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Philosophy Part Dos

Philosophy of Science

Thomas Kune

“The Structure of Scientific Revolutions”

 Paradigm
 McCain and Segal
 The Game of Science
-Mind-set, model, perspective, world-view
-Your particular way of looking at the world
-Most basic conceptual framework which supports the scientific theories
-The very foundation of the science
-No scientific paradigm encompasses all the data; no paradigm is completely successful
-The inability of the scientific paradigm to encompass the paranormal
-Science is empirical and must be replicable
-But, the paranormal is outside of paradigm
-Cannot be repeated
-Griffin argues that we need a paradigm that encompasses science and paranormal
-Kune gives a good analogy
-Blinders are used to make sure a horse can only see straight ahead, and to run as fast as it can
-Scientific paradigm serves as blinders to us, and keeps us from seeing the wider picture
-Psychology professor makes anomalous cards – ace of spades red, queen of spades black
-Nobody noticed the anomalies
-It made the students nervous when they saw the cards, because subconsciously they knew
something was off
-In science, novelty emerges only with difficulty, manifested by resistance, against a background
of expectation
e. scientific revolutions:
-first paradigm
-then laws, theories, equipment, and an esoteric vocabulary
-restriction of scientific vision (locked-in)
-rigidity, resistance to change
-anomaly, and obsession with anomaly
-can’t figure out why one piece of information fits in with their
-paradigm shift
-Victinshtein’s duck-rabbit
-looking at things differently than they have been looked at before can change the world

Copernican Revolution
-Based on Biblical statements
-Early astrologists believed that Earth was at the center of the Universe
-Planets go around Earth in simple orbits
-Maybe there are orbits within the orbits
-All of the planets go around the Earth in orbits within orbits
-Copernicus stated that the Sun was the center of the universe, and can be proven with
-Nobody had ever done it before

-Hawthorne Experiment
-Women in factory worked harder by being watched
-Make workers work as hard as humanly possible while you pay them as little as you can
-1927-1932- Ladies were putting switches together
-Brought in management consultants; changed the lighting; altered temperature; did
you have a breakfast?
-No matter what variable they altered, productivity increase because they were being
-Revolutionized management theory

-Napoleonic wars
-Brits were in bright scarlet coats in the middle of a field
-French were in bright blue coats in the middle of a field
-Nobody thought differently
-America was successful in revolution is because we hid behind rocks and trees
-Learned from Native Americans

-Friend in law school

-Very tall and very good looking man
-Family had money and his family had political connections
-One of the most depressed human beings
-After he had a beer, he stated that he was depressed because his mother hates him
-Maybe there is something wrong with your mother
-His entire attitude was different, and he was never the same
-Always blame themselves
-Shifting from rabbit to duck can change one’s life
-Evelyn Fox Keller, Gender and Science
-The “virtues” of correctness in practical judgments and objectivity in theoretical knowledge are
masculine notions
-Unexamined myths have a subterranean potency; they affect our thinking in ways we
are not aware of
-to the extent that we are unaware of such myths, we are unable to repel their influences

-Objective sciences – the “hard sciences” are associated with masculinity

-Social sciences – the “soft sciences” are, in turn, considered “feminine”

-Your language and your myth and your metaphor can be hardened into reality and it shapes
your personal paradigm

-Connotation – emotional nuance associated with word

-never say no
-toys; play with them whenever you want
-as many as you can afford
-no feelings

-When we hear words, it alters the way we look at the world

-Connotatively, “doll baby” associates a girl with Barbie
-Birth of politically correct language

-Chick is popular now, but there are words that were popular in the 80’s is not popular
-“Top Gun” – Anthony is playing “Great Balls of Fire”; Goose, take me to bed
-Stud’s do all of the work, but get no appreciation
Solipsism – philosophical belief that there is only one entity in the cosmos and that is your
consciousness; everything else you see is manifestation of consciousness; dream

-infant cannot tell difference between what her body is, and what something else is
-green, red, blue, purple, sounds, taste flavors
-only with experience child learns the crib is not part of her body
-child enters solipsistic world with:
-the child needs to learn “no” so she can get away from mom’s solipsistic

-It is fun to become autonomist, because when you are scared, there is no one to bail you out
-Child finds another ally in dad
-mom represents tenderness closeness
-dad represents object, outside world, autonomy - disconnected from subjectivity
This is why science is masculine

-Once we discover why science is not masculine, we gain to great benefits

-more accessible to women
- Guys recognize that there is no reason why they shouldn’t enter feminine fields
-conception of objective could be freed
- 50 years ago, we though scientist was objective
-outside of world looking in objectively
-but, scientist is in the world, and cannot be truly objective

