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ISSN 2278- 4136
ZDB-Number: 2668735-5
IC Journal No: 8192
Volume 1 Issue 4 

Online Available at  

Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry 

Aloe vera: The Miracle Plant Its Medicinal and Traditional

Uses in India

R. Rajeswari1, M. Umadevi1*, C. Sharmila Rahale1, R.Pushpa1, S. Selvavenkadesh1, K. P. Sampath Kumar2, Debjit Bhowmik2

1. Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, India.

2. Department of Pharmaceutical sciences, Coimbatore Medical College, Coimbatore, India
Aloe vera is the oldest medicinal plant ever known and the most applied medicinal plant
worldwide. Extracts of Aloe vera is a proven skin healer. Aloe vera help to soothe skin injuries
affected by burning, skin irritations, cuts and insect bites, and its bactericidal properties relieve
itching and skin swellings. It is known to help slow down the appearance of wrinkles and
actively repair the damaged skin cells that cause the visible signs of aging. Aloe is a powerful
detoxifier, antiseptic and tonic for the nervous system. It also has immune-boosting and anti-viral
properties. Research has proven that adding Aloe vera to one’s diet improves digestion. As a
general health tonic. Aloe vera is a useful source of vitamins. Aloe vera Gel contains a large
range of vitamins - even vitamin B12, Vitamin A, contains B-Group vitamins, Vitamin C,
Vitamin E and folic acid. Aloe vera Gel contains important ingredients including 19 of the 20
amino acids needed by the human body and seven of the eight essential ones that just cannot be
Keyword: Aloe vera, Nervous System, Immune-Boosting, Anti-Viral Properties. Skin Healer.

1. Introduction is useful for dry skin conditions, especially

Aloe vera has been used externally to treat eczema around the eyes and sensitive facial skin.
various skin conditions such as cuts, burns and Its juice may help some people with ulcerative
eczema. It is alleged that sap from Aloe vera colitis, an inflammatory bowel disease. Aloe has
eases pain and reduces inflammation. It has been marketed as a remedy for coughs, wounds,
antiseptic and antibiotic properties which make it ulcers, gastritis, Diabetes, Cancer, headaches,
highly valuable in treating cuts and abrasions. It arthritis, immune-system deficiencies, and many
has also been commonly used to treat first and other conditions when taken internally. However,
second degree burns, as well as sunburns and the general internal use is as a laxative. The
poison oak, poison ivy, and poison sumac lower leaf of the plant is used for medicinal
infections, and eczema. purpose. If the lower leaf is sliced open, the gel
It can also be used as a hair styling gel and works obtained can be applied on the affected area of
especially well for curly or fuzzy hair. It is also the skin. Aloe (Aloe vera) is an important and
used for making makeup, moisturizers, soaps, traditional medicinal plant belonging to the
sunscreens, shampoos and lotions. Aloe vera gel family Liliaceae. It is indigenous to Africa and

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Mediterranean countries. It is reported to grow infections. Lupeol and salicylic acid present in
wild in the islands of Cyprus, Malta, Sicily, the juice are two very effective pain-killer.
Canary cape, Cape Verde and arid tracts of India. It contains at least three anti-inflammatory fatty
This is a hardy perennial tropical plant that can be acids, cholesterol, campesterol and β-sitosterol.
cultivated in drought prone areas and is one of the These are highly effective in treatment of burns,
crops whose potential is yet to be exploited, cuts, scrapes, abrasions, allergic reactions,
despite being identified as 'a new plant resource rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatic fever, acid
with the most promising prospects in the world'. indigestion, ulcers, plus many inflammatory
In India, it is scattered in the wild, along the coast conditions of the digestive system and other
of southern India. internal organs, including the stomach, small
intestine, colon, liver, kidney and pancreas. β-
1.1 Chemical Constituents: sitosterol is also a powerful anti-cholesterol
Aloe contains two classes of Aloins: (1) which helps to lower harmful cholesterol levels,
nataloins, which yield picric and oxalic acids with helping to explain its many benefits for heart
nitric acid, and do not give a red coloration with patients.
nitric acid; and (2) barbaloins, which yield aloetic About 23 polypeptides are present in Aloe juice
acid (C7H2N3O5), chrysammic acid (C7H2N2O6), which helps to control a broad spectrum of
picric and oxalic acids with nitric acid, being immune system diseases and disorders. The
reddened by the acid. This second group may be polypeptids plus the anti-tumor agents, Aloe
divided into a-barbaloins, obtained from emodin and Aloe lectins, are now also used in
Barbados aloes, and reddened in the cold, and b- treatment of cancer.
barbaloins, obtained from Socotrine and Zanzibar
aloes, reddened by ordinary nitric acid only when 1.2 Medicinal Properties
warmed or by fuming acid in the cold. Nataloin Aloes have long been in use for several diseases,
forms bright yellow scales. Barbaloin forms particularly connected with the digestive system;
yellow prismatic crystals. they have also been used for wounds, burns and
skin problems. The term Aloes stand for the dried
juice, which flows from transversely cut bases of
its leaves. It is the best herbal answer to suppor
the health and healing mechanisms of the body
because it does not heal, rather it feeds the body’s
own systems in order for them to function
optimally and be healthy.

