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 Ursala Freer

Molecular & Cellular transformation to a

4th Dimensional Earth Life

To read an Andromeda Council published news story & listen to an interview on this topic
please go to:
3D – 3rd dimension
4D – 4th dimension
5D – 5th dimension
Tolec, you’ve said the people you communicate with on the primary biosphere where many of
the Andromeda Council meetings are held – that they are “excited” about our solar system &
our planet’s migration into the 4 dimension. Why are they so excited about this change we are
about to experience?
ANSWER: First off, please understand, these original 5,000, now 50,000+ crew members, & their
families, on this biosphere, and on the other biospheres, they’ve traveled a long way to help Earth with
this coming shift. They are excited to be here & to help. And, up until recently it’s been a very
challenging, difficult time because first they had to win a very hard war in space against an alliance of
Orion Greys, Hydra, & Alpha Draconis Reptilians. Which they’ve done.
And in the clean-up process down on Earth, various affiliated Andromeda Council races, especially
those from Procyon, used highly focused sonic energy beams to bust-up & collapse underground
bases including the ones around your nation’s capital leading up to the hills in Virginia, ones in
Colorado, and northern New Mexico. Again, these were highly focused, pin-pointed, sonic energy
beam blasts meant to cripple the tunnel systems & underground bases where the Greys & Reptilians
have been hiding. They had been warned many, many times to leave, and didn’t. So, a positive
intervention. My contacts called these tunnels & bases a “lattice network”. They’re destroyed,
collapsed & inoperable... and closed off. These were not nuclear blasts. They said, and I quote: “8 we
would never used nuclear weapons, we don’t need to. We are far beyond this kind of technology.
Moreover, use of nuclear weapons would absolutely endanger the lives of the people on the planet
surface. And, even worse, nuclear radiation is poisonous to all humans, to all life on Earth. These
were not nuclear weapons but highly focused, pin-pointed, sonic energy beam blasts.”
The Andromeda Council’s goal is to eliminate as many of these remaining ‘rats under the wood pile’ as
soon as possible... before your migration & complete immersion into the 4 dimensional area of space.
As I’ve mentioned, we are about 90-92% complete in the wrapping up of the ‘clean-up’ phase of the last
hold-outs of these Grey & Reptilian menaces here on Earth.
So, back to the shift. Comparatively, this coming shift is nothing like anyone has experienced in a long,
long, long time. A lot of things are happening with your solar system, all at once, which we are paying
close attention to. And, this transformation you are about to experience is totally different because a
whole solar system, your planet & its people get to become 4 dimensional human beings8 without
having to “die”. Now, let me explain. From time memorial, normally humans on 3D planets like Earth
get to live long or short lives, to have whatever overall learning experiences are best needed for their
souls. When they die, rather when their bodies die8 their original birth spiritual essence, their soul,
usually goes off planet for a while & decides, chooses, where it will incarnate next. Another 3D world
like Earth, or Earth again. Or, if they feel they’ve really learned as much as they can over the course of
many 3D lifetimes8 they can choose instead to migrate & live their lives in the 4 dimension on any
number of 4D worlds. Or they can go back to their original 4D home world. This is the norm.
Again, in the case of this coming shift, this transformation of your solar system and planet8 no one,
nobody’s 3D body has to die8 to become a 4 dimensional human.

That’s great. You’ve said on the Andromeda Council web site that as part of our transition into
becoming 4 dimensional beings - people from planets affiliated with the Andromeda Council
are coming here to Earth, will quietly land, and visit with us. What will these people be like?
ANSWER: The people you can expect to meet are likely to come from four (4) affiliated Andromeda
Council planets: Ventra, Nikotae, Toleka and Ritol. The people from all four planets are human just
like you & I are. Here are the following physical traits and descriptions of all four:
The people from this planet Ventra {Ven-tra} have white porcelain type skin, beautiful emerald green
looking eyes or dark bluish purple eyes. They have fine strawberry blonde hair. The women are petite,
about 5’ tall. The men are about 6’ – 6’ 2”.
The people from this planet Nikotae {Nee-koe-tay} have light creamy, to mid-mocha color skin. They
would look to be very much like a person of mixed Caucasian & African races on your planet. These
people are in fact of mixed races. Hair ranges in color from black to brown, of all different textures,
short & tight to long & light curly & flowing. Their eyes are all colors of brown, dark to light, and some
times people with the lighter colored brown eyes – they have gold flecks in their eyes. The women are
generally about 6’ tall. And the men range from about 6’5 - 6’7”. p.1
The people from this planet Toleka {Toe-lecka} have beautiful, pale, very light green skin, with light
blue almost aquamarine eyes. Their fine hair ranges from being almost silvery to very light blonde.
With both the women & men, they would be considered have an average range of Earth human height.
Their ears are slightly pointed. Think of the fictional “Vulcans” from your STAR TREK television shows.
The majority of the original people from this planet Ritol {Ree tole} have light blue skin. They have
thick full white hair. They have really deep, deep purple eyes.
These people have also inter-mixed marriages with Caucasian looking people from a planet in the Tau
Ceti star system, Loeki {Loke-ee}8 as a result, their light blue skin color gets even lighter. They have
all different eye colors because of the inter-mixing of the races. Their hair is either black or red, also full
& thick in appearance.
For those people who have inter-mixed marriages with people you would consider to be “Native
American” looking, people from the planet Dakote, their look becomes a more “muted” blue look.
They have also married people from the planet Nikotae, people who have the light creamy to mid-
mocha color skin. They have retained the texture of thick full hair. These people overall are very tall in
height. They women are generally 7’ – 7’ 2” tall. The men are usually between 8’ – 8’2” tall.
Ritol is very much a “melting pot” kind of a planet, much like Earth.

