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Development and Psychopathology, 12 (2000), 427–441

Copyright  2000 Cambridge University Press

Printed in the United States of America

Developing mechanisms of self-regulation


Weill Medical College of Cornell University; and bUniversity of Oregon

Child development involves both reactive and self-regulatory mechanisms that children develop in conjunction with
social norms. A half-century of research has uncovered aspects of the physical basis of attentional networks that
produce regulation, and has given us some knowledge of how the social environment may alter them. In this paper,
we discuss six forms of developmental plasticity related to aspects of attention. We then focus on effortful or
executive aspects of attention, reviewing research on temperamental individual differences and important pathways
to normal and pathological development. Pathologies of development may arise when regulatory and reactive
systems fail to reach the balance that allows for both self-expression and socially acceptable behavior. It remains a
challenge for our society during the next millennium to obtain the information necessary to design systems that
allow a successful balance to be realized by the largest possible number of children.

We believe that understanding self-regulation will enhance our understanding of normal

is the single most crucial goal for advancing functioning.
an understanding of development and psycho- Self-regulation involves complex questions
pathology. Early in this century, Freud (1920) about the nature of volition and its relation to
argued that the ego and superego developed our genetic endowment and to social experi-
to regulate largely unconscious motivational ence. Much of the work on self-regulation has
systems. In the latter part of this century, been purely behavioral. This is true in both
mechanisms of self-regulation have begun to attention studies carried out within cognitive
be uncovered through the study of attention psychology and studies of effortful control as
and effortful control. There is also substantial a temperamental dimension. The lack of ap-
reason to believe that understanding mecha- propriate methods to study the physiology of
nisms of self-regulation in normal individuals the human brain has previously led to an un-
will lead to advances in diagnosis, prevention, derstandable hesitation in thinking about these
and possibly treatment of developmental processes at the neurosystems level. Kandel
problems like attention deficit disorder and (1998, 1999), however, has argued persua-
learning disabilities. In turn, studies of these sively that new concepts in neuroscience now
mechanisms in the developmental disorders make it possible to attempt to relate higher
level cognitive concepts to underlying brain
systems. His goal is to use modern neurosci-
This work was supported by grants from the James S. ence to reinvigorate the psychoanalytic ap-
McDonnell Foundation and Pew Memorial Trusts and by proach to the mind, and he stresses the role of
NIMH Grant 43361 to the University of Oregon and
gratefully benefited from contributions by Grazyna Ko-
unconscious early experience in shaping the
chanska and Douglas Derryberry. brain systems that control adult behavior.
Address correspondence and reprint requests to: Even if such connections prove to be as yet
Prof. M. K. Rothbart, Department of Psychology, Univer- premature, there is little question that they
sity of Oregon, Eugene, OR 97403; E-mail: maryroth@ or M. I. Posner, Sackler Institute,
will be major topics in the coming years.
1300 York Ave., New York, NY 10021; E-mail: A major goal of our paper is to help the reader understand how new developments re-

428 M. I. Posner and M. K. Rothbart

lated to neural plasticity and neuroimaging from the masses of potential input. The stud-
have transformed the potential for understand- ies reviewed in his book viewed attention as
ing mechanisms that provide voluntary con- a high-level skill that allowed some experts to
trol of brain systems. While Kandel (1998, perform selective feats such as simultaneous
1999) has emphasized the relation of genetic translation and even novices to have a role in
and cellular processes to psychoanalytic con- selecting their environment.
cepts and therapy, our article concentrates There were challengers to Broadbent’s
mainly at the neurosystems level and deals ideas, but it is remarkable, in view of the 4
with the mechanisms that produce voluntary decades that have passed since 1958, how
control of our thoughts and actions. even his strongest critics have followed his
Discoveries within neuroscience have general ideas. For example, Anne Treisman
moved the field toward viewing the brain as (1969) showed that the filter could better be
plastic and open to influence by experience described as an attenuator, with much less in-
(Garraghty, Churchill, & Banks, 1998; Mer- terference when input was to separate modal-
zenich & Jenkins, 1995). The advent of neu- ities (eye and ear), rather than to one. Norman
roimaging has provided new tools for testing (1969) argued it would be better to see the
hypotheses about how the brain changes with filter as operating later in the system, after in-
experience and for exploring the behavioral put had already activated material stored in
mechanisms of self-regulation (Posner & long-term memory. Indeed, experiments
Raichle, 1994). In this article we first examine rather quickly established that familiar words
some of the historical background for consid- could look up their meanings even prior to
ering attention networks as mechanisms of being perceived (Posner, 1978). Allport
self-regulation in the human brain. Next, we (1980) challenged whether limited capacity
take advantage of imaging methods to exam- was related to attention, and argued that inter-
ine how the brain might be altered by experi- ference instead resulted from contradicting
ence on a time scale from milliseconds to behavioral task demands. However, all of the
years. We then examine the role of high-level ideas about attention that dominated cognitive
attentional networks as a vehicle for self-regu- journals for the last half century were clearly
lation and consider evidence that similar brain derivatives of the basic question Broadbent
areas control regulation of emotion and cogni- (1958) had posed about selective listening:
tion. We consider how individuals differ in How was it that some aspects of the input
effortful control and what some of the conse- were perceived and others not? The connec-
quences of those differences might be for tion between selective processes in perception
normal and pathological development. In our and more general issues of self-regulation had
final section, we speculate on future develop- to await a link between cognitive and the neu-
ments in this field. rophysiological level of analysis.
An important early link between studies of
attention within human cognition and those
using the methods of neurophysiology was
Within cognitive psychology, the mechanisms provided by Sokolov (1963) in his treatment
thought to be involved in self-control are col- of the orienting reflex. The orienting reflex
lectively called attention. In 1958, Donald provided a physical basis for filtering input
Broadbent summarized British work in the and presaged the intense interest within neu-
field of attention in his volume Perception rophysiology in how attention might modulate
and Communication. He proposed a filter that activity within sensory specific areas (Hill-
held back messages from an unattended chan- yard & Lourdes, 1998). The concept of the
nel to keep them from interfering with se- orienting reflex was readily adapted to the
lected input. Broadbent’s beautiful studies, study of preverbal infants who could not be
summarized in nearly every textbook in psy- instructed as to where to attend by experi-
chology, provided a basis for studying how menters (see review by Ruff & Rothbart,
we make a selection of relevant information 1996). Ruff and Rothbart (1996) identify
Mechanisms of self-regulation 429

