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A rchitectural Practice a n d Procedure

158 A rchitectura lPractice an d Procedure

D( Ten der for C o nstruction

In the prev ious chapteiIex plainedto you the im portance ofskiı ls

o fquantity sun eyingandw riting specifications N o w , w e m ove on to

thc process o f ca llin g ten ders for co n stı u ctio n w o rk To be

co m m issioned for a roj

p ectis alw ays a greateven tin the life o fan

u chitectYou shouldbe upandw orkingw ithenthusiasm go ingthrough


an s plan s fo r o btain ing

allthe steps like pre design stu dy, ske tch pı ,

necessary perm ission fiom the au tho rities etc N o w you thin k o
construction o fthe project H ere again yo u sho u ld in fo rm the ow ner

the applox im ate costo fthe construction M aybe w orkedou ton square

slim s foľ dev elopm en talw orks an dser vices

area basis andpľ ov isionaı

SUh as w ater su pply drain age etc , a n d shou ld ask fo r w ritten

instľ u ctions from the ow ner to pro ceed w ith the fu ttheıw o rk Itis
lanton the partofthe architectto obtain w ritten m sttu ctio ns
legallyim poı
from the ow nerbefore com m encing the nextpalothis w ork Usualı y,

the clients w ho are notindiv idu als bu tinstitutro ns do give suchvM tten

instm ctions w hen askedfor In case ofan indiv idualclien t an architect


shouldin fom ìthe clien tin a tï ı

eetin g, the estim atedcostw orkedou ton

the square area basis andthe otherprov isionalsum s etc AndshaļĮ ask
forhis instructionsto proceedw ith the n ex tstepo fw ork The client
m ay v e]bally agree to the estim ate an d ask o u to roceed Bu tn o t
y p
hav ing facility w ith him m ay n otbe pro m ptto giv e you a w ritten
instm ction asyou requ ire In sucha case o u shou ldw ıite m inu tes of
the m eetingw iththe clientin w hichhe has iven instru ctions to roceeđ
g p
an d hand ov er a copy to the o w ner This co u ld be a su bsti tute to the
w r tten i
i nstruction s fiom the ow ner This rocedure ís im ottan t If
" "

p p
the ow nerdoes notexpresslydisa ree w iththe m inutes ofth
g e m eeting
consentingto proceedw iththe w oı k, itm ean s he has agfeedandasked
you to proceedw iththe w olk A specim en letter is giv en in A ppen dix
Ifyou look into daily n ew spa er ou w illco m e across
p y m any
to be able to exerc ise the authoFityv este

adv eıTisem en ts ofTEN D ER The ten ders are catied n oton l f th

titis andcheckm g y or e
be differen tin the skills such as specificationsquan e i
con sm tcton w orkbtı talso forthe dem o lition w ork su t ofm atetial
, pp y
ofBills etc

as w ellas fo ľ the sale o fm aterialsu ch as scra etc


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A rc hitec tu ra ıP ra c tice an d P ro c e du re
160 A rc hitec tu ra l Pra c tice and Pro ce du re

W t is len de r ? qu a lities o fa go o d te n der

E ssen tia ı

The fo llow in gare the qualities thatm u stbe in a goo ddra ftin g o f
' '

y ou tw ork thatis pıe describedor

Ten de r m eans an o fre r to caiı ,

x ed spec ification s ata price to be

\ o r purchase go o ds o fprefi a ten der
Į? Řï
W ed b the ten derer Ten dersho u ld be base d u po n defin ite an d detailed in form atio n

\bu sho u ld alw ays try to brrn g a c curacy ]n yo ur w o ık Fo r that The item s ofw o rk described in billo fquan tities inc lu ded in the
De rore preparatio n o ften der, the basic w orkin g draw in gs sho u ld be ten der shou ld be very c lear an d specific

read) in yo u r tìllice The quan tities o fthe item s o fw oık fo r ten derer D raw in gs sha llbe su pplied w herever details are inv o lv ed, e g
lbe w o rked o u t1ţ o m the w o lkin g draw in gs
sha ı This m ay giv e yo u do o rs an d w in dow s, sta ircase an d balco n y railin g, grille etc In
111o re colrect uuantitiso fitem s and possibilities o Fm issing an item aı
l i
case ofdoo rs an dw in do w s, num ber o ffittin gs, he irsizes, m aterial
to gether ate also redu ce d dbe listed ïn case o fgrilles an drailin gs size o fm em bers
etc sho u l

su ch as flat, ba pipe etc shou ld be giv en , fin ishes such as pain t,

Ten de r fo r con stru ctio n w o rk
platin g po w der c oatin g etc shou ld be spe c ifie d W here v er

A n a dv a n ta ge to the o w n er T he projec t hils

o w I1L I L)t a description is difficu lt, dra w in g sho u ld be giv en to co m plem en t
fin alized his e x pec ratio n s or requ irem en ts abo titthe projectw ith the descńption
he lp o rhis architect 11 the item s o fw ork a re c learïy w o ıded an d
A llfactory m ade pro du cts shou ld be specified as far as
W ith this pre de fin ed statem en to fthe po ssible
w o rkin g d】
aw in gs are re ady
w th their tra de nam e (
c lose specifications)Yo u m ay attach a list
pro ject itis in the in tel.Esto fthe o w n er to fin dou tw ho co u ld de liv er
o fapprov ed m akes or m anu facturers to the ten der do cum en t
a com petitiv e ptice A s the architecthim selfis n o ta builde
the go o ds aı
itbec o nTes po ssible fo ľ the ow n er to co n ductthe pro c ess o fca ılin g 4) A v o id as far as possible the u se o f hrase " A s a ro v ed b
p pp y
architect , Instead spellou tm o re in details ou r re u irem en

ten ders o rrate quo tatron s ĥ orn co ntractors w iththe helpofhis architect y q ts an d
Equ alan dsam e ìn fo rrnation in the fo n n o fspecification s co n dition s o F ifneeded, su pplem entthe state m en tb a draw in
, y g
s giv en to a llthe con tracto rs to fillin their rates
w o rk a dta w in g etc I 5) There are certain m ate】
.Ia ls su ch as natura lsto nes like m arble
So thatthe o w ner can c ho o se the su ita ble co n tracto r fo r his project

gran ite etc w hichm ay n o tbe po ssible to specify by trade n am e


This is a un ique adv an tage to the ow ner thatbeco n7es possible o n ly by The price range is also v ast In suchcases Basic rice f "

p o m aterial

en gaging an architect
shallbe m en tio n ed in the ten der This als
o applies to m osaic tiles