-philosophical psychotherapists view counseling as two people having a conversation
-How do you feel about your boyfriend drinking six beers per night?
-Is it hurting his grades?
-If it is causing a problem, it’s a problem; If it’s not causing a problem, it’s not a problem
-Is there anything else going on in his life?
-Has he ever threatened to strangle you?
-If he is threatening you, there is a problem, and you need to get out

-To be a Jungian psychoanalyst, you have to be psychoanalyzed yourself

Most people who go into psychology have spiders in the closet, and their out giving people
-Have to go through psychotherapy before you become a psychotherapist
Women say: always have to be macho; always have to be right; give mixed signals; too sensitive;
use women; don’t listen; lie; take things wrong way; fear of commitment; stubborn; egoistic;
miss special occasions; not show feelings; don’t dance; afraid to ask women out; minimize
problems; only think in short run; don’t listen

Males say: accuse of not listening; always complain; try to make us feel guilty; turn everything
into soap opera; minute you get serious, you are not allowed to have female friends; women
control sex; why do they want all of out time?

-Beginning in the 80’s feminist epistemologist started saying men and women think differently,
have different feelings, and see world in different fashion

-Carol Gilligan
-In a Different Voice
-Found little kids and gave them though experiment
-Heinz’s wife is very sick; she needs a special drug, but it is very expensive; should Heinz
steal the drug
-Jack-If Heinz does not steal drug, wife is going to die
-Amy-I think there might be other ways; borrow money; make a loan; wife might getter
-sicker if he goes to jail

Men are logical, analytical, and aloof

Women are sympathetic (feelings), synthetic (glue things together)

The model that emerged in the 80’s

-women are not inherently rational = men are mentally retarded

-men and women understand each other a lot in some ways, but there are some things a man
will never understand, and there are some things a women may never understand

Peas + Peas
“It may be fashionable to pretend the difference between sexes is minimal, but the facts don’t
support that view…. Insists we are the same despite mountain of evidence that we are

Multitasking: women are better at multi-tasking; men are worse

-For many years, we have been homemade
- For a long time men and women have had different functions in the community

-Men have to stand there and hunt for many hours; can’t think about anything else
-Women stay in the house
-has one child who is suckling, one needs changed, food being cooked… etc.
-Brains evolved differently; with the last 200 years
-We have been pretending everybody is exactly the same
-Divorce rate is between 50-80 percent

-Extreme masculine
-Extreme feminine
-Gays and lesbians are in the in-between area

-Men want to fix things

-Women don’t want things fixed

-She wants to talk; she needs to be heard

-She wants validation of what a horrible day she had
-She wants to give out her expressions and her feelings

-Women do a lot of bonding when they speak

-Men talk only to convey information

-If you are a man, and you make a mistake, do not try to get out of trouble
-take it like a man
-you think you can get out of trouble by making a good excuse
-this is wrong
-women is worried, irritated,
-the more you try to explain yourself, the worse it is going to get
-everything I do makes sense to me
-sometimes a woman will insist on a fight
-explaining behavior will not keep you out of the fire

-The way women and men cope with problems is different

-women want to talk
-man can’t do this because he cannot process the information
-cave time
1. Fix things 2. Not try to exculpate 3. Women talk

-Wilma wants to talk about their daughter’s drug problem

-Fred says that he will talk with Pebbles, but he doesn’t know what to say
-Go out and think about it
-He needs to have a strategy
-maybe we should ground her
-maybe we should talk to her
-Wilma gets upset that Fred is unable to say anything
-Fred is being aggravated that Wilma will not shut up
-Fred will be useless for a long time
-Fred claims that he will talk to Pebbles tomorrow
-If a guy doesn’t have cave time, he can’t handle the situation

-John Grey says that there is a fire breathing dragon that lives in the man’s cave so the women
must never go in

-A man can only handle so much intimacy

-Tickle a little kid and tickle them
-But if you tickle them beyond a certain point, it becomes torture
-A man can be intimate about 5 days out of 7

Joe and Mary have been dating for several years and it is Valentine ’s Day
-Joe calls Mary and tells her she has a surprise
-Joe shows up and they take off on a drive; go to nice lodge; a dozen long stems;
breakfast in bed
-Joe takes her antique shopping
-By this time, every neuron in Joe’s brain is fried H
-He will not be able to talk to anybody on Monday
-Tuesday he may have enough patience to send her an email

