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1st Chithirai Is Definitely Tamil New Year

Most people who claim 1st Thai is should be Tamil new year never know about how Tamil
Calendar is designed. The reason that given by them for their claim is Chithirai New Year is
vedic/Sanskrit/Hinduism based new year since all 60 new names is Sanskrit, Pongal festival should
be Tamil New Year and Thiruvalluvar is born on 1st Thai.

First, everyone should know that Tamil Calendar is Vedic astronomy-based calendar. Our
Tamil ancestors design Tamil Calendar; days, months based on Vaana Sathiram, Vedic astronomy
text. Without referring to this Vedic astronomy-based Tamil calendar, how could someone tell
when is 1st Thai; when is Pongal festival. Besides, there is no record for when Thiruvalluvar is
exactly born. For who don’t to have Vedic astronomy-based Tamil calendar, pleased create a new
pure Tamil Calendar starting from now. When our Tamil ancestors never feel harm to have Vedic
concepts and Sanskrit in our calendar, why should we feel now?

1. What is Name Of Tamil Calendar?

Name of Tamil Calendar is Panchangam or Tirukannitha Panchangam. The word ‘panchangam’

is a combination of two words, Sanskrit words “pancha” which means meaning five and Tamil
word “angam” meaning limbs. Tamil calendar is called panchangam because a day in Tamil
calendar is ascribed 5 attributes, Tithi, Nakshathiram, vaara (Kizhamai), Yogam and Karnam.
Present of words “pancha” shows influences of Vedic concepts (Hinduism) in making Tamil
Calendar. Tamil calendar solar based calendar.

2. Based On What Tamil Days Of Week Is Named?

In Vedic concept, a day the period between sunrise and its next sunrise; a day is period of time that
been belonged, ruled and influenced by Graha Devas. So, all Tamil days is named after Graha
devas who belonged, rules and influence the particular day according to Vedic astronomy. The
following table shows names of Tamil days and corresponding Garha deva who belongs and rule
the day.
Day Star or planet or
Garha Deva who Gregorian
natural satellite that
belongs and rule the Calendar
Order Tamil (kizhamai) Sanskrit (Vaasara) been associated with
day equivalent
the Garha deva
1 Ñyaitrṟu-kizhamai Ravi-vaasara Suriya/Ravi Bhagavan Sun Sunday
2 Thinga-kizhamai Soma-vaasara Moon Monday
3 Chevvāi-kizhamai Mangala-vaasara Mars Tuesday
4 Bhudhan-kizhamai Budha-vaasara Budha Bhagavan Mercury Wednesday

5 Vyazhak-kizhamai Guru-vaasara Vyala/Guru Bhagavan Jupiter Thursday

6 Veḷḷik-kizhamai Sukra-vaasara Sukira/Veḷḷik Bhagavan Venus Friday

7 Sanik-kizhamai Shani-vaasara Shani Bhagavan Saturn Saturday

Reasons to proof that Tamil days is named after Graha Devas, not just planets in our solar
system is given in following table:

Reason Description
Meaning of ‘kizhamai’ Tamil word ‘kizhamai’ means belongs. Thus, ‘Ñyaitrṟu-kizhamai’ means period of
time that belongs to Ñyaitrṟu (Suriya) Devan to rule. This applied for all Tamil days.
Non-living planet cannot belong something for themselves.
Number of days in a week According to Puranam, Suriya dev, Chandira dev, Mangala dev, Budha dev, Vyala dev,
Sukira dev, Shani dev are real/initial members of Graha Devas while Raghu dev and
Keathu dev (both are same Asura who being separated from head) is Shaya
(shadow/virtual) Graha Devas. Thus, the Seven real/initial members of Graha Devas
belongs a day for themselves. Besides, a week only has 7 days, but there are more than
7 planets more natural satellite in our solar system.
Specific order of days in a week Specific order of Tamil days in a week don’t match with arrangement of planet in our
solar system (both nearest to Sun and nearest to Earth) as shown in following two
tables. Besides, Earth which is also a planet don’t have a day after it because Earth is
one of Panchabhutham according to Vedic concept. Moon which is natural satellite of
Earth has a day named after it. Since Suriya dev is leader of Graha Devas, Ñyaitrṟu-
kizhamai’ is first day of week. Specific order of Tamil days in a week is match with
Specific order of Seven real/initial members of Graha Devas as stated in following
“Om Adityaya Somaya Mangalaya Budhayacha
Guru Sukra Sanibhyascha Rahave Ketave Namah”
Tamil of name of Wednesday and Bhudhan and Sanik, Sanskrit words is used to refer to Wednesday and Saturday
Saturday respectively from long ago. Word ‘Bhudhan’ is derived from ‘Budha Dev’ while Word
‘Sanik’ is derived from ‘Shani Dev’. Viyaazhan is considered as Tamil even though it
is uncertain. Other names of other Tamil days are pure Tamil. Since the names for
Wednesday and Saturday are not pure Tamil, the Pure Tamil Movement was concerned
about this during the period of heavy purification and suggested ‘arivan’ and ‘kaari’
for Bhudhan and Sanik respectively. But until now it was unimplemented.

