy them. Occasionally, the Red Talons killed the strongest of the humans to remove them from
the breeding pool. Today, the Gift continues to help Red Talons hunt and kill their prey. An avatar of Wolf
teaches his children how to detect the easiest prey.
System: The Red Talon need only succeed on a Perception + Medicine roll (difficulty 7) to determine
the general health and fitness of an individual. The Gift also works on animals and Garou as well as humans. One
success detects any injuries, whereas five successes would reveal the creature's entire physiology.
(Source: Werewolf Players Guide, 2nd Ed., p.41)
• Howls in the Night (Level Two) — As the Galliard Gift.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.186→p.169)
• Predator’s Leap (Level Two) — While any lupus werewolf can learn the secrets of jumping great
distances, the Red Talons have refined the Gift to great effect when chasing or ambushing a foe. By employing
this Gift, the Talon's leap "tracks" a moving target, allowing her to pounce on her prey even if said prey has
dodged or fled while the Talon is in mid-leap. A fox- or (sometimes) a cat-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player must roll to leap as usual. She then spends a point of Rage and rolls Wits + Primal-
Urge (difficulty 7); the leap is counted as a Rage action, and does not affect the attack dice pool. Any successes
on the roll are subtracted from an opponent's successes to dodge or flee from the Talon, before the Talon's attack
roll is made. The Talon may then attack normally.
(Source: Tribebook: Red Talons Revised, p.65)
• Primal Instinct (Level Two) — The Red Talon can strip away the layers of humanity that cover up
man's basic instinct. A human assaulted with this Gift finds himself behaving like a beast. Momentarily losing all
civility, the human strips naked, runs through the streets, growls at threats and makes numerous, uninvited
overtures toward members of the opposite sex. All thoughts of business meetings, color television and BMW's
vanish in favor of the basic drives of survival. Red Talons use whatever means necessary to force ape-spirits to
teach them this Gift.
System: The Red Talon must spend a Gnosis point and roll Manipulation + Animal Ken (difficulty
equal to the target's Willpower). The number of successes indicates the extent to which the human target loses his
humanity. One success causes a certain absent-mindedness and preoccupation with food and sex. Five successes,
on the other hand, probably cause the raving target to be locked up and tranquilized. Note that most humans have
a Willpower of 2-3, thus making it highly likely that this Gift will be exceedingly effective.
(Source: Players Guide to Garou, p.193; Werewolf Players Guide, 2 nd Ed., p.41)
• Pulse of the Prey (Level Two) — As the Ragabash Gift.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.186→p.161)
• Shadows of the Impergium (Level Two) — The Red Talon becomes the embodiment of all of
humanity’s primal fears of the wolf, carrying a heavy miasma of ancient terror about her. A fear-spirit teaches
this Gift.
System: The werewolf inflicts the Delirium in Hispo form, though observers are considered to be at +2
Willpower when judging their reaction (see p. 262). Anyone who succumbs to the Delirium because of seeing the
werewolf in Crinos form is considered to have a Willpower five points lower than their true rating (minimum 1)
for the purposes of determining reaction. This Gift’s effects are permanent, though they can be suppressed for a
scene if desired.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.186)
• Sight from Beyond (Level Two) — As the Theurge Gift.
(Source: Dark Ages: Werewolf, p.136→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.164)
• Dust Squall (Level Three) — Developed by the desert-dwelling Red Talons beyond the frontier, this
new Gift is otherwise not widely known. The werewolf can call up a small twister of wind and sand to blind or
scare opponents. The wind is not large enough to knock full-sized targets over, but will cause them some distress.
This Gift is taught by a spirit of the great desert.
System: The Garou spends a Gnosis point and rolls Charisma + Primal-Urge, difficulty 6. Each success
means the squall "attacks" the Talon’s opponents for one turn. Opponents besieged by the squall add two to the
difficulty of all dice rolls, and communication and vision become almost impossible over any distance (difficulty
10 for any appropriate rolls).
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West, p.157-158 & W20 Wyld West, p.33)
• Elemental Favor (Level Three) — As the Glass Walker Gift, except that this version affects the four
classic elements — fire, earth, water and air — and a natural elemental teaches it.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.186)
• Gaze of the Hunter (Level Three) — The Garou stares into the eyes of an intended victim, and
communicates to them the ancient bond between predator and prey - beginning the sacred hunt. This Gift is
taught by the spirit of any predatory mammal - wolf, mountain lion, bear, etc.
System: The Garou spends one Gnosis point and rolls Manipulation + Intimidation (difficulty 6 for
animals or the human or other sentient target's Willpower - whichever is higher). If the Gaze is successful, the
target (human or animal) understands the link and will act accordingly: Wild animals will run into the open,
allowing the hunter to eventually catch and kill them. Humans and domesticated animals - for whom this is a
terrifying experience - may run or cower, terrified. No victim will begin a fight, although if the Red Talon
pursues and catches the prey, a battle might result. The Gift does not work on other Garou, but will be effective
against most creatures the Garou sets out to hunt.
(Source: 2nd Ed Red Talons Tribebook, p.48)
• Herding the Infant Ape (Level Three) — Perhaps the most unpopular Gift in the entire tribe, this
Gift is hidden by Whelp's Compromise, although a few Warders of the Land use it in more... experimental ways.
It turns a human child of no older than ten years old into a creature of the wild, unable to set foot in a city. Some
suggest this Gift is responsible for myths such as Romulus and Remus, or the tale of Mowgli. Whelp's
Compromise camp members use this to show that humans themselves can exist in harmony with Gaia, it is the
City that is evil and needs to be destroyed.
System: This Gift can only be used on a human child of no more than ten years. The player spends
three Gnosis and rolls Charisma + Primal Urge. The difficulty is the child's age; any child less than a year old
automatically is barred from setting foot in a city for the rest of their life. For children aged one and up, the
number of successes rolled becomes the number of decades that pass before they can re-enter a city. If they do so
before then, they suffer incapacitating cramps, refuse to eat, and stay immobile until removed from the city.
Since this Gift only works on those too small to fend for themselves, few who use it simply abandon
their charges. After all, a dead human child in the wild isn't the example the Whelp's Compromise wants to make.
(Source: Players Guide to Garou, p.193)
• Mother’s Rage (Level Three) — A she-wolf is most dangerous when protecting her cubs, and will
fight against enemies from which she would normally flee if her family is at stake. The Red Talon with this Gift
is able to harness that Rage and use it in battle, although only when defending something of value. A bear- or
wolf-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: This Gift can only be used in defense of something or someone else - Kinfolk, a wounded
packmate, a caern, etc. If the Red Talon is attacking a foe, she may not activate Mother's Rage. To use this Gift,
the player spends two Rage point. The Garou enters a kind of frenzy, but stays within the vicinity of her charge.
She will attack anything that gets too close, within the usual guidelines of frenzy (i.e., if her Rage is equal to or
lower than her Gnosis, she will not attack packmates). While in this state, the Talon takes no wound penalties. All
difficulties to soak are reduced by two and she gains an extra dot of Strength. Additionally, she regains one Rage
point each turn while the Gift is in effect, making it impossible for her to run out of Rage (and therefore
impossible to lose the wolf). All of these benefits disappear when the Red Talon's charge is out of danger or at the
end of the scene, whichever comes first.
(Source: Tribebook: Red Talons Revised, p.65)
• Render Down (Level Three) — The Talon can destroy any man-made substance. Plastics, alloys, and
other materials not found in nature disintegrate with just a touch. Lawn chairs dissolve into oily puddles and steel
melts into iron and carbon. A cockroach-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The character must touch the material; only materials that are not naturally occurring are
viable targets. For instance, a wooden table would be unaffected, whereas a plastic table would melt to the
ground. The player makes a Rage roll (difficulty 7); each success reduces twenty pounds of the target material to
its base components.
(Note: This Gift is known as Rot Weavertech in Werewolf Players Guide, 1st Ed., p.41 and as Recycle in
Werewolf Players Guide, 2nd Ed., p.41-42)
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.186-187)
• Territory (Level Three) — The Red Talon with this Gift doesn’t need to patrol his hunting ground to
know what transpires there. With but a moment of concentration, he may extend his senses to any area he has
marked. This Gift is taught by a wolf-spirit.
System: The Red Talon must first mark one or more areas with his own urine. A Talon may have a
number of marked locations equal to his Gnosis (and doesn’t have to establish such a mark in every place that he
urinates). Thereafter, the player may roll Perception + Primal-Urge (difficulty 7) to extend the Talon’s senses to
that location. The character can sense the area as though standing in the same place he was in when he marked
the area originally. The scent marks last for one week per dot of Gnosis the character possesses (for wilderness)
or one day per dot of Gnosis (for urban environments).
(Note: This Gift is listed as Level Four in Tribebook: Red Talons Revised, p.66)
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.187)
• Trackless Waste (Level Three) — The Talon calls upon the spirits of the wilderness to mislead and
confuse any who invade her home. Humans and other travelers are confounded by this Gift, with even skilled
survivalists and hikers soon becoming hopelessly lost. Even werewolves are not wholly immune to its effects.
Any wilderness spirit can teach this Gift.
System: The player spends a Gnosis point and rolls Intelligence + Primal-Urge (difficulty 6). The Gift
affects up to a two-mile (3.2 km) radius per success. Humans automatically fail at all attempts to navigate such
an afflicted wilderness. Other werewolves can roll Perception + Primal-Urge (difficulty 6); if they score more
successes than the Talon, they are able to navigate normally. Those led by the Talon herself through the domain
remain unaffected. This Gift lasts until the sun next rises.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.186)
• Avalanche (Level Four) — The Garou must be in a mountainous or otherwise tectonically unstable
area. The Garou causes an avalanche, mudslide, etc. to engulf his foes. The Gift is taught by an earth elemental.
System: The Garou spends one Gnosis point and then rolls Manipulation + Survival (difficulty
determined by the Storyteller based on the instability of the terrain). The more successes, the more powerful the
effect. On a botch, the Garou is caught in the avalanche.
(Source: Werewolf: The Apocalypse 2nd Ed., p.131)
• Form of Akhlut (Level Four) — Inuit myth tells of Akhlut, a killer whale that turned into a wolf to
walk on land. The legends are almost right, of course. This Gift allows a Red Talon to take on an aquatic form
such as a fish, dolphin or whale. It is believed by some that this Gift is how the Red Talons spread from their
original lands to other continents. The Gift is taught by the spirit of an appropriate pelagic animal, although the
Red Talons respect the orca most of all.
System: Two Gnosis points are required to activate this Gift, and then the player rolls Stamina + Primal
Urge, difficulty 8. Each success allows the Red Talon to become a more powerful aquatic denizen. One success
might allow the Red Talon to become a goldfish, three a dolphin and five the genuine killer whale of legend.
(Source: Players Guide to Garou, p.193-4)
• Gorge (Level Four) — Wolves will eat as much as possible when food is available, to carry them
through the lean times ahead. Who knows when their next meal will arrive? With this Gift, a Red Talon can
similarly gorge on Rage, Gnosis, or Willpower. A wolf-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: Upon learning this Gift, the player chooses which trait (Rage, Gnosis, or Willpower) the
character can store. Thereafter, the character can hold three more points in the appropriate Trait than her
permanent rating. These extra points must be regained as normal, and they don’t add extra dice to rolls involving
the Trait in question. To amplify more than one Trait, the character must learn the Gift (i.e., pay the experience
cost) again.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.187)
• Howl of Death (Level Four) — See Howl of Death under Howl Gifts below.
• Quicksand (Level Four) — The Garou turns the ground into a sticky morass that catches foes and
prevents them from escaping or even walking. An earth elemental teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends a Gnosis point and rolls Manipulation + Primal-Urge (difficulty 7). Success
changes the ground into a quicksand-like bog for a 10-foot (3 m) radius; each additional success extends the
radius of the morass an additional 10 feet (3 m). Anyone trying to move through it, save for the Garou and her
pack, moves at half walking speed, and may not execute combat maneuvers that require overland movement.
Additionally, all other combat maneuvers take a +1 difficulty penalty.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.187)
• Sandstorm (Level Four) — A torrent of stinging and blinding sand encompasses the enemies of the
Garou. This Gift is best performed in the desert, but can be attempted in any area with loose dirt, twigs, sleet or
the like. This Gift is taught by a desert-spirit or elemental.
System: The player spends a Gnosis point and rolls Manipulation + Survival (difficulty 7 in the desert;
9 anywhere else). The number of successes determines the number of minutes in which the targets can do
nothing but cover themselves and shelter as best they can from the stinging sand. A botch indicates that the Talon
himself is caught in the blast.
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West, p.158)
• Blessing of the First Pack (Level Five) — The Red Talons believe that the very first pack of Garou
set the standards for the auspices, and that only the Talons retain a strong enough connection to that First Pack to
use this Gift. This may or may not be true, but no non-Talon Garou has ever exhibited this mighty Gift (but then,
very few among the Talons even know of it). To learn this Gift, the Talon must have at least one dot in Ancestors.
The Garou calls upon her the originator of her auspice and is temporarily transformed into the pinnacle of her
moon-sign. An avatar of Wolf or a powerful Lune may teach this Gift, but neither does so often.
System: The player spends two Gnosis points and rolls Charisma + Ancestors (difficulty 8). If the roll
succeeds, the character becomes infused with the very essence of her auspice. For the remainder of the scene, the
character receives five dots of Pure Breed in addition to any she already possesses. She may also make use of
any auspice Gift for her particular auspice of level 4 or lower. In addition, Blessing of the First Pack grants
power based on the character's auspice:
Auspice Bonus
Ragabash +3 to Stealth; +2 to Wits and Dexterity
Theurge +3 to Enigmas; +2 to Intelligence and Gnosis
Philodox +3 to Rituals; +2 to Manipulation and Stamina
Galliard +3 to Expression; +2 to Charisma and Strength
Ahroun +3 to Leadership; +2 to Strength and Rage
(Source: Tribebook: Red Talons Revised, p.66-67)
• Curse of Lycaon (Level Five) — The Red Talon can force the wolf-skin onto another. If the target is
a werewolf, he becomes trapped in Lupus form for the rest of the scene. If the target is a human or animal, it
becomes a normal wolf forever. This Gift is taught by a wolf-spirit.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Gnosis (difficulty of the target’s Willpower).
(Note: This Gift is known as Share the Wolf’s Skin in both Werewolf: the Wild West, p.159 & Dark Ages:
Werewolf, p.137 as well as Curse of Dionysis in Werewolf: The Apocalypse 2nd Ed., p.131)
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.187)
• Gaia’s Vengeance (Level Five) — The Red Talon calls upon the Mother herself to strike on his
behalf. The terrain responds as best it can: Rocks roll and smash, vines constrict, and water sucks victims under.
An avatar of Gaia herself teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point and one Rage point, then rolls Charisma + Primal-urge
(difficulty of the local Gauntlet). The exact effects depend on the terrain and are left to the Storyteller.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.187)
• Natural Renewal (Level Five) — Even as the United States carries out Manifest Destiny, the Red
Talons seek to preserve the unconquered wilderness. Under the effects of this Gift, nature recovers from ravages
created by humanity. Landslides refill the deep mining shafts that pierce the earth, wildlife infests buildings and
technology fails. A seedling-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player must spend three Gnosis points and howl (or sing) to the wilderness spirits. These
spirits encourage rampant plant growth that can even overcome man-made roads, mineshafts and buildings. Also,
no technology can function within 30 feet of the Garou. The exact effects of the Gift are up to the Storyteller, but
nature does its best to renew itself despite humanity’s efforts.
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West Companion, p.76)
• Scabwalker Curse (Level Five) — The Red Talon suffuses a target with a superabundance of Wyld
energy, making them violently allergic to the Weaver-works of man. Any artificial material blisters and abrades
the target’s skin, concrete sidewalks and artificial carpet fibers shred her feet, polyester clothing causes her body
to break out in weeping sores, and steel tools blister her hands. An avatar of Griffin teaches this Gift.
System: The Red Talon spends a turn snarling at a target within 20 feet (6 m). The player then spends
one Gnosis point and rolls Manipulation + Survival (difficulty 7). The target takes one level of bashing damage
per turn of physical contact with any non-natural material (crafted objects formed entirely of natural materials,
such as wooden furniture held together with iron nails, are safe). This curse lasts for one day per success, and can
easily prove fatal if invoked in the heart of a city.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.187)
• Home in All Lands (Level Six) — Legends among the Red Talons state that the wolves with the
greatest connection to the Progenitor Wolf were not bound by distance, but indeed could appear anywhere where
wolves were found. This was long thought to be simply lore, but in fact an elder Red Talon with a strong enough
lineage might well learn to fade from one location and appear anywhere else in the Realm or the Umbra,
provided that the Progenitor has been there before him. Only the Progenitor Wolf himself teaches this Gift.
System: The player must roll Gnosis as though her character were stepping sideways. If successful, the
character may appear at any location on Earth where wolves might be found naturally (whether or not any still
exist) or any location that boasts Garou. She may instead choose to appear in any Umbral Realm that she has
previously visited. A Red Talon must have Pure Breed 5 to have this Gift.
(Source: Tribebook: Red Talons Revised, p.67)
• Shield of Gaia (Level Six) — The Garou can become so attuned to the laws and rhythms of Gaia that
the Weaver's laws cease to have any effect on her. This Gift can only be used once by any Garou who learns it; its
effects are permanent. The Garou becomes immune to the effects of one form of technology, such as bullets,
photography (i.e. cannot be photographed), electricity, chemical toxins, etc. This Gift is taught by an avatar of
System: The player must determine what this Gift grants immunity to at the time of purchase. Its
effects are permanent. It is up to the Storyteller to determine exactly what is and is not included in the protection
afforded by this Gift. For example, Garou who chooses immunity to flame-throwers would not be burned by
them, but other flames will act normally upon her.
This Gift does apply against Wyrm-tainted technology, although not Wyrm substances. For instance, a
Garou who is immune to chemical toxins may not be harmed by the Pentex acid, but the Bane in the acid can still
try to possess her.
This Gift is open to a lot of abuse, but the player and the Storyteller should recognize the spirit of the
Gift: it is Gaia's protection to Her children from the ravages of the Weaver and the modern world. Just how this is
interpreted and how much is permitted depends on the mood and atmosphere of a game. However, no player
should be allowed to claim immunity to nuclear weapons
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.188 & 2nd Ed Red Talons Tribebook, p.48)
Howl Gifts
The Fianna may claim that their ancestors were the first to howl to Luna or some such nonsense, but the
Red Talons know that for as long wolves have existed, they have howled. Over time, the Talons have spoken
with wolf-sprits and learned secret howls that carry powerful and devastating effects.
The following Gifts are each taught by wolf-sprits or ancestor-sprits and require that the Garou let out a
mighty howl. If the Red Talon also knows the Galliard Gift: Call of the Wyld, reduce the difficulty of the roll by
• Howl to the Pack (Level One) — The Talon howls, and no matter how far away, her pack hears her.
She cannot hear any response they might give, but she can be sure that they hear any message she wishes to
System: The player rolls Charisma + Primal-Urge (difficulty 7). The "pack" in question might be the
Garou's literal pack, bonded by a totem, or any wolf to whom the Red Talon is related. Each use of the Gift
allows one howl, and the player must roll Manipulation + Expression (difficulty 6) to convey any concept more
complicated than "warning" or "I need help." The recipients of the howl are the only ones who can hear it.
(Source: Tribebook: Red Talons Revised, p.67)
• Primal Howl (Level Two) — The howls of a wolf pack evoke fear in prey, as they sense the predators
approaching. This Gift allows a Red Talon to emit a howl that evokes that same reaction in anyone that can hear
System: The player rolls Stamina + Expression (difficulty 7). If the roll succeeds, any being that wishes
to approach the Garou must succeed in a Willpower roll (difficulty 6). If the Garou approaches, the being must
make the same roll or back away (or flee). Wolves and Garou are not affected by this Gift. Every success on the
player's roll beyond the first lends an additional "voice" to the howl. Therefore, if the player rolls three successes
to activate this Gift, it sounds as though three Garou are howling, not one. Each additional "wolf" adds one to the
difficulty of the Willpower rolls to approach the Garou or stand one's ground if the Red Talon approaches (so to
approach the Garou on a "three-wolf" howl would require a Willpower roll at difficulty 8).
(Source: Tribebook: Red Talons Revised, p.67-68 & 2nd Ed Red Talons Tribebook, p.47)
• Howl of Hunger (Level Three) — Wolves gorge themselves when they eat, especially during the
cold winter months, because they cannot be sure when they will find food. Most humans know nothing of this
kind of hunger, as they have their food handed to them. The Garou with this Gift can weaken any that hear her
howl with crippling hunger.
System: The player rolls Charisma + Intimidation (difficulty 7). If the roll succeeds, anyone within
earshot of the werewolf's howl loses two dice from any mental and physical dice pools as their bodies are
wracked with hunger pangs (the player may choose to spend a Gnosis point to leave the Red Talon's packmates
unaffected). This Gift only functions on creatures that feel physical hunger for food - vampires and other dead
things are unaffected. However, any Garou affected by this Gift must immediately check for frenzy (although
even a Garou in frenzy is subject to the dice penalty due to weakness). Frenzied werewolves are likely to feast on
any meat they can find if subject to the Howl of Hunger, much like Homid Garou in the Thrall of the Wyrm. The
effects of the Gift last for one scene.
(Source: Tribebook: Red Talons Revised, p.68)
• Howl of Death (Level Four) — A Talon blessed with this Gift may infuse her howl with Rage and
pain, causing grievous wounds to one target. The werewolf must be able to see her target clearly, and the target
must be able to hear the howl. Only the intended target is affected by the Gift, although anyone else who hears it
is disquieted and frightened. A pain-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player rolls Charisma + Primal-Urge (difficulty 6). Each success inflicts one level of lethal
damage, which the target may soak if he is able. The damage manifests, should anyone care to look, as massive
internal damage, as if the target's innards suddenly rupture.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.187 & Tribebook: Red Talons Revised, p.68-69)
• Shattering Howl (Level Five) — By using this Gift, the Garou releases a howl with enough power to
shatter any man-made object. The Shattering Howl can splinter plastic, crack stone, and puncture rubber and
similar materials. The werewolf does not have any control over what she shatters with this Gift, however, so she
is advised to use it with care.
System: The player spends one Willpower point and rolls Rage (difficulty 7). Exactly what kind of
material the howl shatters depends on the number of successes rolled. One success shatters normal glass. Three
cracks concrete. Five successes rend solid steel. The characters may use this Gift on successive turns, but each
use requires another Willpower point and a new roll.
(Source: Tribebook: Red Talons Revised, p.69)
Kucha Ekundu
Africa has no true wolves, but is still a part of Gaia’s body and in need of protection. Some years ago,
the Red Talons adapted to breeding with African hunting dogs in order to prove their worthiness to live in Africa
and fight to defend it. In this they have succeeded, and the Kucha Ekundu, as these strange Garou are known,
have forged unique pacts with both the spirits of Africa and the continent’s other native Fera, the better to carry
out their duties to their Mother. These blessings are learned in addition to the traditional Gifts of the Red Talons.
• Speed of Thought (Level One) — As the Silent Strider Gift.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.186→p.191)
• Feed the Pack (Level Two) — This Gift allows the werewolf to “eat for the pack.” Any food the
Kucha Ekundu ingests feeds not only him, but the rest of his pack as well. The spirit of a hunting dog teaches this
System: The player rolls Gnosis (difficulty 6 for packmates, 7 for Kinfolk) before the character eats.
For each success, whatever the character eats also nourishes another being.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.186)
• Predator’s Many Eyes (Level Three) — The Kucha Ekundu don’t regard themselves as “Lords of
the Savannah,” especially given the strength of Africa’s other Fera, but they still wish to do their job as Garou.
This Gift facilitates that job, allowing the werewolf to “mark” a predator and thereafter look through its eyes.
System: As the Red Talon Gift: Territory. The Red Talon needs not urinate on the animal it wishes to
mark; the player must merely roll Charisma + Animal Ken (difficulty 7) while the predator is in sight. Using this
Gift on other Fera is possible but requires the Fera’s consent. In all other respects, this Gift functions as Territory.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.186)
• Clenched Jaw (Level Four) — As the Ahroun Gift.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.186→p.172)
• Crocodile Pact (Level Five) — When the Red Talons first came to Africa and struck their deal with
the Mokolé, the mighty werecrocodiles agreed that if the Garou could breed with the hunting dogs and do their
appointed task in Africa without making war on the other Fera, they could stay. The Red Talons have (thus far)
made good on their promises, and the eldest of the Kucha Ekundu have been rewarded with this Gift. The
werewolf may call upon the Mokolé-mbembe for aid, in battle or otherwise. The spirits of the Dragon Kings
teach this Gift.
System: The player spends two Gnosis points and rolls Charisma + Rituals (difficulty 7). If the roll
succeeds, the Garou receives aid within the hour, whether it’s from a local clutch or from the spirits who
witnessed the pacts between the Memory of Gaia and the Garou. The Storyteller has the final say over exactly
what form the Garou’s succor takes, but it might range from rampaging werecrocodiles arriving to fight with the
Kucha Ekundu to great ancestor-spirits called forth by the Mokolé to give the Garou advice.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.186)
Red Talon Camp Gifts
For the Gifts listed below, the term “Camp” Gifts is somewhat misleading. Red Talon “camps,” with
one exception, aren’t so much organized societies within the tribe as a collection of like-minded individuals. That
in mind, any Red Talon can technically learn any of these Gifts, but they are much more commonly taught within
the given “camps.”
Warders of the Land
The Warders have no love for humans, but they do recognize either the improbability or the spiritual
and ethical concerns with wiping out the human race. They often favor Gifts that allow them to work around
humans rather than directly against them.
• Mark of the Prey (Level Two) — Rather than take her vengeance directly on an offending human,
the werewolf can choose to change the human's spiritual resonance to resemble that of a prey animal. Any
predator that sees the human, no matter how small or normally afraid of humans, will see that human as prey. In
most cases, this proves simply inconvenient, but if the human happens to own several large dogs, the result could
be deadly. Any spirit of a prey animal teaches this Gift, sometimes under duress.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Charisma + Animal Ken (difficulty of the local
Gauntlet). If the roll succeeds, any carnivorous animal that sees the targeted human attacks him immediately,
even if the animal is much too small to seriously injure, let alone eat, the hapless victim. This Gift only functions
on one human target, and cannot be used on "supernatural" humans such as ghouls and mages (their spirits are
complex enough that the Gift doesn't "take"). The effects last for one day.
(Source: Tribebook: Red Talons Revised, p.69)
• Snap Man’s Chains (Level Three) — All Red Talons feel disgust at domesticated animals, both
predator and prey. They hate prey animals that simply stand around waiting to be slaughtered, rather than being
allowed to live their lives before being eaten. Domesticated predators incense the Talons, for obvious reasons.
This Gift allows the werewolf to free domesticated animals from whatever enclosures hold them, physical or
otherwise. Horses throw their riders, dogs turn on their masters, farm animals smash through their gates and run.
While the Red Talons have known this Gift for centuries, few learned it after the rise of cities, since so few
humans there kept animals. However, the Warders of the Land continue to learn this Gift occasionally. Any
animal-spirit can teach this Gift.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Manipulation + Primal-Urge (difficulty 8). The
number of successes indicates the area of the effect. One success drives any animals in a small house feral. Three
affects all the animals in a small neighborhood or in a building housing many animals (a pound, for example).
Five affects all of the animals within a square mile.
(Source: Tribebook: Red Talons Revised, p.69)
Lodge of the Predator Kings
• Prey’s Cry (Level One) — With this Gift, the Talon may emit a cry for help designed to lead a
human into an ambush. In years past, the Talons would use this Gift to mimic the death-cry of a deer or a similar
animal, since many humans still hunted their own food. In recent years, since most humans wouldn't know how
to kill a wounded animal if their lives depended on it, the Talons use Prey's Cry to imitate the call of a favored
pet or another human. A raven-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player rolls Wits + Expression. The difficulty varies on how complex the imitated sound
is. An animal's call such as a dog whining in pain or a rabbit's death-scream would only be difficulty 5. Imitating
a human cry is difficulty 7, while imitating something more specific - "the voice of a young girl" or "a human
soldier calling for help" would raise the difficulty to 9. The Red Talon need not actually have heard a human
soldier before (for example), but if he uses this Gift successfully, nearby humans will hear a soldier yelling for
(Source: Tribebook: Red Talons Revised, p.70)
• Offering of the Slain (Level Two) — Human corpses are problematic. They don't burn well, the
Litany prohibits eating them, and if other humans find them, they tend to get offended and search the area
thoroughly. Burying them isn't always an option because humans, being the curious little apes that they are, may
eventually dig up an area for whatever reason and find the bodies. The Predator Kings certainly aren't willing to
stop killing humans just because disposing of their bodies is a problem, hence this Gift. With but a touch, the
Talon can cause dead flesh to decay and crumble to dust in seconds, giving it up as an offering to Gaia. A spirit of
decay or decomposition, as well as some scavenger-spirits, can teach this Gift.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Gnosis (difficulty 6, although the bodies of
fomori or other Wyrm-tainted beings are harder to dispose of and raise the difficulty by one). For each success,
the Garou may decompose one human-sized body (slain metis Garou count as two). The werewolf may use this
Gift multiple times in a scene to dispose of numerous corpses, but each use requires another point of Gnosis and
a new roll.
(Source: Tribebook: Red Talons Revised, p.70)
Whelp’s Compromise
The generic term for any Red Talon who sees redeeming value in humanity is “Whelp.” Such Talons
usually feel, however, that it is the more vicious Talons who are deluding themselves. Humans are far too
numerous to ever destroy, and some of them do try to aid wolves and live in harmony with Gaia. Surely those
humans should be spared — it would be only honorable, after all. The Whelps learn Gifts that other Red Talons
wouldn’t touch, some of them from spirits that smell a bit too much of the Weaver for comfort.
• Cub’s Lesson (Level One) — Lupus Garou often have difficulty when walking among humans, even
as part of a pack. Those few Red Talons that are intrigued rather than enraged by human behavior have even
bigger problems, as they cannot expect instruction from the tribe in human ways. This Gift allows a lupus
werewolf to learn from a mistake and gain a better understanding of human devices and customs, albeit
temporarily. Weaver-spirits and (strangely enough) some ancestor-spirits teach this Gift.
System: This Gift, once learned, is always active. Any time the player attempts a roll using an Ability
that the character does not possess and fails the roll, she may spend a point of Gnosis and make the roll again,
adding one die. This does not replace the original roll, so any consequences of failure must still be faced. Note
that since a character that has no dots in a Knowledge cannot normally use that Knowledge at all, a character
with this Gift must use it to make such an attempt at all.
For example, Eyes-like-Hornets, a Red Talon Ragabash, gets into a conversation with a human woman
and attempts to tell her a joke. The werewolf doesn't have any dots in Expression, however, and fails the
Charisma + Expression roll to get the woman to laugh. The player spends a Gnosis point and makes another roll,
adding a die. This time, it succeeds. Eyes-like-Hornets recognizes that his first attempt at humor didn't go over as
he'd hoped, and covers it up. If Eyes-like-Hornets didn't have any dots in Linguistics and was trying to simply
communicate with the woman, his player would have to spend a point of Gnosis for each attempt to do, as he
cannot attempt to use a Knowledge he doesn't have.
If the original roll is a botch, the player may still spend a Gnosis point to make another attempt, but the
difficulty increases by one.
(Source: Tribebook: Red Talons Revised, p.70-71)
• Judgment (Level Two) — The Red Talons of Whelp's Compromise are willing to let the humans who
respect Gaia continue to exist. However, despite what some of their tribemates might accuse them of, they are
not "soft" on transgressors against Her. With this Gift, the werewolf can judge a human according to the laws of
Gaia and decide if she is living in accordance with the natural laws or not. A human who is living well is left
alone. A human who is not is shown no mercy. A wolf-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The Garou must lock eyes with the human to use this Gift. The player rolls Perception +
Rituals (difficulty 7). With one success, the character only knows in the most black-and-white terms if the human
respects Gaia (which doesn't necessarily say anything about her behavior). With three successes, the Garou
knows both the human's attitude toward the natural world and how her behavior affects it ("This ape doesn't think
about the environment, but does donate money to her local park because she wants her children to enjoy it").
With five successes, the character knows all of that and what she would have to do or say to get the human to live
in accordance with Gaia. This can be as simple as "show the human how the world is really being treated" or as
complex as "check up on her every week and make sure her home is spiritually clean." Of course, if the Red
Talon decides it isn't worth the effort to train a human in what should come naturally, she might very well just
remove the human from the world altogether and concentrate on those that are a bit more receptive to learning.
(Source: Tribebook: Red Talons Revised, p.71)
Dying Cubs
The fatalistic Dying Cubs believe that Gaia can be strengthened and healed by the pain and suffering of
human beings. Of all the Red Talon “camps” they are the only one that keeps its Gifts secret, and the only one
that acts like a true society within the tribe.
• Reap the Soul (Level Two) — With this Gift, the Garou can spill the blood of a foe on the ground
and immediately reap the energy thus released. Talons who overuse this Gift, however, often begin to smell
vaguely of charnel to any werewolf using the Gift: Sense Wyrm. A spirit of decay teaches this Gift. Banes are
also capable of teaching it, however, and only the Dying Cubs themselves know which type of spirit teaches it to
the Red Talons most often. With this Gift, the Garou can spill the blood of a foe on the ground and immediately
reap the energy thus released. Talons who overuse this Gift, however, often begin to smell vaguely of charnel to
any werewolf using the Gift: Sense Wyrm. A spirit of decay teaches this Gift. Banes are also capable of teaching
it, however, and only the Dying Cubs themselves know which type of spirit teaches it to the Red Talons most
System: The Garou must injure an opponent and spill its blood on the ground. The blood must touch
the Earth, not concrete or flooring. The player then rolls Gnosis (difficulty of the local Gauntlet). For each
success, the Garou may regain a point of Gnosis or two points of Rage.
(Source: Tribebook: Red Talons Revised, p.71)
• Pain of the Land (Level Four) — The Garou must injure an opponent and spill its blood on the
ground. The blood must touch the Earth, not concrete or flooring. The player then rolls Gnosis (difficulty of the
local Gauntlet). For each success, the Garou may regain a point of Gnosis or two points of Rage.
System: Once learned, this Gift is always active. During combat, the difficulties on all attack and
damage rolls decrease depending on the level of Wyrm-taint in the area. Fighting in a large city might decrease
such difficulties by one, whereas fighting in a Black Spiral Hive would be worth a -3 to combat difficulties. Note
that this Gift does not decrease soak difficulties, nor does it aid in using Gifts not directly related to attack or
damage (so while the Ahroun Gift: Falling Touch would receive the benefit, the Philodox Gift: Weak Arm would
(Source: Tribebook: Red Talons Revised, p.71-72)
Winter Packs
Not a “camp” even in a loose sense, the Winter Packs are still taught Gifts that most Garou — even
most Talons — are not. The Winter Garou are strongly cautioned not to reveal these Gifts to the other tribes.
• Silence the Slain (Level One) — Perhaps the most disturbing Gift the Red Talons as a tribe have
access to, Silence the Slain allows a Garou to cut a victim off from any means of help by rendering him unable to
make sounds of any kind. Even pounding his fists on the window of a passing car will not disturb the passengers
therein. A pain-spirit teaches this Gift, the better to enjoy the agony of being hunted down when potential aid
stands deafly by.
System: The victim must see the Garou in order for the character to activate this Gift. The player
spends one Gnosis point and rolls Charisma + Intimidation (difficulty of the target's Willpower). If the roll
succeeds, the target is unable to make sound for one scene. The target cannot speak, and cannot make sound by
touching an object. However, the pain-spirit teaching this Gift becomes offended if the werewolf attempts to use
Silence the Slain as a "silencer" for an ally, often cursing the Red Talon by removing her ability to howl for a
(Source: Tribebook: Red Talons Revised, p.72)
• Rampage (Level Two) — No Winter Garou have yet learned this Gift, and only the older Red Talons
who had a hand in the Winter Council know it. This Gift, meant as a last resort, allows the user to smash stone,
rend metal, and generally destroy any man-made object within reach. A wolverine-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends two Rage points and rolls to check for frenzy. If the Garou frenzies, the Gift
activates and the werewolf gains three extra dice on any Strength roll to break, throw, crush, or lift inanimate
objects. These dice cannot be used for direct damage to an opponent. The effects of the Gift last for one scene,
during which the Garou attacks whatever is within reach, excluding her own packmates (regardless of her
comparative Rage and Gnosis scores).
(Source: Tribebook: Red Talons Revised, p.72)

The Gifts of the tribeless Garou are often geared towards misdirection or escape. As exiles, the Ronin
have to constantly stay on the move to avoid their many enemies. While it is difficult for a Ronin to learn Gifts, it
is not impossible. While the tribes loathe the practice, some Ronin manage to teach each other Gifts in exchange
for valuable consumables such as silver ammunition, talens, and, in many cases, money to get from one bus
station to the next.

• Hide the Wolf (Level One) — A Garou with this Gift can temporarily hide all signs of his rage,
including the subtle, instinctual signs which often spook humans and wolves. In this way, the Garou can live
among them without suffering the Curse. However, the sight of a Garou in Crinos form will still activate the
Delirium in humans. This Gift is taught by a raccoon- or chameleon-spirit.
System: The Garou spends one Gnosis point and rolls Charisma + Primal-Urge (difficulty 6). Only one
success is required. The effect lasts for one scene. However, the Gift is canceled if the Garou spends any Rage
points or shapeshifts.
(Source: World of Darkness - Outcasts, p.62)
• Buffalo Run (Level Two) — The Garou can charge an opponent with amazing speed and devastating
force. This Gift is taught by a buffalo-spirit.
System: The Garou spends one Rage point. This Gift acts as a combat maneuver:
Roll Difficulty Damage Actions
Dex + Brawl 7 Strength + Special † 1
† Damage is considered aggravated.
If the attack succeeds, the opponent falls to the ground and is trampled by the attacker. The base
damage done equals the attacker’s Strength + 4; each success scored on the attack roll above the minimum adds
one to this base. Unlike a Body Slam, the character does not damage herself with this maneuver; she is protected
by buffalo-spirit magic. The character must be in Crinos, Hispo or Lupus form to use this maneuver. The
character can move her full distance, but she must run in a straight line; weaving around in circles does not build
sufficient momentum.
(Source: World of Darkness - Outcasts, p.62)
• Vengeance of the Scorned (Level Two) — The Garou can turn part of a Garou’s (or other
shapeshifter’s) flesh into silver, causing extreme pain to the opponent. This Gift is taught by a rat-spirit.
System: The Garou spends one Gnosis point and rolls Rage (difficulty 7). The Garou must first touch
the target. The area touched will turn to silver for one turn per success. Assuming the target is a shapeshifter that
is of a Breed susceptible to silver, this will cause excruciating pain to the target, adding three to all his difficulties
as long as the effect lasts. In addition, the target suffers the normal Gnosis penalty for carrying silver. The
opponent must also make a frenzy roll for each turn he is affected.
Note, however, that not all of the Changing Breeds are affected by silver, nor are they all prone to
frenzy. The Ananasi, Corax and Nuwisha are not injured by silver, so this Gift is unable to affect them, not even
for the purposes of inflicting frenzy.
Kitsune may soak damage from silver (difficulty 8), and the damage is lethal, not aggravated.
Furthermore, Kitsune Rage rolls are always at difficulty 6 and the werefoxes can normally only enter fox frenzy.
(Note: The mechanics concerning the Changing Breeds were extrapolated from the W20 Changing Breeds Book
manuscript. Outcasts was published long before W20 and even before the majority of the Breedbooks. I tried to
extrapolate the correct rules as best I could. –Su-tehp)
(Source: World of Darkness - Outcasts, p.62 & W20 Changing Breeds, p.XX)
• Elude the Posse (Level Three) — The Garou using this Gift is transported to another location — via
the Umbra — no less than ten miles from her original location. However, she cannot necessarily control where
she arrives. This Gift is taught by a Wyld-spirit.
System: The Garou spends one Gnosis point and rolls Wits + Occult (difficulty 7). Only one success is
required. However, additional successes allow her to choose her destination.
Successes Destination
One Storyteller chooses destination
Three Character can choose either a city or wilderness, if such exists within 10 miles
Five Character chooses destination
Botch Character is “caught” sideways (see Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.309-310)
(Source: World of Darkness - Outcasts, p.62)
• Raven’s Wings (Level Three) — The Garou with this Gift may send a portion of her spirit out of her
body in the form of a raven. The raven can see and hear, but it cannot affect the physical world. It is invulnerable
to attacks, however. This Gift is taught by a raven-spirit.
System: The Garou spends one Gnosis point and rolls Wits + Occult (difficulty 6). The raven may be
sent five miles away for every success on the roll. If it goes past this range, the Gift is canceled. While this Gift is
in use, the Garou must concentrate to use the raven’s senses and may take no other actions in the same turn he is
communing with the raven.
(Source: World of Darkness - Outcasts, p.62)

Shadow Lords
The Shadow Lords appreciate both subtlety and power, and this is reflected in their spirit pacts. The
Tribe’s Gifts grant power over shadows, intimidation, control, asserting dominance over others, and the raw fury
of the unleashed storm.

