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Supplement (4)

Cult of Your Character

The Cult

Cult must be representative of God and his attributions. He must be in touch with his Domains, his
Epic Attributes, and his Skills. It can be organized in the way that best suits God and will act
according to the precepts he has given to the Prophet.
To have a Cult allow to recover from the Legend, and to have mortals who can serve the God. But
in return, the God must listen to the prayers of members of his cult, and protect the latter, as well as
its members, to the maximum of its capabilities.

The Members

The Prophet had a Revelation when visiting the God or one of his envoys. He has opened himself to
the divine nature of God, and has accepted to represent him in the world, and is in charge of Cult, as
well as the transmission of the word of his God. He concludes a pact with the latter, who, in
exchange for taking charge of his cult, offers him supernatural powers, as well as a relic, which will
bless the future relics that the Masters will obtain. The God chooses the powers of these relics, by
the force of his divinity. This relic is transmitted from prophet to prophet. There can only be one
Prophet for a Cult dedicated to God. At the death of the Prophet, the God chooses a new Prophet
from among the Master (s), if not initiated, in case there is no Master yet, fulfilling the Revelation.
Of course, the deceased Prophet will have a special place in the entourage of God. If he has done
his job well, the God will reward him in his after-life, if he has served him badly, he can expect to
receive a punishment far worse than what a mortal would endure. The same things are applicable to
other members of the Cult, in lesser proportions. The servants working in the sanctuary of God are
often the souls of the active members of the cult (the initiates, at least). This is why we find some
servants with very gratifying tasks, and others confined to very particularly degrading tasks
(Example: Divine toil WC for eternity!).

The Masters did not have any direct contact with the God, but they knew how to prove their
devotion and their implication in the cult, that is why they accede to this function, primordial for a
cult which reached an honorable size. The Prophet, through his Relic, allows them to acquire new
powers, to reward their devotion, and also obtain the relic, which will be passed on to another
Master, upon their death. When the first Master is appointed, the Prophet must come to acquire an
object that the God has designated to him, put his Relic in contact with the object, which will give
him a small content of divine energy, and which will become a relic.
The Masters have much less power than the Prophet, but much more than the initiates. According to
the functioning of the cult, the Masters can be chapter leaders, members of the Council of Sages,
Head of a specific Branch (scientific, military, etc ...), or Regional Director of the Cult. They lead
the initiates, following the instructions of the Prophet.

The Initiates have proved that they are not just believers, and begin their journey to eventually
become a Master. They are more involved in the life of Cult than believers, and have also had
access to certain truths or secrets, only revealed to those who are devoted to God. Their names
come from this. After having access to these truths, their bodies and minds begin their journey
towards God, which is why they have access to a small number of powers.
Initiates are not necessarily aware of God's involvement in person, although some over time may
see this. Once they have integrated this, they are more likely to become Master when the situation

Believers represent the mass of people who believe in what God is, possibly to God, but not so
clearly as to be part of the Initiates. Indeed, some adhere more to the concept that conveys the cult,
or to some of its ideas, but without really understanding all the things, which makes that one calls
them believers.

Let's Talk About Technique

To have a cult allows not only to have a certain fame or to find that class, it also allows to reap the
Legend, without exceeding the maximum points of Legend of the God. A weekly service is
celebrated, and you can obtain Legend points according to the following scale:

