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は/が の も
PARTICLES Indicate subjects by The Possessive Also / Too
coming after them Meanings: “Apostrophe S” & “of”

Meanings: “also” and “too” - it can also
emphasize “any”
Meanings: “is, am, are” Examples: *Makes something possessive, like saying “my
monkey,” “Jenny’s friend,” or “Bobby of Sony (i.e. Examples:

SHEET *One thing to know about は is that it’s not

pronounced “ha” but pronounced “wa”
は emphasizes what comes after it
わたし は がくせい です
I am a student (where は is “am” in this sentence)
Sony’s Bobby).”

Me too / Me also
が emphasizes what comes before it あの がくせい は ばか です
わたし の なまえ は こういち です ボッビーさん も アイキア に 行きます
わたし は こういち です: I am Koichi   That student is stupid  
My name is is Koichi Bobby also will go to Ikea
わたし が こういち です: I am Koichi
あなた は おもしろい です ボッビーさん の いぬ です なに も たべなかった
* The first example would be used when you’re
introducing yourself to someone, the second one You are interesting   It’s Bobby’s dog I didn’t eat anything
would be more like one of those movies where one
なに が たべたい?
person has the gun pointed at two identical
Source: What is it that you want to eat? 
targets, where they are saying “I am Koichi” and
“No, I’m Koichi!” The important (emphasized)
すし が すき です
part is the I portion, so you’d use が.
I like sushi / it is sushi that I like

1) Print on A4 with 100% scale 2) Fold along dashed lines ( ) 3) Cut along solid lines ( ) 4) Glue both sides together Restructured by Jerry V. (@mailsprower1)

を に へ で か、と、や、よ、ね

The Direct Object Movement and Time Emphasizing the Shows Context “Other” Particles
How it’s used: All it does is shows what the direct How it’s used: Used to show what an action is Destination Meaning: “By way of” / “at” か:Question marker - used on the end of a
object is. Used when you’re directly doing directed to, and also shows destinations, sentence to make a question, like a question mark!
How it’s used: This is a lot like the particle “ni” Can show how and where an action takes place.
something (the verb) to something (the object). directions, places, and time. Remember, when you と:Used to list nouns when you are listing
but emphasizes the destination. It’s more like
move you use your knees (ni) Examples: everything and you know everything on the list
Examples: “heading towards” than anything else (see
Examples: examples below) や:Used to list nouns when you aren’t listing
くるま で いきます
すし (object) を (particle) たべます (verb) everything, and maybe there are other things not
Examples: I went by Car 
Eat sushi わたし は にほん に いきます included.
I will go to Japan わたし は レストラン で たべた
わたし は Xbox を かいます にほん へ いきます ね:Sentence ender that gives an “isn’t it” feeling
I will buy an X-Box  3じ に すし を たべます Heading towards Japan I ate at the restaurant used to receive agreement for what you’re saying.
At 3 o’clock I will eat sushi よ:Sentence ender that gives a “you know”
*Not used when you aren’t directly involved or
feeling, often when relaying new information.
responsible (i.e. “the radio is broken” vs. “I broke *Some Movement Verbs: いきます、きます、かえ
the radio” - the second one uses を)

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