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CD 3 – EVALUATING A BUSINESS - KEVIN BELL Jay Van Andel & Richard Devos:

the “American Way Association” began in the basements of the Van Andel and DeVos homes, and
later that year “Amway Sales Corporation” was formed.

1. When you seen a opportunity like this, it’s a decision point in your life. If I had made different
decision, my entire life would be different.
a. You gotta make it right. Make a good decision right for you.

2. Evaluating to make sure you make a good decision. We want as a business team to make a
good decision for you.

3. We don’t want anybody to walk away from an opportunity because of questions or concerns.
Or feeling pressured to make a good decision. We want you to take your time to make a good
decision for you.

4. One of my strengths

5. People evaluates
PEOPLE ARE important.
a. I could be the best physician in the world, but if I don’t understand the business of
medicine, you could fail in your business.

6. “I rather be in a foxhole getting shot at with somebody I know I could trust, than be in a great
opportunity somewhere else, with people I don’t trust, not knowing when I’ll get the knife in the
a. Surrounding yourself with right people is extremely important.

7. If you don’t have any business experience, well the important decision to make is get into
business with people who know how to do business. That have experience. That’s not going to
be learning it like you. Someone that has experience and can help me through it is a major thing.

8. You go from rags to riches, looking out for people, philanthropic.

9. Importance of Education an Success


10. Bill Britt, training people to become business owners

11. I don’t wanna spend that much time married, Apart! “We spent more time dating, then when
we are married”

12. There are people who have a system out there, that wanted to teach.

13. We all chose something….thinking I would get a better start as I get into the world.
We all do things we don’t want to do, to set ourselves out for success.
You want to do it with the right people
14. Athletes, Nurses, Directors of hospital, researcher, military, lawyers,



16. I have a question: WHEN CAN I ADD YOUR NAME TO THE LIST
 That’s totally up to you. But YOU gotta see it. You got to want to be part of the best of the
best. If you can see it, then you can have it.
 I see people and I believe in them, but I want them to BELIEVE TOO. Cause if you believe in
you, then you’re gonna make it.

17. Business:
Money, you’re in control of it, more you put into it, the more can get out of it. GLOBAL
BUSINESS! *** this is important.

18. I want to do something great

19. I know it’s hard to see from the first look

a. Website
b. Financials are there paying out 1.7 billion
c. The Products are competitive…. “Well I can find cheaper”… well you can shop at a flee
market if you’re looking for a deal to everything. Going to spend the all-day doing it. At
some point you’re going to figure out a price that’s comfortable you.

20. You get a website. You get a starter pack that teaches you how.
a. All 100% refundable so no risk there.
b. NO risk or fear of losing money.
c. You don’t have to quit your job to get started
d. All the products are money back guaranteed, so no risk there

21. KNOWLEDGE: you got a business team to help you, in fact they want to help you make money
They’re more ready to help you make money than you’re ready to make money.
….cause you’re still going through the evaluation process
But we know how to make money…..We’re ready to go, We’re not trying to rip your arm off
because we’re ready to run.

“NO TIME” - you’re really telling me that you’re ineffective at managing your own time. Cause we have
same 24hours.
a. You’re doing the things you wanna do.
b. You’re financially independent, If security for your family long term is important, then
time is not an issue you. You’ll figure it out.
c. Find someone having same situation as you… and see how they got through it.
d. I’m not trying to be mean. I just want you to think about it and not say something silly,
that could cost you your whole future.


a. Ruby Myers in a wheel chair. “Well I didn’t think I needed my legs to make a phone call”

23. “I TRIED THAT”: Problem is “Tried it” you didn’t do it. It’s a matter of commitment. This is a
radical change in your life/radical income.

24. The smallest MINORITY in this country is not the racial or religious group…It’s the WEALTHY
PEOPLE. That’s because so few people today willing to make the Short term sacrifices to get
what they want. The biggest shame is you give up what you really want for something you
want right now.

