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Chapter I : The Shrouded Council

Chapter II : The Yellow Hills

Chapter III : Rocks

Chapter IV : Ash
Chapter V : The Vow
Chapter VI : Beyond the Time
Chapter VII : First Combat
Chapter VIII : Never
Chapter IX : Eternity
Chapter X : Sacrifice


Chapter I : The Man from the Woods

-Introduction of the new Akhetanian chars. The Empire mercs go there. Toland shows

Chapter II : Diekudil
- Battle of Diekudil, split in two parts showing various POV's. Ends with Ulrich of the
Brimrathi being captured.

Chapter III : Wild

- Ruko enters the Harkun lands, wins a battle against a scattered army. News come
about Alecto pursuing him. A deeper connection forms between Ruko and Shesania.

Chapter IV : Tell me More

-Allies getting out of Mandrovia marching to Yellow Hills. Utumno gathering his armies
to battle Tenard.

Chapter V : A Place called Home

-Utumno and Toland faces Tenard and the Arkhanate army on the battlefield. News
come about the combined Axis army coming from northwest and southwest. Tenard
comes forward and shows them proofs got from Mandrovia that he is the Wallard.
In the same chapter the Black Asassins come after Toland.The mercs save him.One of
their Captains dies

Chapter VI : Vengeance
- Part 1 :Confusing beginning. It makes everyone think Utumno will fight Tenard.
Actually, they join their armies and prepare to withstand the incoming Axis army.
Meanwhile in the Axis we see Brimrathi arriving at the meeting point with Vlad and
Tessa. Tallia arrives last. Short Council.
-Part 2 : Tenard & Vlad talk on the battlefield. Utumno and Tessa are present at first
but they are dismissed. In the Axis camp a conflict erupts between Harao and
Brimrath because the Harao leaders accuses Getharon of not pushing again for
Diekudil. The Allies find out about the mercs who saved Toland and Utumno offers his
vow of allegiance to everyone.
-Part 3 : Last troops arrive lead by Erden of Akhetana. The conflict in the Axis is
quelled by Vlad's stern intervention. "We win today." He says. Battle erupts after two
magnificent speeches by both Vlad and Tenard.

Chapter VII : Ultimatum

-Ulrich in the Hanso Keep prison. He tries to betray his cause. Interactions.

Chapter VIII : Lady Gafto

-We see the Allies, devastated even if after Utumno's count, they won the battle. Isen
is prisoner and faces Bella. They hold a funeral for the dead including some important
( Utumno is made unofficial Chancellor. Interesting interactions between Wallardian
native allies and Arkhanate ones)

Chapter IX : The Touch

-Based mostly on Kodar family again. Denna returns. Tessa and Lannes have a big
argument. They also mourn their dead and organise funerals.

Chapter X : Sun and Moon

-Tenard plans with Utumno a visit to Sulkaiame. He organises a small party of trusted
generals and family to come with him. They pass through Green Hills and reach the
Dead City. Emotional Uvarko moment.

Chapter XI : Us
-Tenard spends the night on a hill overlooking Sulkaiame. Garwin and Bella are with
him. This chapter is emotional as they relive moments from the past, possible
flashback sequences. The second part of the chapter deals with a small patch of
roamers that is put down and reinforces the

Chapter XII : Wicked Dreams

- Vlad starts seeing things around him. Shadows that blame him for defeat. He almost
executes Leopold for freeing Denna. Has a quarrel with all the leaders of his alliance
at the trial of Leopold and if not for Tessa, the Axis would've break.

Chapter XIII : Snow

-Time passes without huge events, a month or so. We meet with Ruko in the Northern
Mountains, leading Shesania to her people and working together with the old and frail
Harkun villagers. They overlook a huge cloud coming from the north, thinking it's
gonna rain snows. For the first time.

Chapter XIV : No Man's Land

-The Axis assembles an army again, mostly Serdas and Brimrathi. The joint command
is given to Leo and Getharon. They needed to force into Omerina and not ever return
without Hanso Keep being conquered. A battle takes place again in the infamous
Yellow Hills. Ulrich sends messages to the Allied camp informing them about the
movements of the troops and warns Getharon about Leo being behind the betrayal.