Order of Star or planet or natural

Star or planet or natural satellite Associated Tamil day
satellite nearest to Sun
0 Sun Ñyaitrṟu-Kizhamai
1 Mercury Bhudhan-Kizhamai
2 Venus Veḷḷik-Kizhamai
3 Earth Not available
4 Moon Thinga-Kizhamai
5 Mars Chevvāi-Kizhamai
7 Jupiter Vyazhak-Kizhamai
8 Saturn Sanik-Kizhamai
9 Uranus Not available
10 Neptune Not available

Order of Star or planet or natural

Star or planet or natural satellite Associated Tamil day
satellite nearest to Earth
1 Moon Thinga-Kizhamai
2 Venus Veḷḷik-Kizhamai
3 Mars Chevvāi-Kizhamai
4 Mercury Bhudhan-Kizhamai
5 Sun Ñyaitrṟu-Kizhamai
6 Jupiter Vyazhak-Kizhamai
7 Saturn Sanik-Kizhamai
8 Uranus Not available
9 Neptune Not available
3. Based on what Number And Duration Of Tamil Month Is Determined?

In order to understand how number and duration of Tamil month is determined, concept of Raasi
must be understood first.


Earth is spherical in shape. So, celestial sphere around Earth is spherical (circle in 2D review). The
celestial sphere around Earth that containing stars and planets in divided to 12 segments; each
segment is called as Raasi or Raasi house (Zodaic). Raasi is obviously a Vedic concept. All Raasi
have Sanskrit origin names. Combination of all 12 Raasi is known as Raasi chart. All Raasi are
spread on the elliptical path within a span of 8-9° (north-south) from the equator of earth. Since a
full circle is 360°, each Raasi identifies a 30° segment of the celestial sphere as shows in following

Meenam Mesham Rishabam Mithunam

30 ° 30 °
Kumbham 30 ° Katakam
30 °
30 ° 30 °

Makaram 30 ° 30 ° Simmam

Dhanus Vrichigam Thulaam Kanni

Shifting of planets across the backdrop of Raasi house is very important for in making
Tamil Calendar, especially Sun. Shifting of Sun across all Raasi house in Raasi chart is a Vedic
concept. This concept does not make senses to others because Sun never move and always stay in
same place and Earth is moving in its orbit around Sun according to astronomy. Concept of Sun
Shifting across all Raasi house is really relevant; Position of each Raasi house is fixed with Earth
(by ignoring the spin of earth on its axis); when Earth move in its orbit to rotate Sun, Raasi houses
also move together with Earth in fix position; Raasi houses in which the Sun is present as its
backdrop always change as Earth moves in its orbit around Sun. In other word, Sun is moving
across all Raasi house as Earth is rotating it.

Number and duration of Tamil months

Tamil months are solar months since they are determined by to shifting of Sun across all Raasi
house in Raasi chart. Duration of Tamil months is equivalent to duration of time that Sun is present
in corresponding Raasi houses as its backdrop. First day of a Tamil month is day when Sun enter
corresponding Raasi house as its backdrop while last day of a Tamil month is day which Sun leave
corresponding Raasi house as its backdrop.