landmark periods in the 1st year of life with The top row of Table 1 refers to the find-
regard to orienting to objects and control of ing that attention allows rapid changes in neu-
distress and in the 2nd year and beyond in ral activity in local brain areas. Neuroimaging
children’s ability to plan and regulate cogni- methods are sensitive to changes in blood
tive skills. flow that accompany neural activity. When a
It was a relatively easy step to identify brain area is being used to perform computa-
these changes in the ability of the child to reg- tions in high-level skills, it will increase in
ulate behavior with the development of brain activity (Corbetta, Miezin, Dobmeyer, Shul-
areas that carried out attentional selection in man, & Petersen, 1990). As children learn a
adults. This step, however, has a powerful new skill, they may show a high level of vari-
consequence. It allows us to transfer knowl- ability as they try different strategies (Siegler,
edge on the anatomy and circuitry of atten- 1997). Each of these strategies is represented
tional networks (Posner & Raichle, 1994) to by a connected set of neural areas that carry
the development of orienting and regulation out particular computations in some order. In
in infants and adults (Posner & Rothbart, adult studies, it is possible to demonstrate
1998), providing mechanisms for understand- how a particular strategy may assume mo-
ing self-regulation and its development. Be- mentary dominance. Attention can provide
low, we consider changes in the human brain priority to some computations, reprogram-
that might reflect both the rapid switch of ming the organization of the circuits by which
content that occurs when adult subjects shift tasks are executed. Priority is produced by
the focus of their attention and the much amplifying the amount of neural activity
slower accumulation of the ability to control within the area performing the computation.
attention that occurs over the early years of Often this is done voluntarily, as one tries to
development. select a set of operations that seem most ap-
propriate to a given task. This is what we call
effortful control by attention.
However, strategies may also arise from
In neuroscience, the issue of plasticity in the physical situation. In the presence of a cal-
brain activity has been discussed mainly at the culator, the person may enter numbers and
synaptic level. For example, correlated neural press the appropriate key. If the calculator is
firing among neurons in contact with each absent, the numbers may be written down and
other leads to a change in the probability of the operations perform mentally. In this way,
one neuron being able to induce firing in the the environment primes one network of areas
other. This principle of learning, first dis- rather than another. Priming (row 2 of Table
cussed by Hebb (1949), has been shown to be 1) is produced by the presentation of a sen-
a basic principle for synaptic plasticity. sory event (e.g., the calculator mentioned
The use of neuroimaging methods, how- above), or by thought (e.g., the activation of
ever, has provided an altogether different a visual or auditory word), which changes the
level of analysis of plasticity. Instead of indi- processing pathway so that stimuli sharing
vidual synapses, the focus is on the question some or the entire pathway will be processed
of how experience influences the set of neural more efficiently. Priming can produce re-
areas active within a task and their time duced reaction time for responding to a re-
course of activation. This work has begun to lated target that follows the prime. Neuro-
allow us to consider possible neural mecha- imaging and cellular studies suggest that the
nisms for many of the kinds of changes in- number of neurons activated by a primed tar-
volved in children’s learning and education. get is reduced over those activated in non-
Table 1 indicates some of the ways in which primed target processing. The prime appar-
the person’s own activity or learning from ex- ently tunes the neurons involved in the target
ternal-based events might work to change event so that only those most appropriate to
brain circuitry on a temporary or more perma- processing the subsequent target are activated
nent basis. (Ungerleider, Courtney, & Haxby, 1998).
430 M. I. Posner and M. K. Rothbart

Table 1. Mechanisms of plasticity

Time Phenomenon Mechanism Reference

1. Milliseconds Shifts in attention Amplification Corbetta et al. (1990)

2. Seconds to minutes Priming Tuning Jiang et al. (2000)
3. Minutes to days Practice Pathway Raichle et al. (1994)
4. Weeks New associations Connections McCandliss et al. (1997)
5. Weeks Rule learning Structures McCandliss et al. (1997)
6. Years Development Attention networks Posner & Rothbart (1998)