T here are v astareas in oLĮI co un tty w here, as yet, the aıchitects an dglazedtiles ceram ic tiles etc

pto fession is no tkn o w n Rtis foľ u s to speak alo u

d 6) Allthe ten derers shallbe iv en e u alan dth
g q e sam e in fo rm atio n
The basic concepto ften derin is a co m e titi
g p
on o n lb
equ a ase
Therefore, itis essentialthatin fo rm ation iv
g en m aybe in the fo rm
o fspecificatio ns co n dition s o fw ork ab t
s racts, qu an tities o r
O ften yo u ng arc hitects are requ ired to ex plain to a c lien t The advantages

draw ings shallbe sam e infoLTn ation to allthe co t t


[o the o w ne r o re n a in g an A rc hite c t This is an im portan t o n e alo n g w ith n rac ors w ho shall

o ffer ten ders Ifdu rin the roce s f
]11o0\ o ther ad\ am a ges g p s o ten derin g itis o bserv ed

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A rchitec tu ra ıPra ctı
ce an d Pro ce du re ce a n d P ro ce du re
A rc hltec tu ra ıPra c tı 163

i the
thatcertain con r ction o 】addition alin form atio n is necessaty n 4 Co py o fA rtic les o fA greem ent an d G en eralC o n dition s o f
tio n or Co ntract [Prin ted papers av ailable w ithIIA ]
texto Fthe ten der, itis o bligato ry to in fo m ithe saidcorrec
it to ask an
addition to allin the friły Itshou ldbe w ise o n you r pa 5 y in case ofan item rate tender
Billofquanńties [ContractB ill]o n ı
Y h llhav e a proof
ackn o w ledgem en to fthe com iìrun ication o u s a
1ofthem o n tim e 6 D raw ings [Conm ctD ta w ings]giv inglocation ov erallsize types
wi thyou o fthe infom iation co m m u n icatedto aı
, ,

ofþ c Fo r an item rate ten der O R ïn case o f

u ildin gco n stru ction eı
In the absence o fsuch a prooyou m ay inv ite troubles
m ten der a co m plete seto fw orking dta w in gs inc lu din g
lum pstı ,

C o m po n en ts o fa ten der : \ checklist .

RCC schedu le or structu ra lsteeldeta ils etc

Fo llow ing papers and infolnationm u stbe includedin a ten er This is usefu lto you as a CHECK LĮST W e shalldiscu ssthese po ints
docu m ent: in detaiı w elfthChapter
s in 丁

o n s to co n tractor [
usu ally on cov er page or on 只N o I] Befo re w e cou ldstudy further abo u ttenderin g process, w e shall
1 n shu cti
hav e to understan dourclien ts
1 1 Type o ften der titeLn rate tendero r lu m psu m ten er]

d o fow n er Types o fclien ts

12 Lo cation an dbriefdescription ofw ork an n am e
[N ai7ìe o fw o rk, site address an dow ner s nam ]
Letus firstgrotı ien ts thatyou m ay getin you rpn ı
p the cı ctice in to

difk renttypes There cou ldbe three types

į 3 price o fB lankTen der Forni
i E M D )to be paidto Priv ate or an in div idualo w n er w ho w o u ld be dev e lo pin g a
14 A m o u n to fEarnestM on ey D epos t(
w ho m an d ho w property ow n edby him or m ay be som etim es ow nedjo intly w ith
his w ife o r her hu sban d or so n or dau ghter etc Partnership
l di tender
İ 5 Tim e andplace ofsubm ittin gfile n Com pan ies also com e un der this type
n ralltendersw ithou
16 n ote o w n erreserves rightto reje ta y Sem iPu blic O æan izations suchas Trusts Edu cationalSocieties
n o tbe
Thi n o te is im po rta n ta nd sha Įı
giv in g reason s Ļ s
, ,

Institution s Private Ltd Com pan ies Co operativ e Societies Co

, , ,

l orgo tten ) operativ e Ban ks, etc

i Pre aredbythe architecť s
2 Generalconditions andprelim inar es: p ic Bo dies suchas GovernmentD epartm en ts Zilha Parishad
d cifications,
h ldnotforgetto reŘrstandar spe
, ,

ofn ce In this, you s ou M un icipalities CityCorporations N ation alizedBan ks Lim ited

listo fBasic
W D This sho u ld also inclu de a
, , ,

su ch as ISIo r p com pan ies etc

ia]s an d a list o fappro v ed ,

Rates o f m ajo r bu ildin g m ater

The basic difference lies in the ow n ershipofthe m one thatisto be
f terials
m anu facturers o m a
spent In case ofan in div idualclien t bein his ow n m on e he is free to
C tractor to A rchitect This letter , g y
3 LETTER O F O FFER From on d h
spen t e w ay he w an ts Bu tin the o ther tw o cate ories the fun ds are
ffice (a specim en letter giv en in g ,

is prescribed by architects o

notow n edby an in div idualm ay he be the erso n on the hi hest ostin

, p g p
A ppen dix 14 I) thatorgan iz atio n Therefo re there are certain ru les to be fo llow ed by

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A rc hite c tu ra ıP rac tic e a n d P ro c e d u re
P ro c e d u re
c e an d
l p ra c tı
A rc hite c tu ra