Chapter XV : King of Nothing

Part 1 : Leaving from Sulkaiame, Utumno sends word to gather RD's men and Erden's
with Toland from Akhetana ( in case we leave them behind in Chapter 10) in order to
make a push and take Taroviste, forcing the Wasrobians to withdraw up north. The
first snow falls in Taroviste. Southerners shiver.
Part 2 : Leopold tries to sneak away with his soldiers in the Yellow Hills but Getharon
confronts him. He wants to kill Leo but Leo accepts to move forward to take Hanso
Keep. They conquer Diekudil and kill Varrosil, taking Rowena as prisoner.
Part 3 : As they approach Taroviste, Tenard has a vision of his father. He hands the
Tome to Garwin, same as the signs taken from Mandrovia. Bella and Mark think of
Kedumia and Garwin misses Marga the most. Outside the city they match with a
hastily organised Wasrobian/Omnian host. Tenard and Vlad have a parlay again but
this time Vlad swears to all the Gods that the Wallard won't get out alive. Tenard and
Vlad wrestle on the ground before soldiers intervene. The battle is chaotic as a
blizzard starts out of nowhere.
-The last scene is Tenard walking out of the snow and then falling to his knees. No
enemy to be seen. People approach him as the snow gets in their eyes and they can't
see. As they get closer, everyone sees Demon stuck in Tenard's back


Chapter I : Just You and Me

- Tenard's funerals close to the Serpent Gate of Sulkaiame. Also, a compilation of
suffering from everyone that was close to Tenard. Garwin wants to quit but Bella and
Utumno have him remain strong for his father.
Chapter II : The Gates
-Leo and Getharon reach Hanso Keep. They are trapped in the marshes by RD.
Banathor dies. Leo is hurt. But the Brimrathi shine the brightest, they keep pushing
for the walls. Due to small numbers, RD can't organise a proper defense. For the first
time ever, Hanso Keep falls
Chapter III : Sunset in the Dawn
-Taroviste is grim. The winter hits hard for the Omniah guys. Vlad decides to march
and join with the troops of his cousin before a second attack from the Allies. Tessa
becomes his right hand. Lannes opposes marching in the winter and Vlad has him
humiliated, sending Harao out of the alliance. Tessa has to make a choice.
(needless to say the harsh winter conditions affects the Arkhanate in the same way)
Chapter IV : Malevolence
-Ruko is trapped in Harkun lands, starving. Shesania is the one helping him survive
and the Harkun community helps the Omerinian soldiers. Then, Alecto arrives, facing
the winter as well and Ruko prepares to fight. Weak, starving but brave.But Alecto
does not fight Ruko. He helps him and together they build shelters.
Chapter V : Better Life
-Allies surround Taroviste but find it deserted of soldiers. Utumno occupies it and
proclaims Garwin the King of whole Wallardia without any ceremony. Scouts are sent
to find Vlad's position but they never return. The snows stops for a while allowing the
soldiers to go hunting. Once again, this will develop Arkhanate-Wallardian ties.
Chapter VI : Silver and Black
-Vlad marches blindly to the east hoping to join with his cousin and the Brimrathi and
finds the last remnants of the battle that took place months ago. His Generals
become uneasy and try to return but Tessa kills one of them and shows Vlad a
message found by the scouts in the clothes of some dead-frozen envoys. Scouts from
Omerina arrive almost frozen with messages that Leo conquered Hanso Keep. The
end of the chapter finds the two last Axis hosts joining close to the Yellow Hills.
Chapter VII :Pillars
-Garwin is set to marry Varrosil's widow, Rowena. He refuses and angers Utumno. The
preparations are made in Axis camp to take advantage of the snowless period and
march on Taroviste. Getharon wants a calm approach and signs are showing that him
and Leo are very good friends now.
Chapter VIII : March to Victory
-Both sides decide to march. The Allies find Vlad's location because of the snowless
period and march in that direction. Bella is left to rule Taroviste with Erden and some
Arkhanate-Akhetana soldiers. The Axis are marching as well but they are attacked in
a valley by RD and his suicidial soldiers. The attack drives dissaray in the Axis but Leo
corners RD and after a duel between my two best fighters, RD is killed with a curse
on his lips.
Chapter IX : The Lost Hope
-Part 1 : Utumno and Toland split from the main host and attack the right side of the
Axis where Getharon is. Luring them in deep snow, Utumno gets and advantage but
the Brimrathi keep going forward, ramming over the Akhetanian host and killing
Domar (Erden's crazy but skilled son)
-Part 2 : Garwin and Kurnash along with the remaining Arkhanate leaders prepare the
big clash. Vlad and Leo hold a private meeting in which they forgive each other for
everything. Denna is sent back to Hanso to be safe. Tessa is offered safety but she
refuses and is the first to shout for war. Garwin reads from the Tome for the last time
and his eye flash like Tenard's.
-Part 3 : Tessa charges head on again into the ranks of Garwin's army but Kurnash
traps the Serdas. The flanks of the Allies overpower the Axis who are missing the
Brimrathi cavalry like crazy. The infantry of the Harkun are decimated to the last, so
are the Dehakur who perish bravely.
Vlad pulls out a large part of his troops and retires, Leo secures the rearguard as the
Axis enters Taroviste through the western gate, but their troops are too scarce now.
No Brimrathi in sight.Utumno and Garwin storm Taroviste and are repelled twice in
the same day, but the third time the gates fall.Vlad kills Mark who dies protecting
Bella.She is saved by Erden who dies as well.The Arkhanate troops surround the
Keep.Leo breaks out with the last remaining Serdas. (Tessa is prisoner btw).In that
breaking, Leo fights Kurnash. After one of the biggest duels ever, the two High
Generals of their respective armies, kill each other in glory.Garwin shouts for Vlad to
surrender. Vlad asks for his sword back.Bella is driven to safety by the Akhetanian