Pharmacologically it is an immunity booster and

detoxifies the system. It is recommended in
adjuvant therapy with antibiotics, NSAIDs (Non-
steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs) and
Fig 1: Aloe vera chemotherapy to eliminate drug induced gastritis
and other adverse effects. Useful in various
The plant produces at least 6 antiseptic agents diseases such as type II diabetes, arthritis, eye
such as lupeol, salicylic acid, urea nitrogen, disease, tumor, spleen enlargement, liver
cinnamonic acid, phenols and sulphur. All of complaints, vomiting, bronchitis, asthma,
these substances are recognized as antiseptics jaundice and ulcers. Relieves constipation,
because they kill or control mold, bacteria, maintains a good gastric pH, helps in
fungus and viruses, explaining why plant has the inflammatory bowel diseases, non-ulcer
ability to eliminate many internal and external dyspepsia, gastric and duodenal ulcers. A dietary
supplement in pre and post-operative patients,

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postmenopausal women and in cases of and subsequent growth of the plants. However,
osteoporosis. under irrigated condition, planting can be done
around the year except in winter months
1.3 Cultivation (November – February).
1.3.1 Soil
It is grown successfully in marginal to sub 1.3.6 Manuring
marginal soils having low fertility. The plants The crop responds well to the application of farm
have tendency to tolerate high pH with high Na yard manure and compost. During the first year
and K salts. However, it is observed that its of plantation, FYM @20 t/ha is applied at the
growth was faster under medium fertile heavier time of land preparation and the same is
soil such as black cotton soils of central India. continued in subsequent years. Besides
Though well drained loam to coarse sandy loam vermicompost @2.5 tonnes/ha can also be
soils with moderate fertility and pH upto 8.5 are applied.
preferred for its commercial cultivation.
1.3.7 Spacing and Planting
1.3.2 Varieties Suckers are planted in about 15 cm deep pits
Several species of the genus have been in use made just at the time of planting at 60×60 cm
under the common name of Aloe, viz. Aloe vera apart. After planting of suckers, the soil around
Linn. A. barbadensis Miller, A. ferox Miller, A. the root zone must be firmly pressed and drainage
chinensis Baker, A. indica Royle, A. perryi Baker, must be made proper to avoid water stagnation.
etc., belonging to family liliaceae. Among these, About 28000 – 34000 suckers are needed for one
A. vera Linn. syn. A. barbadensis Miller is hectare planting.
accepted unanimously as the correct botanical
source of Aloe. In most reference books, A. 1.3.8 Irrigation
barbadensis Miller is regarded as the correct Aloe can be successfully cultivated both under
name but as per the WHO monograph, A. vera irrigated and rainfed conditions. Provision of
linn is accepted as the legitimate name for this irrigation immediately after planting and during
species. summer season will ensure good yield. However,
the plants are sensitive to water logged
1.3.3 Land preparation conditions.
The soil should not be disturbed too deep as the
root system of Aloe does not penetrate below 20- 1.4 Plant protection
30 cm. depending upon the soil type and agro- Not much problems of insect pests and diseases
climatic condition, 1-2 ploughing followed by have been observed in this crop from any part of
leveling may be done. Field may be divided into the country. However, mealy bug, anthracnose
suitable sized plots (10-15 m × 3 m) considering and leaf spots have been reported from some
the slope and source of irrigation available. parts of the country. Sometime termite problem
has also been observed which can be easily
1.3.4 Propagation managed by giving a light irrigation.
It is propagated by root suckers or rhizome
cuttings. For this purpose, medium sized root It can also be propagated through rhizome
suckers are identified and carefully dug out cuttings. In this case, after the harvest of the crop,
without damaging the parent plant at the base and the underground rhizome is also dug out and
directly planted in the main field. made in 5-6 cm long cuttings which has at least
2-3 nodes on them. Rooting is done in specially
1.3.5 Planting time prepared sand beds or containers and after it starts
Suckers should be planted in July – August sprouting, transplanting is carried out. On an
during monsoon season to get better field survival