• Aura of Confidence (Level One) — The werewolf projects an aura of superiority, preventing
attempts to find flaws or read auras (but not to read the werewolf’s thoughts). An ancestor-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: This Gift’s effects are permanent.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.188)
• Aura of Nobility (Level One) — Even at her worst, this Garou looks her best. Despite her character,
or lack thereof, the Shadow Lord seems to be above contempt or slander. A cobra-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The Gift downplays the offensiveness of the Shadow Lord’s deed or her connection to them in
witnesses’ minds. The player needs only to spend one Gnosis point to avoid any loss of Honor.
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West Companion, p.76)
• Brand of Suspicion (Level One) — The Garou brands an intangible mark of suspicion on a target.
The subject herself feels no change, but all others in her vicinity feel subtle yet powerful misgivings, even if they
were favorably disposed toward her previously. The target’s actions and words are taken with the most negative
inference possible; even inaction is seen as suspicious. If others are focused on the Garou or another individual,
their attention will lock onto the target if she is brought to their attention. This Gift is taught by an ancestor-spirit.
System: The Garou must concentrate for one turn; the player spends a Gnosis point and rolls
Manipulation + Subterfuge (difficulty of the target’s Willpower). Success bestows an intangible aura on the
target, generating mistrust in those around her. Those who look into the Umbra will see the target’s brand, but
must make an Intelligence + Enigmas roll (difficulty 7) to properly discern its meaning (if the target does not cast
a reflection in the Umbra, the brand will still float, crackling, in the space she stands). Note that Umbral spirits
are similarly leery of the brand, modifying the target’s use of Gifts by +2 difficulty. The effects last for a scene.
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West – Frontier Secrets, p.10)
• Fatal Flaw (Level One) — The Shadow Lord can discern a target's weakness, granting an advantage
in combat. A Stormcrow teaches this Gift.
System: The Shadow Lord must concentrate for one full turn, then the player rolls Perception +
Empathy (difficulty of the target's Wits + Subterfuge). Success grants the Garou an extra die of damage during
combat with that target. Additional successes grant knowledge of further weaknesses, but not more dice.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.188)
• Rains of Mercy (Level One) — Though this Gift surprises many non-Shadow Lord Garou, it is only
because they forget the Shadow Lords follow a god affiliated with rain, and they come from a harsh land. Even
the Darwinist Shadow Lords known that their Kin need to be fed, and the rain summoned with this Gift made
sure those favored by the Lords never went hungry. A Stormcrow teaches this Gift
System: The Shadow Lord spends one point of Gnosis. By the end of the day, rain pours down in an
area around the Shadow Lord. The size of this area depends on the Shadow Lord's rank; it affects a radius of 15
minutes’ walk for each Rank the Lord has achieved, so an Athro can affect a region one hour's walk in radius
from his location. This Gift cannot summon harsh storms, but does produce a heavy downpour.
(Source: Players Guide to Garou, p.194)
• Seizing the Edge (Level One) — Shadow Lords don’t acknowledge the idea of the draw. If neither
competitor wins, then they both lose. This Gift allows the Garou to swing the balance, ever so slightly, in her
favor. A spirit servant of Grandfather Thunder teaches this Gift.
System: Whenever the Shadow Lord is involved in an opposed roll with another being, any ties go to
the Shadow Lord. This Gift’s effects are permanent, but invoking them more than once in a scene costs one
Gnosis per additional tie broken.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.188)
• Shadow Weaving (Level One) — Slightly flexing her fingers or claws, the Garou pulls and weaves
shadows as she desires — lengthening or shortening them, lightening or darkening, or even twisting them into
grotesque and frightening shapes. A shadow-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Dexterity + Occult (difficulty 7). For the rest of
the scene, the Shadow Lord may warp shadows within 100 yards (91 m) as she wishes. Among other creative
uses, this lowers the difficulty of all Stealth and Intimidation attempts by 1.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.188-9)
• Whisper Catching (Level One) — Secrets are an important commodity, and those who strive to keep
their secrets may very well be hiding something dangerous. This Gift was developed to root out potential traitors
or plotters against the Garou, but has been open to... certain abuses ever since. The Shadow Lord may
supernaturally eavesdrop on whispered conversations nearby, giving her an edge over those with something to
hide. This Gift is taught by a crow- or bat-spirit.
System: The player spends a point of Willpower.
For the rest of the scene, all whispers within 200 feet are fully audible to the Shadow Lord as though they had
been spoken clearly just next to her. The Murmur Rite (see Tribebook: Shadow Lords Revised, p.74) blocks this
Gift; the Shadow Lords are not willing to violate the privacy of a shadow moot, even for their own personal gain.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.188 & Tribebook: Shadow Lords Revised, p.66)
• Clap of Thunder (Level Two) — The Shadow Lord slams her hands together, creating a mighty
thunderclap that stuns those who hear it. A Stormcrow teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point. All characters within 20 feet (6 m) must succeed in a
Willpower roll (difficulty 8 for foes, 4 for packmates) or be stunned and unable to act for one turn. The Garou
must be in Homid, Glabro, or Crinos form to use this Gift.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.189)
• Cold Voice of Reason (Level Two) — A cunning Shadow Lord can talk his way out of just about
anything. If attacked, the werewolf may invent a clever remark that will detain his attacker for at least one round.
A crow-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends a Gnosis point and rolls Manipulation + Subterfuge (difficulty 8). The
attacker is detained one round for each success as long as he, in turn, is not attacked (being attacked immediately
breaks the Shadow Lord’s spell). The attacker is free to take any other actions he wishes (including attacking
individuals other than the Shadow Lord).
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p. 190; Tribebook: Shadow Lords Revised, p.67 & 2nd Ed Shadow
Lords Tribebook, p.50)
• Disfigurement (Level Two) — The Shadow Lord can place a nasty boil of dishonorable scar on the
target. She can disfigure her rival in embarrassing ways that rob him of prestige in the presence of other Garou.
Although the lesion isn't physically handicapping, it certainly limits the victim's social grace. A baboon-spirit or
toad-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player rolls Manipulation + Primal-Urge (difficulty 7) and spends a Willpower point. The
disfigurement subtracts two dice from all the target's Social rolls. The scar or blemish heals at the end of one
(Source: Werewolf Players Guide, 2nd Ed., p.42)
• Howls in the Night (Level Two) — As the Galliard Gift.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.190→p.169)
• Luna's Armor (Level Two) — As the Child of Gaia Gift.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.190→p.177)
• Song of the Earth Mother (Level Two) — A more powerful version of Sense Wyrm, this Gift allows
the user to sense the presence of Wyrm activity within a broad area. Essentially, the Garou communes with the
earth and listens to what it says. The Gift is taught by an earth-spirit.
System: The user spends 10 minutes communing with the earth, during which time she may take no
other actions. The player then spends two Gnosis points and rolls Perception + Occult (difficulty 7). Success
indicates that the earth tells her about any supernatural presence within an area of 100 yards (91 m) per success.
While the Gift doesn’t offer specific information about the being or beings detected, it does indicate whether or
not the presence is Wyrm-tainted.
(Note: This is listed as a Level Three Gift in Tribebook: Shadow Lords Revised, p.70-71 as a Child of Bat Gift.)
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.190)
• Curse of Corruption (Level Three) — The Shadow Lords, never a tribe to play fair, designed this
Gift to discredit their rivals. Victims of this curse find themselves doubted by even their staunchest allies. Despite
a target's most noble exertions, no one believes anything he has to say until the curse fades. A jackal-spirit
teaches this Gift.
System: The Shadow Lord rolls her Gnosis against a difficulty equal to the target's Gnosis. The number
of successes indicates the number of turns the victim suffers from the curse. Until it fades, everything the victim
says sounds dishonest. The Shadow Lord must spend a Willpower point to activate this Gift.
(Note: This Gift is not to be confused with the Uktena Bane Tender Rank 3 Gift of the same name.)
(Source: Werewolf Players Guide, 2nd Ed., p.42)
• Direct the Storm (Level Three) — The Shadow Lord can direct the primal instincts of a frenzied
werewolf, friend or foe, causing him to attack targets of the Lord’s choice. A Stormcrow teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls Willpower (difficulty of the target’s Rage).
Success indicates that the Shadow Lord controls the target’s frenzy and can set him on anyone she chooses for
two turns per success. Using this Gift on a Garou in the Thrall of the Wyrm is possible, but doing so requires the
player to roll Rage (difficulty 7) to check for frenzy for her own character.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.190)
• Icy Chill of Despair (Level Three) — The Shadow Lord appears to grow larger and more imposing,
becoming a terrible, shadowy version of herself. This change in aspect can severely intimidate any onlookers. A
Stormcrow teaches this Gift.
System: The werewolf concentrates for a turn; the player spends one Gnosis point and rolls
Manipulation + Intimidation, difficulty 7. Anyone who means the Shadow Lord harm must make a Willpower
check, difficulty 8, and score more successes than the Lord does in order to act normally. Failure means that the
victims must spend a Willpower point to attack, take action against or even verbally oppose the Shadow Lord.
This Gift doesn’t give the Lord actual control over her intimidated victims — they’re simply too spooked to
actively oppose her.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.190 & Tribebook: Shadow Lords Revised, p.67)
• Paralyzing Stare (Level Three) — The Shadow Lord directs a terrifying glare at a target, causing her
to freeze in terror. A Stormcrow teaches this Gift.
System: The Garou concentrates for one turn. The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Charisma +
Intimidation (difficulty of the target's Willpower). Each success freezes the target in place for one turn, rendering
her unable to move or attack (though she may still defend herself). The target must be able to see the Garou.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.190)
• Raven’s Curse (Level Three) — This Gift lays the curse of certain death by arrows on the Shadow
Lord’s enemy. While the curse is in effect, arrows, bolts, hurled spears and other missile weapons are strangely
attracted to the target. Although this Gift can be used in battle situations, most Shadow Lords prefer to use it
secretly on a chosen foe just before a battle begins, ensuring an "unfortunate accident." This Gift is taught by a
System: The Shadow Lord simply touches the intended target with his fingertips. At that time, the
player spends one Gnosis and rolls Manipulation + Archery (difficulty 7). The number of successes determines
the curse’s duration.
Successes Duration
One One Hour
Two One Day
Three One Month
Four One Year
Five+ Until the curse is broken
The difficulty to strike the target with any sort of missile weapon drops by two; archers in
battle situations are also more likely to fire at the cursed target than at any other targets around him. Raven’s
Curse can be broken by certain methods at the Storyteller’s discretion. A Rite of Cleansing, for instance, is
usually effective.
(Source: Dark Ages: Werewolf, p.138 & Werewolf: the Dark Ages, p.108)
• Raven’s Wings (Level Three) — A Lord with this Gift is especially close to Raven, and may
manifest a spirit avatar in the form of a raven to spy for him. The raven may see and hear, but may not affect the
physical world or, in turn, be affected by attacks of any so.
System: To activate the Gift, the Lord spends a Gnosis point and rolls Wits + Occult (difficulty 6). The
raven may be sent up to five miles away for every success rolled, but is canceled if it goes beyond this range. The
Lord must concentrate to see through the raven's eyes, but need not do so to maintain the raven's existence.
Although the raven is visible in the Penumbra, it cannot be seen in the physical world; by default it sees its
Penumbral environment, but can peek across the Gauntlet to the material world. The effects of the Gift last for a
(Source: Tribebook: Shadow Lords Revised, p.67-68 & 2nd Ed Shadow Lords Tribebook, p.50)
• Shadow Cutting (Level Three) — The Shadow Lord can wound an enemy by striking at his very
shadow. Such attacks are difficult to dodge. This Gift is taught by a night-spirit.
System: The character spits into his opponent’s shadow and the player spends a Gnosis point. For the
rest of the scene, the character may strike at his foe’s shadow to wound him. Only fetish weapons or natural
weaponry serves for such attacks. The victim has two fewer dice to dodge attacks directed at his shadow, and
can’t parry them at all. The Storyteller may even give the shadow's attacker extra dice in certain situations, such
as during sunset or when the victim is a few stories up, but his shadow falls at the Garou's feet.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.190 & Tribebook: Shadow Lords Revised, p.68)
• Summon Stormcrow (Level Three) — If there is any one spirit that defines the Shadow Lord tribe, it
is the Stormcrow. A frightening avatar of Grandfather Thunder, a Stormcrow comes to aid whoever beckons them
with this Gift. They make excellent spies, messengers, and, if need be, combatants and distractions. Some rumor
that there are so many Stormcrows in the Umbral air of the Shadow Lords’ homelands that every Shadow Lord
can know all that happens in the land. Grandfather Thunder himself teaches this Gift.
System: To call a Stormcrow, the Judge must roll Charisma + Intimidation (difficulty 8) and spend a
Gnosis point. He may give the Stormcrow a single command, such as "Follow the Red Talon and report his
activities" or "Keep an eye on the Theurge elder". The Stormcrow is invisible to everyone except individuals in
the Umbra. The target must roll her Perception (difficulty 8) or employ a Gift to see a Stormcrow in the Umbra.
(Source: Players Guide to Garou, p.194; Werewolf Players Guide, 2 nd Ed., p.41)
• Under the Gun (Level Three) — The Shadow Lord lays a curse on her foe, ensuring certain death by
bullets. While the curse is in effect, bullets (as well as arrows, hurled knives, and any other missile weapons) are
strangely attracted to the target. Although this Gift is useful in battle, most Shadow Lords prefer to use it secretly
on a chosen foe before a fight begins, ensuring an “unfortunate accident.” A raven-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The Shadow Lord touches the intended target with her fingertips. The player spends a Gnosis
point and rolls Manipulation + Firearms. The curse lingers for one day per success. While it is in effect, the
difficulty to strike the target with any sort of missile attack drops by two.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.190)
• Unwitting Pawn (Level Three) — Over time, the Shadow Lord can convince a target that the Gift
user holds the other’s best interests at heart. At first, the newfound friend performs small favors; much later, the
pawn might even die for the Shadow Lord. A rat-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The Gift affects just one pawn at a time, over the period of a week, the Shadow Lord must
pretend to be the person’s friend (the friendship can be real as well). During that time, he must spend one Gnosis
per day to seal the arrangement. After the first week, the pawn sides with the Shadow Lord in arguments, helps
with the Garou’s chores and rolls his cigarettes. The effect fades in one week unless the Shadow Lord spends
additional Gnosis. If the Gift affects the same person for over a year, the small favors and general friendliness
turn obsessive and dangerous.
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West Companion, p.76)
• Call the Storm (Level Four) — As the Wendigo Gift: Invoke the Spirits of the Storm, save that only
thunderstorms may be called and an avatar of Grandfather Thunder teaches it.
(Source: Tribebook: Shadow Lords Revised, p.68 & Werewolf: the Apocalypse Corebook Revised, p.154)
• Dolorous Stroke (Level Four) — The Shadow Lord delivers a blow so merciless and terrible that it
strikes fear into the hearts of those around him. Anyone witnessing the Dolorous Stroke becomes faint of heart
and finds it difficult to oppose the Shadow Lord capable of such a strike. This Gift is taught by a death-spirit.
System: The player spends a Gnosis point then rolls to hit; the character can take no other action during
this turn. If the character misses, the Gift’s effects do not take place. If he hits, he gains two dice for his damage
pool in addition to the normal successes. If he inflicts at least three health levels of damage (after soak) to his
target, any onlookers are dismayed by the brutal expertise of the character’s attack, and they suffer a one-die
penalty to any rolls made against the character for the remainder of the scene.
(Source: Dark Ages: Werewolf, p.138-139 & Werewolf: the Dark Ages, p.109)
• Durance (Level Four) — The werewolf dominates a talen-bound spirit, spinning webs of
metaphysical authority to forcibly lengthen its service to her. Some consider this Gift disrespectful, but the
Shadow Lords find it ridiculous to discard a weapon that might serve Gaia, just for the sake of politeness. This
Gift is taught by a spider-spirit.
System: Upon using a talen, the player may reflexively spend one Gnosis point to keep the spirit bound
within from departing. This Gift is ineffective on talens which are destroyed as an inherent aspect of their use
(such as the nightshade talen, which must be drunk to activate its powers), but preserves talens whose destruction
is a metaphysical result of their use (such as moon glow and Wyrm scales).
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.190-1)
• Open Wounds (Level Four) — The Garou may cause the next wound he inflicts to bleed profusely,
weakening the target further. A pain-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Strength + Medicine (difficulty 7). If the Shadow
Lord’s next attack does any damage, the target will bleed continuously, suffering one unsoakable lethal damage
per turn for a number of turns equal to the number of successes rolled.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.190)
• Seeds of Doubt (Level Four) — Talented tricksters, Shadow Lords with this Gift may convince a
listener of one false idea, no matter how absurd. The Gift only works if the lie told is not obviously harmful to
the listener. It is taught by a raven-spirit.
System: The Lord spends a point of Gnosis and makes an opposed Charisma + Subterfuge roll
(difficulty 8). If the Lord succeeds, the listener will believe the lie until somehow "deprogrammed." If he fails,
however, the listener sees through the Lord's argument and recognizes the lie for what it is. If the Lord botches,
the listener goes into frenzy (unless normally incapable of such, like a human).
(Source: Tribebook: Shadow Lords Revised, p.68 & 2nd Ed Shadow Lords Tribebook, p.50)
• Strength of the Dominator (Level Four) — The Garou draws on a target's anger to feed his own. A
Stormcrow teaches this Gift.
System: The player rolls Wits + Intimidation (difficulty of the target's Willpower). For a number of
turns equal to the successes scored, the target will lose a point of Rage per turn, while the Shadow Lord gains
that Rage. The character can use this Gift only once per target per scene.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.191)
• Ubiquitous Presence (Level Four) — Paranoia is a wonderful weapon. It keeps enemies from
resting, from thinking properly, and, done right, from ever attacking you. And if you can't be everywhere at once,
at least you can appear to be. The Shadow Lord can curse an enemy with paranoia, giving the victim an
unflinching suspicion that the Garou is watching her, even when that belief would otherwise be entirely illogical.
Shadow or night-spirits teach this Gift.
System: The player spends one Gnosis and rolls Charisma + Intimidation, difficulty of the victim's
Intelligence x 2. Success indicates that the curse takes effect, reducing all dice pools of the victim by one for
each two successes rolled. The effects last for one day and night.
(Source: Players Guide to Garou, p.194)
• Obedience (Level Five) — With the power of this Gift, the Shadow Lord becomes the ultimate alpha,
compelling all others to follow her orders. A Stormcrow teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Charisma + Leadership (difficulty 8). All in the
vicinity must roll Willpower (difficulty 8) and match or exceed the Garou's successes to avoid the effects of the
Gift. If the werewolf wins by one success, the targets follow any orders that don't directly inconvenience them.
Getting three successes means that the targets will treat the Garou as their alpha and fight for him. Getting five
successes means that the targets will follow him into the Abyss or perform other virtually suicidal actions. The
Gift’s effects last for one full day.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.191)
• Shadow Pack (Level Five) — The Garou summons up shadowy duplicates of himself to stand by
him in battle. These shadow-wolves resemble the Shadow Lord and have some of the same capabilities. A night-
spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player rolls Gnosis (difficulty 8) and spends a variable number of Gnosis points. For each
point spent, the Garou summons a shadow-duplicate. These duplicates have the same Attributes and Abilities as
the Garou, but they may not use Gifts, Gnosis or Willpower. Each has only one health level (i.e., any attack that
is not soaked destroys it). The duplicates fade at the end of the scene.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.191)
• Wounding Lies (Level Five) — For all their ability to prevaricate or misdirect when the need is there,
few Shadow Lords - particularly elders - like being lied to. This Gift is the ultimate expression of that conceit; it
forces those whom the Lord is interrogating to speak the truth or suffer the consequences. A person that lies to
the elder suffers great wounds that mystically appear across his body with each untruth. A pain-spirit teaches this
System: The player spends one Gnosis and rolls Charisma + Intimidation (difficulty of target's
Willpower). If he succeeds, the power takes effect; for the rest of the scene, each fib the subject tells inflicts one
level of aggravated damage on the subject, which cannot be soaked. Even half-truths open small, stinging wound
(no actual damage, but painful and obvious). A Garou targeted by this Gift may overcome the effect by spending
a number of Gnosis points equal to the interrogator's successes. Most others usually begin telling the truth after
the first wound or two (the Storyteller may call for a Willpower check, difficulty 8, to keep silent). Some Shadow
Lords heighten the effect by claiming that silence will wound the target just as surely as lies will - an untruth on
the Lord's behalf, but one that gets results.
(Source: Tribebook: Shadow Lords Revised, p.68-69)
A Japanese offshoot of the Shadow Lords, the Hakken have struck many pacts with the spirits of the Land of the
Rising Sun which are unknown to their Western counterparts. Hakken prize honor, sophistication, and skill with
the blade in equal measure.
Hakken begin with three Gifts, one each for tribe, breed and auspice. Those who follow the Way of
Emerald Virtue and are sworn to the Courts begin play with a Hakken Gift, a general hengeyokai Gift, and a
breed Gift. They may use any Shadow Lord Gifts in addition to those of their own distinct subtribe. As with most
other hengeyokai, several Gifts are taught by ancestor-spirits.
(Note: The following Hakken Gifts can be found in Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East but have since been
updated in Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, so any conflicts in the systems between the two versions of the
Gifts are resolved by using the write-ups in the Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition.)
• Dream of a Thousand Cranes (Level One) — By folding an origami crane, the Hakken enjoys good
luck for a short period of time. An ancestor-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The origami takes a full turn to complete; the player spends a Gnosis point and rolls Charisma
+ Occult (difficulty 6). For the rest of the scene, the Hakken gains one die per success to add to other dice pools;
each die can be used only once.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.189)
• Fair Path (Level One) — The Hakken appears at formal ceremonies clean and dressed in proper
attire, even if he has just returned from battle. A water-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The Hakken places her hand in clean water; the player rolls Charisma + Etiquette. The Hakken
gains one die to all Appearance-related rolls for the rest of the scene.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.189)
• Storm Winds Slash (Level Two) — Hakken may use their blades to injure Wyrm creatures at a
distance. This Gift is taught by a metal or wind-spirit.
System: The player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls Dexterity + Melee (difficulty 7). Success enables
the Hakken to strike an opponent from as far away as 50 yards (45 m); the opponent may attempt to dodge the
strike and takes lethal damage as usual for a weapon strike.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.189)
• Dark of Night (Level Three) — A Hakken can cause an opponent to become temporarily blinded.
Hakken reserve such underhanded tactics for use against minions of the Wyrm. This Gift comes from a raven-
System: The Hakken spills a vial of ink; the player spends one Gnosis and rolls Manipulation +
Subterfuge, resisted by the target’s Gnosis (if any). Each success blinds the victim for an hour.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.189)
• Living Treasure (Level Four) — A Hakken can convince the spirit of a treasure in his possession to
relate its history and lore. An ancestor-spirit imparts this Gift.
System: The Hakken touches the object; the player rolls Manipulation + Etiquette (difficulty 7). Each
success causes the spirit to reveal one fact about itself. Hakken may use this Gift on common items as well,
making it a useful tool for investigations or problem solving. This Gift may only be used once per object.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.189)
• Divine Wind (Level Five) — The Hakken can call forth a powerful storm in a designated area. The
storm uproots trees and overturns cars in its fury. An ancestor-spirit or a servant of Narukami, Lord of Thunder,
teaches this Gift.
System: The player rolls Stamina + Enigmas (difficulty 7) and spends a minimum of one Rage point.
Each success equals a one-mile (1.6 km) radius for the storm. Each Rage point spent adds a success and,
therefore, increases the size of the storm, which lasts for no more than one scene.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.189)
Shadow Lord Camp Gifts
Bringers of Light
These Gifts are poorly understood, and are not known to most Shadow Lords. Indeed, few high-ranking
Theurges outside the Lords, and not many within the tribe, even know of their existence. Hence, a Lightbringer
must speak with another of the camp before he learns of these Gifts. Only then can he seek them out and discover
their secrets.
• Purify Scent (Level One) — Masters of stealth, the Bringers of Light use this Gift to mask their true
identity from other Garou. Its effects apply to other supernaturals as well, but they are typically not interested in
learning the information masked by the Gift. It is taught by a night-spirit.
System: The player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls Perception + Primal-Urge (difficulty 7). Each
success raises the difficulty of discovering the Garou's breed, tribe, or auspice (by any means, natural or
supernatural) by one, to a maximum of +3.
(Source: Tribebook: Shadow Lords Revised, p.69 & 2nd Ed Shadow Lords Tribebook, p.51)
• Pure Identity (Level Two) — As Purify Scent allows the Lightbringer to mask his tribe, breed and
auspice, so this Gift allows her to mask her race. She may appear as a vampire or changeling, or even as a hunter
or a normal human. In shifted form, she may appear as a Black Spiral Dancer, and perhaps even as a fomor of
some sort. This Gift is taught by a chameleon-spirit.
System: The Lightbringer spends three Gnosis, and remains masked for one full day. If scrutinized
carefully, the Garou must make an opposed Manipulation + Subterfuge roll (difficulty 8) against the opponent's
Perception + Subterfuge roll (difficulty 8) to maintain the deception.
(Source: Tribebook: Shadow Lords Revised, p.69 & 2nd Ed Shadow Lords Tribebook, p.51)
• Wyrm Taint (Level Three) — This exceedingly rare Gift can only be learned from Grandfather
Thunder himself, and he is generally quite reluctant to teach it, given the possible side effects. In essence, the
Gift allows the Lightbringer to call a bit of the Wyrm into himself, so that he might pass even the closest scrutiny
deep within a Black Spiral Dancer hive. Excessive use of the Gift risks corrupting the user, such that only the
bravest of Lightbringers even dare to learn it.
System: The Shadow Lord spends a Gnosis point and rolls Manipulation + Occult (difficulty 8). If
successful, she appears for all intents and purposes to be Wyrm-tainted, and will appear as such to any Gifts or
fetishes that detect such taint. If she fails, she may try again until successful (at the cost of one Gnosis per
attempt). The effects last until the user chooses to dismiss them, which requires another Manipulation + Occult
roll (difficulty 6). Failing this second roll indicates that a bit of taint remains, decreasing the difficulty of the
activation roll for the Gift by one and increasing the difficulty to dismiss the taint by one. In addition, the number
of successes needed to fall into the Thrall of the Wyrm on a frenzy check is reduced by one.
If the Garou maintains this Gift for more than a day, the difficulties to activate or dismiss the Gift shift
as described above, as though the Garou failed her check to dismiss the Gift. The difficulties continue to change
until the Gift is successfully dismissed and a Rite of Cleansing is performed on the Garou. If the difficulty to
dismiss the Gift ever rises above 10, the Wyrm-taint is permanent and may not be dismissed by a Rite of
Cleansing, or by other means short of a trip to Erebus. In this case, the Garou is in serious danger of falling to the
(Source: Tribebook: Shadow Lords Revised, p.69-70)
• Purity of Blood (Level Five) — The Lightbringer's ability to resist the Wyrm is such that he may
overcome the blood bond of vampires. This Gift is taught by an avatar of Grandfather Thunder, and has been
responsible for the downfall of many a nest of vampires.
System: After spending 10 minutes in deep meditation, the Lightbringer spends two points of Gnosis
and makes an Intelligence + Meditation roll (difficulty 8). Success indicates that the Garou may spend a
Willpower point at any time during the following 24 hours to break the blood bond of a vampire, making the
infiltration of vampire nests a trivial exercise. The Garou need only glance at the affected blood thrall; physical
contact is not needed. The Gift works as well on Sabbat Vaulderie as it does on normal vampiric blood bonds.
(Source: Tribebook: Shadow Lords Revised, p.70 & 2nd Ed Shadow Lords Tribebook, p.51)
Children of Bat
These highly specialized Gifts are taught by members of Bat’s brood, and may only be learned with
permission from Bat himself. If a Lord actually joins this camp, this permission is implicit.
• Ears of the Bat (Level One) — As per the Black Spiral Dancer Gift, save that it is taught by an
uncorrupted bat-spirit, and that the Shadow Lord’s ears do not actually change form.
(Source: Tribebook: Shadow Lords Revised, p.70 & Werewolf: the Apocalypse Corebook Revised, p.273)
• Patagia (Level Three) — As per the Black Spiral Dancer Gift. This Gift is taught by a bat-sprit, but it
may also be learned from a squirrel-sprit.
(Note: This Gift is known as Skinglide in Werewolf: the Wild West, p.272)
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.427 & Tribebook: Shadow Lords Revised, p.70)
• A Thousand Eyes (Level Three) — The Child of Bat melds his consciousness with that of a swarm
of bats, and may see and hear all that they see and hear for the duration of the night. Using this Gift requires a
swarm of at least a thousand bats (easily found in most temperate or tropical areas). It is taught by a bat-spirit.
System: The Garou spends three Gnosis and rolls Perception + Primal-Urge (difficulty 8). Success
indicates she slips into a deep meditative trance, and can see through the bats' eyes and hear through their ears for
one full night. With one success, she cannot control the bats' movements; they go where they will, and she sees
and hears what they happen to see and hear (generally lots of insects). With three or more successes, however,
the Garou can subtly direct the movements of the swarm such that they are guided to a general area of interest to
the Garou. She still cannot control individual bats, but they will show mild interest in whatever area it is that the
Garou wants them to see. The Garou spends three Gnosis and rolls Perception + Primal-Urge (difficulty 8).
Success indicates she slips into a deep meditative trance, and can see through the bats' eyes and hear through
their ears for one full night. With one success, she cannot control the bats' movements; they go where they will,
and she sees and hears what they happen to see and hear (generally lots of insects). With three or more successes,
however, the Garou can subtly direct the movements of the swarm such that they are guided to a general area of
interest to the Garou. She still cannot control individual bats, but they will show mild interest in whatever area it
is that the Garou wants them to see.
(Source: Tribebook: Shadow Lords Revised, p.71)
Children of Crow
• Perceptive Servant (Level One) — Ever the loyal betas, Children of Crow make a career of fading
into the background whenever anything important comes up - and then using the information thus learned to
destroy anyone they care to. This Gift is taught by a crow-spirit.
System: When eavesdropping on a conversation, noticing details of various sorts, or engaging in any
other sort of information gathering activity relying primarily on sight or sound (even scanning a nearby building
with binoculars), a Child of Crow may spend a Gnosis point to reduce the difficulty of gleaning information from
such activities by 2.
(Source: Tribebook: Shadow Lords Revised, p.72 & 2nd Ed Shadow Lords Tribebook, p.50)
• Hidden Secrets (Level Two) — Children of Crow are terribly fond of blackmail, and this Gift does a
lot to help their natural tendencies along. The Corax know this Gift as Dark Truths; the Shadow Lords learned
the Gift from the raven-folk, and improved on it a bit. The Gift is taught by a fly-spirit.
System: To use this Gift, the character rolls Perception + Manipulation (difficulty 7). Success indicates
the Garou learns one of the target's deepest and most embarrassing secrets. These secrets are of no use in combat,
but make excellent blackmail material. Of course, not everyone has secrets of equal value.
(Source: Tribebook: Shadow Lords Revised, p.72)
• Dark Aerie (Level Three) — As per the Uktena Gift: Spirit of the Bird. The Child of Crow is
enveloped in shadows while using this Gift, making her easier to spot during the day but harder to spot at night.
It is taught by a crow-spirit.
(Source: Tribebook: Shadow Lords Revised, p.72-73, Werewolf: the Apocalypse Corebook Revised, p.152 & 2nd
Ed Shadow Lords Tribebook, p.50)
Judges of Doom
• Interrogator (Level One) — This Gift is used to terrify victims into confessing their crimes. It may
be used only infrequently, but it is nonetheless a potent edge when used at moots and other gatherings of high-
ranking Garou. The Gift is taught by a fear-spirit.
System: The player spends a Willpower point and rolls Manipulation + Subterfuge or Investigation
(difficulty 8) versus an opposed Willpower roll (difficulty 8). If the Judge succeeds, the defender is paralyzed
with fear and must confess the gravest crime she has committed in the last lunar cycle. The Gift may only be
used once per target per lunar month.
(Source: Tribebook: Shadow Lords Revised, p.73)
• Executioner’s Privilege (Level Two) — As the Get of Fenris Gift: Halt the Coward’s Flight.
(Source: Tribebook: Shadow Lords Revised, p.73→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.180)
• True Fear (Level Two) — As the Ahroun Gift.
(Source: Tribebook: Shadow Lords Revised, p.73→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.171)
• Assassin’s Strike (Level Four) — Like the Ratkin and the Nagah before them, the Judges of Doom
have learned to quickly slip into and out of the Umbra so that they may surprise their prey. When using this Gift,
the Judge disappears for a moment and reappears behind his victim, whereupon he may attack his victim with
complete surprise. This Gift is taught by a cobra-spirit.
System: The character spends one Gnosis and one Rage, then uses the Umbra to "skip" up to 50 feet
and reappear in the physical world directly behind his target. The Judge may then attack his victim at -2 difficulty
(minimum 4). This attack may not be dodged unless the victim has bolstered his senses with supernatural aid.
(Source: Tribebook: Shadow Lords Revised, p.73)
• Find the Transgressor (Level Five) — With this potent Gift, the Judge calls upon the might of Gaia
Herself to determine the exact location of any one named individual that has violated the Litany in some fashion.
Use of this Gift is never a trivial undertaking, and those that abuse its power usually suffer dire consequences. An
avatar of Gaia Herself teaches this Gift.
System: The user spends two Gnosis and two Willpower, then invokes the will of Gaia to help him find
a Garou who has violated the Litany in a particularly foul fashion. If Gaia would agree with the Judge's
assessment of the situation (which is left entirely to the Storyteller's judgment), he learns the exact location of his
quarry. No method of obfuscation, be it supernatural or mundane, can keep the target hidden. The Gift does
nothing to help the Judge reach the target and it does not work on Wyrm-creatures (who are shrouded by their
If Gaia disagrees with the Judge's opinion, or if the transgressor has violated the Litany in only a trivial sense, the
Judge instead suffers one aggravated level of damage per Rank of the targeted Garou.
(Source: Tribebook: Shadow Lords Revised, p.73)
Lords of the Summit
• Interrogator (Level One) — As the Level One Judges of Doom Gift.
(Source: Tribebook: Shadow Lords Revised, p.74→p.73)
• Paranoia (Level One) — Lords of the Summit don't remain such for long unless they can see their
enemies coming. This Gift gives the Lord a heightened sense of awareness, and also reveals a few details about
the enemies he's about to face. A Stormcrow teaches this Gift.
System: The Lord rolls Perception + Awareness (difficulty 7). A single success is all that's needed to
determine the number of opponents in the area. Two reveals the type(s) of opponents, while three or more reveal
progressively more detailed information. The effects of the Gift last for a scene.
(Source: Tribebook: Shadow Lords Revised, p.74)
• True Fear (Level Two) — As the Ahroun Gift.
(Source: Tribebook: Shadow Lords Revised, p.74→p.73→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.171)
• Roll Over (Level Two) — As the Philodox Gift.
(Source: Tribebook: Shadow Lords Revised, p.74→Werewolf: the Apocalypse Corebook Revised, p.140)
• Mask Taint (Level Five) — As the Skin Dancer Gift.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.199)

Silent Striders
The spirits bless the enigmatic Striders with Gifts of travel and speed.

• Faceless Stranger (Level One) — The werewolf may avert the eyes of onlookers, mentally
convincing them that there is nothing noteworthy about her. This Gift is taught by Lunes and shadow-spirits.
System: The player spends a point of Gnosis. For the duration of the scene, any neutral observers take
no notice of the Garou, and subconsciously avoid her, ignore her and even forget any of her distinguishing
features once she has passed. This power has no effect on characters who are already hostile toward the Garou, or
who have been specifically instructed to look out for her.
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West – Frontier Secrets, p.10)
• Heavens’ Guidance (Level One) — This practical Gift prevents the Silent Striders who have it from
ever being lost. Under a cloudy night sky and without the benefit of a chart or compass, a Strider can still make
his way through unfamiliar territory. Although he cannot tell exactly where he is at all times, the Strider will
always have a perfect sense of direction. Also, he always knows the exact distance he has traveled. Various star-
spirits and other inhabitants of the Aetherial teach this Gift.
System: Once learned, this Gift’s effects are always active from twilight to dawn. The werewolf gains
an innate sense of direction; he always knows which way is north, and the path he took to reach where he is.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.191; Tribebook: Silent Striders Revised, p.74; Dark Ages:
Werewolf, p.139; Werewolf: the Dark Ages, p.109)
• Sense Wyrm (Level One) — As the Metis Gift.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.191→p.156)
• Silence (Level One) — The Garou can muffle any sound she makes, the better to creep up on an
enemy or escape unnoticed. An owl-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player adds two dice to all Dexterity + Stealth rolls for one scene.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.191)
• Speed of Thought (Level One) — The Garou doubles her running speed. A roadrunner- or cheetah-
spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point. The Gift lasts until the end of the scene.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.191)
• Tireless Running (Level One) — Young Silent Striders quickly learn the need for extraordinary
speed and stamina - often the messages that even untested youths are asked to carry cannot wait for the message
bearer to sleep or eat. A Garou with this Gift can run from moonrise to moonrise subsisting on nothing more than
her spiritual energy, crossing almost four hundred miles, but as soon as she breaks her run she must eat and rest.
This Gift is taught by a wolf-spirit.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point. The character (who must be in Lupus form) may long run
for twenty-four hours without the player making a Stamina roll. After twenty-four hours, and each twenty-four
hour period thereafter, the player must spend one point of Gnosis and one point of Willpower to allow the
character to continue running; otherwise, she must stop. Whenever the character stops running, for whatever
reason, she suffers -2 dice to all pools until she has a chance to eat and rest, unless she has run a number of hours
that is less than her Stamina.
(Source: Tribebook: Silent Striders Revised, p.74)
• Trailblazer (Level One) — As the Ragabash Gift.
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West Companion, p.76→p.71)
• Visions of Duat (Level One) — The werewolf’s eyes become cloudy and pale as she attunes her
vision to the ashen landscape of the Underworld. An owl-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Perception + Occult (difficulty 7). For the rest of
the scene, the character can see (and hear) ghosts and detect haunted areas with another Perception + Occult roll
(difficulty corresponds to the severity of the haunting). This Gift bestows no power to touch or communicate
with the dead, however — that usually requires the use of the Descent into the Underworld rite (see p. 213). A
botch causes the Garou’s eyes to shine as beacons in the underworld, drawing the notice of broken, vengeful
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.192)
• Axis Mundi (Level Two) — As the lupus Gift.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.192→p.159)
• Blissful Ignorance (Level Two) — As the Ragabash Gift.
(Note: This Gift is known as Hide in Plain Sight in Werewolf: the Wild West, p.152)
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.192→p.161)
• Dark Peering (Level Two) — Using this Gift allows the Silent Strider to look through the Shroud
and witness events occurring there. She may not interact with events on the other side of the Shroud, nor may she
hear any verbal exchanges or other audible occurrences. This Gift is taught by a crow-spirit.
System: The player rolls Perception + Occult (difficulty equal to the Shroud rating + 3 to a maximum
of 10). The number of successes on the roll indicates how many turns the Strider may see into the local area of
the Dark Umbra.
(Source: Ghost Towns, p. 101)
• Messenger's Fortitude (Level Two) — The Garou can run at full speed for three days without rest,
food or water. When the Garou reaches her destination, she has 10 minutes to complete whatever business
brought her, then she must sleep for three days. A camel- or wolf-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point. Doing anything other than running ends the Gift. Others
may be granted the Messenger’s Fortitude as well, for one Gnosis point per additional runner.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.192)
• Smoke Signals (Level Two) — The Strider can communicate over a great distance with visual
signals. Whether with puffs of smoke by day or flickering lights at night, the Garou sends his message into the
sky for other Garou to read. A fire-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The Silent Strider can create her message without a fire or other tool. He simply wills the
message to exist and plumes of smoke (or flickering lights at night) rise into the sky. Any Garou who see these
signals instinctively know what he means, just as if they had heard a howl. The player spends one Willpower to
activate this Gift.
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West Companion, p.76)
• Speech of the World (Level Two) — As the homid Gift.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.192→p.154)
• Summon Talisman (Level Two) — By using this Gift, the Silent Strider may make any object
ritually dedicated to him materialize instantly in his hand, even if it was previously in the hands of someone else.
Naturally, this Gift is a favorite among thieves and smugglers, or simply to someone trying to travel light. The
spirit of a packrat teaches this Gift.
System: The Silent Strider simply needs to spend one Gnosis point. Happy hunting.
(Source: Players Guide to Garou, p.194; Werewolf Players Guide, 2 nd Ed., p.42)
• Tread Sebek’s Back (Level Two) — The werewolf calls upon the river to support her steps, allowing
her to walk or run across water or other liquids. Her feet gain no special protection if she chooses to run across
Wyrm-toxins or other hazardous liquids. A crocodile-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends a Gnosis point and rolls Dexterity + Survival (difficulty 7). The Strider may
travel across liquid as if it were open ground for one hour per success. In areas inhabited by crocodiles, the
difficulty to invoke this Gift drops to 5.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.192; Tribebook: Silent Striders Revised, p.74-75 & 2nd Ed Silent
Striders Tribebook, p.48)
• Adaptation (Level Three) — The Garou takes no damage from poison or disease, and he may exist
in any environment, regardless of pressure, temperature or atmospheric condition. This Gift does not protect the
Garou from hazardous situations (like falling), only hazardous environments. A bear-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Stamina + Survival (difficulty 7). The Gift lasts
for one hour per success.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.192)
(Note: This Gift is known as Gaia’s Resilience in Werewolf: the Wild West, p.160)
• Death Track (Level Three) — Sometimes someone's journey ends too soon, such as a man dying
before he can tell the Silent Strider important information. Silent Striders with this Gift do not let the end of
someone else's journey be the end of theirs. As long as the Silent Strider can find the body, they can then follow
the trails of the spirit until they find the ghost. A servant of Owl teaches this Gift.
System: The Silent Strider stands over the body of the dead. Then, the player spends one point of
Gnosis and rolls Perception + Occult, difficulty 7. One success is needed to smell the direction of the ghost from
the body. Every day the search continues, another Perception + Occult roll must be made, with one additional
success required for each day spent searching. The Storyteller determines how far away the ghost is.
(Source: Players Guide to Garou, p.194)
• Fleet Footed (Level Three) — Silent Striders have a habit of getting into unpleasant situations, and
in recent decades, these situations often involve arrows. With this Gift, a Strider moves so quickly that he can
dodge arrows or other fast-moving projectiles. Air elementals teach this Gift.
System: The player spends one Rage point and rolls Dexterity + Dodge (difficulty 6). Each success
grants the Strider the ability to automatically dodge one incoming projectile. This Gift cannot be used against
hand-to-hand attacks.
(Source: Dark Ages: Werewolf, p.140)
• Gibberish (Level Three) — This Gift destroys the ability to communicate. The Silent Strider causes
one target to lose her knowledge of speech, writing and any other form of communication. Should the victim try
to speak, no one can understand her. Should she try to read a telegram, the message appears to be garbled
System: The player spends one Willpower point and rolls Manipulation + Enigmas (difficulty equals
the target’s Willpower). Each success removes the victim’s ability to communicate for five minutes. The victim
can resist with Willpower, but each point allows her to read or speak only one sentence.
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West Companion, p.77)
• Great Leap (Level Three) — The Strider with this Gift can jump truly astounding distances. A
jackrabbit-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one Willpower point and rolls Strength + Athletics (difficulty 6). Each
success allows the character to jump 100 feet.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.192)
(Note: This Gift is known as Leap the Chasm in Werewolf: the Wild West, p.160)
• Long Running (Level Three) — Whether the Garou is on foot or in a vehicle, this Gift allows him to
reduce the travel time on a lengthy journey. Striders use this Gift only when the need is dire; usually, they prefer
to see the sights and take their time. A horse-spirit can teach this Gift.
System: The player rolls Dexterity + Athletics (or Drive) at a difficulty equal to the local Gauntlet; she
must also spend one Gnosis point. For every success, the travel time diminishes by 5 percent. A botch increases
travel time by 25 percent or indicates that travel has stopped altogether (e.g., due to a flat tire or twisted ankle).
(Source: Werewolf Players Guide, 2nd Ed., p.42)
• Mark of the Death-Wolf (Level Three) — The Silent Strider uses his claws to gouge an eerie sigil
into a nearby surface, which fascinates and attracts the unquiet dead. An owl-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point upon making the mark, which takes a full turn, and then
rolls Wits + Occult (difficulty 7). The mark retains its mystic potency for one week per success, leaving the area
around it badly haunted if there are any ghosts in the area at all. Destroying the mark can end this Gift’s effects
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.192-3)
• Scale of Ma’at (Level Three) — The Halls of Ma'at are where the dead go to be judged; the liars,
cheaters and murders are denied eternal life. The Silent Striders can invoke the judgment of Ma'at on the living,
seeing through lies to find the ugly truth beneath. This Gift is taught by an ibis-spirit, the symbol of Thoth.
System: The player rolls Intelligence + Empathy (difficulty of the subject's Manipulation +
Subterfuge). Success indicates that the character knows which of the subject's statements are true, and which are
false. If the character chooses to delve more deeply into any statement, true or false, the player must first succeed
at a Perception + Empathy roll against the same difficulty. Success unveils the complete truth to the Garou; a
botch ends this use of the Gift, and closes this topic to the Strider forever — at least when questioning this
(Source: Tribebook: Silent Striders Revised, p.75; known as Eyes of Ma’at in 2nd Ed Silent Striders Tribebook,
• Tongues (Level Three) — As the homid Gift.
(Source: Players Guide to Garou, p.185; Werewolf Players Guide, 2 nd Ed., p.43→35; Dark Ages: Werewolf,
• Attunement (Level Four) — As the Bone Gnawer Gift, with one exception: When the Garou learns
the Gift, she must choose if it functions in the city or the wilderness. The "city" version is identical to the Bone
Gnawer Gift. The "wilderness" version is similar, but the roll required is Perception + Survival.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.193→p.176)
• Black Mark (Level Four) — The Strider’s claws darken with the leaden sheen of the Dark Umbra,
marking her foes fit for the attentions of the restless dead. An owl-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player may spend a point of Gnosis when the strider successfully strikes an opponent with
her claws, but before rolling damage. The target becomes haunted for one day per level of damage inflicted, as
with Mark of the Death-Wolf.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.193)
• Dam the Heartflood (Level Four) — No other tribe among the Garou has as much hatred for
vampires, for as just a cause, as the Silent Striders. It is no surprise then that the Striders sought out this Gift,
searching long through the spirit world and the physical world for the secret to incapacitating a vampire. They
found an answer from the spirit children of Cobra, who taught them a spirit-poison usable against the vampires
who defiled Cobra's name.
System: This Gift can only be used on supernatural creatures that use a blood pool to power their
abilities (vampires, ghouls and the spider-shifter Ananasi). The player spends a Gnosis point and rolls
Manipulation + Occult (difficulty of the target's Willpower). Each success renders the target unable to tap the
power of her blood for one turn - she may not use any blood related powers or spend blood points to heal
wounds, activate Disciplines or Gifts, or for any other reason. A Garou may only use this Gift once per scene per
target, but multiple werewolves can envenom the same target.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.193; Tribebook: Silent Striders Revised, p.75 & 2nd Ed Silent
Striders Tribebook, p.49)
• Guiding Hand of Djeheuty (Level Four) — None could stay the words of Djeheuty, the messenger
of the Gods. Those who have this Gift do not even have to accompany the message, but can send it on its way
and be assured that it will reach its destination. The spirit of any migrating animal teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends two points of Gnosis and rolls Charisma + Occult, difficulty 8, while the
Strider loudly states the message's destination. The message must be written on something physical (paper, tablet,
bone shard). A simple success imbues the message with a Gaffling that will ensure it arrives at the stated
destination. The method of delivery is a matter of coincidence; the message is picked up by someone curious,
ends up on a truck heading that direction, floats on the wind, etc. The number of additional successes determines
how long this takes, regardless of distance.
Number of Successes Length of Transit
1 A year
2 Six months
3 One season
4 One week
5 One day
While the message is in transit, the Silent Strider cannot regain the two points of Gnosis invested in it. Nor can
they revoke the message. As a result, this Gift tends to be used only when all other avenues have been tried and
failed, or if the Strider's death is certain. The Strider's death will not disrupt this Gift.
(Source: Players Guide to Garou, p.194-5)
• Speed Beyond Thought (Level Four) — The Garou can run at 10 times his normal land speed. The
effects last for up to eight hours, during which the Garou can nothing but concentrate on running. When the Gift's
effects end, the Garou must eat immediately or face frenzy from hunger. A cheetah- or air-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Stamina + Athletics (difficulty 7) to activate the
(Note: This Gift is known as Windrunner in Werewolf: the Wild West, p.160)
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.193)
• Touch of Death (Level Four) — The Silent Striders learned this Gift from the wraiths who prowl the
Underworld. With it, a Garou can cause a victim to see the moment of her death. Although the victim does not
remember what she sees, the experience disables her with fear.
System: The Garou must touch his target for this Gift to work. She must also spend two Gnosis points
and roll Manipulation + Occult (difficulty 8). The number of successes determines the number of dice removed
from the victim's Physical Traits (Storyteller discretion as to which ones). These "wounds" can be healed like
aggravated damage. Typically, the victim's fur is streaked white by the incident. Vampires and other undead are
unharmed by this Gift — they simply remember what has already happened to them.
(Source: Werewolf Players Guide, 2nd Ed., p.43)
• Gate of the Moon (Level Five) — This Gift creates a specialized moon bridge that takes the Strider
to her destination instantly. At least a sliver of the moon must be visible at her area of departure. A Lune teaches
this Gift.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point for every 100 miles the Garou needs to travel. She then
rolls Intelligence + Alertness (difficulty varies on how far the journey is and how well the Garou knows the way).
Success transports the character to her destination, but she will be disoriented for one turn unless the player
scored three successes. A botch takes the character miles in the wrong direction — possibly straight up.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.193)
• Invocation of the Pharaoh (Level Five) — This awe-inspiring Gift is only available to the greatest
Strider heroes. The Strider must be in Homid form, must spend a Gnosis and a Willpower point, and must enact a
10-minute chant to the greatest of ancient Egyptian spirits. Once this is done, the Garou expands and grows,
becoming a giant similar to the depictions of pharaohs on mastabas and sarcophagi. This Gift is taught by
System: The Garou grows to a height of nearly eight feet, but otherwise remains in Homid form. The
Garou gains the Physical Attributes of a Crinos, but loses no Social Attributes; indeed, the Garou's Charisma and
Manipulation are treated as 6 when making Leadership or Intimidation rolls. A Garou in Pharaoh form does not
inflict aggravated damage, but adds one to all Brawl and Melee damage inflicted against Wyrm-foes (or adds two
when facing Followers of Set). The Garou regenerates as a Crinos, but is invulnerable to silver and cannot frenzy.
Essentially, the Pharaoh form combines the best of both Homid and Crinos forms. This form lasts for one scene.
(Source: 2nd Ed Silent Striders Tribebook, p.49)
• Reach the Umbra (Level Five) — The Garou may step into and out of the Umbra at will, without
need of a reflective surface or even any effort at all. An owl-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The Garou may step sideways instantly, at any time, with no fear of being "caught." No roll is
necessary. In addition, all rolls made to enter or leave Umbral Realms receive a -2 difficulty bonus. She may not,
however, spend Rage in the same turn that she steps sideways. The Garou may not step sideways quickly enough
to dodge an attack that has already been declared.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.193)
Silent Strider Camp Gifts
Silent Striders may learn these Gifts if they hear about them from a camp member or deduce their
existence from observation, but the spirits that teach these Gifts will not share them with members of other tribes.
• Grim Resolve (Level One) — As the Ahroun Gift: Inspiration. The Harbingers learn to strengthen the
willpower of their allies not through inspired leadership, but by a contagious determination to spit in Death’s
(Source: Tribebook: Silent Striders Revised, p.75→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.117)
• Troubleseeker (Level Two) — The Harbingers are noted for their intuitive ability to find trouble or
Wyrm-corruption, no matter how well hidden. They sometimes appear from nowhere, just "happening across"
some problem or threat. This Gift allows a Harbinger to discover trouble without really searching for it - he just
starts down a road and sees where it takes him. Almost invariably, his path crosses some threat that needs seeing
System: The Harbinger rolls Perception + Enigmas (difficulty 8). Success indicates that his travels will
indirectly but quickly take him to a "trouble spot" of some gravity. Multiple successes on the roll allow the
Harbinger to discover more dangerous or subtly hidden threats, at the Storyteller's discretion.
(Source: 2nd Ed Silent Striders Tribebook, p.50)
• Ghost Touched (Level Three) — Once a Garou steps into the Dark Umbra, he carries an aura of
death and decay with him always. The aura is difficult to see, but it is there nonetheless — the perceptive might
smell a faint must in his fur, or catch strange reflections in the pupils of his eyes. This Gift harnesses that deathly
aura, weaving it into a protective shield against the attacks or special abilities of ghosts. This Gift is taught by the
denizens of the Dark Umbra, and is not easy to come by.
System: Once learned, this Gift is always in effect; no roll need be made. The difficulties of all rolls
made by ghosts (wraiths or spectres, if you're also using Wrath: The Oblivion) to affect the character are made at
+2 difficulty (maximum 10). This includes effects that would be beneficial. Using the energies of the Dark
Umbra in this way reinforces the impression of death that others may feel, which will increase the difficulty on
Social rolls when the Storyteller feels it to be appropriate
(Source: Tribebook: Silent Striders Revised, p.75)
• Pulse of the Prey (Level Two) — As the Ragabash Gift.
(Source: Tribebook: Silent Striders Revised, p.75→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.161)
• Graceful Strike (Level Two) — This Gift was used in bygone days to assassinate corrupt officials or
merchants who were the tools of vampires. Beautiful young Garou would dance for them, then strike when the
target least suspected. The secrets of the dancer's knife had been kept alive by members of the Dispossessed
camp, who found it useful to play on their gypsy heritage. In these desperate times, it's a common tool of the
camp's Galliards when a fight gets messy. This Gift is taught by a cobra-spirit.
System: The player spends one point of Gnosis before making an attack roll as usual (Dexterity +
Melee, difficulty dictated by the weapon), though the character's attack is unusually fluid and dance-like. If the
attack is successful, the player adds the character's Performance skill rating in dice to the damage roll.
(Source: Tribebook: Silent Striders Revised, p.76)
Swords of Night
• Mindblock (Level Four) — As the Silver Fang Gift. The Swords of Night are well aware that the
most dangerous aspect of the vampire is its ability to influence one’s mind, and have made many sacrifices to be
taught this Gift.
(Source: Tribebook: Silent Striders Revised, p.76 & Werewolf: the Apocalypse Corebook Revised, p.152→
Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.194)
• Call to Duty (Level Two) — As the Philodox Gift. Wayfarers are quite prone to negotiating terms
with spirits, as well as asking for the names of particular spirits as payments for their services.
(Source: Tribebook: Silent Striders Revised, p.76→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.166-167)
Eaters of the Dead
• Touch of Death (Level Four) — The Garou can inflict visions of death upon an unsuspecting
opponent. Worse, these visions are highly personal premonitions of the opponent's untimely demise, as if
someone "had walked over his grave." The fear this creates is paralyzing; in the worst cases, the victim falls
catatonic and cannot be revived for days. On recovery, the stricken individual cannot remember details of what
so terrified him, simply that it involved his death. Victims who survived the encounter with the Eater of the Dead
are forever marked with a white lock or patch of hair. This Gift is taught by a death-spirit.
System: The Garou must touch her victim; the player rolls Dexterity + Brawl if in combat, Dexterity +
Stealth if sneaking up unnoticed, or Manipulation + Subterfuge if casually touching him in the course of
conversation. On success, the player spends two points of Gnosis and rolls Manipulation + Occult (difficulty of
the victim's Willpower). If the Eater of the Dead achieves more successes than the target has Willpower, the
victim becomes catatonic with fear. If the successes are fewer than the target's Willpower, the target suffers a -1
penalty to all dice pools for each success due to the debilitating fear. In both cases, the successes are eliminated
at a rate of one per day - a catatonic victim does not awaken until all of the initial successes are eliminated.
Vampires and other undead are unharmed by this Gift - they simply remember what has already happened to
(Source: Tribebook: Silent Striders Revised, p.76 & 2nd Ed Silent Striders Tribebook, p.49 as Eaters of the Dead
Gift; Werewolf Players Guide, 2nd Ed., p.42 as general Silent Strider Gift [see above])
Bitter Hex
• Curse of Hatred (Level Two) — As the Metis Gift.
(Source: Tribebook: Silent Striders Revised, p.76→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.156)
• Fetish Doll (Level Five) — As the Uktena Gift.
(Source: Tribebook: Silent Striders Revised, p.76→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.199)