-Mary thinks he used her

-Now that he got what he wants, he doesn’t want anything to do with her

-Only handle so much intimacy

-Men feel good if we can make a woman happy

-Become indifferent when we cannot make a women happy
-“She really is pleased that I surprised her”
-Once we get the impression that we can no longer make a women happy, we become
indifferent and give up

-Women notices guy becoming indifferent

-We will not play a game we cannot win

-John Grey says women are just angelic creatures; wonderful, loving, caring, giving
-Give so much that they neglect their own needs
-Bill calls Hillary
-I hate school; I hate my professor
-I wish I was out of my sophomore year
-He might not ask Hillary how her day was
-Complains about coach
-Hillary is very nurturing and caring

-Transactions continue until Hillary has nothing left to give; completely exhausted; overwhelmed

-Men have no problem with asking to have their needs fulfilled

-Women are reluctant to ask about needs, and men don’t know that needs are not
being met


John Grey
-Men speak to convey information
-Men will not speak until they figure out what they want to say
-That is why conversations with men are abrupt

-Women are the exact opposite

-Women talk in order to figure out what it is they want to say

-Jackson Pollock places yellow paint on canvas

-Takes bucket of brown and drools brown
-After she says it, she knows what it is what she wanted to say
-There is no logical connection with this bombardment of unrelated information
-Analogy of Gettysburg
-So much smoke, people could not see what they were shooting at
-Have to wait for smoke to clear

John Grey
-Men are like rubber bands
-Men can only handle so much intimacy
-Guys can be stretched for so long

-Women are like waves

-Women lose energy and fall into troughs
-When a woman is at her low part, this is when she needs love the most
-Guy is too dumb to know she is going through a bad time
-When women is at her absolute bottom, the women starts to get very crabby
-If man is in tune with process, this is when they will give them love
-How to save a lot of money
-Valentine’s Day
-Andy frantically orders 1 dozen long stems - $60
-Billy starts on the twelfth
-Buys her a 1.50 cent card
-On the 13th Billy writes his very own love poem
-On the 14th, he buys 1.50 cents for a carnation

Anything you do, you get one point.

Penalty Points
-Men have a different scoring system
-If you make a man feel like less than a man it stays

Women ask indirectly

-Sometimes she would say: go to McDonald’s and get us burgers
-Other times, women are more indirect: Sarah is still at ballet
-If you ask nicely, we feel good doing it because it inflates our ego

-We are helpful when we know we are supposed to be helpful

-Peas and Peas say we lie equally

-Men lie primarily to get out of trouble
-Woman will lie to preserve a relationship

-Men lie
-Women do not tell truth

-90% of what you are fighting about has nothing to do with partner
-mad at boss, co-worker, had a bad day, car broke down

-You were wounded as a child because kids do not have cognitive abilities to build calluses
-First grade teacher calls you dumb
-Football coach tells you, you would never make first string
-When you start taking off armor and reveal true self in, and when poison comes out, it is
directed at partner
-You are meanest to the one that loves you the most
-They are facilitating this healing process
-Horrible arguments come out and they have nothing to do with the person you are with
Avoid Sex
-The church will tell you to avoid pre-maretal sex because it is immoral
-Doctor – STD
-Parents – wedding, grandchildren

-There is a part of the brain called the deep limbic system

-Orgasms traumatized deep limbic system
-Emotional bonding; you start to really like the person

Gay and Kathryn Hendricks

Conscious Loving
-Dad will not be able to survive on his own because he is a drunk
-If the wife is codependent she can enable the alcoholism
-John has the flu
-Your father ate something weird at lunch
-Codependence emerged in the 70’s
-There are many types of codependent relationships

-Nobody is complete; perfect

-Sometimes you will meet somebody who will fulfill your needs
-A woman who has never been treated nice wants a sweat guy
-One complete person made up of 2 individual egos
-When you are breaking up, it feels like soul is going asunder
-You are not whole anymore

-After a few months, you forget the bad things and only remember the good things
-There are only 2 ways to avoid codependent relationship
-Accept complete responsibility for everything in your life
-After assault has taken place, she is responsible for how to deal with it
-Responsibility is the only thing that will prevent you from feeling like a victim
-If you can accept responsibility, you will not feel like a victim
-you cannot do this in the heat of battle
-once things calm down, rationally discuss things

-Men and women are cognitively wired disparately

-Society forces men to act in certain ways, and it forces women to act in certain ways
-The inequality of women
-woman is more compassionate than man
-more easily moved to tears
-more jealous
-more querulous
-more apt to scold and strike
-more prone to despondency and less hopeful than man
-more devoid of shame or self respect
-more deceptive and more retentive memory
-more wakeful
-more shrinking
-more difficult to rouse to action
-requires smaller amount of nutriment