The mechanisms of rows 1 (attention a new use dropped away and the anterior in-
shifts) and 2 (priming) of Table 1 provide two sula, strongly activated during reading aloud,
means to improve the processing of a target. increased. When generating a given word be-
The first method requires the person to attend came automated with practice, the same cir-
to the computation. The involvement of atten- cuit was used as when skilled readers read
tion sets up a network for processing the stim- words aloud. There appeared to be one circuit
ulus, but at the cost of making attention less associated with the thought needed to gener-
available for handling other events. Priming, ate a familiar but unpracticed use, and another
however, may occur when attention is now no when the task was automated, as in reading
longer involved in the process, leaving it free aloud or generating again a just practiced as-
to deal with other items. Nevertheless, the sociation. The circuit used for thought in-
network remains active for a period to make cludes attentional mechanisms involving ef-
the processing of previously attended compu- fortful control, while an automated circuit
tations available. Priming may also occur does not involve attention.
without attention as the result of a sensory In the study cited above, people are dealing
process. A pathway that has been tuned by a with already well-known associations, as, for
priming event does not require current atten- example, the association between hammer and
tion and thus does not produce interference pound. Even when they have not practiced
with ongoing activity (Posner, 1978). Effort- them recently, connections between hammer
ful control through attention and automatic and pound are available. However, it is often
pathway activation apparently achieve the necessary to acquire entirely new associa-
same behavioral results by quite different un- tions, as in learning the words of a foreign
derlying mechanisms. language. This involves establishing new con-
Practice on a set of already learned but not nections in the brain (row 4 of Table 1) and
recently rehearsed associations (row 3 of Ta- may require many weeks of practice. In one
ble 1) shows that automaticity can completely study of learning 40 lexical items in a new
change the pathway used to accomplish the artificial language, it took 20–50 hr of
task. In one study using PET (Raichle, Fiez, practice before the words showed the same
Videen, MacLeod, Pardo, Fox, & Petersen, superiority in reaction time usually found for
1994), people were required to generate a use reading the native language (McCandliss,
for a read or heard noun (e.g., pound as a use Posner & Givon, 1997).
for a hammer). When a new list of words was Even more complex than learning a few
presented there was activity in the left frontal new associations is developing a whole sys-
and posterior cortex, the anterior cingulate, tem to carry out an important linguistic func-
and the right cerebellum. Activity in the ante- tion (row 5 of Table 1). Studies using PET
rior insula was reduced over what was found with literate adults have shown that areas of
in simply reading the words aloud. A few the visual system of the brain become active
minutes of practice at generating an associ- when strings of letters are possible words in
ated use shifted activation so that the left fron- English, whether they have meaning or not
tal and posterior areas important in generating (Petersen, Fox, Snyder & Raichle, 1990). This
Mechanisms of self-regulation 431

area of the brain is not active for nonsense much in the spirit of the Broadbent approach.
strings like a series of consonants. It seems to They argued that a supervisory attention sys-
represent English orthography and has been tem comes into play in adults in resolving
called the visual word form system (Petersen conflict, correcting errors, and planning new
et al., 1990). This system appears to be a left actions. There now appears to be excellent
posterior function that serves to group letters data that the ability to resolve conflict under-
of a word automatically into a single chunk. goes development in early childhood.
No such unified chunk occurs for a string of Adult studies using positron emission to-
consonants. This system appears to require mography (PET) have been consistent in
some years to develop. Evidence suggests it showing activity in midline frontal areas dur-
is not present in 7-year-olds, even in those ing tasks that might be thought to involve ex-
who know how to read, and can be found in ecutive attention (Bush, Whalen, Rose, Jen-
10-year-olds to a limited degree. Moreover, ike, McInerney, & Rauch, 1998; Posner &
once this system is developed, it appears to be DiGirolamo, 1998). One such task we have
strongly resistant to change (Posner & Mc- already discussed is generating the use of a
Candliss, in press). word. When blood flow due to reading words
The final row of Table 1 refers to changes aloud is subtracted from blood flow in gener-
in brain structures that develop over the early ating a use, there is a strong activation in the
life span of the person. We have in mind the frontal midline along with language related
several years apparently required to develop areas of the left hemisphere and in connected
attentional networks. One form of attentional areas in the cerebellum. Subsequent studies
control deals with the selection of information using high-density electrical recording have
by orienting to a sensory modality or location shown that midfrontal activity is detected
(e.g., eye movements or shifts of visual atten- very early, about 150 ms after input. This sug-
tion in vision). Orienting shows marked de- gests that the first activity involves marshal-
velopment in the 1st year of life (Ruff & ing the cognitive effort needed to generate a
Rothbart, 1996). In the visual system, early use beyond that needed in the relatively ef-
development includes improvements in acu- fortless task of reading aloud. This view also
ity, control of fixation, ability to disengage, agrees with PET studies showing that mid-
preference for novel objects and locations, frontal activity may occur even before the
and the control of emotional distress (Ruff & task starts, when subjects know that a difficult
Rothbart, 1996). A second form of attention task will occur (Murtha, Chertkow, Beaure-
shows strong development in the 2nd year of gard, Dixon, & Evans, 1996).
life and after (Posner & Rothbart, 1998). It The most frequently studied task found to
provides the child with the necessary indepen- activate the frontal midline has been the
dence from their sensory world to develop an Stroop effect. In this task, subjects must re-
agenda of their own. The development of this spond to one dimension of a stimulus (usually
system and its significance for the child are the ink color), while ignoring another prepo-
described further below. tent dimension (usually the color word name).
A summary of the many results on Stroop ef-
fect conflict shows a remarkable convergence
Executive Control
on areas of the frontal midline in the anterior
The central issue of this section is to describe cingulate gyrus (Bush et al., 1998).
an approach for examining executive function Since the anterior cingulate is the major
as a developmental process in early child- outflow of the limbic system, however, it
hood. The goal is to provide an experimental seems reasonable that its main function would
means to link individual differences in self- be related to emotion, not cognition, and there
regulatory behaviors developing in early is clear evidence that anterior cingulate activ-
childhood to the maturation of underlying ity is a part of the brain’s system for evaluat-
neural systems. Norman and Shallice (1986) ing pain (Rainville, Duncan, Price, Carrier, &
developed a model of adult attention very Bushness, 1997) and for distress vocalization
432 M. I. Posner and M. K. Rothbart