.chite ctto choose

Icn ow n to his o ffice Then itis the respo n sibility o fthe a】
d with a
h ri
ty is v este d li k
h t the co n tracto rs w ho m he kn o w s w ho can produ ce a goo qu a ty w o r
i m o n ey
U su ally, t e au
hile spen d n g

e sho o ters T he c o n tra c tors su ggeste d s ou be

hn n \r h ld
an d w ho are n o ttro u bı
consu ltyo ur
c apac ity Y o u m ay as w e lı
fa m ore or less o fthe sam e fin an c ia ı
e fo llo w e
d in sele ctio n o e s o fthe go o d co n tracto rs
a c e ila n p ro c e du re to b
p】 fraternityto su ggestthe n am
.o fession a ı
w hich dem an ds
O n ce a listo fco n trac to ts is fina lized in agreem en tw ith the o w n e Ļ
c o n trac to
the architecto n beha lfo fthe o w n ei shou ld w rite a letter o fin v ita t o n to
llin te n de rs
tho ds o fc a g f h
a llco n tracto rs fro m the list in v itin g the m to ten der o r t e w o r
k L efu s
D ifre re n t m e d ers.
ur es of calling ten

et ・nt proced
ree dif【 etter o fin v ita tio n sho u ld be dra fte d
stu dy ho w thatı
h ere are

e ttero fi
Aı co v er the fo llo w in g po in ts
n v ita tio n to a c o n tra cto r sha lı
T n der
1) lLıv ited e
der i) N a m e o fthe o w n er
2) Pu blic Ten
i rat o n i o fc o n tracto rs ii) A ddress o Fthe site o fpro po se d w o rk an d type o fbu ildin g
3) pre re g st
iii) Estim ated costo fw o rk
In v ite d T en d
v) P rob ab le date of com m e n c e me nt of wo ľ k on site.
chi tectsho u ld
f f h w n er the ar
er o n be
hal o t e o ,

i n w idì the o w n de r fo r the w r

o k A v ) Pric e o fblan k te n de r fo rm an d
c o n su ltato i i th e m to ten
in v t n g
on tracto rs 13 F)
w rite lette
rs to the c A en dix ( vi ) D a te , tim e an d place w here fro m the te n de r co py w o u ld be
s g iv en in the pp
r o fin v ta
t o n
spe ci m en lette av a ilable

he ow n erw ho
h fi t place , askt Eac h o fthe po in ts has a relev an ce in bu sin e ss W hen yo u in v ite a
ctor In t e rs
n co n tra
n am e o fa y
o w n er ū e c o n tra c to r fo r ten de rin g he has a c ho ice to acc ept o r to !e fu se the

co n side g
e su ita b le for the w ork in v itatio n Fo r thathe sho u ı
d kn o w
n tractors a r
scerta in
n otthe co
Sec w hether or Y sh a llfee lñee to a W ho is the ow n er he m ay hav e earlier ex pe rien ce e ither goo d o r
d co st o fthe pr j
o u
o ect , ,

the e stim ate bad w ith the petso n C o n tracto r s dec isio n to accepto r to rejec t

a fam ily
s his relativ e o r
the o w n e r
the in v itatio n m ay depen d o n this
a ctor su gg
so m etim es a co n ū

in tain bus in ess Each co n tra cto r ha s his aľ ea o fo \ ra tio n in his m in d This de pen ds
f ect, to m a
the proj
dre n t resto
r fimy o n the size o fhis o rga n iz atio n an d his w illin gn ess to go far an d the
tellthe ow n e
to w o rk u n
der the estim ate o fpro e c tas w e ll T here fore he sho u ı
j d kn ow w here the
tracto r
le av e the c on

sho u d
l s ite is, be fo re respo n din g to yo u r ca ll Sho u ld he o tha tfa r a
T he o w n e 】
go in g o n r
illtry to by pass
o distan ce fo r tha tqu a n tu m o fw o rk? W illbe his c o n sidera tio n
he o w n er w
i clo ser to t
c to r be n g T here fo re
o ften su ch a co n
ble co n tractor
esta su ita
h hitectto su gg
illaskt e aľ c
p l;shedo w n erw

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166 A rc hite c tu ra ıPrac tice an d pro ce du re c e a n d P ro ce du re
A rc hitec tu ra l P ra c tı 167

The estım ate o fw ork is a lso relev an t G o o d co n tractors do no t In case o finv ited ten ders, allsa id an d done, yo u w iı
linv ite on ly
acceptassign m en ts beyo n d their ca pac ity an d con tro lata tim e those few you happen to kn o w , an d fav our on e o fthem w ith the
w ho m

So that[hey co u ld m ain tain qu ality o fw orkan d also av oidov er ects o w ne d by the sem ipu blic o r the pu blic
w o rk H o w ev er, fo r proj

tradin g Ifalready busy to his capac ity, a goo d co n tractor m a o rgan iz ation s, this pro cedure co u ldbe loo ked u pon as ifexecu tiv es
re fra in fro m acc eptin g additio nalw o rk For this reason the nex t are fa v ourin g se lectedfewbycalı ingthem to ten der fo r the w ork Su ch

po in tis also re lev an t o rgan ization s are o w nedby ]71an y peoRle w ho are the m em bers o fthe

The pro bable date o fco m m en c in g w ork is relev an tto kn o w generalbody an dthe ex ecu tives are an sw erable to the m em bers o fthe
Fu rther in form ation such as price o ften der andtim e w hen itw ill \ neralbody Therefore in case ofprojects ow ned by the sem ipu bljc

be av ailable is carin g fo r each others co n v en ience Itis oo dto o ıthe pu blic bo dies, in the procedu re to be ado pte d, there sho u ldbe
callu po n atan appo in ted tim e Iíyo u do n o tlike to be distu rbed n o roo m fora fav ou ritism o r a partia lity The com petitio n shou ld be

you s ha l
l i f i
n o rTìì a t m e s o tfo r the v isito rs an dthen o u sha lı
l be o pen to all H ence a no tice shallbe pu blished in a new spaper callin g
y ,

fu lł
y prepare d fo rthe v isitors atthattim e The lastlin e in the letter the con tractors to fillin ten derfor a pro ect In su ch a n o tice, the fo llo w in g
is also im po rtan t A few o fthem w ho m you hav e in v itedm a n o t in form ation shallbe giv en
be in terestedin the w ork Ifa con M actor in fo rm s you on tele ho n e
p I) N am e o fthe clien t(O w n er o fthe pro ject)
acc o rdin gly yo u in ay thin k o fin v itin g som e o ther co n tracto r so