Silver Fangs
The regal Silver Fangs are the traditional leaders of the Garou, and their Gifts reflect — and support —
that birthright.

• Dramatic Entrance (Level One) — The Garou may use this Gift immediately upon entering a scene
or place. She strikes a commanding pose, and some environmental effect (ominous thunder, a stunned silence, a
chilling wind and the like) usually accompanies her. This Gift is taught by falcon-spirits.
System: The player must spend a Gnosis point. The Garou must activate this Gift the moment she
arrives upon the scene. The Silver Fang is considered to have an Appearance Trait of three higher than her actual
score, but only until she speaks. This Appearance rating is not necessarily physical attractive-panache.
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West – Frontier Secrets, p.10)
• Eminent Domain (Level One) — The werewolf using this Gift gives others pause by simply entering
a room. Crowded rooms will fall silent and the weak-hearted will fall back from the Garou’s very presence. This
Gift is taught by a falcon-spirit.
System: The player rolls Appearance + Intimidation (difficulty 7). The number of successes indicates
the level of attention the Garou attracts. One or two successes indicates the werewolf has been noticed; three or
more successes indicates the targets are seriously impressed by her appearance. If the player scores more
successes than a witness’s Willpower, that person must retreat from the werewolf’s majestic presence.
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West, p.160)
• Eye of the Falcon (Level One) — Falcon is a great predator, with keen eyes and a sharp beak. As he
soars in the sky, he can spot the tiny movement in the grass that betrays the location of his prey at great distances.
He shares this Gift freely with his children so that they may spot their foes easily and lead the Garou into battle
with confidence. Any of Falcon's brood may teach this Gift.
System: All visual-based Perception and Alertness rolls are at -1 difficulty. The same applies to all
long-range weapon attacks, such as a bow or gun. The Gift costs one point of Gnosis to activate, and lasts for a
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.193 & Tribebook: Silver Fangs Revised, p.66)
• Falcon's Grasp (Level One) — A leader must keep a tight grip on his power, and this Gift allows the
Garou to do so literally. The Garou's hands or jaws tighten in a mighty deathgrip, making it nearly impossible to
escape. A falcon-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one Rage point. For the rest of the scene, the Garou’s grip (with both hands
and jaws) is much stronger — her Strength is considered three points higher for grappling or maneuvers such as
the jaw lock (see Special Maneuvers, p. 299). This extra Strength does not apply to damage rolls.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.193)
• Ice Dance (Level One) — This Gift is a legacy of the tribe's deep roots in Russia and the frozen
north. The Wyrm often chooses its battlegrounds with cunning, using Gaia's own snow and ice against Her
defenders. This Gift allows the Fangs to face the Wyrm on equal terms, or even turn Gaia's own beauty to their
advantage by moving freely across snow and ice, as if it was a flat plain of green grass. An ice elemental teaches
this Gift.
System: The player spends a single Gnosis point to activate this Gift. Its effects then last until the next
sunrise. All Dexterity-based rolls while on ice or snow are at -1 difficulty and the werewolf may move at normal
speed across both deep snow and ice. As this is a Gift of balance, Philodox gain more from it than most: their
Dexterity rolls on snow and ice are at -2 difficulty and they may double their normal running speed when they
are on snow or ice.
(Note: This Gift is not to be confused with Snow Running, a similar but slightly different Get of Fenris Gift.)
(Source: Tribebook: Silver Fangs Revised, p.66-67)
• Inspiration (Level One) — As the Ahroun Gift.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.193→p.171)
• Lambent Flame (Level One) — The Garou causes her body to ignite with silver light. A Lune
teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one Willpower point to ignite the light. The glare illuminates a 100-foot
(30m) area around the Garou for the rest of the scene. All attacks against the Garou take a + 1 difficulty penalty
while this Gift persists.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.171)
• Sense Wyrm (Level One) — As the Metis Gift.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.193→156)
• Awe (Level Two) — The Garou, simply by her bearing and strength, proves to others her mastery and
right to rule other tribes. This Gift is taught by a Falcon spirit.
System: The Garou rolls Appearance + Empathy (difficulty of the target’s Willpower). If successful, the
difficulties for all Social rolls made by the Garou against that target are reduced by one, and the target’s difficulty
to hit the Garou in combat is increased by one.
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West, p.160 & Werewolf: the Apocalypse 2 nd Ed., p.133)
• Empathy (Level Two) — To be a leader among wolves is largely a matter of physical dominance, but
a human leader must understand his charges and follow their will to a degree. With this Gift, a Silver Fang can
understand those around him and live up to their expectations. A falcon-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Intelligence + Empathy (difficulty 4). One
success indicates that the Garou knows what the majority would like to see, be it attack, mediation, harsh
punishment or clemency. The more successes the player rolls, the better the Garou understands the people's
desires, even if the people would rather keep their desires secret. Note that this Gift by no means reveals the
wisest or most rational decision, just the most popular one.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.193)
• Fool’s Silver (Level Two) — The Silver Fang can trick a victim into thinking an ordinary item is
made of silver. Whereas greedy humans flock to the illusion, Garou are usually wary and back away from it. A
Lune teaches this Gift.
System: The Silver Fang concentrates for one turn to make the Gift active. The selected item gleams
with a silvery sheen. Garou who hold the item feel the sting of normal silver for about 10 seconds, after which
the illusory “pain” vanishes.
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West Companion, p.77)
• Hand Blade (Level Two) — Many Silver Fangs are trained in swordplay as part of their birthright.
This Gift allows them to rely on such skills at any time by turning their arm into a razor-sharp blade that slices
and cuts like the best-forged sword. An ancestor spirit, usually a former klaive-dueling master, teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends a point of Rage to transform one or both hands. For the rest of the scene, he
may use his arm like a sword by rolling Dexterity + Melee (difficulty 6). Such attacks inflict Strength + 2
aggravated damage, as his claws are part of the blade.
(Note: This Gift was once the exclusive province of House Wyrmfoe. Since the ascension of King Albrecht,
however, it has been more widely disseminated among the Silver Fangs. Even so, like any other Silver Fang
House Gift, it is not taught to anyone outside the tribe. See Tribebook: Silver Fangs Revised, pp.68 & 71.)
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.193-4)
• Luna's Armor (Level Two) — As the Child of Gaia Gift.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.194→p.177)
• Reason’s Grasp (Level Two) — The Silver Fangs took up many burdens when they accepted the
leadership role for the Garou Nation. One of the hardest of these to bear is the propensity towards Harano and the
mental disabilities that beset members of the tribe. However, the spirits took pity upon the tribe members who
were suffering and failing at a time of need, so they sent a Firebird spirit to teach them this Gift. Reason's Grasp
allows a Silver Fang to free herself temporarily of Harano or mental illness. It can also protect against any sanity-
altering attack, be it from a spirit, Wyrm creature, vampire, mage or demon. Examples of such attacks include the
Galliard Gift: Head Games, the Malkavian Dementation Discipline and invasive uses of Mind magick.
System: The player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls Willpower (difficulty 7). The character can
ignore the effects of all mental disabilities for a number of scenes equal to the number of successes rolled.
Alternatively, each success may reduce by one the number of successes scored on a roll to affect the character's
sanity made by an outside agency. Should the unfortunate player botch this roll at any point, the werewolf's
dementia runs out of control, completely dominating the character's thought process for 24 hours.
(Note: This Gift is known as Reason in 2nd Ed Silver Fangs Tribebook, p.49)
(Source: Tribebook: Silver Fangs Revised, p.67)
• Sense Silver (Level Two) — As the metis Gift.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.194→p.156)
• Unity of the Pack (Level Two) — It is only natural for those guided by canny leaders to excel. This
Gift allows the Silver Fang’s pack to enjoy the benefits of her unifying aura, making them deadlier warriors
against the Wyrm’s minions. A wolf-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: Whenever the Silver Fang is present, all members of her pack (including herself) gain one
extra die on all rolls to execute Pack Tactics (see p. 300). This Gift’s benefits are permanent. The Silver Fang
cannot benefit from this Gift when she is alone.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.194)
• Word of Honor (Level Two) — To a Silver Fang, honor is everything. This Gift imbues a Garou's
words with his honorable bearing. As long as the Silver Fang speaks the truth, others believe him. An eagle-spirit
teaches the Silver Fangs how to speak clear and true.
System: By spending a Gnosis point, the Silver Fang can make every word he says bear the ring of
truth. Anyone who listens hears that the Gift user speaks true. Listeners are not necessarily inclined to obey the
Fang or follow his suggestions, but the facts are clear. The Silver Fang must speak the truth, as he knows it, or
the Gift automatically backfires.
(Source: Werewolf Players Guide, 2nd Ed., p.43)
• Burning Blade (Level Three) — This Gift causes a Garou’s weapon, whether it’s a sword, klaive or
axe, to burn with a deadly fire that burns her enemy even as it bites into their flesh. A firebird spirit teaches this
System: The werewolf concentrates for a turn, and the player rolls Gnosis (difficulty 7) to activate the
Gift. The weapon now does two extra dice of aggravated fire damage. Flammable objects will catch fire if struck
by the blade. The weapon remains ignited for a number of turns equal to the number of successes rolled.
(Note: This Gift was once the exclusive province of House Blood Red Crest. Recently, however, it has been
more widely disseminated among the Silver Fangs. Even so, like any other Silver Fang House Gift, it is not
taught to anyone outside the tribe. See Tribebook: Silver Fangs Revised, pp.68 & 69.)
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.194)
• Claim of Authority (Level Three) — There are times when a Silver Fang cannot be present at
important moots or meetings, and must send another Garou in her place. To make sure that any advantages to be
gained aren't neglected, a Silver Fang with this Gift can grant her messenger some of her own natural authority. It
is taught by an ancestor-spirit.
System: The Silver Fang spends on one point of Gnosis and one point of Willpower before selecting a
Garou as her representative. For a week thereafter, the representative is considered to possess the same level of
Pure Breed as the Silver Fang, so long as she notes the name of the Silver Fang she speaks for. This Gift may not
be used on an unwilling target.
(Source: Players Guide to Garou, p.195)
• Dominance Blow (Level Three) — Smart Garou know to pay the Silver Fangs their due. Stupid ones
openly challenge them, and force the Silver Fangs to assert their dominance. This Gift allows a Silver Fang to
easily knock down would-be rebels by connecting physical dominance with rightful leadership. When this Gift is
working, might does make right. Lupus Silver Fangs are fond of this Gift, which resembles wolf understandings
of alpha standing. A wolf-spirit teaches this Gift
System: The player spends one point of Rage, and rolls Charisma + Brawl, difficulty 7. If the rolls
succeeds, then every blow the Silver Fang strikes against a specific target grants the Silver Fang an additional die
in all Social rolls against that target, allowing him to browbeat or intimidate the target more easily. The blow
need not be full force to grant the bonus, which lasts for one day.
(Source: Players Guide to Garou, p.195)
• Exceptional Swordplay (Level Three) — Silver Fangs train regularly to maintain excellent
swordsmanship. This Gift further enhances a Fang’s skill, allowing him to become increasingly deadly in a
swordfight. A spirit of war teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends a point of Willpower and rolls Intelligence + Melee (difficulty 8). Use of
this Gift is considered reflexive. Each resulting success grants the Fang an automatic success to strike an
opponent in combat. Despite the name, this Gift works in conjunction with any melee weapon, not just swords.
This Gift can be used only once per turn.
(Source: Dark Ages: Werewolf, p.141)
• Silver Bullets (Level Three) — The Gift allows the Silver Fang to change the composition of his
ammo. As he fires each shot, the bullet changes to deadly silver. Lunes and ancestor-spirits teach this Gift.
System: The player spends a Gnosis point as he fires his gun. The bullet changes to silver and causes
regular damage to mortals, but it inflicts terrifying wounds on Garou. The bullet remains silver after it strikes
(whether it hits its target or not). The altered bullets do not reduce the Silver Fang’s Gnosis unless he recovers
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West Companion, p.77)
• Silver Claws (Level Three) — As the Ahroun Gift.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.194→p.171-2)
• Talons of Falcon (Level Three) — Falcon's talons are sharp, allowing him to grasp and impale his
prey, before it even realizes that he has swooped. He grants these same talons to the most worthy of his children,
so that they may impale their foes upon their claws. This Gift turns a werewolf's claws into wickedly sharp
impaling weapons, able to slice through skin and muscle and deep into the entrails of the Fang's foe. A falcon
spirit of the Great Flock imparts the secret of this Gift.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point and makes a Dexterity + Brawl roll to attack. The attack
does three additional levels of damage, and its damage may not be regenerated for the rest of the scene.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.194 & Tribebook: Silver Fangs Revised, p.67)
• Wrath of Gaia (Level Three) — The Garou shows himself in full, terrible, glory as Gala's chosen
warrior. His splendor overwhelms minions of the Wyrm, driving them before him in terror unless they can master
their instinctive fear of this predator. An avatar of Gaia herself teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends a Gnosis point and rolls Charisma + Intimidation (difficulty 6). Any
minions of the Wyrm who look upon the Garou for the next scene must roll Willpower (difficulty 7) and equal or
exceed the player's successes- Otherwise, they flee in terror.
(Note: This Gift is known as Foe of the Wyrm in Werewolf: the Wild West, p.161)
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.194)
• Command the Heart of Rage (Level Four) — The Silver Fang can reach into the heart of another
Garou and stifle her opponent’s Rage. Even a frenzied Garou must obey the Fang’s command. An avatar of
Falcon teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one Willpower point and selects a target. The Fang and the victim make
resisted Willpower rolls. If the Silver Fang wins, she can dictate when and how much Rage the victim spends.
This Gift works on frenzied Garou as well.
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West Companion, p.77)
• Gaia’s Favor (Level Four) — The Garou may invoke Gaia’s patronage whenever he attempts to do
something which may fail without Her guidance. This Gift is taught by falcon-spirits.
System: Before rolling for the action in question, the player may spend a point of Gnosis. If any
botches turn up on the dice roll, they are ignored; do not count them toward the successes or failures of the roll.
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West, p.161)
• Mastery (Level Four) — With the power of this Gift, the Fang can command other Garou, including
Black Spiral Dancers, to do her bidding. A falcon-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player rolls Charisma + Leadership (difficulty of the target's Wits +3). If the roll succeeds,
the Garou can give the target one non-suicidal command, which he must obey for one turn per success. This Gift
works only against Garou.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.194)
• Mindblock (Level Four) — Upon learning this Gift, the Garou's mental defenses are strengthened to
the utmost. A falcon-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The difficulties of any direct mental attacks or attempts to control the Garou's mind, as well as
more insidious psychic assaults (mind-reading, mentally implanting illusions or possession) are raised to 10. The
effects of this Gift are permanent, but they do not apply to powers that sway emotion.
(Note: This Gift is known as Lordly Will in Dark Ages: Werewolf, p.141 & Werewolf: the Dark Ages, p. 109)
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.194)
• Sidestep Death (Level Four) — Old legends say that when the first Silver Fang died, he was reborn
with this Gift. A Fang with this Gift simply sidesteps what would have become his deathblow. A lion-spirit
teaches this Gift.
System: Once per scene, the player may spend three Willpower points to evade a single attack that
would inflict enough damage to place the Fang’s health levels below Crippled (before soak). The Garou simply
appears instantly at the nearest location not affected by the attack, which may be an inch, a mile or more.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.194 & Dark Ages: Werewolf, p. 141)
• Divine Regalia (Level Five) — The Silver Fang girds himself in shimmering, mystical armor, and a
terrible light plays about his countenance. His very appearance causes even the boldest warriors to flee, but
brings hope to the hearts of his packmates. This Gift is taught by an avatar of Falcon.
System: The player spends one Rage and one Gnosis to invoke the armor; the effects last for a scene.
While the Gift is in effect, the Fang gains three extra soak dice, which can be used to soak even silver. Anyone
meeting the Silver Fang’s eyes (for example, if attempting to Dominate the Fang) must make Willpower rolls,
difficulty 9, or immediately flee in panic as if entering a fox frenzy. For as long as his packmates are within line
of sight of the Fang, they gain one extra die on all their dice pools, and two bonus successes on all Willpower
tests. Divine Regalia cannot be invoked if the Garou is already wearing armor of any sort, whether mundane mail
or a Gift such as Luna’s Armor.
(Source: Werewolf: the Dark Ages, p. 109)
• Ignore Death Blow (Level Five) — Tales say that the first Silver Fang died and was reborn; since
that time, the Fangs have passed down this Gift. A Fang with this Gift can choose to ignore what would be a
killing blow. Seeing a blade swung with perfect accuracy toward someone's neck and watching it fail to sever the
head is something few will forget — especially if they were swinging the sword. A lion-spirit or an avatar of
Falcon himself teaches this Gift.
System: Once per scene, the Fang can spend a Willpower point and ignore all damage from a single
attack. The damage simply does not occur; no special handicaps take effect, either.
(Source: Players Guide to Garou, p.195; Werewolf Players Guide, 2 nd Ed., p.43 as Level Four)
• Luna's Avenger (Level Five) — The Garou's entire body, regardless of her current form, is changed
to living silver. She becomes a nearly unstoppable warrior. A Lune teaches this Gift.
System: The Garou concentrates for a full turn to activate this Gift. The player spends a Gnosis point;
for the rest of the scene, the Garou is immune to the effects of silver. All damage inflicted by attacks made with
the werewolf’s body are considered to have been made with silver weapons. Additionally, the character gains two
additional points of Stamina and one extra health level for the duration of this Gift (any damage marked to this
additional health level vanishes harmlessly when the Gift ends).
(Note: This Gift is known as Luna’s Might in Werewolf: the Wild West, p.161)
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.194-5)
• Paws of the Newborn Cub (Level Five) — With a glare and snarl, the Silver Fang strips her foe of
any supernatural power. Many servants of the Wyrm have tried to employ their putrescent magic against the
Fangs, only to realize that they face a mighty foe with only mundane methods of defense. A falcon-spirit teaches
this Gift.
System: The player spends two Gnosis points and rolls Gnosis (difficulty of the target's Willpower).
Each success removes all special abilities (shapeshifting, Gifts, any sort of supernatural or magical powers) from
the target for one turn.
(Note: This Gift is known as Whelp the Insolent in Werewolf: the Wild West, p.161)
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.195)
• The Secret of Gaia (Level Five) — Some Silver Fang legends tell of a Great White Wolf who gave
his own life to save Mother Gaia. He was the ancestor of the Silver Fangs, and of all the werewolves. Those
werewolves who rise to the highest rank amongst the tribe sometimes learn the secret that Gaia imparted to the
Great White Wolf after his sacrifice, one that deepens their connection to Her and allows them to be completely
aware of their surroundings.
Everything about her environment suddenly becomes part of the werewolf's awareness. She can sense
the lay of the land, the type and nature of the plants growing on it and what forms of animal life live there. She
can sense what spirits are at work in the area's Penumbra. The werewolf also gains some sense of the health of
Gaia in that area. In an urban area, she might feel constricted or restrained, while in an area under attack by the
Wyrm, she might feel itchy or in pain, depending on how successful the Wyrm minions are.
Any Silver Fang of sufficient rank may learn this Gift, but the majority of those who learn it are
Theurges. For some reason, members of the House Wise Heart receive this Gift more frequently than to those of
any other House. It is technically possible for a Garou of another tribe to learn this Gift, but it has not happened
in living memory, and no song records such an event occurring. Those werewolves who do learn this Gift are
often changed as a result. Many choose to walk barefoot on the earth whenever they can, and show a greater than
usual aversion to cities. None of them can actually articulate what the secret is, saying that it is either something
you understand, or you don't.
System: Secret of Gaia is a more powerful version of the Theurge Gifts Spirit Speech (Werewolf,
p.138) and Pulse of the Invisible (Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.165) and works in a similar fashion. The
player spends a point of Gnosis to activate the Gift and then rolls the character's permanent Gnosis (difficulty 7).
The werewolf gains an uncanny awareness of her surroundings for a one-mile radius for every success achieved
on this roll, almost integrating her awareness into the very landscape. She can automatically see into the
Penumbra and may look at both the Penumbra and the material realm simultaneously if she wishes and can step
sideways at -2 difficulty. Some Theurges have likened the experiences to what the world must have been like
before matter and spirit separated. All Perception rolls made within that radius are at -3 difficulty. All local spirits
that are free of Wyrm taint can sense the character's oneness with Gaia and are well disposed towards her. All
social rolls are at -2 difficult while dealing with spirits. This same oneness grants the player an extra die in all
rolls, save those involving combat, that occur while the character is in this state in addition to the other bonuses.
The Gift lasts for one hour for each point of permanent Gnosis the werewolf has. If the roll is a botch, the pain of
Gaia overwhelms the character's senses and Harano cripples him for the duration of the scene.
(Source: Tribebook: Silver Fangs Revised, p.67-68)
• Renew the Cycle (Level Six) — One of the most potent powers available to the Garou, this Gift
allows the correction of a grievous wrong to the natural cycle of Gaia. The undead, whose very existence is an
affront to the natural order of things, wither and crumble to dust when struck by the power of this Gift. Whether
the undead is a shambling, month-old animated corpse or an ancient vampire, the Fang can destroy it with but a
glance. Only an avatar of Helios or Gaia Herself can teach this Gift.
System: The Garou and the victim enter into a resisted contest of Gnosis versus Willpower (both
difficulty 8). If the Garou wins the contest, the undead is reduced to its natural state — fresh corpses simply lose
their animation, whereas an elder vampire would crumble to dust. Mummies are simply banished to a season of
sleep. The Garou must spend one Gnosis for every hundred years (or fraction thereof) the undead has existed in
its unnatural state; should the target’s age exceed the Garou’s capacity to spend Gnosis points, permanent Gnosis
may be sacrificed to account for 500 years of age per dot spent.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.195; Werewolf Players Guide, 1 st Ed., p.43 & Werewolf Players
Guide, 2nd Ed., p.43)
House Gifts
Each of the Silver Fangs houses has developed its own set of Gifts, some given by their house totem, a
member of Falcon’s brood with particular affinity for the house, or taught by other spirits to help the house’s
members. Most of the Gifts can be taught to other Silver Fangs, but not to members of other tribes.
Austere Howl
• Osprey’s Eye (Level One) — Osprey can spot his prey in the water from high in the air above,
despite the distorting effect of the water itself. She gives her children the same ability, so they may hunt the
enemies of Gaia as easily in the water as in the air. This Gift is taught by an osprey spirit, or by her ally, Salmon.
System: The player spends a point of Gnosis. For the rest of the scene, the character can see into the
water as if there was no distortion at work. In addition, if the character is submerged in the water, he is at -2
difficulty to any vision-based Perception roll.
(Source: Tribebook: Silver Fangs Revised, p.68)
• Osprey’s Flight (Level Two) — When Osprey hunts, she can hover over the water. She wishes her
children to hunt over rivers just as easily, so she teaches this Gift to those who prove themselves worthy enough.
System: The player spends a point of Gnosis. For the rest of the scene, the character may move over the
surface of a river or lake as if it were solid ground. However, for the character to do anything other than just run
across the water, the player must make a reflexive Dexterity + Athletics roll (difficulty 8). Failure sends the
unfortunate werewolf to a humiliating bath. This Gift only applies to rivers and other freshwater bodies. It cannot
be used on the sea or on saltwater estuaries.
(Source: Tribebook: Silver Fangs Revised, p.68-69)
• Austere Mind (Level Three) — The Silver Fangs of House Austere Howl have always valued self-
control. To this end, they successfully petitioned a stone elemental to teach them this Gift that grants them the
emotional stoicism of a rock.
System: The player spends one Gnosis; the difficulty to enter frenzy is raised by 3, and the character
may add two dice to any roll to escape frenzy. This Gift's effects last until the next sundown.
(Note: The power and alphabetical placement on Tribebook: Silver Fangs Revised, p.69 leads me to believe that
this Gift may actually be Level Three instead of Level Two. I am convinced the listing of this Gift as level Two
in the Tribebook is a typo. –Su-tehp)
(Source: Tribebook: Silver Fangs Revised, p.69)
Blood Red Crest
• Merlin’s Call (Level Two) — This Gift allows the alpha of a pack to call out to her fellows, letting
them know exactly where she is and allowing them to rally around her, even in complete darkness or other
situations in which the werewolves are effectively blinded like heavy fog, or intervening walls. However, the
sound that the alpha makes cannot be used by other creatures to locate the Garou. A merlin-spirit teaches this
System: The player spends one Gnosis and rolls Charisma + Expression (difficulty 7). Any other
member of the character's pack knows exactly where she is, relative to his own position, for a number of turns
equal to the successes rolled; any creature within earshot who is not a member of the pack hears nothing.
(Source: Tribebook: Silver Fangs Revised, p.69)
Crescent Moon
• Wind of Buzzard’s Wings (Level One) — As the Wendigo Gift: Call the Breeze
(Source: Tribebook: Silver Fangs Revised, p.69→ Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.199)
• Leshii’s Boon (Level Four) — This Gift allows the Fang to turn the very plants and trees of the forest
against her enemies. Tree branches lash against them and roots trip them up, animals nip at their heels and insects
swarm around them. A leshii spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Intelligence + Occult (difficulty 6). Every enemy
of the werewolf within a radius of the number of successes scored in meters loses two dice from every non-
reflexive roll for the duration of the scene. In addition, should they be foolish enough to try to eat anything they
find in the forest, it will do the number of success rolled levels of lethal damage.
(Source: Tribebook: Silver Fangs Revised, p.69)
Unbreakable Hearth
• Harrier’s View (Level One) — The Gift allows a pack alpha to have a perfect sense of where his
packmates are, relative to his own position. This allows him to howl or shout orders more effectively and plan
the tactics of the group better. A harrier-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one Gnosis to activate the Gift. For the remainder of the scene he has an
uncanny sense of his packmates' location. All Leadership rolls involving packmates are at -2 difficulty and all
participants in any pack tactic gain an extra die on their roll(s) to complete the tactic.
(Source: Tribebook: Silver Fangs Revised, p.70)
• Hidden Meaning (Level Two) — Sometimes what someone doesn't say is just as revealing as what
they do say. This Gift allows a listener a sense of exactly what a speaker is concealing or avoiding saying. A
heron-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player rolls Perception + Empathy. If the roll succeeds, the character gains an idea of what
worries the speaker most, even if they haven't alluded to it in anyway during the speech. The more successes
achieved, the more information the Storyteller should provide.
(Source: Tribebook: Silver Fangs Revised, p.70-71)
Wise Heart
• Locate Spirit Tutor (Level Two) — The werewolves of House Wise Heart are renowned for their
skill as tutors and mentors. However, they know that the spirits themselves are the best tutors for Gifts. This Gift
allows a Silver Fang in the Umbra to locate the nearest spirit that can teach a particular Gift that he wishes his
student to learn. From that point onwards, it is all up to the student and the spirit. A peregrine falcon-spirit
teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends a Willpower point and rolls Charisma + Leadership (difficulty 7). The more
successes scored the better sense the character has of where an appropriate spirit resides.
(Source: Tribebook: Silver Fangs Revised, p.71)
• Deep Roots (Level Two) — This Gift allows the steadfast members of House Wise Heart to stand
their ground against their foes. Nothing can move a werewolf rooted with this Gift, although he is as vulnerable
to other forms of attack as ever. Any forest-dwelling spirit can teach this Gift.
System: The player rolls Gnosis (difficulty 7). The character becomes rooted to that spot for a number
of turns equal to the number of successes on the roll. Any attempt to push, pull, drag or lift the Garou
automatically fails to move the character, although it can still do damage.
(Source: Tribebook: Silver Fangs Revised, p.71)
• Eagle’s Beak (Level Two) — The eagle's beak is a sharp, tearing weapon that can tear its prey apart
in seconds. An eagle-spirit can teach a Silver Fang the secret of eviscerating his enemy swiftly through this Gift.
System: The player spends a Rage point and spends a turn screeching his defiance at his enemy. For the
remainder of the scene all bite attacks do two extra dice of damage.
(Source: Tribebook: Silver Fangs Revised, p.71)
Lodge Gifts
It is not easy to gain Gifts from the two Silver Fang lodges. It requires commitment and study before
spirits will consent to teach such a Gift to a werewolf, and even then they may put the supplicant through a
number of tests before they will even consider giving up their wisdom.
Sun Lodge
Sun Lodge Gifts are jealously protected secrets and are not taught to any werewolf unless he has proven
himself loyal and committed to the lodge’s ethos. This isn’t a matter of embarking on a quest to prove worthiness
or swearing great oaths of loyalty, but instead of integrating the virtues that the lodge honors into the character’s
life. In essence, it is very hard to prove yourself worthy unless you already possess the virtues needed for
worthiness. This includes a measure of tact and diplomacy, an ability to lead fairly without favoritism and a
demonstrated tendency to balance instinct with rational thought. The character has to display these attributes over
a period stretching for months or years before the spirits will accept a petitioner as genuine. A very few
werewolves have been able to prove themselves worthy of both Sun and Moon Lodge Gifts, but they are amongst
the legendary heroes of the tribe.
• Truce of Helios (Level Two) — Helios brings reason and tact to the werewolves who honor him. He
teaches the Garou to temper their instinct and Rage with thought and logic. Thus, those who follow him often
become skilled diplomats and negotiators. Often the biggest problem in achieving a truce, treaty or alliance is
getting the other side to listen to the argument that the character is putting forward. This Gift forces them to listen
to what the Silver Fang has to say. However, Helios values truth and justice. He does not force the listener to
accept what is said. Neither does he allow his followers to use this Gift to gain a combat advantage over another
by using it to delay the listener while an ambush or attack is organized. Any werewolf using the Gift in that way
will find that it doesn't work, and may find it never working for them again. Helios sends a Child of Karnak or a
Firebird spirit to teach this Gift to those he finds worthy.
System: To enforce a truce, the player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls Charisma + Etiquette
(difficulty 7). If the roll succeeds, the negotiation proceeds under the force of a spiritually imposed peace. All
those involved in the debate must make a Willpower roll (difficulty 9, minimum of two successes needed) to
attack the speaker, ignore him or otherwise disrupt the proceedings. The truce endures for one hour per success
rolled. However, should the Silver Fang calling upon this Gift break the truce, its effects immediately end and
will never be effective against the same target again. Doing this is a terrible insult to Helios and results in the loss
of three points of temporary Honor and may lead to the character's expulsion from the Sun Lodge.
(Source: Tribebook: Silver Fangs Revised, p.72)
• Honor Pact (Level Three) — This is another of Helios' Gifts that allows diplomacy between even the
most intransigent of opponents. For the Gift to work, though, all parties involved in the negotiation must agree to
its use willingly, even if they consider their position fixed and room for debate to be minimal. Participants must
show their willingness by spilling their own blood and mingling it with that of the other participant's, usually by
slicing open their palms and shaking hands. Helios does not consider those creatures without blood or with toxic
or damaging blood worthy of his Gift and they cannot participate. Each participant then swears an oath to both
Falcon and Helios to work with her fellow participants to find a solution. This forges spiritual bonds between all
involved, preventing them from acting against one another's interests and hopefully allowing a conclusion to the
negotiations that suits and benefits all.
On occasions, a pack with a Sun Lodge member will use this Gift to prevent minions of the Defiler
Wyrm turning one packmate against another. Helios allows a Child of Karnak to teach this Gift.
System: No point expenditure or roll is required. Difficulties for climbing decrease by three.
(Source: Tribebook: Silver Fangs Revised, p.72-73)
Moon Lodge
While the Sun Lodge Gifts demand that a werewolf bring rationality and self-control into his life, the
Gifts of the Moon Lodge demand that he acknowledge his nature as a child of Luna. As Luna waxes and wanes,
so too does her personality and the power of her Gifts. A werewolf of the Moon Lodge must learn his place in the
cycle, know when he is strongest and most in Luna’s favor, according to his auspice, and when he must let others
shine as Luna turns to favor them.
Moon Lodge Gifts always come in waxing or waning cycles of five Gifts, each one tied to a particular
auspice. Waxing cycles run from Ragabash at Level One through Theurge at Level Two, Philodox at Level Three,
Galliard at level Four and Ahroun at Level Five. Waning cycles run in reverse. With each new Gift in the cycle,
the Garou learns more about the different faces of Luna. The werewolf learning the cycle will gain particular
benefit from the Gift that matches his auspice. A Silver Fang of the Moon Lodge must learn one complete cycle
before starting another. Thus, only the mightiest of Garou know more than one cycle of Moon Lodge Gifts.
Waxing Cycle — The External Moon
• New Moon’s Laughter (Level One) — This Gift allows a werewolf to make others around her more
receptive to criticism and less obsessed with their own pride, thus showing them the wisdom of the New Moon.
To learn this Gift, the werewolf must trick a Lune into revealing the Gift.
System: The player must spend a point of Gnosis and roll Gnosis (difficulty 6). For one hour per
success scored, the gathering that the character attended takes on a lighter mood. All Social rolls with a positive
intent are at -1 difficulty, while all Social rolls intended to provoke argument, insult or misery are at +1 difficulty.
If the character using the Gift is a Ragabash, the bonus and penalty are doubled.
(Source: Tribebook: Silver Fangs Revised, p.73)
• Crescent Moon’s Awareness (Level Two) — This Gift allows the character to make others around
her more aware of the spirits of the place. Garou catch glimpses and hear incomprehensible whispers of the
spirits in the Penumbra, while Kinfolk and other humans feel an unsettling awareness of an alien world that they
are normally oblivious to and have no means of understanding. This teaches them the power of the Crescent
Moon. To learn this Gift, the Fang must track down any one of Falcon's brood and perform one, simple service
for him.
System: The player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls Gnosis (difficulty 7). If the roll succeeds, all
creatures in her immediate area (20 yards or so) become aware of the Penumbra at the edges of their senses.
Garou may then step sideways or communicate with spirits at -1 difficulty. Humans, Kinfolk and animals find the
effect profoundly disconcerting and lose one die from all their rolls while the Gift is in effect. Crescent Moon
Awareness lasts for one turn per success rolled. The effects are doubled when a Theurge uses this Gift.
(Source: Tribebook: Silver Fangs Revised, p.74)
• Half Moon’s Diplomacy (Level Three) — Sometimes the first step to resolving a dispute is to
prevent yourself saying anything to make the situation worse. This Gift allows a werewolf to try to calm an
explosive moment by preventing everyone present from saying anything inflammatory, thus bringing them all the
Half Moon's wisdom. To learn this Gift, the werewolf must follow a harrier-spirit for an hour, matching her flight
path from the ground, until she tires and consents to share this Gift.
System: The player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls Manipulation + Empathy (difficulty 7). If the roll
succeeds, anyone involved in the debate must concentrate for a turn by staying silent and then roll Willpower
(difficulty 8) to say anything that they know is likely to make things worse. The effect lasts for one minute per
success rolled. If a Philodox uses this Gift, then the initial roll is at difficulty 6 and the participants in the debate
must make a Willpower roll (difficulty 9) to inflame the argument.
(Source: Tribebook: Silver Fangs Revised, p.74)
• Gibbous Moon’s Understanding (Level Four) — The greatest of the Silver Fangs' Galliards have
sometimes also been some of the tribe's most successful battlefield leaders. This Gift can take some of the credit
for this. It allows the werewolf to howl out general or specific instructions to her allies, and have them heard and
understood even over the noise of battle, thus showing everyone the Gibbous Moon's wisdom. To learn this Gift,
the werewolf must persuade three different Lunes to spend a whole night in the character's company. Just before
dawn, one of them will teach the Gift.
System: The player spends a point of Rage and rolls Charisma + Leadership (difficulty 7). The number
of successes is the number of howls the werewolf can make during this scene that will be understood as an order
by any ally fighting in the same battle as the character. A Galliard character makes the roll at difficulty 5.
(Source: Tribebook: Silver Fangs Revised, p.74)
• Full Moon’s Wrath (Level Five) — Sometimes Luna's wrath waxes so great that her enemies fall
before her chosen like corn before a scythe. This Gift allows a hard-pressed werewolf to summon war-spirits to
her aid, striking at her enemies and giving her respite. Their power teaches the werewolf and her allies, not to
mention her enemies, the wisdom and strength of the Full Moon. The werewolf must find and defeat nine of
Falcon's brood of Jagglings in succession on a night of the full moon to learn this Gift. At the end of the night, an
Avatar of Luna appears and binds the defeated spirits to the Fang's service ever more. However, she demands that
the Garou be at her disposal on nights of the full moon in exchange.
System: To activate the Gift the player spends a point of Rage and Gnosis and then rolls Gnosis
(difficulty 7, 5 for Ahroun). One of the defeated bird-spirits appears and attacks the enemies of the werewolf for
each success rolled. The spirits remain part of the fray until they are defeated, the werewolf dies or the battle
ends, at which point they depart into the Umbra once more.
(Source: Tribebook: Silver Fangs Revised, p.75)
Waning Cycle — The Internal Moon
• Full Moon Cleansing (Level One) — This Gift allows a Garou to turn her own Rage against her
Harano, thereby defeating it like any other enemy. The werewolf learns this Gift in ritual combat with a blood-
warrior spirit, who must be defeated and burnt in an Umbral fire. The Garou then marks himself with the glyph
for her own auspice and the Ahroun glyph. Thus, she learns how the anger of the full Moon may be made part of
System: The player must spend one point of Rage and make a Rage roll (difficulty 7, difficulty 6 for
Ahroun) to activate the Gift. The character may then ignore the effects of Harano for one scene per success
(Source: Tribebook: Silver Fangs Revised, p.76)
• Gibbous Moon Song (Level Two) — The Gift allows a Garou to learn the benefits of a smooth
tongue and social awareness. It makes the werewolf talkative, interesting and likable, the very life and soul of
any gathering. The moon's own light seems to make her more interesting and attractive than she normally seems.
A Great Green Cheese spirit, a lively and somewhat aromatic member of Luna's brood, best known to the Bone
Gnawers, teaches this Gift. Arrogant Silver Fangs who will not deign to deal with such a spirit will struggle to
progress on this cycle. The werewolf and the spirit engage in a battle of wits, to see who can come up with the
cleverest word play. If the Garou wins, the spirit happily teaches the Gift. Thus, she makes the persuasiveness of
the Gibbous Moon part of herself.
System: The player rolls Wits + Enigmas (difficulty 8) to best the spirit. This roll may only be
attempted once per month and only during a gibbous moon. Once the character knows the Gift, the player
activates it by spending a point of Gnosis. All Social rolls gain an extra die for the remainder of the scene (three
dice for Galliards).
(Source: Tribebook: Silver Fangs Revised, p.76)
• Half Moon Mnemonics (Level Three) — This Gift allows a Garou to remember a moment with
perfect clarity, fixing it forever within their mind. They may recall that moment at any time, and examine the
memory from any angle they wish. The memory does not dim with age, and the recall is always perfect and total.
A sea spirit teaches this Gift. The werewolf must seek an Umbral sea and meditate on the sound of its waves,
until she can hear the sea spirit calling to her. She must then focus on those instructions while at the same time
keeping total awareness of the moment to learn this Gift. Thus, she makes the wisdom and reflection of the Half
Moon part of herself.
System: The player must spend one point of Gnosis to store a memory and then rolls Wits + Alertness
(difficulty 6) to fix it in the character's mind. The roll is at difficulty 5 for a Philodox. The character can store one
memory for every point of permanent Gnosis she has. To recall the memory, the player must make an
Intelligence + Occult roll (difficulty 7, 6 if the character is a Philodox, 5 if the character is a Philodox and staring
into water). A botch means the memory vanishes, leaving a permanent hole in the character's memory. The
character may dump memories at any time, leaving her only a normal, fallible recollection of the event.
(Source: Tribebook: Silver Fangs Revised, p.76)
• Crescent Moon Fata (Level Four) — This Gift allows a Garou to perceive the very threads of fate
and destiny that direct the world. By studying a person or object, she can learn a little about its past, or its
possible future. To learn this Gift, the werewolf must find a spider or firefly Jaggling or Moira, one of Luna's
Incarna, and challenge it to a contest of gamecraft. Should the Garou win, the Jaggling opens her eye to the play
of fate upon the world. Thus, she makes the spiritual awareness of the Crescent Moon part of herself.
System: To win the gamecraft contest, the player rolls Wits + Enigmas (difficulty 9, 7 if the character is
a Theurge). Should the roll be botched, the Jaggling takes umbrage at the character's clumsy mind and takes three
temporary Gnosis from the character as payment for its wasted time.
To activate the Gift, the player makes a Perception + Empathy roll (difficulty 5, 4 if the character is a
Theurge). The character sees one thread of fate per success. The player may choose to spend multiple threads on
one target, or to spread them amongst several. Each thread allows a single glimpse into the future or past.
Multiple threads allocated in the same direction on the same target will allow the character to see further into the
past or future. The Storyteller determines exactly what she sees, but should be both inventive and somewhat
cryptic in the description. The workings of fate are strange and not easily understood by even the most aware of
Theurges. However, it is much easier to see the past than the future. As a rule of thumb, each success will add
hours into the past or minutes into the future.
(Source: Tribebook: Silver Fangs Revised, p.77)
• New Moon Legerdemain (Level Five) — This Gift allows the werewolf to summon and command a
group of small trickster spirits. This last step in the Cycle brings the werewolf to an understanding of Luna's need
for the tricksters and the madness that she welcomes. The spirits, once summoned, dance around the Garou in the
Penumbra, protecting her from harm but disturbing and unsettling all those around her. They play tricks on
everyone in the vicinity; harmless and amusing ones on the werewolf's allies and destructive ones on her
enemies. An avatar of Luna herself teaches this Gift, which puts the Garou in her debt - and service - forever. To
learn the Gift, the Garou must undertake a great quest in Luna's name, one that may take several game sessions to
play out. Once the werewolf succeeds, Luna gifts her loyal subject an understanding of the true nature of
madness. Thus, the werewolf makes the New Moon's twisted wisdom part of herself.
System: The Gift costs a point of permanent Gnosis to learn. Once the spirits are summoned,
strangelings, chimera and Wyldlings usually, they never leave their werewolf. At times, they may rest quietly,
semi dormant in the Penumbra near the Garou, although they may occasionally play tricks on her or those around
her. They are always dormant during the day. They awaken into full life during the New Moon or at the call of
the Garou. To awaken the spirits, the player rolls Gnosis (difficulty 6, 5 if the character is a Ragabash) and
spends a point of Gnosis. The pack of spirits becomes active for one night per success. If the werewolf wishes
them to go back to sleep, the player must roll Gnosis as above, spending another point of Gnosis and get at least
two successes.
Once they are active, the spirits play games and vicious tricks on all the werewolf's enemies within a
25-foot radius, pinching, tripping and interfering with them in all manner of ways. This creates a +2 difficulty to
all the enemies' rolls and removes two dice from their dice pools to boot. The spirits may steal an object from an
enemy in the Umbra once per day. It will only be a minor item of little worth or power, as defined by the
Storyteller. The spirits might show their werewolf their prize, or they may not, depending on their whims. If no
enemies are at hand, the spirits may turn their attentions to whomever is at hand (save the Gift's master) - even
allies are not quite safe, although the spirits harass them somewhat more infrequently. It is the wise Garou who
sings the spirits back to slumber when the battle is done.
(Source: Tribebook: Silver Fangs Revised, p.77-78)