(Devinsky, Morrell, & Vogt, 1995). The pain 1997). In the first few months, caregivers help
studies have shown cingulate activity when control distress mainly by holding and rock-
heat stimuli were judged as painful in com- ing. Increasingly, in the early months, visual
parison to merely warm. Moreover, the cingu- orienting is also used. Caregivers then attempt
late activity appears to be more related to the to involve the child in activities that will oc-
amount of subjective distress caused by the cupy their attention and reduce their distress.
pain than to the intensity of the sensory stimuli These interactions between infant and care-
involved (Rainville et al., 1997). When an ef- giver may train the infant in control of distress
fort was made to control the distress produced and lead to the development of the midfrontal
by a given stimulus using hypnotic suggestion, area as a control system for negative emotion.
the amount of anterior cingulate activation re- Later, when similar cognitive challenges
flected felt distress, while the somatosensory arise, a system for regulating remote brain ar-
cortex reflected stimulus intensity. eas may be already prepared.
Recent studies of negative emotion in Many psychologists agree with Denckla
adults have suggested that distress is also re- (1996) that “the difference between the child
lated to activity in the amygdala (Davidson & and adult resides in the unfolding of executive
Sutton, 1995). When pictures depicting fright- functions” (p. 264). Luria (1973) also referred
ening or horrible scenes are shown to sub- to the development of a higher level voluntary
jects, there is strong activation of the amyg- social attention system. More voluntary atten-
dala, and evidence now exists that activation tional mechanisms and individual differences
of the amygdala can be modulated by frontal in executive attention have important implica-
activity (Davidson & Sutton, 1995). tions for the early development of behavioral
There is some evidence that cingulate ac- and emotional control (Rothbart & Bates,
tivity is related to our awareness of emotion 1998).
rather than to the emotion itself. To measure In an early example of cognitive control in
emotional awareness, people are asked to de- a limited domain, Diamond (1991) showed
scribe how they feel about situations. Their the stages from 9 to 12 months in the child’s
written responses are coded for use of emo- resolving conflict between reaching along the
tional terms and descriptors (Lane & line of sight in order to retrieve an object in a
Schwartz, 1992) and the resultant score is box. At 9 months, the line of sight dominates
taken as a measure of their emotional aware- completely. Even if the infant’s hand touches
ness. In a recent study, twelve subjects were the toy through the open side of the box, if its
shown each of three highly emotional movies movement is not in line with the side the child
and three neutral movies during a PET scan is looking at, the infant will withdraw the
(Lane, Reiman, Ahern, Schartz, Davidson, hand and reach along the line of sight, striking
Axelrod, & Yun, 1996). Differences in ante- the closed side. Three months later, infants
rior cingulate blood flow between the emo- are able to look at a closed side but reach
tional and neutral movies were positively re- through the open end to retrieve the toy.
lated to the person’s level of emotional However, being able to reach for a target
awareness. These data suggest that something away from the line of sight is only a very lim-
about awareness of emotions during sad or ited form of conflict resolution. Gerstadt,
happy events is related to changes in the ante- Hong, and Diamond (1994) studied verbal
rior cingulate. This result is similar to the conflict modeled on the Stroop paradigm in
finding discussed above indicating that cingu- children as young as 3.5 years. Two cards
late activity is more related to the painful feel- were prepared to suggest day and night to the
ings than to the intensity of the stimulus in- children: one depicted a line drawing of the
ducing the pain (Rainville et al., 1997). sun, the other a picture of the moon sur-
Control of distress is a major task for the rounded by stars. Children in the conflict con-
infant and caregiver in the early months of dition were instructed to say day to the moon
life, and attention plays an important role in card and night to the sun card. Children in the
this regulation (Harman, Rothbart & Posner, control condition were divided into two
Mechanisms of self-regulation 433