Since Earth’s orbit is elliptical; not perfect circle, duration of time that Sun is present in
each Raasi house as its backdrop is different. That why, number of days in Tamil months is not
same and varies between 29 and 32. As Earth had completed it’s a full cycle of rotating Sun, Sun
had crossed all 12 Raasi house as its backdrop. That make one year (one Tamil year). Tamil
Calendar has twelve months because number of Tamil months is equivalent to number of Raasi.
Each twelve Tamil months symbolize the shift of Earth on its orbit by 30°. The twelve Raasi, its
corresponding Tamils months, number of days in Tamil months and its corresponding position of
Sun in Raasi chart as its backdrop is shown following table:
Name of Raasi Tamil Day in
Symbol of
Order (Raasi house) months the Position of sun in Raasi chart
Tamil Sanskrit month

1 Mesham Meṣha Chithirai 31

2 Rishabam Vṛiṣabha Bull Vaikāsi 31

3 Mithunam Mithuna Twins Āani 32

4 Katakam Kataka Crab Āadi 31

5 Simmam Siṃha Lion Āavaṇi 31

6 Kanni Kanyā Puraṭṭāsi 31

7 Thulaam Tulā Balance Aippasi 29/30

8 Vrichigam Vṛiśchika Scorpion Kārthikai 29/30

Bow and
9 Dhanus Dhanuṣa Mārkazhi 29
10 Makaram Makara faced Thai 29/30

11 Kumbham Kumbha Māsi 29/30

12 Meenam Meena Paṅguni 30
When south Indians, mostly Tamilians celebrate Pongal festival on 1st Thai, that same day,
North Indians celebrate Makara Sankranti festival which indicate entering of Sun in Makara Raasi
house. North Indians also celebrate Dhanus Sankranti festival which indicate entering of Sun in
Dhanus Raasi house on 1st Mārkazhi.

4. Based on what Tamil Month is named?

In order to understand the naming method of Tamil month, concept of Tithi and Nakshatram must
be understood first.


According to Puranam, Chandira /Soma Devan (Moon Devan) married to Dakshan’s 27 daughters,
27 Nakshatra Devis, Ashvinī, Bharanī, Krittikā, Rohini, Mrigashīrsha, Ārdrā, Punarvasu, Pushya,
Āshleshā, Maghā, Pūrva Phalgunī, Uttara Phalgunī, Hasta, Chitrā, Svātī, Vishākhā, Anurādhā,
Jyeshtha, Mūla, Pūrva Ashādhā, Uttara Ashādhā, Shravana, Shravishthā, Shatabhishā, Pūrva
Bhādrapadā, Uttara Bhādrapadā and Revati. Later, Dakshan found that Chandira Devan don’t treat
his 27 daughters equally, overly favored one daughter, Rohini over the others and only spreading
all time with Rohini. For that, Dakshan cursed Chandira Devan to wither and disappear from
existing. Chandra Devan approached and worshiped God Shiva in order to be relieved from the
curse. God Shiva gave Chandira Devan the boon that he would to be relieved from the curse and
will grow and gain his Kalas (shade), one per day until full Kala is achieved in one half cycle and
in the other half cycle Chandira Devan would keep losing his Kala, one per day and decrease in
size until all kala is disappeared. This process will be occurred continuously as a cycle. Thus, Tithi
of a particular time is defined as Kala (lunar phase) of Chandira Devan during the time.

According to astronomy, Tithi can be defined as lunar phase of Moon, observable shape of
moon from Earth during a time. The lunar phase or phase of the Moon is the shape of the directly
sunlit portion of the Moon as viewed from Earth. The lunar phases gradually and cyclically change
over the period of a synodic month (about 29.53 days), as the orbital positions of the Moon around
Earth and of Earth around the Sun shift. The Moon's rotation is tidally locked by Earth's gravity;
therefore, most of the same lunar side always faces Earth. This near side is variously sunlit,
depending on the position of the Moon in its orbit. Thus, the sunlit portion of this face can vary
from 0% (at new moon) to 100% (at full moon). Duration of a Tithi is defined as a time-duration
between the consecutive epochs that correspond to when the longitudinal-angle between sun and
moon is an integer multiple of 12°.