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average, about 25000 suckers are required for a constituents in this layer. The materials of the
nursery of 1 ha size (10000 for 1 acre nursery). mucilage layer, subsequent to their synthesis, are
distributed to the storage cells (cellulose-
1.5 Harvesting and Yield reinforced hexagons) of the fillet which is
Leaving the fresh and young leaves from the top, extracted in this process. The hand-filleting
older outer leaves are generally harvested. The method is very labour intensive and therefore
plants can be removed manually or with the help machines have been designed and employed
of a tractor-drawn disc harrow or cultivator. New which attempt to simulate the Hand-Filleting
leaves grow from the center upward. Offshoots technique. In the whole leaf method, the base and
are grown spontaneously next to the mother plant. tip are removed as previously delineated and then
Crop is ready to harvest after 18 months of the leaf is cut into sections and ground into a
sowing. Economic yields are obtained in 5 years particulate slurry. The material is then treated
after that it needs replanting. In India, the average with chemicals which breaks down the hexagonal
yield for organically grown Aloe is about 12 structure of the fillet releasing the constituents.
tonnes/ha (on fresh weight basis). These constituents are filtered by means of a
series of coarse and screening filters, or passage
1.5.1 Post-harvest management and Processing through a juice press to get rid of the rind
Aloe should be processed within a couple of particles. The expressed juice is passed through
hours of harvest so as to prevent oxidation. The various filtering columns which remove the
Aloe leaf consists of three layers, a. the outer undesirable laxative agents. This process,
thick green rind , b. viscous, jelly-like mucilage performed properly, can produce a constituent
layer into which the vascular bundles, attached to rich juice, virtually free of the laxative
the inner surface of the rind, protrude and c. the anthraquinones.
fillet consisting of hexagonal structures
containing the fillet fluid. The pericyclic cells 1.5.2 Indoor cultivation
located at the top of the vascular bundles contains Generally, Aloe grows openly in the field, but it
the "Yellow Sap" or "Latex". This sap is rich in can also be grown indoors in pots kept in sunny
aloin and similar anthraquinones having laxative southern or eastern window. Containers have to
properties. Aloe leaves are processed either by be filled a quarter full with drainage material and
the traditional hand filleting method or by whole compost consisting of two parts loam and one
leaf method. The traditional hand-filleting part coarse sand, broken bricks and crushed
method of processing of aloe leaves was limestone, with a bit of bone meal added. Plant
developed to avoid possible contamination of the should be potted in the spring and watered
fillets with the yellow sap. In this method, the carefully until established. During the summer,
lower one inch of the leaf base (the white part water can be given as soon as the soil is dry, but
attached to the large rosette stem of the plant), the from September to March very little water is
tapering point (2-4") of the leaf top, and the needed, just enough to prevent the leaves from
spines located along the leaf margins are removed shriveling. Over watering will kill the plant.
by a sharp knife. The knife, is then introduced Well-rooted plant will benefit from occasional
into the mucilage layer below the green rind applications of dilute liquid fertilizer in the
avoiding the vascular bundles and the top rind is summer. Large plants, however, do need an
removed. The bottom rind is similarly removed, occasional top dressing of fresh soil in each
and the rind parts, to which a significant amount spring; any loose soil should be removed and
of mucilage remains attached, are discarded. replaced with new. The drainage holes should be
Another portion of the mucilage layer plugged up. Once established, the mother plant
accumulated on the top of the filleting table is of will send off shoots, which may be transplanted
critical concern because of the highest when they are at least 2.5 to 5.0 cm tall. In fact
concentration of potentially beneficial aloe aloes do not need to be repotted often; plants in