groups and instructed to say day or night to mensions of location and identity might be the
either a checkerboard or ribbon card. At every most appropriate way to study the early reso-
age, accuracy scores were significantly lower lution of conflict.
for conflict relative to control trials. Other ef- The variant of the Stroop effect we de-
forts have been made with Stroop-like tasks signed to be appropriate for ages as young as
(Jerger, Martin, & Piozzolo, 1988) and with 2–3 years involved presenting a picture de-
the Wisconsin card sort task (Zelazo, Rez- picting a simple object on one side of a screen
nick, & Pinon, 1995) to study children as directly in front of the child and requiring the
young as 31 months; little evidence of suc- child to respond with a key that matched the
cessful inhibitory control below 3 years has stimulus they were shown (Gerardi–Caulton,
been found. in press). The appropriate key could be either
We believe that children as young as 18 on the side of the stimulus (compatible trial)
months might be undergoing development in or on the side opposite the stimulus (incom-
frontal midline areas that would allow the patible trial). The child’s prepotent response
limited conflict resolution related to eye posi- was to press the key on the side of the target
tion to become more general. We had found irrespective of its identity. However, the task
that children at 18 months could show con- required the child to inhibit the prepotent re-
text-sensitive learning of sequences (Clohes- sponse and to respond instead based on iden-
sy, Posner, & Rothbart, in press). This is a tity. The ability to resolve this conflict is
form of learning that, in adults, appears to re- measured by the accuracy and speed of their
quire access to the kind of higher level atten- key-press responses.
tion needed to resolve conflict. Adults can Results of the study strongly suggested that
learn sequences of spatial locations implic- executive attention undergoes dramatic
itly when each location is invariably associ- change during the 3rd year of life. Perfor-
ated with another location (e.g., locations mance by toddlers at the very beginning of
13241324). This occurs even when the adult this period was dominated by a tendency to
is distracted with a secondary task known to repeat the previous response. Perseveration is
occupy focal attention (Curran & Keele, associated with frontal dysfunction, and this
1993). The implicit form of skill learning finding is consistent with the idea that execu-
seems to rely mainly upon subcortical struc- tive attention is still very immature at 24
tures. However, when distraction is present, months. Even at this young age, however,
adults are not able to learn context-sensitive toddlers were already showing a significant
sequences (e.g., locations 123213) in which accuracy difference favoring compatible over
each association is ambiguous. We found that incompatible trials. By the second half of the
infants as young as 4 months could learn the 3rd and beginning of the 4th year, children
unambiguous associations, but not until 18 showed a strikingly different pattern of re-
months did they begin to show the ability to sponses. Children now performed with high
learn ambiguous or context-sensitive associa- accuracy for both compatible and incompati-
tions (e.g., locations 1213). Individual chil- ble conditions, showing the expected slowing
dren showed wide differences in their learning for incompatible relative to compatible trials.
abilities, and we found that the ability to learn The developmental transition appeared to oc-
context-sensitive cues was positively related cur at about 30 months.
to the caregiver’s report of the child’s vocabu- It was also possible to examine the rela-
lary development. tionship of our laboratory measures of con-
According to the analysis of the last sec- flict resolution to children’s performance on a
tion, a more direct measure of the develop- battery of tasks requiring the child to exercise
ment of executive attention might be reflected inhibitory control over their behavior. We
in the ability to resolve conflict between si- found substantial correlations between these
multaneous stimulus events as in the Stroop two measures. Even more impressive, ele-
effect. Since children of this age do not read, ments of the laboratory task were significantly
we reasoned that the use of basic visual di- related to aspects of temperamental effortful
434 M. I. Posner and M. K. Rothbart

control and negative affect. Children who & Forman, 1998; Kochanska, Murray, & Har-
were less slowed by conflict were described lan, 1999). In two large longitudinal studies
as showing lower negative affect. As we have (32–66 months and 9–45 months), Kochan-
seen, cingulate activity would be expected to ska and her colleagues assessed children’s ef-
relate well at this age to control of distress. It fortful control in a laboratory test battery
appears that the cognitive measure of conflict (Kochanska, Murray, Jacques, Koenig, &
resolution has a substantial relation to the as- Vandegeest, 1996; Kochanska, Murray, &
pects of the child’s self-control that parents Coy, 1997; Kochanska et al., 1999). Although
can report. the number and difficulty of tasks was varied
to assure developmental appropriateness, be-
ginning at age 30 months, children’s perfor-
mance was highly consistent across tasks,
Temperament refers to individual differences suggesting that they all measured a common
in motor and emotional reactivity and self- process that developed over time. Children
regulation (Rothbart & Bates, 1998). The tem- were also remarkably stable in their perfor-
peramental variable related to the develop- mance across time, with the stability of a
ment of executive attention is called effortful composite measure of effortful control ap-
control, representing the ability to inhibit a proaching that of some of the most enduring
dominant response in order to perform a sub- of traits such as intelligence or aggression. In
dominant response. The construct of effortful addition, children’s performance and their
control is extremely important in understand- parents’ reports about their temperamental ef-
ing the influence of temperament on behavior. fortful control capacities in their daily lives
Until recently, almost all of the major theories also converged significantly. Other research
of temperament have focused on tempera- suggests longer term stability of executive at-
ment’s more reactive aspects related to posi- tention during childhood. In Mischel’s work,
tive and negative affect, reward, punishment, for example, the number of seconds delayed
and arousal to stimulation. Individuals were by preschool children while waiting for physi-
seen to be at the mercy of their dispositions cally present rewards predicted their parent-
to approach or avoid a situation or stimulus, reported attentiveness, ability to concentrate,
given reward or punishment cues. More extra- and control over negative affect when the
verted individuals were expected to be sensi- children were adolescents (Mischel, 1983;
tive to reward and to show tendencies to rapid Shoda, Mischel & Peake, 1990).
approach; more fearful or introverted individ- Although temperament researchers had
uals, sensitive to punishment, were expected originally believed that temperament systems
to show inhibition or withdrawal from excite- would be in place very early in development
ment (Gray, 1987). and change little over time (e.g., Buss &
Systems of effortful control, however, Plomin, 1975), we have since learned that
allow the approach of situations in the face of temperament systems follow a developmental
immediate cues for punishment, and avoid- course (Rothbart, 1989; Rothbart & Bates,
ance of situations in the face of immediate 1998). Children’s reactive tendencies to expe-
cues for reward. The programming of this ef- rience and express negative and positive emo-
fortful control is critical to socialization. The tions and their responsitivity to events in the
work of Kochanska (1995) indicates that the environment can be observed very early in
development of conscience is related to tem- life, but children’s self-regulatory executive
peramental individual differences in effortful attention develops relatively late and contin-
control. Kochanska and colleagues found sig- ues to develop throughout the early school
nificant prediction from infants’ 9-month sus- years. Because executive attention is involved
tained attention to their contemporaneous re- in the regulation of emotions, some children
straint in touching a prohibited toy and to a will be lacking in controls of emotion and ac-
multitask behavioral battery assessing effort- tion that other children can demonstrate with
ful control at 22 months (Kochanska, Tjebkes, ease.
Mechanisms of self-regulation 435