Skin Dancers
Even the Black Spiral Dancers have tribal pacts with loathsome Banes and other Wyrm-affiliated
spirits. For those werewolves who exist outside the structure of the tribes and their pacts, prospects are bleak.
Without the support of a tribal totem, spirits regard dealing with a Ronin Garou as a shameful thing, and
will be loath to honor even those ancient pacts touching on his Auspice and breed. Unless he is able to locate a
spirit willing to serve as a personal or pack totem, a Ronin must buy all Gifts at the Gift’s level rating x 7, cannot
learn Gifts above level one, and must bargain for each Gift on an individual basis.
Even with a totem’s support, the Ronin only regains discounted costs for breed and Auspice Gifts.
Skin Dancers (see p. 512) suffer similar difficulties, and only a tiny handful of spirits will ever consent
to act as totems for such creatures. Most Skin Dancers are forced to turn to bargains with Banes, learning Black
Spiral Dancer Gifts. Those who manage to find an ally in the spirit world sometimes learn one of Minotaur’s
blessings, detailed below:
• See Past the Skin (Level One) — While the Gaian Garou use the Gift: Sense Wyrm to root out Skin
Dancers in their midst, Skin Dancers use this Gift to detect the supernatural presence of one of their own. The
user of this Gift is able to discern the faint, mystical patchwork on a Skin Dancer’s fur when in Crinos form. This
Gift is taught by a servant of Minotaur.
System: The player rolls Gnosis (difficulty 6). Only one success is required.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.199)
• Mask Taint (Level Five) — A Skin Dancer possessing this Gift may completely camouflage Wyrm-
taint from all senses, including Gifts that detect such taint. This Gift is taught by a servant of Minotaur.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point, rolling Perception + Subterfuge (difficulty 8). The effect
lasts for one scene per success scored.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.199)

The Stargazers' search for insight and wisdom has naturally led them deep into the spiritual realm. Their
Gifts are a byproduct of their penchant for visions and riddles, as well as outgrowths of their pursuit of non-lethal
combat methods.

• Balance (Level One) — The Stargazer is able to walk across any ledge, rope, or other narrow
causeway, no matter how thin or slippery. Wind-spirits teach this Gift.
System: Difficulties for climbing decrease by three, and attempts to maintain balance automatically
succeed. This Gift’s effects are permanent.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.195)
• Channeling (Level One) — Rage is both a boon and a bane to the Garou, and the Stargazers feel this
more than most. Many Stargazers seek new ways to harness and direct their Rage, and those with this Gift have
at least one more option. A Garou using this Gift can channel her Rage into a single action, helping her perform
that one action as best as she is able. This Gift is taught by a fire-spirit.
System: The player may spend up to three of the Garou's temporary Rage on a single action. Each point
spent in this manner gives the Garou an extra die for that roll.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.195)
• Dreamchaser (Level One) — As the Galliard Gift.
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West Companion, p.77→p.72)
• Falling Touch (Level One) — As the Ahroun Gift.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.195→p.170-1)
• Fearless (Level One) — Whatever odds she may face, the Stargazer maintains an aura of complete
serenity. Whether hanging from a rock face 300 feet in the air or staring into the very maw of the Abyss, the
Garou with this Gift knows no fear. A spirit of Fear teaches this Gift.
System: By spending a Willpower point, the player automatically passes any fear-related tests for the
entire scene. This Gift also negates the power of other Gifts cause fear, such as Cry of the Killer, or Howl of the
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West Companion, p.77)
• Imbalance (Level One) — A Stargazer possessing this Gift causes considerable problems to all
attackers. Those attacking find themselves clumsier and less nimble with every successful strike. An earth
elemental teaches this Gift.
System: At the beginning of close combat (this Gift cannot be activated after the first turn of combat),
the player spends a Gnosis point. If an attacker completes a successful hit against the Stargazer, the attacker's
next roll to strike is at +1 difficulty. Each turn thereafter, the Stargazer may spend a Rage point to continue the +1
difficulty to hit for another turn.
(Source: Tribebook: Stargazers Revised, p.65)
• Iron Resolve (Level One) — Through the blessings of the spirits, the Stargazer’s resolve is tempered
like steel, allowing great feats through application of sheer will. An ancestor-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: Once per scene, the Stargazer may spend one Willpower to gain two automatic successes on an
action, rather than one.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.195)
• Paper Butterfly (Level One) — Ancient court magicians of the Chinese emperor were able to
conjure a cloud of paper butterflies out of thin air. Stargazers who have mastered this trick use it to create a mood
of tranquility, or can use them to distract an opponent. This Gift is taught, appropriately enough, by a butterfly-
or moth-spirit.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Wits + Performance (difficulty 6). A flock of
fluttering butterflies (a dozen per success) made of varying colors of paper appears in the air around the
Stargazer's head. The butterflies may be instructed to head in any direction (up to a number of yards equal to the
werewolf's Willpower score). If the Stargazer is using this Gift as a distraction to an opponent, the butterflies take
one turn to reach the opponent. The successes on the roll to activate the Gift subtract successes away from the
next non-reflexive roll the opponent attempts to make. This happens on a two-to-one basis, however. Every
success on the roll to activate the Gift subtracts two successes from the opponent's. (In other words, if the
Stargazer scores three successes, it can take away a full six successes from the opponent's roll if able.) If the
Stargazer has successes left over, they can apply to the opponent's next action next turn.
(Source: Tribebook: Stargazers Revised, p.64-65)
• Sense Wyrm (Level One) — As the Metis Gift.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.195→p.156)
• Threads of the Weaver (Level One) Version One — With this Gift a Stargazer can sense the threads
woven through reality by the Weaver. The werewolf thus knows if the effects of the Weaver have been felt in an
area, but also senses the direction in which those spirits head, and perhaps for what purpose. This Gift is taught
by a spider-spirit.
System: The player rolls Perception + Enigmas (difficulty 6) and the character concentrates on his
surroundings. The Garou gets a glimpse into the Penumbra, but to see only the webs strung by the Weaver and its
minions. The character then knows if the Weaver has affected an area recently, if it still does and sometimes if it
will in the near future. On a roll of Wits + Enigmas (difficulty 8) the character gets a sense of how the Weaver
affects the area, and an inkling of the repercussions of that effect.
Stargazers have used this Gift to sense where railroads, telegraph wires and other trappings of
civilization will penetrate the West. The power can also be used to know where the Storm Eater has touched the
Penumbra and the material world, and the Gift might be used to follow the trail of the Storm Eater or those of its
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West, p.161)
• Threads of the Weaver (Level One) Version Two — This Gift permits the user to sense the threads
woven by the Weaver or any of its spirit minions. By concentrating on his surroundings, the werewolf can track
Weaver-spirit activity more effectively by following the trail of their webs. It can also be useful for determining
where the Storm Eater or its offspring have made their mark. This Gift is taught by a spider-spirit.
• System: The player rolls Perception + Enigmas (difficulty of the local Gauntlet). The Garou gets a
brief glimpse into the Penumbra, but can perceive only the webs strung by Weaver-spirits. A successful Wits +
Enigmas roll (difficulty 8) allows the werewolf to read the pattern of weaving, determining roughly when the
threads were laid, what sort of pattern is developing, and what these changes may signify.
(Source: W20 Wyld West, p.33)
• Disguise the True Form (Level Two) — The Stargazer can avoid revealing her true nature to other
Gift users or supernaturals. Even in Crinos form, the Garou registers as a normal human. An avatar of the
Chimera teaches this Gift.
System: Any powers to detect the Stargazer’s true nature fail. The Stargazer appears to be a perfectly
normal human, despite her current form.
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West Companion, p.77)
• Drunken Spider (Level Two) — This Gift is primarily practiced by those Stargazers who feel that the
Weaver is the true enemy of Gaia. With this ability, the Stargazer may affect the logic centers of any Weaver-
spirit, jumbling its mind into sluggish discord. If the spirit isn't part of any physical manifestation mirrored in the
"real" world, the spirit is merely hampered and confused. If performed on a spirit that's part of the soul of a
machine, it actually makes the machine work significantly less efficiently, and thus makes it harder to use. A
computer affected as such may not do what the user intends. Hitting "Enter," for instance, might trigger the
"Backspace" key instead. Or opening a document might cause it to appear as gibberish. This Gift can be taught
by either a cockroach-spirit or a water-spirit.
System: The player spends one Willpower point and rolls Charisma + Crafts (difficulty of the spirit's
Gnosis). If the spirit is "alone" and unassociated with any real world device, then each success on this roll
reduces the spirit's Willpower rolls to act by one die. If the spirit is associated with a machine, then each success
raises the difficulty to use the device by one as it acts oddly and performs erratically and slowly. The muddling
effects last for the duration of the scene.
(Source: Tribebook: Stargazers Revised, p.65-66)
• Inner Light (Level Two) — The Stargazer can step sideways into the Umbra using only his own
inner light; he has no need of a reflection or bright light to guide him. This Gift is taught by an Epiphling of
System: The character is always considered to be using a mirror when attempting to step sideways,
regardless of the presence of any reflective surface. The player must still roll Gnosis as usual, and the Stargazer
can still be "caught." He may lead packmates into the Umbra as per the usual rules.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.195 & 2nd Ed Stargazers Tribebook, p.51)
• Inner Strength (Level Two) —After brief meditation, the Garou may convert her inner anger into
iron resolve. Stargazer ancestor-spirits teach this Gift.
System: The Garou concentrates for five minutes; the player rolls Wits + Enigmas (difficulty 8). Each
success converts one point of Rage into a point of Willpower.
(Note: This Gift is known as Singleness of Purpose in Werewolf: the Wild West, p.162.)
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.195)
• Resist Temptation (Level Two) — Using gestures to her chakras, as Klaital did, the Stargazer can
resist worldly, mental and spiritual temptations, including corruption. This Gift is taught by an earth-spirit.
System: The player rolls Wits + Rituals (difficulty 6) and spends one Gnosis point. Each success raises
others' difficulties to ensorcel or supernaturally coerce the character by one for the rest of the scene. For instance,
a vampire trying to Dominate the Garou would find it harder to succeed. Against non-supernatural coercion, this
Gift is automatically successful. Thus, mundane con artists and temptresses have no power over the Stargazer.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.195 & 2nd Ed Stargazers Tribebook, p.51)
• Surface Attunement (Level Two) — The Stargazer may attune herself to the surrounding
environment, thereby gaining the ability to walk at normal speed across such surfaces as mud, water, snow and
quicksand without falling through or leaving tracks. The spirits of small animals that are often overlooked by
other tribes (such as rabbits, sparrows and mice) teach this Gift.
System: The Garou concentrates for one turn; the player rolls Dexterity + Athletics, difficulty 6. The
effects last for a scene.
(Note: This Gift is known as Measured Step in Werewolf: the Wild West, p.162.)
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.195)
• Wuxing (Level Two) — There is a mystical resonance — wuxing — that exists between the elements
of water, fire, earth, metal and wood. These elements are the basic forces underlying everything in the world, and
the resonance between them is something that a Stargazer with this Gift can hear and tap into. The Stargazer can
take the reverberation between elements and tweak it temporarily; the result is, for a short time, that one element
can be changed into the other. This Gift may only be taught by an avatar of Chimera.
System: The player rolls Manipulation + Enigmas (difficulty 7). Each success allows for one square
foot of a particular element (water, earth, fire, metal or wood) to be changed into an alternate type of the same
group of elements. Fire may become wood, water may become earth, and so on. The dimension of the element
doesn't change - a fire in the fireplace still retains its "shape," but may now be made of wood, earth, or even
water (water doesn't change the shape either; it actually retains the same shape, but is simply liquid held fast to a
specific contour). The effect lasts for a number of turns equal to the character's permanent Gnosis score.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.195-6 & Tribebook: Stargazers Revised, p.66)
• Clarity (Level Three) — This Gift grants the ability to see through fog, pitch darkness and even
recognize illusions or invisibility. A wind-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player rolls Perception + Enigmas (difficulty 7). If the Stargazer attempts to see through
someone else's illusion, the number of successes rolled by the creator must be matched or beaten by the Garou;
otherwise, this Gift negates visual penalties.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.196)
• Conundrum (Level Three) — A Stargazer with this Gift can introduce an unsolvable problem into a
victim's mind. Depending on the effectiveness, the target could be completely immobilized by her new,
fascinating train of thought. The effect varies with every individual, but it usually derives from the target's
personality: A computer-hacking Glass Walker might try to discover the last digit of pi, while a Bone Gnawer
might try to reason why, indeed, did the chicken cross the road. An avatar of the Chimera teaches this Gift, but
the Garou must first solve her instructor's puzzle.
System: The Stargazer rolls her Manipulation + Subterfuge (difficulty of the target's Wits + Enigmas).
The number of successes indicates the complexity of the problem and the extent to which the target is distracted.
Each success also subtracts one die from the target's Dice Pools for an equal number of rounds. Each Willpower
point the target spends reduces the effectiveness of this Gift by 1.
(Source: Werewolf Players Guide, 2nd Ed., p.43)
• Cunning Koan (Level Three) — The character can cut through any falsity, illusion or bullshit with a
few choice words. The words cannot be profane and must come in the form of a short haiku poem or koan. This
Gift is taught by a crow-spirit or a Chimerling.
System: The player rolls Wits + Expression and spends one Gnosis point. Any illusion designed to fool
others is revealed as such — even Bastet Den-Realms can be discovered with this Gift. In addition, anyone
attempting to He at that moment is revealed as a liar — his words instead speak his true intent.
(Source: 2nd Ed Stargazers Tribebook, p.52)
• Mastery of the Mortal Coil (Level Three) — The Garou transcends the limits of her physical body
and gains complete control of her bodily functions. Asian and African Stargazers who work as or live among
mine laborers sometimes use this Gift to test mines for gas. The Gift is also used to withstand the abuses of
cultural persecution in the West, not to mention survive adverse conditions. This Gift is taught by a bear-spirit.
System: The Garou concentrates for several minutes and the player spends two Willpower points. The
werewolf Ignores pain and controls his bodily functions for one turn for each point of permanent Willpower.
While this Gift is in effect, a character can slow his breathing so that he’s immune to the effects of gasses. He can
slow his metabolism so that poisons are ineffective, or he can ignore wound penalties (though Health Levels are
lost normally). The character’s body does not collapse; he performs actions normally, but much more efficiently
than usual.
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West, p.162)
• Merciful Blow (Level Three) —The Garou can subdue a foe in combat without harming him. A
mongoose-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point, and the Stargazer attunes himself to the body of his foe.
For the remainder of the scene, although the Garou’s attacks inflict damage, no actual injuries appear upon the
opponent’s body. A foe incapacitated through the use of this power immediately regains all health lost to the
Garou’s Merciful Blows, and is guaranteed to remain unconscious for at least the rest of the scene.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.196)
• Mouthpiece of the Successor (Level Three) — According to an old and almost forgotten Stargazer
tradition, a dying Garou may ask for a "mouthpiece" to come sit by his side and listen to him. The mouthpiece
would then go to the rest of the sept and deliver the departed Stargazer's secrets, stories, or last wishes during a
funerary moot. Somewhere along the way, this Gift was concocted to aid in this tradition. With it, the mouthpiece
may literally "record" the dying Garou's voice and "play" it back through her own mouth later. The recording is
literal - it's the same exact voice, not the voice of the mouthpiece. Those who know the Gift now rarely use it for
its original purpose, for it can be used to record anybody's voice, for any reason at all. This Gift can be taught by
either a mockingbird spirit or an avatar of Raven.
System: When "recording," the player rolls Perception + Empathy (difficulty 7). The number of
successes dictates how long the mouthpiece can vocally chronicle another's words. Each success allows for up to
two minutes of recording to occur. If the Stargazer wishes to chronicle more, the player must make another roll.
If the roll botches, the Stargazer using this Gift loses her voice for a single day. When the "mouthpiece" wants to
replay the conversation later, she can do so at any time by spending one Gnosis point.
If the subject is not aware of the Gift's use (or is aware and seeks to defy its use), the subject may roll
Manipulation + Subterfuge (difficulty 7). Every success on this roll removes one of the successes of the Gift-
user's roll.
(Source: Tribebook: Stargazers Revised, p.66)
• Sense Balance (Level Three) — As the Philodox Gift.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.196→p.167)
• Vision of True Spirit (Level Three) — The Garou bestows a vision upon a person that exposes the
subject to the true nature of his spirit. The nature of this vision differs with each individual, but it always
confronts him with the good, corruption or evil of his ways. Whether the vision has any impression on the subject
is also determined by the individual; some are completely at one with their natures, good or evil. This Gift is
taught by a crow-spirit.
System: The character must touch the target; the player rolls Perception + Enigmas (difficulty 7) and
spends a point of Gnosis. The number of successes rolled indicates the degree to which the subject is exposed to
his true nature. One success might make a rail baron understand that his company is bringing hard times as well
as "progress." Five successes might send a subject reeling with visions of the harm he’s caused by stealing land
deeds from families. If more successes are rolled than the subject has Willpower, he undergoes a catharsis and
collapses for 10 minus Willpower in turns. Whether the subject undergoes a change of personality must be
roleplayed. A person who willingly embraced the Wyrm may not care about the repercussions of his actions,
while a sheriff who has spiraled into corruption might stand up and mend his ways.
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West, p.162)
• Walk the Web (Level Three) — The Stargazer can walk through Weaver realms without attracting
attention. Pattern Spiders will ignore her and go about their business. The character must chant a mantra through
sub-vocalization (mouthing it silently). This Gift is taught by various Enigmatics. However, if the Stargazer takes
direct action against any Weaver minions, the effect of the Gift is canceled and the spiders will come.
System: To activate this Gift, the Stargazer spends two Gnosis points, then rolls Wits + Rituals
(difficulty 7). Success enables the Garou to travel through the Umbra as though she were on a moon bridge.
However, there must be strands of the Pattern Web in the area through which the Garou wants to travel.
Note: This Gift functions similarly to the Theurge Gift: Web Walker but has different mechanics for Stargazers
(which is to say that 2nd Ed Stargazers Tribebook did not include rules for this Gift and I extrapolated them from
the Theurge Gift: Web Walker and changed the roll from Charisma + Science to Wits + Rituals to better
thematically reflect the Stargazer version of this Gift).
(Source: 2nd Ed Stargazers Tribebook, p.52; see also Umbra Revised, p.134 & Book of the City, p.113)
• Wind’s Returning Favor (Level Three) — A Stargazer may use weapons, but most need none. This
Gift allows a Stargazer to take an opponent's weapon upon their attack. This Gift is taught by a wind-spirit.
System: The player spends one Willpower point and rolls Dexterity + Athletics in response to an
opponent’s close-range Melee attack (difficulty equals the opponent’s Wits + Melee). The Stargazer’s successes
take away the successes on the opponent’s attack roll; if the Stargazer’s successes outnumber the opponent’s, she
steals the attacker’s weapon and may use it on the following turn.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.196 &Tribebook: Stargazers Revised, p.66-67)
• Avoid Fate (Level Four) — With this Gift, the Stargazer can dodge the wheels of fate for the
moment. Through a preternatural connection between herself and the universe, she avoids certain disaster. A cat-
spirit teaches the Garou this Gift.
System: Once per scene, the player can spend a Gnosis point to reroll any failed roll.
(Source: Werewolf Players Guide, 2nd Ed., p.43)
• Counting Coup (Level Four) — By touching an opponent in combat, a Stargazer can break the
combatant’s will and drive him from the fray or force him to surrender. This Gift was learned from the Pure
Ones, who no longer have time or patience for such gentle tactics, and is taught by a Pure One ancestor-spirit.
System: The character touches his opponent in combat. The player makes a normal Dexterity + Brawl
(or Melee) roll and spends one point of Gnosis. No damage is inflicted in the "attack," but if the successes rolled
to hit exceed the victim’s current Willpower score, the opponent loses his fighting spirit. As long as he is not
attacked further, he leaves the field or resigns his fate to the Stargazer who counted coup against him. The victim
cannot spend any Willpower to act against or defy the will of the Stargazer for the remainder of the scene. This
Gift can even be used to break another Garou from frenzy or to deny a Garou any actions purchased with Rage
points that he has yet to take in a turn. It obviously can’t affect mindless foes.
The Stargazer can continue to strike at an opponent for as many turns as he has permanent Willpower
points. If the target is riot hit in that time, the potential of the Gift wears off and must be conjured up again
(another Gnosis point must be spent). Only one target can be affected by each use of this Gift.
(Note: The Level Four Wendigo Gift: Counting Coup detailed in Werewolf Players Guide 1 st Ed., p.44 is obsolete
and thus not listed here.)
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West, p.162 & W20 Wyld West, p.33)
• Imaginal Mantra (Level Four) — The Stargazer can chant a mantra to banish Banality from the area
and awaken Glamour. During the chanting, he must imagine the area as being inherently magical, seeing the
rocks, stones and buildings as living things — he must pretend to dream while awake. This Gift is taught by a
System: The player rolls Wits + Rituals and spends one Gnosis point. If successful, any Banality is
banished for one scene. In addition, any fae are revealed in their true forms.
(Source: 2nd Ed Stargazers Tribebook, p.52)
• Mindblock (Level Four) — As the Silver Fang Gift.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.196→p.194)
• Preternatural Awareness (Level Four) —The Stargazer attunes all her senses to her surroundings,
thereby becoming preternaturally aware of her opponent's doings and allowing her to anticipate them somewhat.
A wind-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Perception + Dodge (difficulty 7). All opponents'
dice pools to hit the Garou decrease by a number of dice equal to the number of successes. This penalty applies
even if the Garou cannot see the attack coming. The effect lasts for one scene.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.196)
• Strike the Air (Level Four) — As the Child of Gaia Gift.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.196→p.178)
• Summon the Chu-Mong (Level Four) — A long time ago, the Stargazers of Tibet made a pact with
an ancient tribe of mountain spirits called the Chu-Mong (snow goblins). The pact was one of mutual protection,
and a Stargazer using this Gift can reawaken the usefulness of the pact, at least temporarily. It summons the spirit
of a Chu-Mong to help protect the Stargazer in question. Only a Chu-Mong can teach this Gift.
System: The player spends a Gnosis point and rolls the Stargazer's Gnosis. The difficulty isn't the area's
Gauntlet - the difficulty is actually reliant upon the temperature. The warmer the temperature, the harder it is to
summon a Chu-Mong.
Temperature Difficulty
Below 0 degrees F 5
0-32 degrees F 6
32-49 degrees F 7
49-65 degrees F 8
65-80 degrees F 9
Above 80 degrees F 10
Botching the roll summons a snow goblin that is hostile toward the Stargazer using the Gift.
Snow Goblin (Chu-Mong)
A Chu-Mong is a small creature (like a primate in size and appearance) covered in fine white hair with long
claws and a lower-jaw needled with yellow fangs.
Willpower 8, Rage 5, Gnosis 6, Essence 20
Charms: Airt Sense, Materialize, Freeze
(Source: Tribebook: Stargazers Revised, p.67)
• The Silken Cloth (Level Four) — This Gift takes its name from an ancient Stargazer tradition. It's
believe that those who are not shapechangers cannot enter the Mirror Lands of the Umbra because they are
impure. They do not have a kernel of the celestial substance of cosmos within them, as the Garou and the other
Fera do. But many Stargazers still wished to show mortals (or others unable to access the Umbra) the hidden
truths and puzzles found only in the Mirror Lands. Once, Stargazers could purify others with a silken cloth,
rubbing them with it, so that they may enter the Umbra together. Now, that ability has been made into a Gift. This
Gift lets a Stargazer bring one other human (or otherwise Umbra-banned individual) with her when she Steps
Sideways. This Gift is taught by an Engling.
System: The player must make two stepping sideways rolls: one for the Stargazer, and one for her
"guest." However, the Stargazer must spend one Gnosis point for the guest to come through with her. If the roll to
bring her guest across botches, the poor soul is lost somewhere in the Umbra - even someplace as horrible as the
Abyss or the Atrocity Realm.
(Source: Tribebook: Stargazers Revised, p.67)
• Ancestral Incarnation (Level Five) — The connection of a Stargazer to his ancestors can be deemed
more "intense" than that of other Garou. This Gift is proof of that. The few Stargazers with this Gift are not only
able to plumb the depths of the ancestral memories for help, but are literally able to become one (or many) of
their ancestors for a short time. The Stargazer glows with a pale nimbus of light and actually exhibits the physical
traits (altering her appearance) of one or several of her ancestors. For a time, the Stargazer may also tap into the
wealth of knowledge and ability of her forebears and use that to enhance her own actions for a time. This Gift is
taught by an Epiphling of Truth.
System: The player spends three Gnosis points. The Stargazer exhibits a number of ancestral traits
equal to the dots in her Ancestors Background. (For instance, Naipurya Sunblade has an Ancestors score of three.
She exhibits three traits of her ancestors that alter her appearance. From her ancestor Silverstar she gains a mane
of gray hair, from her ancestor Fu-Kui-Kang she shows bright yellow eyes, and from her ancestor Gi-on Shows-
the-Way she gains a long scar along the length of her muzzle.) For the remainder of the scene, the Stargazer may
also add her Ancestors score to any roll she makes.
(Source: Tribebook: Stargazers Revised, p.67-68)
• Break the Loom (Level Five) — The Stargazer uses controlled cognitive dissonance to temporarily
confuse Paradox and banish it. With riddles and conundrums posed to the t h in air, the Stargazer thus confuses
the Weaver, who halts her spinning as she tries to solve the riddle. This Gift is taught by Chimera herself.
System: The player rolls Wits + Enigmas and spends one Gnosis point. If successful, a particular
manifestation of Paradox is canceled. In addition, the Gauntlet of the area drops for the rest of the scene by one
point for each success gained. This is an immensely powerful Gift when put: to use for a mage; however,
Stargazers usually let mages learn from their own mistakes, intervening only if the Paradox threatens someone
other than the unwise willworker.
(Source: 2nd Ed Stargazers Tribebook, p.52)
• Circular Attack (Level Five) —The greatest Stargazers have no fear of fighting even a horde of
opponents. They are able to not only avoid their foes' attacks, but they can actually channel those attacks toward
other enemies. Thus the Stargazer’s flowing movements turn a mob of murderous fomori into a weapon directed
against itself. A wind-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one Willpower point and rolls Wits + Dodge (difficulty of the opponent's
Wits + 3, or the highest Wits + 3 if facing multiple foes). Each success enables the Garou to avoid and redirect
one attack. This Gift counts as an action. The Stargazer may not use this Gift multiple times in one turn or spend
Rage the same turn (although he may take multiple actions in the standard manner). For example, a Stargazer
with Wits 4 and Dodge 4 is fighting six foes, each with Wits 2. The player rolls eight dice against a difficulty of
5. He gains four successes, and the Stargazer redirects four attacks. Each of the attackers whose attack was
redirected would roll to hit each other or another of the Stargazer's foes, at the Stargazer's choice. Two of the foes
would strike normally, but the Garou could still dodge their attacks (had the player set apart any multiple
(Note: This Gift is known as Rage at Shadows in Werewolf: the Wild West, p.162)
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.196)
• Directing the Soul (Level Five) — Stargazers with this Gift can redirect the effects of their Rage and
Gnosis. By attaining this higher control over their inner selves, they influence the world around them in their
favor. This Gift is taught by an Enigmatic spirit.
System: After learning this Gift, the Stargazer can spend her Rage or Gnosis, instead of Willpower, to
receive one automatic success on a roll.
(Source: Werewolf Players Guide, 2nd Ed., p.43)
• Harmonious Unity of the Emerald Mother (Level Five) — The wisest of Stargazers understand that
all divisions of the flesh are mere illusion. The only true separation is of spirit — Wyrm from Weaver, Weaver
from Wyld, Triat from Gaia. But even then, the great forces of the universe are connected. Drawing upon this
wisdom, the Garou banishes the boundaries dividing the mind and body of man from the power of the werewolf.
An avatar of Gaia herself teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point. For the next day, the Stargazer enjoys the physical
Attribute bonuses and regenerative powers of the Crinos form while in Homid. This Gift doesn’t grant Crinos
form’s claws, fangs, or expanded senses, nor does it inflict the Delirium.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.196)
• Wisdom of the Seer (Level Five) — By gazing into the night sky for an hour, the Stargazer becomes
a channel for the wisdom of the Tellurian, and can find the answer to almost any question among the stars. A
Chimerling teaches this Gift.
System: The Garou's player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Intelligence + Enigmas (difficulty 7). If
successful, the player can ask any one simple question of the Storyteller and expect an answer that is honest, if
vague and wrapped in symbolism. The clarity of the information depends on the number of successes, and it is
rare to gain a complete and straightforward answer.
(Note: This Gift is known as Wisdom from the Heavens in Werewolf: the Wild West, p.162)
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.196)
Mantra Gifts
The following Gifts are based upon mantras. Mantras are vocal expressions of the very fabric and
tapestry of the cosmos, and while anyone can learn to speak a mantra, only a rare few learn the potential Gifts
that are associated with them. These Gifts are predominately practiced by the Stargazer Galliards of India, but
any Stargazer can learn to use them.
• Seed of Speech (Level One) — The spoke mantra for this Gift is Aum-Vak-Bija. It represents the
primal nature of speech and gives the Stargazer using this Gift a preternatural understanding of the underlying
force behind all words and names. Merely by intoning the mantra and activating this Gift, the Garou is capable of
harmonizing with the very fundamental nature of spoken sound and the knowledge that comes with it. This Gift
is taught by an avatar of Cuckoo.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point after the Stargazer speaks the mantra. For the duration of
the scene, the werewolf gains the ability to understand the basic subject/verb structure of all sentences spoken to
him, regardless of the language used. For instance, "What are you doing here?" would translate (to the Stargazer)
as "You do?"; or "Put down that idol," may translate to "You drop." This Gift only captures the most basic
essence of a sentence spoken (the "seed"), but when being spoken to in a completely foreign tongue, this can
make all the difference.
(Source: Tribebook: Stargazers Revised, p.68)
• Sound of Suffering (Level Two) — The spoken mantra for this Gift is Aum-Kama-Rudra. Life is
suffering. Among the Stargazers this is not a philosophy, this is fact. Once someone realizes that suffering is the
dominating force within the universe, he can move past it onto a fuller, richer life - or so the theory goes. With
this Gift, a Stargazer can inflict a temporary "realization of suffering" onto a single individual. The individual
affected by this Gift is beset by a swell of sadness, and they can't help but break down into hitching, wracking
sobs. For the duration of this power, the target is left feeling both empty of substance and full of the world's pain.
This Gift is taught by both pain- and rain-spirits.
System: The player spends a single Willpower point and rolls Manipulation + Empathy (difficulty 6).
The target is incapacitated for one turn per success rolled as she is afflicted by terrible sorrow and sobbing. The
subject may defend if attacked, and she also may take action if circumstances are putting her own life at risk.
(Source: Tribebook: Stargazers Revised, p.68)
• Burning Fire-Mind (Level Three) — The spoken mantra for this Gift is Aum-Hana-Daha. It
signifies the burning, fiery nature of anger and wrath, and relates directly to a werewolf's usage of Rage. Rage,
like fire, is an uncontrollable, all-consuming entity. It cannot be leashed or tamed, and can leave much damage in
its wake. The Stargazers, as a rule, are not opposed to using Rage, but they understand that it can run rampant -
and unmitigated Rage is a terrible weapon to behold. This Gift allows a Stargazer to punish other Garou for
attempting to access this unmanageable source of power needlessly. Any opponent of the Stargazer feels the
anger literally sear their flesh. This Gift is taught by a fire-spirit.
System: The player rolls Manipulation + Primal-Urge (difficulty 6) and spends one Rage point. This
Gift remains active for two turns per success rolled. Any Garou within ten yards of the Stargazer who spends
Rage takes an automatic, unsoakable level of lethal damage per Rage point spent. If the roll to use this Gift
botches, the Stargazer loses all of her temporary Rage points.
(Source: Tribebook: Stargazers Revised, p.69)
• Seeking the Void (Level Four) — The spoken mantra for this Gift is Aum-Ha-Sa-Kha-Prem. The
Umbra, also called the Mirror Lands, is a void empty of true matter and built of little more than the ephemeral
whorls of spirit substance. Many Garou are reliant upon hard travel within the Umbra. They must find their
destination and get to it via moon paths or sniffing out spirit tracks. Stargazers using this Gift have a somewhat
easier time getting somewhere in the Mirror Lands - provided that another Garou or spirit is already there. Using
this Gift takes the werewolf directly to the location of the chosen individual, no matter where they are at that
moment. The Stargazer must be in the Umbra to use this Gift. It is taught by a shadow-spirit.
System: The Stargazer utilizing this Gift must speak the mantra while actually in the Umbra. She also
must have with her some piece of the Garou she's "traveling" to, usually a part of the werewolf's body (a tuft of
hair, a tooth, a claw) or one of the Garou's possessions (a weapon, an article of clothing). In the case of traveling
to a specific spirit, the Stargazer can only travel to spirits she has literally battled with. (Though "battled" can be
a battle of wits and intelligence, and doesn't necessarily need to be a combative conflict.) The player then rolls
Wits + Enigmas. The difficulty for the roll is reliant upon the location of the target individual. If the target is in
the Penumbra, it's difficulty 6. If the target is in the Near Umbra, difficulty 7. In the Deep Umbra, difficulty 8.
And finally, in the Dark Umbra, difficulty 9.
(Source: Tribebook: Stargazers Revised, p.69)
• Liberation of Flesh (Level Five) — The spoken mantra for this Gift is Aum-waha-guru-dha-yan.
Some Stargazers (particularly those among the Tranquil) posit that all flesh is weak, and like an anchor, it drags
the spirit. Stargazers using this Gift find themselves "liberated" from their physical forms, becoming insubstantial
and bodiless.
System: No roll is necessary to become incorporeal, but the player must spend a Gnosis point to reduce
the Stargazer's physical form to an insubstantial one. When this Gift is activated, the Stargazer becomes quite
literally like a silvery ghost of her physical body, and can be seen with a successful Perception + Alertness roll
(difficulty 7). The Stargazer may take no actions except for simple movement, and even that takes a strong
concentration. To move from one place to another, the player must roll Wits + Meditation (difficulty 7). Only one
success is necessary for movement, but the shimmering ghostly form may only travel no faster than the
werewolf's usual walking speed. Failure means the character may not move; a botch on the roll to move is
disastrous. A botch disrupts the Stargazer's concentration keeping her form non-corporeal, and it reduces her
Gnosis pool to zero. The Stargazer may stay in this bodiless state for as long as she chooses, and may not be
physically harmed by other physical creatures or spirits. To return to a corporeal, physical form, the Stargazer
spends another Gnosis point and her ghostly form becomes immediately corporeal once again.
(Source: Tribebook: Stargazers Revised, p.69-70)
• Thought-Form of the Twelve Ministers (Level Six) — The spoken mantra for this Gift is Aum-ka-
la-rim-sa-ka-la-rim-ha-ka-la-rim. This Gift allows a Stargazer to attain true spiritual balance for a single
moment. In that moment, all extreme desires and impure emotions are blasted away by an unmitigated blast of
the Self. A startling crackle of energy travels like lightning to each of the Stargazer's chakra points. It only lasts
for a second, and then it is gone. But in its wake, the Stargazer is left empowered and burning with a halo of pale
green light. There is only a handful of Stargazers who have ever been worthy enough to learn this Gift, and it can
only be taught by an avatar of Chimera.
System: The player spends a single temporary point of Gnosis, Rage, and Willpower. For the remainder
of the scene, the Garou gains a series of Trait bonuses: +2 to Perception, +3 to Enigmas, +3 to Empathy, and +2
to Brawl. There are two other benefits as well. First, any Garou standing within ten feet of the Stargazer using
this Gift find that their temporary Gnosis pools are suddenly refreshed. Also, this Gift burns out any corruption
that was contained in the werewolf grasping the power. Hence, any Wyrm-taint that the character had thus
(Source: Tribebook: Stargazers Revised, p.70-71)
Stargazer Camp Gifts
The Gifts below are guarded secrets, open only to those members of the respective “camps” that
fostered them in the first place. These powers are meant to help Stargazers of different sects and sub-groups
achieve whatever goal it is that separates them from the rest of the tribe.
Demon Eaters
The Demon Eaters (or, “The Heavenly Successors of the Demon-Eater”) favor Gifts that lend weight
and power to their ultimate goal, which is to rid the world of all demons. The Demon Eaters, perhaps more than
any other camp, rely on their Gifts to aid them in their mission.
• Sense the Demonic (Level One) — The difference between a servitor of the Wyrm and a demon-
possessed mortal is subtle. While most demons emanate perceptible Wyrm-taint, strangely some seem able to
mask themselves and escape such notice. Plus, Sense Wyrm doesn't identify the nature of the taint, so the nature
of the creature (that it's a demon) goes unknown until it's potentially too late. This Gift helps circumvent that
problem. It doesn't provide a literal sense so much as a spiritual one - the eye in the Demon Eater's mind registers
the disruption in the fabric of reality, and senses the demonic source. This Gift is taught by a chimerling.
System: The player rolls Perception + occult. The difficulty is dependent upon the proximity and
intensity of the demon (or demon-possessed victim). Sensing a single demon in the same room would be
difficulty 6, sensing a demon across a busy city street would be 7, and detecting a demon's infernal influence
after the creature has already left would be a difficulty 8.
(Source: Tribebook: Stargazers Revised, p.71)
• Reverie of the Kol-Kin (Level Two) — Demons are malicious tricksters bent on chaos. Their souls
have been corrupted by the Wyrm so badly, there's little real humanity left inside, regardless of how they appear
on the outside. They can't be trusted. They can't be left alone. This Gift helps to trap them and keep them still for
a time. The Stargazer's eyes become pale mirrors, glowing faintly even in daylight. Any demon looking into the
Stargazer's eyes is held transfixed, unable to move or speak. It's said that this ability was passed down from the
group's progenitor, Zhong Kui, who used it to hold one demon at bay while his pack eased in for the kill. This
Gift is taught by a Lune.
System: The player spends a single Gnosis point. No roll is necessary to activate the Gift. The
Stargazer's eyes become reflective, and any demon (or demon-possessed individual) looking into the Stargazer's
eyes are held in a kind of trance. (Note that the subject cannot be Bane-possessed; only demons and their vessels
are affected by this power.) The demon is allowed a single Willpower roll (difficulty 8) in the beginning to resist
the allure of the werewolf's eyes. This Gift is active as long as the Stargazer holds the gaze (blinking doesn't
disrupt it) or until the demon is attacked. This Gift only works on one demon or demon-possessed individual at a
(Source: Tribebook: Stargazers Revised, p.71)
The Sacred Thread
The ksatriyas of the Sacred Thread camp of the Stargazers tend to focus on Gifts that lend them the
ability to more effectively pass along wisdom to their students and Gifts that aid their battle prowess in
protecting their charges.
• Word-to-Weapon (Level Two) — The warrior-teacher caste of the Sacred Thread is able to focus in
on the mystic power underlying each and every word. Even a ksatriya without a weapon may conjure one using
nothing more than the sound of his own voice. This Gift is taught by a wind-spirit.
System: The Stargazer invokes a prayer (taking a full turn to do so). The player then spends a Gnosis
point and rolls Wits + Linguistics (difficulty 6). The first success conjures a ghostly, translucent scimitar out of
thin air. The moon-curved blade has Strength base damage (lethal), with a difficulty of 7 to hit. Every two
successes past the first, however, on the roll to activate this Gift increases the weapon's damage roll for that
weapon. If the player rolls three successes, it creatures an opaque blade (made essentially of icy wind) that does
Strength + 1 lethal damage, with a difficulty of 7 to hit. The weapon lasts until the end of the scene, and then it
disappears into a cloud of dust.
(Source: Tribebook: Stargazers Revised, p.72)
• The Teacher’s Ease (Level Two) — The Stargazers of the Sacred Thread are teachers, first and
forever. They hold a great love of sharing information and enlightening others to knowledge, and those with this
Gift may find their students a little more "enlightened" than others. With it, a ksatriya may actually open a
student's mind a little further than it already was, allowing the learner to absorb more information, more quickly.
This Gift is taught by a Stargazer ancestor-spirit.
System: The player rolls Manipulation + Expression (difficulty is 10 minus the student's Intelligence
score). Each success gives the learner a number of bonus dice on a roll featuring a specific Ability. The learner
may not use these bonus dice on any Ability, however; he may only use it on a single Ability of the ksatriya's
choosing. If the Sacred Thread Stargazer demands that the dice must go towards a roll involving the Investigation
Ability, then the learner has no choice but to assign those dice to a single roll involving Investigation.
(Source: Tribebook: Stargazers Revised, p.72)
• Eyes of Ignorance (Level Five) — The ksatriya using this Gift can look into another's eyes and, for a
period of time, literally strip them of their knowledge, leaving them ignorant and empty of ability. This Gift can
be taught by an owl-spirit.
System: The player spends a Gnosis point and rolls Gnosis (difficulty is the target's Willpower).
Successes on the roll allows the Garou to intrinsically "know" the target's Knowledge (and the accompanying
dots in each Knowledge). Also, for each success, the ksatriya may subtract two dots from the target's Knowledge
traits. This Gift lasts for one day, at which point the ksatriya loses the gained Knowledge points and the target
regains the ones "lost."
(Source: Tribebook: Stargazers Revised, p.72)
The Trance Runners
The Trance Runners rely on their lithe and airy physical forms to complete their mission as cosmic
messengers. Their Gifts reflect such reliance.
• Bird Bones (Level Three) — Trance Runners are known for being notoriously light. Their bodies,
little more than bones and tightly-corded muscle, can move fast and flexible partly due to their legendary
"hollow" bones. It allows them to run quickly over almost any surface.
System: The Trance Runner is able to run upon almost any surface without penalty. The roll is always
Dexterity + Athletics, but the difficulty is variable depending on the danger, complexity, or frailty of the surface.
Surface Type Difficulty
Water 5
Snow 6
Lava 7
Razors 8
Wall 9
Ceiling 10
(Source: Tribebook: Stargazers Revised, p.73)
• Seven Mile Leap (Level Three) — The name of this Gift is a bit of a misnomer, since it doesn't
technically allow a Trance-Runner to leap seven miles up into the air. What it does do, however, is effectively
increase the tautness and tension of her muscles, making her a light and powerful adversary. She can move
quickly, jump to obscene heights, and land safely. This Gift is taught by any bird-spirit.
System: Once learned, this Gift is always "on." It allows the Trance-Runner to triple the distances she
can jump.
(Source: Tribebook: Stargazers Revised, p.73-74)
Awakening the Serpent Fire
The following Gifts represent a path of training with the body's energy centers. Each Gift must be
learned in order, from the first level upwards (the third level cannot, be bought until the second level is bought,
etc.). The first level begins with the awakening of Kundalini energy at the base of the spine. The energy slowly
works its way upwards, progressively opening chakras as it reaches them, until the third eye or crown chakra is
open, completing the circuit and allowing for great power. This path requires that the Garou learn each level from
Kundalini Snake-spirits (see 2nd Ed Stargazers Tribebook, p.54).
(Source: 2nd Ed Stargazers Tribebook, p.52)
• Muladhara (Level One) — The base chakra is awakened and the energy stirs. The character can call
on this energy to help himself root or center for meditation, or summon energy to stave off fatigue. This also
includes the Svadhisthana or sacral chakra, governing the sex organs.
System: The player must declare which effect he is trying to achieve before he rolls. He then rolls
Stamina + Rituals and spends one Gnosis point. Each success lowers the difficulty of any roll involving
meditation by one; or, when resisting frenzy, each success raises the difficulty of the roll by one — although the
character must perform no other action that turn or the next. In all cases, Stamina roll difficulties related to
fatigue are lowered by one for the rest of the scene.
(Source: 2nd Ed Stargazers Tribebook, p.52)
• Manipura (Level Two) — The solar plexus chakra stirs, allowing the character access to powerful
energy and strength which can greatly aid Kailindo maneuvers.
System: The player rolls Stamina + Rituals. Each success adds one to the character's Strength for the
purposes of resisting grapples or initiating holds, but not for lifting objects or causing damage. This lasts for one
(Source: 2nd Ed Stargazers Tribebook, p.52)
• Anahata (Level Three) — The heart center stirs, opening the Garou up to normally unseen
perceptions concerning others. She can sense what they are feeling and know the best way to make them listen to
her (although they cannot be coerced into acting against their wills).
System: The player rolls Charisma + Empathy and spends one Gnosis point. For the rest of the scene,
the Stargazer can sense the surface emotions (anger, frustration, joy, etc.) of those who directly interact with her.
After three or more turns of interacting with that person, the player may make a Perception + Empathy roll; each
success lowers difficulties on any rolls to sway that person, and he will be especially receptive to wisdom or
advice from the Stargazer. The Stargazer can also attempt to avert any angry action against herself in such ways.
(Source: 2nd Ed Stargazers Tribebook, p.52)
• Visuddha (Level Four) — The throat chakra stirs, allowing the character immense control over his
voice and breath. He can halt others with a bellow or command them to heed his words.
System: The player rolls Manipulation + Expression and spends one Gnosis point. For the next scene,
anything the Stargazer says has a commanding quality to it. Each success on the roll lowers the difficulty on any
roll to command others, and he may even ask them to act in ways contrary to their nature (although not acts
which will directly harm them). In addition, he may issue a resounding Ki-ai at any time, a bellow meant to scare
opponents and give the Stargazer the initiative in combat. Roll Stamina + Expression; each success lowers an
opponent's initiative and attack Dice Pools by one die for three turns. The ki'ai does not require a separate action;
characters do not have to split their Dice Pools to issue one in the same turn in which they attack. A Ki-ai may be
effective against a single opponent only once per scene.
(Source: 2nd Ed Stargazers Tribebook, p.52)
• Atma (Level Five) — The crown chakra stirs and the third eye opens. The Stargazer gains immense
wisdom and occult perception.
System: Roll Wits + Enigmas and spend one Gnosis point. Each success lowers the difficulty of any
Enigmas roll by one and adds one to the character's Enigmas skill. This effect lasts for one scene. In addition, for
the following scene, the character sees spirits interacting with the world, and knows if Gifts or other supernatural
powers (Disciplines, Spheres, Cantrips, etc.) are active within his sight.
(Source: 2nd Ed Stargazers Tribebook, p.52-3)

