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Parenchymal tear as one-way Accumulation of air in pleural

valve space

Compressed contralateral lung

and heart rotates about vena
Primary survey cava

Decreased venous return and

cardiac output
1. Is the patient conscious or
Airway 2. Head tilt & jaw thrust
Suspect tension 1. Needle thoracentesis
3. Immobilize cervical spine (+): Bubbling
pneumothorax 2. CXR (PA & lateral)

Pneumothorax :
Secondary survey
PE Findings: needle decompression
- BP 100/60 mmHg HR 115/min RR and Left tube
29 cpm GCS 12 thoracostomy
- Diagonal contusion over his chest Source of hemodynamic
1. Look for chest movement 1. Carried out after patient is and across the waist instability
already stable - C/L: Decreased breath sounds w/
Motor vehicular 2. Palpate for rib fractures
2. Rapid, systematic, hyperresonance and decreased
3 Auscultate for breath sounds
accident, extricated 4. Check for tension head-to-toe examination fremitus over the L hemithorax
Labs ordered:
w/ minimal difficulty 3. AMPLE history - Abdomen: Globular, soft w/ 1. FBC: monitor urine output
pneumothorax. CBC,Blood typing, ABG, Clotting time, X-ray results:
Breathing - Allergies hyperactive bowel sounds; direct 2. CBC - Hb/HCt for
after 30 mins : 5. Supplemental O2
- Medications tenderness over the RUQ monitoring hemorrhage over
Bleeding time, PT, Serum Na and K To consider Pneumothorax
6. Monitored by pulse oximetry Normal Cervical spine FAST : laparotomy
#1: 27-year-old male - Past medical history - Left leg: open actively bleeding a period of time
Imaging: Normal mouth xray
, disoriented & - Last meal wound w/ significant deformity & Suspect 3. ABG: index of metabolic Patient was brought to the
X-ray: Tibial Fracture (oblique)
- Events/environment limitation of motion intra-abdominal acidosis in the setting of Management Operating room
drowsy related to the injury - Peripheral pulses were full but injury hemorrhage
Chest AP
Leg APL FAST results:
#2: 23-year old male, 4. How much blood at the place tachycardic w/ no neurologic 4. Focused Abdominal
Neck AP (+) fluid in Hepatorenal
unresponsive of injury? dysfunction distal to the involved leg Sonography for Trauma
Lateral and Open mouth space
#2: (FAST)
FAST imaging (+) fluid in LUQ
Tibial-Fibula fracture
- Unresponsive 4. Abdominal CT scan
Initial : external fixation
- Limp
- Face severely disfigured Delay
1. Measure at least every 5
- VS: 0/0 Definitive treatment
mins: peripheral pulse & BP
2. Any episode of hypotension first: intramedullary
Circulation (SBP <90 mmHg) is assumed
to be caused by hemorrhage

wound debridement,
wound care, antibiotic
1. Control hemorrhage using
therapy, tetanus
direct pressure vaccination
2. Extremity x-ray (AP &
Left leg
3. Systemic antibiotics
1. Insert large-bore IV lines 4. Tetanus prophylaxis
2. Blood typing &
Resuscitation 3. Volume resuscitation using
isotonic solutions (NSS)

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