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Talanta 52 (2000) 1 – 2


10th International Conference On Flow Injection Analysis


After nine successful meetings taking place in search group of the University of Washington
North America, the 10th conference of the Flow (Seattle) and the Japanese Association for Flow
Injection series moved to Central Europe. On the Injection Analysis (JAFIA) under the auspices of
occasion of the ‘25th birthyear’ of the FIA tech- the Czech Pharmaceutical Society.
nique, the 10th International Conference on Flow The conference was attended by over 100 active
Injection Analysis (ICFIA’99) was held in Prague, participants from 28 countries of all continents.
the capital of the Czech Republic, from June Besides the host country with thirteen attendees,
20–25, 1999. The main reason for the selection of the most numerous groups of scientists arrived
Prague as the conference venue was the fact that from Japan, Spain, Finland, Portugal and the
in this pleasant city one of the inventors of flow USA, the country spectrum mapping almost all
injection analysis, Jarda Ruzicka, received his ed- important academic and industrial centers of re-
ucation. So it happened that the ‘jubilee’ meeting search in the field of flow injection analysis (FIA)
was hosted by Charles University, Faculty of and sequential injection analysis (SIA) all over the
Pharmacy (celebrating at the same time the 30th world.
anniversary of the foundation of the Faculty). It The scientific programme of the conference pro-
must be noted that the conference was organised ceeded in the premises of the Faculty of Sports of
in close co-operation with the flow analysis re- Charles University; it involved in total 37 oral and

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2 Editorial

70 poster presentations, reflecting the main topics was combined with a steamboat cruise on the
of the meeting — novel theoretical and practical Vltava River, revealing beautiful views of the
aspects of flow methods ranging from the new illuminated Prague Castle. The last night, many
concept of renewable sensing surfaces in SIA flow analysts appreciated continuous flow of
(bead injection technique, J. Ruzicka) to sophisti- tasteful beer in the cellars of a small Prague
cated coupling of FIA with vibrational spectro- brewery interspersed with accordion music, inter-
scopic detection (FTIR – FIA flow through national chant and friendly discussions.
sensors, B. Lendl) and numerous applications of It was really a great honor and valued reward
FIA and SIA in biotechnology, environmental for the organisers to hear from their colleagues
analysis, process chemistry, pharmacy and that the conference was a great success. We hope
biomedical science. that the next convention in the ICFIA series,
Obviously, no conference would be complete which is planned for the end of the year 2001 in
without appropriate social events. The partici- Chiang Mai, Thailand, will again lead to many
pants of the opening ceremony taking place in the stimulating discussions and give an opportunity to
Carolinum Great Hall of Charles University (dat- meet all our old and new international friends and
ing back to 1348) witnessed a tribute to Jarda colleagues.
Ruzicka, Elo Hansen and Gary Christian who Miroslav Polášek,
were awarded Charles University Commemora- Petr Solich
tive Medals for their outstanding scientific Analytical Chemistry Department,
achievements in the field of analytical chemistry. Faculty of Pharmacy,
The festive evening continued with Antonin Dvo- Charles Uni6ersity,
rak’s string music performed by the famous Ko- Heyro6skeho 1203,
cian Quartet of Prague, and was concluded by a 500 05 Hradec Kralo6e,
delicious buffet in the historical rooms of Charles Czech Republic
University. The next event, the conference dinner, E-mail:

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