There is 30 Tithes to represent 30 lunar phases of Moon as shown in following table. 30

Tithes are divided into two set of haft cycle called Sukhla paksham and Krishna paksham. Paksham
is a Sanskrit word and its equalent tamil word is Azhuvam. Sukhla paksham (Valar pirai) is waxing
period of lunar phase of Moon which ends in full moon while Krishna paksham (Theei pirai) is
waning period of lunar phase of Moon which ends in new moon. Each set of paksham consist of
15 Tithes. Amavasai, Pirai, Arai Nilavu, Moondram Pirai, Pournami are equivalent Tamil names
for certain Tithis.

Number of lunar phase
Sukhla paksham (Valar pirai) Krishna paksham (Theei pirai)

1 Prathamai Prathamai
2 Dvithiyai Dvithiyai
3 Thrithiyai Thrithiyai
4 Chathurthi Chathurthi
5 Panchami Panchami
6 Sashti Sashti
7 Sapthami Sapthami
8 Ashtami Ashtami
9 Navami Navami
10 Dasami Dasami
11 Ekaadasi Ekaadasi
12 Dvaadasi Dvaadasi
13 Thrayodasi Thrayodasi
14 Chathurdasi Chathurdasi

15 Purnima/Pournami (full moon day) Amavasya/Amavasai (new moon)

One complete lunar phase cycle which consist of one set of Sukhla paksham and one set
of Krishna paksham is shown in following Figure.


According to Puranam, after being released from Dakshan’s curse, Chandira Devan corrected his
previously mistake that he not treats all his wives fairly. Chandira Devan take turn to spend time
with his 27 wives separately so that each of 27 Nakshatra Devis can have her personal time with
their husband. So, Nakshatram of a particular time in particular day is defined as name of
Nakshatra Devi who spend time with Chandira Devan during the moment while duration of a
Nakshatram for a day defined as duration of time that Chandira Devan spend with the particular
Nakshatra Devi.

According to astronomy, Chandira Devan is represented by Moon while 27 Nakshatra

Devis is represented by 27 constellation that exist in each of 27 celestial sphere divisions along
orbit of moon as shown in following figure. The Moon pass through all 27 celestial sphere
divisions as moving in its orbit to rotate the Earth. The moon rose in one celestial sphere divisions
each day taking 28 days to rise again in the same segment. Moon takes approximately 28 days to
revolve around earth and the period is called as sidereal month. Constellation of celestial sphere
divisions in which the Moon present during a time indicate Nakshatram of the particular time while
duration of time that Moon moves in the particular celestial sphere divisions indicate duration of
the Nakshatram. Birth star of a person is the Nakshatrams on which the Moon resided when the
person is born. Nakshatrams has Sanskrit origin names because Nakshatrams are named after
Nakshatra Devis; Few Nakshatrams such as Thiruvādhirai, Kettai, Aviṭṭam and Tiruvōnam has
pure Tamil equivalent name. The figure shows position of Moon on its orbit when Nakshatram of
the time is Anusham.


The following Table shows list of Nakshatrams and their associated constellation:

Order Associated constellation
Tamil Sanskrit
1 Aswini Ashvinī 3 stars (horse face)
2 Baraṇi Bharanī 3 stars (pot)
3 Kārthikai Krittikā 6 stars (razor)
4 Rōhiṇi Rohini 5 stars (chariot)
5 Mirugasīridam Mrigashīrsha/Margaseershe 3 stars (deer head)
6 Thiruvādhirai Ārdrā 1 star (bead)
7 Punarpoosam Punarvasu 5 stars (bow)
8 Poosam Pushya/Thykshyam 3 stars (flower)