Leo breaks out with the last remaining Serdas. (Tessa is prisoner btw).In that
breaking, Leo fights Kurnash. After one of the biggest duels ever, the two High
Generals of their respective armies, kill each other in glory.Garwin shouts for Vlad to
surrender. Vlad asks for his sword back.

Chapter X and LAST : A New Way

- PART 1- We see the Throne Room getting stormed. Velya surrenders at the door and
she sees Getharon being tied as well as the Brimrathi leaders. Vlad smiles and walks
out of the Throne Room as prisoner. Everyone is dead there, the city is red.Utumno
requests the leaders of the Birmrathi to surrender and promises they'll live.
- PART 2 : The Allies Council, very thin now after so many deaths, ask for Vlad's head
and for Tessa's.The Allies Council argue a lot.Most want the Kodars all dead.But then
Utumno and Bella raise this problem : "Who'd be able to keep Wasrobia in control if
not a Kodar? They are Wasrobia, do we want to kill our biggest Duchy, my
lords?"Utumno, Garwin, Bella go to visit Vlad and Tessa.Vlad refuses to acknowledge
Garwin as King. He spits on the Tome and mocks the hell out of Mandrovia's signs.
- PART 3 : Vlad demands death by his own sword and a worthy executioner. Garwin
refuses, Utumno refuses, Toland refuses.Then, Vlad is left alone with Tessa.He tells
her Wasrobia MUST SURVIVE at any cost. That she needs to be strong and she needs
to show power and determination. "You are Wasrobia now, Tessa. Tomorrow when the
execution will happen, pick up Demon and behead me. Then ask for the Duchy and
they'll give it to you."
Tessa asks for two conditions. Denna to be returned safe from Hanso Keep and
Wasrobia to be given to her as Duchy if she swears fealty to Garwin.In the last scene
of Part 3- Vlad is beheaded by Tessa who does it without shedding a single tear. Then,
she kneels before Garwin and recites The Vow. Everyone in the hall acclaim the new
King of Wallardia, GARWIN I.