For 10 Culters: 1d10 Legend points

For 50 Culters: 5d10 Legend points

First threshold:
For 100 Culters: 10d10 Legend points, 1 Master and 10 initiates
For 130 Culters: 10d10 + 1 Legend points, 2 Masters and 13 initiates
For 160 Culters: 10d10 + 2 Legend points, 3 Masters and 16 initiates
For 190 Culters: 10d10 + 3 Legend points, 4 Masters and 19 initiates
For 220 Culters: 10d10 + 4 Legend points, 5 Masters and 22 initiates
For 250 Culters: 10d10 + 5 Legend points, 6 Masters and 25 initiates
For 300 Culters: 10d10 + 6 Legend points, 7 Masters and 30 initiates
For 350 Culters: 10d10 + 7 Legend points, 8 Masters and 35 initiates
For 400 Culters: 10d10 + 8 Legend points, 9 Masters and 40 initiates
For 450 Culters: 10d10 + 9 Legend points, 10 Masters and 45 initiates
For 500 Culters: 10d10 + 10 Legend points, 11 Masters and 50 initiates
For 550 Culters: 10d10 + 11 Legend points, 12 Masters and 55 initiates
For 600 Culters: 10d10 + 12 Legend points, 13 Masters and 60 initiates
For 650 Culters: 10d10 + 13 Legend points, 14 Masters and 65 initiates
For 700 Culters: 10d10 + 14 Legend points, 15 Masters and 70 initiates
For 750 Culters: 10d10 + 15 Legend points, 16 Masters and 75 initiates
For 800 Culters: 10d10 + 16 Legend points, 17 Masters and 80 initiates
For 850 Culters: 10d10 + 17 Legend points, 18 Masters and 85 initiates
For 900 Culters: 10d10 + 18 Legend points, 19 Masters and 90 initiates
For 950 Culters: 10d10 + 19 Legend points, 20 Masters and 95 initiates

Second threshold:
For 1,000 Culters: 10d10 + 20 Legend points, 21 Masters and 100 initiates

Third threshold:
For 10,000 Culters: 10d10 + 40 Legend points, 41 Masters and 1,000 initiates

Fourth threshold:
For 100,000 Culters: 10d10 + 60 Legend points, 61 Masters and 10,000 initiates

Fifth threshold:
For 1,000,000 Culters: 10d10 + 80 Legend Points, 81 Masters, and 100,000 Insiders

Sixth threshold:
For 10,000,000 Culters: 10d10 + 100 Legend Points, 101 Masters and 1,000,000 Insiders
Seventh threshold:
For 100.000.000 Culters: 10d10 + 120 points of Legend, 121 Masters and 10.000.000 insiders

Eighth threshold:
For 1,000,000,000 Culters: 10d10 + 140 Legend points, 141 Masters and 100,000 initiates

In order to determine automatic hits for a second threshold Culter, take the automatic success
number of the second threshold (+20), and add the number of automatic hits from the first threshold
scale equivalent to your number of current Culters divided 10.


You have 3,000 Culters. You have 20 automatic hits due to the fact that you have exceeded the
second threshold, then you made (3,000 / 10), which gives 300. Refer to the table above, which
gives 6 more successes. Take the sum of 20 and 6, which gives 10d10 + 26 automatic hits for 3,000

For the other thresholds, always take the number of automatic successes of the threshold where you
are. Then, take your number of Culters and divide it by 100 for the third threshold, 1,000 for the
fourth, etc. ... Refer to the table, and make the sum of the automatic successes.

Special ceremonies may be requested by the God, at the price of a point of Will.

There are several types of special ceremonies:

Every 3 months, where the God recovers the maximum possible of his points of Legend according
to his number of faithful (example: if it has 1000 faithful, it will recover 40 points of Legend, can
not exceed the maximum of its points of Legend ).
Every 2 months, where the God recovers the 2/3 (rounded up) of its points of Legend according to
its number of faithful (example: if it has 1000 faithful, it will recover 27 points of Legend).
Every month, where the God recovers the third (rounded up) of its points of Legend according to its
number of faithful (example: if it has 1000 faithful, it will recover 14 points of Legend).

Cult Service

God, if he wishes to have a prosperous, efficient cult, and which gives him enough points of legend,
must observe certain rules. As he says at the beginning, he must be listening to prayers, as well as
protecting his Cult. He must also pay attention to the way he communicates with his prophet,
because he can only communicate with him. Indeed, if the God came into contact with other
members of the cult, except in the context of Revelation, this apparition could shake the faith of the
members in their present Prophet or in their place in the universe and their other metaphysical
questions. To communicate with the Prophet, he can choose the direct or indirect way.