9 Ayilyam Āshleshā 6 stars (serpent)

10 Magam Maghā 5 stars (palanquin)

11 Pooram Pūrva Phalgunī 4 stars (leg of cot)

12 Uthiram Uttara Phalgunī 4 stars (leg of cot)

13 Astham Hasta 5 stars (palm)
14 Chithirai Chitrā 1 star (pearl)
15 Swathi Svātī 1 star (sapphire)
16 Visakam Vishākhā 3 stars (potter wheel)
17 Anusham Anurādhā 3 stars (umbrella)
18 Kettai Jyeshtha 3 stars (umbrella)
19 Mūlam Mūla 6 stars (crouching lion)
20 Pūradam Pūrva Ashādhā 4 stars (square)
21 Uthirādam Uttara Ashādhā same as above
22 Tiruvōnam Shravana 3 stars (arrow)
23 Aviṭṭam Shravishthā/Dhanishta 4 stars (drum)
24 Sadayam Shatabhishā/Shatataraka 100 stars (flower)
25 Pūraṭṭādhi Pūrva Bhādrapadā 4 stars (leg of cot)
26 Uttṛṭṭādhi Uttara Bhādrapadā 4 stars (leg of cot)
27 Rēvathi Revati 3 stars (fish)
Naming of Tamil month:

Tamil months is named after specific Nakshatram on which Moon rises on Pournami Tithi (full
moon) day of the month expect Āani and Āadi. For example, Pournami Tithi of Chithirai month
is fall on Chithra Nakshatram. The following table shows list names of months and its
corresponding Nakshatram on which Moon rises on Pournami Tithi (full moon) day of the month.

Nakshatram on which Moon rises

Month Name on Pournami Tithi (full moon) Gregorian Calendar
day of the month equivalent
Tamil Sanskrit Tamil Sanskrit
Chithirai Chaitra Chithirai Chitrā mid-April to mid-May
Vaikāsi Vaisākha Visakam Vishākhā mid-May to mid-June
Āani Jyaishtha Kettai Jyeshtha mid-June to mid-July

Āadi Āshāḍha Pūradam Pūrva Ashādhā mid-July to mid-August

Āavaṇi Shrāvaṇa Tiruvōnam Shravana mid-August to mid-September

Bhādrapada/ Pūrva mid-September to mid-
Puraṭṭāsi Pūraṭṭādhi
Prauṣṭhapada Bhādrapadā October
mid-October to mid-
Aippasi Ashwina /Ashvayuja Aswini Ashvinī
mid-November to mid-
Kārthikai Kārttika Kārthikai Krittikā
Mārkazhi Mārgaṣīrṣa Mirugasīridam mid-December to mid-January
Thai Pausha/Taiṣya Poosam mid-January to mid-February

Māsi Māgha Magam Maghā mid-February to mid-March

Paṅguni Phalguna Uthiram Uttara Phalgunī mid-March to mid-April

5. Why 1st Chithirai is Tamil New Year?

If first day of a Tamil month is day when Sun enter corresponding Raasi house as its backdrop,
then first day of Tamil year is day when Sun enter first Raasi house as its backdrop which is Mesha
Raasi. Chithirai is corresponding Tamil month for Mesham Raasi. It is very obvious that 1st
Chithirai is Tamil New Year.

Other reason for 1st Chithirai is choosen be Tamil New year is the Chithirai month that has
the same length of day and night. Besides, according to Tamil literature, climate of Tamil land is
divided into 6 Tamil season where each of season include two Tamil months as shown in following
table. Thus, Chithirai month is more suitable be celebrated as Tamil New Year since it is Spring
season (Ila-venil).

Similar English season Definition of

Tamil season name Tamil Months
name season

Ila-venil Spring Light warmth Chithirai, Vaikāsi

Mutu-venil Summer Harsh warmth Āani, Āadi

Kaar Monsoon Dark clouds, rain Āavani, Puraṭṭāsi

Kulir Autumn Chill / cold Aippasi, Kārthikai

Mun-pani Winter Early mist / dew Mārkazhi, Thai

Pin-pani Prevernal Late mist / dew Māsi, Panguni

14th April also been celebrated as New Year or other festival in Assam, Bengal, Kerala,
Odisha, Manipur, Punjab, Burma, Cambodia, Laos, Bangladesh, Nepal and Thailand. (Something
one day difference due to miner error in calculation of individual calendar). Concept of month
(based on Raasi) is similar in all Indian calendar (according race); certain names of month also
similar. Indians who follow solar calendar (including Tamil calendar) will celebrated new year on
14th April while Indians who follow lunisolar calendar will celebrated new year on a few weeks
ahead from 14th April since their first day of year is determined by Moon.

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