Questionnaire studies of 6- to 7-year-olds discomfort, thereby increasing the probability

have found a broad effortful control factor to that the cause of these feelings is attributed to
be defined in terms of scales measuring atten- an internal rather than external cause (Dienst-
tional focusing, inhibitory control, low inten- bier, 1984). Effortful control may contribute
sity pleasure, and perceptual sensitivity further by allowing the flexibility needed to
(Rothbart, Ahadi, Hershey, & Fisher, 1997). relate these negative feelings of responsibility
Effortful control scores are negatively related to one’s own specific actions and to negative
to children’s scores on a negative affectivity consequences for another person (Derry-
factor. This negative relation is in keeping berry & Reed, 1994, 1996).
with the notion that attentional skill may help Consistent with these influences on empa-
attenuate negative affect. An interesting ex- thy and guilt, effortful control also appears to
ample involves the negative relation between play a role in the development of conscience.
effortful control and aggression. Aggression The internalization of moral principles ap-
relates negatively to effortful control and pos- pears to be facilitated in fearful preschool-
itively to surgency and negative affectivity, aged children, especially when their mothers
especially anger (Rothbart, Ahadi, & Hershey, use gentle discipline (Kochanska, 1991,
1994). Since effortful control makes no 1995). In addition, internalized control is fa-
unique contribution to aggression, it may reg- cilitated in children high in effortful control
ulate aggression indirectly by controlling re- (Kochanska et al., 1996). Here, we see the in-
active tendencies underlying surgency and fluence of two separable control systems, one
negative affectivity. For example, children reactive (fear) and one self-regulative (effort-
high in effortful control may be able to direct ful control), regulating the development of
attention away from the rewarding aspects of conscience. While fear may provide reactive
aggression, or to decrease the influence of inhibition and strong negative affect for asso-
negative affectivity by shifting attention away ciation with moral principles, effortful control
from the negative cues related to anger. Eisen- provides the attentional flexibility needed to
berg and her colleagues, for example, found link negative affect, action outcomes, and
that 4- to 6-year-old boys with good atten- moral principles.
tional control tend to deal with anger by using These findings illustrate the importance of
nonhostile verbal methods rather than overt temperament in general and effortful control
aggressive methods (Eisenberg, Fabes, Ny- in particular to the child’s emotional, cogni-
man, Bernzweig, & Pinulas, 1994). tive, and social development. These underly-
Empathy is also strongly related to effort- ing temperament systems may also serve a
ful control, with children high in effortful central role in the self-organization of person-
control showing greater empathy (Rothbart et ality (Rothbart, Ahadi, & Evans, 2000). This
al., 1994). In a study of elderly hospital vol- is particularly evident in the functions of at-
unteers, Eisenberg and Okun (1996) found at- tention, which select and coordinate the most
tentional control to be positively related to important information and contribute to the
sympathy and perspective taking, and nega- storage of this information in memory. While
tively related to personal distress. In contrast, much theorizing emphasizes children’s behav-
negative emotional intensity was positively ior and influences of the immediate environ-
related to sympathy and personal distress. Ef- ment, children think about their experiences
fortful control may support empathy by allow- and can use attention to “replay” their positive
ing the individual to attend to the thoughts and negative experiences.
and feelings of another without becoming We now revisit Table 1 in its relation to
overwhelmed by their own distress. Similarly, temperament and effortful control. Voluntary
guilt or shame in 6- to 7-year-olds is posi- attention shifting may moderate the experi-
tively related to effortful control and negative ence of negative affect (row 1), whereas in-
affectivity (Rothbart et al., 1994). Negative voluntary orientation to negative affect may
affectivity may contribute to guilt by provid- limit attentional capacity. Further, automatic
ing the individual with strong internal cues of emotional priming (row 2) may influence the
436 M. I. Posner and M. K. Rothbart

