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2. Publico, Jerome R. August 30, 2017
3. Rinon, Daniel S.A DATE SUBMITTED:
4. Rivera, Kristian Asterio R. September, 2017
Engr. Lester Alfred M. Olasiman


The activity aims to demonstrate the procedure in measuring the area of regular and
irregular shapes and sizes using planimeter.


The students shall be able to:

1. Measure the area of regular and irregular shape and size using digital and analog
2. Interpret data and relate result to governing scientific principle.
3. Develop professional work ethics, including precision, neatness, safety and ability to follow


Planimeters are used to measure areas on maps of any kind and scale, as well as plans,
blueprints or any scale drawing or plan. They are often used by surveyors, foresters, geologists,
geographers, engineers and architects.

Mechanical (non-digital) planimeters feature a pole arm, tracer arm, tracer magnifier, recording
dial, and Vernier measuring wheel. Some models have adjustable length pole and tracer arms, while
others are fixed length. All have a reset which returns the measuring dial and Vernier scale to zero
before the next use.

Digital planimeters are computerized. They give a direct reading of the area traced as square
inches or centimeters, with some reading directly in any unit of area including acres, square meters,
square kilometers, etc. The most advanced units will also store data for downloading into a personal
computer. Most digital planimeters have various memory functions which enable you to add areas,
accumulate measurements and average multiple measurements. Digital planimeters are available with
pole arms or rollers.
To use a mechanical planimeter, a "constant" is first determined by choosing the shortest
possible arm length which will cover the area to measure, and tracing the boundary of a known area
Once the known area is traced, you can see how many revolutions the dial scale indicates. The known
area divided by the dial reading equals the constant. Once the constant is determined, the measuring
dial is reset and the boundary is traced by moving the magnifier over the boundary in a clockwise
direction. The reading on the dial is multiplied by the constant to give the desired area of the plot.

Digital planimeters require initial settings for units and scale. There is no need to determine a
constant when using any digital planimeter.



 1 set Mechanical Polar Planimeter

 5 different figures
Experiment Procedure:
1. Before any measurements are attempted, make sure that the measuring surface is suitable. It
should not be very glossy, (photographs) too rough, mutilated, torn or patched up with adhesive
tape. If the measuring surface is not quite suitable, cover it with a transparent sheet of tracing
paper to minimize the problem. Make sure that the measuring table is reasonably flat and that
both pole weight and planimeter body operate at the same elevation.
2. Assemble your instrument as shown on figure 2. and select the tracer arm length most suitable
for your application.

Figure 2
3. Place the tracer point TP of your planimeter in the approximate center of the area to be
measured. Position the pole weight in such a manner, that the pole arm P and the tracer arm T
form a 900 angle (approx.) as shown in figure 2.
4. Make a quick cursory tracing around the area to be measured to make sure that the measuring
wheel does not run over paper edges and that the area can be covered in one single continuous
5. Select a starting point S somewhere on the area periphery and move the tracer point TP over
it as shown in figure 3.
6. Set the measuring mechanism to zero or take an initial reading.
7. While keeping the tracer point TP precisely over the peripheral line, move the tracer around the
area in a clockwise direction until the circuit is closed and the starting point S is reached again.
Important: While measuring, keep the instrument level on the measuring surface to avoid a lift
off the measuring wheel.
8. Read the result off the measuring mechanism.
Figure 3

9. If the counter was cleared prior to the measuring process, the result "N" can readily be used to
obtain the actual area measurement.
10. If you took an initial readout prior to the measurement, it must be subtracted from the final
readout to obtain "N".
11. For 1:1 measurements expressed in inch2 or cm2, multiply the result "N" by the "u" value given
for your model 10 or 20 or, if your instrument is a model 30, by the "u" value for the arm
extension used.
12. For scale measurements to be expressed in ft2, acres, mile 2, m2, ha, km2, multiply "N" by CA.
(= Scale Area Constant)

Major Minor Area

Figure Dial Vernier Result % Error
Wheel Wheel in2
1. Square 0 4 2 8 0428 4.28 7%

