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Puzzle Factory Rules

Thank you for choosing our clan. We want to encourage a fun and pleasant
atmosphere for everyone and wish to help each other improve as we progress
through the game. This can only be achieved when everyone cooperates and
commits to certain rules which have been carefully designed. The following is a
list of very simple yet important rules that must be followed by all of the clan-
mates. Any player who refuses to follow them will be subject to disciplinary
actions including demotion, temporary ban from war and ultimately being kicked.
C1. English Only. We have a very strict rule regarding the English language for the
chats. Speaking in any language other than English will probably result in
immediate kick from the clan.
C2. Keep off topic chats to a minimum during war. Of course this is a game and
people will try to have fun and we will not ignore the social aspect of the game.
However, any off-topic discussions shouldn’t be overwhelming and should be kept
to a minimum.
C3. Respect each other: You should talk to your clan-mates with absolute respect.
Even if you sometimes disagree with them.
W1. Keep your weight in check. Any member should have at least one town hall
higher offense than defense. If you have a max Town Hall 9 base both defensively
and offensively, chances are, you are not going to be allowed in war. A base with
max Town Hall 9 defense (with X-Bows, etc.) should at least have max Town Hall
10 troops plus 40/40 heroes to be considered for our clan wars. Obviously, you
should always keep this balance by only having the defenses of the next town hall
lower. Air defenses, sweepers and traps are OK to build and upgrade to your own
town hall level once your camps, spell factories, barracks, clan castle, and war
troops are upgraded. Walls are always OK to upgrade. Failure to follow our
upgrade rules will disqualify you from war. Players that are out of compliance that
still wish to war are encouraged to join our second clan, Food Library.
W2. One 3-star is minimum: You should have at least one 3-star attack in order to
be in the next war. If not, you’ll probably sit out the next war.
a) If a member has several disappointing wars he/she will ultimately be
kicked for poor performance.
b) In case the clan has already achieved the perfect war (all the bases have
been 3-starred) when you are getting ready for attack, you should pick a
base similar to yours and 3-star it.
c) It is possible to miss a war even if you had a very good war. For instance,
if you had a 6-star war, there is a slight chance that you won’t be picked for
the next war if we don't have enough spots. Sometimes there are not
enough members for a 30 vs 30 war and you might be the 26th player. In
that case, ufortunately you have to miss that war. The players with the
highest war weights at the top two town hall levels will be the first to be
left out.
W3. Attack early: Do your attacks as soon as possible. We usually start wars
around 9 PM Eastern. We expect both war attacks to be used before 5 PM
Eastern the next day, and if you want to get the war stars, you should do your
attacks ASAP. Failure to use both attacks on time is an automatic kick for newer
members, and is a bench or demotion for veteran clanmates.
W4. War result is the most important goal: Your profile stars, the bonus loot, your
3-star requirement, etc. all come after the fact that we are aiming to win the war.
If the number 1 player should attack number 25 in order to win the war, he/she
should do it without any hesitation. Nothing is more important in this clan and the
leaders make every decision with this mentality.
W5. Loot attack: Attacking for loot in war is not allowed. Late attackers are
expected to help with cleanup, no matter how low the remaining targets. If every

base has been 3 starred, you may attack your mirror (same number) for practice.
If you have a remaining attack, you should attack the next base lower. Get the
loot from farming.
W6. War targets: most wars will have a war plan sent out by clan mail. If you're
not assigned a target in the war plan, ask, or go by the following guidance:
a) If your war troops/spells are fully upgraded for your town hall level,
attack a base your own town hall level that you KNOW you can 3-star,
and go lower on second attack if you don’t 3-star first attack.
b) If your war troops/spells are not fully upgraded, attack the highest base
of the next town hall lower that hasn't been 3-starred.
W7. Attack strategies:
a) Any type of 3-star attack strategy which usually uses Hogs and Balloons,
are welcome. Examples are: GoHo, GoLaLoon, LavaLoon, GoVaHo, GoVaLo,
b) 2-star attack strategies such as GoWiPe, GoWiWi, GoWiVa, etc. for Town
Hall 9 and below war attacks are absolutely prohibited, unless you have a
valid point behind that strategy and Uncle Zopity has approved it.
c) Dragon attacks for Town Hall 8 and below are allowed if you’re confident
about getting the 3-star, but as dragons are useless against all but the
weakest town hall 9s, you should learn other 3-star strategies as a TH8.
d) town hall 8s and above are expected to at some point watch
Powerbang's 3 star Bible, his base scouting video, and his 3-star mindset
video on YouTube.
W8. Opting out:
a) Any player may opt out of war for any reason. Players planning to opt
out AND not actively participate for more than 10 days should park their
account in our second clan, Food Library.
b) Unless you're a 3-star artist AND in complete compliance with our war
weight rules, you’re expected to opt out if a hero is upgrading.

c) ALL players must opt out if their spell or dark spell factory is upgrading
unless they have the spells they need for both attacks on hand.
W9. Clan Castles: town hall 9s and higher are expected to fill their share of war
CCs as early as possible during prep day. E.g. if there are 4 Town Hall 9 accounts in
war, each one should fill one quarter of the CCs including one of the other TH9s.
Each TH9 shall fill the next higher TH9, with the #1 player filling the lowest TH9.
This should be done within the first 12 hours of prep day. Players failing to do
their part will be benched the following war. In the event that not all CCs are filled
in the first 12 hours, the other TH9s are expected to fill the remaining CCs without
hesitation. If all CCs are not filled by the final 3 hours of prep day, TH8s are
expected to help.
W10. Filling the Shitter: it is ordinary and customary to proclaim “SHITTER’S
FULL!!!” if you 3 star BOTH war attacks. This is a bragging right, and is strongly
encouraged, but not required.
D1. Donation ratio: players should make an effort to keep their donations in line
with their requests. Requests for war will always be filled, however most of our
high level players will not fill your farming/defensive requests if your donations
drop to below half of your troops received.
D2. Only requested troop: Do not donate wrong troops. Read the requests and
donate accordingly. If you have donated the wrong troops, let the other player
know and apologize. Failing to do so, especially in war attacks could get you in
D3. Troops to request for war attacks: All of the members can request for any
troop in the game for war attacks and the clan-mates are required to fill that
request as soon as possible. As mentioned earlier, war attacks are top priority in
our clan. Also, the clan members should only attack with maxed troops in their CC
if available.
D4. Troops to request for farming: Members with more troops donated than
received may request any troop in the game. Any member whose donations are

less than what they've received can request for common elixer troops used for
farming. These most common are Wizards, Giants, Barbs, Archers, and, Balloons.
Whenever requested, other clan-mates are required to fill these requests as soon
as possible. However, requesting for troops such as Golem, Valkyrie, Witch Pekka,
Dragon, Bowler, Miner, Lava, etc. will not likely be filled for farming. These troops
can be requested in 2 occasions: a) For practicing war attacks or challenges b)
Whenever a clan-mates has already cooked them and asks others to request if
they need them. c) Note: You can also add them to request text as an optional
request. For instance: “Wiz/ or valk if possible”
D5. It is recommended, but not required, that CC troops are used for defense.
Doing so makes your donation ratio easier to keep in line, and will help protect
your loot.
Miscellaneous · As a way to let us know you have read this document, and to
make you eligible for promotion and war with us, you must type PF followed by
the last 4 characters of your display name. E.g. Zopity would type “PFpity”.
Our second clan, Food Library, is a great place to practice unfamiliar war attacks,
continue warring while heroes upgrade, or while getting your war weight in
check. FL wars will be always, and players are welcome to jump between clans as
needed to get donations.

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