How will we be able to speak with these people who are from other planets?
ANSWER: In order to be able to speak with you they will all be wearing ‘universal translators’8 so they
can converse in all Earth languages.

Is this still scheduled to happen soon?

ANSWER: Yes, they are pretty much on schedule to do this. It’s still very likely to happen this autumn.
I believe sometime before October is finished. But, don’t hold me to this date.
Because we are discussing timing happening around major cosmic events, the matter of "timing"
concerning their initial contact & visitation date tends to be much more fluid. Therefore, I would ask
people to please be patient about this particular topic.

O.k then. So the Andromeda Council web site talks about all sorts of important things they have
to share with us. What’s the big deal: what don’t we know about ourselves.
ANSWER: Great question. Primarily you’ll learn about your own true heritage, the truth of your origin,
of your original human physical form, where among the various stars & planets across the Universe that
Earth people originally came from, who your - cousins, brothers and sisters are, who your ancestors
truly are8 and why you are so special. You’ll learn about the truth and reality of the human spiritual
origin and its true essence. You’ll learn about the reality, creation & sacredness of the human soul, and
its connection with the Creation, and all sentient life throughout the Universe. There is much more of
course. But, that’s their job8 I’ll let them tell you.

Well, ok. All right. So, back to our new 4D bodies then. So, January 1, 2014 arrives and we
begin living as 4 dimensional people. How will Earth people change in terms of their body
structure as new 4D humans?
ANSWER: Again, the most important thing to realize is that this coming transformation, this transition,
from 3D human to 4D human8 will be smooth, ‘seamless’, painless. Again, there is no death involved.
This experience will be a simple transformation of cellular structure8 from the slower, more dense,
heavier, existing 3D vibratory rate you have today, to a higher, faster 4D vibratory rate. You will have a
body that is taller, literally lighter in terms of mass, weight & density, and lighter in terms of being8
infused with light.
Keep in mind, your body’s molecular cellular structure will change. Think crystal based molecules. Your
4D body, the cellular structure of your new 4D body, will be based on crystalline molecules. Your
existing 3D cell walls will transmute into being crystalline based. Within the center of each cell, it will be
full of light. Earth people, your 4D bodies will really be very translucent.

For all the living adults who choose to remain on Earth during this time of change, you will look
approximately in the 32 -35 year old age range.
In terms of height, for a comparison, an average 3D male today at 5’10”8 the equivalent 4
dimensional male will be about 7ft tall, this is the average height for a 4D man. A 5’ 5” – 5’ 6” 3D Earth
woman will likely be about 6’ 2” living a 4D life. An average 4D Earth man will weigh in Earth terms
about: 10-15 pounds. An average 4D Earth woman will weigh about: 5-7 pounds. Everyone will be
relatively trim, slim in stature. This is simply due to the nature of having a body composed of crystalline
cellular structure.
In terms of overall health, 4D Earth humans will be healthy, literally full of light. Earth type 3D diseases
will all be literally eradicated.

If we are this healthy, and with the eradication of 3D Earth diseases, how long will we live as 4D
Earth humans?
ANSWER: You will like this answer, this is a really good answer. Typically, as you currently measure
time on Earth, human beings living a 4D life spend a minimum of 5,000 years - to - a maximum of
around 10,000 years... living a 4th dimensional life. Also understand, there are 12 octaves of
awareness & learning on each dimension, including the 4th. There is a lot to experience. Please keep
in mind, the use of these numbers in years is to give you at least an approximation based on how Earth
people measure time today. However, also keep in mind, the way you currently measure time on Earth
– this will change once Earth becomes a completely 4D planet. Watching, measuring, experiencing
time... this will virtually go away. Plan for this to completely come into effect by January 2014. In any
case, you will live very, very long lives... before you move on to the 5th dimension.

What do you mean move on... when do we die?

ANSWER: No no, you misunderstand. This too is a really good answer. You don't die. Remember,
time doesn't exist from the 4th dimension on upward. You don't experience time. And people living a
4D life do not die. A person can choose by really extraordinary circumstances to be “extinguished”, but
this is very, very rare. When a 4D person gets to the point when they are 6,000 -10,000 'years
old', when they feel they have learned enough & contributed enough to society, when the moment is
right for them, they simply choose to move on, to transition to the 5th dimension, a slightly higher
frequency of vibratory awareness. For a new set of challenges, a new set of learning experiences. It
is a transition, a change in vibration. This transition is simply about first learning, and then moving into
5th dimensional vibration awareness, and capabilities8 when the moment is right for them.
Further, the actual capabilities a person has once they become a 5th dimensional human8 these are
only a few degrees enhanced above the 4th. In any case, moving on from one dimension to the next is
about having learned many, many things, and a simple choice to move on, to change. You do not die.


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