thatyou r tim e a n d e ffo rts do no tgo w aste R ead the s ec im en 2) A ddress o fthe pro posed w ork site an d n am e o fthe pro ect
lettergiv en in appen dix so thatyou m ay appreciate the ex plan ations 3) Estim ated costo fproject
giv en abo v e B efore sendin ga ıetter ofinv itatio n , boththe architect
4) Earnestm o n ey deposit
an d the o w n er sha llse lectan d co n sider each o fthe con tracto rs

from the listto w hom they shallhav e n o reservation s to give the 5) C o sto fblan k ten der forni
w ork Thu s hav in g in v ited se lecte d an d appro v edcon tractors
, , ,
6) Tim e an d place o fissu in g blan k ten der form s
the w o rk sho u ldgo logicalIy to the lo w estten derer
7) Tim e andplace o fsubm ittin gfilledin ten ders
H o w ever itis n otbin din g o n the o w n er to do so particu larly in
, ,

case o fan in div idu alo w n er tho u gh a go o dpractice dem an ds so

* A specim en o fa ten de r no tice is
, giv en in the A ppen dix 13 G
U sualıy a draftis giv en by the architecť s o ffice an d arran gem en tto

2 P u blic Ten der

pu blish the n o tice is m ade by the clienť s o ffice A dv ertisem ents in
new spape r costa big m one Therefore
The nex tprocedure o fcallinga tenderthatw e shalı
study is called y you shou ld giv e a drafto f

a Pu blic Ten der adv ertisem en t w hic h is n o tlen th bu tat the sam e tim e allthe
, g y, ,

necessary in fo rm ation shallbe cov ered in it The relev an ce o f llthe

po in ts given abov e, w hichshallfo rm a paito fthe tex to fthe n otice is ,

the sam e as ex plain edin the earlier to ic ' in v itedten deis' A con tractor
Inv ited Ten ders This procedu re o f In v itedTenders is a lso ado pted in
' '
case o fv er s ecia ı shaltgetallthe necessar in fo m iatio n re u ired to m ake u his m in d
y p rzed type o fw orks w here Co n tracting Com pan ies are also
y q p
Fpecialized in carrying o ut thattype o fw orks H ow ever these types o fw orks w hether or notto tender for the w ork
en eta lly o u to frea ch ofa fiv a te rac tic in g A rc hitect
are 吕
p p

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A rc hite c tu ra l P ra c tice a nd Pro ce du re
te ctu ra l P rac tı
A rc hı ce an d P ro ce d u re 169

It is n ecessary to in c lu de a v ery im po rta n t sen te n ce in the

le fto u ton ly becau se yo u do n otkn ow him Thu s, bo ththese m etho ds
te n der n o tice, fa ilin g w hich yo u m ay lan d in to tro u bles T ħ
e bigge st
hav e shortco m ings There is a third m etho d as ifa com bin atio n o fthe
disadv an tage in a pu blic ten der n o tice is thatone does n o tkn ow the

tw o , takin g go o d o u to fthem
erin gthem selv es to w o rkforthe proj
abilities o fco n tractors o ff ect There

cou ld be an inex perien ced co n tractor new in the fie ld o flerin g ten der
3 Pre registra tio n o fC o n tra cto rs
alo n g w ith an ex perien ced an d established o n e Tho ugh itis expected
In this m etho d, a no tice is pu blished in n ew spaper in v itin g the
to ascertain the in fo m iatio n giv en by a co n tracto r, it m ay n ot be
r co nstruction c o m pan y In
con tractors to su bm itthe in form atio n o fthe i
practicallypossible to m ake a thoro ughcross checko fallthe statem ents
the n o tice, itis n ecessary to pu blish i)N am e o fthe o w n er an d his
m ade by a co n tracto r abo Lithis com pan y To getthe w o rk o n e m ay ,

.o ectan d its estim ated co st, iii A ddress o f

address, ii N am e o fthe p】
) j )
qu ote low rates B u to ften su c h a co n tracto 】is un able to carry o u tthe
iz in g thathe is no t co n stru c tion site an d iv e date o fstartin g constru ctio n
)Probabı R eadin g
w ork an dto pro duce w ork o Fgo o d stan dard Rea ı
this in fbrm atio n , the co n tractor sho u ld dec ide w hether he is in terested
m akin g en ou ghpro fits o r he is lo osin g o n the o b, the co n tractor looses

his in terestin the w o rk There w ou ld be a n atura lten dency to sav e o n in the w o rk or no t

an item ev en atthe costo fqua lity The con tracto r w illhy to raise claim s Further in the n otice the con tracto rs are requested to su bm itthe

for v ariation an dex tra itei71s argu in g w ith an architectn ow an dthen on

, in fo m iation on the fo llo w in gpo in ts:
sm a llm atters The proj ectm ay su ff er an dthere m ay be m o re an d 11o e
1) N am e o fthe co m pan y an d its R egistered A ddress, n am es o f
displeasu res an d n o ta pleasan tex perien ce o fw o rk To av o id alı su c h
Partn ers/D irectors
tuation s the o w n er m u sthav e a freedo m to giv e w ork to a co n m ctor
si ,

o fhis cho ice, w ho is fin a nc ia lly so u n d, pro du c in g goo dw orkan d yet List o fsim ilar projects (sim ilar to the pro je ct fo r w hich this
o fťerin g w o rkable lo w ra tesThe co n tractor n eed n otbe the low esto f adv ertisem en tis giv en )o r listo fpro j
ects carried o u tdu rin g last

allThere is also an o ther possibility Som etim es, in a very rare situation ,
three o r fiv e years, w ith the ir cost, n am e o fthe architect n am e o f