The Uktena's Gifts reflect their predilection toward magical study and animal powers. Many of their
Gifts were long-forgotten secrets, recently unearthed as the fight for Gaia grows more desperate.

• Implacable Grip (Level One) — Sometimes, sheer tenacity get the job done. With this Gift, the
Uktena can hang on by claw or by bite with a deathgrip that is almost impossible to break. Gila monster- or
alligator-spirits teach this Gift.
System: As per the Silver Fang Gift: Falcon’s Grasp.
(Source: Tribebook: Uktena Revised, p.65→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.193)
• Moonstruck Path (Level One) — Garou are well versed in hunting and tracking prey, yet there are
times when they have no idea where such a trail starts or which journey to undertake first when a choice presents
itself. The Gift of the Moonstruck Path allows the Garou to perceive the beginning of the path he must take in a
given situation, even if she herself is not sure of its ultimate purpose. When the Gift is utilized, a ghostly pale
blue-white beam of moonlight points to the correct direction for one scene. Sometimes, as when the Garou
doesn’t know why she needs to move in a certain direction or what to do once she reaches her destination, it
becomes a leap of faith, with the werewolf starting on an unknown path and only later discovering why. This Gift
is taught by one of Uktena’s spirit brood.
System: The Gift must be utilized after dark, though there need not be a moon in the sky. It can even be
used underground or in windowless structures so long as it is dark outside. The player makes a Perception +
Survival roll (difficulty 8). Only one success is needed.
(Source: Croatan Song, p.117-118)
• Pull Water (Level One) — Using a forked stick or a smooth stone, a Garou can locate water hidden
underground or within a succulent plant and pull it to the surface to be used. This Gift may tap into underground
wells, water locked within loamy ground, moisture held within cacti or deep streams far beneath the desert floor.
Some Uktena have used this Gift to help their Kinfolk in desert nations irrigate their fields, while others have
kept a pack from dying of thirst when crossing badlands and open desert. Spirit servants of Uktena teach this
System: The player rolls Perception + Enigmas (difficulty 6). For each success, he may call upon
enough water to sustain a single person for one day.
(Source: Croatan Song, p.118)
• Sense Magic (Level One) — The werewolf can sense the pulse and flux of mystic energies, whether
the righteous Gifts of the Garou, the arrogant wizardry of mages, the debased powers of vampires, or even the
black arts of the Wyrm’s minions. A spirit-servant of Uktena teaches this Gift.
System: The player rolls Perception + Enigmas. The difficulty is based on the strength and subtlety of
the magic. The Uktena cannot tell the exact nature of the magic, although vague clues such as "Gaian,"
“dreamcraft,” or "blood magic" might be granted with three or more successes. The radius is 20 feet per success.
(Note: This Gift is known as Sense Medicine in Werewolf: the Wild West, p.163)
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.196-7)
• Sense Secrets (Level One) — As the Level Two Fianna Gift but easier for this secret-obsessed tribe.
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West Companion, p.77→p.74)
• Sense Wyrm (Level One) — As the Metis Gift.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.197→p.156)
• Shroud (Level One) — The Garou can create a field of inky blackness through which only she can
see. A night-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Gnosis (difficulty; varies: 3 for twilight, 6
indoors, 9 for bright sunlight). Each success blacks out a 10' by 10' by 10’ area. The Garou can choose any area
within his line of sight. Powers which permit sight in total darkness are capable of defeating this Gift. For
example, the Metis Gift: Eyes of the Cat can see through the conjured darkness.
(Note: This Gift is known as Cloud of Night in Werewolf: the Wild West, p.163)
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.197)
• Spirit of the Lizard (Level One) — The werewolf’s hands and feet spout hundreds of tiny hooks,
allowing her to climb across or cling to any surface — even sheer horizontal surfaces and ceilings. A gecko-spirit
teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one Gnosis. For the rest of the scene, the character can move across any
solid surface at her normal walking speed. Staying attached to a vertical surface or ceiling while taking any more
strenuous movement (fighting, moving faster than walking speed, attempting to dislodge a steam grate) requires
a reflexive Stamina + Athletics roll, difficulty 7).
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.197)
• Spirit Speech (Level One) — As the Theurge Gift.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.197→p.164)
• Strut (Level One) — This Gift, taught by a crane- or turkey-spirit, allows a Garou to appear
physically grander and more impressive than he truly is.
System: By taking a turn to strike a pose (puff up the chest, brandish a weapon while sounding a war-
whoop, and so on) while the player makes a Manipulation + Intimidation roll (difficulty 6), the werewolf appears
to be bigger, better and more impressive. This can be used to throw an advancing Black Spiral Dancer off his
stride or convince the biker he should find another chick to flirt with. The effects last for a scene, or until the
Garou's impressive appearance is in some way belied (like getting knocked on his tail for instance).
(Source: Tribebook: Uktena Revised, p.64)
• Another’s Moccasins (Level Two) — The human cultures of Uktena Kinfolk are too frequently
ignored or derided by the mainstream; their wolf Kin are persecuted as a matter of course. This Gift opens the
eyes of the ignorant to life on the other side, showing them a new and (for a while, at least) fascinating
perspective. By speaking briefly with the subject about the culture or species in question, the Garou can instill
curiosity or appreciation for the culture - or if particularly successful, an obsession with learning about and
aiding the Kinfolk's people. The Earth Guides in particular use this Gift to nudge adversaries (usually in
government or the media) into the role of allies. An ancestor-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The character must have the subject's undivided attention and engage in a brief conversation
about the culture in question (for instance, the Navajo or wolves). The player rolls Manipulation + Subterfuge
(difficulty is 9 minus the subject's Intelligence). For one success, the subject may pick up a Hillerman novel, or
admit to himself that wolves were important to the balance of nature, at least before humans changed things. For
five successes, he might well involve himself in humanitarian efforts on the reservation, or spend his vacation
trekking to Alaska in the hopes of having a Farley Mowat experience with a wolf pack. The Gift's effects last
about a week per success, but with luck a natural interest develops as the subject delves into his study of the
(Source: Tribebook: Uktena Revised, p.66)
• Blending (Level Two) — Intruder legends tell of the uncanny ability of native peoples to hide in plain
sight, even only yards away. This Gift allows the user to blend into the landscape simply by crouching and
keeping still. It isn't invisibility; rather, the Garou draws the landscape into himself to appear to the unwary as a
natural part of the terrain. This Gift is especially common among caern guardians. Any stealthy spirit, such as
chameleon, teaches this Gift.
System: The Garou stands among terrain features (trees, thickets, etc) or simply hunkers down and
wills herself to be one with the environment. A searcher must make a Perception + Alertness roll (difficulty 9) to
recognize the Garou as something more interesting than a stump, and the expenditure of a Gnosis point negates
three successes (this includes scent as well as sight). If the searcher is looking directly away, the Garou may
move slowly in any direction, but even the slowest movement while in the searcher's field of view reveals her
(Note: This Gift is known as Natural Camouflage in 2nd Ed Uktena Tribebook, p.47)
(Source: Tribebook: Uktena Revised, p.65)
• Coils of the Serpent (Level Two) — Using this Gift, an Uktena can call forth dark tentacles of mist
or fog that wrap around enemies and hold them in a viselike grip. Each coil is 30 feet long and possesses the
same Physical characteristics as the werewolf who summons the coils. A snake-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player rolls Dexterity + Occult, difficulty 7. Each success causes a single coil to come
forth from the surrounding air at a point within 100 feet (30 m) of the Uktena. The
player must use a turn’s concentration and a Dexterity + Brawl roll (difficulty 6) to aim the tentacles. The coils
focus on a single target, unless the player makes attack rolls against multiple targets, with the normal penalties to
the rolls for multiple actions. The coils only bind; they can't inflict damage. To break free, the victim must make
a Strength roll, difficulty 7. If his successes exceed the number of coils, he's free. If not, he's still a prisoner. The
tentacles last until the end of the scene or until the summoner decides to send them away.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.197; Tribebook: Uktena Revised, p.66-67 & 2nd Ed Uktena
Tribebook, p.47)
• Feast Upon Snake’s Wisdom (Level Two) — Unlike the Wyrm, Snake is both wise and helpful. The
Uktena may call upon the spirit of Snake to tell her one piece of nonmagical information. This may be where to
find water in the desert, how a lost pot can be found or whom a ceremonial rattle belongs to. Any single piece of
information (barring something that could only be known through reading someone else’s mind) can he
discovered by the Garou. The Gift cannot be used to identify someone who has committed a crime (such as theft
or murder); that would involve reading that person’s mind. It could, however, be used to obtain circumstantial
evidence, such as identifying the owner of a knife used in a murder. Because Snake reveals her Gifts only to
those who are both resourceful and respectful, a wise Garou does not attempt to use her Gift more often than
once a week. The Gift is taught by the spirit of Snake.
System: The player rolls Perception + Enigmas with a difficulty based on the likelihood of anyone else
knowing the information sought. Well-known facts (the Cheyenne use the area as a winter camp) might call for a
difficulty of no more than 4, while particularly obscure knowledge (exactly where within the painted desert does
a particular prairie dog have its lair?) might have a difficulty of 9 or 10. Most information will fall between a
difficulty of 6 and 8. Those who abuse this Gift too often should receive wildly incorrect answers, regardless of
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West – Frontier Secrets, p.10)
• Fetish Fetch (Level Two) — The Uktena need not carry her fetishes with her at all. She may draw
them from a hidden cache whenever she needs them, no matter the distance. A packrat-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The first part of the Gift involves creating the secret hiding spot for the fetishes. The player
spends one Gnosis and buries or covers her items. Once this ritual is complete, she need only spend a Gnosis
point to summon any or all of her fetishes, or to return them to their hiding place. The fetish appears in her hand
as if from thin air. Just one hiding spot can exist at any one time, but the Uktena can create a new spot at any
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.197-8 & Werewolf: the Wild West Companion, p.77)
• Indian Giver (Level Two) — Sometimes, one must give information to get information. Perhaps an
explanation is necessary to get the curious to go away. However, the Uktena are notoriously tightfisted with
secrets. With this Gift, the Uktena can share a bit of knowledge that later vanishes from the subject's memory. An
ancestor-spirit teaches this Gift. Both Raiders and Pathdancers commonly learn this Gift, though it can be found
throughout the tribe.
System: When telling the choice bit of lore, the player rolls Wits + Subterfuge (difficulty is the
opponent's Wits + Subterfuge). The number of successes, shown below, determines the effects of the Gift. The
Uktena decides beforehand how long the knowledge remains clear, but never longer than 24 hours.
Success Effect
Botch Secret retained with unusual clarity
One Secret becomes elusive and garbled
Two Secret is maddeningly beyond reach
Three Subject forgets he was told the secret
Four Subject’s own part in discussion is vague
Five Subject forgets the conversation ever took place
(Source: Tribebook: Uktena Revised, p.67)
• Medicine Dreams (Level Two) — When the humans began hunting animals, the animals retaliated
by sending disease amongst the humans to kill them. Once they saw that their diseases killed good people as well
as bad, they relented and herb-spirits came to medicine men in dreams to tell them how to heal the sick. Wise
Uktena still know that medicine comes from these spirits in dreams, and this Gift allows them to call forth the
herbs for wisdom. It is taught by the spirit of an aloe plant.
System: This Gift is used when an Uktena is attempting to heal someone seriously ill. Before the
Uktena goes to sleep, the player spends one point of Gnosis and rolls Charisma + Occult, difficulty 8. If the roll
is successful, then the Uktena will awaken with new insights in how to heal the sick person. Each success on the
Occult roll adds one dice to any Medicine rolls for that day. Should this grant the Uktena more than ten dice on
his Medicine dice pool, he may even attempt to cure incurable illnesses such as terminal cancer or HIV/AIDS. To
do so, six or more successes are needed on appropriate Medicine rolls.
(Source: Players Guide to Garou, p.195)
• Overlook (Level Two) — It can be quite useful to be ignored at times. You can overhear what was
not meant for your ears, or see armed guards look right past you. As long as the Uktena keeps a low profile, a
supervisor will assume he's just another tech, or the cowboys will see only "some tame Injun asleep by the
hitchin' post." Some Ragabash call this the "Tonto goes to town" Gift; members of the Scouts also favor it. A
cuckoo-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The character does his best to look nonchalant or otherwise occupied doing something low-
key. The player rolls Manipulation + Subterfuge (difficulty varies depending on how well he blends in to start
with: 6 if the Garou is dressed in the same manner and going through the same motions as the techies around
him; up to 9 if he's stark naked and carrying a bloody axe). To see the Garou as more than mere window-
dressing, watchers must get more successes on Perception + Alertness than the player originally rolled. Should he
draw attention to himself, by acting out of character or speaking loudly for example, the player must reroll with a
penalty of +2 difficulty in order to maintain the effect.
(Source: Tribebook: Uktena Revised, p.65)
• Reveal the Hidden (Level Two) — This Gift allows an Uktena to find non-supernatural items that
may be eluding his search. This is a perfect tool to locate hidden passageways, concealed tomes of lore or a
normal foe that may be successfully hiding from the werewolves. A Crow spirit teaches the Gift. Scouts (and
their darker campmates, the Raiders) consider this Gift practically a requisite.
System: The werewolf spends a turn to look around carefully, the player makes a Perception +
Subterfuge roll. One success at difficulty 7 is all that is needed to spot the hidden object. However, a sentient
creature that is hiding may counter with a Wits + Stealth roll; if his successes exceed that of the werewolf
player's roll, the Gift doesn't work.
(Source: Tribebook: Uktena Revised, p.66)
• Sense the Tunneler’s Passage (Level Two) — The Garou can sense nearby manifestations of the
Wyrm, though she may not tell exactly what sort of creature is giving off the reek. Once she has picked up the
Wyrm-scent, she may attempt to track it if it has moved beyond the initial area searched. This Gift is taught by
any spirit servant of Mother Earth.
System: This Gift works much like the Gift: Sense Wyrm, save that the Uktena can track Wyrm-
creatures. To track a Wyrm-creature once the trail is found, the player must spend a Gnosis point and roll
Perception + Primal-Urge (difficulty 8). Even one success allows her to track the creature for as far as the
creature can travel in 10 minutes. More rolls may be made to pick up the trail after that, but once the roll is
failed, the trail is lost. It is also lost if the creature being tracked enters or leaves the Umbra.
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West, p.163)
• Sight of Hidden Places (Level Two) — As the Uktena seek all things hidden, they may be gifted with
the ability to find and see within unseen hollows such as caves, hollow trees, underwater caverns and hidden
spaces. Objects and beings within the hidden area are seen as though lit by normal daylight and may even be
examined utilizing other Gifts such as Sense Wyrm. Spirits of burrowing animals teach this Gift.
System: The Garou concentrates on a single area no larger than a small hill for one turn. Keeping his
eyes shut, he may then “see” any open areas inside that space (including any persons, treasures, hidden pools,
etc. within the place). Rolling Perception + Enigmas (difficulty 6) allows the character to see to a depth of ten
feet for each success. By spending a point of Willpower, he may also bring into play any Perception-based Gifts
he possesses.
(Source: Croatan Song, p.118)
• Shadows at Dawn (Level Two) — Sometimes, one must give information to get information.
However, Uktena are notoriously tightfisted with secrets. With this Gift, the werewolf can share a bit of
knowledge that later vanishes from the subject’s memory. An ancestor-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: After relating a bit of lore, the player rolls Wits + Subterfuge (difficulty of the opponent’s Wits
+ Subterfuge). If the roll succeeds, whatever information the Uktena imparted completely vanishes from the
target’s memory when the sun next rises.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.198)
• Spirit of the Bird (Level Two) — Few enemies would expect a werewolf to attack from above,
which is precisely why the Uktena developed the means to do so. The Garou may hover, fly or float. Any bird
spirit can teach this Gift.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point. The Garou can fly at 20 mph and hover as she desires.
The difficulties of all combat maneuvers increase by one. This Gift lasts for one hour.
(Note: This Gift is known as Flight of the Raven in Werewolf: the Wild West, p.163)
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.198)
• Spirit of the Fish (Level Two) — The werewolf blessed with this Gift can breathe underwater and
swim as fast as he can run in Hispo form, Unsurprisingly, a fish-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one Gnosis and rolls Stamina + Animal Ken (difficulty 7). The effects last
for one hour per success.
(Note: This Gift is known as Flick of the Fish’s Tail in Werewolf: the Wild West – Frontier Secrets, p.10-11)
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.198)
• Uktena’s Freezing Stare (Level Two) — The Uktena can use this Gift to mesmerize an opponent by
making direct eye contact. If the Gift is successful, the target freezes dead in his tracks. A spirit of Uktena teaches
the Gift.
System: First, the Uktena must make direct eye contact with an opponent; the player then rolls
Manipulation + Intimidation to activate the Gift, with the difficulty equal to the target's Willpower. The paralysis
lasts one scene or until the opponent is physically or mentally attacked in some fashion.
(Source: Tribebook: Uktena Revised, p.67 & 2nd Ed Uktena Tribebook, p.47)
• Banish Totem (Level Three) — By speaking words of forbiddance, the Uktena can bar pack or
personal totems from giving their children aid. Doing so also disrupts the spiritual rapport between packmates,
making it difficult for them to execute pack tactics or act in concert. An ancestor-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The Uktena must concentrate for a full turn, and he must know which totem his victims follow.
The player spends one Gnosis point and one Willpower point, and he rolls Gnosis at a difficulty of the pack's
combined Totem scores (maximum of 10). If successful, the pack members lose all Traits associated with their
totem, and they cannot use pack tactics or act in concert for the remainder of the scene. If the Uktena is rendered
unconscious or killed, the Gift is canceled.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.198)
• Bounty of the Corn Maiden (Level Three) — Utilizing a couple of corn kernels, a few nuts, a strip
of dried meat or other small, edible object, the Garou may call forth enough food to feed herself, and possibly a
few other people, seemingly from nothing. This Gift is taught by the spirit of the Corn Maiden.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Intelligence + Occult (difficulty 6). For each
success she gains, she is able to create one meal consisting of the type of food used in the invocation. Thus, corn
might produce ears of corn, corn cakes or tortillas or a corn mush, while meat might create a steak or beef hash.
The food thus created will fully satisfy one person per meal created, being nutritious and sustaining. Botches
result in no food being created and the destruction of the focus (nuts, meat stripes, etc.).
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West – Frontier Secrets, p.11)
• Chains of Mist (Level Three) — Silvery filaments spin out from the Garou’s claws, becoming
streamers of mist that enwrap and confound nearby spirits, sapping their strength. A fog-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The Uktena concentrates for a turn; and the player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Dexterity
+ Enigmas (difficulty 7). One spirit of the player’s choice within 200 feet (60 m) is affected per success. Spirits
struck by this Gift treat their Rage, Gnosis, and Willpower ratings as though they were one lower than they truly
are for the purpose of all dice rolls for the rest of the scene.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.198)
• Death Trance (Level Three) — Sometimes, death is the only way out. But that doesn't mean you
want to stay that way. With this Gift, the Uktena may appear dead, following the expected progression (lividity,
rigor, etc.) well enough to fool a forensics team. While "dead", the Uktena is in a muted state, unable to move;
his senses are still active but dulled and dreamlike. The danger is reviving, as the effort required to return to the
living increases with time, and eventually the character is no longer feigning. An opossum-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: It takes a Gnosis point, a Wits + Occult roll (difficulty 6) and three turns to "die." Once in a
state of "death," the body cools and exhibits all the normal signs of death at the proper rate of progression for
environmental conditions (Players would do well to look through a forensics manual for hints). To realize
something isn't right, observers must make a Perception + Investigation roll (difficulty 7) and achieve at least the
same number of successes the "dead" werewolf achieved. A view from the Penumbra shows the spirit still resides
in the body, but appears to be in some kind of Slumber. During this death trance, the Uktena need not breathe, but
fire and such can still hurt him badly. Physical wounds do not bleed until the trance is lifted, but neither do they
The character may hear, smell, and see (assuming his eyes are open) while in the death trance, but all
rolls to perceive anything are at +2 difficulty.
The Death Trance Gift lasts as long as the Uktena wishes. However, to wake at any time during the first
day requires a successful Willpower roll difficulty 4 (to fully revive requires three turns, plus one turn per day
spent in a death state). Every day after that the difficult increases by 1. If the Garou fails to wake in time, he must
wait a day before trying again (although the Storyteller may make allowances, such as friends trying to wake
him, or he finds himself on a pyre). After a number of days equal to the character's permanent Gnosis rating, his
spirit slips loose from the husk and the character dies. As it is, some Uktena have eventually figured out they
were being buried, but weren't able to care enough to do anything about it for a long time.
(Source: Tribebook: Uktena Revised, p.67-68)
• Flame of the Sun Dance (Level Three) — The Garou may summon from any fire source, however
small, a spirit of flame to perform a single task. The spirit can ignite flammable objects or blast an enemy with a
great explosion as it departs the material world. This Gift is taught by a fire elemental.
System: The player spends a Gnosis point and rolls Manipulation + Occult (difficulty 8). The spirit’s
fiery explosion inflicts three dice of aggravated damage. A botch on the summoning roll calls a hostile spirit,
which may turn on its summoner.
(Note: This Gift is known as Call Flame Spirit in Werewolf: the Apocalypse, 2nd Edition, p.135)
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West, p.164)
• Invisibility (Level Three) — The Garou can vanish from sight. When this Gift is in use, the Garou
must concentrate on staying invisible. He cannot move faster than half normal walking speed, and he cannot
draw attention to himself. A spirit servant of Uktena teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Intelligence + Occult (difficulty varies: 4 if
already concealed, 6 if in open, 9 if in plain sight). Anyone looking for the Garou must score more successes on a
Perception + Alertness roll (difficulty 8) than the player did on the initial roll. Anyone not actively seeking the
Garou will not spot her at all.
(Note: This Gift is known as Walk Unseen in Werewolf: the Wild West, p.164)
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.198)
• Rending the Craft (Level Three) — The werewolf’s claws burn with mystic force, rending apart the
delicate workings of magic. An ancestor-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: After the werewolf makes a successful claw attack, the player may spend a point of Willpower
to end the effects of any ongoing magical power enhancing the target (such as the Gift: Razor Claws, or the
Armor Charm). Permanent magical effects cannot be rent asunder by this Gift, nor powers that are innate to the
nature of the target. For example, a werewolf’s Gifts could be cancelled, but not her ability to shapeshift; a
vampire’s Disciplines could be disrupted, but not her immortality or her ability to spend blood to raise her
Attributes. In the event that a magical effect mixes permanent and temporary elements, the permanent elements
are retained while transitory elements are disabled. For example, a vampire’s Potence would continue to
passively grant extra Strength dice, but blood could not be spent to transform those dice into automatic successes.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.198)
• Scrying (Level Three) — A useful Gift for spying or communication, this allows the Uktena to view
events elsewhere by starting into a mirror or other reflective surface. She can follow a comrade's progress into a
dangerous ambush or sneak a peek into a Tremere chantry house. Other supernaturals, especially ones with
similar abilities, may have defenses against this Gift. It is taught by a fly-spirit.
System: After spending one Gnosis point, the player must roll Perception + Occult (difficulty 10 unless
the Garou possesses an item owned by the target or something taken from the chosen area, in which case, the
difficulty drops to 8). The Uktena can see everything that happens in that area. The Gift lasts until the end of the
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.198; Players Guide to Garou, p.195 & Werewolf Players Guide,
2nd Ed., p.43)
• Secrets (Level Three) — Uktena are said to possess more hidden knowledge than any other tribe.
This Gift may be one reason it is so. With Secrets, an Uktena can have one specific question answered simply by
touching somebody who knows the answer. The answer to any question — such as "Where is the vampire's lair?"
— leaps into the Garou's mind if, in fact, the target knows the answer in the first place. A dream-spirit can teach
this Gift after being caught.
System: After formulating a mental question, the Garou must touch the target. She must also roll
Perception + Enigmas (difficulty 8) and spend one Gnosis point. The deeper the secret, the more successes are
required. Learning a target's favorite color requires only one success, whereas uncovering his secret lair might be
four or more. If the target is aware of the mental intrusion, she may resist with a Willpower roll (difficulty 8).
(Source: Werewolf Players Guide, 2nd Ed., p.44)
• Sing Down the Rain (Level Three) — This Gift is used to bring rain from the heavens, either to
nourish crops and cleanse the land, or to cause damage through mudslides and flooding. This Gift is common
among Ghost Dancers. A frog-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The Garou sings or howls a ritual chant; the player spends a Gnosis point and rolls Wits +
Occult (difficulty is ordinarily 7; 8 in a cloudless desert, 6 in a temperate rainforest). One or two successes brings
down a misty drizzle after a short delay, but three successes causes a heavy rain to fall almost immediately. Four
or more successes means the rain comes in heavy torrents. The effects ordinarily last one scene, but the player
may spend Gnosis to continue the effects. Depending on the Storyteller, the terrain and the user’s intent, the
effects may cause flooding, mudslides or even wash away pollutants.
(Source: Tribebook: Uktena Revised, p.68 & 2nd Ed Uktena Tribebook, p.47)
• Uktena’s Passage (Level Three) —This Gift allows the Garou to calm or agitate water, whether in
the form of a river, stream or lake. She may calm rapids or endow a placid lake with waves to help speed along a
canoe or wash a swimmer to shore. The power to shorten a trip or thwart enemy craft is yet another advantage of
this Gift. The spirits of the river trout and salmon teach this Gift.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Manipulation + Survival (difficulty 7). For each
success, she may raise or lower the speed and/or roughness of the current within 100 yards by one degree.
Degrees of current are calm, slow, moderate, swift, and turbulent. The change lasts for one scene.
(Source: Croatan Song, p.117)
• Umbral Sight (Level Three) — As the Theurge Gift.
(Source: Werewolf Players Guide, 2nd Ed., p.44→p.36)
• Wisdom of the Ancient Ways (Level Three) — Werewolves have a link to their past humans can
only dream about: their ancestors can still share their wisdom. The ancestor-sprit that teaches this Gift allows the
Uktena even deeper access to past lifetimes of wisdom and lore. Naturally, Earth Guides are the most likely to
learn this Gift.
System: As the Philodox Gift.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.167; Tribebook: Uktena Revised, p.68 & Werewolf: the
Apocalypse Corebook Revised, p.140)
• Wyrm Whispers (Level Three) — Considered too dangerous by the other tribes, this Gift gives the
Uktena insight into the thoughts of Wyrm creatures. The Uktena can read even the most vile thoughts of Banes, if
the Garou can hold her stomach. A dream-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player rolls her Perception + Enigmas (difficulty 8). With one success, she can detect
nearby sentient Wyrm creatures. For every additional success, she telepathically reads one complete thought from
the creature’s mind. If she receives five or more successes, she must make a frenzy roll. Regular use of this Gift
can cause Derangements or even Wyrm-taint.
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West Companion, p.77)
• Call Elemental (Level Four) —The Garou is able to call one of the four classic elementals to his aid
(earth, air, fire or water). An elemental teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Gnosis (difficulty of the area's Gauntlet). She
must then roll Manipulation + Occult (difficulty 7) to make the summoned elemental amenable to helping her.
The elemental vanishes at the end of the scene.
(Note: This Gift is known as Call the Four Brothers in Werewolf: the Wild West, p.164)
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.198-9)
• Counting Coup (Level Four) — As the Stargazer Gift.
(Source: W20 Wyld West, p.33)
• Durance (Level Four) — As the Shadow Lord Gift.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.199→p.190-1)
• Guardian’s Fortitude (Level Four) — In desperate times the Uktena must call upon their endurance
reserves to be vigilant, whether it is a Theurge locked in a multi-day rite, a Bane-Tender waiting vainly for
reinforcements, or a lone warrior holding a mountain pass with no hope of retreat. This Gift gives them the
strength to stave off the needs of the body in order to focus on the daunting task at hand. Those needs are not
erased but merely deferred, however, so this ancestor-spirit-taught Gift is used only at great need. Many Bane-
Tenders learn this Gift.
System: To use the Gift the player spends a Gnosis point and succeeds in a Willpower roll (difficulty
6); the Gift lasts one day per success. During this time, the Garou can stay sharp without needing food, water, or
sleep. If necessary, the Gift can be extended by spending one Willpower point for every additional twelve hours.
Once the Gift ends, the accrued effects of hunger, muscle fatigue and lack of sleep all rush back. The exact
effects are up to the Storyteller, but after several days of intense activity and the resulting sleep-depravation
psychosis the least one could expect is an immediate roll to Frenzy followed by Willpower rolls to do anything
except eat, drink and sleep.
(Source: Tribebook: Uktena Revised, p.69)
• Hand of the Earth Lords (Level Four) — By drawing on the land's energies, the Uktena can move
any one object weighing up to 2,000 pounds (900 kg) simply by gesturing at it. An air elemental and an earth
elemental must teach this Gift in concert.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Dexterity + Occult (difficulty 7). The Uktena
must maintain concentration in order to move the object, which travels at roughly 20 mph. The Garou’s control
lasts for one turn per success.
(Note: This Gift is known as Fist of the Wind in Werewolf: the Wild West, p.164)
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.198-199)
• Lay of the Land (Level Four) — The Uktena with this Gift may commune with spirits of the land
and air, learning many things such as abundance of game, location and strength of watercourses, health of the
forest, and even where caves can be found. Any mobile animal spirit (fox, eagle, etc) can teach this Gift
System: As per the Bone Gnawer Gift: Attunement, except that it works in rural or wilderness areas
rather than urban areas, and the required roll is Perception + Survival.
(Source: Tribebook: Uktena Revised, p.68 & Werewolf: the Apocalypse Corebook Revised, p.144-5)
• Pointing the Bone (Level Four) — A common ritual among many native peoples, this Gift allows the
Garou to inflict damage upon someone simply by pointing a decorated bone at her opponent. Often this Gift is
used as a way of execution. A vulture-spirit, or, in Australia, the snake-spirit Bobbi-Bobbi teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point, and rolls Perception + Occult, difficulty 7. Each success
inflicts one aggravated health level of damage (which can be soaked if the target is normally able to soak
aggravated damage) upon the target, after which the bone shatters. This Gift may also be used to inflict a delayed
damage upon the victim. By spending an additional Gnosis point, the damage may suddenly occur a number of
days after the attack equal to the successes rolled. This is most common when the Gift is used to execute an
offender. Many victims, certain of their own death, are reduced to simply walking aimlessly in this time.
(Source: Players Guide to Garou, p.195-6; Werewolf Players Guide, 2 nd Ed., p.44)
• Sideways Attack (Level Four) — The Uktena, ever delving into spirit matters, have learned the
secrets of attacking Banes in the spirit world without ever leaving the physical realm. The Uktena's arms seem to
blur and vanish as she strikes into the Penumbra. This Gift is taught by a spirit servant of Uktena.
System: The werewolf must first use the Gift: Umbral
Sight to locate her target. She may then spend a Gnosis point to attack anything she sees in the Penumbra,
including spirits that are not materialized. She rolls her normal attack maneuver (Dexterity + Brawl for a Rake
attack). The difficulty is two higher than normal.
(Source: Werewolf Players Guide, 2nd Ed., p.44)
• Spirit’s Horse (Level Four) — A potent Gift, Spirit's Horse allows an Uktena to turn his body into a
temporary home for an ancestor-spirit or other important creature from the time of legends. This Gift provides
more than the memories and abilities associated with the Ancestors Background because for a brief time, the
Uktena actually becomes the spirit who inhabits his body. The intent of the Gift is to honor an ancestor by
allowing her to physically take part in a ceremony or moot, meet her descendants and share in the joys of the
physical world. The Rite of Invitation to the Ancestors is often used in conjunction with this Gift, and these
events almost never take place outside a tribal moot or council. An ancestor-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: This is a Gift with both incredible risks and marvelous benefits. To begin the process, the
player rolls Charisma + Occult, difficulty 8; however, the Storyteller may choose to lower the difficulty by one if
the summoner has some sort of special rapport with the spirit to be summoned. Perhaps the Uktena is a direct
descendant or has somehow done honor to the spirit beforehand. In any case, the Ancestors Background isn't
required to use the Gift. One or two successes means the spirit comes into the werewolf's body, but for a brief
time (one scene). Three or four successes means the spirit remains for several scenes. Five successes means the
bond is so complete, the spirit may stay until requested to depart. No successes indicates the spirit doesn't come,
but a botch means that either the spirit refuses to leave or that the spirit inhabiting the body is not the one
summoned; she must be pacified before leaving.
The player must make a Willpower roll, difficulty 7, for the Uktena to remain aware of what's going on
around him, though he can't interact with the spirit. Simple failure means that he is effectively "unconscious"
while the ancestor-spirit is present. For all intents and purposes, the character is the ancestor, enabling the long-
dead spirit to talk, dance and otherwise interact with werewolves in the present. The player may make a final
Willpower roll at difficulty 7 before the spirit departs to remember what happened while serving as a host for the
(Source: Tribebook: Uktena Revised, p.68-69 & 2nd Ed Uktena Tribebook, p.47-48)
• Eyes of the Thunderbird (Level Five) Version One — The werewolf may shoot lightning bolts from
her eyes, like the legendary Thunderbird. The Gift is taught by Thunderbird or one of his servants.
System: The player rolls Manipulation + Occult (difficulty 7). For each success, the werewolf may
shoot one bolt of lightning at a single target, doing five dice of aggravated damage. While utilizing this Gift, the
Garou must concentrate, in effect becoming blind to everything around her except her target. All lightning bolts
must be discharged in the scene in which the Gift is invoked, whether aimed at living targets or expended
harmlessly into the sky.
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West, p.164)
• Eyes of the Thunderbird (Level Five) Version Two — The great Thunderbird was renowned for
being able to shoot lightning from his eyes with a glance. This Gift, which he or one of his servants teaches,
allows the Garou to do the same.
System: The player rolls Manipulation + Occult (difficulty 7) and spends a Gnosis point. The werewolf
may shoot one bolt of lightning per success. Each bolt strikes a single target and does five dice of aggravated
damage; no actual roll to hit is necessary. The Gift user may launch all of the lightning bolts in a flurry on the
turn she uses this Gift, or she can choose to hold one or more of them back. Releasing a stored thunderbolt is an
Lightning fills the eyes of the Garou using this Gift; in order to concentrate on the target, the Garou
becomes effectively blind to all else but the opponent. The Garou must release each of the lightning bolts in the
scene which the Gift is invoked, no matter the target. Failure to do so means when the scene ends, she takes five
dice of aggravated damage for each one that isn’t discharged as the lightning grounds out through her body.
(Source: W20 Wyld West, p.33-34)
• Fabric of the Mind (Level Five) — As the Galliard Gift.
(Note: This Gift is known as Manifest the Vision in Werewolf: the Wild West, p.164 and as Dream Golem in
Dark Ages: Werewolf, p.125)
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.199→p.170)
• Fetish Doll (Level Five) — Sympathetic magic is among the oldest principles of sorcery — possibly
the oldest — and still as effective as it ever was. The Garou can harm his victims from afar using a specially-
created doll. He must have a piece of his victim or an object belonging to him, and he must then construct the
doll to incorporate the prize. An ancestor-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The doll takes one week to construct and enchant. The player rolls Perception + Crafts
(difficulty 8) to do so. When the doll is complete, the player may roll Intelligence + Medicine (difficulty is equal
to the victim’s Willpower). Each success inflicts one level of aggravated damage on the victim, soakable if the
victim is capable of doing so. After 10 successes, the doll is too mutilated to be of further use.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.199)
• Kachina’s Luck (Level Five) — The Garou may make a specially constructed kachina doll
representative of herself or another person or creature, which is used to attract luck to the represented individual.
The doll must incorporate some part (fingernail paring, eyelash, lock of hair) of or article belonging to the
intended recipient. This Gift is taught by a kachina-spirit.
System: The Garou spends a week to construct the doll. The player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls
Perception + Crafts (difficulty 8). To bring luck to the target, the player rolls Manipulation + Occult (difficulty 7
or the recipient’s Gnosis, whichever is less). Each success (to a maximum of 10 successes) should be recorded by
the Storyteller, for each grants one automatic success on a single die roll of the Garou’s choice later in the story,
or allows all the successes to affect one die roll in the scene in which the kachina doll is activated (not counting
damage rolls).
For example, if Song-of-the-Morning gets three successes on her Manipulation + Occult roll, she may
use one of those successes to affect a difficult climbing roll she needs to make during the session; later in the
story, she is confronted by a deadly foe and chooses to utilize another success in her attempt to slash him with
her claws. If she still has successes remaining, she may use them in successive turns or save them for later. All
successes must be used within a single story; those that are unused simply fade away. Conversely, if she wishes
to use all her successes at once, she may add them to a single roll in the same scene in which she called forth the
kachina’s power.
Whenever all the successes are used, the luck is gone and the doll crumbles to dust. Another doll must
be made to utilize this Gift again. No more than one kachina doll made by the Garou may be in existence at any
given time, nor can extra dolls be constructed during the time the luck has been invoked, bur nor yet spent.
Making another doll requires the same ingredients and takes a full week of uninterrupted time.
Each failure rolled when constructing the doll removes one success from the possible 10, while a botch
creates a doll that functions in reverse, automatically causing a 1 result on one die (or a whole bunch of them if
the quick luck method is invoked) each time the doll’s luck is called upon. The Storyteller may choose to make
either roll for the player, so that the player will never be sure just how much luck she has to call on - or if she has
activated a curse instead!
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West – Frontier Secrets, p.11-12)
• Uktena’s Glare (Level Five) — Just as the anger within Great Uktena burns those who dare to face
him, so can the follower of Uktena sear foes with his own Rage. To one who is worthy, Uktena may teach this
System: The Garou concentrates for a full turn, focusing on the anger that burns within. Meeting the
gaze of a single foe, he must spend a Rage point and make a roll as if to frenzy. If successful, the Uktena does not
frenzy but inflicts one level of aggravated damage per success just from his heated gaze. The difficulty to use this
Gift increases by one with each subsequent attempt during the same scene.
(Source: Tribebook: Uktena Revised, p.70)
• Becoming Uktena (Level Six) — The legends of the Cherokee say that a man was transformed into
the Great Uktena to try to kill the sun. Great Uktena was around long before the Cherokee, but Garou have taken
the form of his children on two or three occasions. Great Uktena teaches this Gift only to the most worthy of his
Uktena followers; with it, the hero may transform into a creature even a Thunderwyrm would fear. After the
crisis is resolved (assuming he lives), the new uktena slips into the nearest body of water and into the umbra,
forever parting with his Garou brethren to join his father in Galunlati. Such a glorious end to an already
legendary career is worthy of fireside retellings for generations.
System: Once taught the Gift, the Uktena may call upon it at any time by invoking the Great Uktena.
The initial stage of the transformation takes three full turns, during which the werewolf's body grows and
changes to a 20 foot horned serpent. The new uktena still retains the personality of the Garou at this point. After a
period of time (usually no more than a scene), the final stage of the transformation begins as the mind of the
Garou recedes and the uktena mindset takes over. The spirit creature heads unerringly towards the nearest source
of water wide enough to encompass its diameter (not necessarily its whole bulk). As it slides into the water and
crosses the Gauntlet, the transformation is complete; the hero's former pack had best treat this uktena like any
other of its kind.
Transforming Uktena
Here are some sample stats for a Garou in the intermediate phase of Becoming Uktena:
Attributes: Strength 9, Dexterity 4, Stamina 8, Charisma 0, Manipulation 3, Appearance 0, Perception
4, Intelligence 4, Wits 3
Rage 8, Gnosis 8, Willpower 6
Abilities: Athletics 3, Brawl 3, Dodge 2, Intimidation 3, Subterfuge 2, Stealth 3, Knowledges as per
Character with the following changes: Enigmas +1, Occult +2, Galunlati Lore +1
Health Levels: OK, OK, -1, -1, -1, -1, -2, -2, -2, -5, -5, Incap
Attacks: Antler rush (Str+1), Bite (Str+2)
Powers: Armor (+5 to soak), Breathe Water, Burrow (as per the Metis Gift), Blast (as per the Charm)
Note: This Uktena is toughly 20 feet long, and while powerful, harbors the same weak spot — a heart
shot can kill instantly (see Lesser Uktena spirit, Tribebook: Uktena Revised, p.82)
(Source: Tribebook: Uktena Revised, p.70)
Uktena Camp Gifts
Earth Guides
These Gifts are taught to all new members of the Earth Guides who wish to learn them. Those who are not
members of the camp may petition members to teach them the Gift of Ancestral Recall. The Guides do not teach
Bare the Heart to any outside their camp.
• Ancestral Recall (Level Three) — By accustoming themselves to a particular area or tribal group,
the Earth Guides can "recall" pertinent information about tribal practices or traditions that may have been lost
over time. This might uncover hidden lore of the tribe or simply reveal everyday information not generally
known by outsiders. The Gift is taught by an Uktena ancestor-spirit. Garou using this Gift need not have
Background: Ancestors.
System: The Garou must have spent at least 24 hours in the presence of those whose tribal memories
she is attempting to access. The player then rolls Perception + Enigmas (difficulty 7). The number of successes
determines the strength and obscurity of the information available. If the Garou can access hidden or forgotten
lore, the player must spend a point of Gnosis to learn it.
Successes Information
One Common Information
Two Uncommon (When dancing their harvest rites,
the tribe wore corn silk tied to their costumes)
Three Obscure (known to some tribal elders, i.e.,
the tribe once served as guardians of a particular fetish
Four Hidden (known only to the greatest Medicine Workers,
passed on to a trusted successor; i.e., the tribe’s dancing
place lies atop the resting place of a powerful evil spirit
and their dances keep it pacified)
Five+ Forgotten (known only to ancient ancestors; i.e. “Our
people once knew this evil spirit’s true name. Perform
this service for my descendants, and I will tell it to you.”
(Source: 2nd Ed Uktena Tribebook, p.48)
• Bare the Heart (Level Four) — This Gift utilizes the Uktena's noted penchant for delving into the
deepest secrets. The Earth Guides use this Gift to examine Bane Tenders for signs of Wyrm-taint. Using the clear
sight granted him by this Gift, an Uktena can look beyond outward manifestations, internal manipulations and
even magical disguises that might mask Wyrm-taint, corruption or evil intent and pierce straight to the heart of
the truth. Thus, the Garou might note that an otherwise normal-looking person is really a fomor or a Black Spiral
Dancer by use of this Gift. Garou using the Gift could also determine that someone is disguised (via cosmetic
means or magical change), but only if that person has evil intent (i.e., intends to commit some evil — as defined
by the Garou's concept of evil — while so disguised. Thus, if a bank-robbery was in the offing, the Garou might
not see through the mask unless he cares about that bank, but he would unmask someone intending to clear-cut a
virgin forest.) This Gift is taught by an Incarna avatar.
System: The Garou using this Gift must spend at least one turn intently observing the person he wishes
to examine. While doing so, he attunes himself to the person's innermost core, the truth of the heart, and spends
two points of Gnosis. The player then rolls Perception + Empathy (difficulty 6). Even one success uncovers a
falsehood if any exists and the nature of the mask (cosmetic, magical, etc.). Two successes pinpoint how deeply
the taint runs and the exact nature of the hidden heart (i.e., if the target is Wyrm-corrupted, a Bane, a vampire,
etc.), while three or more successes allows the Garou to discover such a creature's immediate intent (i.e., what its
plans are for the remainder of the scene.
(Source: 2nd Ed Uktena Tribebook, p.48)
Bane Tenders
The Bane Tenders know how the other Garou feel about them. They believe that they are unjustly suspected of
taint when they sacrifice everything to keep horrors bound in sleep beneath the earth. Therefore, they hold their
secrets clutched to them as tightly as a miser squeezes his coins. They teach these Gifts to no one outside their
• Strength of the Guardian (Level Three) — This Gift provides Bane Tenders with extra power when
attempting to bind or destroy a Bane (or other troublesome spirit) or keep it locked within its bindings. This is
usually used against a Bane that the Garou is responsible for overseeing. Occasionally, another Bane Tender will
be overcome, and the Garou must use this to regain control of the newly loosed Bane. Even more rare are those
instances when the Garou is asked to locate and bind a particular Bane. This Gift is never used simply to
overcome a Bane met by chance. It is too costly. The power gained lasts for the duration of the battle or scene.
The Gift is taught by a wolf-spirit.
System: The player rolls Gnosis (difficulty 6). Each success allows her to boost a chosen Attribute by
one point - even if it goes beyond normal maximum (or her Willpower to a maximum of 10). When used, the
Garou decides whether she wishes to increase her Strength, Stamina, Charisma, Manipulation and/or Willpower
to aid her in her battle. Each might be useful depending on her intentions. Thus a Garou who gets five successes
might raise her overexertion is a commensurate exhaustion. When the Gift comes to an end, the Garou loses an
equal number of points from the Attributes and Willpower raised as she gained. This loss remains for 24 hours.
Raising one's Attributes beyond their normal doubling is very dangerous, for if they then fall below zero, the
Garou dies unless immediately healed with Mother's Touch.
(Source: 2nd Ed Uktena Tribebook, p.49)
• Curse of Corruption (Level Four) — This Gift allows a Bane Tender to take part of the taint from
the Bane he is guarding and infuse the one cursed with it. This takes the form of some physical loss or mental
instability that makes functioning much more difficult; it may wither limbs, inflict the target with a permanent
nausea, make her bones brittle and likely to shatter or cause paralysis. It can also cause unstable personality
quirks (foolish risk-taking, being insulting to those of greater rank, refusing to obey orders or cooperate with
one's pack, complete unreasoning cowardice) or reduce the target to idiocy. Effects last for one full lunar cycle
(i.e., one month) from the time the curse is inflicted. This Gift is taught by an Incarna avatar.
System: The Garou must choose to afflict her target either mentally or physically. She then spends two
points of Gnosis and rolls Manipulation + Intimidation (versus a difficulty equal to her target's Gnosis). One
success inflicts a minor effect or one that only functions sporadically, while more successes cause more serious
afflictions or ones that constantly affect the target throughout the length of the curse. Storytellers should be
creative, but fair when assigning curses.
(Note: This Gift is not to be confused with the Shadow Lord Rank 3 Gift of the same name.)
(Source: 2nd Ed Uktena Tribebook, p.49)
The Skywalkers are happy to teach the following Gift to any Uktena or Wendigo.
• Umbral Compass (Level Two) — This Gift helps Garou cross the Gauntlet and traverse the Umbra
more easily. Once in the Umbra, the Gift helps the Garou orient herself so she has less chance of becoming lost
or confused as to where she is. Further, it seems to urge the Garou toward a direction she needs to travel. Thus, if
something terrible is happening in the Umbra, use of this Gift will point the Garou right toward it. This could be
a good thing or very inconvenient and potentially deadly, depending on the Garou's point of view and her ability
to talk or fight her way out of difficult situations. This Gift is taught by any bird-spirit.
System: The player rolls Perception + Survival (difficulty 7). A single success allows the Garou to
lower the difficulty of crossing the Gauntlet by one and to find her way through the Umbra with little difficulty.
If she then needs guidance while in the Umbra, she may roll her Gnosis (difficulty 6) to find her way. Should the
Garou using Umbral Compass botch her roll to cross through the Gauntlet, she is allowed to make a single
Gnosis roll (difficulty 8) to escape the effects of the botch. Failure on this roll means the botch takes effect as
normal, while a botch makes the "caught" Garou difficulty for others to find and free.
(Source: 2nd Ed Uktena Tribebook, p.50)
The Scouts keep this Gift to themselves.
• Fast Track (Level One) — This Gift strengthens the Garou's stamina and allows her to travel much
more quickly than would normally be possible. Using the Gift allows the Garou to determine the path of least
resistance, so she can move from one place to another with great speed and less interference. While not a
replacement for a Moon Bridge, Fast Track lets the Garou continue traveling long past the time she would
normally become exhausted. She can effectively make a forced march that covers three times the distance she
would normally cover in the same amount of time and arrive no more tired than usual. This Gift is taught by a
System: The player must roll Stamina + Athletics (difficulty 7) and spend a point of Gnosis. A single
success allows the Garou to make a forced quick-march by trotting at a ground-covering pace that does not
exhaust her. This Gift is not meant to make the Garou a speed-demon, and cannot be used to escape pursuit or
pursue fleeing foes by running faster. It can be used for those purposes if it is a matter of outlasting pursuers or
(Source: 2nd Ed Uktena Tribebook, p.50)
Wyld Children
Wyld Children use this Gift with glee and teach it to anyone who asks who is not too tainted by Weaver or Wyrm
• Call Forth the Wyld (Level Two) — Using this Gift, a Garou can summon the Wyld in its raw
essence to disrupt the manifestations of the Weaver. This energy must be concentrated to interfere with the
working of machinery or technological items to be effective. Unlike the Homid Gift of Jam Technology, Call
Forth the Wyld permanently disrupts the devices it affects. Barring costly repairs and replacement of fizzled
parts, the item will never work properly again. Not that the items cease to function; they just work in an odd and
unforeseen manner. Rather than merely creating a glitch, this Gift actually disrupts the Weaver energy by
overpowering it with the chaos of the Wyld. Devices may function in reverse of normal (clocks run backward,
cars only drive in reverse, computers print out information upside down) or may function in some totally random
manner (guns explode when used; missiles reprogram themselves to hit a random target after initiating their own
countdown and firing sequence; cars only function underwater). Creative anarchy should reign. Obviously, this
Gift can be highly dangerous.
System: The player must roll Manipulation + Repair (difficulty 6) and spend a Gnosis point to use the
Gift. One success is sufficient to discombobulate most small technological devices. Storytellers may require
more successes or higher difficulty levels to affect larger or more complex targets.
(Source: 2nd Ed Uktena Tribebook, p.50)
The magic of the Wendigo is that of the black heart of winter, the howling hunger of the blizzard, and
the barren majesty of the north wind.