Spring is here. Ruko and Alecto return from the North and Alecto is given the Harkun
lands forever as long as they are loyal to the new Wallard King. Hanso Keep is given
to Rowena and Ruko Manes. House Manes rules Omerina as Dukes now. Garwin is
crowned in the big Hall of Taroviste with everyone present and he expresses his wish
for an eternal peace and for great era for Wallardia to come. Then he speaks outloud
about his wife, praying the if she is safe and sound, she'll be Kedumian.Alecto is
dismissed from the army but gets the ruling of the Harkun lands .He also adopts
Shesania.Shesania will be the reason why Ruko lives. Utumno will hold the Chancellor
office only for one year until the traces of the war start to get wiped off and the big
wounds to heal. Then, he quits and retires to his old home in Luadu Valley in the
Uenian mountains. At Garwin's coronation Rolafis renews the vow.And gets a place in
the new Council.Along with Tessa,Toland and Ruko Manes.

1. Senash- Misery, Sanguine, Deadly

2. Arathon- Ancient, Ancient, Speech
3. Aramis- Mate, M8, Funny
4. Leopold - Anger, Suffering, Brutal
5. Darius Palamis- Honour, Powah, Caring
6. Toland- Mistery, Cunning, Skilled
7. Marga - Fierce, Charm, Vengeful
8. Yesel -Ruinous, Nightkiller, Junkie
9. Alecto -Power, Puff, Loyal
10. Banathor- Dark, Determination, Grim
Match the following characters :

1. Vlad
2. Tenard
3. Trucius
4. Getharon
5. Karuhal
6. Lannes
7. Mark
8. Utumno
9. Uluzad
10. Arnold

with the following adjectives based on how they fit in your mind :


Ai fost, esti si vei fi pentru mine, Gaftonita. Sub numele asta unic pentru mine se
ascund mii si mii de sentimente, ganduri, vorbe nerostite. Se ascund trairi
zbuciumate, pasiuni si ascunde iubirea. Caci te iubesc pur, sincer si
devotat. Vreau sa iti fiu credincios pana la moarte, vreau sa iti fiu alaturi in tumultul
vietii asa cum o barca te insoteste si te scoate din marea plina de rechini. Imi pare
sincer rau pentru toata necazurile pe care ti le-am provocat si care iti macina sufletul.
Nu iti cer iertarea...e greu sa cred ca vei ierta prea curand cuvintele veninoase ce
gura mea proasta ti le-a aruncat. E greu sa cred ca ma vei iubi cu usurinta din nou...
Iti cer doar sa ramai, sa stai langa mine! Iti promit iubire, afectiune, daruire, caldura
si devotament. Voi fi aici pentru tine in orice situatie, la orice nevoie. ESTI FEMEIA
VIETII MELE si desi am facut mult rau, ramai langa mine si lasa-ma sa te iubesc asa
cum stiu ei! Sa fim iar suflet langa suflet, privire in privire si trup lipit de trup. Sa fim
noi! Iar eu sa stiu ca am fost, sunt si voi fi pentru tine, Cristian!

Ai venit dupa mine cu pastile cans aveam dureri si eram si rupa de foame dupa o zi plans cu mine ai ras cu mine te ai certat cu mine ai tipat la mine mai alintat
si mai surpeins xu ceva dulce mereu ai fost geloa dar si intelegator presant si iubito

The King was pacing in his halls

His eyes steel and his hands strong
His gaze stopped to look at the walls
The gut was telling him it's wrong.

He called the Councillors ahead

With trembling voice that sounded dead.
"The gates should open, there's no chance
And our might will once commence."

They tried protesting but in vain

The Wallard's word was power
The soldiers ran and in disdain
The gates opened in sour.

And so the dreaded plagued emerged

On the streets of the city
Soon the death will engulf all
The key word became pity.