for so m e reaso ns the o w n er m ay realiz e after callin g the ten ders an d

the o w ner, etc

i j h
receiv n g the ten ders thathe has to callo fFthe pro ecto rpo stpon e t e 3) Listo fthe co nstructio n equ ipm en ts po ssessed by the com
pan y
im rtan tto in clu de
project To avoidany legalcom plication s, it s v ery po
an dtechn ica lly u alifid erso s em
pi yedw iththe com pa y
in the ten der n o tice a sen ten ce "The O w n er R eserv es the R ightto
4) In com e tax c learance certificate
A ccepto r to R e ject a n y o r A llthe Ten ders w itho u tgiv in g an y
R easons" Yo u shallnotfo rgetto inc lude this line in the tendern otice
5) So lv ency certificate from bankers
This w illsafeguardthe clien t, ie The ow ner from any claim s Usually ,
On re ce iv in g the applicatio n s o n the date giv en in the
there is a big respon se to a ten der no tice pubı ished in a n ew spaper an d
adve rtisem en t, scru tin y is m ade an d a sho rt list o f fiv e o r sev en
i k f r the
a goo d n u m ber o ften ders are receiv ed Itbecom es a b g tas o
co n tracto rs is draw n o u t A care shou ld be taken w hile selectin g the
fi d t f
architecť s o ffice to scru tin ize allthe ten ders receiv edan dto , n ou o
con tracto rs thatthey are o fm o re or le ss o fe ua lstan din fro m the
q g
them , a pro per an d su ita ble co n tractor fo r the pro ect O n the o ther
po into fv iew o fex perience, establishm en t, financialstrengthetc An d
hand i
m the case o f Inv tedTen ders thoughyou are inv itingselected
" "

each o ne o fthem shou ld be acce table to the o w ner So thatthe w ork


few know n to you there is m o re likelihoodo fso m e one ev en bette p

can be giv e n to the lo w esto ne In the seco n d sta e the co n tractors

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170 A rc hitec tura l P ra c tic e an d Pro ce dure A rc hitectu ra l Pra ctic e a n d Pro ce d u re 171

includedm the shortlistare on ly in v itedto a ten der andthe ten ders are le tter o fin yitatio n as per the case This referenc e has a lega l
issuedto them on ly significan ce

You w illappreciate a fine bten d o fearlier tw o m etho ds A u blic ı O In secon d clause the con tractor co m m its thathe has stu died
p ,

ce 15 giv en to co llectthe in fo m iatio n so that ou eta w ider cho ice

no tı draw ings specificatio n s artic les o fagreem en tan dco n ditio n s o f
y g , ,

an d the ten ders are issued to selectfew o fyo ur cho ice like in case o f con tract A llthese shallbe in clu ded in the tenderdocu m en tb the
In\ itedTen ders To sum m
at1ze the su b ectone m a sa that inv ited
j '
architec ts o ffice , so thatthe con tractor carlcare fu ll read the m

y y y ,

ten ders are su itable fo r the pro ec ts ow ned b an in div idualo w ne


y r, be fo re giv in g the ten der o fler D raw in gs an dSpec ificatio n s are

hile the othertw o m ethods o fcallin gten ders n am e l Pu blic Tender
pre pare d in the a rchitects o ffice fo r e ach w o rk A rtic le o f
w ' ' '
y "

a n d Pre re gistratio n o fco n trac to rs shou ld be u sed fo ıthe

projects A greem en tand Co n ditions o fcon tta ct is a stan dard docum en t

w d b th bli h
o e y e pu c o r t e sem ipublic bodies used o n ev ery o b It is pre pared by
j the In dia n In stitu te o f
A rchitects W e shallstu dy this docum en tin the fo llo w in cha ter
Listo fa ppro v ed con tracto rs g p
M y rem ark fo r yo u is tha t it is a v er im o rtan t a n d usefu l
, y p
O ffices w hichare constantly bu sy w itha co nstruction activ it such docum en t w hichyou shallstu dy carefu ll
y , y
as the Pu blic W o rks D epartm en t the H ou sin Board the M i i l
, g un c pa , üi) In this clau se the con tractor com m its thathe kn o w s the it ti
s ua o n
Co rpo ratro n s the Po rtTru st the D efe n se D e artm en t etc m ain tain ,

p atthe w o rk site an d he is read to w ork atthe

rates giv en by hi
, ,

their ow n listo fapprov ed co n tractors The rocess is sim ilar to Pre ' ,
p un der the presen tsite con ditio n s
registra tion o fco n trac to rs' the co n tractors hav e to apply iv in
, g g
m fo rm ation o fthe con tractin com an Co m an ies are re istere d in iv)These are the clau ses regardin g E M D Itsays tha tthe de ositis
g p y p g ,
w ithou tin terest Ita lso ı
difre ren tcatego ries like A class B class C class etc
, , , ,
as iflisting them g v es perio do fdepositan d fu rther states
au tho rity to the architectto fo rfe itE M D
suitable for big pro ects m edium
j u n der certain co n di
, pro jects an dsm allw orks The ten ders tion s
are issu ed o n ly to those co n tracto rs w ho are re istered w ith the
g 2 G en era lC o n ditio n s an d S ec ia lR
D epartm en t
p equ ire m e n ts o fthe W o r k

The gen eralcon dition s are u su all sta d di

Letu s study the pa pers thatare in clu ded in a Ten der docu m ent y n ar zed in ev ery o ffice as
they are applicable to a lm o stallth

e w o rks In addition there c ld b

,ou e
som e specialre u irem en to f
n L etter o fO ffer q a job Such few con ditio n s are add d
e as
speciaı requ irem en ts o fthat ob Fo r e
This Įetter is drafted by the architect's office The co n tracto r is
j x am ple m u n ici alta w at i
, p p er s
av ailable on allthe sites in i
a c ty Bu tifa articu lar site ha
p s on ly w e ll
supposedto readitcarefu lly an dsi n ítas a m arkoftotala reem en tto it
g g w ater su l o r som e o th
pp y er sou rce yo u shaltw rite th
e con ditio n s
şrhe co n tracto r sha llm a ke no chan ge in the tex to fthe ı
etter This
pertain in g to thatan daddto the gen eralco n ditio n s
letterofoærisan im portan tcom m itm en tby the contractor A specim en
etteris giv en in A ppendix (14 I)Please read itcarefu ll an dun derstan d 3 Specifica tio n s o fW ork a n d M
y .
a teria ı
sign ificance oi
p n tbypo in t There are FĮV E clauses in the letter
This also You shou ldstan dardi i
. ze n yo ur o ffice so thatitcan be
In thć Istclause a re feren ce įs m ade to the ten der n otice or a addedto the tender docu m e t W
, n e hav e discu ssed this in the re i
p v ous