meaning of events to the child. Emotional re- (Cicchetti & Tucker, 1994). For example,
activity will also be influential in developing children high in fear and low in self-evalua-
a system of learning that allows us to interact tion may come to avoid achievement situa-
well with others (row 4) and to learn more tions resulting in possible feelings of inade-
arbitrary rules connected with conscience quacy, leading to even stronger fear or anxiety
(row 5). Finally, development of the atten- and avoidance in response to novel or challen-
tional systems themselves will provide the ca- ging situations. This developmental progres-
pacities underlying the development of self- sion, however, is not without recourse.
regulation (row 6). Across development, one Changes in the external or internal environ-
would expect emotional and attentional pro- ment may lead to improvements in an individ-
cesses to function together to progressively ual’s ability to master developmental changes
stabilize particular kinds of information, shap- and thus to redirect a developmental trajec-
ing the child’s representation of the self and tory.
world (Derryberry & Reed, 1994, 1996; Neuroimaging should allow us an increas-
Rothbart et al., 1994). The study of tempera- ing ability to examine control mechanisms of
mental individual differences thus links ef- the brain and to understand how their mal-
fortful control mechanisms to issues of empa- function may form the basis for pathologies.
thy, aggression, and conscience that represent For example, to display empathy to others re-
central issues of child socialization, and leads quires that we interpret their signals of dis-
us now to a discussion of development and tress or pleasure. Imaging work in normal
psychopathology. adults shows that sad faces activate the amyg-
dala. As sadness increases, this activation is
accompanied by activity in the anterior cingu-
Development and Psychopathology
late as part of the attention network (Blair,
The early part of this century saw the devel- Morris, Frith, Perrett, & Dolan, 1999). It
opment of psychoanalysis (Freud, 1920). Be- seems likely that the cingulate activity repre-
ginning with the neurology known in his time, sents the basis for our attention to the distress
Freud uncovered unconscious mechanisms of others. Psychopaths, for example, fail to
that code our implicit experience and pro- show behavioral responses to sad faces and
posed methods to prevent them from control- lack empathy to the distress of others. It
ling the behavior of patients suffering from seems likely that they would show either re-
various forms of pathology. Since that time, duced activity in the amygdala or a loss of
advances in neuroscience have changed our cingulate activation or both. If in one person
ability to link specific brain mechanisms to the amygdala shows a strong response to the
behavior (Kandel, 1998, 1999). At the same sadness of others, empathy would emerge
time, progress in psychology has begun to quite naturally, but if little or no signal occurs,
specify the mechanisms whereby individuals effortful control as influenced by socialization
regulate their feelings and thoughts. We now might still allow successful use of whatever
recognize that both automatic or unconscious signal was present. This is an example of how
impulses and conscious strategies work to we might understand at a biological level the
control behavior. Future efforts should help us various pathways by which development pro-
forge an understanding of these concepts at duces either successful socialization or antiso-
cellular and genetic levels (Albright, Jessell, cial pathology.
Kandel, & Posner, 2000). With the introduction of neuroimaging
The area of development and psychopath- studies, it became possible to discover which
ology examines the interplay between con- brain areas became active during cognitive
scious and unconscious mechanisms in both tasks. As discussed above, many conflict
normal and atypical persons (Cicchetti & Co- tasks like the Stroop effect produced activa-
hen, 1995). This approach to development tion of the anterior cingulate (Bush et al.,
stresses the diverse pathways by which early 1998). Washburn (1998) showed rhesus mon-
temperament is refined through experience keys could be trained to perform a version of
Mechanisms of self-regulation 437