"By the time this Goddess showed up in your lore, the One God was already emerged
from the chaos of darkness, spreading the light and giving life to everthing existing
now and ever. That deity of yours, dear Wasrobians, is nothing but a subject of the
One God's creation and a single Realm requires an unified belief and a single deity,
all powerful and mighty, at the center of the world. (1)"

(1) The Ancient Tome- Unified Religion, Leonard the Humble before the people of
Wasrobia, 4th year after Unification ( 497 BP)
worshippers arrested.(2)"

"The Versi deities are wrong, unethical, meddling in the midst of the creation. They
should therefore be banished and their worshippers arrested.(2)"

The Ancient Tome- Unified Religion, The Edict of Converting signed by Leonard the
Humble, 12th year after Unification (489 BP)

"You shall worship the One God only in the White Temple of Sulkaiame. The shrine
should be built by the end of the year in the light and guidance of our sovereign

The Ancient Tome -Unified Religion, The White Temple's shrine of peace, written by
Kovaldil, 33rd year after the Unification (468BP)

"Green was the defining colour for almost everything in the Aeku's Palace, the
Veo'lad. Green tapestries, green pavement, green armours on the Levario's guards.
For the eye of the common traveler seeing the most beautiful city of Akhetana and
maybe the whole Wallardia, there was no sign of ongoing war. The servants were
doing the daily chores, the guards their regularly patrols and from time to time, a
horn was blowing from atop the highest tower in Veo'lad, announcing the time of the
day. When it blew for the fifth time that day, the massive yet elegant oaken gates of
the Palace opened and grim riders charged inside the yard. In the first row, a man
with a richly decorated breastplate, riding a beautiful black steed, was easily
recognizable as the Duke of Akhetana, Toland Levario."

De ce e tarziu
De ce este noapte
De ce eu iti scriu
De ce aud soapte?

De ce tu nu vii
De ce te visez
De ce te-as iubi
De ce <3 trasez?
Pentru ca te iubesc
Pentru ca te ador
Pentru ca te doresc
Desi n-a fost usor.

Motivul pe care
Il repet mereu
E unul mai mare
In tine sunt eu!

Iar tu esti in mine

Si astazi si maine
Zi dupa zi
Sa iti dau o iubire
Asa si caldura
Ca-s departe de tine.

Sa te iau dupa umeri

Prin cuvinte calde
Sa nu te fac sa suferi
Cu trairi desarte.

Asa cum niciodata

Nu ploua doar o picatura
Asa sa stii odata
Tu nu vei fi singura! <3

Melladonia- large population, incredibly fertile, agricultural prowess, breadbasket of

the Empire, flat-green fields, some hills in the south, two major rivers.
- Meronthingen (The Capital)- situated between the two rivers, fertile
area, two giant fortified bridges- Meronthingen Twins, 4th biggest city in the world,
the whole nobility lives there since the First Emperor smashed all the keeps as a sign
of unity. Melladonia was powerful in the past, single biggest food provider. Seven
Palaces scattered around "The Green City". Families compete for the most glamorous,
most beatiful decorations of their own palace gardens, huge gardens for each palace.
No fortifications for the palaces.
- The Governor's Citadel- at the heart of the city. Incredible gardens which
form a maze. The members of the Council live there. No families, no mistresses.
- Ruling Title : Governor, appointed by the Emperor himself from one of
the leftover noble families with privileges, he can choose from any family, the office
is for life. Can be replaced if a bad deed surfaces. Political and civil leader. Rules
helped by a different kind of Council. Former Governors are not allowed. This Council
is an advising board- no real power, formed from skilled people, usually commoners.
Governor has the ultimate say on everything.
- Powerful families : four major ones, cluster of smaller ones, patriarchate
- Army : standard imperial, not prominent special units, normal infantry,
units of 10 men that do everything together ,heavy discipline, the tenth guy is the
officer. Ten units= One hundred- a Seragon leads them. One thousand- a Squire. Ten
thousands- Paladin. Paladins have zero control over forces in peacetime.
- Trade : done on the river network with exceptional results. Powerful
influence over the neighbouring regions cause of that.
- Religion : monotheistic, no clergy.
- Second largest city- AVALTHON : former seat of the old nobles pre-
unification; situated south in the rolling green hills; not very vast; the castle like a
fortified palace- unspoken beauty, floral decorations, vegetation, tall and elegant
towers adorned with green and pink; a small town where the servants from the
palace lived; white houses with bathhouses and fountains, humble and modest. After
the Unification, the nobles were killed and the servants before leaving, plundered the
riches within the palace. Left to decay.
- The Order of Arvanthalon- mission rennessanse and rediscovery,
rejuvenation of old melladonian ideals of chivalry and idealismhood. Elite Melladonian
warriors from the imperial Lions unit, men in their 40's by now