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172 A rchitec tura l Pra ctice an d Proce du re A rchltectu raıPra ctice an d Pro cedu re 173

chapter on spec ification s In addition on a particu lar o b, yo u m ay hav e

j prin teddocum entav ailable w iththe Indian Institute o fA rchitects W e
an unu sua litem o fw ork, su chas ex posedbrickfin ish from the fiirish shallstudy m ore in detailabou titin the fo llow ingchapter

ication o fa m aterialin an unconu n on w a ora new

con c rete or the appł
. y
m ateria lm bu ilding You sho u ldaddthe specification o fsuchs Pro cedu re ofC a llin gTen der
item s carefu lly to the tex to fthe ten der
Tender docum en tshallbe prepared bythe architects o ffice A ll

the copies preparedshallbe serially num beredon the coverpage Copies

lo fQu a n tities
4 Biı
oftenderare so ld to the con tractors from the architects o ffice W Hile

This is an im portantcore paperofa tender Yotı r quan ti

tysurveyor issuinga tendercopy a person from the architect s o ffice shallw rite

shou ldw ork outcorrectqu an tities o fa1İ the item s o fw ork Ishalllike the nam e o fthe contracto r purchasin g it on the co ver page o fthė

to draw yo ur atten tion here that to w rite an abstracto fan item is an

, , tender andshallm ake a sm allsign ature by the side Ten der fo rm s are
im portantm atter Ifyou forgeta w ordor a clause in the abstract w hich nottransferable Įtm eans a tenderpu rchasedin the n am e o fa person

in factis requiredto com plete thatparticu lar item itbecom es an extra

, or a com pan y can n otbe su bm ittedby so m e o ther nam e Therefore,

aim o r v ariation
cı The con tracto r can dem an d m ore m o n ey So be this precaution shallbe taken
carefu ı
:The clienthas to pay m ore foryou r in efficiency, w hichis not
The contractor go es through the ten der papers an d taking in to
creditable to you
co nsideration the specifı
catio n an dco n dition etc Giv en in the tende
fills in the rates ofev ery item o fw orkagainstthe abstracts in the biı ıof
5 D ra v\in gs
quan tities M u ltiplyingbythe un itrates to the qu an titycostofeachitem
Drawwgssha llbe addedto the tenderto giv e su fťıcien tlya clear is arrivedat The sum ,
totalo fcostofa]litem s w illgiv e the am ou n to f
idea abou tthe proposedbu ildin g The draw ing shallexplain the type
quotation o fthe ten der
an dthe ex tento fcon structio n , ie ov eralldim en sion s an dnu m ber of
There cou ldbe tw o or three schedu les in a Ten der Suchas civ il
fłoors heightoffloors etc Itis n otnecessary to su pply R C C deta il
w ork, plum bingw ork site dev elopm en tetc A llthese addedtogether

draw in gs atthis stage ifin the BillofQuantities item ofrein forcem ent ,

w ilıgive the finalam oun toftenderofr Filled in the tenderis then put
steelan dco ncrete are separate In the case o fa structuralsteelw ork ,
into an envelope andthe envelope is sea led This sealedenv elope along
the deta iled fabn catio n draw in gs are notrequ iredto be giv en atthis
w iththe EarnestM oneyD epositA m ou ntin the form ofa Cheque ora
sage, ifiĺ em o ffabrication w ork is to be qu oted on un itw eighto f
Dem and D raftas per the instructions in the ten derdocum entis to be
subm ittedon orbefore the tim e and he ? e giv en in he en d r These

B utdetails o frtem s m the form ofdraw ingshouldbe given atthis conditions are u su allygiv en on the cov er page ofthe ten der

stage M y w hichcaiurotbe fullyvisuali zedon lyw ithdescription such

as decoratv e gn ]esete
EarnestM on ey D eposit

Letus un derstandthe propn ety m askingE M D Suppose a person

6 A rtic es o fl \ eem en t& G eneralC on ditio ns ofC on tract
givesa rollfilm m a Photo Labforprocessing Rupees ThirtyFive for
. "

Le tter ofOffer

his docum entis m a? in the

A referm ce to ł develo ping and Ru pees Fou r per print Itm ay costyo u Rs 280/ or
chapter A co pyofthis shaı lbe addedin aboutSir
The m an o n the coun ter w ou ldsay and w o uldaddfurther
hen tĮsa public tender This is a Please payRs 100/ as advance
" "
w a p

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Scanned by CamScanner
176 A rc hite ctu raıP ra ctice an d pro c edu re
tectu ra ı
A rchı Practice an d Pro ce du re 177

sha llbe su bm itted 2 )How m uchshallbe the EarnestM

on ey D eposit
owne itm aybe convenientforthe ow nerto be presen tin the architecť s
nount to be subm ittedalongw iththe tender a di
n n w hatform thatis
, ofïice w here the conactors can as w ellbe presentconv eniently WWle
by a cheque or a dem an ddraftand a abl
p y e to w hom the architector in case ofthe institution alclien ts itm ay be either the architecť s o ffice
the o \\m er

or the in stitu te s o ffice thatco u ld be chosen to open the ten ders The

R eceiv in g ofFilled in Ten ders institute s ofrice m ayhav e a bigger room to accom m odate bignum ber

ofpeo ple likely to be presentparticu larly in case o fthe pu blic tender

A s a goodpractice the filledin tend The architectshallopen the ten ders on e by on e in the presence ofall,
, ers sho u ld be received in the
ofìice o fthe architect In case o fth i i afterverifyin gthatthe sealis in tact On lythe conten ts in an env elopare
e n sttutio na lclien ts as a m t f
, a ter o
con v e ien ce the fılledin tenders m a as w ellhe receiv di to be recorded, suchas i)EarnestM oneyD eposit as asked ii)Filled
y e n the o ffice ,

ofïhe cıient Butin eithercase the decision shallb in tender, iii)Coverin gletter ifany and iv )W Dether the draw in gs if
, e m ade w elı in advance,
an dacco rdin gl the i
y, nstruction s regardingthe subm ission oftenders suppliedw ithtender are returned

