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Word meaning

 Veracious ethical honest

 Voracious rapacious greedy hungry
 Impunity freedom immunity
 Pensive thoughtful thinking deep in thought
 Renounce Refuse Reject relinquish abandon
 Desert wage reward
 Recant withdraw revoked deny
 Knell sound ringing
 Conceited snobbish self-important arrogant proud overconfident
 Flux continuous process of change
 Fanatic obsessive extreme
 Anarchy lawlessness disorder chaos mobocracy
 Brittle fragile breakable weak
 Infallible who don’t make mistake
 Mutiny revolt rebellions
 Invincible unbeatable
 Anecdote story tale
 Notorious infamous antonym famous
 Revel celebration party
 Animosity hatred dislike hostility
 Rancid bad
 Abode address home dwelling
 Fluke chance freak
 Apathy lethargy
 Efface delete eradicate
 Adonis
 Rites resources money
 Abstain give up detest
 Sagacity wisdom
 Admonition rebukes scolding criticism
 Berate scold
 Ambulant vagrant
 Mitigate lessen allay alleviate
 Ameliorate better upgrade improve enrich
 Fervent keen zealous
 Savage violent brutal vicious
 Batter hammer strike hit
 Swindle fraud fiddle deceive betray charm
 Benign kind
 Malignant hateful menaced
 Scold. Admonish rebuke
 Impious sinful wicked irreligious
 Atrophy waste weaken
 Defamation insult offense
 Esoteric mysterious obscure secret
 Escorted lead attended
 Astuteness. Wisdom cleverness’ sharpen
 Flocked gather collected crowed
 Bloom
 Trembles vibration shake
 Queer unexpected strange surprising
 Dunce
 Tragic heartbreaking sad terrible harmful
 Swarming
 Intimidate threatened
 Tampered change altered
 Buoyant

 Sundry various different diverse

 Gloomy. Depressed low spirit sad
 Dagger big knife
 Bitter
 Intricate complex difficult
 Vicinity neighborhood locality area
 Beat tried
 Chap man person
 Chum buddy fried mate
 Staunch faithful loyal
 Crusader supporter activist
 Trodden
 Mysterious

 Offend upset
 Melancholy miserable sad depressed.
 Envoy representative ambassador
 Sway rule power control command
 Crusader activist supporter champion
 Frank free open honest candid
 Flogged beat lashed stripes whaled
 Unstinted plentiful numerous ample
 Appetite hunger taste desire need to eat
 Empress. Queen ruler monarch
 Indolent lazy lethargic sluggish
 Bestow donate give grant
 Vicious brutal wicked malicious
 Catnap snooze sleep rest
 Deploy barrange organize
 Vitality energy strength life
 Incandescent shining burning
 Conceived
 Tutelage guidance instruction teaching
 Wizard magician expert
 Detroit
 Stretched strained pushed
 Cheers thanks nice one good by bye bye
 Slogan motto saying
 Excitement pleasure enjoyment
 Sadden depress upset pain
 Stern sever stick harsh
 Determination strength of mind / character purpose willpower
 Abandoned
 Kit and kin relative
 Abolish eliminate eradicate end
 Profess admit confess agree allow
 Offense crime wrongdoing felony
 Trivial unimportant small minor
 Oppressed troubled overloaded
 Offender criminal lawbreaker
 Declaration statement speech announcement
 Proclaims announce state
 Envious jealous covetous spiteful greedy
 Ransack loot rob raid
 Fright fear terror shock
 Gallop dash race
 Swept pick up removed
 Brayed cry barked
 Furious energetic violent breakneck
 Fetch make bring draw
 Beast living thing animal creature
 Avalanche landslide storm snow slip
 Sobbed cried wept sniffled
 Trench ditch gutter drain dugout
 Whim impulse craze fad
 Shedding peeling flaking
 Sue take legal action
 Leapt jumped
 Blown carried blustered blew
 Screamed shouted
 Bitter harsh unpleasant
 Groan squeak cry
 Fallacy. Mistake error myth
 Kennel lodge shelter house
 Repent apologies regret be sorry
 Rage anger frenzy
 Ardent fervent eager zealous
 Mysterious
8th class

 Feast Dinner meal banquet

 Flashes. Sparkles bark
 Reputation character status name standing
 Flock herd group collect group
 penetrate enter breach opening lance
 etiquettes manner customs

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