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Chapter 8 - Blood and Body Defenses

angiotomy: process of cutting blood vessel

angioma: tumor of blood vessel

angiospasm: sudden contraction of blood vessel

cytogentic: produced by cell

cytolysis: separation of cell

cytopenia: cell deficiency

cytokinesis: movement of cell

erythrism: reddish pigmentation of hair, skin

erythroblast: immature of erythrocyte

erythroclasis: breaking down of erythrocyte

erythroblastosis: erythrocyte increasing disease

hematoma: a mass of blood

hemorrhage: bleed heavily

hemostatis: stopping of blood flow

hematogenic: pertaining to producing of blood.

leucocytosis: an abnormality in the number of white blood cell

phagophobia: fear of eating

phagotherapy: treatment by eating

phagocytolytic: pertaining to destruction of phagocyte

Chapter 7 (Exercises)

pharynx: throat

jejunum: second part of the small intestine

cecum: first part of the large intestine

pancreas: organ under the stomach; produces insuline and digestive enzymes

anus: opening of the digestive tract to the outside of the body

ilenum: third part of the small intestine

duodenum: first part of the small intestine

gallbladder: small sac under the liver; stores bile

sigmoid colon: lower part of the colon

colon: large intestine

esophagus: tube connecting the throat to the stomach

liver: large organ located in the ruq; secretes bile, stores sugar, produces blood protein

sialadenectomy: removal of a salivary gland

pharyngeal: pertaining to the throat

rectocele: hernia of the rectum

hepatomegaly: enlargement of the liver

palatoplasty: surgical repair of the roof of the mouth

etiology: study of the cause (of disease)

enteropathy: disease condition of the small intestine

choledochojejunostomy: new opening between the common bile duct and the jejunum

colostomy: new opening from the colon to the outside of the body

choledochotomy: incision of the common bile duct

-pepsia: digestion

-ptosis: prolapse

-emesis: vomiting

-phagia: eating

-ptysis: spitting

-rrhea: discharge

-rrhagia: bursting forth

-rrhaphy: suture

-plasty: surgical repair

-lysis: breakdown

dysphagia: eating difficulty (???)

polyphagia: excessive eating (???)

-emesis: vomiting

proptosis: prolapse forward (???)

odynophagia: pain in eating (???)

dentalgia: pain in a tooth

colectomy: large bowel resection

paracentesis: surgical puncture of the abdomen for withdrawal of fluid (???)

buccal: pertaining to the cheek

Chapter 12 - Reproductive system

ovariectomy: removal of the ovary

ovariocyesis: pregnancy in the ovary

oophorocystosis: ovariocyesithe formation of an ovarian cyst =

oophoroma: tumor of the ovary

oophorectomy = ovariectomy: excision or surgical removal of an ovary

oophorostomy: the making of an opening into an ovarian cyst to provide drainage

oophoroplasty: plastic surgery on the ovary

oophorhagias: hemorrhage or bleeding from an ovary

salpingocyesis: tubal pregnancy

salpingo-oophorectomy: excision of the ovary and the uterine tube

salpingotomy: surgical incision into the uterine tube

salpingorrhagia: hemorrhage or bleeding from a Fallopian tube

salpingorrhaphy: suture or surgical repair of the uterine tube

salpingemphraxis: obstruction of a uterine or eustachian tube

Quiz - Chapter 7: Digestive System

proctologist: specialist in the diagnosis and treatment of rectal disorders.

proctoptosis: prolapse or falling of the rectum

protopexy: surgical fixing or fastening of the rectum

protoscopy: examination of the rectum by the use of a protoscope

enterorrhagia: bleeding from the intestine.