Political Philosophical Hero

-John Stewart Mill
-First Feminist
-Wrap wire around root so it cannot grow
-Perfectly formed living tree
-Has not had natural circumstances which to thrive

-Society does terrible things to women to force them into certain molds
-Model 6ft. 120 pounds
-Home makers
-Jobs; construction workers; race car drivers
-Dress well
-Women are looked down upon for producing children when not married
-You have to be really careful with what you call women
-Music is profane against women
-Society does terrible things to men to force them into certain molds
-Tender years presumption
-If there is a divorce the child is presumed to be best cared for by the mother
-It is rare for dad to get full custody
-It is expected that men are into sports
-Men are supposed to be protectors
“All’s Quiet on the Western Front”
-Very mean instructor; mean and tyrannical; never fired a bullet in his life; lads from
-tells them how things really are; urinate on a hankerchief if there is poisonous gas

Be the academic equivalent of Katczinski

-People have a sexual thought every 20 seconds

-Love is one of the strongest drives in human nature

-9/10 songs is about relationships

-Spillburgh states if there is a couple walking off into the sunset at the end it adds millions

Romantic Love
-Eros – the sexual component
-Agape – Christ on the cross

We will concentrate on Eros

Why men love women and women love men

1. Personna theories
-in your mind there is a platonic form, a prototype of what you would have been if were
the opposite sex

-most closely situated to be you if you were the other gender

Refutation – opposites attract

There is a platonic form, but it is based upon unmet needs

-You try to find a partner that has all of the needs you want, but not met
-If a girl has a father who travels, she will want a man that is readily available
-You want a platonic form that is going to meet unmet needs

Refutation – Most people do not grow up in optimally healthy families

-80% of families are slightly dysfunctional

-Ruth is a little girl and dad is alcoholic
-You would think that Ruth wants to find a person who is not a drinker, but she finds an
abusive alcoholic male
-It takes years for you to realize that there is a cycle; have to trace trail to childhood
2. Buscallia – Dr. Phil, Montel
-You need four hugs a day to survive and seven to thrive
-You fall in love to a person that treats you in a loving fashion
-If you treat them in a loving fashion, she will fall in love with you
-Some perfectly suitable subject adores you, but you cannot like them back

3. John Paul Sartre

-Theory of love is counterintuitive
-died in 1976
-Romantic love is the desire to usurp the autonomy of the other
-Make her fall in love with me so she is resigned to Pennsylvania; she can’t leave; no freedom
-Takes away her power
-Seems counterintuitive
-Never happened to me

Person Neely thinks is right

Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)

-Appendix: the metaphysics of the love between the sexes
-most powerful drive of human kind
-self-preservation, caring for own children
-Observation: no philosophical precedent to guide him

-Ancient philosophy – Ancient Greeks were decidedly gay; you will fight for lover much stronger
in battle
-Plato – object of desire in masculine form; Plato wanted a boyfriend
-Looked toward women only when they wanted offspring

-Romans were into adolescent boys

-He wanted a 10 year old boy
-Ancients are not going to tell us much between adult man and adult women
Medieaval – always Agape love; never Eros
-When they had a vision of God, they would be drunk with a vision of God

-you want to get in their pants; that’s what it’s all about
-Intellect – thinks, reasons, rationalizes
-Will – wants, craves, desires
The will sets the gears in motion

According to Schopenhauer
Start scoping
-Subconscious starts focusing on someone who would have superior offspring
-Nature does not give a rat’s ass about the happiness of the parent
-If the parent is happy after they marry; that’s fine
-Want to ensure proliferation of species

-The intellect is overwhelmed by the will

-When your subconscious finds the right target, you are completely overwhelmed

-If it weren’t for the erotic desire, we would never come together

-Have you ever once been truly deeply in love and not wanted to go to bed with the object of
your affection

-Primary motivator

-50-80% chance that the enterprise will fail

-If the enterprise fails, you will have to continue to make payments for 18-22 years
-If the business does not fail there is a 10% chance that Dan and Steve will continue working

-The same situation applies to divorce situation

-Can’t be a matter of intellect; intellect would say “NO!”