2.Triangle 0 2 0 2 0202 2.02 1%

3.Rectangle 1 0 3 8 1038 10.38 3.8%

4.Triangle(BIG) 0 8 1 0 0810 8.1 1.23%

5.Trapezoid 0 5 6 6 0566 5.66 5.67%

Figure Computed Measured % Error
A=Nxu 4−4.28
Square A = S2 = (2)2 𝑥100= 7%
A = 0428 x 0.01 4
A = 4 in2
A = 4.28 in2
A=Nxu 2−2.02
A = 1⁄2 𝑏ℎ 𝑥100= 1%
Triangle A = 0202 x 0.01 2
A = 2 in2 A = 2.02 in2
A=Nxu 8−8.1
A = 1⁄2 𝑏ℎ 𝑥100= 1.25%
Triangle(BIG) A = 0810 x 0.01 8
A = 8 in2 A = 8.1in2
A=Nxu 10−10.38
A = L x W = (5x2) 𝑥100= 3.8%
Rectangle A = 1038 x 0.01 10
A = 10 in2
A = 10.38 in2
A=Nxu 6−5.66
A = 1⁄2 (𝑎 + 𝑏)ℎ 𝑥100= 5.67]3.8%
Trapezoid A = 0566 x 0.01 6
A = 6 in2 A = 5.66 in2

While the level of exactness in comes about feasible in the different operations of estimation with the
Planimeter as depicted in the past parts has been given in the talk of the utilization of the Planimeter in those
portrayals, it will be of enthusiasm for determination and give a clearer comprehension of the general subject
of the precision of Planimeter estimation to give the consequences of the investigations which have been
made at different circumstances to decide the relative and real level of exactness which might be
unquestionably expected in the different types of operation.
Not exclusively is an information of the level of precision achievable in these operations of the best
conceivable incentive as outfitted proof of the dependence which might be set in all aftereffects of estimations
along these lines got, yet they fill the additional need of demonstrating the practically boundless estimation
of the guide these instruments are fit for rendering in each type of Engineering work and giving them the high
place in the rundown of the Engineer mechanical aides for which that exactness and versatility so famously
fits them.
In this experiment a planimeter is utilized to quantify the region of a regular shape, it is finished by
simply following the outer line of the area, starting from the center and to an edge which will serve as a
starting point.

The precision of our examinations relies upon two components one is the natural factor and
the other is human error.
Environmental Work
 The working region can influence the precision of the trial esteem. On the off chance that
the surface is not leveled the roller in the planimeter. Additionally if the testing subject is not
in great conditions the outcome will not be right.
Human Error
 A few people get preferred outcomes over others. A decent eye, an enduring hand and
tolerance when following the blueprint are most critical for good outcomes. Great light and a
happy with working position likewise assume a conclusive part.
 To have precise results in conducting the experiment we should consider the environment
and the human error that will occur in the experiment to lessen the discrepancy. Also we
should consider the condition of the test subject to have a proper evaluation in conducting
the experiment.

4 3 2 1

Demonstrate Occasionally Partially Do not

needed skills to demonstrate demonstrate demonstrate the
finish the task, needed skills to needed skills to needed skills to
able to set – up finish the task, able finish the task and finish the task, do
the materials with to set – up the able to set – up not able to set –
Laboratory without materials with the materials with up the materials
Skills supervision and minimum supervision, and do not follow
(30 %) always follow supervision, partially follows safety guidelines
safety guidelines occasionally safety guidelines during laboratory
during laboratory follows safety during laboratory performance.
performance. guidelines during performance.
Professional Accurate Accurate Data are not
looking and representation of representation of shown OR are
accurate the data in tables the data in written inaccurate.
representation of and/or graphs. form, but no
the data in tables Graphs and tables graphs or tables No calculations
Data and and/or graphs. are labeled and are presented. are shown OR
Calculation Graphs and tables titled. results are
(20 %) are labeled and Some calculations inaccurate or
titled. Some calculations are shown and the mislabeled.
are shown and the results labeled
All calculations results are correct appropriately.
are shown and the and labeled
results are correct appropriately
and labeled
Analysis The relationship The relationship The relationship The relationship
between the between the between the between the
(20 %) variables is variables is variables is variables is not
discussed and discussed and discussed but no discussed.
trends/patterns trends/patterns patterns, trends or
logically analyzed. logically analyzed. predictions are
Predictions are made based on
made about what the data.
might happen if
part of the lab
were changed or
how the
design could be
Conclusion Conclusion Conclusion No conclusion was
Conclusion includes whether includes whether includes what was included in the
(30 %) the findings the findings learned from the report OR shows
supported the supported the experiment. little effort and
hypothesis, hypothesis and reflection.
possible sources what was learned
of error, and what from the
was learned from experiment.
the experiment.



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