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How was at school?

How did you spend your weekend?

Do you study on weekends?

How many pages do you learn per a day?

Do you have your own strategy of learning? Do you read a lesson and repeat, or do you research?

Is communication between your professors and students formal or friendly?

Are your profesors available for the students even when you are not at school?

How do your exams look like? Do you have tests or practical work?

Which classes do you have at school, except math and italian?

Wchich one do you like the most?

Do you have a favorite teacher?

Do you study arab?

Can you describe me your personallity?

What do you like about yourself the most?

Is there anything you don't like about yourself?

Do you know what's a slang? Slangs are words and phrases that people use in casual conversation.
Sometimes, we can’t find slangs in English books or eceteria. Do you know any American slang?

Chillin - hanging, doing nothing- spending time with friends

Bail- leaving in a hurry

For real-speaking honestly and truthly

Y’all- you all “Do y’all want do go?

Catfished- when someone you don’t know lies about who they really are. (for example If you meet
someone on the internet and he or she shows you fake photo.

 Feeling blue; have the blues — A feeling of depression or sadness.

 A buck — Slang term for a the American dollar.
 By the skin of (my/your/his/her) teeth — just barely.
 Creep (n.) — a weird or a strange person.
 Couch Potato — A lazy person who spends the bulk of their time engaged in things that can
be done while sitting on a couch.
 Potato Saying this refers to the fact that someone is ugly, strange, and/ or fat.
 Crash — To abruptly fall asleep, or to show up without invitation.
 Down to earth — to be realistic. (She's a really down to earth person )

 Drive up the wall — To irritate.

 For Real — A proclamation of honesty.

 Going Dutch — When each person, usually in a dating scenario, pays for his/her own meal.
Men are always expected to pay. In this case, girl also pays for her meal. (and only dutch is a person
from Netherlands or Germany)
 The cold shoulder — A metaphor for ignoring someone. (Delilah gave me the proverbial cold
shoulder yesterday at work, not even regarding my presence in the copy room.)
 Give a ring — To call someone on the telephone.
 Hyped (adj.) — A very excited state.
 Hang out — spend time with someone in a social manner.
 Knock — To speak negatively, to disparage, to badmouth.
 Lighten up — To relax and become less serious or less angry. (Lighten up, would ja? It was an
accident. )

 Pass the buck — To deflect responsibility onto someone else.

 Piece of cake — A metaphor to describe something that is easy
 Pig out — A metaphor for binge eating.
 Plead the fifth — References the fifth amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which allows a
witness in court to refuse questions on the grounds that they risk self-incrimination.
 Screw up — To make a mistake, i.e. mess up.
 Sweet — An adjective that describes something that is good, or nice.
 Tight — An adjective that describes closeness between competitors, i.e. a tight competition.
 Trash — Can be used as an intransitive verb for destruction. e.g. “He trashed the car.”
 Uptight — Stuffy, persnickety, the opposite of relaxed. (just chill uptight boy!!)
 Wrap (something) up — To finish or complete something. (For example when you are at the
restaurant Hey miss where's the pizza i ordered 20 minutes ago, wrap things up i wanna eat.)

This is our the third class so are you satisfied with me and with our classes? Is there anything I should
improve in teaching?

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