the Stroop effect known in humans to activate brains may be a shift in dopamine regulation
the cingulate. The monkeys showed many from pyramidal to nonpyramidal cells. She
more errors on incompatible trials than do hu- has also argued that these changes in the cin-
mans, however, despite many hundreds of tri- gulate are related to circuitry involving the
als at the task. It is as though the monkeys amygdala and hippocampus. These effects in-
have somewhat less capacity for avoiding in- volve the D2 receptor and are strongest within
terference, despite very extensive training. layer II of the anterior cingulate. However,
A recent study was conducted with adults there are strong connections between layers II
who suffer from attention deficit disorder. and V. The schizophrenia studies thus provide
They performed conflict trials only slightly an entry to possible dysregulation of the ante-
less efficiently than normals, but unlike nor- rior cingulate at a cellular level in a second
mal controls they showed no evidence of an- abnormality noted for its attentional deficits.
terior cingulate activation and instead showed
greater activity on incompatible trials in the
Future Directions
anterior insula (Bush et al., 1999). It is possi-
ble that the insula represents a more primitive This paper has touched upon a number of ar-
pathway to output, one allowing for less ef- eas in which we expect significant progress in
fortful control (Raichle et al., 1994). the future. These include studies at the ge-
Genetic studies of ADHD families have netic, cellular, and synaptic levels, as well as
shown that they possess a mutation that af- at the neurosystems levels. In our understand-
fects the dopamine 4 receptor (LaHoste et al., ing of temperamental individual differences,
1996; Smalley et al., 1998). The dopamine 4 we also see a number of important directions
receptor is expressed in layer V of the cingu- for the next century. Findings suggest devel-
late. While the anterior cingulate is an ancient opmentally changing pathways through which
structure, there is evidence that it has evolved early temperament, in conjunction with pro-
significantly in primates. Humans and great cesses of socialization, can influence the de-
apes appear to have a cell type found mainly velopment of social-cognitive processes.
in layer V of the anterior cingulate and the Tracing such developmental pathways to
insula, which is not present in other primates adaptive outcomes and to the development of
(Nimchinsky et al., 1999). It is not known behavior problems and psychopathology will
what the function of this cell is, but it appears be among several promising directions for fu-
to be a form of projection cell. There is evi- ture work.
dence of development in the connectivity of Needed in the future is a more thorough
this cell in childhood (Conel, 1959) and it is understanding of the processes of tempera-
known that layer V of the cingulate expresses ment and how they develop, including sur-
several dopamine receptors (Lidow, Wang, gency and extraversion, fear, and frustration,
Cao, & Goldman–Rakic, 1998). While there as well as attention. Many of these advances
is as yet no direct evidence of the cellular ba- will come from affective and cognitive neuro-
sis of the cingulate activity found in neuro- science, where to date much progress has
imaging studies, the importance of this area been made in understanding the emotions
for emotional and cognitive tasks invites fu- (Davis, 1992; LeDoux, 1996; Panksepp,
ture further exploration of linkage between 1998) and attention (Posner & Raichle, 1994),
the cellular architecture of this area and its as we have discussed in this paper. We expect
function in self-regulation. progress in the study of brain structure and its
Another disorder that produces a disrup- underlying molecular genetics to be of great
tion of attentional control, as well as other future importance.
emotional and cognitive problems, is schizo- In addition, we will be looking toward im-
phrenia. Benes (1999) has reported subtle ab- proved temperament assessment methods that
normalities of the anterior cingulate in post- target multiple levels: behavior in laboratory
mortem analyses of schizophrenic brains. She paradigms, including marker tasks for the de-
argues that the problem in schizophrenic velopment of brain structures; behavior in nat-
438 M. I. Posner and M. K. Rothbart

uralistic daily contexts; physiological mea- Finally, in considering issues of develop-

sures; informant reports; and self-reports, mental pathways, it remains the challenge of
including information about felt experience. this new century, as it has for all previous pe-
Advances in assessment and empirical under- riods of human history, to seek to balance the
standing will further allow us to link the past needs of the developing child in expressing
and future in the study of development. We their individuality with the needs of the soci-
envision moving toward bridging research on ety to regulate such expression. Whether by
temperament in childhood with that on per- drugs, training, or social engineering, we can
sonality in adulthood (Caspi, 1998) within a be sure that the struggle to control impulses
coherent framework on individual differences will continue both within and among individ-
that temperament can provide. uals.
The pathways between early temperament The case of attention deficit disorder is one
and future personality outcomes will, of ne- interesting example. Empirical evidence fa-
cessity, be intricate, because child individual- vors the efficacy of drugs, which, like Ritalin,
ity unfolds in the context of social relation- will provide many children with the help they
ships, and continuity and change cannot be need to attend to their school lessons (Swan-
understood without considering the develop- son, Sergeant, Taylor, Sonuga–Barke, Jen-
mentally changing impact of social experi- sen, & Cantwell, 1998). However, it may also
ence. To understand developmental pathways, be possible that training of high-level atten-
we will need to disentangle complex interac- tion during the periods when it is undergoing
tion effects among early temperament predis- development would prevent the expression of
positions, socialization processes, relation- the disorder, at least in some children. The
ships, and culture. Recent research has begun use of drugs and training also does not rule
to provide compelling support for such inter- out the idea that the social environment may
actions (Bates, Pettit, Dodge, & Ridge, 1998; itself be a serious cause of some pathology.
Belsky, 1997a, 1997b; Belsky, Hsieh, & Panksepp (1998), for example, suggests the
Crnic, 1998; Kochanska, 1991, 1995, 1997; importance of engineering the social environ-
Nachmias, Gunnar, Mangelsdorf, Parritz, & ment of schools to provide access to play with
Buss, 1996; Wachs & Gandour, 1983). peers that he feels is lacking in the current
Because of those complexities, we are scene. His suggestion need not conflict with
likely to find examples of both equifinality drug treatment and training, and, indeed, mul-
and multifinality in development (Cicchetti, tiple avenues for change may be needed to
1993). Temperamentally different children provide the kind of human beings best able
may arrive at similar or equivalent outcomes to thrive in the society we will have in the
via different pathways. For example, in Ko- future.
chanska’s (1995) studies, fearful toddlers As students of normal and pathological de-
whose parents used gentle discipline and fear- velopment, we must continue attempts to un-
less toddlers whose parents capitalized on derstand the mechanisms involved in self-reg-
positive motivation in a close relationship at- ulation so that we will have methods to help
tained comparable levels of conscience. Tem- adapt our children to a changing environment.
peramentally similar children’s develop- As members of society, we must try to use
mental pathways may also diverge as a result our knowledge in a way that enhances the
of different effective experiences in relation- number of children for whom a successful
ships or varying cultural pressures (Rothbart, balance between self-expression and the de-
Ahadi, & Evans, 2000). mands of society can be found.

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