-Flashes of a Green Wood





Dukes of Wasrobia, full chronology (531 BP- present)

Ulmen Kodar ( 531-487)

Rendag Kodar ( 487- 466)
Andeslav Kodar ( 466-421)
Renan Kodar ( 421- 399)
Domarin Kodar (399- 362)
Peon Kodar ( 362-322)
Etien Kodar (322-273)
Volkan Kodar (273-242)
Lupen Kodar(242-227)
Thorben Kodar (227-200)
Hremesen Kodar (200-169)
Sadgar Kodar (169-124)
Valden & Valens Kodar(124-103)
Valens Kodar (103-77)
Angus Kodar (77-40)
Aserina Kodar-Wallard (40-21)
Vladislav Kodar (21- )

The action of our book is set in an entirely new world, crafted by five different authors
from five different countries. Romania, Lituania, Georgia, Turkey and Israel. It shows
the life and politics in the medieval times but based on grounded realism, intrigue,
war and aspects of a simple life. It's a world with a full-fledged history, geography
and political system, governated by a struggle for power, influence and by large
ambitions that collide in every domain. From trade-based Kingdoms to warlike
Duchies, from desert Empires to frozen tribe coallitions and from crafty elves to joyful
state-cities, our world contains everything you'd like to read about. It shows an
original take on the medieval age, one that can lead the reader into a new adventure
with each chapter. Civil wars, rebellions, alliances but also daily life cover the heart,
the core of our creation. Each of the writers has his own contribution to the larger
picture as it owns a particular Kingdom in this world. Those Kingdoms inter-connect
with each other in front or behind the curtains, developing a network of relations that
spread like spider-webs throughout the whole continent. We send characters into
other Kingdoms and create arcs for them in order to help the reader discover those
characters' perspective on that world and way of life. The chapters use to create
momentum the magnificent and inspiring music from Two Steps from Hell , the
soundtracks basically carry the action forward like a tidal wave! It's a magnificent
and also extremely fun journey that leads the average reader in battles, in feasts, in
glory and in defeat, exploring the world through the eyes of our characters and
interacting with everything we place on the table.

"As the lone traveler climbs the last hills he can already smell the putrid, rotten
atmosphere, emanating from every feet of that land. He gazes down at an enormous,
black and horrific swamp, the smell almost making him pass out. If he is bold enough
to climb down the hill and advance through the stepstones of the deadly swamp, he
is "rewarded" with a sight that'd make the most fearless Nazrimath piss his pants. A
mountain of rubble,decimated by harsh weather over the long decades, in a
triangular form, guarding the southern end of the swamp like a giant from the old
myths. The traveler cannot go forward, but if he does through some incredible
miracle passes over the black land, his gaze stops over the monumental, dreadful
piece of bronze ornated with gold that shines in the only bit of light that comes over
the swamp. What was once a Gate, a formidable and beautiful one, is a monstrous,
chaotical shape of a snake, curling, the rubble making it seem like it has hands and
crawls at you, ready to jump and that it's not the greatest scare...The chaotical snake
has 13 mouths, all wide open like pits of despair and the belly of the snake is full as
the traveler who stops by the mountain of rubble and faces the horrific monument
can smell death itself residing there. Death if the form of living creatures."