By using the direct way, the God presents himself to the Prophet and tells him what he wants, but
the God is always subject to the Aura of Fatality, and he could possibly attract attention or problems
(or both). ) about his Cult. The God is not immune from misunderstanding, for the words of a God,
as well as his Appearance, can deceive a mere mortal, and the latter might not pay attention to all
that has been said.

It can also communicate indirectly, either by sending an emissary, who would carry an oral message
(the emissary could not give the message in an exact way, and would follow a loss of the original
content) or of a written message (the message written by the God could be misinterpreted in its
meaning, and could therefore be misunderstood).

The God can also communicate through dreams or signs, from wherever he is, apart from Titan's
Inside Kingdoms, or if he is subject to supernatural powers or problems. This mode of
communication is the safest for Cult, and the least problematic for God, but it has the disadvantage
of not being very precise, depending on what the God wishes to communicate to his prophet.

In the context of a direct communication, the Storyteller will make a throw of Will + Integrity to the
Prophet, so as not to be submerged by the divine presence, and allow to retain and understand what
the God explains. Over time, the Storyteller may grant a bonus or lower the difficulty of the roll, as
the Prophet becomes accustomed.

As part of an intermediary, the Prophet will have to make a roll of Intelligence + Culture or
Occultism by following the way the message is transmitted and its content. The Storyteller will in
any case determine, depending on the content of the message, the most suitable jet. The Storyteller
will be able to give bonuses or reduce the difficulty if it is always the same emissary that is sent,
and that the mode of transmission is always the same, as well as in a relatively similar language.
In the context of dreams or signs, the Prophet will have to make a Perception + Occultism roll to try
to understand the meaning of the latter. The Storyteller can possibly give bonuses or reduce the
difficulty if the God remains consistent in the way the signs are used (example: a bird that circles in
circles to signify "continuous").

When the Prophet dies or is deposed, the new Prophet must get used to God's way of proceeding.
The bonuses formerly granted to the previous Prophet will therefore be canceled, and the new
Prophet will be able, over time, to obtain his own bonuses.


As for the members of the cult with certain powers, remember that for the Prophet and the Masters,
they must have a relic. Then God can choose to give certain powers to his most important members,
whom he can choose freely, according to the categories of powers available. The only limitation is
that God can only offer what we will assimilate to his Associated Powers and his Predilection
Skills, if he does not have them yet. In the latter case, the God will only offer powers where he has
the most points and which are related to his divine attributions and his vocation. Of course, the
Storyteller will be the sole judge as to the choice of Associated Powers and Predictive Skills that
God can give.

They can have:

-One Relic (or Relic Point on Basic One) additional, only for the Prophet and the Masters.
-An Attribute Increase (can not exceed 5)
-An Epic Attribute: Only for the Prophet, a single point allowed in a single Epic Attribute, without
gain of Talent that will have to be taken separately, but the gains of automatic success and any other
benefits related to the possession of an Epic Attribute are also won by the Prophet. Example: With 1
Epic Strength point, the Prophet will not need to eat, drink or sleep as much as a normal mortal, and
will hold his breath longer.
-An increase in skills (can not exceed 5)
- Gifts and Talents: Prohibited to the Initiates. All those accessible to heroes and demi-gods and
having no prerequisites, but with great restrictions, and effects of much less importance. Of course,
the Storyteller will have to validate his choices, and they must be really in osmosis with God. The
Domains of Pantheons are also accepted, but, depending on how you use them, the other gods could
see that with a bad eye. So be careful what your God is doing.

A God with Animal (jaguar) can give members of his cult a power to turn their fingers into jaguar
claws. Another one wanting to give Armor of the Colossus (War °°°°° °°) will see his faithful able to
make their skin more resistant, but on a very limited number of actions. A last wishing to offer Self
Healing to his followers will allow them to heal 2 or 3 serious wounds at once, or to wipe 3 or 4
superficial wounds every 4 days.