shallbe prin tedin the tenderno tice an don th

e cov er page o fthe ten der [Piease refera specim en
RecordSheeť giv en in A ppendix 13L]
The architectshaĮlann o unce for the benefitofthe con trac ïoTs
The perso n receiv in g the tender shall u tthe ti dd
p m e an ate o n presen tthe n am e o fthe con tractor an d on ly the to taİ am oun to fthe
eacho fthe en v elo es receiv edb him r f bl i tender offer The architector the ow n er shallnotdisclose indiv idu al
p y , p e era e n the presence o f
the person deliv erin g the en v elo e H e is also to a t i h tem rates o fone co n tractor to other contracto rs Itw ou ldam o u n tto
p scer a n t atthe ı

env e opes are sea led ro erl Ten ders receiv edaft th
p p y er e appo in ted breachoffaith The ow nei.srepresentattv es alı
the tlx ee ofïice bearers
tim e m ay also be accepted rov idedthe ten ders receiv edearlier a e shallsign as a m ark o frece ipt, on the lastpage o fthe schedu le o f
p, r
N OT YET OPENED Precaution m ustbe taken b the receivin erson rates, w hichsho w s the totalam ou ntandalso on
Conuactors Covering
y gp
Letter ifany Sim ilarly in case o fan indiv idualowne you shouldfo llow

to puta rem ark LATE and uttim e anddate as w ellon the envelo e
" "

p p
an dshallno tforgetto take si nature on ito fthe erson deı iveringthe the sam e procedure an dtake ow n er's signature on ten der às a m arkof
g p
tencier The receivingperson n eednotente】 rece ipt Then allthe ten ders are han ded o v er to the architectfo r the
.In to argum en ts w ithou tsi
W ūatto do w ithsuchtenders shallbe the decision ofthe ow n ers scrutin yan dreport

Scru tin y ofTen ders

O pen in gofTen ders
A detailed scrutiny o fallthe ten ders receiv ed is don e b the
The tim e andthe place ofopeningo r[he tcnderşshallbe in form ed y
arc tects o ffice an d a scru tin y repo rtis su bm itted to the o w ner

to the con tractors w hile receivingthe tenders The contractorsortheir

recom m endin g a con tractor fo r the w ork In case o f u blic ten der w e

represen tativ es m ay as w ellrem a in presen tatthe ti

m e o fopen in gof
p ,

hav e experienced as m any as tw enty three ten ders receiv ed for a

the tenders The architectSH A LL N O T OPEN the tenders in the
project Itbecom es a tim e takin gtaskto scru tinize so m any tenders
absence o fthe o w ner
You shouldbe m ethodicalin yourw ork
In case o fan in stitution alclient m in im um three office bearers,
i) Check w hether the E M D am oun t is subm itted as per the
authorizedby the com m ittee shallbe presen tas ow n ers W here to
" "

tionsoftender IFNOT

SUbmittethen the tenderofťershould


open the tendersisa m attero fm ere conven ience Incase ofan individuaı

Scanned by CamScanner
178 A rc hĺte ctu ra ıPra c tı
ce a n d pro ce du re :hitec tu ra l Practice a n d Pro ce du re 179

be tìe}ected fo rthw ith Įfthe depositam oun tis asked b ch m aterialor w ater fo r constru ction and su pply ofe ı
ectn city
y equ e ,

then the cheques shallbe depositedin the bank im m di

e ately Ifthe forw o rkbythe ow n er on the site O Ren co ntractors askfo r
E M D cheque is disho n oredb the ban k foran advance agaın stbu ildin g m aterialbro ughton the site A s a
y y reason , su cha
co n tracto r shallN O T be considered f h i h
goodpractice, con dition s regarding allthese po n ts s ould
or t e w ork Fu rtherm o re
su ch a con tracto r shalln otbe con sider d f
e or any w ork in fiı
be m en tio nedvery clearlyby the architecthim selfin the tex t
or sho u ld n o tbe re co m m en ded to o thers A o fthe tender docu m en t So thattheyrem ain com m on to alĮ
specim en letter is

giv en in the A ppendix (13J) the con n actors fillin g in ten der The con tractor shou ı
dbe le ft
w ithno room to suggesthis ow n condition Thus to conclu de
Often a shľ ew dco n tracto r In case of ublic ten de i
p r nstrLıcts his
, letu s say a co nditio n alten der shalln otbe con sidered or
Bankers to stoppaym en t tìo soon er he leaiTts on o en i f ė

p n go t nde】s accepted atall

thathe stan ds n o chan ce o fgettin w o rk H e does n o t
g ock in
w an tto ı
the am oun to fE M D for the tim e tillthe co m pletio n ofthe rocedure A rithm e tica ı
o fscLu tin y an d selection o fcon tractor fo r the w o rk is do ne A th
n o et
The nex tstep in scru tiny oftenders is to check the calcu lation s in
trick c on tracto rx play is to keep de liberatel a shortco m in in the
y g a tes These days allthe calcu latio ns are m ade by the
the schedu le o fı ,

cheque, such as a w ron g date or a unsi ned che tı

g q e etc so thatthe stakes in m u ltiplication
.e are hardlyany m i
calcu lators andtherefore, the】
cheque is no trea lized ı
n u sua lcourse by the ban kers In case su ch a Ev en then itw illbe proper fo r the architects o ffice to go
or to tals ,

con tractor fı
n ds on open 1n g often deı
sthathe stan ds a chance ofbein g throu ◆1carefu llythroughallthe pagęs o fthe schedu le ofrates w hich is ,

con sidered for the w ork He w ou ld com e fo rw ard o lite l an d on his farithm eńcalm istakes are no ted these
. p y also referred as contractbill 】
【 ,

o Lv n w o u lddo the necessary co rrection in the chequ e A llsuch tricks shou ld be co rrected an d the corrected tota lsho u ld be taken fo r the

are aga in stbusin ess ethics an d there fo re shallbe disco uraged by consideration forthe cho ice o fco n tra ctor

architects Itin dicates thatthe person is n oto fho nestin ten tions M y
a You m ayco rne across a case w here w hile w ritin g a pro du ct
suggestion to av oidallthese problem s is to ask for E M D in the forni
ofan item rate an dthe relev an tquantity, decim alis shiftedto
o íD em an d D rafto r Ban k s pay order

the leftor a w ron gproductis w ritten , thereby redu cingthe

totalcon siderably The totalbeinglow an difm itLu te checki
ii) C o v erin g ı
is n o tdon e ,
a con tractor stan ds a chan ce o fbeing selected

a Read care fu lly co v erin g letter an do ther enclosures, ifany forthe w ork Bu tin an item rEtte Tenderlcon tra ct, the item