• Beat of the Heart-Drum (Level One) — The werewolf becomes an inescapable hunter, drawn ever
onward by the beat of his prey’s heart until that heart grows still. A spirit servant of Great Wendigo teaches this
System: The Garou must have an object belonging to his target, a piece of the victim (a blood sample, a
lock of hair), or must have tasted his quarry’s blood in the past. The player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls
Perception + Survival (difficulty 7). The Wendigo can hear her quarry’s heartbeat for one day per success, no
matter how far away they may be. The beat grows louder as the werewolf draws near, making tracking effortless.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.199)
• Buffalo Hide (Level One) — A warrior isn’t worth much if he dies before he can fight. This Gift,
bestowed with a chant, allows a Wendigo to withstand the treacherous weapons of distant cowards. Once the two
sides join, the warrior is on his own.
System: If the player makes a successful Stamina + Primal-Urge roll (difficulty 6), the Garou gains two
extra soak dice against missile weapon attacks. Bullets, arrows and hatchets may strike the wolf, sticking in his
hide, but he’ll feel them less than he might have otherwise. This bonus does not apply against hand-to-hand
attacks, magical damage or other nasty phenomena (explosions, storms, big rocks, etc.). This Gift lasts one scene
and can be used on others.
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West – Frontier Secrets, p.12)
• Call the Breeze (Level One) — The Garou calls up a strong (~20 mph/36kph), cold breeze and
directs it at whim. This breeze chills anyone not prepared for it and it disperses (or redirects) clouds of vapor
(including tear gas or airborne toxins) or swarms of insects. A wind-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The Garou simply whistles to call the breeze. Anyone caught in it loses one die from
Perception rolls as long as the breeze lasts, and suffers a –1 penalty to all actions after one minute of exposure if
not dressed appropriately for cold weather.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.199)
• Camouflage (Level One) — The Wendigo blends in with the surrounding wilderness, which makes
him very difficult to see. A deer-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The difficulties to spot the Garou increase by three, provided that he is in the woods. The
werewolf invokes the effects at whim.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.199-200)
• Dead Stick (Level One) — In these last days, the falling of any Garou is tragic, and the pain of losing
a packmate digs deep. But it remains better to know for certain than wonder and futilely hope he might return.
This Gift allows the Wendigo to know if a packmate is indeed dead, and if so, where the remains lie. The
Wendigo stabs a stick into the ground and waits till morning. If the packmate is alive, the stick will stand
perfectly upright. If not, the stick will heavily lean in the direction of his body.
System: The player rolls Perception + Occult, difficulty 7. A simple success is all that is needed for a
correct divination. A failure will lead to the stick being blown out of the ground, while a botch always declares
the packmate dead, and never points in the right direction.
(Source: Players Guide to Garou, p.196)
• Hawk’s Guidance (Level One) — In the endless stretches of the Great Plains, the Wendigo quickly
learned how to find the path home. By chanting to the spirit of the Hawk, a Garou may divine the best direction
for his travels. The Gift bestows a "homing instinct," not an actual picture of the terrain; nevertheless, it’s an
effective spirit aid.
System: The player rolls Wits + Primal-Urge (difficulty 6) to find the best path to follow. This may not
be the quickest or most direct route, but it will be the safest. The Garou’s instincts guide him from there. This
Gift lasts until the journey ends; its guidance dissipates if the Gift is used again before the trip is over.
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West – Frontier Secrets, p.12)
• Ice Echo (Level One) — The Wendigo conjures a perfect reflection of himself. The image is identical
to the Garou, except that it is reversed, as though seen in a mirror (so any writing on the Garou’s clothing would
be backwards, scars would be on the wrong side, etc.) The Wendigo can control the image easily, giving it voice
and guiding its motion. An ancestor-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends a point of Gnosis to create the Ice Echo at any point within 100 feet (30 m).
The Echo moves and sounds exactly like the Garou in addition to taking on her precise appearance, but gives off
no scent or heat, and is intangible. Discerning which is the echo and which is the original requires a Perception +
Enigmas roll (difficulty of the Garou’s Gnosis).
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.200 & Tribebook: Wendigo Revised, p.59)
• Lift-Your-Leg (Level One) — A Garou may mark her territory using a spot of her blood, urine, or
saliva, and invoking her totem or ancestral spirit. The mark she leaves is identifiable as her own personal sigil,
generally a unique variation of the totem's sign, and causes no damage to the surface it is inscribed upon. This
marking of territory fades after an entire cycle of Luna has passed. A wolf-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends a point of Gnosis. Garou are able to see the mark without further effort until
it fades a month later. Others with knowledge of the supernatural can identify the mark by making a Perception +
Enigmas roll, causing the scent of the sigil to rise, and the inscription to become visible. Note that the mark does
not convey knowledge of the character's identity unless the viewer is familiar with his scent or his mark.
(Source: Tribebook: Wendigo Revised, p.59)
• Nose-To-Tail (Level One) — As a wolf curls into a ball to keep warm, tucking her snout beneath her
bushy tail, curving her spine inward to capture body heat, so the Garou may make herself resistant to cold. The
Gift is more effective if the Garou is in Crinos, Hispo or Lupus form, but can be used in Homid or Glabro form
in extremis. An ancestor-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player rolls Stamina + Survival. The difficulty of keeping warm depends upon the severity
of the cold; sub-freezing night only presents a difficulty of 6 (and few proud Wendigo would bother using a Gift
to resist such a trifle), while a full-blown ice storm is difficulty 9. The character should physically assume the
nose-to-tail position, or curl up, to activate the Gift, but once it has taken effect, she may move about normally.
The difficulty increases by 2 for Garou in Homid or Glabro form. The power lasts for a scene, and does not
protect the Wendigo from cold-based attacks or spirit abilities, but rather only ambient cold temperatures.
(Source: Tribebook: Wendigo Revised, p.58)
• Resist Pain (Level One) — As the Philodox Gift.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.200→p.166)
• Snow Sight (Level One) — The Garou gains the ability to see clearly even in the harshest of blizzard
or “white-out” conditions. Any arctic spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The Garou concentrates for one turn and spends a point of Willpower. The use of this Gift
cancels any disadvantage due to reduced visibility caused by bad weather conditions, whether heavy falling
snow, rain, fog or glare.
(Source: Croatan Song, p.118)
• Song of the Seasons (Level One) — As the Level One Black Fury Gift
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West, p.164→p.151)
• Truth of the Hunted (Level One) — This Gift enables the Wendigo to follow his prey’s passage
regardless of the user’s tracking skills. The Gift reveals course, speed, size and even the health of the target. All
of the clues an accomplished tracker notices become blatantly obvious to the user of this Gift, which is taught by
a wolf-spirit.
System: The player rolls Perception + Survival (difficulty 7). He needs only one success to follow the
target precisely. Multiple successes eliminate false trails and provide more detail — height, weight, state of mind
(panicked, calm, etc.), general health (healthy, tired, wounded), etc.
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West Companion, p.78)
• Claws of Frozen Death (Level Two) — As the Get of Fenris Gift: Fangs of the North.
(Note: Obsolete rules for this Gift are in Croatan Song, p.118)
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.200→p.180)
• Cutting Wind (Level Two) — The Wendigo conjures up a bitterly cold blast of wind and directs it at
will. The wind can knock opponents off their feet and chill them to the bone. A spirit servant of Great Wendigo
itself teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one Willpower point. Directing the gust requires a Dexterity + Occult roll.
Anyone hit by the wind loses two dice from all dice pools for two turns. The wind can also knock foes off ledges,
into traffic, or into pits. The wind’s medium range is 20 yards (18 m), and it is modified as per the rules on
firearms (see p. 293). The wind lasts for a number of turns equal to the successes rolled.
(Note: This Gift is known as Bitter Wind in Werewolf: the Wild West, p.164)
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.200)
• Devouring Rime (Level Two) — A Garou with this Gift can touch something living and cause it to
become covered with ice. Slowly radiating outward from the point of contact, a shimmering coat of ice crawls
over the target's body, freezing every muscle it touches into motionlessness. A jaggling of Great Wendigo teaches
this Gift.
System: The character must be within physical reach of the target, and must be able to touch the target's
bare skin, flesh or fur. When he does so, the player spends one Willpower point to create a quickly-growing layer
of ice over the target's body. The target must spend a point of Rage to resist the devouring coat of ice before the
next round, or she becomes frozen and immobile for the rest of scene. The ice itself behaves naturally under all
external physical changes; for example, it melts beneath a sudden blast of heat, and it can be chipped away
(carefully) by anyone assisting the target.
(Source: Tribebook: Wendigo Revised, p.60)
• Dust Storm (Level Two) — As she sings to the wind-spirits, the Wendigo summons a driving cloud
of wind and dust. Although no one (including the werewolf or her friends) is immune to the dust, any Wendigo
knows that a brown haze on the horizon means trouble.
System: The player rolls Gnosis, to call up the wind and dirt. The roll’s difficulty depends on the area.
Terrain Difficulty
Desert 5
Plains 6
Town 7
Mountains 8
Woods 9
City 10
Once called, the storm whips through the one-mile area for two turns per success, blinding everyone (half
Perception Dice Pools), fouling machinery and coating everything in a fine, gritty dust. In colder regions, snow
or ice substitutes for dust, while leaves and bark make up a woodland storm.
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West, p.164-165 & W20 Wyld West, p.34)
• Fog (Level Two) — As the Black Fury Gift: Curse of Aeolus. The Warpath camp acquired a Gift
similar to the Black Furies' to cover their ecoterrorist activities. They learn this Gift from the rain-spirits.
(Source: Werewolf Players Guide, 2nd Ed., p.44→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.173)
• Ghost Dance (Level Two) — Preying on the fears of the European settlers, the Wendigo use this Gift
to seed doubt and guilt among the invaders. A vision of the walking dead clouds the judgment of the targets,
causing them to panic and flee. An ancestor-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends a Gnosis point to make the Gift active. He rolls Wits + Occult (difficulty 7).
The number of successes indicates the number of people affected. People caught in the Gift’s spell see “spirits of
the dead” rise from their graves and advance. Most humans flee from the illusion. Garou and other supernaturals
may try to interact with or even fight the visions.
(Note: This Gift is not to be confused with the Nuwisha Gift: Ghost Danse.
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West Companion, p.78)
• Ghost Pack (Level Two) — Much as the Glass Walkers summon the Net Spiders and the Shadow
Lords the Stormcrows, so too can the Wendigo summon their ancestral allies, the Ghost Pack. They are not
warriors, nor spies, but instead wise men and elders for those who need guidance. Buffalo-spirits teach this Gift.
System: The player must spend one Gnosis and one Rage, and then roll Charisma + Occult (difficulty
7). The conjured Ghost Pack acts much as the Background: Ancestors, at a rating equal to the number of
successes rolled. This is cumulative with any Ancestors rating the Wendigo may already possess.
(Source: Players Guide to Garou, p.196; Werewolf Players Guide, 2 nd Ed., p.44)
• Salmon Swim (Level Two) — A Garou with this Gift is able to swim as easily as a fish, or even walk
on the surface of the water as if it were land. Salmon Swim works only on freshwater bodies, not on oceans, but
it works as well on a lake or pond as it does a river. The Gift does not work within a swimming pool or other
purely artificial container of fresh water. This Gift is taught by a salmon-spirit.
System: The player spends one Gnosis and rolls Dexterity + Athletics (difficulty 7). For each success,
the character can move freely on or under the surface of the water for one scene. Additionally, during this period,
the Garou can use the effects of the Lupus Gift: Hare’s Leap, so long as he begins and ends his leap in a sizable
body of fresh water.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.200; Tribebook: Wendigo Revised, p.59 & 2nd Ed Wendigo
Tribebook, p.48)
• Scent of the Man-Eater (Level Two) — The Litany states purely and clearly that Garou shall not eat
the flesh of humans or wolves. Despite the reputation of their totem spirit, Wendigo truly revile cannibalism as
one of the most horrible violations of the Litany and of the ways of Gaia. This Gift allows a werewolf to sense if
another Garou is guilty of this depraved act, by scenting the stain of human or lupine blood on the target's spirit.
An ancestor-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player rolls Perception + Primal-Urge, at a difficulty of 6. If successful, the character can
detect whether or not a Garou has eaten a human or a wolf since the last full moon. With two successes, she can
detect how recently; with three or more successes, she can tell if it is a habit with the Garou in question, or only a
shameful aberration.
(Source: Tribebook: Wendigo Revised, p.59)
• Speak with Wind Spirits (Level Two) — The Wendigo may call upon wind-spirits for knowledge
and guidance. He can ask them one question, which must concern the immediate area (wind-spirits have
notoriously short attention spans). A wind-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: Upon learning this Gift, the Garou can speak with wind-spirits automatically while he is in the
Umbra. To ask a question in the physical world, the player must roll Manipulation + Expression (difficulty 8).
The number of successes reflects the accuracy of the information. If no wind-spirits are present (such as indoors,
where the air is still and stagnant) this Gift cannot function.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.200-1)
• Tourniquet (Level Two) — A werewolf with this Gift may use it to drastically reduce any amount of
her own bleeding, specifically blood loss that she experiences as a result of combat. A bloody wound taken in a
duel or in battle by a klaive, blade, fang or claw can be staunched swiftly with a whisper of gratitude to the
spirits. Tourniquet does not heal, numb or close the wound, but simply keeps it from bleeding further. Wendigo
consider it very bad form to use this Gift to stem bleeding caused by self-inflicted wounds, causing the loss of
Honor Renown if its use is known. Accordingly, Wendigo may not use this Gift while attempting to complete a
rite or other ritual that requires any check of Stamina. A hawk-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends a Willpower point and rolls Strength + Survival. This Gift converts Lethal
wounds into Bashing wounds, and does not repair Bashing damage on its own. The more successes she rolls, the
more bleeding she can staunch, at the ratio of 1 success to 2 Health Levels converted.
(Source: Tribebook: Wendigo Revised, p.60)
• True Fear (Level Two) — As the Ahroun Gift.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.201→p.171)
• Blood of the North (Level Three) — The Wendigo takes winter as his brother, infusing the spiritual
essence of the howling cold into his very flesh and bones. A snow-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The Wendigo ignores all penalties due to cold or chilling effects, and gains an extra five dice
of soak against all cold-based attacks. All Survival rolls made in cold environments are at –2 difficulty. This
Gift’s effects are permanent.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.201)
• Bloody Feast (Level Three) — Great Wendigo, as a hungry cannibalistic spirit, can teach his favored
children the ability to gain added strength from an enemy's flesh and blood. An avatar of Great Wendigo teaches
this Gift.
System: To activate this Gift, the Garou must first bite his opponent and be able to taste blood —
meaning he must inflict at least one aggravated health level of damage, and his victim must be something that
bleeds. If his opponent has toxic blood or none at all, this Gift will not work. The player then rolls Gnosis at a
difficulty of the opponent's Stamina + 3 (maximum of 10). The Wendigo gains one extra dot in Strength for every
two health levels of damage inflicted by the bite (maximum of +5 to Strength). The extra Strength bonus lasts for
two turns per success on the Gnosis roll. However, flesh and blood can be addictive; the Wendigo's player must
make an immediate frenzy roll the turn after activating the Gift.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.201)
• Burning Tumbleweeds (Level Three) — By summoning fire-spirits into the dry bushes of the plains,
a Wendigo can make rolling, flaming bombs. This Gift comes from Coyote, who used it for one of his more
deadly pranks.
System: The player spends a point of Rage and rolls Manipulation + Survival (difficulty 6). For each
success, one tumbleweed bursts into flames which last until the bush is consumed. The Gift also summons a stiff
breeze. Once lit, the tumbleweeds can be blown by the wind to wherever they’ll do the most damage; each
rolling fireball is roughly equivalent to a small bonfire for purposes of damage (Werewolf: the Wild West, p.
219). Before the Gift will work, however, there must be tumbleweeds to ignite; this Gift doesn’t create them from
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West – Frontier Secrets, p.12 & W20 Wyld West, p.34)
• Eye of the Storm (Level Three) — The Garou may create a place of calmness even in the midst of a
raging blizzard or any other severe weather phenomena. Up to ten people can take shelter within this quiet place,
suffering no damage from the fury that surrounds them. This Gift is taught by an air-spirit.
System: The Garou spends a point of Gnosis and rolls Willpower (difficulty 7). The effect of the Gift
lasts for the duration of a single storm.
(Source: Croatan Song, p.118)
• Haunting Stare (Level Three) — Like the Level Two Metis Gift, but the emotional impact is more
guilt than horror.
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West Companion, p.78)
• Icicle-Hide (Level Three) — This Gift allows a character to transmute herself, and any clothing or
unliving objects that she is touching, into a crystalline creature of thick, impenetrable ice. As the Wendigo's form
grows suddenly transparent and metamorphoses into a rippling mobile statue, she truly takes on the essence of
ice; as a result, she should avoid coming near any fire or source of heat, lest she find herself melting. Her body
absorbs blows as solidly as any block of ice. The frozen Garou can still move, watch, listen, and use Gifts, but
appears cold and unliving to standard and infrared observation. This Gift is taught by a polar bear-spirit.
System: The player spends a Gnosis point and rolls Stamina + Subterfuge. While in this ice-form, the
character takes twice the damage from any heat-based attack, but is immune to cold damage (whether from the
ambient temperature or from cold-based attacks). She also adds an additional point of lethal soak per success
rolled. This Gift lasts for one scene, or until the werewolf wills herself to thaw. The freezing transformation is
immediate, but the thawing procedure requires an entire turn.
(Source: Tribebook: Wendigo Revised, p.60)
• Sky Running (Level Three) — The Garou gains the ability to run at 50mph (80kph) through the
skies. The Garou must continually remain in motion, or he falls. The Garou leaves a track of fire in the sky as he
runs. This Gift is taught by a spirit servant of Wendigo.
System: The Garou concentrates for one turn and spends one Willpower point. The Gift lasts for four
hours and may be replenished by further Willpower expenditure.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.201; Werewolf: the Wild West, p.165 & Werewolf: the
Apocalypse 2nd Ed., p.137)
• Strength of Pine (Level Three) — This Gift allows a character to ground herself in the presence of
Gaia, spiritually as well as physically. If the character is struck by lightning or electricity, she remains unharmed
by it for that turn of combat; she also becomes resistant to physical attacks, regenerating herself as long as she
does not uproot herself from the touch of Gaia. An earth-spirit and a lightning elemental jointly teach this Gif t.
System: The player spends a Gnosis point and rolls Gnosis + Survival. The difficulty of the grounding
varies depending on the physical location of the character: 9 if the Garou is surrounded by water or touching
metal; 7 if she is not standing on or touching the earth, 5 if a piece of earth or earth-fetish is carried on the
character's person. Any physical damage inflicted on the grounded werewolf takes effect, but is then healed at the
next turn, provided she does not move from her grounding-spot.
(Source: Tribebook: Wendigo Revised, p.61)
• Trackless Waste (Level Three) — As the Red Talon Gift.
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West – Frontier Secrets, p.12→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.187)
• Wisdom of the Ancient Ways (Level Three) —As the Philodox Gift.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.201→167)
• Whiteout (Level Three) — This Gift allows a Garou to transform the area around her into a blinding
whiteout, rendering it utterly featureless and dangerously disorienting. Any characters within the reach of the
spell are enclosed within a frightening, snowy blizzard-filled dome, which deadens all scents, mutes all sounds
with the roar of wind, and blinds all types of vision. The Gifted character's senses are untouched by these effects,
although she remains within the whiteout. Similarly, other Wendigo are unaffected by the power of this Gift. A
bear-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends a point of Gnosis, and rolls Manipulation + Survival. The diameter of the
dome covered by the whiteout varies, depending on the total successes of this roll, multiplied by five feet. For
example, if the player rolls 9 successes, the area of the whiteout is a circle 45 feet wide. All non-Wendigo
characters within this area lose one point of Willpower and one die from all Perception-based pools for the rest of
the scene; when they emerge the Perception penalty disappears but the Willpower point is gone until it is
regained in the usual fashion.
(Source: Tribebook: Wendigo Revised, p.61-62)
• Bark of Willow (Level Four) — Unlike Resist Pain, which allows a character to ignore pain through
force of will, but still feel it, this Gift allows the Wendigo to numb herself to pain completely, enabling her to
endure pain for much longer periods of time, even days. This causes the character to be unable to judge the
severity of her wounds or fatigue, and may lead her to continue on unwisely, causing herself further damage
during combat while frightening her enemy with her seeming imperviousness. If the pain inflicted upon the
Garou is not combative, i.e., she is undergoing a surgical operation or needs to cross a wall of flames, she may
concentrate her will to keep from unwittingly furthering the damage to herself, and to bolster the confidence and
courage of any Garou aiding her. This Gift is taught by a snake-spirit.
System: The player spends a point of Gnosis, after which any sense of pain or physical discomfort
fades entirely, and the character no longer takes wound penalties. The length of the Gift's pain-numbing effects
lasts for a number of days equal to a roll of Stamina + Primal-Urge. The Storyteller should hide the character's
wound levels from him while this Gift is active. If the character needs to assess how badly damaged she is during
this time, she must make an additional roll of Wits + Primal-Urge, at difficulty 7, although characters with
Medicine knowledge can use it to diagnose wound levels normally.
Wendigo who nonchalantly carries severe wounds around is intimidating to his foes. Any character who
wishes to attack a wounded Wendigo who is using Bark of Willow must first make a Manipulation + Intimidation
roll, at the difficulty of the Garou's Willpower. If the opponent fails that roll, she does not lose any actions, but
she finds herself unable to attack the Gifted werewolf.
This Gift may not be used while the Garou is attempting to complete a rite that requires any check of
(Source: Tribebook: Wendigo Revised, p.62-63)
• Call the Cannibal Spirit (Level Four) — By dancing under the night sky, the werewolf can summon
an avatar of Great Wendigo to hunt down a target of the Garou's choice. The Garou must possess a piece of his
target whose heart the Wendigo devours. An avatar of Great Wendigo teaches this Gift.
System: The Garou must dance for three full turns. The player spends one Rage point and one Gnosis
point, then rolls Charisma + Occult (difficulty 8). If the roll botches, or if the Wendigo avatar is somehow
prevented from killing its target, it will return to kill the summoner.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.201)
• Call the Ice (Level Four) — The Garou may summon the spirits of the ice to cause a great fissure to
form beneath the feet of her enemy, engulfing and encasing the target in a prison of ice from which he has little
chance of escaping. This Gift may also cause the ice on a frozen lake to crack, dumping the target into the frigid
water. Ice-spirits teach this Gift.
System: This Gift is at its most effective on the polar ice, but is usable anywhere the ground has a layer
of frost upon it. The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Willpower (difficulty 7) to exert enough influence
upon the ice-spirits in a single area of up to 10 square feet. A single success causes the desired effect, with
additional successes adding to the depth of the crack or size of the fissure.
(Source: Croatan Song, p.118)
• Chill of Early Frost (Level Four) — The werewolf calls down a mystical chill from Great Wendigo
himself, freezing the surrounding lands and anyone in it. A spirit servant of Great Wendigo teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Intelligence + Occult (difficulty varies: 4 if it is
already winter, 6 for spring, 9 for summer). Success drops the temperature to a bit below freezing in a five-mile
(8km) radius, or even further below zero if it was already winter. All creatures without a natural coat of fur lose
two dice from all pools. This Gift wreaks pure havoc in urban environments as pipes burst and roads freeze. This
Gift lasts for one hour per success.
(Note: This Gift is known as Winter Frost in Werewolf: the Wild West, p.165)
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.201)
• Counting Coup (Level Four) — As the Stargazer Gift. The Wendigo have all but stopped using this
Gift, and at present use it only against Uktena or, under the right circumstances, others of their own tribe.
(Source: W20 Wyld West, p.34→p.33)
• Curse of Harano (Level Four) — Perhaps the most seriously and deeply wounded tribe in the Garou
Nation, the Wendigo are prone to suffering debilitating Harano, and few tribes know the secrets of this insanity
better than they. By pushing the pain, anger and sorrow at the heart of the Wendigo toward another Garou, the
Wendigo can cause his target to feel the deep depression of Harano. This Gift is taught by a wind-spirit.
System: The player spends one point of Rage and rolls Manipulation + Expression (difficulty 8). More
than five successes inflicts permanent Harano upon the victim; otherwise, the suffering lasts until the end of the
scene. (See Chapter Five of Players Guide to Garou for more information on Harano.)
(Note: This Gift is known simply as Harano in Werewolf Players Guide, 2nd Ed., p.44.)
(Source: Players Guide to Garou, p.196)
• Great Bison (Level Four) — For centuries, the bison provided the Pure Ones and their Kinfolk with
all they needed. With the incursion of the Europeans, both Garou and human, the bison population dwindles and
the open plains vanish. With this Gift, the Wendigo summons a ghostly stampede of spirit bison to trample his
enemies. A bison-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one Willpower, one Gnosis and one Rage point to summon the stampede.
The stampede, 50 yards wide and 100 yards long, tramples everything in its path and causes 10 dice of damage.
The bison are spirits and pass through man made obstacles, such as buildings, to crush anyone inside. The targets
can find safety out of the bison’s path, to either side of the stampede or by climbing trees and the like.
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West Companion, p.78)
• Hero’s Stand (Level Four) — As the Get of Fenris Gift.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.201→p.180)
• Last Stand (Level Four) — By summoning her determination and calling to the spirit of Gaia, a
Garou may make herself steadfast and invulnerable. The strength of the Earth wells up through her feet, and the
ground itself guards her against the approach of any who wish her harm. Only after all foes have been
vanquished should the Wendigo move from her rooted spot, else she loses her connection with Gaia. An earth
elemental teaches this Gift.
System: The player rolls Willpower at a difficulty of 8. For each success, the character can add an
additional die to all Physical dice pools. Additionally, anyone attacking the Wendigo who also comes in contact
with the earth is unable to surprise her, no matter what direction they may come from. If her foe, however, is
airborne, floating, or otherwise not touching the ground, the Garou is vulnerable to surprise, although she does
not lose the extra dice added to her Physical pool. If the Wendigo moves from her position, the effects of the Gift
are lost. A Garou using Last Stand is immune to the Gift: The Falling Touch.
(Source: Tribebook: Wendigo Revised, p.63 & 2nd Ed Wendigo Tribebook, p.48)
• Scream of Gaia (Level Four) — As the lupus Gift.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.201→p.160)
• Shelter of Needles (Level Four) — As the Strength of the Pine grounds a single Garou, the protective
umbrella of the Pine's branches may be extended to shield any Garou, human or Gaian creature in the
surrounding area. It also disables anything electrically powered beneath its canopy for that turn, as all the power
is grounded and funneled towards Gaia. A pine-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends a Gnosis point and rolls Willpower once, at the difficulty of 3+ the highest
Stamina of the other living creatures in the surrounding area. If the roll is a success, those creatures are sheltered
from electrical shock and physical damage, in the same manner as Strength of Pine. The distance between the
Garou and the furthest creature from her determines the size of the canopy. For example, if the Garou rolls
successfully to protect several allies, the furthest of which is 100 feet away from her, all creatures within 100 feet
can take advantage of the Shelter. If a sheltered creature moves from its grounding spot, it alone loses the
protection of the Gift. However, the Gifted Wendigo may move about freely once the Gift's effects are
(Source: Tribebook: Wendigo Revised, p.62)
• Spirits of Decay (Level Four) — The inventions of the invaders are an affront to the Old Ways. This
Gift breaks them down to the elements they came from. Many spirits, from the Termite to the West Wind, teach
this blessing to their favored ones.
System: The player rolls Manipulation + Enigmas and spends a Rage point; the Wendigo can then make
one unliving item crumble into dust or debris. The roll’s difficulty depends on the strength of the item.
Material Difficulty
Paper, Cardboard 4
Cloth, Leather, Rope 5
Thin Wood, Bone 6
Thick Wood, Glass 7
Thin Metal, Stone 8
Thick Metal 9
Items made of several materials (guns, houses) may go by the weakest material involved; a steel axe is useless
without its wooden handle. Really large targets (trains, boulders) may require five or 10 successes to destroy. The
item falls apart one turn after the Gift is used. This Gift does not make a vampire decay completely, but he
suffers one aggravated Health Level for each success against him (difficulty 8).
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West, p.165)
• Wsitiplaju’s Bow (Level Four) — The Wendigo with this Gift can loose any arrow from her bow and
unerringly hit her target, no matter where she stands, as long as there is a path through the air. The Gift sends the
arrow traveling like a bird through any available space, diving over or under obstacles and around corners to
reach its mark. However, Wsitiplaju's Bow does not enchant the arrow used, and the arrow cannot pass through
any barrier that a normal arrow could not pierce. The spirit of an ancestor with great skill at Archery teaches this
System: The player rolls Perception + Archery against a difficulty of 8. The wielder of the Gift must
form in her mind a picture of the target and its general location before letting loose the arrow; the target must be
within standard range of the bow, regardless of the use of the Gift. This Gift works normally with a talen or fetish
(Source: Tribebook: Wendigo Revised, p.63 & 2nd Ed Wendigo Tribebook, p.48)
• Balance of Wormwood (Level Five) — With this Gift, a character can learn to aid another Garou
who has succumbed to the service of the Wyrm, and guard them from the Destroyer's influence. Because Great
Wendigo treasures the purity of his Tribe, he has conferred this Gift upon his children, to give them greater
power to continue the fight against the Wyrm. Like a taste of wormwood, which brings clarity to the mind, two
Garou join their spirits together beneath the cleansing, eternal winds of Wendigo's spirit. With this Gift,
depending upon each other, they may resist the attraction of the Wyrm that drives werewolves into unspeakable
acts and mindless vile savagery. An avatar of Great Wendigo teaches this Gift.
System: The target character must already have fallen into the service of the Wyrm, by walking the
Black Spiral or through other means. The Garou using this Gift must spend a point of Gnosis and make a
Willpower + Manipulation roll against her target's Willpower. If she succeeds, the target character may resist the
horrific urges that the Wyrm brings for the remainder of the scene. This may be enough to allow the fallen Garou
to attempt the long road back to Gaia's graces, but those who are long fallen or far from Gaia's grace may need
much more than a simple application of this Gift. If the Gifted werewolf fails, her own current frenzy difficulty
decreases by one, and she may be unable to avoid falling into the Thrall of the Wyrm.
(Source: Tribebook: Wendigo Revised, p.63)
• Heart of Ice (Level Five) — The Garou can call down the curse of the Wendigo on an enemy. The
Garou must whisper the target’s name to the hungry winds; thereafter, the victim's innards begin turning to ice.
An avatar of Great Wendigo teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Wits + Occult (difficulty of the target's
Willpower). Each success inflicts one level of aggravated, unsoakable damage. This damage accrues slowly,
inflicting one health level per turn until all possible damage has been done.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.201)
• Invoke the Spirits of the Storm (Level Five) — The Garou can summon nearly any weather effect
she desires, be it a tornado, fog, blizzard or thunderstorms. An avatar of Great Wendigo teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Willpower (difficulty varies based on how close
the desired effect is to the actual weather patterns of the area). The storm covers 10 miles per success. If the
Garou summons a thunderstorm, she may spend Gnosis to call lightning down on her enemies (Dexterity +
Occult to hit, 10 dice of aggravated damage).
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.201)
• The Freezing Night (Level Five) — Wendigo is the totem of the frozen North. At night and in winter,
he steals across the plains, freezing the land and anyone on it. This Gift calls Wendigo’s power to the Garou;
through it, he may call a killing ice storm down. It is taught by an avatar of Wendigo himself.
System: The player spends two Gnosis points and rolls Willpower (difficulty 6). Each success inflicts
two normal Health Levels against everyone in the path of the storm. This may be soaked, but even the hardiest
characters will be uncomfortable. Characters with thick winter clothing or magical protection (like the Song of
the Seasons Gift) reduce that damage by half. The storm itself comes in a few turns after the Gift is used (time
depends on climate); it begins as a cold wind and rises to a frigid gale before subsiding at the end of the scene (or
one hour). The nexus of The Freezing Night covers roughly half a mile, and kills small animals, plants or
unprotected humans at the Storyteller’s option. As the name suggests, The Freezing Night can only be called at
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West, p.165)
• Tornado Rider (Level Five) — Carried on the wings of Thunderbird, a Wendigo may call up a
twister, then ride it, safe from harm, as it tears up the works of man. This Gift comes from Thunderbird himself,
who often cleanses the iron-stink from his lands by force.
System: The player spends two Gnosis points and rolls Willpower (difficulty 6). The twister starts to
take shape one turn later and hits the ground two turns after that. Once the tornado lands, the Wendigo can leap
aboard and ride the winds without injury. The twister lasts three + (number of successes) turns and effectively
demolishes anything the Storyteller rules would be destroyed. The player may suggest a path, but cannot
influence the tornado once it’s fully formed. Anyone caught by the twister takes five Health Levels (or more) in
lethal damage before being flung off in a random direction (which’ll probably cause even more hurt).
Fortunately, this can be soaked.
(Source: Werewolf: the Wild West, p.165 & W20 Wyld West, p.34)
Wendigo Camp Gifts
These Gifts are taught within a specific Wendigo camp; as local, focused lore, they are usually only
shared with other camps within the Wendigo, and are not generally known to other Garou.
Ghost Dance
• Virgin Snow (Level Two) — Nunavut, to many Wendigo, remains a symbol of hope and preserved
purity among Garou and Kinfolk alike. The Ghost Dance has always trusted in the power that tradition holds, and
it reveres the perfect and simple ways that have been imparted from generation to generation. This Gift rewards
any Garou who chooses to follow the path of the old ways rather than take a modern or Wyrmcomer shortcut. An
ancestor-spirit teaches this Gift to the Camp of the Ghost Dance in Nunavut.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point, and then rolls Intelligence + Rituals, difficulty 6.If she
succeeds, she may add one point to any ability roll she needs to make; she must be offered a choice between a
human or Wyrmcomer way, and a Garou or Kinfolk way, both applicable to the same Ability — and consciously
choose the Garou way. For example, a Wendigo who refuses penicillin, and chooses to fight an infection with a
time-tested poultice of herbs and roots, can add a point to her Medicine knowledge; a werewolf who leaves
behind a nylon backpack, GPS and freeze-dried food before a journey can add a point to her Survival skill.
Similarly, a Garou who decides to travel on foot or by sled, instead of in a car or a snowmobile, can add a point
to her Drive skill.
(Source: Tribebook: Wendigo Revised, p.72-3)
Sacred Hoop
• Claw-to-Thumb (Level One) — So that the gap of purpose and harmony between the Wendigo and
the Kinfolk that follow them may not widen further over the years, all those lupus who come to the Sacred Hoop
camp can be taught to understand the human mindset. Those who were raised with humans and are intimate with
homid thought processes can teach Garou how to accurately sense what a human desires, and can equate it to its
lupine equivalent, if there is one. A dog-spirit teaches this Gift, as she is able to feel the needs and emotions of
both human and wolf.
System: this Gift works as the Silver fang Gift: Empathy, except that the Wendigo learns to better
observe and understand the wishes and emotions of humans and Kinfolk, not of other Garou.
(Source: Tribebook: Wendigo Revised, p.73→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.193)
• Firewater’s Quench (Level Three) — Myeengun's Lodge is a part of the Sacred Hoop dedicated to
sharing the lore of wolves with the Wendigo tribe and their human Kinfolk and allies. Many homids and humans,
out of poverty, misfortune, or boredom, fall into dangerous and destructive habits, habits that wolves regard as
Man's peculiar weakness - huffing gasoline, drinking too much liquor, becoming dependent on drugs that poison
his body and mind. Wolves rarely fall into these traps, and they have aided many within their camp with their
lupine ways, helping them to drive the desire for these vile substances out of their blood and their spirit.
Myeengun, an ancestor-spirit who was born a human but became a wolf, teaches this Gift to his followers.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Stamina + Primal-Urge. For each success, no
deliberately-ingested intoxicant works on the character for a single day.
(Source: Tribebook: Wendigo Revised, p.73)

White Howlers
Most White Howler Gifts focused on harnessing their powerful Rage to even more destructive ends, although the
Howlers were justly famous for their howl-Gifts as well. The White Howlers were also excellent trackers.