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large pots will flourish for many years without and when present is frequently contradictory.
being moved. The plants take four years to reach Despite this, the cosmetic and alternative
the maturity and has a life span of about 12 years. medicine industries regularly make claims
The leaves are harvested after four years when it regarding the soothing, moisturizing and healing
reaches maturity. The plants can be harvested properties of Aloe vera, especially via Internet
every 6-8 weeks by removing 3-4 leaves per advertising.
 Aloe vera gel is used as an ingredient in
1.6 Health Benefits commercially available lotion, yogurt,
1.6.1 Helps digestion: Drinking Aloe vera juice beverages and some desserts.
naturally allows the body to cleanse the digestive  Aloe vera gel is used for consumption and
system. It encourages the bowels to move and relief of digestive issues such as heart
helps with elimination if a person is constipated. burn and irritable bowel syndrome.
And if you have diarrhea, it will help slow it  It is common practice for cosmetic
down. companies to add sap or other derivatives
from Aloe vera to products such as make
1.6.2 Increases energy levels: Our diets include up, tissues, moisturizers, soaps,
many substances which can cause fatigue and sunscreens, incense, razors and shampoos.
exhaustion. Taken regularly, Aloe vera juice  Other uses for extracts of Aloe
ensures a greater feeling of well-being, allowing vera include the dilution of semen for the
energy levels to increase and also helps maintain artificial fertilization of sheep, use as
a healthy body weight. fresh food preservative, and use in water
conservation in small farms.
1.6.3 Builds immunity: It is especially great for  Aloe vera has a long association with
those who have chronic immune disorders like herbal medicine, although it is not known
polysaccharides or fibromyalgia since the when its medical applications were first
polysaccharides in Aloe vera juice stimulate discovered. Aloe vera is non-toxic, with
macrophages, the white blood cells that fight no known side effects, provided the aloin
viruses. has been removed by processing.
Taking Aloe vera that contains aloin in
1.6.4 Detoxifies: Aloe vera juice is a great natural excess amounts has been associated with
aid to detox. With our stressful lives, the various side effects. However, the species
pollution around us and the junk foods we eat, we is used widely in the traditional herbal
all need to cleanse our systems from time to time. medicine of China, Japan, Russia, South
Drinking Aloe vera juice provides a fantastically Africa, The United States, Jamaica and
rich cocktail of vitamins, minerals and trace India. Aloe vera is alleged to be effective
elements to help our bodies deal with these in treatment of wounds.
stresses and strains every day.  Evidence on the effects of Aloe vera sap
on wound healing, however, is limited and
1.6.5 Reduces inflammation: contradictory.
It improves joint flexibility and helps in the  Some studies, for example, show that Aloe
regeneration of body cells. It strengthens joint vera promotes the rates of healing, while
muscles, which therefore reduces pain in contrast, other studies show that
and inflammation in weakened or aged joints. wounds to which Aloe vera gel was
applied were significantly slower to heal
1.7 Medicinal Uses: than those treated with conventional
Scientific evidence for the cosmetic and medical preparations.
therapeutic effectiveness of Aloe vera is limited

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 A more recent review (2007) concludes  For bacteria, inner-leaf gel from Aloe
that the cumulative evidence supports the vera was shown to inhibit growth
use of Aloe vera for the healing of first to of Streptococcus and Shigella species in
second degree burns. vitro. In contrast, Aloe vera extracts failed
 In addition to topical use in wound or to show antibiotic properties
burn healing, internal intake of Aloe against Xanthomonas species.
vera has been linked with improved blood  Aloe vera used to heal skin wounds, burn
glucose levels in diabetes, and with lower and Helps in speeding recovery time after
blood lipids in hyper lipidaemic patients, surgery.
but also with acute hepatitis (liver  Aloe vera Plants are also helpful in
disease). healing insect bites, rashes, sores, herpes,
 In other diseases, preliminary studies have urticaria, fungal infection, vaginal
suggested oral Aloe vera gel may reduce infections, conjunctivitis, and allergic
symptoms and inflammation in patients. reactions.
 Compounds extracted from Aloe  Aloe gels are applied on dry skins to give
vera have been used as an immune them glowing effect, reducing acne,
stimulant that aids in fighting cancers in reduce sunburn, screening out x-ray
cats and dogs; however, this treatment has radiation.
not been scientifically tested in humans.  Aloe vera helps to fight frostbite and
 The injection of Aloe vera extracts to treat shingles, reduce psoriasis, reduce rosacea,
cancer has resulted in the deaths of reduce warts and reduce ageing, reduce
several patients. wrinkles and also it reduce the eczema.
 Topical application of Aloe vera may be  Seeing so many medicinal uses of Aloe
effective for genital herpes and psoriasis. vera plant it is pretty easy to say that Aloe
 However, it is not effective for the vera is of great importance in our lives
prevention of radiation-induced injuries. and solves great purpose in medical field
 Although anecdotally useful, it has not as well. Apart from above mentioned
been proven to offer protection from medicinal uses of Aloe vera there are
sunburn or suntan. other more important points to be noted
 In a double-blind clinical trial both the about Aloe vera plant which are of more
group using an Aloe vera containing importance and critical issues:
dentifrice and the group using a
fluoridated dentifrice had a reduction of 1.8 Side Effects
gingivitis and plaque but no statistically Topical: It may cause redness, burning, stinging
significant difference was found between sensation and rarely generalized dermatitis in
the two. sensitive individuals. Allergic reactions are
 Aloe vera extracts have antibacterial and mostly due to anthraquinones, such as aloin and
antifungal activities, which may help in barbaloin. It is best to apply it to a small area first
the treatment of minor skin infections, to test for possible allergic reaction.
such as benign skin cysts.
 Aloe vera extracts have been shown to 1.8.1 Oral: Abdominal cramps, diarrhea, red
inhibit the growth of fungi that cause urine, hepatitis, dependency or worsening of
tinea; however, evidence for control constipation. Prolonged use has been reported to
beneath human skin remains to be increase the risk of colorectal cancer. Laxative
established. effect may cause electrolyte imbalances (low
 For its anti-fungal properties, Aloe vera is potassium levels).
used as a fish tank water conditioner.