O ften co n tracto rs in case o fpu blic Ten der are tem ptedto rates are the com m itm en t betw een the o w n er an d the

en close bu siness pro file o f their con tractin g co m pany ,

conk actor Therefore, w hile preparinga Billforthe paym en t,

i the con tľ actorw illapplythe item hich is w otkable for

particularly w hen the con tractin g com pany s stranger o
t rate, w

It is w orthw hile con ta ctin g ow ners or him The con tractor w illsu fïer n o toss;on the con m ry the
o w n er/architec t ,

costm ayovem m the estim ate Suchm istakes in fillingin tender

hitectsto crosscheckthe inform ation given in sucha profile

couldbe inadv ertento(m ade pu tposefu lly to Lı
edu ce the total
b The ,o v e]T lrg lettershouldhav e n o condrttonssuggestedin it ,
am oun to ften der o ffer W hatever m ay be the reason , the
w hichw jjìafrectthe w orkor the costofw ork U suall y these ,
architectshou ldbe aleilin his arithm eticaı
çonditio n s o】 e lin kedw iththe su pply o fbu ilding
.Rebates aı

Scanned by CamScanner
180 A rc hite ctura l Practice a n d Pro ce dure Pro ce d 181
tectu raıPra c tice
A rc hı a nd re

b A ttim es w hile fillingin tencierrate ofan item is notw ritten at

v ) Com parativ e statem en t
a llby the co n tractor O bv io usl since n o am
y o untis entered
H av in g com pleted arithm eticalcheck correcting totals and

again stthatitem the to talis redu ced to th ,

atex te t H n e re
ldb w ritten nam e ofcon tractor

again, itcouldbe an o versi htb the contr applying rebate etc , a statem entshou e ,

g y actor w hiı
e fillin g
dh i di
tedtotalo ftender ofïer againstthe nam e n an ascen ng
in item rates o r a pu rp osefu lattem an t e coı
ï ec
ptto reduce the to tal, or ihth low estoffer in firstpı
order ofthe ten der o frers, starting w t e
the costofthatitem is co v ered elsew h I
ere n su ch a case
the ow nerfarchitectshallconsiderthatth
and the highestoffer to the lastplace [A scendingOrder Listi
e co stofexectrting
thatparticular item is zero for the con tractor d h
an t e item is Ifthete is a bignum ber often ders rece iv edsay m ore than ıve ,

free to the ow ner As the costo fexecutin that arti ıi fp bli T nder selecto nlythree or
w hichgenerally happen s in case o u c e
g p cu ar tem ,

is cov eredin the other item ates
ı by the con tractol fou rconsecutive tenders ofters from the A scendingO ı,lL r ılh Į w c
ff dare near by thŁe stim ate
acco rdin gto you are reaso n able o ers an
h i
ce These ten ders shallbe studied furıer n
m ade earlier in your o ffı
A fter w hen the tenders are o pen ed in an detailForthatan item w ise com parative statem en tshou ldbe n 1uco
, y case con tractor shall
n otbe allow edto en ter the m issin item rate Ifselected f r th
g o e w ork ,
these three or fou r se]ectedtenders
the con rracïor shallcarry o utthat articu lar item free ofcost
O n close studyo fthis co m parativ e statem ento fitelT1ıltc b you ,

1shallex plain to you how the costofan item is co vered in other m ay in fercertain thin gs A con tracto r m ay hav e qu ote
dhighu l ralcų Ibr
item rate Letu sconsideran item ofw aterproofingoverR C C Terrace the item s occurringupto pĮin thandthen fo ritem s in sĽı pcıstructuľ L His
Slab In m y o fńce like m an y o ther o ffices the IP S w ater roo fin li h l l e That
rates m ay be co m parable w ith o thers or attim es s g ty o w t
, , p g
o v er terrace is co v ered in three separate item s su chas 1 B ric k B at
] li B ills
m ean s the co n tracto r is go in g to co llectm o re 1110 11L \ in ea i er ,

Coba 2]m aking W ala (ro u nding atthe jun ction o fslaban dparapet
, w hichhe m ay rotate in the fu rther w ork İn so ille \ılhL ľ case for the
w all an d3
) ]IP S fin ishin g W hereas m any co ntracto】s prefer to or c lo t are higherw hile
sam e reaso n the rates o fR C C item s o fa co n tn ı

are u sed to qu ote for terrace w aterpro o fin g as on e sin gle item In such in finishingitem s he m ay be com petitiv e w ithothers or even slightly

a case, on e m ay prefer to quo te againstone item , leav ingthe o ther tw o low er A shrew dcontractor m ayjudge, the quantities ofitem s thatare
bl in spite o fin stru ctions to quote againsteachitem separately Yo u likelyto increase duringthe con struction an dm ayqu ote slightlyhigher
m ay co m e across few exam ples like, plaster :indw hite w ashetc
item rate forthem Obv iouslythatw illincrease his profits

iv ) R eba te R ate analysis

A fter arriv ing atthe To talofSchedu le o 1 Rateș, som lttì1es a K eepin g aside o thers you can con centrate on tw o o fthree

am ou n tby
con tractor o ffers a rebate atcertain percen to Jthe to ta ı con tractors w hom yo u fin dreasonable in their totals In the detailed

fh i f d ithoutŁı
tin ga note to thate rectI t e rebate so rere w
w ri f nycon dition ,
study o fcom parativ e ştatem en to fitem rates, you m ay ńn d a v ast

itshou ldbe con sideredandthe to talshou ldbe reducedaccordingly If difrerence in rates quo tedfor certain item s by contractors w hom you

there be an y con dition attached to the rebate then su ch a rebate is

are con sidering

u n acceptable
In sucha situation, you shou ldaskthe contractors to su bm it rate

an alysis Rate A n al)sıs m ean s a detailedcalctł

lation Ln ade to arriv e at

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