• Blood-Scent (Level One) — Part of the White Howlers’ reputation as excellent trackers stemmed
from Gifts such as this one. The Garou with this Gift finds it childishly easy to track down any human, beast or
supernatural being whose blood he has tasted. the Howlers parlayed this Gift into the tactic of letting a wounded
enemy escape, only to unerringly track him to his lair and the rest of his clan. Today, the Black Spiral Dancers
continue this practice, although without the aid of the Blood-Scent Gift.
System: Once learned, this Gift’s effects are permanent. The Garou receives two additional dice on any
roll made to track prey whose blood she has tasted. These dice also apply to the use of tracking Gifts such as
Pulse of the Prey.
(Source: Past Lives, p.87 & Tribebook: White Howler, p.65)
• Death Sight (Level One) — As the Silent Strider Gift: Visions of Duat.
(Source: Tribebook: White Howler, p.65→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.192)
• Desperate Strength (Level One) — As the Bone Gnawer Gift.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.396→p.174)
• Haunting Howl (Level One) — One of the howl-Gifts peculiar to the tribe, this eerie cry often
echoed across the desolate moors prior to a White Howler raid. In the years since the White Howlers’ fall, this
cry has become more alien and forlorn.
System: The player rolls Charisma + Intimidation, difficulty 7. All enemies within earshot of the werewolf’s howl
suffer a +1 difficulty to Willpower rolls for three turns per success. Willpower expenditures are unaffected. No foe can
be affected by more than one use of this Gift per scene.
(Source: Past Lives, p.87)
• Primal Anger (Level One) — As the metis Gift.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p. 397→p.156)
• Sense Wyrm (Level One) — As the metis Gift.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p. 397→p.156)
• Shining Sigils (Level One) — When this Gift is active, glowing sigils representing the Garou’s tales
of Renown appear upon their skin or pelt. The marks shine a luminescent woad-blue, although each Renown
bears its own subtle inflection of color. Glory sigils appear nearly purple where blood-red veining interlaces with
the blue marks. Honor’s blue sigils gleam with silver and white highlights. Wisdom’s marks, on the other hand,
are underscored with inky shadows, the cobalt deepening to nearly blue-black. Temporary Renown appears as
reinforcing details on the permanent Renown symbols. This Gift is taught by a Lune spirit.
System: By activating this Gift with a reflexive action, the Garou receives a pool of bonus dice each
scene equal to his rank. He can add a number of these dice to a Social roll (including intimidation) involving
spirits or other Gaian Garou, either spreading them out among Social rolls or spending all his dice on a single
(Source: Tribebook: White Howler, p.65)
• Howls in the Night (Level Two) — As the Galliard Gift.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p. 397→p.169)
• Howl of the Banshee (Level Two) — As per the Fianna Gift.
(Source: Tribebook: White Howler, p.65→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.179)
• Lion’s Bite (Level Two) — Lion teaches his children many things, including some combat tactics that
are more at home amongst the big cats than the canids. Garou with this Gift gains an unerring ability to bite
down on the throat of their prey, crushing its windpipe, choking it to unconsciousness, or even strangling it
outright. This Gift is taught by avatars of Lion himself.
System: The effects of this Gift are permanent. After declaring the Lion’s Bite attack and making a
successful Strength + Brawl roll, a Garou with this Gift does its normal bite damage and establishes a choking
hold on her target. Each successive round, the target may make a resisted Strength roll in an attempt to break free
of the hold. The target may attempt to take actions other than trying to break the hold, but any such action is at
+2 difficulty. If the target doesn’t break the hold for a number of rounds equal to twice her Stamina, she is
rendered unconscious. Once a target is unconscious, she takes a level of lethal damage from the hold each turn,
and cannot regenerate this damage until the hold is released.
(Note: Past Lives, p.87 has obsolete rules for this Gift.)
(Source: Tribebook: White Howler, p.65-66)
• Pain-Strength (Level Two) — The White Howlers were hardy enough to shrug off the effects of
pain, but some learned the trick of letting their pain fuel them. The wounds of a White Howler actually gave him
Strength, allowing him to achieve great feats Of might at the cost of his own blood.
System: When the character is first wounded, the Player may choose to Spend a Rage Point to activate
this Gift. For the remainder of the scene, the character gains one dot of Strength for every die of wound penalties
he suffers from. In addition, wound penalties do not affect his Strength score or damage pools (although they
affect any Strength + Ability pools). Thus, a character at Wounded would lose two dice from most dice pools, but
actually gain two dice to his Strength score. If the character would ignore wound penalties (due to frenzy or
Resist Pain), he does not gain the bonus Strength.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p. 397 & Past Lives, p.87-88)
• Spectral Authority (Level Two) — As the Philodox Gift: Call to Duty, but allows the Garou to
command any ghost she knows by their full name. Unlike Call to Duty, this may only be used on a single ghost at
one time. This Gift is taught by a wolf-spirit.
(Source: Tribebook: White Howler, p.66→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.166)
• Blooding Fury (Level Three) — The Fianna often wondered if the White Howlers were the masters
of their Rage, or if Rage was the master of the White Howlers. This Gift only added to the Fianna’s trepidation.
By wounding herself, the Garou is able to tap into a fresh reservoir of Rage, for good or for ill. This Gift is taught
by a fire-spirit.
System: The Garou must injure herself with a claw or bite; the character takes one level of unsoakable
aggravated damage, and regains all her temporary Rage. This Gift can be used only once per scene.
(Source: Past Lives, p.88 & Tribebook: White Howler, p.66)
• Sense of the Deep (Level Three) — Up until the Fall, Lion’s tribe was convinced it was their duty to
Gaia to hunt down Her enemies even beneath the surface of the earth. This Gift aided them in their endeavors to
fight Wyrm-things in their own burrows. A werewolf with this Gift is at home in a subterranean environment,
almost moreso than above ground.
System: This Gift’s effects are permanent once learned. While underground, the werewolf
automatically knows which direction is north, and can instinctively retrace his path to the exit. (However, this
direction sense can be tampered with by other supernatural powers, as happened in the Hive where the Fall took
place.) The character can also see in darkness underground without suffering any dice pool penalties or added
difficulty; this works much as the Metis Gift: Eyes of the Cat, but only while the Garou is underground.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.397 & Past Lives, p.88)
• Ley Lines (Level Three) — As the Fianna Gift.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p. 397→p.179)
• Territory (Level Three) — As per the Red Talon Gift, although homid and metis White Howlers can
mark a land as their own by carving sigils in stone in the area. Stones marked in this way can be used over and
over, by the Garou who carved them. The duration remains the same; the werewolf reactivates the Gift by adding
additional details to the stone in question.
(Note: This Gift is listed as Level Four in Tribebook: Red Talons Revised, p.66)
(Source: Tribebook: White Howler, p.66→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.187)
• Waking the Dead (Level Three) — This Gift creates a shadowy representation of a fallen individual
(human, Kin, or Garou) and gives the werewolf the ability to ask it a few questions. The shade created is not a
ghost, and possesses no knowledge that was not known to the individual before their death. This Gift can only be
used once on any given corpse.
System: The Garou spends one or more points of Gnosis and touches the dead body. A shadowy figure
that resembles the fallen individual rises from the corpse, and will truthfully (to the best of its ability) answer one
simple question for every point of Gnosis beyond the first that the Garou spent when activating the Gift. Its
answers will be no longer than one sentence per question. After the last question has been asked (or at the end of
the scene), the shade will disappear, and this Gift can never be used on that individual again. If the Gift is used
on the undead, they will remember nothing after their first mortal death; vampires cannot answer questions about
things that happened during their unlife, for example.
(Source: Tribebook: White Howler, p.66)
• Call Elemental (Level Four) — As the Uktena Gift. It is rumored that this Gift may have been used
to create many of the dolman mounds and hilled fortresses used by the Pictish tribes during the White Howlers’
association with them.
(Source: Tribebook: White Howler, p.66→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.198-9)
• Collapse the Barrow (Level Four) — In a land plagued with subterranean Wyrm-pits, the ability to
destroy the structural integrity of an underground lair was priceless to the White Howlers. By using this Gift, the
werewolf is able to collapse an earthen or stone structure or tunnel in upon itself, thus making it much more
difficult for it to be re-used for evil purposes. This Gift is taught by a badger-spirit.
System: The Garou spends a point of Gnosis and touches the floor, ceiling, or walls of the targeted
structure. The player makes a Strength + Occult roll (difficulty 6). The
difficulty increases or decreases with the structural integrity and craftsmanship involved in creating the target; 4
for a quickly dug burrow; 5 for a hastily built rock hut; 7 for a stone cave or natural rock tunnel; 9 for a masterful
stone broch tower. For each success, a 5-foot section of the structure collapses.
This Gift does not cleanse the area, and simply collapsing a pit creates a festering magnet for Banes and
other Wyrm-creatures. Because of this, Collapse the Barrow is most often used on the way back out of a pit, after
the inhabitants have been dealt with, and the area within has been ritually cleansed.
(Source: Tribebook: White Howler, p.66)
• Hero’s Stand (Level Four) — As the Get of Fenris Gift.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p. 397→p.180)
• Maddening Howl (Level Four) — This howl-Gift represents one of the White Howlers’ worst
weapons, a terrible ululating wail that bends the minds of those who hear it to the breaking point. Only White
Howlers are immune to the howl — even in modern-day settings.
System: The player spends one point of Rage and one point of Gnosis and rolls Charisma +
Performance, difficulty 7; all non-White Howlers within earshot may roll Willpower, difficulty 7, to resist. If the
player gains more successes than the victim, the victim is driven mad for the duration of the scene. Victims are
treated as if they were affected by the “Catatonic Fear,” “Panic,” “Disbelief,” “Berserk,” or “Terror” effects on
the Delirium chart (pg. 263). The Storyteller chooses the specific effect, although the Gift’s effects tend to be
random rather than governed by the victim’s personality.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.397 & Past Lives, p.88-89)
• Visions of Slaughter (Level Four) — This frightening curse comes from the White Howler’s practice
of bonding with the ghosts of slain animals. By marking a person with his spit, blood, or other bodily fluids, the
werewolf can curse his victim to be haunted with visions
of any animal or individual killed by his actions (or inaction). Even animals can be driven to distraction by
visions of prey animals that are always within view but cannot be touched. This Gift is, of course, of little use
against the truly innocent, but against the soldiers, shapeshifters, and vampires that werewolves most commonly
face, it has terrible power. This Gift is taught by serpent-spirits.
System: The Garou must mark the victim with her bodily fluids, then the player rolls Intelligence +
Occult (difficulty of the target’s Willpower). The victim is haunted by bloody visions of any living creature larger
than an insect dead by her hands. The visions last for one day per success. The more deaths the victim has been
responsible for, the more vivid and distracting the visions. Each day, the victim must make a Willpower roll to
avoid losing a temporary point of Willpower. The difficulty of this roll ranges from 4 to 9; 4 for an all-but-
innocent who has only set mouse traps and accidentally run over an opossum; 7 for an average Garou, and 9 for a
vampire with centuries of slaughter on his hands. The amount of remorse the character would ordinarily feel has
no bearing on the curse; a vampire who cares nothing for the people he’s drained to death will still be horribly
distracted as his victims appear far more real and far more frequently.
While the Gift is in effect, the victim cannot recover temporary Willpower. Once the victim’s temporary
Willpower has been reduced to half of the permanent score, all rolls (other than soak or damage rolls) are at +1
difficulty until the Gift’s effects pass.
(Source: Past Lives, p.89 & Tribebook: White Howler, p.66-67)
• Fog on the Moor (Level Five) — As the Fianna Gift.
(Source: Tribebook: White Howler, p.67→Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.180 & Dark Ages: Werewolf,
• Gaia’s Vengeance (Level Five) — As the Red Talons Gift.
Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p. 397→p.187)
• Howl of Healing (Level Five) — The White Howler tribe is closely knit, sharing a bond rivaled by
few others. This tie allows them to channel healing in a fashion others can only aspire to. This Gift is taught by a
spirit of Lion’s brood.
System: The werewolf howls. The player spends one Gnosis point and makes an Intelligence +
Expression roll (difficulty 7). Every White Howler (or their Kin) who can hear the howl heals one point of lethal,
bashing, or aggravated damage per success. This howl cannot be amplified, communicated, or assisted through
natural, artificial, or supernatural means, else it loses its effectiveness.
(Source: Tribebook: White Howler, p.67)
• Mad Strength (Level Five) — The greatest White Howlers were even more terrifying when they
succumbed to their Rage. When he is driven to the breaking point, the werewolf’s strength is massively
increased. Werewolves affected by this Gift undergo a bodily change when berserk; their thews bulge and twist
disproportionately, giving them an almost monstrous appearance.
System: The character gains two extra dice of Strength and one extra die of Stamina whenever she
enters a berserk frenzy (or Thrall of the Wyrm). Once learned, the Gift’s effects are permanent.
(Source: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition, p.397 & Past Lives, p.89)
• White Fire (Level Five) — This forgotten Gift is the last link to the sacred bone-fires that the White
Howlers kept before their Fall and conversion to Balefire. The werewolf can hurl a stream of blinding white fire
from his hand, searing the flesh from the bones of his foes. A White Howler ancestor spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one Gnosis and rolls Dexterity + Occult (difficulty 6). The bone-fire inflicts
six dice of aggravated damage, plus one die for every extra success on the attack roll. In addition, if the victim
suffers more than three levels of damage after soak, she is blinded for the duration of the scene.
(Source: Past Lives, p.89 & Tribebook: White Howler, p.67)

Planetary Gifts
These Gifts can only come through contact with the planetary Incarnae or one of their spirit minions.
Any Garou can learn any of all of these Gifts, provided she has attained a sufficient Rank to do so; however,
some limitations do apply. Garou who possess the favored auspice or tribe of a particular Incarna may learn that
Incarna’s Gifts at the normal cost in experience points as can Garou who are born (or experience their First
Change) during the lunar month presided over by that Incarna. Other auspices and tribes must pay the experience
point cost for learning the Gifts from other tribes or auspices. For example any Ahroun of any tribe or a Get of
Fenris of any auspice may learn any of Nerigal’s Gifts at the standard cost for acquiring a new Gift. Likewise, a
Garou of any tribe or auspice born during the first lunar month can acquire one of Nerigal’s Gifts at the standard
experience point cost. All other Garou must pay the higher price for the privilege.
Naturally, all the following Gifts are taught by either the planetary Incarna in question or by one of its
direct spirit servants.

Gifts of Nerigal
The Ice Warrior’s Gifts all pertain to combat, reflecting both his fierceness and the icy nature of his

• Battlesense (Level One) — The Garou can sense the best direction from which to make an attack,
taking into account the terrain of the battlefield, the numbers and placement of the enemy and the available
forces at the Garou's command or allied with her.
System: The player spends a point of Gnosis and becomes aware of the tactical forces involved in an
impending battle. The Storyteller informs the player of the numbers and placement of opposing forces. The
player can then use this information to her character's advantage.
(Source: Rage Across the Heavens, p.111)
• Shards of Icy Rage (Level Two) — The Garou invoking this Gift calls on the cold power of her
Rage, converting her anger into physical ice. This ice cuts as deep as any knife, and can be hurled at her enemies
in place of a normal attack.
System: The players spends a point of Rage and rolls Wits + Primal Urge (difficulty 8). The number of
successes equals the number of shards that form from the crystalized Rage, up to a limit of five shards. The
player makes a separate attack roll for each shard, and may direct them at more than one opponent. Each shard
does three dice of aggravated damage; the range is five yard for every dot of the Garou's strength.
The player may spend only one point of Rage each time the Gift is used; this prohibits spending Rage
to gain extra actions in the same turn as invoking the shards. Although a character may use the Gift more than
once in a scene, each successive use after the first adds +1 to the difficulty roll to activate the Gift.
(Source: Rage Across the Heavens, p.111)
• Nerigal’s Call to Arms (Level Three) — This Gift allows the Garou to summon to her side any
creatures of spirits allied to Nerigal or appropriate to the Ice Warrior. These beings, whether Nerigal's spirit
warriors or predatory animals, fight alongside the Garou for the duration of an entire battle.
System: The Garou spends a point of Gnosis and rolls Charisma + Leadership, difficulty 8. One success
summons one of two creatures; additional successes increase the number of creatures or spirits that answer the
summons. Thus, two successes bring up to five respondents, three successes summon up to ten creatures, four
successes results in up to 15 beings while five successes brings everything within a five-mile radius of the
character. Those creatures summoned serve as an army under the character's command for an entire scene. Of
course, if there are no wild predators or War-spirits of Nerigal within range, the Gift fails.
(Source: Rage Across the Heavens, p.111-112)
• Challenge of Single Combat (Level Four) — By invoking the name of the Ice Warrior and issuing a
direct challenge to an enemy, the Garou can force her opponent to fight one-on-one according to the tacit rules of
fair play. The opponent can launch no surprise attacks, employ dirty tricks or accept extra help from comrades or
pack mates. However, the Garou using this Gift accepts the same restrictions - neither combatant can break off
from the fight until one participant either concedes victory to the other or dies.
System: After the character has issued the challenge, the player spends a point of Rage and rolls
Manipulation + Leadership (difficulty of the target's Willpower). A single success forces the target to forego any
unfair tactics and meet the Garou in single combat as described above. No successes means the Gift fails while a
botch inspires the target to launch an immediate attack — usually with the help of the opponent's friends.
(Source: Rage Across the Heavens, p.112)
• Heart of the Ice Warrior (Level Five) — Usually used only in the most dire circumstance, this Gift
renders the Garou impervious to damage long enough to deliver a final blow to her opponent. The exertion
causes the Garou to collapse, mortally wounded. Unless healed immediately, the Garou dies, having given her all
in battle.
System: No roll is necessary to invoke the Gift, but the player must spend a point of Rage. The
character may not dodge when invoking this Gift, but no damage levied against the Garou will impair her in any
way until her attack lands — lightning strikes won't blow her back, and blades can't sever her limbs.
The character makes her next attack at +4 to her attack dice pool. The player may reroll any 1s rolled on
this attack - they simply to not count. In addition, any damage rolls gain four extra dice. After delivering her
attack, the character falls to Incapacitated. Unless somehow mystically healed by another using Mother's Touch
or a similar Gift or fetish (regeneration isn't an option) within the same turn, the character dies at the end of the
(Source: Rage Across the Heavens, p.112)

Gifts of Eshtarra
Eshtarra’s Gifts pertain either to the Earth and its lore or else reflect the Incarna’s nurturing qualities .

• Earth Sense (Level One) — The Garou can feel the "aura" of an area and determine if it is healthy or
blighted. For a brief instant, the user of the Gift becomes so attuned to the land immediately around her that she
can sense the pain of Wyrm-taint, the sickness of pollution or the robust energy of an unspoiled piece of
wilderness. In some instances, the source of an area's pain — or the reason for its health — may reveal itself to
the Garou through the use of this Gift.
System: The player spends a point of Gnosis. While no roll is necessary, the character must concentrate
on the target area for several minutes of game time before receiving any information about its condition. The
amount of information that is revealed is left to the Storyteller and can vary from vague feelings ("The land
doesn't feel well, as if it has been poisoned.") to extremely specific facts ("There is an underground spring which
channels Gnosis into topsoil, making the land productive and fertile.”).
(Source: Rage Across the Heavens, p.112-113)
• Herb Call (Level Two) — Through singing or chanting, a Garou can find helpful or medicinal plants,
roots or bark even in poor areas such as deserts. Such plants might be healing herbs, substances used in rites or
tubers and other plants that provide needed sustenance. The song causes the plants to resonate from the music so
that the Garou can locate them by following the sounds.
System: The player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls Perception + Performance. A single success
enables the character to locate the desired herbs or plants within a mile of her location. Additional successes
increase the range by one mile per success. Failure means that the character cannot hear any plants, while a botch
leads the character to harmful herbs or plants.
(Source: Rage Across the Heavens, p.113)
• Oaksong (Level Three) — By using this Gift, a Garou can communicate with inanimate objects
made of wood or some other organic substance (i.e.: something that was once alive). The objects do not actually
speak, but the Garou can sense their thoughts as images or sensations. For example, a wooden can might
communicate that someone had used it for wilderness travel by filling the Garou's mind with sounds of a
crashing waterfall, the musty odor of bear spoor and the image of crowded undergrowth and towering pines. A
straight-backed wooden chair might allow the Garou to "see" the person who last occupied it and get a sense of
the emotional state of that individual. With practice, a Garou can hold an entire wordless conversation with
anything from a sturdy help rope or a mat made of woven reeds to a charred scrap of paper (made from wood
System: The user of the Gift must concentrate on what sort of information she wishes to obtain from
the object as if she were asking a question. The sensations and images constitute the "answer". The player spends
a point of Gnosis and rolls Perception + Enigmas (difficulty 7). Each success allows the character to formulate
one question and direct it to one item. Additional successes allow the character to ask more questions (on a one-
for-one basis) or else ask the same question of different objects. No successes indicate a simple failure of the
Gift, while a botch provides the Garou with false or garbled information.
(Source: Rage Across the Heavens, p.113)
• Lore of the Land (Level Four) — By eating, smoking or otherwise taking in a portion of the land,
the Garou can sense things that happened in the immediate vicinity in the past. For instance, a Garou can mix
dandelions from a meadow into a salad which she eats; as a result, she realizes that a group of hunters passed
through the meadow three months ago. By chewing on the bark from a tree, the Garou can learn that a surveyor
for a corporation measured the land around the tree as part of a planned site for a new factory, or that someone
buried a body beneath the tree.
System: The player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls Perception + Empathy (difficulty 7). One success
gives the character a piece of past information ("A group of men passed through here several weeks ago").
Additional successes either embellish the first piece of information ("The men wore security uniforms") or else
provide new information about other events ("A battle took place here last year"). The information provided will
be as pertinent as possible; the character actually learns the most important (to Garou standards) thing or things
that happened within the area, most often information that the Garou can act upon.
(Source: Rage Across the Heavens, p.113)
• Earth Heal (Level Five) — This Gift allows the Garou to help a piece of land recover from blight,
Wyrm-taint, poisoning or some other type of environmental disturbance. The Garou gives part of her essence to
the damaged land and thus begins a process of renewal that spreads to encompass such details as purifying
tainted soil, causing the growth of new plant life or purging signs of the Wyrm's corruption from the designated
System: The player sacrifices a permanent point of Gnosis and rolls Wits + Occult (difficulty 7 for
naturally caused damage; difficulty 8 for Wyrm-taint). Each success contributes to the overall recovery of the
designated piece of land; the area can be as large as a few miles, but must constitute a single terrain feature (a
lake, forest or mountain, for instance). One success makes minimal but significant improvements in the target
area, while five successes results in the area's return (over time) to a state of unspoiled health and fertility.
Although this is a potent Gift, it doesn't prevent the healed land from being polluted once more. Even so, offering
up one's Gnosis to heal a portion of Gaia if often cause for significant rewards of Honor.
(Source: Rage Across the Heavens, p.112-113)

Gifts of Mitanu
Gifts taught by the Clever Rogue or his spirit helpers involve movement, communication, stealth or
• Speed of the Messenger (Level One) — This Gift increases the movement rate of the Garou so that
he can travel long distances in short periods of time. The character's body seems to flow like quicksilver,
enabling him to accomplish astounding feats of agility while under the effects of this Gift. Thus, the Garou can
travel rapidly across a tree limb or along a narrow wooden beam without slowing down or faltering.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Dexterity + Athletics (difficulty 8). One success
allows the character to move at twice her normal speed; two successes gives her three times normal speed, while
three successes allows the character to move four times as quickly. More than three successes cause the character
to assume a blurry form that confers two extra dice to any rolls involving Dexterity while the character is in
motion. The effect lasts for one turn or one scene, depending on the circumstance. This Gift affects movement
only and cannot allow a character to stop to deliver blows in combat without ending the Gift's duration. Thus, a
character can use the Gift to get to a combat more quickly, but once she engages in battle, she loses the benefits
conferred by the Gift.
(Source: Rage Across the Heavens, p.113-114)
• Sticky Fingers (Level Two) — This trick coats the fingers of a Garou with a silvery substance that
adheres to anything, making it possible to climb vertical surfaces with ease. In addition, this Gift also assists a
Garou in pilfering small items such as credit cards, keys or loose change.
System: The player spends a point of Gnosis. The ability to cling to sheer surfaces is automatic. In
addition, the character gains two extra dice to any Streetwise or other roll that the Storyteller deems appropriate;
he might get extra dice on a pickpocketing attempt, but not when trying to hotwire a car. The effect lasts for one
(Source: Rage Across the Heavens, p.114)
• Deliberate Misinformation (Level Three) — The Garou can slip confusing and contrary information
into his target's conversation, making their plans fall apart or otherwise causing them to suffer from a gross
breakdown in communications. Opponents in the immediate vicinity of the Garou mishear each other or
misinterpret instructions. The information affected by this Gift must be communicated verbally — either in
person or through the use of a direct communication device such as a telephone or other transmission device.
System: The player rolls Perception + Linguistics (difficulty of the target's Willpower, or the highest
Willpower in the target group). Each success allows the character to subject one opponent to the effects of this
Gift. All actions that result from information communicated verbally receive a +2 difficulty; simple orders, such
as proceeding to a certain address or moving to the left or right flank in battle, automatically go awry. The Gift
lasts for one scene.
(Source: Rage Across the Heavens, p.114)
• Mercurial Messenger (Level Four) — This Gift enables a Garou who overhears a conversation or
who is entrusted with a message to remember what she has heard. At a later time, the Garou may repeat back
verbatim everything heard over a single scene as if she had total recall. The Gift allows the Garou to reproduce
voice intonations, accents and speech patterns or mannerisms which match those of the original speaker. In
addition, the Garou can approximate the speaker's actual voice.
System: The player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls Wits + Linguistics (difficulty 7). Each success
increases the accuracy of the character's delivery of the remembered conversation or message. If necessary, the
Storyteller may repeat the conversation for the benefit of the character's audience. A failure means that the
character remembers only what the player remembers. A botch introduces serious discrepancies into the
(Source: Rage Across the Heavens, p.114)
• Madthought (Level Five) — This trick literally makes the werewolf's foes too clever for their own
good. The Garou can cause her enemies' thought processes to speed up so radically that they literally think too
rapidly to put any one plan into motion. The victim of the Gift can only stand still as his thoughts run away with
him, rushing madly from one brilliant plan to another or considering all the multiple alternatives for their "next"
System: The player spends a point of Willpower and rolls Wits + Subterfuge (difficulty of the victim's
Willpower). The number of successes determines how many turns the victim stands "lost in thought". When the
victim recovers from the Gift, he is most likely highly disoriented, and may need to regain focus and otherwise
discover what's been happening while he "was out". A failure simply means that the Gift does not work, while a
botch gives the victim not only rapid thought but the ability to translate those thoughts into immediate action —
usually to the detriment of the character.
(Source: Rage Across the Heavens, p.114)

Gifts of Sokhta
Sokhta’s Gifts embody the qualities usually associated with the moon — sight, prophecy and

• Lambent Sight (Level One) — This Gift allows the Garou the ability to see under circumstances
where sight would normally be impossible, such as in conditions of total darkness (inside a deep cave, for
example) or if the Garou is blindfolded. This Gift provides illumination for the Garou equivalent to that of a full
System: The player spends a point of Gnosis; no roll is necessary. The effects of this Gift last for one
scene. This Gift cannot grant sight to one who is naturally blind.
(Source: Rage Across the Heavens, p.114)
• Moonpool of Sokhta (Level Two) — This Gift enables a Garou to transform clear, standing water
into a pool which offers visions of possible futures. Wilderness ponds, small mountain tarns, pools of clear
rainwater or even basins filled with water can serve as a conduit for the images. The scenes that appear within the
pool depict what might happen unless something occurs to change the course of events. The Garou must
concentrate on the event (or series of events) to get a sense of the outcome. The pool may reflect either literal or
symbolic images.
System: The player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls Wits + Enigmas (difficulty 7 for near future
events, difficulty 8 for more distant occurrences). Each success causes one vision of the future to appear in the
pool. The Storyteller should determine the clarity and accuracy of the visions. No successes indicate a failure of
the Gift, while a botch produces false visions or an extremely chaotic jumble of meaningless images.
(Source: Rage Across the Heavens, p.114)
• Moonriver (Level Three) — By using this Gift, the Garou may swiftly travel across the surface of a
body of water which reflects the moonlight. She can follow a river or cross a lake so long as she follows the
"trail" of the moon's light. If the light becomes obscured at any point (such as when a cloud passes across the
moon), the effects of the Gift end and the Garou may have to swim or wade to shore.
System: The player rolls Dexterity + Occult. Only one success is needed for the character to gain the
ability to travel the "moonriver". The Garou travels across the water with supernatural speed, typically three
times her normal movement rate. No successes on the roll indicates that the moon is either not visible or does not
shine over a body of water in the character's vicinity. A botch allows the character to get midway through her
journey before the moon's light fails, thus stranding the character in mid-stream.
(Source: Rage Across the Heavens, p.114-115)
• Mooncat (Level Four) — This Gift allows the Garou to assume form of a small white cat (one of
Sokhta's favored animals). This ability can prove useful for getting into small places (or escaping from such) and
remaining hidden. The Garou has the senses of a cat for the duration of the Gift, including good night sight, the
ability to absorb information through her whiskers and extreme flexibility of movement - however, she also
retains the power of a full-fledged Garou, and is much more dangerous than she looks. Anyone studying the cat
closely can tell that it is not a normal feline because the cat's eyes always reflect the current phase of the moon
regardless of the surrounding light sources.
System: The player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls Dexterity + Animal Ken (difficulty 7). Each
success allows the character to remain in cat form for one scene, although she can end the Gift at any time before
the duration runs out. While in cat form, the Garou retains her Lupus-form Attributes, may soak silver as if it
were ordinary damage (although silver damage is still aggravated), and can inflict aggravated damage with claw
and bite attacks as usual. No successes means that the Gift fails, while a botch results in a transformation into a
misshapen creature somewhere between a cat and a wolf. The character may choose to end the Gift immediately
if this happens.
(Source: Rage Across the Heavens, p.115)
• Moondream (Level Five) — The Garou petitions Sokhta to grant her a prophetic dream before she
falls asleep beneath the light of the moon. She then enters a state of lucid dreaming in which she explores some
potential future. The Garou may interact with the creatures and situations she encounters in the dream and, thus,
learn the possible effects of certain actions upon the subject of the dream. The Garou may replay the dream
several times in order to test various actions and their consequences until she awakens from the dream, eight
hours late. Once the Garou has entered her Moon Dream, she may not be awakened until the full eight hours has
System: The player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls Wits + Enigmas. The number of successes
indicates the degree of control the character has over her part in the dream. The Storyteller may either take the
player aside to run the dream privately or else create a scene that involves the entire troupe (particularly if the
subject of the dream also involves the character's park mates). The dream should give a reasonably accurate
picture of the next two or three scenes so that the character may experiment with ways of handling the future, or,
perhaps, changing it. No successes means that the character receives no dream while a botch gives the character
an eight-hour long nightmare which she cannot remember but which results in a -1 penalty to all rolls involving
(Source: Rage Across the Heavens, p.115-116)

Gifts of Katanka-Sonnak
The Gifts which originate with the Wind Rider deal with the fiery energies of action or battle and make
use of aspects generally associated with the sun.

• Find the Heart’s Flame (Level One) — With this Gift the Garou can identify sources of energy or
power, even when they are hidden or unfamiliar. The Garou must concentrate to detect the pulsations of power
that emanate from even a dormant energy source. This becomes useful when travelling in some of the more alien
reaches of the Umbra where familiar objects take on strange appearances. This Gift also enables the Garou to
identify machinery such as generators or solar batteries regardless of their appearance or attempts to conceal
them. Spirits that serve as energy or power foci also register to the Garou's senses when this Gift is in effect.
System: The player spends one point of Gnosis and rolls Perception + Alertness (difficulty 7). A single
success identifies power sources that lie within 50 feet of the Garou. Additional successes allow the character to
extend her range to locate distant sources. This Gift lasts for once scene.
(Source: Rage Across the Heavens, p.116)
• Flame of the Wind Rider (Level Two) — This Gift makes the Garou harder to damage by engulfing
her in a ghostly blue-white flame. In addition to serving as a form of armor, the flame also offers protection from
cold, including the intense cold of the far reaches of the Aetherial Realm and the freezing damage inflicted by
certain creatures of the Wyrm.
System: The player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls Stamina + Occult (difficulty 7). Each success
lowers the difficulty for soaking damage from cold by one. In addition, the Garou gains two dice to add to all
soak rolls; these dice can even be used to soak silver. The effects last for one scene.
(Source: Rage Across the Heavens, p.116)
• Ride the Solar Winds (Level Three) — This Gift allows the Garou to ride the solar winds that sweep
through the Aetherial Realm without worrying about being thrown off course by storms. Use of this Gift also
increases the Garou's movement rate, lessening travel time between locations within the Aetherial Realm.
System: The player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls Wits + Alertness (difficulty 7); the need to
remain "in touch" with the ever-changing currents of these spirit winds requires concentration and attunement
rather than physical agility. A single success allows the character to ride the winds successfully to her destination
(or until she decides to end her journey). Additional successes either allow the Garou to carry others with her (on
a one-for-one basis) or reduce the travel time by half per success. Thus, with one additional success, a journey of
one month would only take two weeks, while two additional successes reduces the journey to a week. A character
may use some of her extra successes to allow others to travel with her and the remaining ones to speed up travel
time. No successes indicates either that the solar winds are not available for use or denotes failure to locate them.
A botch means that the winds seize the character and carry her to some unintended destination (at the
Storyteller’s discretion).
(Source: Rage Across the Heavens, p.116-117)
• Hand of the Sun (Level Four) — The Garou's hand blazes with a terrible heat and gives off a white-
hot light, similar to a branding iron. The Garou may touch an individual and mark them indelibly (and painfully)
with a brand of shame. Any Garou who encounters the victim in the future immediately recognize the mark as a
sign of that person's treachery, dishonor or other grave crime. Vampires ignite when touched by the Hand of the
System: The Garou spends a point of Rage and then a point of Gnosis. No roll is necessary for the Gift
to take effect, but the character must make a standard attack roll in order to mark her victim. A victim touched by
the Hand of the Sun takes two health levels of unsoakable aggravated damage and receives a permanent circular
scar. The scar cannot be removed by any means short of amputating the part of the body which contains the scar.
The fire lasts for one scene, although the Garou may extinguish it beforehand if she so chooses.
(Source: Rage Across the Heavens, p.117)
• Cleansing Flame (Level Five) — The Garou can pinpoint an area (or an individual) and set the target
ablaze with an intense and purifying flame that rages for 60 seconds and then dies out completely. The fire can
burn out all Wyrm-taint or human-made pollution from an area or cleanse an individual (provided the victim
survives) of Wyrm-taint. The fire does not spread beyond the target area or person and cannot be quenched by
normal means. For instance, if the Garou targets a house occupied by a Pentex official, the fire blazes through the
house destroying any vestige of the Wyrm’s corruption and leaving untouched anything not tainted by the Wyrm.
System: The player sacrifices a permanent point of Rage and rolls her Willpower. The difficulty is 8 to
affect an area; the area cannot be larger than a large house. To target an individual, the difficulty of the Willpower
roll equals the victim’s Willpower. Living or undead creatures set on fire must roll their Stamina (difficulty 9) or
die from the shock. The flame destroys fomori utterly; Black Spiral Dancers who survive the Stamina roll must
make Gnosis rolls, difficulty 9, or lose their Wyrm-taint and its accompanying Derangement. Such purified
Garou are stripped of all Rank and Gifts; they may well fall again to corruption, but they are given a second
A failure on the Willpower roll indicates that the Garou fails to activate the Gift (and the permanent
Rage point is not expended after all), while a botch inflicts one unsoakable health level of aggravated damage on
the wielder (and the permanent Rage point is still lost).
(Source: Rage Across the Heavens, p.117)

Gifts of Hakahe
Hakahe’s Gifts involve using darkness and secrecy. They also allow the user to expose the defects of
others to their disadvantage.

• Uncloak the Hidden (Level One) — By concentrating on a person, object or area, the Garou can
determine whether or not her target is hiding anything. The Garou can spot disguises, concealed weapons and
wires; determine if a room contains trapdoors, hidden cameras, microphones and wire taps; or if someone lurks
in a hidden passage. The Gift does not, however, allow the Garou to seek beneath the disguise, determine the
nature of a concealed weapon or tell what lies within a hidden wall safe - this trick reveals only that a deception
is present. The Garou must concentrate on the target in order to invoke this Gift.
System: The player rolls Perception + Investigation (difficulty 8). Extra successes might reveal more
facts about the subject, if multiple secrets exist to be sought out. The Storyteller should inform the player of her
characters' knowledge in general terms ("That man has some sort of disguise”; "The floor contains a hollow
beneath the floorboards”).
(Source: Rage Across the Heavens, p.117)
• Shadow of the Ebon Whisperer (Level Two) — This Gift makes the Garou as insubstantial as a
shadow and as hard to see. The physical form of the Garou fades to a murky, dark shape that can slither and flow
almost anywhere. Although others can use certain Gifts to spot the "shadow" werewolf, anyone wishing to do so
must first have a reason to suspect the presence of the Gift's user. This Gift does not function in bright daylight or
in places where no shadows exists — such as a brightly lit room (or a room in total darkness, for that matter).
System: The player spends a point of Willpower and rolls Appearance + Occult (difficulty as assigned
by the Storyteller depending on the surroundings). Each success allows the character to assume the shadow-form
for one scene (or one combat round); even one success can give the character the advantage of surprise in a
battle. No successes means that the Gift fails while a botch throws the characters across the Gauntlet
momentarily and does not conceal the Garou upon her return.
(Source: Rage Across the Heavens, p.117)
• Hidden Heart (Level Three) — This Gift allows the Garou to take a dangerous piece of knowledge
she possesses and lock it away in her mind so that it becomes inaccessible without a key. The concealed
information cannot be taken from her through mental powers or coercion; she can neither access the information
nor remember that she has something hidden away in her mind. Until someone speaks the trigger word, performs
the appropriate gesture or enacts the conditions set forth in the activation of the Gift, the Garou remains blissfully
unaware of the information she has hidden from everyone — including herself.
System: Before using this Gift, the Garou must set the conditions which will cause the information to
become available to her. This information should be given a trusted ally — after all, the Garou herself won't even
remember that she has a key word, much less a secret. After describing the trigger, the player spends a point of
Gnosis and rolls the character's Willpower (difficulty 8). Only one success is necessary for the Gift to take effect.
The effect of the Gift lasts until the hidden information is triggered.
(Source: Rage Across the Heavens, p.117-118)
• Whisper in the Dark (Level Four) — This Gift allows the Garou to determine a fact detrimental to
an individual. The Garou may then use that piece of knowledge against the target of the Gift, either by holding it
over the victim's head or making the information public.
System: The player rolls Perception + Empathy (difficulty 8). Each success enables her to grasp one
piece of heretofore-unknown information about the target of the Gift. Thus, a character can learn that an
individual owes millions of dollars in gambling debts, hides a murder in his past or funds a company that
systematically pollutes the rivers in a particular state. Failure means that the character learns nothing, while a
botch provides the character with erroneous information leading to the character's possible embarrassment or
(Source: Rage Across the Heavens, p.118)
• Ebon Binding (Level Five) — This Gift allows the Garou to take her knowledge of someone's fault,
practice or secret vice and bind a fitting punishment to that person. Most often, a target suffers crippling pains
when he thinks of indulging in the forbidden action. The Garou may use this Gift to prevent rapists, child
molesters, murderers or traitors from repeat offenses (assuming the Garou allows these individuals to live in the
first place.
System: The player must sacrifice a point of permanent Gnosis and roll her Willpower (difficulty of the
target's Willpower). Only one success is necessary to make the binding permanent. A failed roll means that the
binding is unsuccessful while a botch causes the character to undergo the mental or physical pain she intended to
bind to her target — a one-time-only occurrence.
(Source: Rage Across the Heavens, p.118)

Gifts of Tambiyah
Tambiyah’s Gifts pertain to protection, defense and personal relationships .