Any member of your Cult with powers will have a certain amount of Legend, which could be
equated to 0.5 for an Inity, 1 for a Master, and 1.5 for the Prophet. These figures are indicative. The
Prophet will have a value of 1, but will have some advantages and disadvantages due to his special
relationship with God.

The examples given above are just for illustration, there are of course lots of different possibilities,
do not hesitate to create and propose to your Storyteller, but remember that these are powers of low
power, because they are only humans, because they do not really have ichor, only a special bond
with Divinity, or a very small amount of ichor, if they are distant descendants of Scions . The power
required to use barely less powerful scions is too great for mere mortals.

Obviously, the use of these powers will have to be accompanied by an expenditure of Willpower
points or their unique Legend point for the most powerful powers for them. It's up to you to
determine the fairest cost with your Storyteller. It is obvious that a Level 1 donation could cost
nothing. It's up to you to see if you prefer that they have more powerful powers, but with a cost that
could prevent them from using all their powers, or to offer them less powerful powers, but with free
use and only one or even two powers having a cost.

Regarding the Believers, they have no access to power, since their awakening as to their God and
Cult is very limited, so they do not take advantage of these divine gifts.

The Prophet

-1 point of Relic obligatory to allow him to have the Link with the God, and to allow to bless the
future Masters at the time of their accession to their function.
-6 points of power, to be distributed freely, as said above.

The Masters

-1 point of Relic obligatory to have a link with their Prophet, and therefore their God, and to bless
future initiates.
-4 points of power, to be distributed freely, but with the restrictions indicated above.


-2 points of power, to be distributed only between Attributes and Skills.

The Believers

-No point of power

Houston, the Cult Has a Problem

Problems may occur from time to time. They may be very different in nature, we will give you
some pointers that could explain the difficulties that the cult encounters, but there are many other
possibilities. Storytellers, be imaginative!

Misunderstanding: Your Prophet may have misunderstood your intentions, or even misunderstood
them , which may lead the Cult of God to do things that God did not foresee, and which may
embarrass his plan.

Loss of Faith and Other Disappointments: If the actions of the Cult do not match the vision of some
members, it may lead to loss of faith, and therefore Cult. The Cult can therefore regress. In the most
serious cases, the Masters, or even the Prophet, may desert, which causes serious problems in the
management of the Cult, and its possible secrets. The God will necessarily have to take drastic
measures, even fatal, to preserve his Cult (it can be a good quest for a God, even for their

Wars and Jealousies: Remember that your Cult is not the only one. There are of course those of the
Titans, who will attack your proteges with joy, to try to weaken the power of the Gods (remember
the cultists you massacred during your first feats of arms. survivors want revenge). But there are
also the Cults of the other Gods. If you are a God with the War Field, think that the other Gods of
War might not like the competition too much. But also, remember that you are a God in a Pantheon,
and it is well known that jealousy in the family is not just a Legend ... (You, the young God of
Dodekathéon If your Cult exceeds that of Zeus, it may well be that lightning strikes your weekly
Culters in the near future, and that many of your Culters will join the servants of your Sanctuary. get
some manpower for the banquet you've planned, but it's a little more annoying for your Weekly
Legend Points!)

Bad Management: Remember that your Cult is made up of Mortals, who are certainly, for the
highest in the hierarchy, devoted to your Cult, but they are not totally without free will. Your
Prophet will not leave you overnight after a few minor troubles, but the lambda members are more
versatile. Try to be consistent with your original project and your assignments. In the same way, the
prayers of your Culters, if they are constantly ignored, can cause them to doubt you. Finally, think
that the more your Cult is, the more it will ask you for a growing investment, and therefore if you
do not have too much time to take care of it as much as before, expect desertions.

The stick and the carrot: Remember that the mortals who make up your Culters do not all have the
same vision of things. Some are more extremist than others. It is therefore important for a wise God
to know how to alternate the carrot when some of your Culters have done things that you think are
good, and to use the stick when they do things that you consider reprehensible. Remember your
divine parents who helped and punished you blithely ...

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