-Lay awake at night

-I love her because she is virtuous
-You want in her pants, and that’s it
-You would be frightened by that if you knew it to be true

-People stay together because they don’t want to start dating, they care about kids
-The 10% that are happy serve as decoys
-It is a lottery, if nobody ever wins the lottery no one would ever play
-always think it is going to be you who wins the lottery

-couldn’t you fall in love with someone that was sterile

-it is the subconscious will that is behind the wheel
-gay and lesbian
-weakness of the will; a deviation of the will; considered deviant

Tree wanted the sun; did not know how to get there, but it wanted the sun
-had to keep growing
Agape-true love with partner; hard to do
Blind libinal striving started it

-We are more in control of our choices than other animals

-Our biology is the motivation behind many of the choices we make that don’t seem to make
sense to us
-We cannot completely buck the system

-The biggest obstacle facing most people is that fact that we are just another animal with a
smart brain
Philosophy of Mind
Descartes: founder of modern philosophy (1596-1650)
-There is a great difference between body and mind

-Extended in space
-Body does not think

-Mind: un-extended
-Never bump into ideas; does think

Mind / Body Dualism

-In the middle ages, they made fun of philosophers by saying that they ask questions like
… How many angels can dance on the head of a pin?
-no physical form because they do not have a body
-pins are material
- That which is immaterial can never come into contact with
that which is material

How does my mind interact with my body?

Nicholas Malebranche
-Mind and Matter never truly interact; only time they are is when God is performing a miracle.
-Does not answer question; God is immaterial

Arnold Geulinox
-theory called pre-established harmony
Pre – established Harmony
At the beginning of time, God set into motion 2 great springs:
Mechanism of mind
Mechanism of body
-God knows what your grandchildren are going to major in college
-God knew that on this day, body acts accordingly to plan to God’s harmony
Benedict Spinoza
Mind and body are really both one substance
-Liquid will evaporate and become a gas
-H20 is all one substance
-One substance in the cosmos and sometimes it manifests itself as mind and sometimes
it manifests itself as matter
-Everything is a manifestation of God

-No one was able to solve problem of mind-body dualism until Gilbert Ryle wrote an important
book called “The Concept of Mind” – 1975

a. official doctrine = Descartes

Bodies: in space, governed by mechanical laws processes can be inspected by external
Minds: not in space, not externally observable

b. problem of other minds

-you could have thoughts that nobody else has
-his sensation of word is different than yours

c. “a person therefore lives two collateral histories, one consisting of what happens to his
body, the other consisting of what happens in his mind. The first is public, the second private”

d. one can understand the body through physics, physiology and simple mechanics, and one
can directly “perceive” the process of one’s own mind

-direct access to the workings of the mind is a privilege of that mind itself
-in default of such privilege access, the workings of one mind are inevitably occult to everyone
Category mistake

How tall is humanity?

What color is injustice?
How deep is human stupidity?

There are some concepts that cannot be meaningfully joined together in a sentence
-To ask: How does mind act on bodY is to ask a question to never be asked

-what does the sun set on when it sets

-confusion between metaphorical and literal
-I got a dog for my wife
-good trade

Ryle’s examples

1. Where is the University?

-We wanted to see St. Francis University
-Think it is one building
-St. Francis University evokes a vague concept
-All of the investments, professors, staff, alumnus, traditions, history

2. Army Division
-category mistake
-thinks there is going to be one section with nothing but soldiers
-tanks, generals, tanks, jeeps

3. Team Spirit
-which one is the team spirit
-If you do not have adequate team spirit, you cannot win
-category mistake
-#79 – category mistake
-the moral, attitude, feistiness
-When you start confusing concepts, you are involved in non-sense utterances
Logical fallacy
-fallacy of complex question
-yes or no: have you stopped beating your wife?
-whether he says yes or no he is dammed
-Are you in favor of God, truth, justice, and Hillary Clinton or not?

Descartes wanted to endorse the laws of mechanics to explain the physical world.
But, he did not want to allow that people are nothing more than complex machines.

-He believed that animals do not have souls/minds

Since there are mechanical processes for the body, there must be non-mechanical
processes in the mind.

Since physical laws explain movement in space, non-physical laws must explain the
transition of thought

If there are physical causes, there must be mental causes

-derived idea of mind from body when the two have nothing in common
-drive square fit into in round hole

-Why do you think every law library is set up like the law library of Cincinnati?
-Assumed every jurisdiction was the same

-category mistake; attempted to glue together things that cannot be glued together

-In your brain, you have neurons

-neurons are not directly connect; there is a little gab in between called a synaptic gap
-electrical firing between neurons in synaptic gap
-neuronal firing is consciousness
-consciousness is neuronal firing
-that is mind

-When they fire, you have emotion, pain, digestive system

Ramification: there is no possibility of a meaningful afterlife because when you are dead, you do
not have neurons that fire

-Even if there is a God, it is meaningless because you will not know you are there

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