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Proba orală de verificare a cunoştinţelor de limbă modernă

pentru admiterea în clasa a IX- a cu program bilingv – limba engleză

mai 2012
Ticket 7

Two sailors named Pat and Mike fell overboard from

ship, but managed to swim to an island. They roamed
about in search of human beings, but they found that the
island was uninhabited. There wasn't even a hut where
they could shelter for the night, so they lay down in the
shade of a palm-tree, and were soon fast asleep.
After some time, however, they were awakened by swarms of
mosquitoes which came from a nearby lake. These ferocious insects bit
them so much that sleep was out of the question.
"Let's pull our coats over our heads, and perhaps they'll go away,'
Pat suggested.
They did so, and for some time all went well until Mike, being
curious, looked out and saw some fireflies hovering overhead.
"It's no use hiding any longer, Pat," he cried, "they have come with
lanterns and maybe they are looking for us with these lanterns."
"I suppose they have been looking for us since we came here," said
his fellow sadly.

Answer these questions:

1. How was it that the men were on the island? ............... ……………..
2.What did they first try to find? ................................. …………………
3.Where did they lie down? ......... ............................... ………………..
4.What did Pat suggest? .......................... .................... ………………..

Preşedinte , Profesori evaluatori,

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