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A. Background
Phytochemicals are natural bioactive compounds found in plants, such as
vegetables, fruits, medicinal plants, flowers, leaves and roots that work with nutrients
which serves to have preventive or protective properties against diseases
(Krishnaiah et al, 2008).
It is classified into two groups: primary and secondary groups, based on their
functions in metabolism. Primary constituents composed primarily sugars, amino
acids, proteins and chlorophyll while secondary constituents consists of alkaloids,
terpenoids and phenolic compounds (Krishnaiah et al., 2007) and many more such
as lavonoids, tannins and so on alkaloids (caffeine, nicotine), terpenes (ginkgo,
ginseng, valerian, Melissa officinalis, sage), and phenolic compounds (curcumin,
resveratrol, epigallocatechin-3-gallate, Hypericum perforatum, soy isoflavones).
Furthermore, there are so many phytochemicals and each works differently. Some of
the roles of secondary metabolites are relatively straightforward; for instance, they play a host of
general, protective roles (e.g. as antioxidant, free radical-scavenging, UV light-absorbing, and
antiproliferative agents) and defend the plant against microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi,
and viruses. They also manage inter-plant relationships, acting as allelopathic defenders of the
plant’s growing space against competitor plants.

Allyl sulfides (onions, garlic), carotenoids (Fruits, carrots), flavonoids (fruits,

vegetables), and polyphenols (tea, grapes) have Antioxidant properties that has
protective effects against oxidative damage and reduce the risk of cancer. Other
uses include affecting hormones (isoflavones from soy), reducing cancer by
interfering in DNA replication( saponins from cabbages), antibacterial (allicin from
garlic), Proanthocyanidins in cranberry helps in reducing risk of having UTI.
interference in dna replication (saponins) causing reduction in cancer, anti
b. Properties

Alkaloids are a structurally diverse group of over 12,000 cyclic nitrogen-containing compounds
that are found in over 20% of plant species. (

c. How it is formed in plants

c.1 organs in the plants where it could be found

c.2. locations where it is transported

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