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SSP 006 Student Success Program

Monitoring and Monitoring P1 (B1-B2)

Student Activity Sheet

Lesson Title: Monitoring and Mentoring Materials: SAS

Learning Targets:
At the end of the module, students should be able to:
1. identify key areas of personal, financial, or academic
2. identify and understand the reasons behind these
difficulties, and
3. ask for the necessary help.

A. CONNECT (5 mins)
"All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them." --Walt Disney

Close your eyes for a moment. Pause and reflect. Was there an instance in your life that almost
made you want to quit school? How did you overcome it?
Yes, when I had to retake 4 out of the 5 subjects of my RBE exams. I overcame it by pushing myself
beyond my limit because nobody can help me aside from myself.

B. COACH (Do and Think) (35 mins)

Take a deep breath and assess how you feel. Be honest. In the first 3 boxes, shade the
emoticon that best describes your emotion at the moment. In the next box, state the reason or
the cause. And if given a chance to change your fate, say what you want to happen in replace of
your current situation.


(My personal life is okay. I (I have no problem at school. I (I will be able to take my
am not sad nor stressed. I have no difficulty keeping up exam on time. I have no
am happy ) with my lessons. My teachers problem getting the
are helping me) examination permit this

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

SSP 006 Student Success Program
Monitoring and Monitoring P1 (B1-B2)
Student Activity Sheet


my personal is okay.
I do not have problems Duty week makes It's hard to keep track of
with anyone at the moment me tired of studying budgeting my money
and it is fine. for lecture week. with all the school expenses.


it to be okay everyday. I want to study without I want to be rich

getting tired. so I dont have to worry.

Based on what you wrote down, state your problem/concern in one sentence that needs urgent
attention. Tell us how we can help you. (ex. I will not be able to pay my tuition fee this period. I
need help in processing the Promissory Note.)

C. CHECK (10 mins)

What will make you stop going to school?
If I fail and if nobody will support me financially.

What makes you want you to stay in school?

My friends, my lolo, my mama, my younger brother, the people who believes in me. Myself.

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

SSP 006 Student Success Program
Monitoring and Monitoring P1 (B1-B2)
Student Activity Sheet

YES OR NO. Do you need to talk to your teacher in private? When is your preferred time? Leave
your contact number.

YES OR NO. Do you need to talk to a counselor? When is your preferred time? Leave your
contact number.


Want to share something to your teacher? Leave a note.

im okay

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION


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