enterococcus: a type of intestinal bacteria

enterocleisis: blockage or closure of the intestine

enteroclysis: injection or introduction of liquid into the intestine

Quiz - Chapter 9: Cardiovascular System

carditis: inflammation of the heart

cardiotomy: incision or cutting into the heart

bradycardia: abnormally slow heart beat

cardiologist: heart specialist

cardiograph: an instrument for recording the heart action

cardiomegaly: enlargement of the heart

cardiorrhaphy: suturing or surgical repair of the heart

phleborrhaphy: suturing or surgical repair of a vein

phleostenosis: narrowing or constriction of a vein

phleboplasty: plastic surgery on a vein

phlebosclerosis: hardening of the walls of the vein

phleborrhagia: excessive bleeding from a vein

phlebotomy: incision or cutting into a vein

arteriorrhexis: rupture of an artery

arteriosclerosis: hardening of the wall of arteries

arteritis: inflammation of an artery

arteriectasis: dilation or expansion of an artery

arteriorrhaphy: suturing or surgical repair of an artery

Quiz - Chapter 10: Respiratory System

thoracoplasty: plastic surgery on the chest

thoracodynia: pain in the chest region

thoracotomy: incision into the chest

thoracoscopy: examination of the chest

thoracocyllosis: a deformity of the chest

thoracentesis: surgical punture or tap of the chest

thoracomyodynia: pain in the muscles of the chest

eupnea: easy, normal breathing

apnea: temporary absence of breathing

dyspnea: difficult breathing

orthopnea: inability to breathe unless one is in an upright position

???: retarded or small amount of breathing

hyperpnea: increase in the depth and rate of breathing

tachypnea: abnormally fast rate of breathing

tracheorrhaphy: surgical repair or suture of the trachea

tracheoplasty: plastic surgery on the trachea

tracheostenosis: narrowing of the trachea

tracheopyosis: suppurative inflammation of the trachea

tracheitis: inflammation of the trachea

tracheotomy: incision into the trachea

laryngitis: inflammation of the larynx

laryngeal: pertaining to the larynx

laryngoscope: instrument used to examine in the larynx

laryngospasm: spasmodic closure of the larynx

laryngostomy: the creation of an artificial opening into the larynx

laryngostenosis: narrowing of the larynx

laryngocentesis: surgical puncture of the larynx

laryngoplegia: paralysis of the larynx

bronchiectasis: dilatation of the bronchi

bronchoedema: swelling of the mucosa of the bronchi

bronchoscopy: inspection or examination of the bronchi

bronchoplegia: paralysis of the bronchi

pleurodynia (???): pain in the pleural region

???: the flushing out of the pleural cavity

pleurotonomy (???): incision into the pleura

pleurocentesis: surgical puncture or tap of the pleura

pleurocele: herniation of lung tissue or of the pleura

rhinocheiloplasty: plastic surgery on the lip and nose

rhinolith: a stone or concretion of the nose

rhinorrhagia: bleeding from the noses

rhinodynia: pain in the nose or nasal area

rhinomycosis: fungus infection of the nose

rhinitis: inflammation of some internal areas of the nose

pneumomelanosis: the blackening of the lungs as from coal dust

pneumonitis: inflammation of the lung

pneumothorax: accumulation of air in the chest cavity

pneumonography: X - ray study of the lungs

pneumoconiosis:a disease caused by dust or other particulates in the lungs

pneumocentesis/pneumonocentesis: surgical puncture for aspiration of the lung

pneumodynamics: the dynamics of the respiratory system

Quiz - Chapter 11: Urinary System

urethritis: inflammation of urethra

urethrocele: prolapse of the urethra

urethrogram: an x-ray photograph of the urethra

urethroplasty: a surgical operation to repair a urethra

cystoscopy: an examination of the bladder using a cystoscope

cystalgia: pain in urinary bladder

cystocele: a hernia of the urinary bladder into the vagina

cystitis: inflammation of the urinary bladder

cystectomy: a surgical operation to remove all or part of the urinary bladder.

urolithiasis (???): stone in the urinary tract

urinometer: instrument for measuring urinary density

pyeloscopy: examination or observation of the kidney pelvis via a fluoroscope

pyelonephritis (???): inflammation of the renal pelvis and bladder

ureteroscopy (???): the operation of removing a renal calculus from the pelvis of the kidney

bacteriuria: presence of bacteria in the urine

nocturia: excessive urination at night

polyuria: excessive excretion of urine

hematuria: presence of blood in the urine

pyuria: presence pus in the urine

melanuria: black or dark discoloration of the urine

dysuria: painful or difficult urination

hydronephrosis (???): an accumulation of water or fluid in the kidneys

nephrolithiasis: kidney stones

suppurative nephritis (???): abscess of the kidney with suppuration

nephroptosis (???): downward displacement of the kidney

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