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1.8.2 Contraindication: Contraindicated in cases  People with oily skin can prevent
of known allergy to plants in the Liliaceae family. formation of pimples and acne by using
this gel
1.8.3 Pregnancy and breastfeeding: Oral aloe is  Scarring and scratch marks are some of
not recommended during pregnancy due to the signs of aging which can be prevented
theoretical stimulation of uterine contractions, by the antioxidants present in this plant.
and in breastfeeding mothers, it may sometime  The gel of the plant should be rubbed on
causes gastrointestinal distress in the nursing the scalp for 30 minutes and rinsed well
infant. thereafter, in order to naturally treat dry
hair and dandruff.
1.8.4 Interactions: Application of aloe to skin
may increase the absorption of steroid creams 2. Conclusion
such as hydrocortisone. It reduces the Aloe vera is a medicinal plant and due to
effectiveness and may increases the adverse its extensive medicinal, nutraceutical and other
effects of digoxin and digitoxin, due to its uses its enjoy a great demand in the market across
potassium lowering effect. Combined use of Aloe the globe. The major markets for Aloe vera and
vera and furosemide may increase the risk of its extracts are Australia, US and the entire
potassium depletion. It decreases the blood sugar Europe. Given the exponentially growing demand
levels and thus may interact with oral for it in the international market, Aloe vera
hypoglycemic drugs and insulin. presents the finest commercial opportunity
Thus, though Aloe vera has wide spectrum of the among the various medicinal plants. India is
properties and uses, some of them could be myths among the few countries gifted with the unique
and some of them could be real magic. In future, geographical features essential for cultivation of
controlled studies are required to prove the Aloe vera and other high potential medicinal
effectiveness of Aloe vera under various plants.
3. Reference
1.9 Cosmetic Values of Aloe vera 1. Vogler BK, Ernst E. Aloe vera: a systematic review 
 Aloe vera stimulates the production of of its clinical effectiveness.  
collagen and elastin that prevents aging of 2. Taxon:  Aloe  vera  (L.)  Burm.  f.  Germplasm 
Resources  Information  Network,  US  Department 
the skin. of Agriculture. 
 Aloe vera is used in soaps, shampoos, 3. Jamir TT, Sharma HK, Dolui AK. Folklore medicinal 
creams and lotions for beauty purposes. plants of Nagaland, India, 1999. 
 Aloe vera gel lightens the dark spots on 4. Barcroft,  Myskja.    Aloe  vera:  Nature's  Silent 
the face and reduces the intensity of Healer. 2003. 
pigmentation. 5. BBC  Gardening. 
 When applied topically, the gel acts as /Aloevera<
best moisturizer, removes dead skin cells
6. Kemper Center for Home Gardening: Aloe vera.  
and rejuvenates the skin. 7. Varma  V.  India  experiments  with  farming 
 Also it conditions the damaged hair. All medicinal plants.  
you need to do is mix Aloe vera gel and 8. Reynolds  T.  Aloes:  The  Genus  Aloe.  CRC  Press, 
lemon juice. Apply this mixture on your 2004. 
hair after shampooing it. Leave this for 4- 9. Eshun  K,  He  Q.  Aloe  vera:  A  Valuable  Ingredient 
5 minutes and then rinse thoroughly with for  the  Food,  Pharmaceutical  and  Cosmetic 
water. Industries. 2004. 
10. Miracle of Aloe. 
 It hastens the skin repair and hydrates
11. Jones WD, Sacamano C. Landscape Plants for Dry 
your skin resulting in healthy and glowing Region. 2000. 

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