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Cita de 40 o menos palabras

“professional administrators spend much of their time writing scripts” (Nemeth, Snyder, Hein,
& Whaley, 2011)

Cita de 41 o más palabras

Según Nemeth, Snyder, Hein, & Whaley (2011),

Account provisioning The system administrator adds accounts for new users, removes the
accounts of users that are no longer active, and handles all the account-related issues that come
up in between (e.g., forgotten passwords). The process of adding and removing users can be
automated, but certain administrative decisions (where to put a user’s home directory, which
machines to create the account on, etc.) must still be made before a new user can be added.


 Allen, I. D. (n.d.). Hard links and Unix file system nodes (inodes). Retrieved enero 2017,
from Teaching Home Page:

 Nemeth, E., Snyder, G., Hein, T. R., & Whaley, B. (2011). Unix®and Linux®System
Administration Handbook (4th ed.). Ann Arbor: Pearson Education.

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