"Do you know that I never expected to see the day of a reborn Wallardia? Do you
understand that this war consumed forty years of everyone's lives? Do you know the
consequences, the scars that a battle for an empty seat let on the skin of this land?
We were mighty once, kings like Falastil or Omsaldil truly made our Kingdom shine in
Viscordia! We were proud once, when the Versi ruled!! We were wise once when our
University rivaled with any other in Viscordia! What are we now? A pile of rubble, a
field of charred corpses, empty castles, widows wailing for their husbands, mothers
crying for their sons and daughters. What are we now? A land without a formidable
city, a land without a proper army, a land of distant memories and which can
remember only the pain of the war! Our goal is to change this, Garwin Wallard and as
much as my powers could help you, I will. We're starting again like Leonard the
Humble did and we know the stakes." (Line from the last chapter of the story "A New

"Little leef, dense grass, little leaf, dense grass

Proud and beautiful the world is, proud and beautiful the world is
And green leaves, and green leaves
I sing because the world is dear to me, I sing because the world is dear to me"

Some speak of folklore

Say it's Hungarian
Say it's mainstream
Say it's lame
Too oriental
It's true
I changed my perspective about folklore
I will love it and more until I die
Because we get messages from foreigners
Who doesn't call us thieves or buggers anymore
The world is beautiful when you make your brothers proud
Big up, Subcarpati (name of the band)
I hear the metro between stations
Attention, the doors are opening
Same does the perspective
We don't sell ourselves for profit, on contrary
We found our album's name, we chose it
Because your skin knows if you chose something else
Aside from the main generator, the folklore
Don't put it in your wallet
Better close the sound.
Full house in Cluj
Full house in Bucharest
Full house in Timisoara
We hope in all the country!
The hooligans attack when they smell the "cheese" (money)
It was obvious
Instead of getting upset, I sing
Brick over brick, we're building a base
The Romanians got back their folklore, we done it
The life is big, I sing because it's dear to me
You made me cry not make the whole country
Grandma, I hope you see from above
What you thought me, I brought in Bucharest too.

Little leef, dense grass, little leaf, dense grass

Proud and beautiful the world is, proud and beautiful the world is
Some talk of folklore
Everyone in their way
Some say it's urban
Everyone in their way, in their kind
But I'm constantean (from the city of Constanta)
From the Tracian-Macedonian clan
Ah, now with Subcarpati
The brothers and sisters love me
Mother, where are you to hear my voice?
I sing this music for the future in Dobrogea.
Ah, beyond the Borcea channel (aka in Dobrogea)
All I had, all I do, original as Vlaicu Golcea
Pure Romanian vibration
To offer my children beautiful music
The album is ready
Come everyone, lets ride
Long live father Bean (member of the band)
Long live father Vali ( another member)
Power on Vinil
Madalina (the woman on the chorus) and Andri
Now I'm happy the concerts go well
And the people listen to our songs
Word by word, syllabe after syllabe
If it's up to the beat, no problem I get to write
There is no business without something rotten
That's why here ( aka in Romania) a lot of shit happened
But again I avoid the bad thoughts
Not because I fear them but because I am not used.

Little leaf, dense grass

Better than live on my knees

Better die on my feet
On my own path built on spiritual waves
I am not an universal citizen, I am Romanian
And I fight the hardest to remain the same
Ah, in Subcarpati there are my roots
I grew up in Teleorman ( a southern county in Wallachia)
My parents originate from there
Our folklore is not only sublime
But it reminds me who I am and from where I come
I sing in the woods often
And cry, while missing it
Whatever we do it's not the coin's fault
Cause it gets stained
In the hands of the thieves (our rulers) who use it wrongly for the folklore
We took from the people
To offer them back
We were raised that way
That is our tradition
From the everflowing stream that was given to us
We chose song after song and gave them
And every concert is a reason to celebrate
Where we gather, young and old
Thank you, brothers
Thank you, sisters
You always honours us by coming and you sing all like one
This is my pride, this is my nature
I am happy I was given the chance to make this bloom
I will always treasure you, Romanian folklore
Because you taught me once more how to love...

"Little leef, dense grass, little leaf, dense grass

Proud and beautiful the world is, proud and beautiful the world is
And green leaves, and green leaves
I sing because the world is dear to me, I sing because the world is dear to me"

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