25. “IT’S a PYRAMID”:

a. Show me your organizational structure where you work. CEO, vice presidents….every
organization in the world is a pyramid….what people mean is it’s an Illegal Pyramid.
b. So tell me how they fooled office depot and Disney
c. There’s 3 things illegal:
i. If they have no legitimate product
ii. They make their money only on recruiting; they don’t actually make product or
service move.
1. As a physician you make your income on VOLUME. VOLUME of patients
you help.
Realestate- Volume….everything is volume
iii. The Person at the top makes all the money”
1. If I own one McDonalds for 10 years, and you come in and you own 6
McDonalds in 6 months. Who should make more money? – You Should.
And you will here too.
AND THAT’S THE DIFFERENCE from an illegal pyramid.

26. “You can’t make money off that” & “They’re making money off of you”
a. You go shopping, somebody is making money off of you. Every time you do anything,
somebody’s making money off of you.

b. Question is are you getting a fair trade? Are you getting Value for the money you’re
spending? - and they cost money, and yes people make money.
i. Show me which college doesn’t charge you for education
ii. Show me a bookstore that doesn’t charge you to buy a book
iii. Show me a place you can buy a CD and somebody didn’t make a profit.

And I’m buying $7.50 CD/audio that taught me how to be a millionaire.

27. There’s bookstores/ Barnes & Nobles and libraries that have tons of books about business &
programs Success stuff how to succeed…..the problem is I DON”T KNOW WHERE TO START.
a. I got a mentor in this business that tells me which book is probably the best one for
me is. Which CD is the best information.

28. “I WOULDN’T Do something like that!”

a. Like what? You mean you wouldn’t buy your own stuff? Or You wouldn’t recommend a
good deal to someone else?

29. People try to do something that would make them FEEL important instead of WHAT IS

30. “My Wife won’t let me do it. My husband won’t let me do it”
a. I didn’t have permission to get into debt, I didn’t feel I needed permission to get out.

31. “The Job won’t let me do it”

a. Isn’t that a reason WHY TO DO IT?
b. We’re in a free country. Somebody should be able to tell you what you can do and what
you can’t do…as long as it’s honest, legal, and ethical
SO DO IT so someone can’t keep their thumb on your neck….and hold you down.

32. “I’m TOO YOUNG” - really? Use that as a strength. We got folks 18, 19. We all know you know
more about the internet than we do, we’re older.

33. “I’m TOO OLD” – really? I look up to you, when you’re older than I am. You got my respect. I
would listen to you if you recommended something

34. “I’m this Race/that Race” : Oh come on, don’t hide behind that.

35. “I grew up in a dysfunctional family”: Who didn’t

a. Find a way to put the “FUN” in dysfunctional.

36. At some point you will need to make decisions as an adult for yourself, for your family, and for
your future.

37. Here’s the bottom line: IT’S WORTH IT.

a. This deserves your best effort. If you give this your best efforts….. If you here what you
do everywhere else to get success, of course we could never guarantee….

38. When I believed this so much, I didn’t want my friends to work for 45 years and find out they
couldn’t retire.
 So I got over myself to help somebody else.

39. You gotta want something bad enough to get over yourself whether it be your children or for
a different way of life.
40. No major capital spending
41. No Building to show up to
42. WEBSITE is already build
43. NO inventory to take, no money to handle, no employees, No paperwork.
44. That’s pretty awesome that you get paid for Buying your own stuff and recommend it to
45. You’re building a referral network

46. So I hope that when you do look into this, you’re looking at the people you’re working with. I
hope you do really think about it, make a good decision for yourself.
Because I don’t want you to see this again 2 years from now, 5 years from now, and say
“Man, I saw that a couple years ago”… “I wish I had”…… because that’s exactly what I did.
(10yrs ago and again 5 years ago)
I see this a lot. We’re growing so fast…
If you see it 5 years from now and you tell yourself, I didn’t make that decision then which was
best for me, but now I can make that decision now because it’s best for me.
Make a quality decision either way for yourself.
If you’re ready to go now, We’d love to help you.
If not, we look forward to seeing you in the future.
Because we know you’re going to be doing business online, and you might as well make money
while you’re doing it, rather than make money for someone else.


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