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0:00-0:03-Instrumental Long shot of a homeless guy sleeping on

the streets and him waking up.
0:03-0:07-Instrumental Medium shot of the homeless guy looking
round like he can’t remember anything.
0:07-0:10-Instrumental He starts walking about town. I’ll have an
over the shoulder shot from behind him as
a close up
0:10-0:14-Instrumental Medium shot of him sitting on a bench
looking around.
0:14-0:17-Instrumental Another medium shot but from a side angle
of him looking cold, breathing into his
0:17-0:20-I’ve got a funny feeling in my Medium shot from the side of him walking
stomach into a store.
0:20-0:22- But that don’t matter cause Cuts to him sitting on the street eating
you’re always into something food. Long shot from a side angle
0:22-0:26- Whether it be riding home Close up of him eating his food on the
drenched in the freezing cold street
0:26-0:30-Or entering town where the post Long shot of him still sitting there and
boxes now say sold someone walks past and chucks some
change at him
0:30-0:32-Instrumental A shot of the town cars driving past, people
walking past etc
0:32-0:36-Instrumental Close up of the change, time lapse of him
getting more change.
0:36-0:38-Instrumental Medium shot of outside the pub
0:38-0:40-Instrumental Man walks in and buys a drink, this will be
quick cuts from behind him walking to the
bar and him buying the drink
0:40-0:42-Instrumental Same sort of style him walking to a fruity
and spending his change on that and him
losing and hitting the machine. The shots
will vary from a close shot from the side to
extreme close up of him hitting the
0:42-0:45-Stop,stop,stop,stop,stop, I won’t Cut to him outside trying to have a
stop it cigarette, trying to light it. This will be a
medium shot facing him.
0:45-0:48-Hand me your car keys I’ll try and Close up of the lighter not working
unlock it
0:48-0:52-sitting in that back seat with that A bit further back so a medium shot from
worn out interior the side of him throwing the lighter on the
0:52-0:55-Blatenly looked down on by all Cuts to him sitting on the street just
our superiors waiting. This will be a long shot.
0:55-0:58-Instrumental Cuts to him going to the toilet behind a
tree. This will be a long shot
0:58-1:02-Instrumental Cuts to him looking for cigarette buds at a
pub. I will cut a variety of shots of him
finding different cigarette buds
1:02-1:04-Instrumental Cuts to an extreme close up of him cracking
open a can of beer
1:04-1:08-Instrumental Cuts to him sitting by a river sipping his
beer. This will be an over the shoulder
medium shot
1:08-1:10-Ed hardy jeans Close up side view of him tapping his foot.
1:10-1:12-Broken dreams, stitched Close up side view of him rubbing his hand
and breathing on them
1:12-1:14-Inbetween the seams Close up side view of him looking ahead
1:14-1:17-That boy in the bivvy looks about Long shot facing him of him just sitting on
thirteen the bench
1:17-1:20-Tryna sells sticks claimed to be Cuts to him already walking off this is from
weed the same shot
1:20-1:22-Laugh out loud for you and your Cuts to a long shot of him sitting on the side
wanna be crew of the street
1:22-1:25-In your body warmer nike, bad Cuts to him on the bus. This will be a close
attitude up with a side view
1:25-1:27-I’m not being rude but you’ve Close up facing him rubbing his face with
already got babies his hands
1:27-1:28-With two different ladies Cuts to him looking out the window still a
close up facing him
1:28-1:30-How do you want to be viewed Cuts back and forth from him sitting on the
bus and him sitting on the street. The bus
scene will be a medium side shot and the
street will be a medium shot facing him
1:30-1:32-And while you’re out getting Him sitting in a car park drinking a beer.
screwed This will be long shot facing him
1:32-1:33-Stewed Close up of him sipping his can
1:33-1:36-and tattooed shes on her own Cuts to a medium shot behind of him
tryna get ya baby some food chucking stones at a wall. It will be slowed
as well
1:36-1:39-Instrumental Montage of loads of clips to the beat of the
1:39-1:41-Ed hardy jeans He is slightly drunk now and he’s walking
down the street. Long shot from the side
1:41-1:44-Stiched inbetween the seams While walking he has to hold himself up
against the wall.
1:44-1:48- That boy in the bivvy looks about Fast forwards to night time. On the street
13 begging for money. Long shot
1:48-1:51-Trying to sell sticks claimed to be Cuts to him walking through town. Over the
weed shoulder shot tracking him
1:51-1:53-They live in sportswear Switch shot to a medium shot of him
stopping and looking at the floor. The
camera is facing him
1:53-1:55-But they never go running Camera is pointing to a £10 note on the
staying in floor and his hand reaches for the note.
Close up of the note
1:55-2:03-Always bunning watching porn Close up of his face as he holds up the £10
brain numbing. Lack of motherly love from note to his face. He is so happy to find so
a young age as they can clearly say they much money on the floor that he could cry
never got nothing from anyone.
2:03-2:08-Cliche Shots of the town roads at night time
panning. Medium to long shots
2:08-2:11-Instrumental Panning shot of the high street. Medium to
2:11-2:17-Instrumental Shot of him looking over the river. Behind
the back shot, medium shot
2:17-2:20- Im sitting on the curb while my Him and another guy rolling a cigarette on a
mates rolling a fag wall. Medium side shot.
2:20-2:25-Instrumental He is sitting on a bench scratching his head
getting really paranoid. I’ll have two quick
cuts of him, first a medium shot facing him
then a side close up view.
2:25-2:30-Instrumental He gives the guy the £10 note for the
cigarette. This will be a close up shot of
them sitting
2:30-2:31-Instrumental Quick cuts of him realising what he has
done from him with his head in his hands to
him throwing the cigarette and him walking
off. This will all be from the same shot
starting with a side close up and then a long
shot of him walking off.
2:31-2:34-Ed hardy jeans, broken dreams Him in a fast food restaurant looking at
2:34-2:36- stitched inbetween the seams Shots of him on top of the car park.
Medium shot
2:36-2:40- That boy in the bivvy looks about Him getting angry and hitting a tree.
13 Medium shot
2:40-2:47-Trying to sell sticks claimed to be Long shot of him picking up cans hoping
weed they have some drink in them but throws
them to the floor in frustration.
2:47-2:52-Instrumental Shot of the road fast forwarded long shot
2:52-2:55-Instrumental Shot of him walking through a tunnel, from
a medium shot to a long shot
2:55-3:00-Instrumental More scenery in the town and the roads.
Long shot.
3:00-3:02-Instrumental Medium shot of a bus
3:02-3:05-Instumental Extreme long shot of town
3:05-3:08-Instrumental Shot of a walkway in town. Longshot
3:08-3:12-Instrumental Him sleeping on a bench. Medium shot.

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