• Find the Child Within (Level One) — With this Gift, a Garou can play upon an individual's
instinctive response to parental authority or affection and convince that person to follow a command ("Don't
leave without me") or respond favorably to a suggestions ("Let me take you somewhere safe") that they might
otherwise rebuff. The target of the Gift cannot already be engaged in battle with the Gift's user or with another
opponent. The Garou can, however, use this Gift to forestall an impending battle or elude a situation that might
turn dangerous.
System: The player makes a resisted Charisma + Empathy roll vs. the target's Willpower. One success
allows the character to make as simple suggestion to the victim; the suggestion must be one that a young child
would find reasonable. Additional successes either extend the duration of the effect or else enables the character
to convince her victim to do something he might not be otherwise inclined to do - such as coercing a Get Ahroun
to back down from a fight he would certainly lose. Failure means that the suggestion has no effect, while a botch
angers the victim and makes him impervious to further attempts to use this Gift for 24 hours.
(Source: Rage Across the Heavens, p.118-119)
• Mantle of the Land (Level Two) — The Garou draws forth a mist or fog from water in the
atmosphere. This misty mantle provides cover in which a Garou may hide herself or someone under her
protection. The Gift may be used while the Garou is in motion in order to confuse pursuers by enveloping them
in an obscuring fog. The mantle can also surround a Garou and her pack in order to allow them to attack from
concealment or ambush.
System: The player spends a point of Gnosis. The fog is dense and heavy, obscuring the vision of
anyone within, even muffling sound. Anyone save the Garou and her pack are at +3 difficulty on all Perception
rolls while the mist ensures. This Gift lasts one scene or one combat.
(Source: Rage Across the Heavens, p.119)
• Veil of the Mother (Level Three) — This Gift allows the Garou to assume a different appearance for
a short period of time in order to confuse pursuers or escape detection. Primarily useful in Homid form, the Veil
of the Mother alters the physical features of the face, causes the user to seem either shorter or taller by up to 6
inches and changes the body size to reflect a gain or loss of up to 30 pounds. This Gift does not alter the sex or
age of the Garou, though it can change skin, hair or eye color and hair texture or length. The Garou may use the
Gift on herself or on another individual, usually someone she is trying to hide or draw attention from.
System: The player spends a Willpower point and rolls Appearance + Subterfuge (Difficulty 7). The
number of successes indicate the degree to which the character can alter her appearance or that of another
individual. One success allows only minor details in height weight, facial features, skin tone and other similar
qualities. Three successes causes a complete change in appearance, while five or more successes enables the
character to effect a drastic change in her physical form, even to the extent of appearing to be a specific person.
(The Garou must, of course, be familiar with the appearance of anyone whose form she assumes). The effect of
this Gift lasts for one scene.
(Source: Rage Across the Heavens, p.119)
• Motherly Guardian (Level Four) — This Gift allows the Garou to "tag" an individual so that she
can keep track of her target's health and welfare. The Garou gains a general sense of the individual's location at
all times and can sense when the target is in trouble and needs assistance. The Gift lets the Garou know what
kind of aid the target needs. The Garou must concentrate on her target in order to gain these insights. The effects
of the Gift remain in place for a full cycle of the moon.
System: The player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls Perception + Empathy (difficulty of the target's
Willpower) to set the "tag" on the designated individual. Whenever she concentrates on that person, she receives
information about the target's general state of health and present circumstances. A failed roll means that the
character is unable to tag the individual while a botch places the tag on the wrong person or else receives
erroneous information. When the character attempts to concentrate on the targeted individual, she performs all
other actions at a +1 difficulty due to her preoccupation with her charge.
(Source: Rage Across the Heavens, p.119)
• Bring Forth the Future (Level Five) — This Gift allows the Garou to call upon Tambiyah to change
one facet of the individual's future. The change must be specific, such as preventing the subject of the Gift from
encountering a known situation that will result in her certain death. While this Gift does not guarantee that a
foreseen future will be altered, it does allow the Garou to attempt to avert disaster or improve an individual's lot.
System: The player sacrifices a permanent point of Gnosis and rolls Perception + Enigmas (difficulty
8). Only one success is necessary to effect a change in a future event. The player should explain to the Storyteller
which element of the future even she wishes to alter. (For example, "I want my packmate to survive the coming
battle against the fomori horde.”). If possible, the Storyteller should arrange events so that the change takes
place exactly as stated. The Gift only affects events that will occur within the 24 hours immediately following the
activation of the Gift; furthermore, characters cannot ensure the death or destruction of their foes with this power.
Only pleas for preservation meet with the Veiled Mother's approval.
(Source: Rage Across the Heavens, p.119)

Gifts of Meros
The Gifts taught under the direction of Meros have to do with transitions, transformations and life and
death situations.

• Sense of the Transformation (Level One) — With this Gift, the Garou can identify states of
transformation or significant changes within creatures or objects. This Gift allows the Garou to ascertain whether
or not someone is dying of a disease or if a female is pregnant (even in extremely early stages). In the same
fashion, the Garou can choose to determine if an object is about to break or cease functioning. The Garou need
only concentrate on her target to activate this Gift.
System: No roll is necessary, but the player must spend a point of Gnosis to activate the Gift for one
scene. During that time the character can determine the general state of health (or illness) of the individuals or
creatures in her vicinity. She can also tell if inanimate objects are on the verge of breaking down or otherwise
ceasing to function.
(Source: Rage Across the Heavens, p.119)
• Shorten the Road (Level Two) — This Gift enables the Garou to cut normal travel time by a third,
even in the Umbra. This feat may take shape in a number of ways - either through a series of fortunate
coincidences or else through clearly supernatural means.
System: The player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls Manipulation + Survival (difficulty 7). A
successful roll shortens a journey by a third so that a three-day trip takes only two days, while a two week long
trek through unspoiled wilderness only takes ten days. A failure has no effect on the length of the journey, while a
botch doubles the travel time.
(Source: Rage Across the Heavens, p.119-120)
• Wyld Spirits (Level Three) — The Garou can call upon Meros' erratic nature and inflict one or more
of her opponents with a bout of erratic behavior, thus making it more difficult for the victims to coordinate
attacks or act sensibly in any given situation.
System: The player spends a point of Willpower and rolls Manipulation + Empathy (difficulty of the
victim's Willpower). Each success allows the character to affect one individual. Affected targets fail to carry out
any sustained course of action, attacking one minute and retreating the next or else stopping to make a speech. If
the Gift is used in a non-combat situation, the victims change their actions radically from one moment to the
next. This Gift lasts for one scene or one battle.
(Source: Rage Across the Heavens, p.120)
• Sleep’s Travels (Level Four) — Through this Gift, a Garou's spirit may journey to another location
while his body sleeps. Once he has arrived at his destination, the Garou may either examine his surroundings,
impart a message to someone he sees, or retrieve a small (hand-held) item such as a ring, a set of keys or a piece
of paper. Whether the Garou actually causes an object to assume spirit-form long enough for her to transport it
from the place she has visited to the location of his sleeping body, or if the Gift causes the retrieved item to
relocate from one place to another is unclear. The Garou must have at least four hours of uninterrupted sleep
before he is able to begin the sleep journey. Once the journey has ended and the Garou's spirit has reunited itself
with her body, she must awaken naturally. Any disturbance in the sleep pattern negates the effectiveness of the
Gift, though it does not otherwise physically threaten the Garou's life.
System: The player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls Wits + Occult (Difficulty 8). One success
enables the character to travel to the desired spot in his dreams and look around. He may overhear conversations
but may not participate in them. Additional successes increase his ability to interact with what lies at his
journey's end. Three successes allows him to converse with individuals he meets (who, if he so chooses, see him
as if he is really present) while five successes are necessary for the character to transport a physical object to his
sleeping form. No successes means that the character simply gets a good night’s sleep, while a botch mot only
means that the sleep journey fails but may cause serious disruptions to the character’s sleep patterns or give the
character a Derangement.
(Source: Rage Across the Heavens, p.120)
• Essential Transformation (Level Five) — This Gift allows the Garou to convert part of her essence
into Gnosis for use in situations which require the expenditure of large amounts of spiritual power. The Garou
can either use the Gnosis gained by this Gift to create or replenish fetishes, enact Gifts that require Gnosis or for
any other purpose that requires her to spend Gnosis. However, its residual effects are cumulative. Each use of this
Gift imbues the Garou's physical and mental abilities with more and more "spirit substance" until eventually she
becomes a spirit creature lacking in material substance. When this happens, the Garou can no longer maintain her
earthly existence and must either relocate to the Umbra as a permanent resident (not unlike the members of the
Sept of the Stars) or else "die" and allow her spirit to return to Gaia.
System: The player rolls Willpower (difficulty 9). Only one success is necessary for the character to
convert one dot in a chosen Attribute into 10 points of temporary Gnosis. Until the character uses all 10 of these
points, she has one less dot in the chosen Attribute. When the converted Gnosis is depleted, the Attribute returns
to its normal level. However, the Storyteller (and the character) should keep track of the number of times this
Gift is used. When the character has used this Gift a number of times equal to her total number of dots in
Physical, Mental and Social Attributes, her body loses its material substance and the character becomes a spirit.
The character's fate once this occurs is left to the Storyteller's discretion, although in most cases this means that
the player must retire the character from active play.
(Source: Rage Across the Heavens, p.120)

Gifts of Zarok
Zarok’s Gifts pertain to abilities useful in leadership and planning .

• Aura of Leadership (Level One) — Similar to the Level Two Silver Fang Gift: Awe, this Gift
surrounds the Garou with an aura of authority that enables her to assume the mantle of leadership for a brief
period of time. Others react to the Garou as if she was their pack leader — including the pack leader. Of course,
there may be repercussions after the effects of the Gift have passed.
System: The player rolls Charisma + Empathy (difficulty of the highest Willpower in the target
ground). If successful, the difficulties of all Social rolls against the target group are reduced by one. One success
enables the character to affect a single target. Additional successes increase the number of individuals who fall
under the effects of the Gift. The effects of the Gift last for one scene.
(Source: Rage Across the Heavens, p.120)
• Proclamation of Action (Level Two) — This Gift enables the Garou to force an end to discussion
and take the course of action the character thinks is best. The werewolf can literally command others to act as he
bids, although only if they had been previously dithering over a course of action.
System: The player spends a Willpower point and rolls Charisma + Leadership to put a damper on
discussions that have gone on too long. ("Enough talk. Let's do it!”). Each success allows the character to affect a
single target. A character desiring to resist the effects of the Gift must make a Willpower roll (difficulty of the
Gift user's Willpower + 1, up to a maximum of 10). This Gift lasts for one scene.
(Source: Rage Across the Heavens, p.120-121)
• Undisputed Ruler (Level Three) — This Gift allows a Garou to take over the leadership of a small
gathering of humans (whether a paramilitary group of town council) or a group of spirits for a period of up to 6
months. During this time, the targeted group accepts the Garou as their leader, rendering her the honor, respect
and obedience due her position. The group demonstrates a high degree of loyalty, obeying the Garou's
instructions in a manner appropriate to her position (as orders if they are paramilitary, or as legally binding
decisions if the position is akin to that of a town mayor, for instance). If the Garou uses this Gift in the Umbra,
the targeted group of spirits will follow the Garou's commands as if she were a greater spirit such as an Incarna.
This Gift lasts anywhere from a week to six months.
System: The player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls Charisma + Leadership (difficulty of the highest
Willpower in the target group). The Gift lasts for a period of time as follows.
One success enables the character to exercise her authority over the group for one week. Two successes extends
the period to a month, while three successes give the character leadership for two months. Four successes extends
the period to four months, while five successes allows the character six months of undisputed rule. This Gift is
only successful against mortals and spirits of no greater than Jaggling status, although "borderline" supernaturals
such as ghouls and Kin are susceptible. A failure means that the Gift does not take effect. A botch turns the group
against the character.
(Source: Rage Across the Heavens, p.121)
• Enthronement (Level Four) — The Garou can create small or simple objects out of thin air -
including mist, clouds or wind. By shaping the air around him with his hands, the Garou may form a solid block
of matter to serve as a chair, create a bowl or cup for holding liquid or construct some other useful item.
Alternatively, the Garou can form small, stone-sized balls of air to use as hurled weapons against his enemies.
The items last until the Garou disperses them.
System: The player simply rolls Dexterity + Repair (difficulty 7). The character may form one small
item of solidified air for each success, or use two or more successes to shape a larger item (such as a throne-like
seat). "Air-stones" used as weapons do the character's Strength + 1 normal damage, and dissipate upon contact
with their target (or any other solid substance). In addition, the victim must make a Stamina roll (difficulty 8) to
remain on her feet when the "air-stone" discharges its mass. If she fails the Stamina roll, the victim is stunned for
the remainder of the round and can take no action.
(Source: Rage Across the Heavens, p.121-122)
• Grand Gesture (Level Five) — By bestowing appropriate gifts on an individual or a group, the
Garou increases her esteem and reputation in the eyes of the recipients of her largesse. The targets of this Gift
tend to listen favorably to suggestions made by the Gift's user and to support her arguments or come to her aid in
a battle of words or weapons. This Gift lasts for an entire scene. When the effects of the Gift come to an end, the
individuals affected may still continue to regard the Garou with some residual respect depending on their
experiences while the Gift was active.
System: The player rolls Manipulation + Empathy (difficulty of the highest Willpower in the target
group). Each success allows her to affect one individual. While the Gift is in effect, all Gifts or Social rolls
involving persuasion are automatically successful against the affected individuals. No successes indicates that the
Gift has no effect while a botch makes the targeted person or group resent the character, who suffers a penalty of
+1 to the difficulty of Social rolls for the remainder of the scene.
(Source: Rage Across the Heavens, p.122)

Gifts of Lu-Bat
The Gifts which come from Lu-Bat generally involve diplomacy or else deal with the understanding
and acceptance of limitations.

• Sense Limits (Level One) — The Garou can determine approximately the amount of Rage, Gnosis or
Willpower within an individual. This ability enables the Garou to judge whether or not her target can resist an
attempt to influence her actions or whether she is likely to draw upon her supply of Gnosis or Rage. This Gift
also allows a Garou to gauge whether or not other supernaturals are currently weak-willed or drained of some
other source of power. For example, a Garou may be able to tell that a vampire has little power but may not
realize that the Leech's blood supply is low. This Gift also enables a Garou to sense whether an Umbral spirit's
Power is weak or near depletion.
System: The player rolls Perception + Occult (difficulty 8). Each success enables the character to
determine the general levels of Rage, Gnosis and Willpower for one targeted individual. Additional successes
allow the character access to more specific information about a single target or else gives her general information
about another target. The Storyteller should not give the player precise numbers, but should relay information in
relative terms ("The Black Spiral Dancer has used most of his Rage but still has a lot of Willpower and Gnosis
left", "The mage has plenty of magical energy left inside her"). A failure means that the character learns nothing
about her target while a botch gives her erroneous information.
(Source: Rage Across the Heavens, p.122)
• Peace of the Counselor (Level Two) — This Gift enables a Garou to bring even the most heated
discussion to a peaceful conclusion. Though it does not preclude more hostilities from erupting at a later time,
the Gift creates an atmosphere of temporary true among enemies or prevents tribe leaders from coming to blows
over volatile issues. During the grace period, the Garou can attempt to resolve the circumstances underlying the
state of enmity — such as encouraging the participants in a dispute to begin negotiations or achieving a
System: The player spends a Willpower point and rolls Charisma + Empathy (difficulty of the highest
Willpower among the quarreling individuals). One success causes combatants to stop fighting (or prevents them
from initiating combat) for one turn. Each extra success increases the length of time in which peace prevails by
an additional turn; five successes extends the Gift to an entire scene. No successes means that that the Gift has no
effect on the situation, while a botch causes an escalation of force and frequently draws the character attempting
to use the Gift into the heart of the battle.
(Source: Rage Across the Heavens, p.122)
• Pall of Despair (Level Three) — This Gift inflicts a wave of despair upon a targeted individual,
making the victim incapable of action due to feelings of profound melancholy.
System: The player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls Manipulation + Empathy (difficulty of the
victim's Willpower). A successful roll causes the victim to experience a feeling similar to Harano (or, in the case
of humans, clinical depression). This state of mind forces the victim to roll her Willpower in order to take any
action, while combat becomes almost impossible. (Optionally, the Storyteller can enforce the limitations of
Harano found in either the Werewolf Players Guide 2nd Ed, p.207 or the Players Guide to Garou, p.226). The
effects of this Gift last for one scene.
(Source: Rage Across the Heavens, p.122)
• Harmonious Slumber (Level Four) — This Gift enables the Garou to create a perfect environment
for sleep even in the most difficult circumstances. Under the influence of this Gift, the Garou receives the
equivalent of eight hours of restful sleep and awakens refreshed and with his spirits revived.
System: The player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls Stamina + Enigmas (difficulty 7). One success is
necessary to affect the character. Each additional success allows him to include another individual in the effects
of the Gift. A failure means that the Gift does not work, while a botch inflicts restless sleep on the character, with
no benefits. When a character awakens from a successful use of this Gift, he finds that his Gnosis is fully
replenished. The nap can last for up to eight hours, although only two hours are necessary to reap full benefits.
(Source: Rage Across the Heavens, p.122)
• Burden of Knowledge (Level Five) — The Garou floods an individual with the knowledge of all her
own limitations, making the victim aware of every flaw or failing and reminding her of all the wrongs she has
committed or caused. The weight of this enlightenment can either change an individual for the better, or drive her
into suicidal despair or murderous frenzy. Few individuals survive the effect of this Gift unscathed. This Gift can
sometimes bring an errant Garou back from the edge of corruption or cause an enemy of the Garou to be "born
System: The player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls Intelligence + Empathy (difficulty of the victim's
Willpower). Success causes the victim to experience every negative aspect of her personality and past, including
secret vices, shortcomings, failures and other similar faults. The Storyteller should decide what ultimate effect
the Gift produces in the victim - either a desire to reform her ways and correct her failings, an impulse to kill
herself out of shame and despair or some course of action in between the two extremes. Once the victim has
experienced the total effect of the Gift, the intense awareness begins to fade - but residual memories may plague
the victim for a long time afterward.
(Source: Rage Across the Heavens, p.122-123)

Gifts of Ruatma
Ruatma’s Gifts involve the learning of secrets or situations involving the expanding of boundaries —
physical or otherwise.

• Find the Portent (Level One) — With this Gift, a Garou can call for and receive some omen or
portent which can help her determine her next course of action. The Garou must meditate for a few minutes in
order to place herself in a receptive state so that she can recognize the sign that comes to her.
System: No roll is necessary, but the player must spend a point of Gnosis. The Storyteller then produces
some sort of omen or portent to serve as a hint for the character about what lies in the future. ("A black bird
carrying something in its beak flies north." "You feel a sense of dread about entering this part of the forest").
(Source: Rage Across the Heavens, p.123)
• Hidden Depths (Level Two) — This Gift allows a Garou to uncover some hidden piece of
information, or to decipher some cryptic passage of text. The Gift can also enable a Garou to figure out who the
real power behind the scenes is in a given situation.
System: The player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls Perception + Enigmas (difficulty 8). Each
success allows the character to learn one hidden or concealed fact about the person, place or thing targeted by the
Gift. For example, one line of prophecy may be explained for each success. The Storyteller should decide the
overall effects of this Gift so that players do not attempt to avoid pursuing other avenues of investigation.
(Source: Rage Across the Heavens, p.123)
• Unravel (Level Three) — This Gift allows the Garou to put together seemingly random bits of
information to form a tentative analysis of a situation and formulate a course of action. This is particularly useful
in situations where gathering concrete information is difficult or in extremely complex situations.
System: The player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls Intelligence + Enigmas (difficulty 7). Only on
success is necessary to make sense out of even the most confusing situation, but each additional success further
clarifies matters. (The player may ask the Storyteller to explain to her what is actually going on in a given scene
and use that information as character knowledge). A failure means that the character cannot make sense of a
situation while a botch means that the character puts together a totally false scenario and draws erroneous
conclusions from her “knowledge.”
(Source: Rage Across the Heavens, p.123-124)
• Blank Slate (Level Four) — The Garou can completely remove a single piece of information from
her own mind or from that of another. This Gift becomes useful in situations where an individual has come
across some dangerous knowledge that might lead to her death for possessing it. The Garou may not only remove
the information - such as the identity of the Garou mole within a hostile group or the location of a safe house for
ecoterrorists - but she may also smooth over the edges of the victim's memory so that he does not realize
anything is missing. The Garou may also use this Gift to alter her own memories in situations where she feels
that this is necessary.
System: The player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls Manipulation + Empathy (difficulty of the
victim's Willpower). A single success allows the character to excise the desired piece of information. Additional
successes enable the character to make secondary adjustments to the target's memory to hide the fact that
something is missing. No successes means that the victim retains the memory although she may not be aware that
someone has tried to tamper with her mind. A botch may either remove the memory along with other chunks of
information or else alert the victim to the unsuccessful attempt so that she knows who has tried to erase parts of
her memory.
(Source: Rage Across the Heavens, p.124)
• Diplomatic Immunity (Level Five) — This Gift enables the Garou to walk about in the middle of a
hostile group without provoking the outbreak of hostilities. The Garou can enter a caern belonging to a rival or
walk openly into the middle of a group of Black Spiral Dancers in order to retrieve something or deliver a
message. The Garou surrounds herself with an aura of "neutrality" that negates her enemies' or rivals' animosity
long enough to accomplish her task and leave without incident. The Gift only lasts for one scene, after which all
bets are off.
System: The player spends a point of Willpower and rolls Manipulation + Subterfuge (difficulty 8). A
successful roll allows the character to interact with a group of potential enemies for the purpose of delivering a
message, retrieving an item or delivering an ultimatum. A failure means that the Gift does not take effect (in
which case the character would be wise to avoid confronting the intended group). A Botch means that the
character believes the Gift is in effect — a belief which will more than likely disappear as soon as she encounters
the opposing group.
(Source: Rage Across the Heavens, p.124)

Gifts of Shantar
Shantar’s Gifts revolve around the processes of creation and invention, including the destruction
necessary for renewal.

• Threads of the Tapestry (Level One) — This Gift allows the Garou to determine the basic elements
of a situation that seems confused or deliberately obfuscated. The Garou can discern which individual in a group
really holds power or whether someone is acting under duress.
System: The player rolls Wits + Enigmas (difficulty 7). Each success allows the character to uncover
one basic behind-the-scenes fact, usually the leader of a group or the emotional context of an otherwise poker-
faced contact. Failure denotes an inability to find out anything beyond the obvious about a situation, while a
botch produces incorrect conclusions.
(Source: Rage Across the Heavens, p.124)
• Fixit (Level Two) — The Garou can figure out what’s wrong with a device and make on-the-spot
repairs which allow the item to run or function for a short time.
System: The player Intelligence + Repair (difficulty 7). One success allows the character to repair the
targeted item so that it runs for one turn. Two successes enable the item to work for one scene while three
successes or more indicate that the item has been permanently repaired, barring excessive use or subsequent
damage. Failure means the character cannot repair the item, while a botch renders the device unable to be
repaired by anyone — ever.
(Source: Rage Across the Heavens, p.124)
• Tangling the Skein (Level Three) — This Gift enables the Garou to cause confusion among her
enemies by mixing up their perceptions so that they cannot decide who to follow or what to do next. The effect
resembles that of the Gift: Mitanu's Deliberate Misinformation, except it distorts what others discern through
sight or memory, rather than through what they hear. Victims may mistake one person for another and follow the
wrong leader or they may go to the wrong meeting place in the mistaken impression they are proceeding to the
correct spot.
System: The player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls Manipulation + Enigmas (difficulty of the
victim's Willpower). Each success allows the character to alter one visual or remembered perception for her
victim. She can cause a Black Spiral Dancer to confuse the weakest member of his pack for the pack leader or
make a rival show up at the wrong caern for an important meeting. No successes means that the Gift fails, while
a botch actually arranges the victim’s perceptions so that they work against the character rather than the victim.
(Source: Rage Across the Heavens, p.124)
• Shantar’s Loom (Level Four) — The use of this Gift allows the Garou to craft some item from the
energy provided by either Gnosis, Rage or Willpower. The item may not involve multiple parts or have an overly
complex make-up. For example, a Garou cannot make a gun using this Gift, but she can craft a dagger or hunting
knife. Although this Gift can’t produce radioactive materials, it can produce such metals as silver.
System: The Garou spends either a Gnosis, Rage or Willpower point and rolls Dexterity + Repair
(difficulty 8 for simple items, 9 for more sophisticated ones). (The Storyteller may allow the player to substitute
a more appropriate secondary skill possessed by the character for the Repair Ability.) One success produces the
item desired, while additional successes refine its quality and durability. The Storyteller may require additional
successes to make an item from a less appropriate quality — such as making a child's blanket from a Rage point,
or using anything other than Gnosis to craft a silver knife. No successes means that the Gift fails to produce
anything useful and allows the expended point to revert to the character. A botch uses up the expended point and
produces an unusable or defective item. The item lasts a day per success.
(Source: Rage Across the Heavens, p.124-125)
• Drown (Level Five) — This Gift causes the lungs of an opponent to fill with liquid. The victim must
receive immediate medical or magical assistance or die within a few minutes. The target of the Gift can attempt
to help herself but she can do nothing but attempt to expel the fluid. This Gift can either function as a way to
capture an opponent, render an enemy helpless or inflict punishment on an individual
System: The player spends a point of Rage and rolls her Willpower (difficulty of the victim’s
Willpower). Only one success is necessary to activate this Gift. The victim must receive help immediately or else
die by drowning. The victim may attempt to help herself by trying to cough up or otherwise expel the fluid, but
she can take no other actions (including movement away from her surroundings) while she is making the attempt.
No successes means the Gift fails, while a botch inflicts the Gift on the character attempting to use it.
(Source: Rage Across the Heavens, p.125)

Gifts of Rorg
Rorg’s Gifts assist Garou in battle and enhance the physical and instinctual capabilities of those who
use them.

• Rouse to Anger (Level One) — This Gift enables the Garou to say or do something that causes her
target to refresh her inner Rage. This might involve shaming an individual, slapping her in the face or telling her
something to arouse her anger. The Garou can also summon within herself a memory or an emotion that assists
her in replenishing her own capacity for righteous anger.
System: The player rolls Manipulation + Empathy (difficulty 8) and spends a Gnosis point. A
successful roll enables the character to speak or act in such a way that her target gains a point of Rage. Each
additional success allows the character to affect another individual, including herself. A botch removes a point of
rage from the target.
(Source: Rage Across the Heavens, p.125)
• Foetracker (Level Two) — By using this Gift, the Garou can follow her quarry without risking losing
the trail. The scent of the target becomes so powerful to the Garou that she can follow it even under conditions
that might otherwise obscure the trail. Even if the victim crosses water, lays down a false trail or attempts to
mask his scent with some other odor, the Garou unerringly follows her prey. However, the Gift's effects become
fainter with time and distance.
System: The player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls Perception + Primal Urge. Each success allows
the character to track her target unerringly for one scene up to a maximum of five scenes, after which the effects
of the Gift end, and the trail becomes too faint to follow. No successes means that the Gift fails to take effect,
while a botch sends the character in a false direction.
(Source: Rage Across the Heavens, p.125)
• Savagery of the Taloned Hunter (Level Three) — This Gift allows a Garou to gain twice the
advantage of his Rage, thus increasing the ferocity and frequency of attacks or else allowing him to accomplish
more under stress than he normally would.
System: The player spends a Rage point, which he may then convert into the equivalent of two points
of Rage for the character. This enables a character to take two extra actions in a combat at the cost of a Rage
point. Another use of the Gift allows the character to recover from a stunned state and take an extra action in the
same turn. The Storyteller should make the final determination as to how the character may use the advantage
gained from this Gift. This Gift cannot be used continuously, though; the Garou may call on its effects once per
story for every point of Willpower he possesses.
(Source: Rage Across the Heavens, p.125-126)
• Hunter’s Horn (Level Four) — This Gift enables the Garou to create a sound so horrible and mind-
chilling that it sends enemies into utter panic and causes them to flee an area without regard for direction or
destination. Enemies so affected cannot attempt to evade pursuit or disguise their passage. This makes hunting
them down and dispatching them a fairly simple task.
System: The player spends a point of Rage and rolls Manipulation + Primal-Urge (difficulty of the
highest Willpower in the group). Each success affects one victim with uncontrollable panic, causing them to run
blindly from an area. Garou affected by this Gift enter a state of fox frenzy, while others simply become mindless
panicked creatures of prey. The effect lasts for an entire scene, during which time the character (and any allies)
may hunt down and slay the victims if they so desire. No successes represents a simple failure of the Gift, while a
botch affects the user of the Gift instead of her intended victim or victims.
(Source: Rage Across the Heavens, p.126)
• Pack Mind (Level Five) — This Gift forces a group of foes to behave like a single-minded pack. All
individuals must perform the same task at the same time regardless of its appropriateness to a given situation. For
example, if one individual fights, all the others fight; if one person attempts to sneak up behind an opponent, all
the others make this attempt as well. This Gift lasts for one combat scene.
System: The player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls Willpower (difficulty 8). A single success allows
the character to inflict Pack Mind on a group of up to four individuals. Additional successes allow the character
to increase the number of people affected in increments of two; five successes, therefore, enables the character to
affect twelve individuals. For the duration of this Gift, all the affected victims mimic the actions of their leader -
or, more typically, the first person in a group to act each turn. If one decides to speak, all of them attempt to do
so; if one throws a left hook, all of them choose this form of combat, ignoring any weapons they may have.
Failure means the Gift has no effect, while a botch inadvertently links the character’s mind with another
individual for the remainder of the scene. (The Storyteller should decide whether the character becomes linked
with a friend or an enemy.
(Source: Rage Across the Heavens, p.126)

Miscellaneous Gifts
Singing Dog Gifts
For the purposes of learning their Gifts, the Singing Dog pack is considered its own Tribe. It’s not, but
if an outsider learns their Gifts, they’re considered out-of-Tribe Gifts for experience costs. Are they really their
own Tribe? That’s a good question. They have a couple of unique Gifts. They have a totem (Bird of Paradise)
that’s in addition to their pack totem (Singing Dog). So technically, they could be considered a Tribe, if only in
the same way as the Hakken or Siberakh. But only four Singing Dogs exist.

• Free Flowing (Singing Dog Level One) — The Singing Dog moves through trees like a monkey.
With this Gift, the Garou can move through the air at high speeds, so long as she has something to grab. In the
rainforests, Singing Dog’s followers move at blinding speeds through the trees and crags. Urban Garou with this
Gift can move through windows, over rooftops, along laundry lines, and whatever else might be in their way.
Singing Dog teaches this Gift.
System: This Gift costs nothing to activate. Once it’s learned, the Garou can move her full running
speed through the air while still taking an action, so long as she can climb, grab, or vault over something each
turn. She must also move in the same general direction from one turn to the next.
(Source: W20 Rage Across the World, p.119)
• Singing Dog’s Cry (Singing Dog Level Three) — The New Guinea Singing Dog is known for its
intense, loud vocalizations. Alone, they can express complex, very clear sounds over great distances. As a group,
they harmonize into a full choir. With this Gift, the Garou reaches out with the power and intimacy of her voice,
and can touch others with her song. As long as a subject can hear her voice, she’s considered to be touching
them. Singing Dog teaches this Gift.
System: Spend a point of Gnosis to activate Singing Dog’s Cry for the scene. Roll Charisma +
Expression, difficulty 7. For each success, the Garou can effectively “touch” one person that hears her voice, as
long as she continues singing. Each “touch” caused by this Gift uses one success, even if she touches the same
character twice in a row. This “touch” counts for the purpose of other Gifts activation — she may use Falling
Touch over a mile away, as long as the victim hears her baying cries. She can “touch” as many subjects as she
wishes simultaneously, up to the limit of her successes, but each uses one success.
(Source: W20 Rage Across the World, p.119)

Storm-Eater Gifts
These powerful Gifts are peculiar to the Savage West, and are taught by the spirits of Weaver and Wyld in
constant struggle with the Storm Eater — or in its service. They pass from use when the age of the Storm Umbra
ends, though like many things of the Umbra, they might not be lost forever.

Galliard Storm-Eater Gift

• Song of the Storm (Level Five) — The Galliard draws on the energy of the Storm Umbra, singing
forth Wyld energy to work dramatic change on his environment or targets within it. This Gift is taught by any
powerful Wyld-spirit.
System: The player spends two Gnosis points and rolls Wits + Expression (difficulty of the local
Gauntlet). One success is enough to begin the process of change; more successes increase the extent of the
change and the precision in adhering to the Galliard’s will. The Galliard can choose a general desire for the
changes wrought, but the specifics are completely beyond her control. For example, a Galliard attempts to derail
a train coming through town to get at its shipment of silver bullets. One success might transform the train’s coal
reserve into chunks of ice, ensuring the train can’t continue but not immediately bringing it to a halt. Five
successes might cause the ground beneath the tracks to become a colossal living spider, hurling the train from its
back and attacking the guards aboard.
While the effects of this Gift are entirely at the Storyteller’s discretion, remember that it is a Level Five
Gift, and should work in the Gift user’s favor. The Galliard’s player should rightly anticipate just how random the
Gift’s outcomes may be, but shouldn’t feel discouraged from using such a hard-won prize.
Black Fury Storm-Eater Gift
• Wyldstorm (Level Five) — The Black Fury with this Gift can pull a portion of the Storm Umbra
across the Gauntlet, unleashing a spiritual tempest. The resulting storm is brief but unrelentingly strong, tearing
apart almost anything in the material world.
System: The Garou must be in the Penumbra to use this Gift. The player rolls Manipulation + Enigmas,
difficulty of the area’s Gauntlet, and spends one Rage and one Willpower. Success summons a storm that
manifests in a form of the Storyteller’s choosing, though the Wyldstorm is unmistakably anything but natural —
it may have red lightning blazing from black clouds, icy shards falling in the desert, or winds full of writhing
centipedes. The number of successes affect the Wyldstorm’s length and severity: one success will conjure a storm
that lasts for about a minute and can tear apart a small mining camp, while six or more successes brings down the
equivalent of a hurricane that may last for hours, even until sunrise.
Iron Rider Storm-Eater Gift
• Quell the Storm (Level Five) — Where Galliards shape the Storm Umbra, and the Furies unleash it,
the Iron Riders can attempt to impose order upon it. This Gift can calm Umbral storms, using the power of the
Weaver to bind their Wyld energy.
System: The player spends two Gnosis and rolls Gnosis, (difficulty 8). The number of successes
determines the Gift’s effects; one success can slow a strong Umbral wind down or banish an Umbral breeze,
while five successes can convert a full-blown Umbral storm into dead calm. The werewolf can also use this Gift
to target Wyld-spirits. The roll goes against a difficulty of the spirit’s Gnosis, and the spirit loses five Essence per
success. The werewolf cannot use this Gift more than once against the same storm or spirit.

As of today (May 9, 2015), assuming I have made the proper accounting, there are 1,247
published Gifts in this Encyclopedia, including the new Gifts in the recently published W20 Books,
specifically the W20 corebook, Tribebook: White Howlers and W20 Book of the Wyrm. This work is, as far
as I have been able to determine, a full collection of every Garou Gift ever published by White Wolf, with
the exception of the Werewolf Players Guide 1 st Edition and the original 1 st edition of Werewolf: the
Apocalypse. My research led me to believe that the Gifts in those books are obsolete so I chose not to
include them in this work.
Furthermore, this encyclopedia does not cover the Gifts of the other Changing Breeds; I am
currently compiling all the Fera Gifts in a later work. That is going to take a while, though. Don’t hold your
breath, because this isn’t coming out until August, 2013 at the earliest.
Below are my notes showing which books I consulted to compile this list of Gifts, cutting and
pasting each title from the In-Progress list to the Completed list.
Disclaimer Time: All terms here are copyright White Wolf Game Studios. No challenge to White
Wolf Game Studios trademarks or copyrights is intended. This document is for personal use only.
This was a labor of love more than 2 years in the making. No one paid me or asked me to do it; I
did it on my own just because I love Werewolf: the Apocalypse (hell, I love all the classic WoD games, but
W:tA is my particular favorite) and I thought people would appreciate a resource like this document that
can search particular Gifts with page references to the books they were published in. I’ll likely have to
update it again with the new W20 books coming out but that is still a few months away. Oh, and if there
are any typos or mechanics details that I missed, feel free to email me at and I’ll
correct them in the next iteration of this encyclopedia. In the meantime, I hope you find this encyclopedia
useful for your Werewolf games.


-Chris “Su-tehp” Fernandez-Duque

Post-Script Update — June 27, 2013: Just added Ronin Gifts from WoD-Outcasts. I had to extrapolate
additional rules from the pre-published W20 Changing Breeds manuscript as the Gift: Vengeance of the
Scorned is described as being able to affect other Fera with silver damage.

Post-Script Update 2: June 30, 2013: Special thanks to Erinys, who caught at least a dozen editing errors and
brought them to my attention. They are now all fixed, thanks to her.

Post-Script Update 3: July 2, 2013: Special thanks to Erinys again who brought another dozen editing errors to
my attention and let me know that he is really a she.

Post-Script Update 3: July 6, 2013: Just added the Black Spiral Dancer Gifts from Werewolf: the Wild West
Corebook. Now everything should be in here….

Post-Script Update 4: July 28, 2013: Just made sure that Systems: was changed to System: in all Gift entries.
Added the Level One Gift: Find Water from Ways of the Wolf.

Post-Script Update 5: August 2, 2013: Fixed a few more editing errors, thanks to Erinys. What would I do
without her?

Post-Script Update 6: August 29, 2013: Made the capitalization and lower-case of all “-spirit” entries uniform.
Any animal spirit is lower-case (e.g. “wolf-spirit”) while Triat spirits and certain concept spirits are capitalized
(e.g. “Wyrm-spirit” and “Paradox-spirit”).
Post-Script Update 7: May 9, 2015: As of this date, nearly all known Garou Gifts from nearly all Werewolf: the
Apocalypse books, with the exception of W20 Werewolf the Wyld West Expansion Pack, are all in this Gift
list. I’m going to get W20 Werewolf the Wyld West Expansion Pack sometime soon and add in any relevant
Gifts into this list as soon as I am able.

Post-Script Update 8: May 10, 2015: W20 Werewolf the Wyld West Expansion Pack added. This list is now

Post-Script Update 9: May 10, 2015: Fixed some editing errors and double-checked the multiple-source cross-

Post-Script Update 10: June 7, 2015: Fixed a few more editing errors.

Post-Script Update 10: June 17, 2015: Added the Level Five Gift: Boon of the Animal Fathers from Ways of the

Books Completed:
Werewolf Corebook, Revised
Book of the Wyrm, 2nd Ed.
Book of Auspices
Book of the City
Players Guide to Garou
Guardians of the Caerns
Umbra Revised
Tribebook: Black Furies Revised (Revised)
Tribebook: Bone Gnawers (Revised)
Tribebook: Children of Gaia (Revised)
Tribebook: Fianna (Revised)
Tribebook: Get of Fenris (Revised)
Tribebook: Glass Walkers (Revised)
Tribebook: Red Talons (Revised)
Tribebook: Shadow Lords (Revised)
Tribebook: Silent Striders (Revised)
Tribebook: Silver Fangs (Revised)
Tribebook: Stargazers (Revised)
Tribebook: Uktena (Revised)
Tribebook: Wendigo (Revised)
Rage Across the Amazon
Werewolf Players Guide, 2nd Ed.
Werewolf Storytellers Handbook, 2nd Ed.
Rage Across the Heavens
Rage Across Australia
2nd Ed Black Furies Tribebook
2nd Ed Bone Gnawers Tribebook
2nd Ed Children of Gaia Tribebook
2nd Ed Fianna Tribebook
2nd Ed Get of Fenris Tribebook
2nd Ed Glass Walkers Tribebook
2nd Ed Red Talons Tribebook
2nd Ed Shadow Lords Tribebook
2nd Ed Silent Striders Tribebook
2nd Ed Silver Fangs Tribebook
2nd Ed Stargazers Tribebook
2nd Ed Uktena Tribebook
2nd Ed Wendigo Tribebook
Croatan Song
Past Lives
Frontier Secrets
Werewolf: Wild West Companion
Dark Ages: Werewolf
Werewolf: the Dark Ages
Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition Anniversary Edition
World of Darkness – Outcasts (for Ronin Gifts)
Werewolf: the Wild West
W20 Rage Across the World
Tribebook White Howlers
W20 Book of the Wyrm
W20 Werewolf the Wyld West Expansion Pack

Books in Progress:

Books still to be looked at:


Books with No Relevant Garou Gifts:

The Skinner SAS
Players Guide 1st Ed. (the Gifts are obsolete)
Book of the Weaver
Book of the Wyld
Breedbook – Ananasi
Breedbook – Bastet
Breedbook – Corax
Breedbook – Gurahl
Breedbook – Mokolé
Breedbook – Nagah
Breedbook – Nuwisha
Breedbook – Ratkin
Breedbook – Rokea
Hengeyokai – Shapeshifters of the East
Players Guide to the Changing Breeds
Rage Across Appalachia
Werewolf Storytellers Handbook (Revised)
W20 Umbra
W20 Changing Breeds

Rank 6 Gifts Research

Can any helpful soul give me a rundown of all the lv6 Garou Gifts that were published, and what books they were in? I know
about the ones in Auspices, but the others are proving a real pain to track down.
Becoming Uktena (Uktena): Tribebook Uktena Revised p. 70-71 (RECORDED)
Break the Bonds (Galliard, Philodox): Storytellers Handbook 1E p. 121 (UNRECORDED)
Call Great Fenris (Get of Fenris): Tribebook Get of Fenris 1E p. 48 & Revised p. 78 (RECORDED)
Coyote's Howl (Nuwisha): Breedbook Nuwisha p. 52-53; not to be confused with the lower-level Galliard Gift of the same name
from The Wild West Companion (UNNEEDED)
Dance of Shiva (Nagah): Breedbook Nagah p. 75-76 (UNNEEDED)
Earthquake (Pumonca): Breedbook Bastet p. 114 (UNNEEDED)
Firebringer (Ragabash): Storytellers Handbook 1E p. 122, Book of Auspices p. 34 (RECORDED)
The Fleeing Scarab (Bubasti): Breedbook Bastet p. 109-110 (UNNEEDED)
Home in All Lands (Red Talons): Tribebook Red Talons Revised p. 67 (RECORDED)
Invoked Presence (Theurge): Book of Auspices p. 58 (RECORDED)
One on One (Ahroun): Book of Auspices p. 123-124 (RECORDED)
Rebirthing (Theurge): Caerns: Places of Power p. 111, Storytellers Handbook 1E p. 122, Rage: Warriors of the Apocalypse p. 60; the
first and last sources only present it as a specific character's personal plot device, rather than a standard-format Theurge Gift
Release from Bondage (Philodox): Book of Auspices p. 79 (RECORDED)
Renew the Cycle (Silver Fangs): Players Guide 1E p. 43 & 2E p. 43 (yes, it really is on the same page in two different versions of the
Players Guide) (RECORDED)
Royal Privilege (Simba): Breedbook Bastet p. 117 (UNNEEDED)
Shield of Gaia (Red Talons): Tribebook Red Talons 1E p. 47; also available to Rokea as a fifth-level Gift under the name Shell of
Qyrl (Players Guide 2E p. 186) (RECORDED)
Storyteller (Galliard): Book of Auspices p. 102 (RECORDED)
Thought-Form of the Twelve Ministers (Stargazer Mantra): Tribebook Stargazers Revised p. 70-71 (RECORDED)
Unstoppable Warrior (Ahroun): Rage Across the Amazon p. 40, Storytellers Handbook 1E p. 122, Rage: Warriors of the Apocalypse
p. 35 (RECORDED)

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